Agenda Item No: 6


13 th March 2020


1. Introduction

1.1 This report updates the Panel on the work of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission and the progress being made in relation to the delivery of the new Police and Crime Plan for Northamptonshire.

2. Key work streams delivered by the OPCC

2.1 New members for our Youth Commission Recently the Northamptonshire Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner undertook a recruitment campaign to find new members for its Youth Commission, to better understand and meet the needs of local young people. The role is open to people aged between 14 and 19 years (up to 24 years for people with additional needs) who live in Northamptonshire.

The Youth Commission was launched in summer 2019 to ensure the voices of young people in Northamptonshire are heard and to support, challenge and inform the work of Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service. Since that time, 20 young people have been working on a project they named the ‘Big Conversation’, to seek the views of as many young people as possible about two key topics – violence and road safety. Results will be presented at an event later in this month.

The Youth Commission represents a great opportunity for young people to get involved in, and express their views on, a range of issues affecting the communities where they live. Members help to gather the views of other young people, plan and get involved in events and present findings back to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and other partners in Northamptonshire.

The deadline for applications was the 29th of February 2020 and I look forward to working with them and learning more about the needs and concerns of our young people.

2.2 RoadSmart Advanced Driving Course Four young drivers in Northamptonshire have become the latest graduates of a scheme working to improve the safety of the county’s roads, taking the number of drivers who have now passed the Advanced Motorists advanced driving course to more than 1,000.

The IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driving Course gives drivers of all ages and levels of experience the opportunity to enhance their skills, enjoy their driving more and become a safer driver.

The four young drivers have benefitted from a new scheme that is offering the opportunity for 30 young people – under 26 years old – to take the Advanced Driving Course at a reduced price of £49. This has been made possible thanks to a grant I have been able to provide.

The Northamptonshire Safer Roads Alliance, the partnership that co- ordinates road safety initiatives in the county, has made young drivers a priority since they are more likely to be involved in a collision than other road users. The Alliance has extended the popular Carkraft courses that are run each year, to create capacity to help more young drivers develop good driving habits, some before they are old enough to take to the roads by themselves. The Alliance is also developing educational tools including a video that can be rolled out to teach young drivers about the dangers of distractions such as loud music, mobile phones and excess speed.

Northampton Advanced Motorist’s work with young drivers plays an important role in that wider programme. The Advanced Driving Course takes drivers through a variety of road types and conditions and coaches them in skills and techniques that will improve their confidence and enhance their safe driving style.

We know that there is work to do to help young drivers develop good skills and safe driving habits that will set them up for a lifetime. I was delighted to be able to support this great scheme run by Northampton Advanced Motorists, whose volunteers who are playing such a key role in promoting road safety and educating drivers in Northamptonshire. Young drivers interested in signing up for the course can find out more or book a free taster drive using .

2.3 HMICFRS fire service ‘state of the nation’ report This welcome report acknowledges the challenges that have faced Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue over the past few years, when the service was part of the county council and badly affected by that organisation’s financial problems. However, changes we have been able to put in place since

I took on the governance of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) in January 2019 have already resulted in real improvements to the service received by the public.

This report also contains some interesting recommendations about the ways that the fire service nationally could develop in the future. We’ve already begun to make some of those changes in Northamptonshire. NFRS has made real strides over the past year, with significant improvements in appliance availability and response times, the growth in establishment of 12 new firefighter posts and the purchase of seven new vehicles. The Service is on a stable footing thanks to the efforts of the firefighters and staff and we are now able to begin to make transformational changes such as sharing support with Northamptonshire Police to give greater capability in the future.

It is encouraging that this report is positive and provides a helpful direction that would create the conditions in which the sector could significantly reform, so it is fit to meet the challenges of the next decade. It is a national report but its recommendations would put us on a path to delivering an even better service in Northamptonshire. The recommendations made would support Chief Officers across the country by providing a clear direction for the sector at a national level and then giving them the operational independence so that they can make that happen.

2.4 New post to lead on sharing support services in Police and Fire A senior position has now been created with responsibility for bringing together the enabling services across Police and Fire and Rescue. Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service are jointly recruiting a Director of Transformation who will work across both organisations and bring together services such as HR, ICT, vehicle fleet, estates and finance that support the delivery of frontline emergency services in Northamptonshire.

The Director of Transformation will be responsible for bringing these services together so that they are as efficient and effective as possible and report directly to the Chief and Chief Fire Officer. The total budget for Northamptonshire Police is £136m, of which £22m is spent on enabling service. Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service has a budget of £25m, of which approximately £3m is allocated to enabling services.

For some time now, both police and fire have shared a joined up governance structure, it therefore comes as a natural step that as the work continues to create further efficiencies and better practice, we move towards the recruitment of a Director of Transformation, whose role will span both organisations and will undertake the critical work of bringing together key functions across both public services. It is inefficient for two emergency services to have different premises, different HR and back office functions, when the work we do, is so closely connected in the same County.

Through the work of this role, we can significantly improve the functionality and effectiveness of the services that in turn help us deliver improved front line services across both Police and Fire and Rescue.

The post has been funded from savings made by a restructure in my office, so will have no impact on the budget of either Northamptonshire Police or Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service. Combining the services that support police and fire makes good sense, it will give a consistent and high quality service that is efficient and affordable in the future. By providing improved support for our frontline, this new post will also free up the chief officers of both services to focus on frontline delivery of policing and fire services.

2.5 Generating income on eBay Northamptonshire Police is now on eBay, aiming to generate income in disposing of some of the 110,000 items of stored property that is seized each year – either as potential evidence in an investigation, recovered stolen property, or even valuable items removed for safe keeping such as following a sudden death. The Force must ensure all such property is properly managed and recorded.

A new role has been created – Evidential cash and income generation officer – who will generate income for the Force from the sale of property whose owner can’t be identified. A recent review and disposal of property and seized cash has netted the Force more than £47,000, which has been banked in the Force’s Police Property Act (PPA) fund. This money helps to make up my Safer Communities and Safer Roads Funds, which provide grants to good causes. The Force is required to keep some of the money in case an owner comes forward at a later stage.

A Force eBay account has now been set up to dispose of suitable property. Last December, £190 was made from just a jumper, fragrance, party game and book! Suitable items are also recycled – including stamps, computer leads, DVD writers and tools to other departments and old clothing that isn’t saleable is sent to charity. The eBay seller account is NorPol101

2.6 Motorists snapping dangerous driving sees results Drivers and cyclists are being encouraged to submit dash-cam footage of driving offences to Northamptonshire Police, as part of a recent operation set up to help to keep our county’s roads safe.

Operation Snap allows members of the public with a dash-cam in their vehicle to easily report driving offences in Northamptonshire, by filling out a form and uploading video evidence. The submitted footage is examined by roads policing officers which can then be used to take action against drivers found to be breaking the law. The introduction of Operation Snap has been funded by my office with the support of the Department for Transport.

The Force has received 126 submissions since the scheme was set up in October 2019, of which action could be taken in 60% of cases. This forms part of our commitment to prevent and reduce serious and fatal collisions, and I’m pleased to be able to increase ways to make our roads safer using digital means. Find out more at

3. Force Performance

3.1 See appendix one [to follow].

4. Summary of PFCC Decisions taken

Decision Record 171– Fletton House Decision taken - The PFCC has taken the decision not to renew Northamptonshire Police’s lease agreement as a tenant at Fletton House, above under the terms of a lease dated 1 September 2015 for the term of 5 years.

Decision Record 172– Project Nova Decision taken - The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to enter a contract with RFEA for the provision of support to Armed Forces Veterans who come into contact with the criminal justice system (known as Project Nova). The one year contract will cost £49,500

5. Summary of PFCC Decisions (Fire and Rescue Authority) taken

NFRS Decision Record 34 – Purchase of Type B Appliances Decision taken - To agree the Statement of Requirement from the Fire and Rescue Service who want to purchase 4 Type B Appliances to replace existing older vehicles. The approximate cost is £1.4m (£350k per appliance).

NFRS Decision Record 35 – Overage Agreement Decision taken - The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to enter in to an Overage Agreement for the properties that transferred to the PFCC as a result of the fire and rescue governance transfer from Northamptonshire County Council on 1st January 2019.

NFRS Decision Record 36 – Northamptonshire Commissioner Fire and Authority Efficiency Plan for 2019/20 Decision taken - To approve the Northamptonshire Commissioner Fire and Authority Efficiency Plan for 2019/20

NFRS Decision Record 37 – Fire and Rescue Fleet Strategy The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to approve the Fire & Rescue Strategy for Fleet.

NFRS Decision Record 38 – Fire and Rescue IT Strategy The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to approve the Fire & Rescue ICT Strategy.

NFRS Decision Record 39 – Fire and Rescue Equipment Strategy The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to approve the Fire and Rescue Equipment Strategy.

6. Recommendations

6.1 That the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel considers the content of the report and its appendix.

Stephen Mold Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner