Copyrighted Material
Index abduction, as scientific reasoning Blackmore, Susan 257, 259 process 198–9 “blending inheritance” 151 Addison, Joseph 70, 72–3, 101 Bohm, David 37 animals, status of 169–71 Bonaventura of Bagnoregio 17 Aquinas, Thomas 69, 189, 191–2, 227 Boyer, Pascal 259, 266 Arbuthnot, John 71 Boyle, Robert 65, 69, 91 Aristotle 189 Boyle Lectures 69–70 Athanasius of Alexandria 114 Bridgewater Treatises 5, 119–26 Atran, Scott 259 Brooke, John Hedley 16–17 Augustan Age 49–50 Brougham, Henry Lord 112–15 Augustine of Hippo 15, 114, 220, Browning, Robert 130–3 222–9, 232, 280, 285 Brunner, Emil 279 on rationes seminales 222–8, 230, Buckland, William 110–11, 120, 221 232–3 Buffon, George Louis 100, 149 Ayala, Francisco J. 190–1 Chalmers, Thomas 120, 122 Bacon, Francis 75 Chambers, Robert 166 Baer, Karl Ernst von 161 Charleton, Walter 53 Barrett, Justin 267 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 13–14 Barth, Karl 18, 51 Clifford, William K. 153–4 Barrow, Isaac 74 contrivance, notion of 53–4, 63–70, Bauman, Zygmunt 221 91–7, 156–7 Beagle, H. M. S. 144–5 Cooke, Josiah Parsons 194 Bell, Charles COPYRIGHTED120, 122 Copernicus, MATERIAL Nicolaus 28, 37 Bentley, Richard 69–70 Cottingham, John 18 Berger, Peter 57 creation, doctrine of, and natural Black Beauty (1877) 170 theology 61–3, 217–33 Blackmore, Richard 70 in Augustine of Hippo 222–9 Darwinism and the Divine: Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology, First Edition. Alister E. McGrath. © 2011 Alister E. McGrath. Published 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. MMcGrath_bindex.inddcGrath_bindex.indd 229494 112/3/20102/3/2010
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