Our training programme is on-going and we will be arranging further courses for First Aid, Child Ex- ploitation and Online Protection, Food Hygiene etc in the coming months. If you have any specific training Registered Charity No. 1172685 needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. Youth Association

DBS checks are available through SYA and we are Annual General Meeting on holding the price at £10 per person + VAT for non- affiliated clubs. Not affiliated? Now’s the time to 17 November 2017 join because you can then have ten free DBS checks once you have paid your £10 affiliation fee! Annual Report

April 2016 to June 2017 Many thanks to our funders, partners and supporters for their funding, in-kind support and technical support: (A 15 month year to the point where the charity Crucial Crew Bridgnorth Town Council changes to a CIO) Youth Partnership Energize STW Ford Parish Council Hanwood Parish Council Little Ness & Greater Ness Parish Council LJC- Loton, , Ford & Rea Valley The New Lodge Millichope Foundation & Crucial Crew Shropshire CCG Upton Lane Social Telecoms Police & Crime Commissioner Shrewsbury Food Hub KFC SHREWSBURY SY2 5RR Tel: 01743 730005 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us at: www.sya.org.uk Web: www.sya.org.uk @SYAclubs Shropshire Youth Association Shropshire Youth Association 2016 - 2017 ALL ShropshireYoung to havePeople access in Patron Sir Algernon Heber-Percy KCVO to quality, affordable and OUR VISION is for ... Executive Committee appropriate youth Chair - Jon Tandy (Shropshire Council until May 2017) provision Vice Chair –Sharon Parkes Honorary Treasurer— Ian Cruise-Taylor OUR VALUES are to... Cllr Nick Bardsley – Shropshire Council Jean Jones Colin Heslop PROMOTE Tony Clay Alastair James Equality, Challenge James Evans Scott Lawrence prejudice support Dr Alan Herbert and celebrate diversity EMPOWER Staff Through investment ENABLE Richard Parkes - Chief Executive Officer in communities to People and Professional Staff: Di Phillips Kerry Williams Vanessa Postle develop and build self reliant and communities to Pat Bell – DBS & Finance; Liz Cowley - Administrator; Beryl Latter - Administrator (Volunteer) sustainable youth deliver good provision youth work in a OUR BEHAVIOUR seeks to Voluntary Sector Youth Support Workers variety of Mike Amanda Crane Teresa Dowgill Amanda Hollinshead Linda Montieth settings

GROW Direct Delivery Youth Support Workers INNOVATE INNOVATE Simon Clay Vic Vaughan Sue Jones By facilitating the Amanda Crane Leanne Bailey Charlie Georgiou creativity and number By the exploration of youth facilitating Nicky Millington Nicky Riley Emma Foster of new ideas creativity SAFEGUARD Miriam Turner Julie Brotherton Tracy Summerton clubs and the children and Lee Overton Wendy Challinor Vicky Turner projects exploration and young people, Hayley Lloyd-Overton Georgina Phillips Becca Lewis of new ideas IMPROVE activities creating Sam Davies Linda Monteith Margaret Jones safe and Teresa Dowgill Jamie Green Andy Hall through supportive Becky Thackeray Linda Monteith Johanna Woodhouse mentoring TRAIN places for Lynne Taylor Brian Williams and young people and build resilience support to to go and Pool Workers: Andy Hall, Sian Prescott, Andrew Samuels encourage through delivery of access the support they communitie appropriate need Shropshire Young Health Champions s and young courses to develop Amanda Hollinshead - South Lynne Taylor - North Nicky Riley—Central people to skills and Shifty’s knowledge aim higher Julie Herbert

CHAIR’S REPORT—JON TANDY DRAFT SUMMARISED SYA BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2017 I must begin by thanking our Staff, Trustees and the many volunteers who have ensured excellent youth provision for young people across the County. Recommended Categories Unrestricted Total Funds Total Last by activity funds year £ It is with some sadness that we say ‘Goodbye’ to resigning Trustees, £ £ Alastair, Nick, Jean and Scott and thank them for all their support, Current Assets knowledge and hard work and we say welcome to two new Trustees Cllr Clare Aspinall and Cllr Harry Taylor who we hope will enjoy supporting us. Debtors 46,695 46,695 85,150 On the staff side, Vanessa Postle has joined our professional team and Cash at bank and in hand 222,799 222,799 157,477 Amanda Crane, Teresa Dowgill, and Amanda Hollinshead have joined the Voluntary sector support worker team, they are all very experienced will Total current assets 269,494 269.494 242,627 help support the fantastic voluntary clubs operating across the county.

Creditors: (amounts falling 37,436 37,436 25,032 Our financial year ran for 15 months till the end of June 2017 so that we due within one year) could change our legal status from unincorporated charity to a “Charitably Net current assets 232,058 232,058 217,595 Incorporated Organisation (CIO)”. Whilst we retain the name Shropshire Youth Association, the move will strengthen our position and give better Total assets less current 232,058 232,058 217,595 protection to Trustees and staff. We are also in negotiation with Shropshire liabilities Council to lease the New Lodge, Upton Lane, our home for the past two Total net assets 232,058 232,058 217,595 years. Once the lease is finalised, we plan to improve the building and maximise its use both as a base and a youth facility.

DRAFT SUMMARISED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE PERIOD 01 APRIL 2016 We support over 120 voluntary clubs throughout Shropshire, helping with TO 30 JUNE 2017 management issues, training, DBS checks, activities and equipment. Voluntary leaders know they can rely on us for support and advice on a Recommended Categories Unre- Total Material Items £ range of issues. We also provide staff to deliver youth work in 13 funded by activity stricted Funds of Expense: funds £ £ clubs and 3 clubs are run in partnership with Parish Councils where they Income & Endowments Staff wages and 283,987 fund one paid worker to support their volunteers. from: salaries Donations & legacies 25,353 25,353 Training 5,606 The Health Champion Project continues to flourish with over 300 young Health Champions working in their schools and local communities to Charitable Activities 7,028 7,028 Office costs 8,059 improve young people’s health and wellbeing. They have attended workshops, delivered programmes, including diabetes and asthma, and Other Trading Activities 308,862 308,862 Rent 7,803 have grown in confidence to work with their peer groups. Their input has Investments 1,184 1.184 Travel Expenses 9,880 been well received by health professionals.

Total incoming resources 342,427 342,427 Insurance 2,438 We continue to advocate for youth work against a backdrop of Shropshire Council’s recent cuts to funding and a pending review of future funding. Resources Expended on: Equipment 2,167 This will present SYA with a serious challenge if we are to continue to Separate material items of 324,589 324,589 Consumables 3,787 provide the high level of support we want to offer our clubs. We are, expense—see opposite table therefore, looking to diversify to spread the risk and to find other ways of Pension costs 862 providing the essential support we recognise is needed by the hundreds of Other 3,375 3,375 volunteer youth leaders and thousands of children and young people in Total 324,589 Shropshire. Total resources expended 327,964 327,964

Total funds carried forward 14,463 14,463 We face the coming year with determination and a strong willingness to do our best for all those working with young people.

Jon Tandy Chair of SYA