
Math 375

Week 5

5.1 Symmetric Groups

The S


Now let X be any non-empty . Let

S = fj  : X ! X and f is b oth surjective and injective g:


Notice that if ;  2 S , then  : X ! X and is surjective and injec-


tiveby previous arguments. That is, the comp osition  2 S .Thus


comp osition is a binary op eration on S .


THEOREM 1 S is a group under comp osition. S is called the Symmteric Group


on X .

PROOF i We just checked closure. ii Asso ciativity: mentioned last time

see text Chapter 0. iii The identityinS is i b ecause  X x=


i x = x, that is, i = . Similarly i  = . iv Evidently



the inverse of  is  whichwe know exists b ecause  is injective and

1 1

surjective and  x= x = i x and  x= x = i x.


This last example shows just how general the group concept is. Sym-

metric groups are extraordinarily imp ortant. as in Cay-

ley table showed that every group is the of some symmetric

group. So if you understand symmetric groups completely, then you un-

derstand all groups! We can examine S for any set X .For example


if X = R, then examples of of elements in S are i , f : R ! R by


a ! a +1, g : R ! R by a ! a=2, and so on. It is clear that S is


in nite.

The individual elements of S are often called p ermutations of


the elements of X . This will b e the next big topic wecover. 1

2 Math 375

The on n Elements: S


To make matters simpler, we will study symmetric groups of nite sets.

For example, if X is a set of n elements, then wemayaswell lab el

the elements of X as f1; 2;:::;ng.We usually denote the symmetric

group on n elements by S .


Nowany elementorp ermutation  in S is an injective and sur-


jective from the set of the rst n to itself. It merely

shues these elements around. Consequently it can b e represented as

atworow in which the rst row represents the input and the

second represents the corresp onding output.

EXAMPLE 1 List all the elements of S .


1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


 = ; = ; =

1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


= ; = ; =

1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3

It should b e clear what the identity is. Howdowe get the

inverse of any element? Merely exchange rows, and re-. How

do we take the pro duct or comp osition of two such elements in S ?


In comp osing functions always remember to work from the right to the

left whichisbackwards from what we read. This is a hold over from

comp osition of functions, which is what we implicitly are doing here.

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 1

Notice that order matters:

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 2

Clearly S is ab elian, since it consits of only the .


We'll see that S is ab elian in fact it's cyclic since it has only two


elements. However, wehave seen that S is not ab elian and in general:


THEOREM 2 If n  3 then S is non-ab elian. n

5.1 Symmetric Groups 3

PROOF Let and b e the following two elements in S :


1 2 3 4 ::: n 1 2 3 4 ::: n

= = :

3 2 1 4 ::: n 2 1 3 4 ::: n


1 2 3 4 ::: n 1 2 3 4 ::: n

= = :

3 1 2 4 ::: n 2 3 1 4 ::: n

EXAMPLE 2 Find the following inverse:


1 2 3 1 2 3


2 3 1 3 1 2

THEOREM 3 jS j = n!:


PROOF jS j is just the numberofways the integers 1 through n can arranged.


In other words in how many di erentways can we ll in the blanks:

1 2 ::: n


Well wehave n choices for the rst entry, and then n 1choices for the

next entry, and so on yielding a total of

n  n 1 1= n!

total choices.

For example jS j =3!=6aswehave already seen. jS j = 2!=2.

3 2

If we write out the for S we see that it is ab elian. Note


that the of every element is the identity.

1 2 1 2

1 2 2 1

1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 2 1

1 2 1 2 1 2

2 1 2 1 1 2

EXAMPLE 3 Compare the of an to S . Write each


elementinD as a p ermutation.


EXAMPLE 4 Compare D to S . Are they the same group?

4 4

4 Math 375

Cycle Notation

It will provemuch more convenient to use a di ernttyp e of notation to

denote the individual p ermutations of S . This cycle notation is useful


b ecause it reveals the structure of individual elements in the group, much

as p owers of a generator indicate the nature of a . Here's


Consider the following elements of S :


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

 =  =

2 3 1 5 4 4 3 5 1 2

Notice that  breaks quite naturally into two parts:

1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 1 and 4 ! 5 ! 4

Each of these pieces is called a cycle. The rst is a three-cycle b ecause

it contains three di erent elements, the second is a two-cycle. Eachof

these cycles can b e represented more compactly without the arrows:

1; 2; 3 and 4; 5

Let's lo ok at . This time the cycles are:

1 ! 4 ! 1 and 2 ! 3 ! 5 ! 2


1; 4 and 2; 3; 5

When using cycles we adopt the convention that if an elementis

missing from the cycle, then it is mapp ed to itself.

EXAMPLE 5 What p ermutation do es the cycle 2; 4; 3 representin S ?


1 2 3 4 5 6

2; 4; 3 =

1 4 2 3 5 6

EXAMPLE 6 Let =1; 3; 62; 4; 5 and =1; 2; 34; 5 in S . Then =


4; 2; 6; 153 = 4; 2; 6; 1. Do some more.

EXAMPLE 7 What is the inverse of a single cycle: =4; 2; 3; 5? This is easy to

sp ot in matrix form. If

1 2 3 4 5

=4; 2; 3; 5 = ;

1 3 5 2 4


1 2 3 4 5


= =5; 3; 2; 4:

1 4 2 5 3 More generally:

5.1 Symmetric Groups 5

THEOREM 4 The inverse of a cycle is the cycle in inverse reverse order. Further

the inverse of a pro duct of cycles is the pro duct of the inverse cycles in

reverse order.

REMARK The second part of the theorem is the usual statement ab out inverses of

pro ducts b eing the pro duct of the inverses in reverse order.

DEFINITION 5 Two cycles are called disjoint if they contain no term in common.

For example 1; 2; 6 and 3; 4 are disjoint but 1; 2; 4 and 3; 4; 5

are not. One of the basic facts ab out p ermutations is that

THEOREM 6 Any p ermutation can b e written as a pro duct of disjoint cycles.

The details of the pro of are presented in the text, but note that

this is howwe rst got started on lo oking at cycles. Given an individual

example of a p ermutation it is easy to see how to split it into disjoint

cycles. Consider

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


5 9 3 8 6 1 4 7 2

We simply start the rst cycle with 1, continue backuntil we get 1.

Then start the second cycle with the smallest remaining unused num-

ber until we get back to it and so on. In this case the cycles are:

1; 5; 62; 934; 8; 7:

THEOREM 7 Disjoint cycles commute.

PROOF Let the disjoint cycles b e =a ;a ;:::;a  and =b ;b ;:::; ,

1 2 m 1 2 n

where and havenoentries in common. Let the full set S b e given


S = fa ;a ;:::;a ;b ;b ;:::; ;c ;:::;c g:

1 2 m 1 2 n 1 k

Wewant to prove that = .To do this, wemust show that a =

x  for all x 2 S . There are three cases: x is either an a, b,or c.

Supp ose that x = a . Then


 x=  a =  a  = a = a :

i i i+1 mo d m i+1 mo d m


 x=  a =  a  = a = a :

i i i i+1 mo d m

Hence the p ermutations agree on the a's. A similar argumentworks for

the b's. The c's are the easiest of all. If x = c , then


 x=  c =  c  = c = c

i i i i


 x = c =  c = c = c :

i i i i

Again the p ermutations are the same.

6 Math 375

5.2 More ab out S


The Order of a k -cycle

EXAMPLE 8 Consider the following elements of S : =2; 3 and =1; 2; 4, and


=1; 3; 4; 2 Find the orders of each of these elements.


Taking rst, =1; 4; 2, every entry is moved two places down

the cycle. So if wehaveak -cycle, moving eachentry k places down the


cycle takes the entry back to its starting p oint, i.e., the k power of

a k -cycle yields the identity and no smaller p ower will. It is clear that

2 3 4

= e, = e, and  = e. In fact, this proves the general theorem:

THEOREM 8 If is a k -cycle in S , then j j = k .


THEOREM 9 The order of the pro duct of disjoint cycles is the least common mutliple

of their lengths orders.

PROOF Asume that j j = m and j j = n. Let k = lcmm; n. Then it follows

k k

that = e = since j jj k and j jj k . Since the cycles are disjoint,

k k k

they commute, so   = = ee = e. Consequently j jj k .

But is k the smallest p ositivepower with this prop erty? Supp ose

t t t t t

instead that it were t. Then   = = e implies that = .

t t

But and are disjoint. The only waytwo disjoint cycles can b e

t t

the same is if b oth are empty. That is, = = e rememb er xed

symb ols are not included in the cycles. But now it follows that b oth

m and n divide t. That is, t is a common multiple of m and n so

k = lcm m; n  t. Therefore, k = t.

EXAMPLE 9 Give some. If the cycles are not disjoint, simply rewrite them as disjoint,

and then apply the theorem.

Disjoint cycles are esp ecially helpful for order calculations as wehave

seen. But p ermutations can b e written as a di erent sort of pro duct as

the follwing discussion shows.

Two Cycles or Transp ositions

The simplest sort of p ermutation is the one that shues two elements,

that is, a two-cycle. In fact two-cycles are the building blo cks of the

entire p ermutation group. Two-cycles are also called transp ositions.

5.2 More ab out S 7


EXAMPLE 10 Consider the p ermutation 1; 2; 3. It can b e written as a pro duct of


1; 2; 3 = 1; 31; 2:

Notice that it can b e written as a di erent pro duct of two-cycles:

1; 2; 3 = 2; 31; 3:

In fact, this is a particular example of

THEOREM 10 Any k -cycle in S can b e written as a pro duct of transp ositions two-


cycles. Here n>1 or else wehave S = feg.


PROOF If wehave a 1-cycle, then it is the identity element which can b e written


as 1; 2 =; 21; 2= e.Nowifwehavea k -cycle were k  2 then we

can work out the pro duct just as we did in the example ab ove:

a ;a ;:::;a = a ;a a ;a  :::a ;a :

1 2 k 1 2 1 3 1 k

EXAMPLE 11 5; 3; 1; 2 = 5; 25; 15; 3

COROLLARY 11 Any elementofS can b e written as a pro duct of transp ositions.


PROOF Any elementinS can b e written as a pro duct of disjoint cycles, eachof


which can b e written as a pro duct of two-cycles. So every element can

b e broken down eventually into a pro duct of transp ositions.


1 2 3 4 5 6

=1; 2; 5; 34; 6 = 1; 31; 51; 24; 6:

2 5 1 6 3 4

It is also the case that

1 2 3 4 5 6

=4; 62; 5; 3; 1 = 4; 62; 12; 32; 5:

2 5 1 6 3 4

But notice that even though the numb er of transp ositions in each

decomp osition is di erent, in b oth cases the numb er of transp ositions is


DEFINITION 12 A p ermutation is even if it can b e written as the pro duct of an even

numb er of p ermuatations. It is odd if it can b e written as a pro duct of

an o dd numb er of transp ositions.

For this distinction to b e useful, it is necessary that no o dd p ermu-

tation b e even. That is, either a p ermutation should always decomp ose

into an o dd numb er of transp ositions or always into an even number

even though the actual numb er of transp ositions in the decomp osition

can vary. In fact, this is the case:

8 Math 375

THEOREM 13 No p ermuatation is b oth o dd and even.

PROOF The pro of is in the text; read through it. The main idea is that the

identity p ermutation can only b e written as an even pro duct of transp o-

sitions. The general result easily follows from this. For if a p ermutation

was b oth even and o dd, then its inverse would b e b oth even and o dd.

Take the p ermutation in its even representation and multiply by its in-

verse in its odd representation. The reuslt is pro duct with an o dd number

of transp ositions, but the result is also the identity which is supp osed to

be even.

COROLLARY 14 A k -cycle is even if k is o dd; a k -cycle is o dd if k is even.

PROOF This follows immediately from the the metho d we use to break a k -cycle

into transp ositions. A k -cycle can always b e written as the pro duct of

k 1 transp ositions see the factors in Examples 17.3 and 4.

EXAMPLE 13 Let A = the set of even p ermutations in S . Show that A is a subgroup

n n n

of S . A is called the of degree n.

n n

CLOSURE The pro duct of twoeven p ermutations will again haveaneven number

of factors, so A is closed.



INVERSES Notice that ab =ab. Thus the inverse of a pro duct of even

p ermutation using the general formula for the inverse of a pro duct is

the pro duct of the same transp ositions in reverse order, hence is even


EXAMPLE 14 Do the o dd p ermutations form a subgroup of S ? n

5.2 More ab out S 9


EXAMPLE 15 We can easily write out the elements of A and A b ecause we know that

3 4

the length of a cycle determines whether it is o dd or even.

Here are the 6 elements of S , let's pick out the elements of A :

3 3

1 2 3 1 2 3

= e 2 A =2 3 2= A

3 3

1 2 3 1 3 2

1 2 3 1 2 3

=1 2 3 2 A =1 2 2= A

3 3

2 3 1 2 1 3

1 2 3 1 2 3

=1 3 2 2 A =1 3 2= A

3 3

3 1 2 3 2 1

For S and A the situation is similar. S has 24 elements:

4 4 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=2 3 2= A = e 2 A

4 4

1 3 2 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 2 2= A =1 2 3 2 A

4 4

2 1 3 4 2 3 1 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 3 2 2 A =1 3 2= A

4 4

3 1 2 4 3 2 1 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=3 4 2= A =2 3 4 2 A

4 4

1 2 4 3 1 3 4 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 23 4 2 A =1 2 3 4 2= A

4 4

2 1 4 3 2 3 4 1

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 3 4 2 A =1 3 4 2 62 A

4 4

3 2 4 1 3 1 4 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=2 4 3 2 A =2 4 2= A

4 4

1 4 2 3 1 4 3 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 2 4 2 A =1 2 4 3 2= A

4 4

2 4 3 1 2 4 1 3

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 3 2 4 2= A =1 32 4 2 A

4 4

3 4 2 1 3 4 1 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 4 2 2 A =1 4 3 2 2= A

4 4

4 1 3 2 4 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 4 3 2 A =1 4 2= A

4 4

4 2 1 3 4 2 3 1

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

=1 42 3 2 A =1 4 2 3 2= A

4 4

4 3 2 1 4 3 1 2

There are two imp ortant observations. First, we see that S is a


subset and hence a subgroup of S just take a lo ok at the rst elements


of S . In general we can always view S as a subgroup of S if m

4 m n

Second, half the elements in S are even; the same is true for S . In fact,

3 4

THEOREM 15 jA j = jS j=2= n!=2.

n n

10 Math 375

PROOF We need to show that half the elements of S are even. Let be any


two-cycle of S say = 1 2. Consider the mapping f : S ! S by

n n n

f  = . Notice that f is b oth surjective and injective.

SURJECTIVE Let 2 S .Wemust nd 2 S so that f  = . But

n n


f  =  =  = :

INJECTIVE  =   =  = .

1 2 1 2 1 2

Notice that f maps the even p ermutations to the o dd ones and vice

versa since it adds one transp osition to the p ermutation in a one-to-

one, onto fashion. Hence there must b e the same numberofeven and

o dd p ermutations, that is half of S is even.


Some Examples

EXAMPLE 16 Do Gallian page 110 50.

SOLUTION If we let denote the shue in question, then we are given that

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K



10 9 Q 8 K 3 4 A 5 j 6 2 7

=1 10 J 6 3 Q 2 9 5 13 7 4 8:


Notice that must have b een a 13-cycle since is. If we expressed the

original as a pro duct of disjoint cycles, p owers of simply p ermute

the elements of those cycles among themselves. Thus, j j = 13. So

2 7 14 13

  = = = :


2 7

  =1 9 10 5 J K 6 7 3 4 Q 8 2:

EXAMPLE 17 Do Gallian page 109 28.

99 1

SOLUTION = 123145 = 14523, so = = 32541:

EXAMPLE 18 Do Gallian page 109 37.


SOLUTION Let b e a 10-cycle. Do you see that there are p owers so that is not


a 10-cycle? Those p owers share a with 10. So is a 10-cycle i


gcd 10;k= 1  < >=< >.

5.3 Dihedral Groups and Symmetric Groups 11

5.3 Dihedral Groups and Symmetric Groups



3 3

Let us now reconsider thte rigid motions of an equilateral triangle with

vertices lab elled 1, 2, 3. Then every motion of the the triangle can

b e thoughtofasapermutation in S . Sp eci cally,we can set up the


following corresp ondence:

r ! 1 r ! 1; 2; 3 r ! 1; 3; 2

0 120 240


v ! 2; 3 d ! 1; 3 d ! 1; 2:

If we denote this corresp ondence or mapping by , then we see that

 : D ! S is one-to-one and onto. Further, one can check that 

3 3

resp ects the group op erations involved. That is: if x; y 2 D , then


xy  =xy:

Notice the group op eration on the left takes place in D and the op eration


on the right takes place in S .For example:



vr  = d  =1; 2 andar = 2; 31; 3; 2 = 1; 2:

240 240

This is an example of an group , that is, a one-to-one,

onto b etween groups that resp ects the group op erations. We will

study such maps in great detail later.

Notice that the elements of D can b e listed in another way.Ifwe


let  = r then the following six elements are distinct:


2 2

fe; ;  ; h; h; h g D :


But since jD j = 6 these six elements must comprise all of D . In other

3 3

words D , while it is not cyclic, it is generated by two elements.


D and S

4 4

We can construct a similar corresp ondence b etween D and some of the


elements of S . Lab el the vertices of a square as 1, 2, 3, 4. As with the


motions of a triangle, the particualr righid motion in D is determined 4

12 Math 375

by whether the square is face up or face down and by where the vertex

1 ends up. Hence jD j =2 4 = 8. this time the rotations are


r = 1 r =1; 2; 3; 4 r =1; 32; 4 r =1; 4; 3; 2

0 90 180 270


h =1; 42; 3 v =1; 23; 4 d =1; 3 d =2; 4:

Let  = r .Now jD j = 8 and the following 8 elements are distinct

90 4

and in D :


2 3 2 3

fe; ;  ; ; h; h; h ;h g D :


Therefore this must b e the entire group.

We knownowtwo di erent of S , namely A and D .

4 4 4

Are there others? All the cyclic groups, S , and there are others see



This same pro cess that wehave carried out with D and S can

4 4

b e done with D and S , where D represents the motions of a regular

n n n

n-sided p olygon. This lime let

1 2 3 4 ::: n 1 n

 =1; 2;:::;n and h =

1 n n 1 n 2 ::: 3 2


and h represents the re ection across Here  represents a rotation of


the line through vertex 1.

You should b e able to show that

2 n1 2 n1

D = fe; ;  ;:::; ; h; h; h ;:::;h g:


That is D is generated bytwo elements: its smallest rotation and any

n ip. See the optional exercise on Problem Set 11.