Hemolysis and Venous Thrombosis: Which Link? A
ISSN: 2378-3656 Rkiouak et al. Clin Med Rev Case Rep 2020, 7:329 DOI: 10.23937/2378-3656/1410329 Volume 7 | Issue 11 Clinical Medical Reviews Open Access and Case Reports ORIGINAL RESEARCH Hemolysis and Venous Thrombosis: Which Link? A. Rkiouak, PH.D1, I El Kassimi, MD2, N Sahel, MD2, M Zaizaa, MD2 and Y Sekkach, PhD1 Check for updates Internal Medicine A Department, Mohammed V Military Hospital Medical School of Rabat, Morocco *Corresponding author: Adil Rkiouak, PH.D., Department of Internal Medicine A, Mohammed V Military Hospital, Medical School of Rabat, Morocco, Tel: +212-66-179-44-04 The mechanism of antibody-mediated hemolysis is Abstract via phagocytosis or complement-mediated destruction The association hemolysis and venous thrombosis remains and can occur intravascular or extravascular. The intra- unknown to clinicians, despite our advances in comrehen- sion of pathophysiological bases. vascular mechanisms include direct cellular destruction via lysis, toxins, or trauma; fragmentation and oxida- Haemolysis, which is observed in multiple diseases, can affect all three components of Virchow’s triad. It is not sur- tion. prising that there is a link between haemolytic disorders and Multiple haemolytic disorders produce substantial thrombosis. intravascular haemolysis. Examples, the corpuscular We will try to clarify the main pro-thrombotic mechanisms hemolysis include PNH, extra-corpuscular haemolysis, during hemolysis through 3 clinical observations of deep ve- acquired (autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA , nous thrombosis in 3 main types of hemolytic pathologies, ) namely a case of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (PTT)), as well thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and autoimmune as other diseases. These disorders are also associated anemia hemolytic.
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