' .. ;{, .- .~ .... ~:, :.• , List of Miscellaneous Papers in the Collectio1t ofDavid Laing', LL.D. \/,lD, Large and interesting Account-book, with entries from 1634 ' i 1673, chiefly of groceries and small wares, sold by Mr. Law-' 1 rence Scott. 11. Paper entitled "Informatione for the Earle of Aberdeen . against The Earle of Lauclerdaill and Sir Robert Millne ,: DIVISION II. in reference to their conduct' of the Mint. 1682-1683. Incomplete. 12.. Paper entitled "Paralipomena, or abridgment of some axioms !J[iscellaneous, Ecclesiastical, Literary, Scientific, Legal, 1Jfilita?'!J, f ,of law omitted out of Durie's Practiques which were in and otM?' Papers, chiefly 1Jfodern. Haddingtonnes aud Balmonoes Practiques," etc. [Last date 1631.] , .- 1. Four leaves, fi'agments of the "Auchinleck Manuscrip~," J: '~. ' / bound together for preservation; being portions of the I' , 13. Greek MS. entitled" SEO«PIAOT BA$IATKOT 7TpWTorr .. 14 t ~ ~wv\' 7TaBapLOV Kat, aPXL7JTpOV 7Tept, rrepvryfLwv," from the Royal V poem called the" Life of Adam." t Library at Paris. r J 2. Curious old Drapery Account against the" Lady Justice-Clerk" (Lady Lewis Bellenden of Broughton), with receipt. 1587. v; 4. Extract Commission by King James VI. to Mr. James Ander- . Minist~r .j3. " Nomina Commensalium in Collegio Leonardino Commoran son, of Stirling, to visit the churches in the diocese tium," being the Roll of the mensal students in St. Leonard's of Dunblane, etc.; and visitations following thereon. 1586.. College; St. Andrews,. 1587-1590 ; with accounts, 1592. [Somewhat·torn; 48 pages remaining.] V 4. Original Register of Oblations and Privy Ti~hes of the vicar 15. Three papers bearing on proceedings in Church Oourts, May age of Bosbury, from 1635-1641.
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