NTT Communications Group Third-Party Opinion Customers Our Business Activities We Serve Customers in Japan and Abroad

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NTT Communications Group Third-Party Opinion Customers Our Business Activities We Serve Customers in Japan and Abroad NTT Communications Group Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2008 CSRCSR PromotionalPromotional OfOffice,fice, GeneGenerarall AfAffairfairss DeparDepartmenttment NTNTTT CommunicationsCommunications CorporCorporationation 1-11-1-6,-6, Uchisaiwai-cho,Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Chiyoda-ku, TokyoTokyo 100-8019,100-8019, JapanJapan TeTell :: +81-3-6700-477+81-3-6700-47700 FaFaxx :: +81-3-3539-3082+81-3-3539-3082 E-mailE-mail :: [email protected]@ntt.comm URLURL :: http// EnEnvironmentalvironmental considerationsconsiderations inin printingprinting thithiss reporeportrt MaterialsMaterials •• PaperPaper ThisThis publicationpublication waswas printedprinted onon ForestForest StewardshipStewardship Council-certCouncil-certifiedified paper.paper. •• InkInk ToTo preventprevent airair pollution,pollution, wewe printedprinted publicationpublication withwith 100%100% vegevegetabletable inkink thatthat isis freefree ofof volatilevolatile organicorganic compounds.compounds. ProductionProduction ProcessesProcesses ••WeWe basedbased thesethese processesprocesses onon thethe OffsetOffset PrintingPrinting ServiceService guideliguidelinesnes ofof WeWe promote promote green green purchasing purchasing for for printing printing services. services. thethe GreenGreen PurchasingPurchasing Network.Network. •• PrintingPrinting WeWe loweredlowered environmentalenvironmental impactimpact byby usingusing computer-to-platecomputer-to-plate StopStop GlobalGlobal Warming!Warming! pprinting,rinting, thusthus eliminatingeliminating developer-baseddeveloper-based WeWe alsoalso employedemployed waterlesswaterless printingprinting processes.processes. NTTNTT CommunicationsCommunications TeamTeam MinusMinus 6%6% •• BindingBinding WeWe boundbound thethe publicationpublication withwith adhesiveadhesive thatthat facilitatesfacilitates PleasePlease recyclerecycle thisthis reportreport ifif youyou nono longerlonger needneed itit.. PackagingPackaging andand DistributionDistribution •• WeWe packagedpackaged eacheach copycopy forfor distributiondistribution throughthrough thethe EcoEco MailMail sservice.ervice. 005_9723590382012.indd 1 2009/01/06 21:47:53 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 1 34 NTT Communications Group Third-Party Opinion Customers Our Business Activities We serve customers in Japan and abroad. .Z*NQSFTTJPOTPGUIF$433FQPSU We are building a framework to solicit and Stakeholders customer opinions around the clock and .BSJLP,BXBHVDIJ reflect that feedback in our management 4FOJPS"OBMZTUBU.BOBHFNFOU4USBUFHZ3FTFBSDI%FQBSUNFOUPG%BJXB*OTUJUVUFPG3FTFBSDI-UE The NTT Communications Group has provided and services. Customers .T,BXBHVDIJKPJOFE%BJXB4FDVSJUJFTJOBGUFSDPNQMFUJOHB.BTUFSTEFHSFFJOQVCMJDmOBODFBOEFOWJSPONFOUBMFDPOPNJDT services that accommodate diverse Pledge to Customers BU)JUPUTVCBTIJ6OJWFSTJUZT(SBEVBUF4DIPPM4IFUSBOTGFSSFEUPUIF%BJXB*OTUJUVUFPG3FTFBSDIJO4IFIBTCFFOBNFNCFSPG UIF5PLZP.FUSPQPMJUBO(PWFSONFOUT&OWJSPONFOUBM$PVODJM BDPNNJUUFFNFNCFSGPSUIF,BOBHBXB*OEVTUSJBM7JUBMJ[BUJPO information needs since its establishment in ❶ We will provide solutions and services that will truly $POGFSFODF BO&OWJSPONFOUBM#VTJOFTTXPNFONFNCFSGPSUIF.JOJTUSZPGUIF&OWJSPONFOU BNFNCFSPGUIF4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ+BQBO benefit customers by understanding their needs, rather 'PSVNTDPVODJM BOEBEJSFDUPSBOEFYFDVUJWFDPNNJUUFFNFNCFSPGUIF4PDJBM*OWFTUNFOU'PSVN+BQBO4IFIBTCFFOBQBSUUJNF JOTUSVDUPSBU"PZBNB(BLVJO6OJWFSTJUZ4IFJTBDIBSUFSFENFNCFSPGUIF4FDVSJUZ"OBMZTUT"TTPDJBUJPOPG+BQBO 1999 to offer telecommunications services. than taking our current products and services for granted. We are now pursing Vision 2010, though ❷ We will act responsibility and with pride as a member of the NTT Communications Group in responding quickly, *OQSPWJEJOHBUIJSEQBSUZPQJOJPOGPSUIF UIBUUIFDPNQBOZIBTOPUQSFTFOUFE socially significant tool for increasing which we are partnering with customers to flexibly, and with integrity to our customers. $433FQPSU *OPUFEUIFJTTVFPGNBJOUBJOJOH information on female executives as a JNBHJOBUJPOT*XPVMEMJLFGSPOUMJOFQFPQMFUP bridge their present and future potential and ❸ We will establish long-term customer trust. ❹ We will never betray the trust of our customers. OFUXPSLSFMJBCJMJUZ*OUIJTZFBSTSFQPSU B QFSDFOUBHFPGUIFUPUBMPSOVNCFSTPOUIF truly understand that. create new communications value. We respect QBSUJDJQBOUJOUIFFNQMPZFFSPVOEUBCMFUBML FYUFOUUPXIJDIJUTXPNFOBSFBDUJWFJOUIF *MMUVSOOPXUP/55$PNNVOJDBUJPOT all stakeholders in keeping with our Guiding duly mentioned that, “Our business entails organization. Diversity is about creating HMPCBMXBSNJOHJOJUJBUJWFT-BTUZFBS * Principles. These parties include customers, Business Partners Business DSFBUJOHBHSBOEOFUXPSLEFTJHO TP*UIJOL XPSLQMBDFTGPSQFPQMFXJUIBXJEFSBOHFPG DBMMFEPOUIFDPNQBOZUPFYFDVUFBCPME partners business partners, shareholders, competitors, We source services, supplies, and UIBUCVJMEJOHSFMJBCMFOFUXPSLTGPSBTUBSUJT WBMVFTBOECBDLHSPVOET&NQMPZJOHXPNFOJT environmental strategy in its management personnel from our domestic and overseas itself a form of social contribution.” KVTUBTUFQJOUIBUEJSFDUJPO"OEEJWFSTJUZIBT GSBNFXPSL.BOBHFNFOUGPSNVMBUFEUIF society, employees, and work environments. business partners. We maintain win-win *OGPSNBUJPOOFUXPSLTBSFDFSUBJOMZFTTFOUJBMUP BGBSCSPBEFSTDPQF BMTPFODPNQBTTJOHIJSJOH (SPVQTMPOHUFSNFOWJSPONFOUBMWJTJPOJO We are drawing on the social, environmental, ties with partners by holding, regularly TPDJFUZ BOE/55$PNNVOJDBUJPOTDPSF QFPQMFXJUIEJTBCJMJUJFTBOEGPSFJHOOBUJPOBMT XIJDITUBUFTUIFGPMMPXJOHi8FNVTU assessing, and following up on explanatory business is about ensuring reliability. But BOEUFNQPSBSZPSBOOVBMDPOUSBDUTUBGGFST4P USBOTGPSNPVSWBMVFTBOEFTDIFXUIFTJOHMF and employee respect qualities of our CSR meetings while providing opportunities to TIPVMETPDJFUZBUMBSHFLOPXBCPVUUIFFGGPSUT *XPVMEMJLFUPTFF/55$PNNVOJDBUJPOT NJOEFEQVSTVJUPGXFBMUIJOGBWPSPGOFX exchange opinions. program so we can work with all stakeholders to attain that reliability? QVSTVFMPOHUFSNHPBMTGPSUSVFXPSLQMBDF WBMVFTUIBUQSJPSJUJ[FUIFFOWJSPONFOU through our operations to create a sustainable Pledge to Business Partners The managements of telecommunications diversity. Ongoing efforts to foster global dialog and society. ❶ We will fully utilize the partnerships we have formed to DPNQBOJFTEPBMPUUIBUTPDJFUZEPFTOPUTFF *OUIF5PQ.BOBHFNFOU$PNNJUNFOU NVUVBMVOEFSTUBOEJOHXJMMCFDFOUSBMUPUIJT maximize value for our customers. Competitors 'PSCFUUFSPSXPSTF UIFZIBWFUPTIPVMEFSUIF MFUUFS )JSPNJ8BTBJ /55$PNNVOJDBUJPOT QSPDFTT5IF/55$PNNVOJDBUJPOT(SPVQJT ❷ We will select our business partners fairly. SJTLTPGIBOEMJOHBMMJOGPSNBUJPOFRVBMMZBTB QSFTJEFOUBOE$&0 TUBUFEUIBUUIFDPNQBOZJT convinced that it can… IFMQCSJOHBCPVUB ❸ We will build partner relationships that generate optimal DPNNPOUPPMXPSMEXJEFGPSBO*OUFSOFUUIBUJT TUSJWJOHUPCVJMEOFXWBMVFGPSDVTUPNFSTBOE sustainable global community that is results. ❹ We will operate with integrity while providing value to QBSUPGUIFTPDJBMJOGSBTUSVDUVSF5IFSFBSF society through core telecommunications TQJSJUVBMMZBOENBUFSJBMMZXFBMUIZ8FDBOEP our customers. OFHBUJWFIVNBOBOEFOWJSPONFOUBMJNQBDU TFSWJDFTUIBUCSJEHFUPEBZBOEUPNPSSPX5IF UIJTCZCVJMEJOHBQMBUGPSNGPSXPSMEXJEF BTQFDUTUPLFFQJOHTZTUFNTSVOOJOHEBZBOE challenge of sustainability is to link current EJBMPHVF FYDIBOHJOHBOETIBSJOHLOPXMFEHF night, although society may be comfortable and future generations. Native Americans say GSPNBDSPTTUIFXPSMEBOEIJTUPSZ BOECZ Competitors XJUIUIBU4UJMM *HFUUJOHTPDJFUZUPQSPQFSMZ that they are trustees of the environment for GBDJMJUBUJOHDMFBSBOEPQFODPNNVOJDBUJPO We compete fairly with domestic and understand the risks of such a business is as TFWFOHFOFSBUJPOTUIBUGPMMPXUIFN0VS BNPOHBMMQFPQMFTw (my underlines). So, the international rivals in keeping with our JNQPSUBOUUP$43BTUIFFGGPSUTUPFOTVSF QSFEFDFTTPSTCFRVFBUIUIFFOWJSPONFOUUPVT DPNQBOZDMFBSMZTUBUFEUIBUJUTDPSFCVTJOFTT position as a leading global entity in the reliability. CVUXFBSFBMTPCPSSPXJOHJUGSPNPVS NJTTJPOJTUPSFTPMWFDPOUFNQPSBSZTPDJBM NTT Group. Our relations with our rivals "MTPMBTUZFBS *QPJOUFEPVUUIBUUIF descendants. It is our duty to safeguard the issues. Unfortunately, this year NTT include jointly developing public policy information technology industry offers FOWJSPONFOUGPSGVUVSFHFOFSBUJPOT:FU XF $PNNVOJDBUJPOTDIPTFUPQSFTFOUJUTMPOH proposals and jointly forming committees QBSUJDVMBSMZEJWFSTFXPSLQMBDFTBOEUIBU/55 BSFDPOTVNJOHUIFJSSFTPVSDFTBTXFMMBTPVST UFSNWJTJPOPOMZPOJUTXFCTJUF4VSFMZJU that report on industry progress. Communications should lead in that regard. 5IF5PQ.BOBHFNFOU$PNNJUNFOUMFUUFS should have included that document in the Pledge to Competitors 4P UIFDPNQBOZEFTFSWFTQSBJTFGPS conveys such a message. QSJOUFESFQPSUBTUIFTQJSJUVBMVOEFSQJOOJOHPG ❶ We will abide by the rules of competition and carry out FTUBCMJTIJOHUIF%JWFSTJUZ0GmDFJO"QSJM *OIJTMFUUFS .S8BTBJTUSFTTFEUIF JUTFOWJSPONFOUBMNBOBHFNFOUBQQSPBDIBOE business in a fair and sincere manner. Internet BusinessUPUBDLMFUIJTJTTVF5IFDPNQBOZIBTTUFBEJMZ JNQPSUBODFPGUIFDPNQBOZTGSPOUMJOFGPDVT as information that it should make readily ❷ We will further strengthen our own competitiveness by JNQSPWFEUIFXPSLJOHFOWJSPONFOUGPSXPNFO BOE*$5TPMVUJPOTGPSFOWJSPONFOUBMQSPCMFNT BWBJMBCMFUPFNQMPZFFTBOEPUIFSTUBLFIPMEFST competing fairly. MBVODIJOHFGGPSUTUPCBMBODFQSPGFTTJPOBMBOE *OUIFFNQMPZFFSPVOEUBCMFUBML UIFSFXBTB '6,6%"TWJTJPOXIJDIJT+BQBOFTFOBUJPOT QSJWBUFMJWFT BOEEJTDMPTJOHNPSFEBUB comment about making results visible. In TUSBUFHZXBTQSFTFOUFE*IPQFUIBUUIFDPNQBOZ &YBNQMFTBSFUIFOVNCFSTPGNBMFBOEGFNBMF
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