The REAL Recipe for Success & Wealth with Jeanna Gabellini

Good Vibe University Jeannette: Hey everyone, this is Jeannette for Good Vibe University and I am so thrilled today to be hosting a call with the one and only Jeanna Gabellini. Jeanna, I don’t think I can say your name without putting the one and only in front of it. I am a huge, huge, huge fan of yours and everyone who’s ever heard me talk about my coaching practice and ever asked how did I create it successfully, you get the credit. I’ve been through formal coach training programs. I have hired a wide variety of coaches for support in my business but when people ask what made the difference in my creating success with my business, it was you which is one of the reasons why I’m so excited for people at Good Vibe University to get some time with you, because believe it or not, I think there might be some who haven’t plugged into you.

Cheryl: I have not. This is Cheryl, so this is exciting for me.

Jeannette: Right on. Well Jeanna, why don’t you go ahead and tell everyone about yourself. I know most of the people on this call are big fans of yours but for those who are listening to the recording, I’ll just let you say a couple of things about your background or whatever you want us to know and where we can find you online, of course.

Jeanna: Okay, great. So I’ve been a coach for about 15 years. I was always an entrepreneur since the age of 20 and… but I didn’t know what I was doing when I was 20. I just wanted to be in charge and I was kind of sassy. So I had my own businesses. I had no goals. I didn’t really know about personal growth. I just thought I was living the life, and I stumbled upon coaching really. I went to Coaches’ Training Institute here in California, and I fell in love, and I fell with the new way of doing coaching. I had been doing coaching for a seminar company, and I thought I had it down. I thought, “Oh yeah, I know what I’m doing.” And I was being kind of … my head was a little big when I went to the Coaches’ Training Institute and I thought, “Yeah, show me something I don’t already know.” And they did. They showed me so much I didn’t know. And I thought, “Oh, I have found the secret.” I always wondered why when I was working with some clients and mostly, all of them at some point or another, would just dig their heels in and be completely resistant to what they said they wanted. And I’m doing my cheerleading act, I’m going, “Come on! Come on! Don’t you want this?” And they said, “Yeah and I don’t want to budge.” They were just paralyzed with fear and I didn’t know how to do anything to get them to move forward except for drag their little butt. And that didn’t really work too well. They would end up getting the goal but they were…it seemed like they were tortured in the process. Not that I was torturing them, they were just in such deep fear and resistance and I didn’t know at that time how to work around it. So I learned a lot of great coaching skills at the Coaches’ Training Institute and started my love affair with coaching.

And a few years into it, I met my now business partner. We each have our own coaching practices and we have a business together called Abundance Abound and her name is Eva Gregory. And she turned me on to the Law of Attraction. I had heard through CoachU… people who went to CoachU, were talking about this you know, attraction, attraction, attraction. I thought, “What the hell is that? Attraction? What are these people talking about?” And Eva said, “I know what they’re talking about because I also went to CoachU and Coaches’ Training Institute but I got something even better. Let me introduce you to Abraham Hicks. And she handed me a cassette tape because there was no such thing as CDs in those days or mp3s. And I popped it in my car and I started listening and they were talking about Law of Attraction and channeling and I thought, “Okay, first of all, this is really weird. This woman is channeling. I’ve never seen or heard of this before. But wow, this information is really good! Wow, this is so on the money.” And I’ve never heard anybody talk about these sort of principles in such a consistent way and it blew my mind and I wanted more. Even though I thought it was weird, I still wanted more because the content, I knew was the truth. And at that time, I was in a mastermind with Eva and we started playing around with the concepts, with our clients and we thought, “You know, this is really fun. We should teach a teleclass about this.” And we just did it for the fun of it. And the thing was, people showed up and they wanted more and we started the class around it. And at that point, it really… my entire coaching practice was based on Law of Attraction. I couldn’t do anything but. Even though I still loved business, I still loved all sorts of topics and was very passionate about personal growth, I thought, “Law of Attraction has to be the bottom line. It has to be the foundation of everything I coach.” And from that point forward, it was.

Until about a few years ago, I was still… I would call myself a Law of Attraction coach, a life coach you know, whatever issues you got, you know, I’ll coach you on them. But a few years ago, I really decided to focus all my energy on business coaching. So that’s what I do. Law of Attraction is still at the bottom of everything I do. It’s the foundation and because you know, obviously, if you don’t have that in place, none of the regular rules apply. You know, anything else that we talk about in business or to do with money or health, all that… there’s a million strategies out there. And if we don’t lay the foundation of Law of Attraction, those strategies mean diddly. They don’t mean anything. So where I’m at today is enjoying the heck out of my business and you can find out more about what I do and there’s tons and tons of articles there. There’s all sorts of resources if you go to, and ‘peace’ is spelled p-e-a- c-e like ‘inner peace.’

Jeannette: Thank you, Jeanna. I have to tell you, it is really hard for me to imagine a time when you weren’t walking and talking and breathing Law of Attraction, that Eva introduced it to you. It’s just such a surprising thought for me. So when you are working with your clients, with your business clients, I’m just curious, are you introducing them to Law of Attraction or are they already on board and are coming to you specifically because they know your work is founded on it?

Jeanna: I think there’s a little of both but these days, I’d say especially since The Secret came out, it’s a blessing at first. When the movie came out, The Secret, I thought, “They did not ask me. What is the problem? Why am I not in that movie? Hello?” I saw people in there who didn’t teach Law of Attraction. I thought, “This is just plain wrong.” Later, I thought, “Well, there’s a few benefits to it.” But one of the main benefits were now, Law of Attraction was out to a whole different segment of the market, out into mainstream public because before, it seemed as if it was just these little tiny pockets of people who knew Law of Attraction.

So now, people kind of know about Law of Attraction, just in general. I think about half the people come to me because they know that work and a lot of them don’t… they just resonate with my story and they’re putting out fires in their business and they’re trying to run around crazy and they just want relief. So Law of Attraction is still something new but I think even those people are more open these days. I think, I mean I always taught Law of Attraction even when you know, people didn’t know what the heck it was and I would use it with CEOs of companies. And even though I was still always a little nervous like, “They’re going to think I’m whacked when I introduce this.” “Okay CEO, we’re going to put you into a visualization right now. We’re going to put a magic wand in your hand and you can ask for whatever you want.” I’m thinking, “Okay, they’re either going to hang up right now and say, ‘I’m outta here.’ Or they’re going to dig it.” And in the end, they always dig it and they say, “Wow! You know, this feels great! I don’t do this on my normal day to day life but it’s nice to just take time and try to feel into my vision rather than be a man on a mission all the time.”

Jeannette: Well, you have definitely paved the way here. I think... I mean, you were one of the first ones who was being out loud about this which is… that was one of the reasons I was attracted to you because it did feel like this was very underground. It was very much on the down low and then I ran across you and you had newsletters talking about it like this was real. This was happening and it was really nice because Abraham had really been the main source for me… of my exposure to this material beforehand. So to hear a real, live person who wasn’t channeling, talking about this made it so normal. So I was very, very excited to run across you and then to work with you personally. Like I said, it was life-changing. So today, we’re talking about the real recipe for success and wealth, right?

Jeanna: Yes.

Jeannette: Alright, well where do you want to start us off with?

Jeanna: Okay so just everybody know that I’m just making this up on the fly too. Not the content. The content’s all in my head but the flow of it and I just thought that we would just really source anything that needs to be said that it will come out. And when I said the ‘real secret’, what I had in my head is that success, whether it’s you own your own business or you are working for somebody else, is to understand that success is not based on how much you produce, how many things you check off the list, how many people think what you’re doing is great and not the amount of money you put in your pocket but to really enjoy what you’re doing and be able to set your own milestones for what you want to accomplish that would really bring you joy.

And then I always say… and Jeannette, I don’t know what you’ve told these people but even if you told them a million times, I think it’s still great to hear that the best way to make more money in your business is to actually keep money out of the business equation. It doesn’t mean don’t focus on it because personally, I love money. I like to talk about it. I like to make it. I like to strategize around it. It really is exciting to me. I love to spend it and it’s to keep… like, if you were to say business is over here on my left hand and money is over here on the right and I still keep a focus on both of those things, I just don’t keep it all in one big bowl. It’s not… it’s a recipe for disaster if you don’t have a clean vibration for each separately. It’s only when you have a clean vibration for them separately that you can bring them together and that will be a beautiful marriage.

Jeannette: Yeah, I think one of the reasons you can say that with credibility too is because you don’t have anything against money. I mean, the fact that you’re a big fan of it, for you to say that means a lot. I think people hear that better.

Jeanna: Yeah. And I’m still not totally 100% at peace with my money vibe. There are still times when I say, “Keep them separate, Jeanna. You’re gettin hooked, you’re gettin hooked.” Because I’ll want that money or I’ll want to you know, equate leveraging my time to more money and I’ll get real hooked about the way I think it’s got to be and the program I’m going to introduce or the way I’m going to do it. And if I start noticing that I’m not getting what I want, I get you know, a little uptight and I’ll start, “Okay, what can I do to strategize?” I think, “Okay, wait a second. Pull the reins back. Relax. You can have your money and that’s fine, Jeanna. Just know that the money’s going to come and when you’re focused on business, be in the joy of whatever you’re producing and leave it at that.” Because they say in that joy, the money is going to come and most likely, it’ll come a whole lot easier if you’re not attached in what you’re doing in your business. You’re not attaching a dollar amount to it.

Jeannette: For people who are confused about thinking their joy comes from money, how do you coach them around that?

Jeanna: Well…

Jeannette: Because I heard you when you said, “Success is not based on your productivity or the money or the approval that you get from others but it’s based on joy. It should be founded on your enjoyment of your business.” But for someone who thinks, “Well, I would enjoy what I was doing if I was making any money.” They feel like money is such an integral piece of it that turning their focus away…

Jeanna: Yeah, it’s reminding people that… okay, let’s pretend even though the way that we interact here in the United States is in order to get a service or once we’re bartering, we need money for it. If we want to go to the grocery store, we’re not going to go you know, trade something for the groceries, we actually have to give the money, at least in most cases. So I can remind people when we’re looking at Law of Attraction, you can still have all the stuff and the services and experiences you want if you can understand that you actually don’t need money for those things then you probably will get the money.

But for instance, I was you know, the best story I know to demonstrate it is one of things I used to visualize all the time was I wanted my own private jet to jet around whenever I was going to speak because Eva and I would talk about when we were going to fly somewhere, whether it’s for conference or we’re going to go do a retreat or we’re going to speak somewhere, what a pain in the butt it was to go through the airport. This was even before 9/11. You know, it had even gotten more crazy. You know, everything takes a long time and I don’t like to wait for stuff. So, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great?” So we both talk about, “Yay, we’ll just have our pilot. They’ll be waiting for us. It’ll be local. It’ll be so fast. We can go anywhere we want and be back really quick if we want.” Well, I didn’t care that much about it. I just thought it would be cool. I wasn’t sitting here, thinking in my office everyday about my private jet. It would just be a fleeting thought every once in a while and whenever I’d have to hop on a commercial plane, I thought, “That would be cool.”

And then I met my now current mate about 7 years ago and what did he have? He had an airplane and a pilot’s license. I thought, “Well, ain’t this convenient?” Now, I just have to go buy my jet.

Now granted, it wasn’t the plush you know, the plush jet where I could kick my feet up. It was a 2-seater plane and I only had room for you know… this is the terrible part. I only had room for one suitcase. And when we would go shopping when we’re somewhere, he said, “Jeanna, you can’t buy something big. I don’t know how you’re going to fit that on the plane to take it home.” I said, “We clearly need a bigger plane.” But I did source the plane and didn’t have to pay for it and it didn’t take money to do it. I think that was a fun thing and I attracted it because I really wasn’t attached to it.

Jeannette: That’s the key, isn’t it?

Jeanna: Yes. So we don’t have to have the money if we could just remember there are all sorts of ways to pull the things we’re wanting to our experience and then of course, we will be generating the money as a result when we really become unattached to money and keep it a fun game.

Jeannette: Alright. And the trick to getting unattached, for people who are on board with…alright, that’s the key here that… it’s because I have a charge on it or an attachment to it that’s keeping me from it. What’s the best way for someone to go about unhooking?

Jeanna: I think if you can remember that you’re in control, at least this is what works for me and I notice when clients finally get it, it ends up working for them and it takes some practice. We all think that you know, “I gotta hunt the money down. I really gotta… I’ve got to be better at this. I’ve got to strategize. I gotta do all this inner work. I gotta do this. I gotta do that.” We start working really hard even at the Law of Attraction, trying to get unhooked. So when I find myself spinning in my head, I will just do something crazy to take charge. I’ll stand up and shift the energy if I’m sitting in my office, kind of getting worked up about money or thinking about expenses or something’s costing too much and I want to keep the expenses down. I’m like doing that head spinning thing like, “Oh, this is going to end up costing me more than I thought.”

It just happened to me the other day. I’m in the middle of creating a home study course and I thought that it would just be you know, $300-500 to do the editing on this project, the audio. Well, I’m already at that and I’m only into the 2nd audio. I’ve got 3 or 4 more to do and I thought… the gal I’m doing it with says, “Jeanna, this, I’m loving this! This content’s so good and this is a really big project.” I said, “You’re scaring me. How big? Where are we at with this right now?” I said, “Okay, so this is going to end up costing me more than I want. So what? You know what? I’m going to make more money on this than I ever thought possible so this is going to be a drop in the bucket. I don’t care if it’s a few thousand dollars. That’s more than I thought but the truth is, the amount of money I’m going to bring in on this is going to wipe it out.”

“The difference I’m going to make! I’m going to change people’s lives.” And I’m saying this stuff out loud, with authority, taking control, almost like a demand to the universe and that’s, I think, what sometimes what it takes to get unhooked from the fear because that’s what you’re really doing. You’re getting unhooked from that place of lack and you need to charge.

Jeannette: Well, that’s definitely what you helped me do when I would have that fearful thought about, “Uh oh. This coaching thing isn’t going to work. I’m going to have to get a job.” And you taught me to turn that around and give the universe much more empowered instruction about what it is that I wanted. So yeah, that has been very effective and I think that’s easier for someone to practice who have some sort of belief in Law of Attraction or at least, belief in the coach telling them to practice this, one way or another. For those who are still kind of, “I don’t know if this works or not”, that doubt or that fear that’s flowing in the background, I think can trip them up sometimes.

Jeanna: Yeah well, if we are going to remember that… because I used to…I was so grateful for the Law of Attraction when I stumbled upon it that it took a good 2 years to just completely trust it. Because there are times where I thought I so wholeheartedly believed in it and I didn’t know anybody else in my life besides Eva who did that I felt like, “Am I being silly? Am I going to die?” And I get to heaven and we’re going to be laughing and going like, “Please tell me that was true. You fell for that hook, line, and sinker.” What I thought was, “You know, so what if it ended being not true? At least I feel so much better and am having a good time. Otherwise, I’ll be a stress case if I don’t believe in this stuff.”

And so, imagine just taking charge, just to make yourself feel better. Even if you don’t fully believe that this can happen for you. Wouldn’t it feel better to feel like you’re in control rather than feeling like it’s a hunt and you’re like the person with no instructions and everybody else knows how to do it and you’re the only one that didn’t get the instruction book?

Sometimes, I’ll sit in the car and I’ll say, “Universe! Bring it on! I want to see some money, baby. Come on! Give me some money!” And my son was in the back seat the other day and I did that. He said, “Momma, are you on the phone?” “No honey, I’m talking to the universe.”

Jeannette: How cute is that? How old is your son, your oldest?

Jeanna: He’s 2 ½ and I have a 6-month old.

Jeannette: I am… that’s one of the questions I wanted to ask you today is… because I cannot tell you how many times… I feel like I’ve got my hands full just with some cats and dogs here at the house. Like there’s a foster kitty running around the office like he’s crazy this morning and I don’t know how women with children do this. I have an enormous limiting belief, if I ever had kids, I would have to call you for some kind of coaching around that. But are you having it all, Jeanna?

Jeanna: Am I having it all? I am still adjusting in many ways but I think the biggest thing for me was when I first had my first son, I was delusioned. Because I had another girlfriend who as a coach who had had a baby and it was an unexpected baby and she told me… and this is… I’ve never talked to anybody else about it because I liked her story. She said, “Oh, I just coach and you know, I would rock the cradle by you know, by the office and by my desk and the baby would go to sleep and I just do my coaching calls. My clients were cool.” And I said, “Okay, that’s what I’ll do too.” Well, when that baby came, I said, “What the hell was she talking about?” The baby cries, I was breastfeeding, I can’t do all this stuff while I’m on the phone. This was the first week. I took no maternity leave. I didn’t take time off because I would have to stop. I would be coaching and I would be rocking the baby. That was such a lie. And I called my mom when she got home. My mom happened to be on vacation that first week and I thought, “I need help.” I said, “Mom, I don’t know what I was thinking.” She said, “Jeanna, I was wondering what you were thinking. You know, you get so headstrong about these things. I thought, ‘Okay, she knows what she’s doing. She’ll be able to pull this off.’”

So at first, I was in a lot of resistance. I thought, “I don’t… how am I going to do this?” It’s not that I worked a lot before but I could work whenever I wanted before I had children. And I thought, a baby, you can’t. You have to you know, there’s obviously things that you have to do. So it took me a good 6 to 9 months, I’d say, before I actually got clean in my thinking about… I can do whatever needs to be done. There will be a time and freedom to do it. So if not right now, time and space will open up before I need to get this thing done.

So I did source my mom coming to… actually, back in those days, she was over at my house 4 to 5 days a week. She was working for my mate, doing sales calls for him and she was just doing them from our house over the phone. So whenever the baby was sleeping, she was making sales calls. So she was getting paid…

Jeannette: What a good set up!

Jeanna: Yeah, it was great. And then… Jeannette: That was nice manifesting. I really like that wow.

Jeanna: It was amazing. And now, my mom’s you know, my mom’s retired and she doesn’t want to do sales calls. She wants to have her time off and she travels all the time. So my mom works for me 3 days a week. Well, I still… which is great and it’s amazing and I was still used to working whenever I wanted. So if I was inspired at 5 o’clock, I’d sit and do a project, I could work for 2-3 hours and do a project. So for me, adjusting you know, I’m 43 years old. I’ve been doing it my way for a long time. I thought, “Woah. This is an eye-opener. I really need to get clear that time and space will open up for me to do what I need to do.” And it has.

But then again, when the 2nd baby came, it took it to a new level. I thought, “I got to relearn this again.” So I’ve just now at the point where it feels fine and it is a dance. It really is a dance. I am probably a lot more resistant than most people because I just… I’m real protective of my time. I like my freedom. I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it. So I really have to trust wholeheartedly that time and space will open up or I will do things faster than I thought. So if I think that you know, this project’s going to take me 3 hours and I only have an hour, I just set my intention that I will be very inspired. It will go quicker than I want you know, that I think and it will be amazing. The finished product will be great.

I do a lot of intending and if I didn’t know Law of Attraction, I could… I don’t think I could do this. I really don’t because I would just be in reaction mode all the time and I would be a stress case.

Jeannette: Well, it’s what we see happening with many women with jobs and relationships and yeah, lots of priorities going on. Stress cases. So being really intentional with your thoughts and giving the universe clear instructions. I love that time and space will open up for me. Definitely going to be borrowing that thing.

Jeanna: Yeah, so it’s really important to know that… I think that’s the other piece of business, is knowing if… whatever I’m focused on is the perfect thing for me to be doing right now even if it wasn’t on the to-do list for today. It’s really trusting that whatever you’re doing in the moment is the very thing that you… you know, it’s the perfect and ideal thing that you should be working on. If you’re choosing something that you really want to do… because every day, I start out, I put my… you know, I use Stephen Covey’s 6 Big Rocks. I choose my 6 things I want to focus on for the day and sometimes, I veer off into no man’s land and choose to do something that wasn’t on the list.

It happened to me last week. I thought, “Today is the day.” I’m inspired to go put makeup on. I’m going to actually do a video. I’ve been saying I need to do the video. I’m going to do the video because that is something I do not make time for. It’s not a priority. And I said, “Chuck, okay I just got to set aside… I was supposed to be you know, recording all these audios today. I’m going to go do video.” And I just really trusted it and I’m really glad I did. But sometimes, the things that we end up doing, we get on ourselves and we make ourselves feel bad because we think we should be doing something else. And there’s nothing worse for your business and money mojo right… than putting pressure on yourself that you should be doing something else or forcing yourself to do something that your head’s not into.

Jeannette: Right on. Well, that’s one of the other things I wanted to ask you was what do you see as the most common, the most typical obstacles that business owners or I mean, even just people looking to manifest money in their world experience? Even deliberate creators?

Jeanna: I think that is as soon as someone is hooked on money, it becomes the obstacle to all success. You know, once we get in the fearful place that we think that, “Oh my gosh, there’s been a dry spell for a day.” Or “I haven’t had a new client in a month” or “I’m not meeting my goals” or “I just can’t do this. I think I’m going to have to foreclose on my house.” And as soon as we caught in that spin cycle, it is. It’s like game over. And you have to do whatever you have to do in those moments to get relieved. And I think that the very thing that we should do sometimes which is get support is the thing that we don’t do.

Jeannette: Yeah, no doubt.

Jeanna: We circle in our brain. We stress out. We’re not talking to anybody to get any relief or support. We’re not hiring a coach who could soothe you. You’re not taking the time to you know, do the things that we’ve been told when you know Law of Attraction. You know, people always hear, “Go take a walk in the park. Go listen to music. Go to a movie.” You’re like, “No! I can’t possibly do that right now. I got to do something about my business.” That’s the exact time you should not. You’re going to go poison your business and mess up the vibration with that if you bring all your stress into it. That’s why in the beginning of the call, I said, “You got to keep money over here on the right and your businesses on the left.” Because if you have any tension in either one of those places, it impacts the other and it’s like this really bad disease that goes to that death place quick. It’s going to cause a casualty. So if you’re strung out about your business and you’re flustered, you definitely don’t want to focus on money. And if you’re flustered about money, you definitely don’t want to focus on business when you tie the two together.

Jeannette: I was going to say this applies even if someone is listening to this call and their thing is relationships. You could substitute whatever it is that you want for money, right? And this wisdom applies across the board.

Jeanna: Yes. Last night, I was… I had seriously wanted to you know, have it out with my mate. I was really getting exactly what I didn’t want and I was in a tizzy about it. And I was really clear that I wanted to teach him what he should do in terms of being a parent. Clearly, this is the time to not communicate. I need to get in the car. I need to go be distracted. So I said, “I’m going to go to my mom’s.” My mom is one of the most jolly people I know. I said, “She’ll completely distract me.” Heck, within half an hour, I wasn’t upset anymore. I said, “Okay, I’m going to go home and I’m not even going to discuss what the issue was.” In the past, that would have been all I could think about. I’m going to go home and I’m going to tell him how it is. I’m going to try to convince him to do it my way. He’s got to learn what’s right. You know, I would have had all these other strategies about how I was going to get my way. And the truth is, the only way to get my way is to enjoy what I’m doing and not have that conversation. Not do something about the problem until my head’s in the right place and I’m not trying to you know, control the situation.

So yeah, this applies across the board but we forget it in business. I think it’s easy to forget this stuff in business because we’ve been taught that it’s all about doing the right stuff. And if you do the right stuff and you do the right marketing and you communicate what you’re doing in the right way and you have a great conversation with someone and that’s how you’re going to get clients and customers. And that’s not true.

Jeannette: Yeah, not true at all. Alright, so based on something you said earlier, I had a follow up question for you on goals. Because I know some people, deliberate creators can get tripped up on this topic when they’re wondering, should they set specific goals or not and how to manage it when it looks like they’re not going to hit it?

Jeanna: I do think it’s important to create real clear goals. So get clear in the goal and then I don’t think it’s important to pay a lot of attention to it all the time. It’s again, going back to when you’re in the mood then go back to a particular goal.

Like I had this issue yesterday. I thought, “Wow, I’ve got some huge expenses this month.” And we’re right in the middle of… now, we’ve just had a landscape designer come over which I’m very excited about. We’re going to do some really big stuff in our backyard including a backyard office cottage for me.

Jeannette: Ooh.

Jeanna: I know, a dream come true. I’m like, “Really? Is this going to happen now? This is so exciting!” So you know, I got tripped up about that. This month is not plugging along as fast I need it to. I got some big expenses coming up. And I thought, “Okay, maybe I should sit down and I think I will look at all the expenses that are coming up so I know how much money I need to manifest.” And I instantly felt that resistance coming in. So I said, “Back off. Go to the bigger goal. 30 grand a month, that’s all you care about right now. You just need 30 grand. Don’t worry about the details.” Now 30 grand is actually not what I need. My goal for this year is 7 figures. Do I care about making 7 figures? Hell yes, I want to make 7 figures! 7 figures is a place I’ve never been. I know what 6 figures feels like but I do not know what 7 figures feels like. So I actually don’t know how to get there. I’ve never been there before. I do know it’s going to take me being in the place of someone who makes 7 figures. I know that I can study, do strategy all day long but if I don’t nail down how I’m being, it ain’t going to happen. So for me, I just went to rather than focusing what I needed, a very clear amount for this month was, “You know what? Jeanna, just know that the intention right now is everything that I need will be taken care of.” So in that moment where there was resistance, I couldn’t go to the exact goal. It was creating tension because my mind wanted to figure out how the hell that was going to happen, how am I going to make that happen. And I would start getting uptight. And as soon as I felt like, “You know what? Everything that I want will be taken care of, no problem.” I felt that “Aaaah.”

So it’s always going to be a dance. It’s always going to be a dance.

Jeannette: It’s really nice to hear your process of managing, thank you for sharing that with us. So when you say get clear on the goal, how do we… how does this go with our definition of success? You know, at the top of the call, you had said, “Success is not based on your production or your money or approval. Your success is from your enjoyment.” But when it comes to setting goals, very often our goals are around the numbers, right?

Jeanna: Yeah.

Jeannette: You know, whether it’s the income or the audience or whatever?

Jeanna: So it still comes back to what are the numbers that are going to make you feel good. What’s going to give you joy and why? What you get, what you’re going to do with your money?

Jeannette: Office cottage!

Jeanna: Yeah. You know, when I… I want a lot more money than I have now. I do. I’ve gotten accustomed to a certain way of living, right? And then my expenses increase so it’s this forever thing about up leveling for me. I like the game of success. I like the game of money. I like making more. Now, that’s not a motivation for everybody and I’m not saying it should be. It naturally… I actually just like the game of business. I like to keep going bigger and seeing how much I can manifest or how easy something was. Like, let’s set a goal and see if I can do it in the non-traditional way that most business owners do and you just use Law of Attraction like that’s a game for me.

Jeannette: Right on.

Jeanna: And I’m not saying I’m always successful at it. There are areas where I’m still you know, like getting in alignment with what I say I want. So what were we talking about?

Jeannette: Well, goals. How specific like income goals or should the goal just be joy? But I like what you said when you know, when you felt that “errrr” coming up when you said, “Okay, I need to make enough to cover the expenses or whatever.” You said, “Okay, go to the bigger goal to get to the ‘aaaahhhh.” Jeanna: Yeah and that’s fun for me. Like, “Am I going to you know, perish or die if I don’t make the million this year?” No. I actually don’t even care if I make it this year. I like the game of having to shift the way I’m thinking and thinking bigger in order to get there. I’m also thinking more strategically in my business as a result and that’s kind of fun. Not necessarily on purpose. It’s like the inspiration is flowing through me as a result of saying I want that goal.

Now, I’ve talked about a million for of course, since I started the business. “Wouldn’t it be cool to have a million dollars?” I actually didn’t… It wasn’t a decision on my mind like “You know what? That’s actually where I’m going now.” That was a, “Wouldn’t that be great?”

Jeannette: So you’ve been… you went from flirting to claiming this. Like you’ve been…as Abraham would say, ‘acclimating’ to this for a while.

Jeanna: Yes, exactly. It was nice but I didn’t… I cared about more of the immediate like, “Okay, I need to double my income this year.” That’s a big enough goal for right now. When I get that, then I’ll worry about you know, getting to a million. A million just seems too big and there were other things that I was focused on that seemed more important you know, like the big goal for a while was getting pregnant. And then the next goal was, “Okay baby number 2, that’s the most important thing in my life right now. I don’t give a rip about money.” Money’s cool but that’s like an afterthought because I’m so focused on having a baby or getting in alignment with something else.

So I’m always setting my…me, personally, I’m always setting money goals but it you know, it depends on the day about where’s the focus on that and it’s not measured. My joy isn’t going to be measured by if I make the million, it’s how I’m feeling along the way. Like, I just love it when I’m feel in alignment with it. I don’t really care if the million comes or not. It’s like, “Oh, this is a fun game.” Now, that’s joy.

But you know, when I make that money, I’m also doing a happy dance so don’t get me wrong. I’d be happy when the money comes too.

Jeannette: Alright so what I love is your approach of that this is a game and you’re having fun with it. You’re not making it a big deal. In fact, one of the… my favorite phrases I learned from you was to recognize when I’m making something a big, hairy deal. And every time I recognize that, just calling it that helps me lighten up about it.

Jeanna: Yes. And to also remember that this is all… everybody’s trying to work it out. No one’s living you know… well, I’m sure there are some people but the majority of people aren’t living well in all areas of their life. You know, everyone’s got their resistance somewhere and everybody’s playing a game. Some people got the money thing nailed down. But then you know, they’ve got health issues so they’re trying to figure that out. So if we can remember that you know, we’re not a failure if we don’t have it all happening all the time. You know, we’re all playing with our magic. I tend to create a lot of magic with health. I tend to create some really you know, I create cool stuff in different areas. And then there’s the areas where I’m trying to get in alignment to. So if you can remember that we’re all playing that game so that we’re not comparing ourselves to other people and just remember, what’s your game? What’s going to be your focus this year? Like, what would be the coolest things that you can imagine happening in your business? Because sometimes, it’s pulling off… you know, I know a lot of people are writing books and that’s in the video.

Jeannette: Oh video. When you said video, oh my word, that was a big one for me for a long time. Jeanna: Writing the book? Jeannette: The video…

Jeanna: Yeah, what was exciting about doing the video?

Jeannette: To do something that… to have accomplished something that I didn’t really feel confidence in. It just felt like mastery of another thing that… I mean, once upon a time, blogging was big and scary. Once upon a time, telecalls were big and scary. I was a little scared when I got on the phone with you this morning because I am star struck. But that’s… it’s very satisfying to master those challenges. I think that’s part of where the joy comes from and I like how you said the joy isn’t in the result… it’s in the journey. And that might sound trite but I think when we learn to practice, that makes all the difference in the vibration.

Jeanna: Yeah. What you just said is exactly… that’s how you find the joy is what… what’s the thing that’s going to get the juice in your caboose? Sometimes you know, for people like you and I, we say, “Yeah, we push through the fear.” Like we got to the place where, “Yeah! Right on! I conquered it! Look, it wasn’t so bad. It was kind of fun! Look at me now! Look Mom, I’m doing it!” And for other people, it will be the sense of you know, if you’re in the service industry of bringing something out into the world in a way that you want to do it. Like I know I used to be a person who cut corners. I like accomplishing things. That would be the drive like I’d just get it done or I might get bored with something or I didn’t like to get into the details of it. Like, “Let’s just get it done.” Now, the game is… and I get a sense of satisfaction when I do it really well, like taking the time with this home study product that I’m creating right now like taking the time to do it right.

Now, I’m on a deadline because this is going to be the thing I’m offering in a telesummit that I’m doing and they said… they told me, “Jeanna, the drop dead that you have to have this you know, accomplished and in our hands,” because they’re actually delivering it for me… people aren’t coming to my sales page. So it’s a big accountability thing like, “Okay, it has to be done by this certain time and I’m just really clear, I will get it done even though it seems, right now, physically impossible.” I’m real clear it’s going to get done and it’s going to be done in a way that I’m actually proud of the end result and not something that gives me joy to be able to be proud of whatever I’m offering and doing it the right way. When I say the right way, meaning, a way that I look at it and say, “This is so in integrity with that I want to deliver.” That feels good. So that’s my sense of accomplishment.

If nobody ever bought it, I wouldn’t care because I’m just proud of that product.

Jeannette: And that’s what allows everyone to buy it right? Your unattachment to it being purchased.

Jeanna: Yes. Now, let’s talk about something here because… this is funny because you told me you had taught a class by this same name but when I created this journal that I have called Speed Dial The Universe Journal, it was a totally inspired product. I thought, from a business standpoint, it was a stupid thing to do. It was not you know, I’m going to put all this time and energy right now into this little journal and it was a costly thing because I wanted to do it right and I was about to give birth to my first baby and I was also at the same time, creating this visualization CD. Again, doing it the real, right way. I was at a recording studio. I didn’t do it at a home. I had a professional, edited it all and made it beautiful. Then I thought, “I’m spending weeks and hours on these 2 products that are $20 each. Is this the smartest thing I should be doing right now?” I said, “From a monetization place, hell no. But from an inspiration place, hell yeah!”

And so, I knew it was a great decision from that place. It gave me such great joy to do it and now, I see orders coming through on a daily basis, sometimes, multiple times a day. It’s the first product I have ever sold on a daily basis was that Speed Dial The Universe Journal and people love it. I get you know, testimonials coming in every day.

Jeannette: You’re getting them in the chatroom too, right now.

Jeanna: Oh good. And what’s interesting is because of that, it now… a $20 product, unless I sell a whole lot of $20 products, it’s not going to make me rich. But what it does do is it keeps me inspired about money. It keeps me inspired about like “Oh yes, look at proof that I can actually have orders coming in on a daily basis without actually promoting something.” So that was a fun game and it gave me a breakthrough in that sense. Because what I noticed before was, I attach promoting something to making money on it. And so, I always have to, gonna have to be promoting out there products that no one’s ever going to buy them. And I noticed that product sales were always low. My revenue was always coming from me being in front of people, whether it was a teleclass or coaching. So in a sense, it was my breakthrough moment when I created that and it’s also obviously, turning people on to me in a way that… “Oh, I’ll spend $20 to get this thing.” And people say, “Oh, I love it! What else does she have on her site? Let me know more about her.” So in the end, it actually is drawing more money to me in a bigger way because it’s an entry point for people to get turned on about my work, even though it’s a journal. It’s not really content-heavy. So in the end, it does put a lot of money in my pocket. Jeannette: Well, there’s a… you shared a couple of nice nuggets there. One was go with the joy over what makes “sense”.

Jeanna: Yes. So important.

Jeannette: Yeah and there was something else in there that I thought was really helpful as well.

Jeanna: I think it was understanding that you know, we get attached to the only way for us to make our big money is if we offer something at this price point or if I do it this way and really trusting that. That thing that gives you so much joy, because you’re in love with it and you’re actually enjoying what you’re doing, now you are just a vibrational match to money, period. But also, it makes you understand that sometimes, the money will come in in a way that you weren’t expecting. So if you can just be really unattached to the way the money’s going to come in all sorts of different places. It’s just going to be you know, like “to your left, to your right, behind, down below.”

Jeannette: Right on. Jeanna, I know I’m not the only one wondering when that home study course is going to be available. Can you give us an idea?

Jeanna: Well, it’s going to be done by the 27th, come hell or high water. I may not get it on my site until next month. It’s a home study version of a live class that I do that seemed to get a very good response and it’s called Business Rx as in Business Prescription.

Jeannette: Right on.

Jeanna: Yes. So I could have done it the easy way which I thought about would have been smart if I was really trying to leverage my time which is “Hey, go take the audios from the live class and just turn it into a product.” But something inside me just said, “No. Rerecord it. Review the content in a way that’s totally perfect you know, in terms of this is what I want to make sure is there.” And I took clips from the live class to go in there. So again, you got to go what rings true for you and in the end, it will serve you well. So sometimes, it won’t make business sense. It won’t make you know, if somebody came in and was doing consulting with you, they would say, “That is not smart.” And you could say, “Well, I checked in with my inner guidance and it is smart.”

Jeannette: That might actually be the answer to the question that Dana’s asking in the chatroom about pricing products. How do you land on the right price for your services or your products?

Jeanna: I always do what feels good. Always. That is the litmus test. If it feels good then that’s the price it’s going to be. And I’ve even done stuff where I’ve started out with a price that was large you know, in terms of what other people were doing and then later, it felt good to back off. So you know, sometimes, down the road you know, a product that might have been $300 in the beginning is now going for $99 because that’s just what feels right to me.

Jeannette: I love that you don’t put any constraints around yourself as far as what makes sense for it. I know some people do get caught up in comparing themselves to others. I know I did recently as well when I saw my fellow master coaches and fellow Law of Attraction coaches charging you know, $350 to $500 per session. And I did that and… but this phrase kept running through my head, “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” And I realized, yeah I did it with my ego, really. I just didn’t want to be the cheap coach. And then I hired a coach recently who was incredibly reasonable and I loved that feeling of ease and accessibility and I just felt like, “Oh, I don’t have to watch the calendar.” Like I could hire her as much as I wanted to and I wanted my clients to have that same experience with me so I dropped my rate because it felt good. For me, it’s been that process of you know, sometimes they go up and sometimes, they go down and I’m sure they’ll go up again sometime.

Jeanna: Yes and it runs the opposite too. Sometimes, you’ll blow away the competition with the price that you want to charge. I remember when I first started charging $1,000 a month for coaching, that was not the norm. I mean, now people charge a lot more than that. But back then, people are like, “What?” All my fellow coaches are like, “Are you crazy?” But that’s what I dreamed about when I dreamed about having a practice. I dreamed about having 10 clients working with them very intimately at $1,000 each and I don’t want to feel pressured by, “Okay, I got to get my next client. Sorry client, I know you just said something important but we got to hang up. Talk to you next time.” I didn’t want to do that. And at the time, I didn’t think I was crazy and I wasn’t actually even… I wasn’t nervous because I was raising my prices from $350 to $1000. That was a really big jump and I ended up doing it in segments. You know, I said, “Okay, I’m going to raise $100 increments from each… for each new person who inquires about coaching.” And it didn’t feel good to raise my prices on the clients who have been with me so I didn’t.

Jeannette: Right on.

Jeanna: And you know, once I filled up the practice, it’s become the norm now that a lot of people who have thought I was crazy have now surpassed me. You know, they’re charging a lot more. Now, I charge a little bit more than that now but I don’t… like you, I don’t… I have no need. I have no desire. I don’t even care about raising my prices higher at this point.

Jeannette: Wow. That’s super inspiring about yeah, the pricing. So what feels good, whatever factors come into play.

Jeanna: Yes and you don’t… and for those of you… and I know a lot of people because a lot, I’m sure, the people that you attract and that really care about what they’re delivering and they want to do the best that they can do. But sometimes I see people saying, “But I don’t have the experience” or “I don’t know how” or “I don’t know if it’s that good yet.” It doesn’t matter if what you’re delivering is great or it sucks. The truth is, you have to charge what feels good you know? It could be crap compared to some of the competition but if you like what you’re offering and you have a specific price that feels good, if you don’t charge the price that feels good, it actually is going to decrease your sales. It’s just gonna. A good pricing actually attracts good, solid money coming in the door because you’re aligned with whatever you’re charging. So that just in itself will attract more people to you.

Jeannette: And you said something else there that feels important as far as feeling good about what you’re offering.

Jeanna: Yeah. You have to feel good. You have to do it in a way, if you’re giving a service, in a way that feels good to you as well as the potential customers. You can’t… if you’re constantly catering to the clients, there is going to come a time where you think, “This is not working for me. Why did I set it up this way? I’m kind of feeling like I’m getting dragged around here.” And you’re going to end up blowing up. So you have to make sure it feels good for you and it feels good for them.

And it’s the same with product. You have to deliver it in a way that feels good for you. If you’re a person who’s analytical and you like a lot of content and you wouldn’t feel good giving a toned down version then don’t. You will attract clients who love it and there are clients like me who don’t like to read a lot of content. Give me the bullet points, please. Give me the bottom line.

Jeannette: I get that. Yeah, no doubt. Alright, another question in the chatroom about promotion. So you had said something that you used to have this belief that if you don’t promote it, it will you know, the promotion is required for it to sell. It says… the comment is say more about ‘if I don’t promote it, it won’t still…”

Jeanna: You have to… vibrationally, the first step is always to imagine that you’re having a grand opening for something. So in a virtual level you know, feed it in your head that you have spot, the search light out front that is glowing out into the universe so people can see you like, “Hey! I’m over here, right here. Grand opening.” And that you have the red carpet rolled out and there’s an open sign you know, blinking on and off in the front window. Like, imagine that virtually that that’s what’s happening. So vibrationally, you are saying, “I’m right here. See me? I’m loud and proud.” And if you do that internally, you will naturally either be inspired to promote whatever you’re promoting in a way that attracts people or they’ll start coming in the back door and then they’ll say, “Oh, I didn’t know you were here. Here you are.” And you’ll be selling it anyway.

So you don’t ever have to promote but what I noticed is when I’m excited about something, I naturally want to promote it. But when I promote something thinking like, “Gosh, I haven’t sold any of those in a while. I really need to promote that. I need to get sales with it. I already did this big launch because I need money.” It usually is so (50.03) or non-existent revolt. Jeannette: That’s what I see a lot of people doing. They see what others are doing and these use that as their template for how they go about making their services or product known rather than starting from that vibrational place you know, of imagining what you want and you know, getting your energy aligned before you listen for inspiration about what feels good.

Jeanna: Yes. And even when you’re working with a coach or you’re… I know a lot of people you know, I know I have a lot of clients who are doing the masterminding with somebody else or they’re doing marketing over here with somebody else. And you know, I had a marketing mentor…hold up…last year, yeah all last year. (50.37) There are times when we she was telling me the stuff to do, I said, “I’m not doing that.” And then she said, “Well then you’re not going to make any money.” I said, “Well, I want to be your odd black sheep of the family because I’m not doing that.” And then lo and behold, what would be funny is that I would end up doing what she said but in a different way and a way and timing felt to me and it was like, “Oh, I can totally get behind this.”

Jeannette: Right on.

Jeanna: But not in the way that she was telling me. And if I did it in the way she was telling me or if I felt like I had to do it, come on, we all know from Law of Attraction. That was not going to support me. It’s just not. So we even have to take the you know, I’m not saying don’t go take a class on marketing because I take so much stuff on marketing. I love learning about marketing but I’m always doing it in a way that fits with my style. And I think it’s better when we’re sometimes, when we use information that’s just tucked in the back of our head knowing that our inner guidance is going to pull from that file of content in the perfect moments rather than trying to fit what you’re doing within that template. You start getting in your head and now you’re disconnected from your heart and it starts becoming hard.

Jeannette: Oh I get it. I get that. Another question in the chatroom, can we explore some unorthodox ways for promotion? And I was also wondering about… the thing I notice a lot of people doing is asking others about their offering. Like you know, “Do you think this will work?” or “Does this look good to you?” And I’m wondering whether that’s super helpful because if we truly believe in it ourselves, we wouldn’t care what someone else thought. Or is it wise to run something by some of your potential prospects and get their take on it? What do you practice, Jeanna?

Jeanna: I do both. I know if I want to do something but usually, when I want feedback, what I’ll say… because I know myself. I might tend to… my mind works really fast like even when I’m writing emails, I don’t… I tend to read them before I shoot them off and then people are like, “What did you just say? Like you left 10 words out, Jeanna. I don’t even know what you just said.” I know you can’t read my mind. So a lot of times, I’ll ask for feedback, “Is this clear?” or “Is there a better way to make this more clear?” Because I know I was also… I believe in something wholeheartedly like I think you all should get what I’m saying. So a lot of times, it wasn’t clear. My writing or I would talk esoterically or I would talk around it, not giving clear benefits. So I know from asking for feedback, people would say, “I’m not really sure on this. This part isn’t clear.” I say, “Oh, I get it. I need to make bullet points or I need to make this more clear.” I’m talking all around it but I’m not saying it directly in a way that the average person can understand. If you’re my client, you’re going to understand what I’m saying.

Jeannette: But it doesn’t sound like you’ve ever been talked out of whatever you’ve been inspired by, like no one ever said to you, “Well, that’s an awful idea. What were you thinking?”

Jeanna: No, because I was so clear that it was gonna… I liked it so of course, it’s going to work.

Jeannette: Yeah. I remember Russell Crowe saying that once in an interview that you know, he believed that just because he did the movie, we should all know that it’s going to be good. That sounded really cocky but I kind of get it.

Jeanna: Yeah, I think that delivery is… sometimes, I noticed I go, (53.54) of course, people are always asking me for feedback. “Can you go look at my website? Can you look at this?” And I will just give… first, I always ask… I always know if they’re asking me. Usually, they’re not 100% behind it so I’ll say, “Well, what do you think you should do? Is there something that you kind of in… like, intuitively you know you need to shift about it?” And then I’ll give direct feedback like, “First of all, I don’t feel like this feels like you.” Or if they had a theme you know, if it were a party, what would the theme be here. Are you in alignment with that? Does that look like a party on your website to me? No. I’m falling asleep while I’m looking at it. You must be falling asleep too.

But I think it is good to ask for feedback but not for… if you feel it’s inspired and it’s good then it’s going to work. The truth is, your ideal clients, they’re always going to love what you do but we always want to be looking at… if there’s a way to improve it, we want to be inspired to make the improvements that will attract our ideal clients. And it shouldn’t feel like work. You should feel like you want to do it, even the improvements.

Jeannette: Okay so I kind of glossed over the question from the chatroom about unorthodox ways of promoting yourself. Do you use primarily like the traditional stuff? I mean, is that what feels best if you do anything super out of the ordinary that works really well?

Jeanna: Well, I don’t think there’s anything that unorthodox. If you’re true to your values, you’ll never do anything that’s you know, it’ll just be an extension of you. I personally like to use crazy, like bold you know, in your face stuff a lot so I use to like… I like to do a play on words and that seems to work for me. I think I do a lot of what feels good and then I take bits and pieces from the marketing that’s out there. I tend to leave out a lot of stuff I see that other people are doing because it just… it feels cheesier. I feels like I’m trying to do the pitch, it’s like, “Everybody’s going to know I’m just trying to pitch here. Why don’t I just be upfront about it and be casual and easy?” Because that’s more of who I am. I can’t do something formal. I’m not formal so it won’t feel like me and it will just feel incongruent. You know your brand and who you are should be kind of the same. Everything else is going to be an extension of you and then it will work. So (56.08)

Jeannette: Well, that’s definitely what I find so attractive about you and what you offer. That informal… it’s so appealing to just yeah… it’s just…

Jeanna: And it’s appealing to you because we’re in alignment with each other and there are other people like I coach a producer at ESPN and she’s so trying to get me on their official you know, ESPN-approved coaches. And they had an interview with me and I’m going to tell you, I felt like I was being scrutinized and I kept thinking, “I want to do work within ESPN for their teams because I know that that would be a great thing and I know the inside scoop and it would be really helpful.” And it was so uncomfortable for me, I knew it wasn’t a right fit and I was so clear that they were not digging on me. I was so casual, they were looking for these like, “I help people get you know, 30% more in their results.” I was like, I told them… I said, “I know you’re looking for these concrete things and I just can’t give them to you.” So I knew it wasn’t a fit for them. You know, that’s not my style. It’s not going to work for everybody and I don’t want everybody and neither….

Jeannette: Amen. Way to stay true to yourself.

Jeanna: Yeah and that’s how we all want to be. Just know that your ideal clients are going to love whatever you do so you might as well be loud and proud even if you’re quirky and I am definitely quirky. You just got to be more of you and it’s going to be perfect fit so…

Jeannette: Right on. Well that feels like good wisdom to end our call on. But I want to… I would love for you to tell us where can we plug in to you right now? I know we’re waiting for your home study course but what else would you like us to know about what you’re offering?

Jeanna: You know, especially if you don’t know who I am, there is a free CD that you can download at my site. I think it’s about 45 minutes and it’s all about how to bring the fun back into your business and doing that dance between the being and the doing. I think you’ll get a lot of great value in it and at the end of it, there’s an offer for a free strategy session with me.

Jeannette: Wow.

Jeanna: So there you go.

Jeannette: Very cool and that’s at p-e-a-c-e.

Jeanna: Yes, you got it. Inner peace, baby.

Jeannette: Girlfriend. So much fun to spend time with you. Thank you for giving us this time and making yourself available to us. You were super fun, as always.

Jeanna: Well, it was my delight and it’s fun to see it come full circle. You are everywhere. People come to me and go, “Yeah, you know, I have (58.30). I love Jeannette (58.32)” “I know Jeannette.”

Jeannette: “I’m responsible for Jeannette.” Very cool. Well, I want to thank everyone who joined us on the call and who was listening to the recording. I invite you to check out Jeanna’s work. She is life-changing. And I think, primarily Jeanna, because you walk the talk better than anyone that I know.

Jeanna: Thank you.

Jeannette: Thank you for the gift you bring all of us.

Jeanna: Thank you.

Jeannette: Thanks, Jeanna. Bye everyone.

Jeanna: Bye everybody.

Cheryl: Bye.