Retur. Room 3127


VOL. X No. 14 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII April 7, 1961 With More To Come Station Units Amass $1,097 As Red Cross Drive Ends For all intents and purposes, ceiving some monies from in- press deadline Wednesday morn- Kaneohe Bay's 1961 American dividuals for the next few days ing: Red Cross drive ended on Wed- or so. The overall figure to date Public Works 5 185.00 nesday of this week. looks good as should the per ca- Airfield Operations 178.00 According to Maj. Ray Ryan, pita average when we get out Supply 228.00 final tallies." Station Fund Drive Coordinator, Ordnance 21.00 As in previous a of $1097.50 has was mentioned grand total WINDWARD MARINE articles, Personnel 41.50 been collected so far with va- Brigade elements held their Comptroller & IRD 132.00 rious small units as yet incom- drive during the first two weeks Medical-Denial 26.00 plete in their turn-ins of the month and amassed ap- Inspection Section 14.00 "Actually," the Major said, proximately $1,376. Training & Comm 4000 "while the drive officially ended Here are the Station totals, by Hq&liqSqdn 232.00 END OF A LONG JOURNEY-Lt. Gen. E. W. Snedeker, Com- this week, we will still be re- unit, as reported to the WM at TOTALS $1097.50 mandant, MCS, Quantico, hands a Bank of Hawaii check for an etched glass window in the Marine Memorial Chapel at Quantico, fo Chaplain John H. Craven. The check represented contributions Col. Murto Heads from Brigade and Station Marines here. WO/LDO Board K-Bayites Praised Now In Session Colonel Thomas V. Murto, Jr., is president of a board convened at Headquarters Marine Corps last For Check Donation Wednesday to consider the rec- ords of approximately 3,308 Ma- The Commandant, Marine your cooperation in presenting rines recommended for promotion Corps Schools, Quantico, Va., late the window project to your com- to Limited Duty or Warrant Of- last week officially thanked per- mands. Please express our sincere ficer. appreciation to all officers and sonnel of the Brigade and Air The board, authorized Station an men of the First Marine Brigade to se- Maj. C. F. Street Lt. Col. Strandtman for their "purchase" of lect 46 Limited Duty and 116 etched glass and the Marine Corps Air Station window in the Ma- Warrant Officers, is expected rine Memorial Chapel at that in- for their generous response to our stallation. appeal." to be in session approximately eight weeks. This is phase two For Two Officers In a letter to Brig. Gen. R. G. General Snedeker indicated of the Corps 1.110/WO program Weede, Brigade Commander, Lt. that a plaque will be engraved for FY 1961 and wa, open to Gen. E. W. Snedeker, CIVICS, stat- and emplaced near the window regular career, Reserve, and ed "we are deeply grateful to paid for by Marines at Kaneohe Women Marines. Key Billet Changes You and Col. Campbell . . . for Bay. Other board members are: He added :-`tat "I feel that you Lieutenant Colonels Maurice E. and all of your personnel can take Flynn, Dorothy M. Knox, Robert By First Aid Course just pride in your participation L. Dominick, Sam A. Dressin, Bared Station in this worthwhile project which and Claude 0. Barnhill, Jr.; Ma- Major changes in MCAS, Ka- F. H. Simonds as Station Opera- will, when it is completed, make jors John S. Perrin, James B. neohe Bay's official "family" took tions and Training bfficer (S-3). To Start Monday the Marine Memorial Chapel a Darnell, Cecil L. Champion, Jr., LtCol. Simonds, Station S-3 ipaul Place yesterday when Lt. Col. L. A "Standard First Aid Class" fine tribute to all Marines who J. G. Roosen. and William for the past 18 months, departed ronducted by the American Red have gone before us. C. Adams. V. Strandtman relieved Lt. Col. Wednesday aboard the USNS Gros, will be held at Kailua High Breckinridge for new duties School, local ARC chapter offi- with the First Marine Aircraft .als announced this week. Wing. According to Mr. Douglas In another related move, Maj. 'Windward Marine' Editor C. E. Street, former Station Per- Cary, KMCAS Field Director, the three-week course features sonnel Officer (S-1) shifted to two-classes-Der-week under the Bldg. 256 to become LtCol. tutelage of Mr. Bill Smith, Ha- Strandtman's successor as Special waii Change Announced By ISO Services Officer. Chapter representative and is, like other ARC courses, free. Key changes in the editorial ed to the editorial staff when SSgt. It was during this Parris Island Prior to his S-1 assignment Classes have been slated staff of WINDWARD MA- A. W. Steele reported from the and Steele during mid-1960, Maj. Street be- the tour that Paxton first LtCol. 'een 7 and 9 p.m. each Monday RINE were announced early this Informational Services Office at "faced" each other across an served as Strandtman's id Thursday for the three-week week when R. W. Parris Island, S. C. to become assistant to the vast KMCAS Capt. Arense- editorial desk. Steele reported to Special Services network. clod. The first class is Monday. nault, named GySgt. Jack T. assistant editor of the WIND - PI from Cherry Point and was Registration will be held Mon- Paxton to edit the Station weekly WARD MARINE. immediately assigned the assis- LtCol. Strandtmar. had served ty at the local Red Cross office Paxton relieves GySgt. John Assistant editor of the week- tant editor slot of the South as Special Services officer since Bldg. 256, adjacent to EM arriving here from MCAS, Beau- the P. McConnell who departs next ly for the past 16 months, Pax- Carolina weekly. lub. fort, S. C., in December 1959. week for new duties as Editor ton reported from Parris Island In other Informatioral Services Office changes, GySgt. James Mit- of the Marine Corps "Recruit- where he had been editor of chell who recently reported from ing Notes" in Washington, D. C. the "BOOT" from 1951 through MCAS, Beaufort, S.C., has been POISONINGS Another "new" name was add-- 1959. assigned to the Press Section. Swimming Classes THIS WEEK Slated For Wives In an effort Kaneohe Bay Red Cross offi- tr halt the this week announced that increasing number of home cials Poisonings of the annual swimming program children, the for dependent wives would get WINDWARD MARINE re- underway Tuesday, April 18. cently, in cooperation with the Station Dispensary, be- According to the ' announce- an offering a "box score." ment, the registration of all in- in each issue Is! will terested wives will be held in re- Office, located tort the type, number and the Red Cross in Bldg. No. 256 adjacent to the on April 10, 11, This week we report the EM Club, following: 12 and 13 between the hours BOX SCORE of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Poison Number A general meeting of all wives Asnirin who have registered will be held Total 4 at the Enlisted Swimming Pool GySgt. J. T. Paxton GySgt. J. P. McConnell SSgt. A. W. Steele (See Swimming Page 8) c

Page 2 U.S. MARINE CORES AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII April 7, 1961 - - ebaptatif WWWir/ rale Corner By Chaplain P. I. Ota COL. W. R. CAMPBELL . Commanding Officer Easter Sunday has focused our I.T. COL. C. H. MOORE . Executive Officer. attention upon certain fundamen- CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAI'LT lteiormation Services Officer tal doctrines of our religious faith. Eternal life is one of them . . . a GI'SGT. JACK T. PAXTON Editor concept . . . a belief that is cen- -OBS ERVAT IONS ssGT. A. W. STEELE Assistant Editor tral to the meaning of Easter; and By GySgt. Jack T. Paxton WILLIAM of the structure or framework of sur, H. STUCKEY Sports Editor our expression toward life itself. universe A Neat Trick - For those of you who thought the WINDWARD The WINDWARD MARINE is It is the belief that the MARINE published every Friday by and does not throw. away, heedlessly, last week had talked some daring pilot into a precarious for 11w personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy landing on the Officers' Club Parking Lot (Picture Page 1) or thought No. 990, clo the most precious possession it Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif., under the has ... namely, self-consciousness we nad towed a Fury jet up there, sit at ease! Maybe we should haw, supervision of the Informational Services Office. Printed at the indicated in the caption that the picture was superimposed, ie., she: Royal or the creative personality . . . Printers and Publishers, Inc., Kailua, Hawaii, the WIND- the human soul. of jet on runway, shot cf club, cut out and paste up. In any event. WARD MARINE is published we with appropriated funds in con- was who stirred up some comment. Funny thing is, most people weren*- lurmity with paragraph 17107, MCM. It Charles Darwin too surprised-they just The WINDWARD MA- wrote, "It is an intolerable wondered how the plane got there! JUNE receives material from the Station and 1st Marine Brigade man . . is doomed 1--MF, Informational Services thought that A Trade, Maybe? Capt. Leo J Ihli, who apparently has order- Offices and is a mrmber of and to complete annihilation after - receives the services of the Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS) for Kaneohe Bay in July, dropped us a line this week wanting to such a long continued slow know if anyone here was interested in buying a home in the Beaufort. No paid advertising may be accepted. THE WINDWARD MA- process." Also, as Rufus Jones C. C. area. He also is desirious of a home in the Kaneohe area. In case RINE ma; be mailed outside the Air Station. The Information once stated, "Eternal is not to anyone here is interested in helping the captain out, write him a: Section and the WINDWARD MARINE are in Bldg. 220. Tele- be taken in its quantitative "CSC Box 1706, Maxwell AFB, Ala. phones: WINDWARD MARINE 72-104; ISO 72-535-72-120. sense which is to signify end- lessness in time., but rather It The Commuting Cat - SSgt. Jerry Gill, energetic ISO photographer. L9 a life of new dimensions . tells a fanciful tale about a commuting cat. Seems when he was living Subscription Rate $2.50 per year (Circulation-5,000) a life raised to new capacities." in Showboat, a gray tomcat adoptes-, the Gills. When they moved int.. It speaks of the quality of life, Capehart they decided to take or tom along. Shortly thereafter the which is behind any meaning cat turned up missing. Several days later Gill happened by Showboat Editorially Yours that is derived from our work and there was the cat. Gill assumed that torn had found another . or our individual growth. family. Two days later, however, tom turned up at Gill's Capehart But the basis on which eternity quarters. Now, as regular as clockwork, the cat disappears before A 'Kiss Of Death'? stands, is not on our longing, or a lunch and reappears before supper. He lunches at Showboat and re- recognition of futility in life with- turns to Capehart for supper and a place to sleep. Discriminating. We had an idea what would happen! out it; but it is grounded m the wot? On the front page of last week's WINDWARD revelation of God. "And this is MARINE we Midwife Department -- In this modern day of medicine, we were called attention to the fact that off-reservation traffic incidents eternal life, that they know Thee the only true God." Here knowl- surprised to find that GySgt. G. E. Dick, Station Photo Lab, has been -for the first time in many a moon-showed a decrease within edge is not merely a grasping of operating as a "midwife" for his pet toy fox terrier. As shown below, three of his newest pups are able to cavort in tea cups. Dick says they the 14th Naval District. truth . knowledge is a personal were 12 hours old in this photo. The ink on last week's issue was hardly dry before acquaintance with Truth. As Ten- service nyson well expressed it: personnel accepted this as a challenge! "Thou mades man, he knows In both Saturday daily papers. headlines told of a Navy man not why. who burned to death in a crash on Kamehamcha Highway. In He thinks he was not made this accident a Marine passenger was admitted to Tripper in to die; And thou hast made him: thou satisfactory condition. art just." In both Monday papers-less than 24 hours later-the It would be a denial of God, as grim headlines told of another fatal crash, this time on our Father, Savior, and Comfort- Lagoon Drive. Another sailor was killed and two passenger's er, if we His creation were over- come by death, and left to dust. injured. Therefore the belief of eternal Did our article act as a "kiss of death"? Hardly! It pointed life finds its source in a God who up the fact that military drivers had managed to hold down encourages us to enter into a fel- lowship with Him that death can- "incidents" on the highways to a figure that was halfway re- not destroy. It is a relationship spectable. which can be a reality . . . one We're hoping that this article will startle some military that will shape our present thoughts and behavior. of their lethargy! drivers out St. Paul never said, this is my concept of belief .. , for the con- fusion of the world is so great Molasses In January anu the mystery of life so deep, For all intents and purposes, the 1961 American Red Cross that sometimes he did not know what he believed. But what St. fund raising campaign ended yesterday. Paul expressed went deeper when ...1.4 I.-4s At this writing, money was trickling in about as fast as mo- he said, "I know Him whom I believed." "TOYS IN A TEACUP"-With mother Tina Marie eyeing things lasses on a cold Maine morning in January! If, by some chance, speculatively, GySgt. George Dick captured this shot when his three you missed your keyman or your unit coordinator, and still wish new toy fox terriers were 12 hours old. From left are Jasmine (three- to contribute, contact Mr. Douglas Cary, local ARC Field Di- and-one-half ounce female); Kona (four -ounce male) and Bashful (three. rector. His office is in the same building that houses Station ENLISTED ounce female). The new arrivals made their KMCAS debut on Marcr Special Services, adjacent to the Enlisted Club. 30. WIVES Your Navy Relief - Wonder what our Navy Relief accomplished CROSSWORD PUZZLE during the month of March? Wonder no longer, as the local branch By Rose Marie Hayes worth $100; granted ACROSS granted 13 loans totalling $433.93; three gratuities service to 24 persons, and issued layette certificates to seven fami- 1-Rants 1 i April showers may bring May 5- i I I i ItIC:MI illaili 1 their office in Bldg. 256 is open weekdays from Aromas IN 1 flowers, but they also brought a lies. Don't forget, 11-A slats to 11:30 a.m. A good outfit! 13 -Beast 1/ MI I M I ii i t I 1 I I II 1I I I I II II 8:30 II-Near II mad change in "the word" on I3- Wreathe 1111.1111iiiiiiin Sunday's Easter Picnic. However, In Case You Were Wondering - Charles E. Caniff, a former Me 17-Exist Riga I all's well that end's well and a who suffered paralyzing injuries in a 1945 plane fighter pilot is- I wink Slowly rine 20- Each Ifinkiiliiii Iti iiiiiiiiiill good time was had by all. crash, has been chosen the Handicapped American Of 1960 by the 21- Nlan's Employment of the Physically Handicapped id, imams iliniiiiiiiiiii. MUM, Spring must also bring out President's Committee on 22-(:1111.1We in all of us, Seems the Leatherneck combat vet has learned to care for himself. bird the athlete what he :4-The self with all the baseball players, learned to drive a car and walk with braces and crutches. Later 75- Sim lane the Indiana Rehabilitation Center at Evansville and guided 26-Uproar bowlers, golfers, and volley ball started 25-Traps 1 players in our midst. And, its growth to an institution serving more than one million persons 30-Ilk evenly speaking 'if baseball, in three states. We offer our tip o' the hat! ' body the PU- 3!- Levantine PUS., made up of women whose ketch ifinit§:iiiiiiiiiia/Mil 33.Expert husbands are in the Marine 35-A continent Corps, regardless of rank, needs 37- Merchandise IMUMMIllillina II 39-1Inwalian more players. SERVICE NOTES hawks ifinfiiiiiiniiii:Kii CIVIL 40-Lampreys A plea has been made by Mrs. EMPLOYMENT num, Public Works Center, Guar- 42-One, no Rhodes, manager, to try and get Bay, Cuba. matter if IIIIMEMINAINIii11111 OPPORTUNITIES tanamo On-station which more and more girls out to prac- The Overseas Employment Of- furnished bachelor or family 43-Spry 11111111111111M :::::::4iii10111111111 tice, as the first ga:ne is coming quarters are immediately avail- I5-Pose for lice (Atlantic) has requested the portrait roe corrat tea m Thar: by United Fasters Ityaakate. up sooner than we think. All you assistance of the 14th Naval Dis- able. 41-Pronoun need bring is yourself, the equip- applicants for ap- 47-Clty In trict in recruiting Those interested should file Kentucky 6- Painful 21 -Kind 37-Blouse ment is furnished and your chil- two overseas positions: plications at the Board of U. S. 49-Rii er 6-Solitary 23-Loop :'9-ThIck slice dren may come and romp with Civil Service Examiners, Nirnit: ItslY ,7-Expire 41-Facing Supervisory Construction En- 0-31o. es 25-Get up the rest of the players' children Gate. Pearl Harbor. S -Hindu :7-Small child toward gineer (General), Male, GS-12, furtively . there at the ballpark. 32- Constellation ejaculation 19-Federal direction 98,955 per annum, U S. Naval BLOOD BANK 1 54- Trials 9-Hydrophobia agency from which Practice goes on Mondays Station, Argentia, Newfoundland. RESERVE BOOSTED ll 63 10-Winter glut ler -Sows from 1 to 3 ?.m. and on Wednes- I. DOWN vehicles 31-Whinnies 11111,111g.:11 On-station, furnished bachelor The recent visit to the Stan, l! -T'art of 4:1-Inquires days and Saturdays from 9 to available Blood 1-Cook In oven church '3 -N. Y. 44-Mnit's name quarters immediately of the Mobile Unit of the 2-Showier Yankees 17 Emmet 11 a.m. at the Little League with family quarters expected ap- Bank of Hawaii gave employees 3-Rrothee of 13-Dress out newer protectors 44- Female deer Park right off Lawrence Road. proximately August 1981. the convenient opportunity to give Odin 16Wootien pips 14-Muddy ti -Exists ft 4-Urge on IS-First 36-Wing-floted r,`- symbol for Do come out tomorrow and give Supervisory Mechanical Engi- a pint of blood to the Civilian Em- tellurium it a try won't you? tti neer, Male, GS-12. $8,955 per an- ployees Blood Bank Reserve Sr .r April 7, 1961 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KA.NEONE BAY, HAWAII Page 3 Promotion Exams Forecast For Some Marine Officers Some Marine Corps officers felt that the Corps is entitled to to maltp Corps-wide awards of will have to take promotion exams the benefit of a Leatherneck's this type. The Corps would con- in the future, Gen. David M. service for this period in the tinue its present system of award- Shoup, Commandant told the higher responsibility grades. inR monthly pennants to its best NAVY TIMES last week. There are no plans, however, to messes at large commands. extend the obligated service re- The article also indicated that quirement to pay grades. men being considered for E-R other and 1E-9 will have to keep In the field of "personal let- agreeing to serve three years ters," Gen. Shoup indicated that before being promoted, but he was pleased to the response to there are no plans to extend this his "write me a personal letter" requirement to other Pair invitation, extended in his New grades. Year's message. In a special interview with the As to a pcesible "rifle, goes." Washington publication, Gen. the Commandant said that there Shoup said written exams of of- is none between today's Ma- ficers "in some subjects and for rines and comparable forces of some ranks" would become part other nations, lie compared the of promotion procedures as soon evolution of the rifle to that of golf clubs that, in both PAR EXCELLENCE as it could be smoothly worked saying - Dai Mon Ng, left, heavy trailer truck driver said, cases, the resulting implement with the MCAS into the routine. This, he Public Works Department, receives congratulations, would probably be during the is still no better than the man lapel pin and safety certificate for 15 year's accident and citation- fiscal year starting in July, 1962. who is using It. "Effectiveness free vehicle operation from LCdr. T. C. Williams, Public Works No subjects or ranks were identi- depends on who Is swinging the Officer, on March 31. In background is Capt. J. A. Stevens, station fied. club." he said. transportation officer. The Commandant also still Asked whether there was a possibility of starting something similar to the Navy's Ney awards Messhall's for outstanding messes, the gen- Menu eral said that he believed it would FIRST - Pfc. K. R. McFee, 3/12, not be "administratively feasible" graduated first in his class from Will Be Regular the Brigade's Motor Vehicle Op- erator's School March 13. Weekly Feature PTA Groups Set World situation to the contrary, one of the major topics of any ENLISTED "healthy" Marine's day is chow. Mokapu-Kailua To this end, and, to end ceaseless speculation as to what our cul- CLUB inary experts may or may not Monday Meetings TOrIGHT have concocted each day, the to Officials of both Mokapu Club hours are from 4 p.m. WINDWARD MARINE this week and 12:30 a.m. A two hour session of kicks-off a weekly menu. Kailua Intermediate Schools this week announced "happy hour" begins at 6 p.m. Space limitations preclude meeting plans for Monday, April 10. SATURDAY liettng the various "garnishes" Week-enders may enter the At Mokapu, a 7 p.m. meeting that accompany the main portaLs of the club at 11:30 a,m. course. Only the noon and eve- will kick-off in the School's cafe- torium with an election Some 13 hours later (the follow- ning meals can be listed for of offi- ing ayemt the club secures. Sat- each day. cers for the coming year the main topic on the agenda. urday night patrons may dance The following is the menu for or tap toes to the western beat today through next Thursday PTA officials emphasized the to the Rythm Rangers. SPECIAL RECOGNITION Briglen. R. G. Weede, (April 13) evening: - Brigade CG, fact that between 7 and 7:30 p.m., SUNDAY NOON EVENING presents a "Certificate of Appreciation" on March 30 to MSgt. all teachers would be present to Club hours are from noon to set up conference times with par- TODAY Leon Johnson, Jr., Career Advisory NCO of MAG-13. MSgt. John- 11 P.m. Dining room remains Seafood Platter Beef Stew ents. closed for renovation, Gaily is SATURDAY son was lauded for his "exceptional effort and devotion in contribut- Following the election of offi- open for short orders during club Beef Chop Suey Salisbury Steak ing to a successful Marine Corps Career Advisory Program." The cers, an informal discussion of hours throughout the week. Ham- SUNDAY award will be made quarterly to the Brigade NCO who contributes the progress of the report card burgers, French Fries, Pizzas and Steaks & Eggs Pork Chops workshop will be made. other culinary treats are available, ONDAY the most to the local program. (Photo by SSgt. G. L At Kathie Intermediate School, MONDAY Steamed Franks Roast Beef Club hours are from 4 to 11 TUESDAY federal and state legislation will be prime topics for the evening P.m. Corned Beef Roast Turkey TUESDAY beginning at 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Special Awards Outlined Club hours are from 4 to 11 'Ptarkey Ala King Veal Cutlets According to Mrs. Gretchen P.m. In your off-duty hours relax THURSDAY Butler, a full explanation of cur- at your Club and watch the best Spare Ribs Ham Steak For Top 'Advisory' NCOs rent Federal legislation will be on TV, offered by Mrs. Sue-Mar Dawson. WEDNESDAY who, by :sized by a certificate of appreci- The Marine Corps of today was Dedicated Marines Mr. J. C. Marr will present facts Club hours are from 4 to 11 established ation. on current State legilation vitally by Act of Congress on their actions demonstrate the most The Career Advisory Certifi- July 11, 1788, as a separate affecting the progress of local THURSDAY serv- in the Career Ad- cate. of Appreciation awards, ee effectiveness schools. Club hours are from 4 to 11 the Naval Establish- presented by the Commandant 'tent. visory Program, are to be retog- Mrs. Butler stated that a ques- P.m. Don't forget, "The Untouch- of the Marine Corps. will be ables" are on TV at 8:30 presented semi-annually, by tion and answer period would fol- Pen. commanding generals through- low each presentation. (Hawaiian time). out the Coupe S Selection of the local outstand- ing NCO will be made by a board convened by the Commanding ,6v,6iv3 General of the 1st Marine Brigade. Board members will consist of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1, Brigade Adjutant and the Bri- 67i074;d5Ksr gade Reenlistment Officer. Recommendations will be NEW HIGH SCHOOL FOR QUANTICO SCHOLARS eubn,itted by Regiment, Group, MCS, QUANTICO, Va, -A new million dollar Quantico High Battalions and Squadrons on so'.001 will be completed by January, 1961, The school, when com- the second days of January and pleted will accommodate 60(1 students using the latest equipment in July of each calendar year. 14 classrooms. A 37 acre site has been ailoted for the school and Local recipients of the award recreational grounds. will receive an appropriate entry CHERRY POINT PILOT CRASH VICTIM on page 11 of their service records. MeAS, CHERRY POINT, N. C. - Captain Vincent A. Ustach was Killed March 20 when his F8U Crusader crashed into a marshy area near Beaufort. S. C. A member of Cherr" Point's VMCJ-2, he was on Tithes 'ern :eracy duty with VMF-235 at the time of the accident. Captain 13?hytnet* of the 1:;stach entered the afarine Corps in October 1952, and joined VNICJ-2 in December 1960, ITS FIRST HAWK MISSILES LAUNCHED AT 29 PALMS ,SORPRME SAFE DRIVERS Lt. Col. R, V. Fridrich, left, Brigade Safety Officer, MCB, - 29 PALMS, Calif. - Marines of the 1st Light Antiaircraft tXPERIENCE presents Oahu Fleet Safety Awards to Pfc's L. Nunn, H-2-4 (center) Kissile Battalion sucvmsfially fired eight HAWK missiles for the fialCS COOLS, and Recon Co's C. L. Thomas (right( on March IS at Brigade fast time in exercises held March 22. The HAWK, an anti-rnissile- But F4CLPS H. Winners are designated by the Hawaii's Highway Safety Director taissile, is a graceful 17 foot lethal bird of prey that seeks out, tracks, THE iA1l5E eas (Photo and destroys attacking aircraft or missiles flying at tree-top level or mato on the basis of one year's accident and citation-free driving. 41 to an altitude of 38,000 feet. by SS's. G. L 7, 1961 Page 4 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII April PMO's 'Patrol 3' A Monotonous Must A military policeman's job is usual to happen. His duties in- get out of eye-sight, but it hap- perhaps more-so since thek perhaps the least envied aboard a clude: picking up stray dogs, pens, and we stand ready with 1%nde'!_.cde.Poanrtuofdeparture to ask for military reservation. children out of the personsrsons keeping small immediate assistance when it ilnd for speeders, the using areas at night. His hours are long, his ac- streets, watching does." complIshnwnts go thankless and assisting parents when their chil- his duties are often tedious and dren are lost, and last, but not He continued, "We pride our- repetitious. least, he questions all suspicious selves in the fact, that It has If a popularity poll were taken, persons in the housing area. generally taken us no longer `Nuisance Calls' his job would probably be at the Before assuming full respon- than four-minutes to respond It has come to the attentiv. bottom of the list. sibility of the housing patrol to all incoming calls for as- of the Provost Marshal's office And the MP's of K-Bay's run, an MP averages more than sistance. This performance has that many of the dependents "Patrol-3" are no exception. a month of orientation and been possible due to the (set living aboard the Air Station are From Rainbow Village to Cape- training. he usually spends "Patrol-3" is kept within the nuisance telephone calls. And quarters area at all times and receiving hart - and back again. The trip almost two-weeks as a rider It is suggested by Maj. Er- via the side-streets is approxi- man be- in radio contact with the MP with an experienced desk." nest R. Reid, Jr., MCAS Pro- mately 10 miles. During an eight- fore he's on his own. vost Marshall. that if you should hour shift "One thing we've been doing, the MP covers 80 miles. According to Maj, Ernest R. receive a phone call and the 4 Combining the three shifts in a Reid, Jr., MCAS Provost Marshal, person on the other end of the GETTING A CALL Sgt. Ro- 24-hour watch, they total 240 line doesn't immediately identi- - "One of the primary problems of Roche, Sergeant of the miles. this particular patrol is that some fy himself, the best policy is bert J. With an average speed of 15- of the residents are ht.sitant to Test By to hang up. Guard, receives all calls pertaining miles SGT. J. per hour - this is a long- call for assistance, especially V. DeBERNARDO All nuisance calls should be to the housing area and relays way to go. whose to mothers' children have reported the Provost Marshal's messages via radio to patrolling During his travels in and out wandered off. I realize that one Photos By .. office so that a check may be of the housing area, the MP is doesn't like to admit that one of SSGT. GERALD GILL made. Phone in your reports on MP truck. constantly watching for the un- their children has been able to ext. 72106 or 73107.

INVESTIGATES A REPORT - Cpl. W. D. Hick le writes down in- NAUGHTY NAUGHTY - LCpI. Harold P. Zimmerman points a warning finger to three dependent formation given to him by woman reporting a stray dog. children who were playing in the street.

GOOD WILL AMBASSADORS - Two Rainbow Village dependent children make offering of their left-over Easter candy to "Patrol-3" CHECKING IN - "Patrol-3" sentry, LCpl. Harold P. Zimmerman, calls in his location to the dell Sentry Pfc. Edward L. Newcomb. This frier.dly relationship depicts sergeant, while GySgt. Jose S. Perez, Provost Sergeant, checks his post. Periodic checks are made to the amicable atmosphere es4ting be4..roan the children and putre l ling sentries. .0 if any unusual situations have arisen since MP was posted. 1961 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Page 5 Hawaii Marines Register Three Wins Featuring power-plus at the ol.te- the Hawaii Marines this copped three big wins to Bowling Alley btit.:-.; their exhibition record to -1 and now will put the finish- Closed touches to a few gapping Station Special Services of- before the seasons opener ficials have announced that the Monday afternoon. MCAS Bowling Alley will be closed from Monday through SubPac, 8-5, at Defeating Mil- 12 noon Saturday of next week, :wan Field Friday night the locals April 10-15. :ooked good, on Monday evening Hickam Field the Leather- Purpose of the shut down at battled at ease in downing the "Keglers' Paradise' has Flyers, 16-6, and Tuesday been attributed to a complete .-.2t-noon at Rise ley sanding and resurfacing 10b, Field the be in operation dur- :,!.irines settled down for a, 9-31 which will triumph over Pearl Harbor. ing the week. On Monday afternoon the Hawaii Marines, coached by Denny Roth and assisted by Jerry Plunkett, will open their Sports 190l Hawaii Major Baseball League campaign entertaining Calendar the SubPac Raiders at Rise ley Field. Game time has been set MONDAY (April 101 for 2 p.m. Baseball - SubPac Raiders vs. text Wednesday night the Ma- Hawaii Marines, 2 p.m., Riseley will travel to Hickam AFB Field, MCAS, Kaneohe Bay. This meet the Flyers in their second is the first Hawaii Major Baseball 1. ague encounter at 7:30 p.m. League game of the season for the Marines. MARINES, 8, SUBPAC, 5 Using the long ball to advantage WEDNESDAY (April 12) : Hawaii Marines last Friday Baseball - Hawaii Marines vs. ht downed the submariners, Hickam Flyers 7:30 p.m., Hickam in a 10-inning affair that Field, Hickam Air Force Base, by far the seasons best effort Hawaii. - the locals. SubPac took an early, 3-0, lead AT THE HELM-Jerry Plunkett and Denny Roth, Assistant Manager and Manager, respectively, of the oy scoring a pair in the sixth and 1961 Hawaii Marine Baseball team discuss pre-game tactics prior to a recent contest. Opening Ha- WAHINE BOWLERS a lone tally in the seventh on waii Major League tilt will be Monday afternoon at Riseley Field, 2 p.m., SubPac vs. Marines. three doubles. STANDINGS Fighting back the Leathernecks bases empty. finding the plate and issued free for run in the eight with Bill Team W L counted with two runs in the In the 10th inning the Marines passes to three SubPackers. Green on second. Dean Van Lines .. ., 39 13 eighth when Bill Garret, drove tallied five times on only three MARINES, 16, HICKAM, 6 Jim Williams went the dis- King Van Lines 33 19 home Jerry Henry and Jim Wil- hits assisted by two walks, a Hitting safely an even dozen tance for the locals giving up Windward Electronics 27 25 liams with his double to left- hit-batsman and an error. times, including a pair of triples eight well-placed bits. Clock & Trophy 26 28 ,enter. Trying to come from behind the and a four-base blast, the hard- Pali Palms 231/2 281/2 Dick Lash with three hits and Van Pac Carriers 221/2 291/2 Catcher Bob Lane knotted Raiders scored twice in their half hitting Hawaii Marines slugged John Davis totaling a pair, in- the score the next frame when of the 10th when the Leather- their way to a, 16-6, slaughter MCAS Beauty Salon 19 33 cluding a triple, were the big Billie Beal 18 34 he clouted a home run wi.h the necks pitching had difficulty over the Hickam Flyers on Mon- guns at the plate for the Marines. day evening at Hickam AFB. In the first frame the Leather- necks jumped out to a, 2-0, lead when lead-off hitter, Jerry Henry, singled to short left field and walks were given to Bill Childress, and Bill Garrett, to fill the sacks. Bob Lane's soft fly just be- yond the second-basemans reach sent Henry and Childress home. Tom Mazzolini, throwing a neat four-hitter up to the seventh col- lapsed giving up five runs on five solid base hits and one hit-bats- man. Bob Lane and Bill Childress each collected three hits to lead the Marines at the plate. Lane included one triple. Bob Loughlin smashed a 365 font drive over the right-center wall in the sixth with no one on. MARINES 9, PEARL HARBOR 3 Down a single run going into the bottom of the eighth the Ha- waii Marines Tuesday afternoon rallied for seven runs on eight hits to defeat the Pearl Harbor Admirals, 9-3, at Riseley Field. Left-fielder, Dick Lash, con- nected for the second of his three hits of the afternoon to start the barace. Third-baseman, John Davis, smaShed a triple to right-center and Bill Childress and Hy Rush- ing banged a two-bagger to help the cause in the eigth. Pearl Harbor took an early, 2-0, lead in the fifth when Willie Williamson, doubled and Bob Aguilar walked. Earne Cervantes doubled both men home. The Leathernecks tied the ceont in the sixth with a pair of POWER HITTER-Dick Lash is currently holding down the left-field markers. MARINE CATCHER-Bob Lane, a standout intramural baseballer slot for the Leatherneck nine and is blasting more than his sharo of Ken Atterberry, Admirals third- last year, has graduated to the varsity nine this year and is providing extra base knocks at the plate. sacker, singled in the third visi- plenty of power with his big bat. April 7, 1961 Page 6 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Judo Squad Cops HASAC Team Trophy At Tripler Winning three first and one 50th State. Heavyweight, MAG-13, Sgt. J. L second place awards the Hawaii Following the matches a beau- Jones, coach, 1st place Heavy. Marines took the team title Satur_ tiful 30-inch Icon block with en- weight, MAG-13, Sgt, P. E. day evening during competition graved nameplates fronted by a Charles, 180 lbs., MAG-13, LCpl for the HASAC sponsored Inter- gold judo figure was presented D. E. Sellek, 1st place 180 lbs, Service Judo title for Hawaii. to the Leatherneck squad. MAG-13, Pfc. T. Keenan, 1st place The permanent HASAC trophy 160 lbs., Pfc. J. Russel, Participating in the Hawaiian to Lt. Gen. will be presented Alan 160 lbs., Marine Barracks, Pearl Armed Services Athletic Council's Shapley, CG, FMFPAC and will Judo event-were eight man teams be retained at Camp Smith. Harbor, Sgt. G. Taylor, 2nd place from the Army, Navy, Air Force Members of the Marine squad 140 lbs., Camp Smith and LCpl. and Marine Corps stationed in the included: Lt. J. E. Sallis, 01C, L. Beebe, 140 lbs., MAG-13.

RECON COPS CROSS COUNTRY - Col. J. W. Antonelli, CO, 4th Marines, presents the Cross Country plaque and trophy to Capt. Harry H. Holmberg, CO Recon Co., who accepted the award on behalf of LCp!. Gary ivInClure of Recon Co. Marines Host Rifle Matches The Marine Corps will again matches and in international play host to the inter-service rifle competitions. 1_1 championships this year. They Military men are known to have will be held at Quantico from Aug. been disappointed by the showing 8-H, 1961. Meanwhile, it was an- of U. S. marksmen in the 1960 nounced that interscrvice small Olympics when only Capt. William arms comtetitions will be under- W. McMillan and Sgt. James E. taken this year. Hill, both Marines, turned in win- Up till now the closest thing to ning performances. The new interservice small-arms competi- shooting program is expected to tion has been the annual National prepare U. S. servicemen better Rifle and Pistol Matches at for such events. Camp Perry, Ohio, in which serv- ice teams and individuals, as well as civilians, participated. The interservice rifle contest 15 Kilometer Run was held for the first time during 1960 at Quantico with an Army Slated For May team winning. The 1961 rifle championships at Quantico will be a greatly K-BAY SWIMMING Sherri expanded event. By Hawaii AAU CHAMP - Mikolajczak, 12 year old Marine dependent daughter, is The scheduling of full inter- The Hawaiian AAU Long Dis- shown getting more expert instruction from Dave Solomon, coach of the K-Bay Junior Swimming service competition in both rifle tance Running Committee an- Club. Sherri placed in the 50 yd. Breaststroke event at the annual State Age-Group Indoor Swim- and pistol will not stop military nounced this week the National ming Championships held last weekend at Punahou and sponsored by the Na Mamaka Poo Officials teams and individuals from Junior 15 Kilometer Champion- Her time was 41.3 for the distance and was only her second appearance in classified swimming com- oompeting at Capin Perry. In ships to be held May 28, sanc- petition. fact, the extra competition is tioned by the Hawaiian Ass'n of expected to improve the quality the AAU of the U. S. of service teams In the National National AAU medals, gold, Athletic Equipment silver, and bronze, will be award- ed to the first, second, and third May Be Checked Out MARINE CORPS man to finish. Several types of athletic gear RELAYS AAU medals will be awarded to are available to personnel at the HELD the first team to finish. Brigade Special Services Office NEXT WEEKEND In addition, the Hawaiian Long which may be checked out by the Distance Running Committee will individual for varying lengths of The annual Marine Corps present special prizes to the first time. Schools Relays will be held at 15 men to finish, consisting of At the present the following Quantico, Va., April 14-15 in con- trophies, trierchandLse and medals. gear is available: junction with the All-Marine Entries close at midnight, Sat- 1. Picnic Coolers. Track Meet which will begin on urday, May 27. 2. Fishing Rods & Reels. the 13th. Entry address: Roger S. Togu- Capt. Oliver W. van den Berg, chi, 825 N. Vineyard St., Hono- 3. Tackle Boxes. meet director, has set an AAU lulu 17, Hawaii. 4. Shotguns. qualification regulation on all Ma- Start of the race will be exactly 5. Rifles, 306 & 22 Cal. rine entrants, meaning that this at 9:30 a.m. and will not be de- 6. Surfboards. year's meet will have the top Ma- layed for any competitor. rine as well as top college and All competitors must report for Weapons may be checked out university participants. physical examination, not later for a three-day period. All other Over 40 colleges, universities, than 8:30 a.m., before leaving for items are for a five-day issue. sports clubs and service teams the starting line where they will Other types of gear desired by HANDBALL DOUBLES CHAMPS - Last FriJay, Lt. John Belay have accepted invitations to the be checked, Any runner not individuals can be supplied by USN, and Lt. William Lee were presented their doubles Handbai, meet. (AFPS) checked will be disqualified. contacting their unit Special Serv- trophies by Col. J. W. Antonelli, CO, 4th Marines in ceremonie. ices. held at K-Bay. Brigade Special Services is lo- cated in Bldg. 258. Checkout storeroom phone 73108.

MARINE EXCHANGE NOW SELLING GOLF EQUIPMENT K-Bay Golfers will be inter- ested to learn that the Marine Ex- change is now :telling a complete line of Golf equipment and Sports Wear at the Pro Shop here at the Kaneohe Klipper Course. All items will be sold at the regular Marine Exchange prices. Exchange officials have an- nounced that Monday-F riday hours of operation will be 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. while on weekends doors will open at 7 a.m, and close at 4 p.m. CO-BASKETBALL TITLISTS - Col. J. W. Antonelli, left, CO, 4th Included in the items for sale Marines, congratulates LtCol. R. C. Kuhn, CO, 2/4, and LtCol. R. D. are: Golf Clubs, Bags, Carts, Balls, SHOOTING GlANTS - Col. J. W. Antonelli, CO, 4th Marines, Opp Jr., CO, 3/12, on a winning effort. Both basketball teams fin- Gloves, Shirts for Men and Wom- extends his congratulations to Lt. E. W. Butchart, 1/4 Rifle and ished in a dead heat for first place in the Intramural season just con- en, Shorts for Men and Women, Pistol Coach and LtCol. P. H. McArdle, CO, 1/4, on their victories cluded. Looking on is it. Don Griepenfrog, 2/4 coach of the year Shoes and Hats. in both events this past quarter. April 7, 1961 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Page 7 Polynesian Show Scheduk0Kayed To Be Repeated By CCH Players Kilauea Quota Set Kaneohe Bay personnel who failed to see the Church College of Hawaii's "Polynesian Pano- For Island Marines rama" recently, this week were offered a second chance accord- Information and the method of (Aug. 1); *Sept. 9-12 (Aug. 19); ing to a publicity release from making application for use of the Sept. 19-26" (Auk. 29); Oct. 3- ,.tat organization. Kilauea Military Camp on the Is- 10 (Sept. 12); Oct. 17-24 (Sept. On April 14-15 students of land of Hawaii is contained in 26); Oct. 31-Nov. 6 (Oct. 10); the college will stage repeat i'MFPac Order 1700.3B published Nov. 14-21 (Oct. 24); Nov. 28- performances at the Kaiser early this month. Dec. 5' (Nov. 7); Dec. 12-19 Dome at 8 p.m. Tickets are be-. Personnel of the 1st Marine (Nov. 21); Dec. 28-Jan. 4 (Dec. ing sold for 52.50 reserved and Brigade and the MCAS are in- 7); Jan. 11"-18* (Dec. 21). No St general admission. Special cluded in the quota assigned to LST service on specific date in- discounts of 50 cents per ticket the CG, FMFrac. dicated by asterisk'. The dates will be given to servicemen and Bonafide houseguests may ac- listed are arrival and departure their families. company their host to KMC, how- dates at KMC. LST departs the preceding day. All proceeds of the play go into ever, they must utilize colrunercial Pearl Harbor a scholarship fund for Polynesian travel and join their host at Each request for reservations GV- I HERCULES-AMERICA'S FIRST JET-PROP AERIAL at the Church College. TANKER I KMC. Guests may not visit KMC must be made for a definite pe- students Begins Fleet The Polynesian Panorama is a Service With 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing unless accompanied by the spon- riod and not for a "first available program of traditional songs, sor (husband or wife). Personnel date." A request that is received dances, and games presented by .4 nother First and their dependents may travel after the deadline date will be students at the Church College. via LST. The latter will do so at placed in a standby status or will Thalc stlyients include those from their own risk. be placed on the alternate list if Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, RESTRICTIONS. Women in indicated on request form. If ap- Fiji and New Zealand. New t vi proval is not received for periods Tickets may be obtained by Aerial Tanker, UV- orthe later;sixth monthinfants under six requested, a new request, if de- writing "Tickets, Church College months of age; and people un- sired, must be submitted for a of Hawaii, Laie," or by phoning Joins 3rd Aircraft Wing able to care for themselves will subsequent trip. 292115. not be transported or accom- Tour rates at KMC are ex- America's first prop-jet pro- the Golden (fiftieth) Anniver- modated at KMC. Women un- tremely reasonable. Rates, plus Among the first troops to land pelled aerial tanker, the U. S. sary of Naval Aviation. der the sixth month of preg- Information on messi nt and in Japan when Commodore M. C. Navy's new GV-I HERCULES, nancy will be accommodated berthing, uniform, priorities and Perry arrived at Yedo (Tokyo) joined the U. S. Marines' third air_ The unique two-in-one tanker- only on written approval of a related information are all con- Ray were 100 United States Ma- craft wing st the Marine Corps transport is an advanced develop- physician. (Pets of any kind tained in FMFPac General Order rines. On March 6. 1854, Pvt. Rob- Air. Station. El Toro, Calif., in ment of the Lockheed C-130B are not permitted on board the 1700.3B. ert Williams, who died aboard the March. HERCULES. Its integral wing LST or at KMC). USS MISSISSIPPI. became the Two of the giant four-engine tanks carry 6,960 gallons of fuel. Quotas for KMC, I,ST and mili- first Marine to be buried in Japa- planes flew across the nation A removable tank in the fuselage tary air travel is based on one- nese soil at Yokohama. March 15 from the Lockheed holds 3,600 gallons, giving the third for officers and two-thirds plant at Marietta, Ga.. as the for enlisted personnel. GV-I begins fleet service with GV-I a capacity of 10,560 gallons. Applications. Requests for Answer to Puzzle the Fleet Marine Force, Paeific. Two jet attack aircraft can be re- KMC reservation (Form 14ND The 67-ton turbo-prop gives fueled in mid-air at the same GEN 463) may be submitted at the "Flying Leathernecks" two time. any time to reach the Force Spe- firsts in U. S. aviation history. Be_ cial Services Officer. FMFPae sides being the first turbo-prop The Marine Hercules is the (Phone 39-845) not later than the tanker, the plane is the first mid- world's largest and longest range deadlines indicated in the next air refueler that can be converted assault transport. With maximum paragraph. KMC Reservation Periods. The in several hours to an assault fuel, it can airlift a 19,000-pound transport. This following is a schedule for visits remarkable versa- payload non-stop 3,900 miles. tility gives the Marines an air- to KMC with the deadline for ap- plane to match the great variety Ninety-two Marines can be car- plications in parenthesis: of tasks they are called upon to ried with the fuselage tank le- May 2-9 (April 11); May 18- do in peace and war. moved. Assault landings can be 23 (April 25); May 315-June 6 (May 9); 'June 13-20 (May SGT. T. L. KESSENICH - Hq- The GV-I is made in only 1400 feet-less than also the first new 23); June 27-July 4 (June 6); Co., 4th Marines radio operator, type plane to 15 join Naval-Marine times the length of the HER- July 11-18 (June 20); July 25- received his second Good Con- forces as the services celebrate CULES. Aug. 1 (July 18); Aug. 22-29 duct Award on March 10. Is Your Home Safe From Fire? 1. Have your parents Annual Inspection explained to you ALL of the ways by which the floor in an open place? 20. Do your parents carefully instruct you could escape from ANY room, day or night, if fire should break any baby-sitter on what to do in emergencies? 21. Do you know what Is Planned Here out and you should smell smoke? 2. Is the phone number of the Fire to do if the clothing of a playmate catches on fire? 22. Is all soiled Station fire prevention officiaLs Department posted prominently near your telephone?4 3. Do you apparel sent out to a dry cleaner or is cleaning done at home by this week reminded Kaneohe Bay know where the nearest city fire alarm box is and can you operate mother using ONLY non-flammable types of cleaning fuids?i 23. Are quarters residents that the annual it? 4. Are all the electric fuses (except the main fuses) smaller than your Christmas tree lights in good condition-is there an Under- fire inspection of on-Station 30-amperes in size? 8. Are all electric cords to lamps and appliances writers' tag or label on them? 24. When party or holiday decorations homes would begin next Tuesday in good condition, unfrayed, with unbroken connectors on the end are used in your home, are they flame-proofed before they are hung (.ay, April 11. that plugs into the wall outlet? 6. Are all electric light bulbs so up? 25. If the lot next door is vacant, have all weeds and rubbish According to Capt. D. W. arranged or guarded that they can never touch any material and been removed? 28. Does your home have a complete iirst aid kit? Arnold, Assistant Fire Preven- 'et it on fire? 7. Is your TV set always kept a few inches away from Can you use it?, 27. Are all medicines and household chemicals stored tion Officer, the inspection of m.ny furniture or draperies so the heat coming out from it will not so children cannot get their hands on them? 28. Do you or your par- rtuarters will be made by offi- set them on fire?. 8. Do all ashtrays hold cigarettes firm enough so ents know how to perform artificial resuscitation or mouth-to-mouth vials of the 14th Naval District they cannot fall onto the rug while unattended? 9. Is smoking in bed breathing? 29. Is the phone number of your family doctor posted Fire Inspector's office. Cr while lying down elsewhere not allowed at home? 10. If your near your telephone? 30. Are all guns and ammunition securely locked In a special fire prevention ap- home has a fireplace, does it always have a closed spark screen in up so no one can get them out and play with them? uaal to children, the 14th Naval front of it when the fireplace is used? 11. Does your home have a District inspectors came up with door between the basement and first floor and it is always closed 31. Is it impossible for anyone using the bathtub to reach out and color-crossword-type of check- at night? 12. Does you home have any fire extinguishers and are touch any electric outlet, switch, light or radio that might give them off sheet. In the adjoining col- they fully charged. ready for use at any time?' 13. Are all heated a shock?' 32. Does mother always turn cooking utensil handles inward devices umns, 45 questions are asked of such as the furnace, water-heater, etc., connected to a so they cannot be reached by little children? 33. Does mother always children. chimney by a well supported substantial metal smokepipe? 14. Has use a non-stip floor wax for polishing floors? 34. Are all ladders in If any of the questions can be someone inspected your furnace and chimney for cracks, leaks, or answered "yes," the child is to clogging within the last year? good condition and are they used instead of standing on a chair to .olor the square 'o-ed" that has 15. Are the walls, floor and ceiling protected where they are fairly reach things? 35. Are all window screens securely fastened so no the number of the question in it. close to a heating stove, furnace, kitchen stove or smokepipe? 16. Is child can fall out of the window if one gives way? 38. Are all stair- If any question does not apply to the attic and basement storage neatly arranged or packaged and is ways well-lighted, with stair treads in good repair, and do they have your home, color its numbered all the household trash removed every week? 17. Is all gasoline or handrails?' 37. When you are done playing, do you always put your square anyway. Upon completion the the "no colored" squares will kerosene kept outside home and is it in strong, metal cans with toys away so no one can trip over them and get hurt? 38. Do all stand out and show which fire or every opening always kept tightly closed?' 18. If paints are stored in small throw rugs in your home have non-slip material fastened or accident hazards in your home the basement or garage, are these containers always kept tightly applied to their undersides? 39. Does mother throw away all flimsy need correction. closed? 19. Does mother keep her mop in a metal can or hung up off plastic cleaner's garment bags so children can never play with them? 40. Are all garden tools in the garage stored so that children cannot nump into their sharp edges? 41. Are all dad's power tools so stored that children cannot operate them or cut themselves on them?' 42. there are any abandoned wells near your home that are not safely covered or any abandoned refrigerators with their doors and latches still on them-have your parents told the police about them? 43. If trash is burned outdoors, does some adult stay at the fire until it is entirely out so children cannot play around it or its hot ashes? 44. Are old newspapers and magazines kept in cartons or tied into bun- dles and are they disposed of regularly? 45. Does your bicycle have a mmm bell, electric light and rear reflectors and is it in good usable con- dition? ci Page 8 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII April 7, 1961 Rain Fails To Hamper Kids At Staff Club's 'Egg Hunt' Despite inclement weather last each remaining Saturday night cents; Toastmasters meet at 7 p.m. Sunday, more tnan 250 children in April. The versatile musical THURSDAY literally turned the Staff NCO aggregation will play for dancing Noon luncheon: Hamburger Club "upside down" in their quest from 9 p.m. to midnight each Steak, 75 cents; Hula class at 7 for hidden Easter eggs, Club of- Saturday night. p.m. ficials announced. The following daily schedule FRIDAY The annual Easter egg hunt, and noon menus will apply for Noon luncheon: Fish platter. forced indoors this year uue to the coming week: 65 cents; Happy Hour from 4 to the wet weather; kicked-off at 12 TODAZ 6 p.m. noon and, according to Club of- Noon luncheon: Seafood platter ficials, went "full blast" until 2 65 cents; Happy Hour from 4 to p.m. when prizes were awarded 6 p.m. Fleet Reserve Ladies for finders of the "golden" eggs. SATURDAY Slate April 13 Meet Chef Lou Oakes reported that Dance to the Commanders from 9 p.m. to midnight. The regular meeting of the La- Sunday was also a "banner" day Unit #174 Fleet Jr" for the Revere Room as nearly SUNDAY dies Auxiliary Dining room open from 2 to Reserve Association will be held GOURMET'S DELIGHT Pondering over salads that "looked 300 people took advantage of - too 9 p.m, on April 13, 1961, at 7:30 p.m. in good to eat" are five Staff NCO dependents who had Easter dinner Easter "specials" of roast beef au jous and ham. MONDAY the Fleet Reserve Hut. at K-Bay's Staff NCO Club. More than 280 Marines and dependents Club Closed all day. All members are urged to at- had their holiday ch+k (Photo by Pvt. R. P. Werle, Jr.) In other upcoming Staff Club TUESDAY tend and to try and bring a pros- news the Club has now scheduled Noon iunvheeri. Roast beef with pective memhpr to the meeting. the popular "Commanders" for bread dressing, 75 cents. Transportation can be arranged 'Y' Centennial Celebration WEDNESDAY by calling Sue Van Beck at 253- Noon luncheon: Spaghetti, 65 370 or Elsie Boyd at 252-874. 'Y' Centennial Celebration Officers Wives Slated By Honolulu Unit By Jess Robie HEATER Ahoy all "0" Wives! Have you \SCHEDULE The Honolulu Armed Services Richards Streets, near the iolani "booked passage" for our cruise FRIDAY ommended for children. "Y" joins YMCA branches around Palace grounds, in Honolulu, is to COCONUT ISLAND? The im- Five Pennies Starring Danny the globe in a centennial celebra- located the finest Armed Services portant date is Tuesday, April 11 - TUESDAY tion this year. YMCA in the world. It is there to Kaye. What needs to be said about and Tony Kilduff, 253-054 or Julie one of the movie industry's num- On The Beach -An "End of Executive Secretary E. Powell serve servicemen and their de- McArdle, 72662, are standing by Gregory pendents. ber one funny men. Rated as the the World" fiction story. Deacon recently described what it to make your reservations for best family entertainment for the Peck in the role of a submarine has to offer military men and "It first began service in the you. only submarine) of original Royal Hawaiian Hotel in weekend movie goers. Excellent skipper (the their dependents. Our boats will be leaving the fare for the entire family. Se- the U. S. Fleet. Atomic devastation 1917 and now occupies a large world to only a "At the corner of Hotel and modern building w hi c h was boat house at MCAS every half lected short subjects added to the has reduced the hour from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 main event gives 93 minutes of small portion of Australia. Pic- opened in 1928. It is operated by no survivors, that a staff of 126 people on a 24-hour- a.m. and returning on the same family viewing. ture ends with Health Agencies a-day basis, offering the follow- half hour schedule from 1:30 is screen - survivors. Audience pan. until 3:00 p.m. so it will be SATURDAY MATINEE (Adults only please) may or may ing: hotel rooms; restaurant; bar- the story. Thank K-Bayites ber shop; storage lockers; canteen; easier for you to arrange for Seven Ways From Sundown - not survive the plot of post office; men's shop; library; the "baby sitter." Texas Ranger Audie Murphy "gets Carries a rating of "Excellent," The 1961 chairman of the Fed- but not for the younger set or writing room; music room s; This year we will find a buffet his man, in this case Barry Sulli- eral Services Campaign for Na- van. Family entertainment. children. tional Health Agencies this week lounges; rest rooms; gymnasium; luncheon waiting for us at noon, thanked Kaneohe Bay military swimming pool; check room; game consisting of ham, turkey, potato SATURDAY WEDNESDAY and civilian personnel for their rooms; billiards; photographic salad and other goodies for only studio; money orders; traveler's Fast And Sexy - Strictly adult The Boy Who Stole A Million- support of this year's drive. $1.50 per person. (Now where in fare. Wells 7argo TV star Dale Once more, it's family nite at the checks; ,adiograms; check-cash- the world else could you get a Rear Admiral C. E. Olsen ing; laundry; dry cleaning; boot- Robertson in the role of a vil- movies. Rated as excellent for pleasure trip and a big luncheon lage blacksmith, shoes horses for An exciting comedy- USN (Ret.), indicated that, black, and the like. for that price!) everyone. while no monetary totals could 99 minutes of film time, and all drama filmed in the colorful "The staff also conducts a wide There are beautiful swimming the while is confronted with the be issued at this date, a pre- of country of Spain. A 12 year old variety program activities such facilities, if you feel in the mood, curves of Gina Lollobrigida in this a mil- limirary envelope count re- as: dances; stage shows; movies; bank messenger "borrows" veals that the 1961 return will so don't forget to bring your romantic comedy Plot gets only lion pesetas and has cops, robbers. television programs; pi cn i c s; bathing suit and towel and meet be equal to, if not appreciably tours; a "fair" rating, but wide-screen and his franctic father pursuing concerts; small game s; us on the beach. There has also and technicolor will add a point streets better than last year. discussions; special parties; bas- him through the crowded been some scuttlebutt to the ef- or two to the audience reaction. of Valencia. The chases are geared "For this," the admiral said, ketball I e a g u e s; volleyball fect that there will be some bridge era leagues; judo classes; SCUBA to remind you of the bygone "the chairman and the committee games going and I'm planning to SUNDAY MATINEE Kops episodes. No to all classes, and similar activities. of Keystone members are very grateful take my little red "Goren" book Shane - Bad man -turned -good big-screen names in the cast, but the participating commands." "The Armed Services 'Y' is your just in case! man Alan Ladd, stages fight scene guaranteed to keep you laughing home away from home - use it Don't forget to bring your uku- with another bad man, then walks for four minutes more than an when you are in town." lele as we'll want to sing a few away. Little boy yells for good- hour. News and short subjects old sea songs during our little guy Shane to return. "Shane . . . give a total show time of 102 min- "happy social hour." Good grief, Shane . . . Shane . . . Mommy utes. ' I can hardly wait! ANCHORS wants you." AWEIGH! SUNDAY THURSDAY OFFICERS And The King -- No in- The Three Worlds Of Gulliver formation available as to the -Starring Kerwin Mathews. Ex- story plot. Stars . cellent viewing for the entire CLUB Rated as "very good" and for One of the most famous Swimming adults only. Shorts and news add- family. By Anne House childhood classic, Jonathan Swift's Continued From Page 1) ed for a running time of 108 min- Another reminder that the utes. tale of Gulliver's adventures with hours of operation of the Club at 10 a.m. April 14, Red Cross MONDAY the tiny people of Lilliput and the have changed slightly. The Club officials said. Devils Disciple - Stars Burt giants of Brobdingnag. The magic is closed on Mondays-except for They Lancaster. No information on plot, of SuperDynamation, which uses Office. The emphasized the fact the buffet on Sunday that this year's swim but by title and star, should prove of night starts one hour earlier-at program worthwhile to attend; that is for trick effects to put live actors is for beginner and intermediate varying sizes on the frames, will 5:30. We hope it will now be swimmers only. adults and young folks. It carries more convenient for you to come a "Very Good" rating. Not rec- amaze audiences. out and bring your children on Instructors for the program in Sunday nights. elude Chief Instructor Sgt. Dave The Officers' Wives' Club is Solomon and Assistant Water FROM: having its monthly Safety Instructors Pfc. Lester meeting on rlace April 11. This month the meet- Wormall and Sgt. Antonio Felici- ing will be at Coconut Island. ano. Stamps) Please remember that you can As In other Red Crow= swim- not make or cancel reservations ming programs, no fees are Here here at the Club. charged. A life guard is now on duty at The announcement indicated the swimming pool from two TO: o'clock until six o'clock Tuesday that classes and schedules would thru Friday and on Saturdays be made for the convenience of from nine until six o'clock. In the majority at the general meet- on 14. the near future we hope to have a ing April soft drink and sandwich machine Officials said that the Kaneohe on the Lower Lanai for the con- Bay Child Care Center would be venience of all the swimmers. open during the hours of the The Package Store Manager, swimming program for the con- venience of mothers without MAIL T.IE WINDW:Util MARINE HOME TODAY. GOING OUR WAY, ABBE Katsumi Sacotani (better known - to most of Lis as Kats), will be on babysi,,ers. No children will be NO ENVELOPE REQUIRED. been trying three days We've for leave until April 15. The hours of allowed at the,pool. Rates of the to think of a logical reason for the Package Store will remain Center are 35 cents for one child; Postage required: 3rd Class Mail-3c, 1st Class Mall-tic, Airmail running this shot of curvaceous unchanged, however. GySgt. 50 cents for two and 10 cents for 14c. For mailing fold paper twice and secure edge with tape or Staple. Abbr. 1..ane. Now we say to heck Christenson will be there to serve each additional member of the with logic and lots of luck! you. family.