Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th February 2012 Programme Saturday 10.30am Poets’ Corner Post Office Steps MC Bernard Bolan 1.00pm Poets on the Balcony Beechworth Bakery Balcony MC Geoff Jackson 5.00pm Love Poetry through the Ages Upstairs at the Bakery MC Andrew Box 8.00pm Poetry in the Pub Tanswell’s Hotel MC Carol Reffold

Sunday 10.30am Writers & Poets’ Breakfast Hotel Nicholas Beer Garden MC Prof Kevin Brophy 11.00am Poetry on the Platform Beechworth Railway Station MCs Anthony Lynch, A.Frances Johnson and Bernard Bolan

Our Guests

Prof. Kevin Brophy, Dr. Eddie Paterson, A. Frances Johnson, Anthony Lynch, Carol Refold, Bernard Bolan, Geof Jackson, Marisabel Bonet-Cruz, Amy Brown, Corinna Box, Paddy Dewan, Nola Firth, Ken Haley, Roxanne Bodsworth, Neil Higgins, Frank Prem, Ian Trevaskis, Pam Storer and more to come.

Page 2 of 12 WORKSHOPS Venue: Beechworth Railway Station Youth Centre Harper Avenue

SATURDAY 11TH FEBRUARY 11.00 – 1.00 Prof. Kevin Brophy “Test run your poetry and write your next poem” In this workshop, each participant is invited to bring one poem to read to the group for a discussion on how well it is working. Imagery, rhythms, sounds, logic, line breaks, structure and other elements will be discussed as each poem is presented. We will then write a new poem with a starting point suggested by our discussion. Each participant should send their poem beforehand via email ([email protected]) so that copies can be made. Poems should not be longer than a page. It would be best to present a poem that is relatively new, and one you want to continue to re-draft. Cost: $15.00 VCE Students Free

SATURDAY 11TH FEBRUARY 1.00 – 3.00 Dr. Eddie Paterson “Developing a character” This workshop will invite partcipants to develop a character sketch for use in a work of fcton, poetry or script. We will then write a short piece, in any form, introducing this character and placing them within a landscape. Partcipants will then share their results and discuss the diferences in character descripton and writng style in fcton, poetry and scripts for theatre and flm. Writers atending should be along pens and paper. Cost $15.00 VCE Students Free

SUNDAY 12TH FEBRUARY 11.00 – 1.00 Carol Reffold “Performance Workshop” Carol will give partcipants the basic skills to recite/perform their works. She will bring copies of “How to write and recite Bush Poetry” ($10.00) - a small booklet which will give all partcipants a permanent reference of what to focus on in their delivery. Cost $15.00 VCE Students Free

Page 3 of 12 LOVE POETRY THROUGH THE AGES Upstairs at the Beechworth Bakery 5.00 – 7.00

“A Short History of Love Poetry” Corinna Box

From the Roman love poets Catullus and Ovid to Contemporary Australian writers, Love has always been the business of the poets. This reading goes through some of the most famous, and unexpected, love poems in Western literary history, to inspire the romantc and cynic alike. PG and MA rated versions available.

“The Odour of Sanctity” Amy Brown

Amy will be reading from a section of her contemporary epic poem, 'The Odour of Sanctity', written as part of a PhD thesis in creative writing at the University of Melbourne. The poem is loosely structured by the Catholic process of canonization, and follows six fictionalised candidates for sainthood. This reading will focus on the medieval mystic, Margery Kempe, who, amongst other feats and exploits, ran a brewery, had fourteen children despite taking a vow of celibacy and narrowly avoided being burnt at the stake. Parental guidance is recommended.

“Microaviary” A. Frances Johnson

Amanda will read a suite of poems, 'Microaviary'. These poems deal with new military drone technologies that mimic the flight and bodies of birds. The suite will be published shortly in The Wind-up Birdman of Moorabool Street. This is a full length book of poetry, forthcoming with Puncher and Wattmann.

“Win Love Lose Love” Frank Prem With Valentne’s Day just around the corner, Frank is going to read a selecton of his poems that touch on various aspects of love. Win love - lose love.

Page 4 of 12 Professor Kevin Brophy (Head of Creative Writing, University of Melbourne)

Prof. Kevin Brophy is a poet and novelist. He has had many books published. His poems and essays have been anthologised in Best Australian Poems over a number years, Best Australian Essays 2009, the MacQuarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature, The Road South, New Music: Contemporary Australian Poetry, Family Ties: Australian Poems of the Family, My Secret Life (Melbourne Festval of Poetry 1999), Daughters and Fathers and other publicatons. His book, Creativity, was shortlisted for the NSW Premiers Non-fcton Literary Award in 1999. Prof. Brophy is a regular reviewer for Reading Time, the journal of the Children's Book Council of and has contributed Book Notes for the Council of Adult Educaton Reading Groups. His latest publicaton is Paterns of Creativity (Rodopi Press 2009).

Prof. Brophy will present his workshop on Saturday morning and read from his works at the Bakery in the afernoon. On Sunday morning he will MC the Poets’ Breakfast.

Dr. Eddie Paterson (University of Melbourne)

Originally from Beechworth, Eddie is a writer and academic. His poems have been widely published, most recently in 'Best Australian Poems 2011' and 'Cordite'. He is also a managing co-editor of 5 Islands poetry press. In 2008-2009 he was awarded an Emerging Writers Grant by the Australia Council of the Arts. Eddie created and runs the 'Country Superhero' Writng Program at Beechworth Secondary College in collaboraton with his colleagues, Prof. Kevin Brophy and Assoc. Prof. Peter Eckersall from the University of Melbourne. This program is designed to engage with students from a rural or regional background through workshops in writng and performance. Eddie will present his workshop on Saturday afernoon and will read from his works at the Saturday venues and will also Co-MC at Sunday’s “Poetry on the Platform” Page 5 of 12 Carol Refold

Carol is a writer, reciter, patchwork quilter and researcher. Originally from Surrey in England, she has been writng Bush Verse since 1994. Known as The Patchwork Poete) she is passionate about Australian Bush Verse -rhyming, metered, ballad-style poems both poignant and silly. Carol has performed her own poetry and the traditonal works of Australia’s great bards at poetry events and festvals Australia wide, including a recent showcase performance for University and Melbourne's Fringe Festval. Carol ofers a charming and ofen humorous presentaton where she demonstrates her obvious love of the craf and dedicaton as a performer.

Carol will MC our “Poetry in the Pub” at Tanswell’s Hotel and will read at other Saturday venues and then present her Performers’ workshop on Sunday morning.

Dr. Amanda Johnson (University of Melbourne)

A. Frances Johnson is a writer and painter living on the Bellarine Peninsula, and a lecturer at the University of Melbourne. Her paintngs have been exhibited in Australia and overseas, and her poetry has appeared in many anthologies including Motherlode: Australian Womens Poetry 1986–2008 and Best Australian Poems 2009, 2010 and 2011 (Black Inc.). Her compelling 2007 novel Eugene's Falls (Arcadia) retraced the wilderness journeys of colonial painter Eugene von Guerard. The Pallbearer's Garden (poetry) was published by Whitmore Press in 2008. A book of poetry, The Wind-up Birdman of Moorabool Street is forthcoming with Puncher and Watmann in 2012. Amanda will be reading her work Upstairs at the Beechworth Bakery at 6.00pm and at “Poetry in the Pub” at Tanswell’s Hotel. On Sunday, she will Co-MC “Poetry on the Platform” at Beechworth Railway Staton Youth Centre.

Page 6 of 12 Anthony Lynch

Anthony Lynch lives on the Bellarine Peninsula, where he writes poetry, fcton and reviews. His work has appeared in The Age, Best Australian Poems, Island and Southerly, and been read on ABC Radio Natonal. His short story collecton Redfin was shortlisted for the Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards. His poetry collecton Night Train was published in late 2011 by Clouds of Magellan. He is publisher at the independent publishing house Whitmore Press and an editor at Deakin University.

As well as reading at various venues on Saturday, Anthony will Co-MC “Poetry on the Platform” at Beechworth Railway Staton Youth Centre on Sunday.

Marisabel Bonet-Cruz

Born in Puerto Rico, Mari loves to write. Her poetry has appeared in several literary journals. She has published a novel, The Captain, through which she shares the love for her heritage and history. Apart from writng, Mari loves to sing. She has sung with the Murray Conservatorium Choir, the Melbourne University Choral Society, the RMIT Choral Society, and the Geelong Chorale. She has performed in the Carols by Candlelight and with the Albury Theatre Company in their producton of Miss Saigon, as well as at Melbourne University’s Shakespeare Festval and MudFest.

Mari will be reading at a number of venues over the weekend.

Roxanne Bodsworth

Roxanne T. Bodsworth is a writer and poet who lives in North East Victoria. Her frst book, a narratve poem, The Tangled Web, was published in 1989, and since then her short stories, poems and feature artcles have appeared in a variety of magazines. Sunwyse – celebrating the sacred Wheel of the Year in Australia was self-published in 1999 and a second editon published in 2003 by Hihorse. She has also spent some tme in Ireland studying Celtc mythology and the oral art of storytelling. Roxanne will be reading at “Poetry at the Post Ofce” 10.30am, Bakery Balcony 4.30pm and at “Poetry in the Pub” on Saturday. On Sunday she will read at the Poets’ Breakfast and at “Poetry on the Platform” Page 7 of 12 Bernard Bolan

An Englishman by birth and over 30 years in Australia, Bernard is now frmly established in Beechworth. Bernard is a singer, songwriter and satrist. From his tme as the frst folk performer at the Sydney Opera House, through all the major Australian and New Zealand folk festvals and countless concerts and club shows, he has become a Natonal Treasure with his unmistakable blend of words, wit and fnely crafed music. Whether he sings of his dogs, his loves, his life as a city gent or getting his equipment caught in lif doors, his performances are unforgetable experiences.

Bernard will MC “Poetry at the Post Ofce” and perform his work at other venues throughout the weekend.

Ken Haley

Ken Haley is one of Australia’s most widely travelled authors, having visited 131 countries. He became a paraplegic in 1991, but as far as Ken is concerned the only diference that has made is that he now observes the world from a seated positon. A Walkley Award-winning journalist, he has held shifs on the foreign desk of The Times, Sunday Times and Observer in London, at the Gulf Daily News in Bahrain and on the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. Ken has also worked at the Age, Melbourne, and as a newspaper sub-editor in Athens, Hong Kong and Johannesburg. Untl recently he was the editor of the Dimboola Banner. Ken is also the author of the critcally acclaimed Emails from the Edge: A Journey Through Troubled Times. He lives in Victoria.

Ken will be a guest on Sunday at Poets’ Breakfast at Hotel Nicholas and “Poetry on the Platform” at the Beechworth Railway Staton Youth Centre...

Amy Brown Amy Brown is completng a PhD in creatve writng at the University of Melbourne. Amy will be reading from a secton of her contemporary epic poem, 'The Odour of Sanctty'. The poem, writen as part of her thesis, is loosely structured by the Catholic process of canonizaton, and follows six fctonalised candidates for sainthood. Amy advises that Parental Guidance is recommended.

Amy’s reading will be Upstairs at The Bakery at 5.45pm. Page 8 of 12 Corinna Box

Corinna Box grew up in Stanley and is currently completng a PhD in English and Classics at the University of Melbourne. Her work looks at Latn Literature, and the ongoing infuence of Classical literature and mythology on the modern world. According to Corinna, the more gods and goddesses behaving badly the beter! From the Roman love poets Catullus and Ovid to Contemporary Australian writers, Love has always been the business of the poets.

Going through some of the most famous and unexpected love poems in Western literary history, to inspire the romantc and cynic alike, Corinna will present “A Short History of Love Poetry How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.... “Upstairs at the Beechworth Bakery 5.00pm

Dr. Nola Firth

Dr. Nola Firth is originally from Beechworth. In additon to her poetry and essay writng she is an educaton consultant and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne working in the feld of coping with specifc learning disabilites. She has writen for academic journals, media publicatons including The Age, and recently published a book, Success and Dyslexia: Sessions for Coping in the Upper Primary Years. Her poems have been published in several journals and anthologies.

Nola will read on Saturday on the Beechworth Bakery Balcony and at “Poetry in the Pub” at Tanswell’s Hotel.

Geof Jackson

Geof is a bush-poet and yarn-spinner and stand-up comic in the old traditon. He has performed at many festvals, pubs and clubs as a solo performer and as a member of the duo, “Bastards from the Bush”.

Geof will MC “Poetry on the Beechworth Bakery Balcony’ and perform at other venues throughout the weekend.

Page 9 of 12 Prof. Paddy Dewan

Born in Cobram, Paddy lived in Wangarata untl he ventured of to University in Melbourne. He has gone on to complete MB BS, BMedSc, MS, MMedSc, MD, PhD, FRACS, and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Australian Insttute of Company Directors and the College of Medicaton Administrators. His training in Medicine, Surgery and Paediatric Urology has seen him employed in Melbourne, Dunedin, Dublin, London and the USA. And as well he is a poet!

Paddy has writen poetry since he went to Ireland to train in Paediatric Surgery. He has published several poetry publicatons, Walking Through a Real Fantasy, Dreams and Roses, and Nandana and Irises, which have been read at a number of diferent venues. Paddy's poems are writen in several styles and explore the human form, both humorously and refectvely. The latest publicaton is a book of children's poetry, Watermelon on My Plate - with wonderful illustratons by Ros Care. His ffh collecton, Smiles that Reach the Eyes, is being prepared for publicaton.

Paddy will be reading at a number of venues over the weekend

Frank Prem Frank Prem is a Beechworth based poet and psychiatric nurse. His writng has appeared in print and online in Australia, the UK and the US, and ranges from poignantly sensitve to humorously hard-edged, ofen refectng upon his Croatan heritage, his childhood growing up as a new migrant to Australia, his love of the Beechworth goldfelds area, and his extensive experiences working in mental health. He has self-published three poetry collectons in free-verse style, The Book of Evenings authored as Frank Faust (November 2003), Memoir of a Dog (April 2008) and Small Town Kid (May 2009).

Frank will be reading Upstairs at the Bakery 6.30 Saturday.

Page 10 of 12 Neil Higgins Neil Higgins is a singer and lyricist based in Stanley. He will be performing at Poetry at the Post Ofce on Saturday Morning and at Poetry on the Platform on Sunday afernoon.

Ian Trevaskis Ian is an Australian author living in North East Victoria. Formerly a primary school teacher, he has writen many children’s books, young adult fcton, poetry and prose. His latest work, Edge of the World, will be ofcially launched on February 14th at Albury Library – Museum at 10.30 am.

Ian will read at Poetry on the Platform on Sunday 12th around 11.30am.

Pam Storer Pam was born in Wales UK, and has been a restless wanderer as well as a lover of poetry all her life. Currently living in Beechworth afer a lifetme in various professions, Pam is an autodidact and polymath which includes writng amateur poetry. She has had opinion pieces published in the online magazine “The Autonomist”

Pam will be reading on Saturday 11th “Poetry on the Balcony”

Would you like to Read or recite your work? You will need to complete a form at the venue and will be included if tme allows.

Publications Our guests will have some of their publicatons for sale at the various venues on Saturday and at our book table at the Railway Staton Youth Centre on Sunday.

Page 11 of 12 Thank you to our generous supporters

Tanswell’s Hotel

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