Data notes: These 20,000 fire departments reported building fires to the National Fire Incident Reporting System. The NFIRS system is voluntary in most states, and many fire departments do not participate -- for example, few California departments are listed here. On-time rates (percentage of fires getting a response within 6 minutes) were calculated by The Boston Globe. Only when a department reported at least 20 files was a rate calculated; you might choose a higher threshold. Individual fire departments can be listed here more than once, because they reported fires under more than one ID number. Information on the Boston Globe's investigation of fire response times is at, including an Excel version of this file. For a more complete spreadsheet with information on fires in each time period, send an e-mail to Bill Dedman,
[email protected], with the word "fires" in the subject line. On-time rate, building fires No. of fires No. of fires Total building receiving a response with on-time with slower fires studied in 6 minutes, responses, response, by the Globe, State Fire department 1986-2002 1986-2002 1986-2002 1986-2002 AK Adak Volunteer Fire Department N/A 0 1 1 AK Akhiok Volunteer Fire Department N/A 1 0 1 AK Akutan Volunteer Fire Department N/A 2 1 3 AK Alakanuk Volunteer Fire Department N/A 1 0 1 AK Aleknagih Volunteer Fire Department N/A 0 1 1 AK Ambulance Volunteer Fire Department 31.5% 34 74 108 AK Anchor Point Volunteer Fire Department 11.4% 4 31 35 AK Anchorage Fire Department 86.3% 3,511 557 4,068 AK Anchorage