688 PER N. & E. RIDINGS . (KKLLY's

PAwNBROKERS-continued. l\'Iaychell G. West Witton,Leyburn R.S.O Brameld Henry Edward L.R.C.P.Edin. 1 Levy Lewis, 73 & 75 Smeaton street, Nicholson David, Emgatc, Bedale M.R.c.s.Eng. (firm, Brameld & Bnr- N orth Ormesby, Osguthorpe Mrs. M.A. New rd.Scarboro' nett),Balmoral ter.Saltbrn.-by-the-Sea LewisLevy,6 CargoFleet rd.:vfiddlesbro' Oxley Jn.Ihll's yard,Flowergate,Whitby Brett Francis Charles L.R.C.P.Lond. Ths McDonald Charles, 38 street, Pepper Alfd.M.n3 Victoria rd.Scarboro' Elms, St. John's street, Bridlington South Bank R.S.O Phillip&Wright,7sAlbertrd.Middlesbro' & 9 Manor street, Bridlington Qaay Marshall William Hamblet, 98 Smeaton Pickermg Henry,44Harwick st.Scarboro' Burnett Ernest Joseph M.B., C. M. (firm, street, , Middlesbro' Pitchforth Thomas H. Milton street, Brameld & Burnett), II Emerald Nelson B. 63 Corporation rd. Middlesbro' Saltburn-by-the-Sea street, Saltburn-by-the-Sea Pickering John Hutchinson, 4 & 5 Mar- Raine James, 33 Barwick st.Scarborough Coates William Henry •M. A., M. B., L.SC. ket place, North Ormesby,Middlesbro' Raw F. Richmond ter. Croft, Darling-ton Patrington, Hull Plant Albt. H. West st.,l\liddlesbro' Reed Edward, 45 St. John's road, Fals- Craster Edward Ernest L. R.C. P.Edin. I Sample Miss Jane & Mrs. Arabella grave, Searborough Grange road west & 1 Bridge street Hagen, 177 Cannon st. Middlesbrough HeynoldsA.4A, Valley Bridge par.Scarbro' west, Middlesbrough Sanderson Robt. High st. Loftus R.S.O Riley Ingham, Market place, Richmond Dale Frederic M. D., B.A.cantab. Park lea, Shires Henry, Eastgate, Beverley Sanderson Brothers, Great channel & Bclmont road, Scarborough SmollanJ. 106& w8Cannon st.Middlsbro' Ryder's wynd, Richmond Davidson William L.R.C.P.Edin. Holme- StephensonJ.44 &46Denmrk.st.:\'Idlsbro' Barony & Co. Sarony sq. Scarborough on-Spaldiug-Moor, York SuttonW.69Mandl.rd.Thornaby-on-Tees Scott Wm.g Eastgate nth.GreatDriffield Ellerton John M.D. 38 Gosford street & Tindall George William, 107 & 132 Vie- Shayler Edward, 10 Bath street, Grove hill, Middlesbrough toria road, Scarborough Shore!!> John W. Promenade,Bridlington Godfrey Henry John Clarendon L.R.C.P. Vickers Lewis, 90 Church street, Whitby Quay. See advertisement Edin. 7 Manor st. Bridlington Quay Warwick R. 19 & 21 West st.Middlesbro' Stead Edwin, 39 St. Thomas st.Scarboro' Gramshaw Farbrace Sidney M.n. Stil- Wass G.H.22Francis st.Thrnhy.-on-Tees Stead Joseph, Northallerton lington, Easingwold Wilson Jacoh, 28 Durham st.Middlesbro' Stones John, Southgate, Hornsea, Hull Grime Thomas Jackson M.n., c. H. Wortley Jn. 156 Cannon st. Middlesbro' Sutcliffe Frank Meadow, 30A, !<'lower- Hawes R.S.O gate & 7 Skinner street, Whit.by Hartley Herbert L.R.C.P.Edin. 3 Market PERFUMERS. Tayleure M. Railway st.Pocklingtn.York place, Malton & Commercial street, Martin W. G. 7 King st.BridlingtonQuay Taylo: Edward, 63 Eastboro', S_c'l.rb?ro' Nor ton, Mal to~ _ Selley William, Bridgegate, Howden War~ll Thos. Thornto?- dale, Ptckermg, Haworth John fh?mas L.R.C.P.Ediu. ·westerman George Pennington, North Watkm Herbt. E. Manne pa:. Scarboro _Bellevue street, Filey _ _ Bar street within Reverley Wa1son Thomas, Lythe, Whitby Hick Henry L.R.C.P.Edm. The Villa, ' Willis Bros. 31 Londesboro' rd. Scarboro' Hunmanby H.S.O PETROLEUM IMPORTERS. Wilson Robert, lligh st. Loftus R.S.O lludson George M.D. Westbourne house, Lennard's Petroleum Carrying Co. Lim. W oodruffeJ .S. Queen st. Withernsea,II ull Westbourne grove, Scarborough (William Harrison, sec. ), Cleveland Yeoman John, Market place, Be dale J onesA. L. R. C.P.Edin.,L. M. R.S.O buildings, Clevel~n~ st. Middlesbro' PHOTOGRAPHIC LENS & AP- Jones Daniel Marinus M.D., c.v. Ivy Reath H. & Co. Ltmtted (A. L~n~mrd PARATUS MANUFACTRS house, Marske-by-the-Sea R.S.O. & LL.M. sec.), Cleveland bmldmgs, · Garnet street, Saltburn-by-the-Sea Cleveland street, Middlesbrough Dallmeyer J. H. Limited, 25 Newman Knott William M.D., C.M. West terrace, street, Oxford street, London w North Ormesby, Middlesbrough & PHARMACEUTICAL CHMSTS. Ross & Co. Ill New Bqnd st. London w 55 Corporation road, MiddlPsbrough See Chemists & Druggists. Laverick John Brown M.B. & C.M.Glas., PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL n.P.H.Poplar house, HindcrwellR.S.O PHOSPHOR BRONZE&PATENT DEALERS. Lavcrick John Valentine L.R.C.P.LOnd. SILICIUM BRONZE MANFRS. ChadwickGeo. Wm.22Skinner st. Whitby Poplar house, Hinderwell R.S.O Phosphor Bronze Co. Limited, sole IIallam Joseph, II Amber street, Salt- Mab~rl~y Sydney, Marlborough terrace, makers of genuine phosphor bronze for burn-by-the-Se~ _ . Bn~lmgton QuaJ . bearings & other parts of machinery; Knaggs Aaron,Bambndge,AsknggR.S.O Mackmlay James Egan IIarnson L.R.C.P. & of patent silicium bronze wire for . _ . Lm!d. Green house, Coat~am, Redcar all electrical purposes, 87 Sumner Barclay & Sons Limited, 95 Farrmgdon Malvm Mark L.R.C.P.Edm. 8 Kmg street, Southwark, London sE street, London E c street, Scarborough 1\Iorrison James McGall M.B., c.M. 46 & PHOTOGRAPHERS. PHRENOLOGISTS. 47 Albemarle court, Scarborough AllansonT.B.Esplanade ho.Bridlngtn.Qy Jaekson Rd. 130 Victoria rd.Scarborough Mossman Robert Arthur L.R.C.P.I!din. Bailes Richard, Westgate, Welton, Brough Beilby G.24WestPromenade,Gt.Driffield PHYSICIANS. Reid James Robertson M.B., c.M. Helms- Boak Matthew & Sons, Market place, See also Physicians & Surgeons. ley R.S_.C? . .Malton; 57 Middle street south, Bell J.L.M.B.,C.M. Whitehall,Gt.Driffield Shand Wilham M. B., C.M. 16 Fountam • Great Driffield & 5 Promenade, Brid- Brand Alex. Theodore M.D.,C.M.24 Eever- street, Guisborough & Skelton-in- lington Quay ley rd. & 24 Middle st.nth. Gt.Driffield Clev_eland RS.O. & , Skel- BoxellThoS.33 & 44Victoria rd.Scarboro' Buchanan John H. M. D. Sower by, Thirsk . ton-!n-Cl,~v~land R.S.O . Bradbury Albert, St. Michael st.Malton Croke Thomas Joscph L.R.C.P.rrel. New- Smclai_r "Wilham Vernor L.R.C.P.Bdin. Briggs JamtosAshton,Khyberho.Whitby begm, Beverley; & at Hull Hovmg~~m, York Brigham Wm.D.2o Esplanade,Scarboro' Cuff Rt.lii.B.I The Crescent,Scarborough Spre_ut William Swanson L.R.C.P.I., L.M. Bryan Jn. 17 Chapel st. Bridlington Qy Fairweather Alexr. Farrier Angus M.A., S~mgsby, Y?~~ Bunting Charles, 72 Nelsonstreet,South M.D.,C.JII. West grn. Pocklington,York Stamthorpe "Wilham Waters M.D., c.v., Bank R.S.O Flint Fredcric M.n., c.M. Mayfield, 8 D.P.H.5rG;arnetst:Saltbrn.-by-th~-Sea Charles Jn. 203 Newport rd.Middlcsbro' Ramshill road, Scarborough Tho~pson rheo~O~lUS L.R.C.P.Edm. 7 Clarke Joseph R. Ingramgate, Thirsk Home & Morrison, 46 & 47 Albemarle Cliff stree~, B~dh~gton Qnay Cromack Arthur, King st. Scarborough crescent, Scarborough Townsend .F rancis Edward M. D., M.ch.. Cunliffe W.B.Strensall cmp.Strnsll.Yrk Home John M.D. Scarborough L.M.R.c.P.I. Old_ Eston, Middlesbro' Dawson J.Harrison,19George st.Whitby Hutchinson Charles Frederic M.D., C.M. & Normanby, Mtddlesbrough . Duck George F. Butcher row, Beverley May lodge, Filey road, Scarborough Turnbull Edward Thew L.R.C.P.Edin. Farren'sStudio,15Huntriss row,Scarbro' Murray Johnl.24Huntriss row.Scarboro' The Chestnuts, Roos, Hull Fisher W. Queen st. & I3ellevue st. Filey Park John Philip M. D., M. eh. North Bar Walker William M.D. 38 Newcomen GibbsR. W .&Co. r 8 Wilson st. Middlcsbro' street within, Beverley .~t~eet, Co~t~am, Redcar Gibson.Wm.G.I8Nth.Marine rd.Scarbro' Peirson T.T.M.D. 52 Westboro',Scarboro' Wilhams "Willr~m Jones M.D. Grange Goodchild Alfred, 11 Bath st. Redcar Porter Joseph l<'rancis B. A., M.D.,:M.R.C.s. road west, Middlesbrough . Greenbury E. H. 6 Marine par. Whitby Eng. Market place, Helmsley R.S.O Young ~orace Kell_y L.R.C.P.Edm. 3 Hare Haydon, 15St.Nicholas st.Scarboro' Ross Alfred L.B.C.P.rrel. The Elms, Queen·s terrace, Middlesbrough Harrison Thomas, 3 Bath ter. Scarboro' Vernon place, Scarborough Harrison Tom, Bland's cliff, Scarboro' Walker Henry M. D. Lairgate, Beverley PIANOFORTE MAKER. Hastings John, Seamer rd. Scarborough Wilson Thomas M.D. Underwood, Ful- ilerbert 1Villiam Wallace, Dolcholll' ford road, Scarborough Bell William, South parade, ~orthallrtn yard, Baxterga.te, Whitby Witbington George Herbert L.R.C.P.Irel. llogg Thomas, Northallerton Amplefort3, York PIANOFORTE TUNERS. HoggardS.Coatlram rd.,Redcar Bell Wm. Sonth parade, N orthallerton King Mrs. Clara, Eastborough,Scarboro' PHYSICIA~S & SURGEONS. Coverdale John Jackson, 12 Railway Mann & Kirby, Walkergate, Beverley See also PhysiCians ; also Surgeons. cres. Hilderthorpe, Bridlington Qnay 1\IarsballFrederick, Station square, Salt- Bolton John Underwood L.R.c.P.Edin. Greaves Arthur C. 109 High st. Redcar burn-!Jy-the-Sea 12 The Crescent, Scarborough l\Ietcalfe James H. West ter. Richmond