Friday, May 3. 2013 (A) SUBURBAN EXTENDED STAY HOTEL 8615 HANKINS ROAD, ROOM 114 CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 888888888888888888888888 TRAVEL DAY 88888888888888888888888 We up at 0630, SSSS, dressed and ready for a day of travel.. We will leave at 09:00 for Williamsburg..

It is clear that no matter where you go in this part of the world you travel through a “GREEN TUNNEL” My friend, Kay, is correct.. “It is very very boring”.. The only good thing was that every so often we came on to a DOGWOOD.. Or flowers that had been put along the freeway.. We even came on an area that had RED FLANDERS POPPIES.. ... Just in the bare ditch and along the road.. There were some other flowers... a purple type.. some white.. It is all clear that they are planted by the highway department.

The bloom of the DOGWOOD is about over. At noon we stopped in a roadside park for rest and to have lunch. There were several Dogwoods. One was a large Pink Hue Flower. We took some pictures..

THE SQUIRREL A lady who works in the park has made friends with the squirrels. She had only been working there this year. Somehow she has gotten them to come to her and climb right up on her knee and eat from her hand. They come to her and stand still for her to pet them and talk with them. It was amazing to watch.. It is almost like a Dr. Dolittle Scene.... See the photos.. 888888888888888888 I AM ALMOST SURE THIS WILL BE ONE OF THE NICEST PLACES WE WILL STAY IN... IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE WE GOT THIS COMPLEX FOR $38.00 PER DAY... THIS IS THE RESULT OF “LUCKY SKILLED PLANNING” (SURE, I’LL TAKE CREDIT) WOW AS IN WOW!! LIFE IS GOOD -- LOVE IS BETTER!! At 4:45PM we checked into this beautiful complex..

Friday, May 3. 2013 WESTGATE HISTORIC WILLIAMSBURG 1324 RICHMOND ROAD, ROOM 104 WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23185 888888888888888888888888 DAY 1 (YES, I’ll call it that.) 888888888888888888888888 WE ARE HERE. As usual it will take about an hour to unload what we need and get ready to have dinner..That is the way life is.. Frankly, this is the only drawback to traveling like we are. With the car as your cupboard and closet, what you think you need is always outside in the car.. Such is life.. DISHES Our routine is to wash all of the dishes and cooking equipment. No matter how fancy a place is, that is always required. We think “We Keep the Germs down”.,,? Who Knows. 888888888888888888888888 DINNER We had two Hamburger Patties cooked and frozen. Vick made VICKI ALLEN WORLD FAY-MOS CHEESE BURGERS WITH COLD PORK & BEANS WOW AS IN WOW! WERE THEY EVER GOOD! WE CHASED IT ALL WITH RED ROTTEN GRAPE JUICE. LIFE IS GOOD -- LOVE IS BETTER!! 8888888888888888888 THE FACILITY This is a top drawer facility. Yes, there is the typical gauntlet of Time Share Peddlers that you have to “Run Through”. They all want to Get INTO your Pocket> They ALL want your money. This is one of the drawbacks you face when you get a place like this. Our pockets are not deep so we must get these at GOOD DEALS.. I tied up this two weeks on 9 February. I got them through Interval International’s “Get Away” program. This is really a good way to get DEALS. 88888888888888888888 COMPUTER SYSTEMS We set up our equipment and then learned that these folks have a MAJOR CHARGE for getting on the Net: $10.00 per day to 40.00 per week. That is unacceptable, but I guess if I want to live in that world... And being as we have all of the Apple Toys.. This is how life is.. 888888888888888888888 In bed at 1030.. It has been a long day. “THANKS GOD FOR KEEPING US SAFE” Saturday, May 4. 2013 WESTGATE HISTORIC WILLIAMSBURG 1324 RICHMOND ROAD, ROOM 104 WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23185 888888888888888888888888 DAY 2 888888888888888888888888 I up at 0750, SSSS< DRESSED AND OFF AND RUNNING TO RICHMOND. MANY THINGS TO SEE.. 8888888888888888888888 RICHMOND NATIONAL CEMETERY Richmond National Cemetery is located three miles east of the city. It encompasses 9.7 acres, and as of the end of 2005, had 9,322 interments. 5,720 are UNKNOWN... interred two or three bodies to a grave. This is the most SHOCKED I have ever been.. I have visited many cemeteries and this is the first time I have ever seen this.. Can you imagine how many families were upset over their loss about their kids never coming home? Just think about how many emotions would be present today.

It is currently closed to new interments. Richmond National Cemetery was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1995. The cemetery lies within what was once Richmond's wartime fortification lines built when the Confederate army defended Richmond during the Civil War. The cemetery was established by the Congressional legislation in 1866. The original burials in the cemetery were re- interments from Shockoe Hill, Belle Island Prison Camp, Seven Pines National, Cold Harbor National Oakwood & Hollywood Cemeteries in Richmond. Those re-interments were primarily of Federal Union soldiers who perished from the effects of wounds while POWs in the Richmond area military hospitals. 88888888888888888888

I MUST SAY THIS WAS THE MOST SHOCKING NATIONAL CEMETERY I HAVE EVER BEEN IN.. TO THINK THAT MORE THAN HALF OF THE BURIED HERE ARE “UNKNOWN” ... THIS HAD TO BE ONE OF THE MOST TERRIBLE WARS THE UNITED STATES HAS EVER HAD.. IT WAS WITH HONOR THAT I GAVE A HAND SALUTE TO THESE UNKNOWN! CHIMBORAZO: HOSPITAL ON THE HILL Chimborazo Hospital, located in the Confederate capital of Richmond, was the largest and most famous medical facility in the South during the Civil War. The hospital admitted nearly 78,000 patients suffering from battlefield wounds and diseases. Of this number, approximately 6,500 to 8,000 died, resulting in a mortality rate of about 9 percent. Few hospitals in the Confederacy had lower mortality rates, and those that did generally received patients who were further along in their recovery. The best- staffed and equipped Union hospitals, in comparison, achieved a 10 percent mortality rate. With no model to draw on, Chimborazo Hospital's success can be attributed to a combination of its open- air, pavilion-style design; the comparatively good quality of care; innovative practices; and the supreme dedication of the caregivers—men and women, black and JUDY ANTHIS, RANGER OF THE MEDICAL white, slave and free. Their efforts contributed to one MUSEUM... A LADY OF VAST KNOWLEDGE WHICH SHE SHARED WITH US.. THINGS TO of the great advancements in mid-nineteenth-century SEE AND DO. THANKS TO HER, OUR PLAN medicine: the acceptance of hospital care for the sick CHANGED. THE REST OF THE DAY WE and injured, which was a concept not embraced in WENT TO PLACES SHE TOLD US ABOUT.. America prior to 1865.

THIS IS WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT TRAVELING It should be known that two times as many of the LIKE WE DO.. Confederates died as a result of some type of contagious disease than from bullets.... LIFE IS GOOD -- LOVE IS BETTER This fact was a SHOCKER to me.

888888888888888888888 CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS & SAILORS MONUMENT Monument to Confederate Soldiers and Sailors in Richmond’s Libby Hill Park in Church Hill. LOCATION: 29th Street and Libby Terrace. ARTIST: William Ludwell Sheppard. DEDICATION: May 30, 1894. DESCRIPTION: A bronze standing figure of a Confederate soldier 17 foot high, which stands atop a granite column 73 foot high, made of 13 stone cylinders to represent the 13 Confederate States. Granite column is topped by an ornate “Corinthian” capital.. Modeled after Pompey’s Pillar in Egypt. Libby Hill Park sits high on the hill above the James River on the southern edge of Richmond’s first neighborhood —Church Hill.


WE WERE BLESSED! TO HAVE THIS TOUR PRESENTER, V888888888888888888888 “MR. CHARLIE BROWN” TALK TO US. TOUR SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH (YES, THAT IS HIS NAME.. CHARLES WITH CHARLIE BROWN... (YES, THAT IS RIGHT) SCHULZ WOULD HAVE BEEN PROUD St. John's is an Episcopal church located at 2401 East OF HIM.) HE WAS SUCH A SMOOTH Broad Street in Richmond. Formed from several AND EXCITING SPEAKER. HE MADE earlier churches, St. John's is the oldest church in PATRICK HENRY “APPEAR” RIGHT Richmond, built in 1741 and giving its name to the BEFORE OUR VERY EYES.. Church Hill district. I DON’T CARE WHO YOU ARE.. THIS IS A MUST VISIT SHOULD YOU COME TO RICHMOND. MANY THANKS TO CHARLIE BROWN. The Church was the site of two important Conventions in the period leading to the Revolutionary War, and is most famous as the location where PATRICK HENRY gave his closing speech at the Second Virginia Convention with the famous quotation “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.” 88888888888888888888888

Type to enter text THESE NAME SLABS ARE PUT ON PEDESTALS TO KEEP “GRAZING ANIMALS” FROM STEPPING ON GRAVES.. NOW THINK ABOUT THAT ONE!! SAINT JOHN’S CEMETERY GEORGE WYTHE, ESQ. FIRST SIGNER OF DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE George Wythe (1726 – June 8, 1806) was the first American law professor, a noted classics scholar and Virginia judge, as well as a prominent opponent of slavery.[1] The first of the seven Virginia signatories of the Declaration of Independence. Wythe served as one of Virginia's representatives to the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention. Wythe taught and was a mentor to Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, Henry Clay, Patrick Henry and other men who became American leaders.

It was with honor that I gave this fine person a Thank You and Hand salute. PATRICK HENRY PARK This is a neat little park across the street from the Church. It has a monument to Patrick Henry. Not only about his “WORDS” but also because he was the First Governor of Virginia for three terms... He really was quite a guy.



I KNOW NOT WHAT COURSE OTHERS MAY TAKE, BUT AS FOR ME, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! SHOCKOE HILL CEMETERY The Shockoe Hill Cemetery is a historic cemetery located on Shockoe Hill in Richmond. Established in 1820, with the initial burial in 1822, Shockoe Hill Cemetery was the first city- owned municipal burial ground in Richmond. The City of Richmond owns and maintains the cemetery. The Friends of Shockoe Hill Cemetery [3], a volunteer group formed in 2007, is steward of the cemetery.. The cemetery holds the graves of U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall, Revolutionary War hero Peter Francisco, famed Union spy Elizabeth Van Lew, Virginia Governors W.H. Cabell & John Patton (Gen George S Patton’s Great Grandfather). Two Judges, Two U.S. Senators and Many Kinfolks of . 888888888888888888888 CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN MARSHALL John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was the fourth Chief Justice (1801–1835) whose court opinions helped lay the basis for American Constitutional Law and made the Supreme Court a coequal branch of Government along with the legislative and executive branches.

He was Secretary of State under President John Adams from 1800 to 1801. Chief Justice Marshall was the fourth longest serving Chief Justice. Marshall dominated the Court for over three decades and played a significant role in the development of the American legal system. Most notably, he reinforced the principle that federal courts are obligated to exercise judicial review, by disregarding purported laws if they violate the constitution. 88888888888888888888 FICTION AND FACT FROM DON ALLEN’S ALMANAC MAKERS OF UNWRITTEN CONSTITUTION Chief Justice John Marshall has always been a hero of mine.. I first learned about him as a Junior in High School. My Civics Teacher, Ms.Clarabell Simer, had given me a term theme subject of MAKERS OF THE UNWRITTEN CONSTITUTION.. There I learned about John Marshall.. I learned that during the thirty plus years he was Chief Justice, he set the Supreme iCurt presidents that are in existence to this day. He established the fact that the Supreme court is the final word on any law and determines if it complies with the Constitution.

It was truly with great pride that I gave Chief Justice John Marshall a thank you and a hand salute. 888888888888888888888 DINNER AT CRACKER BARREL WOW AS IN WOW!! Turnip Greens, pinto beans, corn bread and BUTTERMILK!! Vick had grilled CATFISH. LIFE IS GOOD -- LOVE IS BETTER!! 88888888888888888888888888 SAM’S CLUB & KROGER’S MARKET FOR SUPPLIES & GROCERIES.

HOME AND UNLOADED AT 9:00pm In bed at 11. 88888888888888888888888