Pub/is/ied wit/i tAe approbation of the Board of Trustees

VOL. V.—No. 48.] BALTIMORE, APRIL, 1886. [PRICE, 10 CENTS.


I. American Journal of Mathematics. ligence to the various members of the University in respect to• work which is here in progress, as well as for the purpose of pro- The publication of this journal commenced in 1878, under the mulgating official announcements from the governing and teach- editorial direction of Professor Sylvester. It is now conducted ing bodies. Although these circulars are designed for the members by Professor Simon Newcomb, as Editor, and Dr. T. Craig, as of the University, they have frequently been called for by insti- Associate Editor. Seven volumes of about 400 pages each have tutions and libraries at a distance, and also by individuals who been issued and the eighth is in progress. It appears quarterly, are interested in the literary and scientific activity of this Univer- in the quarto form. Subscription $5 per year. Single numbers sity. Subscriptions and exchanges are therefore received. $1.50. The publication of the Circulars began in December, 1879, and II. American Chemical Journal. forty-eight numbers have since been issued. Subscription $1 per This journal was commenced in 1879, with Professor iRemsen year. Subscribers to the Circulars will also receive the Annual as Editor. Seven volumes of about 450 pages each have been iRegister and the Annual Report of the University. issued, and the eighth is in progress. It appears bi-monthly. Sub- scription $3 per year. Single numbers 50 cents. VII. Annual Report. Presented by the President to the Board of Trustees, reviewing IlL American Journal of Philology. the operations of the University during the past academic year. The publication of this journal commenced in 1880, under the VIII. Annual Register. editorial direction of Professor Gildersleeve. Six volumes of about 570 pages each have been issued, and the seventh is in pro- Giving the list of the officers and students, and containing detailed gress. It appears four times yearly. Subscription $3 per volume. statements as to the regulations and work of the University. Single numbers $1.00. Announcements of proposed lectures, courses of instruction, etc., appear in the University Circulars, or are separately issued IV. Studies from the Biological Laboratory. (Including the Chesapeake ZoSlogical Laboratory.) as Programmes from time to time. The publication of these papers commenced in 1879, under the direction of Professor Martin, with the assistance of Dr. W. K. During the year 1885—86, in addition to the current journals Brooks. Two volumes of about 500 pages octavo, and 40 plates named above, there have been issued by the University: each, have been issued, and the third is inprogress. Subscription Photograph of the Normal Solar Spectrum. Made by Professor $5 per volume. H. A. Rowland. 1886. Set of seven plates unmounted $10, V. Studies in Historical and Political Science. mounted $12; single plates unmounted $2, mounted $2.25. Reproductionin Phototype of a Syriac MS. with theAntilegomena The publication of these papers was begun in 1882, under the Epistles. (Including seventeen phototype pages, each on a separate editorial direction of Dr. H. B. Adams. A first series of 470 leaf besides additional pages containing descriptive and explana- pages, a second of 630 pages and a third series of 595 pages are tory matter.) Edited by Dr. I. H. Hall. 250 copies. 1886. $3. now completed, and a fourth series is in progress. Subscription $3 per volume. Communications in respect to exchanges and remit- VI. Johns Hopkins University Circulars. tances may be sent to the Johns Hopkins University (Pub- The University Circulars are published at convenient intervals lication Agency,) Baltimore, Maryland. during the academic year for the purpose of communicating intel- 74 JOHNS HOPKINS [No. 48.




A Associate. C = Candidate for Matriculation. G S = Graduate or University Scholar. M = Matriculated Student. A Prof. = Associate Professor. C Z L = Ch( sapeake Zodlogical Laboratory. H S = Hopkins Scholar. P M Student in course Preliminary to As’t = Assistant. F = Fellow. H H S = Honorary Hopkins Scholar. Medicine. Ast Prof. = Assistant Professor. F by C = Fellow by Courtesy. Instr. = Instructor. S = Special Undergraduate Student. Bait. C. C. = Baltimore City College. G = Graduate Student. Lect. = Lecturer. WS = Washington Scholar.

EXAMPLE. BaIt. C. C. 1876 (Graduate of Baltimore City College, 1876) A. B.80, Pb. ID. 83 (Bachelor of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 1880 and 1883) M 77-SO (Matriculated Student J. H. U., 1877-SO) G S 80-81 (Graduate Scholar J. H. U., 1880-81) F 81-83 (FellowJ. H. U., 1881-83).

Where no place or station is named the Johns Hopkins University may he understood. The present residence is, in most cases, given after the name; in cases where this is not known, the residence at the time of the student’s connection with the University is stated. The residence, as recorded in the current Register, is given in the case of students now connected with the University. Deaths are indicated by an asterisk *~ The names of a few persons who were appointed to Fellowships but did not hold that position, are included in the list.

Abbott, Alexander Crever (Bait. C.C., M. ID. Arthur, XVilliamHenry (M.D. Univ. Md.76), Birckhead,Lennox, C76-7, K 77-8,Toledo, 0. and Harv. 85), F by C 85-6, Physician, Univ. Md. 84), G 85—6, Physician, Balti- (577-8, Ast Surgeon U. S. A. Birmey, Hermaman Hoffman,PK 84-5, Wash- Bay View Asylum (Insane Dept.), Balti- more. Artz, Charles Walter (A .B. 84), C 79-80,82-3, ington, ID. C. more. Abel, John J. (Pb. B. Mich. 81), G 83-4, Stu- K 83-4, Student of Law, Columbia Coil. Bissing, Gustav (Bait. C. C., A, B. 82, Ph.D. Brice, Paul McDonald (A. B. Erskine 83), (5 dent in Leilsic, Germany. New York. 85), 5 78-82, K 82, (5 5 82-3, F 834, F by C 83—4, Winnaboro, S. C. Aber,XVillians Martin (A. B.Yale 78), G 84-3, Atkinson, Isaac Edmondson (H. ID. Univ. 84-5, Ast Examiner U. S. PatentOffice. Brigham, Charles Pliny, C 85—6, Baltimore. XV aterhury, Coon. Md. 65), G 76—7, Physician, Baltimore. Black, Charles H. (U. S. N.Acad. 65), (584-5, Bright, James Wilson (A.B. Lafay. 77,Ph. ID. Adams, Frank Dawson (B. S. McGill Univ. Atkinson, Thomas (B. Litt. Univ. Va. 80, Lient. Commander, U. S. N., Baltimore. 82), (5 79—80, F 80—2, Ast 82—3, F by C 84—5, 78), (5 83-4, Litbologist, Geol. Survey of A. M. Va. 81), (5 81—2, Clergyman, P. E. Black, James William (Bait. C. C. 85), C and Instr. Cornell 85, Instr. 85—6, Baltimore. Canada, Ottawa. Church, Baltimnore. Ni 85-6, Baltimore. Brill, Charles Comustock (A. B. Syracuse 85), Adams, Henry Carter (A. B. Iowa CoIl. 74, Ayres, Brown (S.B. StevensInst. 78),G78—9, Blair, William Allen (A. B. Haverf. 81 and (585—6, Ilion, N. Y. A. M. Iowa 77, Ph. ID. 78), F 76-8. Instr. F 79—80, Prof. Physics, Umsiv. La. 80—4, Harv. 82), (585-6, High Point, N. C. Brinton, Daniel Lord (LL. B. Univ. Md. 83), Pol. Econ.79-81, Lect. Pol. Econ.Univ. of Prof. Physics, TulaneUniv.New Orleans. Bland, John C., Memb. Am. S. C. E., (5 5 79—82, Atty at Law, Baltimore. Mich. 80—, Lect. and A. Prof. Pol. Econ. Ayres, Philip Wheelock (Pb. B. Cornell 84), 79-83, Civil Engineer, . Bristol, George Prentice (A. B. Ham. 76), (5 Cornell, 79—, Ithaca, N.Y. (585-6, Villa Ridge, Ill. Blandin, John Joseph (U. S. N. Acad. 82), 79—80, Ast Prof. Greek, Ham. Coil. Clin- Adams HerbertBaxter (AB. Amh. 72,Pb.D. Ensign U. S. N., (5 84-6, Selma, Ala. ton, N. Y. Heidelb. 76), Sec. Am. Hist.. Assoc., Corr. Baden, William Wilson (A. B. 81, LL. B. Bliss, Albert Nelson (A. B. Mich. 77), (585-6, Bromwehi, William, C 84—5, K 85—6, Port Memh. Mass. Hist. Soc., F 76-8, A 78-83, Univ. Md. 83), C 78—80, K 80—i, Atty at East Calais, Vt. Deposit, Md. A Prof. of Hist. 83-, Ed. Univ. Studies in Law, Baltimore. Bloomfield, Maurice (A.K. Furman77, Ph.D. Brooks,William Keith (A. B.Wins. 70, Ph.D. Hist. and Pol. Sd., Baltinore. Baker, Frank Marion, C 76—7, Bait. Co., Md. .79), F 78-9, A 81—3, A Prof. Sanak. 83—, Harv. 75), F 76, A 76—83, A. Prof. ofMor- Adams, Joseph Henry (A. B. Amh. 70), G 79- Baker, William Sebastian Graff, Jr., 5 82—3, Baltimore. phol. 83—, Director C Z L, Baltimnore. 80, Instr. Adeiphi Acad.,Brooklyn, N.Y. Baltimore. Boigiano, Walton, C 85-6, Waverly, Md. Broun, Philip Hopkins (Univ. Va. 76), (577— Adkins, Franklin Bache (Berkeley Div. Ballard, Henry Harold, K and H 5 85-6, Bond, Allen Kerr (A. B.80, K.ID. Univ. Md. 82,. Kiddlebnrg, Va. Sch.),S 79-80,Clergyman ofP. E. Church, Baltimore. 82), C 76-7, K 77-80, (5 84-5, Physician, Brown, Hamilton McFarland, K and H S Wiconico, Md. Barcroft, David (Pb.B. Cal. 82), GS 84-5, F Baltimore. 85-6, Baltimore. Adkins, William Hughielt (A. B. 82, LL. B. 85-6, Berkley, Cal. Bond, Beverly W., 5 77-8, 80-1, Minister K. Brown, John Wilson,Jr. (A. B.81), K 78-Si, Univ. Md.83), C 79-80, K 80-2, G 82, Atty Barker, William R., P K 78-9, Mechanics- H. Church, Rockville, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. at Law, Baltimore. yule, Md. Bonsai, Leigh (A. B. Harv. 84), (584-5, Stu. Brown, Thomas H. (K. ID. Univ. Md. 66), (5 Adler, Cyrus (A. B. Univ. Pa. 83), G 83-4, (5 Barnes, Edward (B.S. Worcester Free Inst. dent of Law, Univ. lid., Baltimore. 76-7, ~ 1879. 584-5, F 85-6, Philadelphia. 791 (581-3, Prof. Math. Hose Polytech. Boker, William David (Ii. ID. Univ. Va. 67), Browne, Arthur Lee, K and H 5 85-6, Bal- Alden, Edmund Kimball (A. B. Amb. 80), G Inst. Ind. 83-4, * Feb. 1, 1885. (576-7, Physician, Baltimore. timore 83-4, Century Co., N. Y. Barneti, Sansuel, Jr. (C. E. and A. K. Univ. , Charles Anderson (Bait. C. C.), K Bruce, Adam Todd (A. B. Prine. 83), F 83-4, Alexander, William John (A. B. Loud. 76, Ga.), (5 80-i, XVashington, Ga. 80-1, 5 85-6, Student of Law, Univ. Md., (584-5, F by C 85-6, C Z L 84, 85, New Ph. ID. 82). G 79-80, (5580-1, F 81-3, Prof. Barton, Boiling W. (K. ID Univ. Md. 65), G Baltimore. York City. ofEng. Dathousie Colt. Halifax, N. S. 76-7 and 83-4, Instr. Botany 85-6, Physs- Boston, John Guy (Bait. C. C.), C 82-3, Stu- Bruce, James Douglas (A. K. Univ. Va. 83), Allen, Edgar Pierce (A. B. Emory Coil. Ga. clam, Baltimore. dent of Law, Univ. Md., Baltimore. (583-4, Immstr. in Chem. Univ. Va. 85), G 83-6, Shanghai, China. Bateson,Williamn (B.A.Camb. Univ. 83),C ZL Boteler, William C. (1. ID. Univ. Md. 78), (5 Bruere, Abel Taylor, PM 79-80,New Egypt, Allen, Paul, C 85-6. New York City. 82, 84, F St. Jobma Coil., Cambridge, Eug. 77-8, Physician and Ed. Mo. Valley Med. N.J. Allinson, Francis Greenleaf (A. B. Haverf. Bayard, Richard Howard, K 81-6, Baltiniore. Jotmr., St. Joseph, Mo Brune, Herbert llaxweil, C 84-3, K 85-6, 76 and Harv. 77, Ph. ID. 80), F 77—80, Ast Bayley, (Bait. C. C. 79, A.B. Bothne, Gisle Christian Johnson (A. B. Baltimnore. Prof. Latin and Greek, Haverf.80—2, Clas- 83), 5 80-i, K 81-3, (5 83—4, (5 5 84-5, F Norw. Luther. 78 and Northwest. Univ. Brune, Thomas Barton (A. B. St. Johns 73, sical Instructor, Baltimore. 85-6, Baltimore. Wis. 79), (5 79-80, 814 Prof Greek and A. K. St. Johns 78, 11. ID. Univ. Md. 77), Ames, Howard E. (K. D. Univ. Md. 74), G Beadenkopf Thomas Milton (Bait. C. C. 71, Latin, Norw. Lutim. Coil. Decorab, Iowa. (576-7, Physician, Baltimore. 77-8, Ast Surg. U. S. N. A. B. 83, B. ID.Yale 83), C 76-7, K 77-80 (5 Botsford, George Washington (A. B. Univ. Bruyn, Cornelimma, 5 84-6, Kingston, N. Y. Ames, Joseph Sweetman, K 83-6, Faribault, 80-3,Student ofTheologyTale College. Neb. 84), (584-6, Prof. Greek and Latin, Bucherer, Alfred Henry (Cologne Gym. 81), Minn. Bechtel, Edward Ambrose, C 85-6, Colors, St. Chain-lea Coil., St. Charles, Mo. (585-6, Ehrenfeld, Germany. Ammen, Samuel Z. (A. M. Wash. & Lee 59), Md. Bosmesein, Gustav Friedr ich (Bait. C. C. 76), Buckler, Thonsas Hepburn, 5 82-3, K 83-6, (576—7, As’t lCd. “Son, Baltimore. Becker, Louis, 5 78-9, Baltimore. S 83-s, Physician,Baltimore. Baltimore. Anderson, Newton Mitchell, 5 79—80, Jnstr. Beckwitb, Exnmn Greem~m (A. B. Wake Forest Bowdoin, Henry Johims (A. B. 81, LL.B. Bugg, Quinn Thompson (A. B. Wash, and 0. State Univ. Colunabus. 82) (584-5, Wake Forest, N.C. Ummiv. Md. 83), C 78-9, K 79-81, (581-2, Lee 83), (5 84-5, Teacher, Tulane High Anderson, Thomas, S 82—3, Louisville, Ky. Beer, Robert Cr1 (tb. ID. Bonn), (5 76-7, Atty at Law, Bailimamore. Seb., New Orleans, La. Anderson, Willis Austin (A. S. Ealamnsano Teacher of l.angnages, Baltinmore. Bowen, Benjamnin Lester (A. B. Roch. 81), (5 Burgess, Edward Sanford (A. B. Ham. 79), 82), (582-3, Kalamazoo, Mich. Bell, Charles John (A. B. Harvard 76), (5 83-6, Chili Station, N. Y. (55 80-1, F 81-2, Instr. Botany 84-5, Instr. Andrews, Ethan Allen (Ph. B. Yale 81), G 81-2, F 82, F by C 85-6, Prof. Chem. Pa. Boyd, Charles Wesley (A. B. Wesleyan 73), High School, Washington, ID. C. 5 83-4, F 84-6, New York City. Slate Cell. 82-5, Somnerville, Mass. (578-9, Frederick, lid. Burney, William (S. B. IDavids. 75, Ph. ID. Angell, Frank lBS. Univ. Vt. 78), G 82-3, Bell. Louis (A. B. Dart. 84), (5 84-5, F 85-6, Boyd, Jesse Cookman, C 85-6, Baltimore. Heideib. 79), F 79-80, Prof. Chem. S. C. instr. Wash. (ID. C.) High Sch. New York City. Boyd. William Sims, Jr. (B. S Davids. 82), Agric. Coil., Columbia. Applegarib, Aluert. Clayton (Ball. C. C., A. Bemis, Edward Webster (A.B. Amh 80,Ph.D. (582-4, Student of Med. Univ. Md., Bal- Burnhamu, William Henry (A. B. Harv. 82), B. 84), C 81—4, B 84, (584—6, Cattimnore. 851 (5 80-5, (55 83—4, Instr. Pol. Econ. Amn- timore. Gaid F 85-6, IDunbarton, N. H. Applegartb, Edward Carey (Bait.. C. C. 84), herat Coil., Mass. Boyle, Samuel Gill, 5 80-1, Atty at Law, Burt, Beijamnin Chapman (A. B. Mich. 75, K and H H 5 84-6, Baltimore. Berry, Thomas Alexis (A. B. 82), C 79-80,K Danville, Ky. A. K. Mich. 79), (5 79-80, F 80-3, Ast Armuiger,John I ., 5 84-5, II nnt.ingtown, Md. 8.2, (583-6, Student of Law, Univ. Md. Brace, IDe Witt Bristol (A. B. Boat. Univ. 81), Prof. Eng. and Rhet. Univ. Ilich., Ann Armstrong. Joseph L. (Iland. Macon), (5 Baltimore. (581—3, Prof. Physics, Univ. Kich. Arbor. 80—I, Prof. ofEnglish, Central Cull., Fay- Berry, William James (A. B. Cornell 76), (5 Brack, Charles Edward, Jr., 5 84—5, Balti- Burton, Richard Eugene (A. B. Trinity 83), ette, Mo. 77-8, Forestviile, N. Y. more (583-6, Hartford, Cono. Arnold. lacob Dennis (A.B. Georgetown Bevan, Wilson Lloyd 5 82-5, K 85-6, Bal- Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson (A. B. llarv. 73, K. ID. Wash. Univ. BaIt. 76), (5 78—9, timnore. 83), (5 84-6, Quincy, Cajdri, Florian (B. S. Wis. 83), (583-5, As’t Physician, San Francisco, Cal. Bevier, Louis(A. B. Rutgers 78, Pb. ID. 81). (5 Brackett, Richard Newman (A.B. Davids. Prof. llath. Tulane 111gb School, New Arnolt, William Muss (Stuttgart Gym. 78, 78-9. F 79-83, Amn. Seb. at Athens, Immstr. 83), (583—6, Charleston, S. C. Orleans, La. New Brnnswick Theol. Semn. 82), (5 82—3, French, Rulgers Coil., New Brunswick, Brauhamn, Joseph Henry (F. ID. Phys. and Caidwell, Iloward Waiter (Ph. B. Neb. 80), F 83—5, F By C 85—6, Minister, Presh. N.J. Surg. Bait. 79), (5 81—2, Physician, Balti- (582-3, Instr. Hist. Univ. Neb., Limincoin. Church, Jarrettaville, Md. Beyer, Henry Gustav (K. ID. Bellevue 76, more CaIdwell, John Williamson, (A. B. Charles- Arthur, Geor~e (K. ID.Univ. Md. 73), G 80—1, K. B. C. S. En. .), G 82-4, 85-6, Passed Ast Brantly; Williana Theophilus (A. B. Kercer ton, 6i, K. ID. Va. lied. Coil. 64), (584-5, Passed As’t Surgeon, U. S. N., New York Surg. U S. N., U. S. Nati liuseuna, 71, LL. B. Univ. Md. 74), (577—8, Atty at Prof. Geol. and Mineral., Tulamie Univ. City. Washington. Law, Baltimore. New Orleans, La. Arthur, Joseph Charles (S.B. Iowa Agric. Biniom, Samuel A., (K. ID. Univ. lid. 86), 5 Brewer, George Emerson (A. B. Hamn. 81, Cammack, Ira Insco (B.S. Eariham 84), (5 72), (578—9, Charles City, Iowa. 84-6, Baltimore. A. K. Ham. 85, K. ID. Univ. Buffalo 84 84-5, Deming, md. 75 APRIL, 1886.] UNIVERSITY 011WULARS.

Campbell, George Murray (A. B. Dalbousie Councilman, William Thomas (NI. D. Univ. Drain. John L., 5 83-4, Baltimore. low of Columbia Coil. 77-80, G 78-9, F 82), G 85—6, Truro, N. S. Md. 78), Student ofMed. at Vienna, 80-82, Drey, Sylvan (LL. B. Univ. Md. 82), C 79- by C 79-80, F 80-1, Insir. in Physics, Wes- Campbell, John Grey (A. B.Wins. 80), G 80-1, G 78-80, F by C 82-4, A in Pathol. 84-, 80, Att’y at Law, Baltimore. Isyan Univ. 82-3, Marlborough, N. Y. Mendon, Ill. Baltimore. Dreyer, Georbe Peter (Belt. C. C. 84), P NI Flexuer, Abraham, C 84-5, NI 85-6, Louis- Campbell,John Pendleton (A.B. 85),C81—2, Cradock, Thomas, Jr.,585-6, Pikesviile,Md. 84-5, M and H H 5 85-6, Baitimnore. ville, Ky. M 82—5, G 5 85-6, Charlestown, W. Va. Craig, Thomas (C. E. Lafay. 75, Ph. D. 78), Dtmffy, Edward, Jr. (Bait. C. C.), C 84-3, NI Fontaine, Joseph Ammguste (CoIl, of Nancy, Candeld, Walter Bliss (A. B. 84), C 80—1, M U. S. C. & G. Survey, 79-81, F 76-9, As’t 85-6, Baltimore. Fiance, 79~, G 83-6, mO, Francs. 81-4, G 84—0, Baltimore. 79-80, A 80-3, A Prof. ofMath. 83-, Assoc. Duffy, Henry (Bait. C. C.), NI 80-2, Atty at Forrest, Clarence henry, C 85-6, Baltimore. Canfield, William Buckingham, Jr. (A.B. Ed. Am. Jour. Math., Baltimore. Law, Baltimore. Fossum, Andrew (A. B. Norw. Luth. 82), U Princ. 77, Ni. D. Univ. Md. SO), G 78—9, Crenshaw, John Bascom (A. NI. Rand. Ma- Duggan, James Reynolds (A. B. Mercer 77, 83-6, Lion, Iowa. Physician, Baltimore. con 81), G 85-6, Ashland, Va. A. NI. Mercer 80, NI. B. Jeff. Med. Coil. Fowler, harold North (AB. Harv. 80), 0 Carey, Charles Hamilton,C 85—6, Baltimore. Crew, Henry (A. B. Princ. 82), F 84-6, Wil- 79, Ph.D. 84), G 81-2, G 5 82-3, F 83-4, 80-I, Amer. School at Athena 82-3, Inatr. Carey, George Gibson, Jr. (A.B. 84), C 81-2, mington, 0. F by C 84-6, Macon, Ga. in Greek, . M 82-4, Student of Law, Univ. Md., Bal- Crisp, William Benton, (LL. B. Columbia Dulany, HenryRozier (Umaiv. Va.78), 0 78-9, France, Joseph Chalmers (Belt.tmyC.atC.Law,79, timore. 84), 5 79-82, Atty. at Law, Baltimore. Insir. in Math. Bait. 79-80, Uppervilie, Va. Baltimore.LL. B. Univ. Md 83), 580-1, Att Carpenter, Louis George (B.S. Mich. Ag. Cromwell, William Kennedy (A. B. 84), C Duncan, Louis (U.S. N. Acad. 80, Ph. B. 85), Franklin, Fabian (Ph. B Colombian 69 Coil. 79, NI. S. Mich. Ag. 83), G 85—6, As’t 80-1, M 81-4, Student ofLaw, Hsrvard. G 82-4, F by C 84-5, Ensign U. S. N., A Ph. B. 80), 0 76-7, F 77-9, Ast 79-82, A. in Math. Michi,,an Agric. Coil. Crosby, Philip Baxter, C 84-5, Catonsville, (elect) in Physics. Math. 82-, Baltimore. Carpenter, William Howard (Ph.D. Freib. Md. Duncan, Richard Coolid,,e, C85-6, Elyria, 0. Frederick,Henry Alfred, S 834,Dougiass,Pa. 81), F by C 81-3, Instr. Scand. Lang. Crows, Alfred Dean (A. B. Geneva 74), G Dnniap, Charles Graham (A. B. Ohio Weal. Freeman, Spencer Hedden (A. B. Roch. 75, Columbia Coil., New York. 80-1, 82-3, MinisterPresbyterian Church, 83), G 83-5, G 5 85-6, Chillicotbe, 0. A. NI. Rush. 78), U 79-80. F 80-2, Prof. Carroll, John Howell, C 82—3, Student of Baltimore. Durfes, William Pitt (A. B. Mich. 76, Ph. B. Physics and Astron. Adeibert. College, Law, Baltimore. Croweli, Melvin Elliott (A. B. Roch. 79), G S 83), G 80-1, F 81-3, F by C 83-4, Prof. 82-6. * February 3, i886 Carter, John Merriken, Jr. (Bait. C. C.), S 85-6, Genesso, N. Y. Math. Hobart CoIl., Geneva, N. Y. Frick, Charles, (Bait. C. C.), P NI 80-1,C 81-2, 84-5, Mt. Washington. Md. Crum, Charles WilliamRemsberg (A.B. 84), Duvail, Rankin, C 85-6, Baltimore. Baitimnors. Caspari, William, Jr. (Md. Coil. Pharm. 81), NI 82-4, Instr.Math.Mercsrsburg Coil. Pa. Friedemiwaid, Harry (Bait. C. C., A. B. 84, 5 81—2, Baltimore. Cruichfisid, Eugene Lee, C 80-1, 82-4, Stu- Eareckson, Edwin, Jr., C and NI 84-6, Balti- NI. B., Phys. and Surg. Bait. 86), NI 81-4, CatteliJames MeKeen(A.B. Lafay. 80, Ph.D. dent ofMed., Baltimore. more. Ast Physician, City Hospital, Baltimore. Leipsic 85), F82-3, Student ofPhilosophy Cumming, William (Bait. C. C.), C 78-80, NI Earls, Tiighman Goidsborough, P NI 80-1, Friedenwald, Julius (Bait. C. C.), U 84-5, NI in Germany 82-3, Baltimore. Easton, Md. 85-6, Baitimore. Chandlee, Henry (M. D. Univ. Md. 82 and Cummings, James (A. B. Univ. Tenn. 80, Easter, Daniel NI., 5 84-5, Baltimore. Friese, Pi~1lip Hemary (Balt. C. C. 72), 5 834, Hahneman Med. Coil., Phila. 85), G 85-6, A. NI. Teun. 84), G 85-6, Knoxville, Teun. Ebeiimmg, Hermaun Louis (A. B. 82), C 79-80, Tutor, Bail. City College. Physician, Baltimore. Cuykendaii, Eugene Fitch (S.B. Syracuse NI 80-2, G 81-2, Instr. Germ-Am. Gym., Frost, Oscar James (B. NI. E. Wis. 82, NI. E. Cheek, Frank Jacobs (A. B.Centre, Ky. 76), 76, 5. NI. Syracuse 79), G 80-1, Cazenovia, Bloomfield, N. J. Wis. 85), 0 85-6, Chemist, Argo, Cob. G 80-i, Student of Theology, Princeton, N.Y. Edmiston, Harvey Brown (Univ. Va.), G Frothiogham, Arthur Lincoln, Jr. (Ph. B. N.J. 85-6, Columbia, Teno. Leipsic 83), F82-5, F by C 85-6, Baltimore. Cheek, Samuel Robertson, (A. B. Centre, Daish, John Broughton, C, NI and W 5 85-6, Edmond, George Wishart (A. B. 84), 5 834, Ky. 75), G 79-Si, Prof. Latin and Engl. Washington, B. C. G 84-6, Portland, Me. Gais, Harry Edwin (A. B. Md. Ag. Coil. 81, Centre Coil., Danville, Ky. Daniels, Archibald Lamont (A. B. Mich. 76, Eggs, Albert (A. B. Norw. Luther 79, A. NI. NI. B. Univ. Md. 84), 0 81-2, Physician, Chenault, James P., C 76-7, Shelby City, D. Sc. Princ. 86), F 83-4, Instr. Prince- Norw. L. 84), G 82-4, G 5 84-5, F 85-6, Baimimore. Ky. ton 84-5, Instr. Chicago Manual Train- Becoreb Iowa. Gammtt, Henry (NI. B. Univ. Md.), 5 78-9, Chenault, Robert Besher, C 76-7, Shelby ing Sch. 85, Prof. Math. Univ. Vt. Eleheiberger, William Snyder (Bait. C. C. Baitimome. City, Ky. Burlington. 83), C 81-4, NI 84-6, H 5 85-6, Woodherry, Gantt, Henry Laurence (A. B. 80, NI. E. Child, Charles Tripler (Richmond Coll.), G Dasbiell, Paul Joseph, 5 84-5, NI 85-6, Port Md. Stevens Inst. 84), C 78-9, NI 79-80, U 5 80, 85-6, Richmond, Va. Republic, Md. Ellinger, Juhian Oriopp (U. S. N. Acad. 81), Mechanical Engineer, Baltimore. Chilton, Edwin Bailey, 5 83-4, New York. Davis, Eliery William (S.B. Wis. 79, Ph.D. G 834, Student Mass. Inst. Tech. 84-5, Gardner, Henry Braylon (AB. Brown 84), Chisoim, Francis Miles, C 85-6, Baltimore. 84) G 80-1, G 5 81-2, F 82-4, Prof. Math. Baltimore. O 84-6, Providence, R. I. Christie, Frank Albert (A. B. Amh. 81), G and Mu. Tactics, Fla. Ag.Coil. Lake City. Elliott, Edward Stiles (A.B. and A. NI. Univ. Gardner, William, Jr. (A. B. Ill. CoIl. 84), 0 84-5, F 85-6, Boston, Mass. Davis, Henry Bryant, 5 84-5, Baltimore. South. 84), G 5 85-6, Savannah, Ga. 84-5, Greencastle, Iowa. Clark, Byron, 5 80-1, Physician, Washing- Davis, John Franklin (A. B. Haverf. 75), Elmer, Herbert Childs (A. B. Cornell, 83), German, Harrison, 5 81-2, C Z L 83, Nor- ton, Pa, G 76-7, Westminster, N. C. G 83-4, 85-6, Rnshford, N. Y. mai, Ill. Clark, EdwardHuntington (A. B.Wins. 78), Davis, Richard Harding, 5 85-6, Phila- Ely, George Stetson (A. B. Amh. 78, Ph. B. Garner, Samuel (A. B. St. John’s 71, Ph. B. G 78-9, West Salem, Wis. delphia. 83), F 81-3, Prof. Math. Buchiel Coil. 81), U 76-81, Prof. Mod. Lang. Indiana Clark, Thomas Hazen (S. B. Wore. Free Dawson, Joseph Hill 5 83-4, Baltimore. 83-4, As’t Examiner U. S. Patent Office, Univ. Bloomington. Inst. 80), G 84-5, Shirley Village, Mass. Day, David Talbot (A. B. 81, Ph. B. 84), 5 Washington. Garthe, Louis (Bait. C. C. 80, A.B. 82), NI Clark, Xenos Young (S. B. Boston Univ. 77-81, NI 81, G 81-2, 84-6, F 82-4, Baltimore. Ely, John Siade (Ph. B. Yaie 81), G 82-3, 80-2, U 82-3, Baltimore 78), G 5 80-1, Amherst, Mass. Day, WilliamCathcart (Bait. C. C., A. B. 80, Student, Coil. Phys. & Surg. N.Y. Gates, William Episy, 5 82.4, NI 84-6, Phila- Clarke, Samuel Fessenden (Ph.B. Yale 78, Ph. B. 83), NI 77-80, G 5 80-1, F 81-3, Prof. Emerson, Alfred (Ph. B. NItmuich 81), F 82-4, delphia, Pa. Ph. D. 79), F 76-9, Ast 79.81, Prof. Natu- St. John’s CoIl. 83-4, Prof. Chem. and Insir. Class. Arch 01. 84-5, Baltimore. Gatewood, ‘Robert Woodland (U. S. NAcad. ral History, Williams College, Mass. Phys. Univ. Nashville, Teun. Emerson, William Henry (U. S. N. Acad. 84), U 84-6, Norfolk, Va. Clarkson, Walter Bernard (Bait. C. C. 76, A Della Torre, Frank (Univ. Va.), G 79-80, 80), 0 83-5, F 85-6, Tunnel Hill, Ga. Gavin, Frank Benton (M.D. Univ. Md. 74), B. 82), C 76—7. NI’ 77—8, Principal Duval Reisterstown, Md. Engle, Horace Musser, 5 85-6, Marietta, Pa. O 76-7, 78-80, Physician, Baltimore. High Sch., Jacksonville, Fla. 80-3, Jack- Derby,Samusi Carroll (A. B. Harv.66, A.M. English, Harry, C 83-4, NI 84-6, Washington, Gephart, GeorgeFrederick (Balt.C.C.,LL.B. sonville, Fla. Harv. 77), Prof. Latin, Antioch Coil., F B. C. Univ. Md. 82), 5 78-81, Atty at Law, Bal- Claxton, Philander Priestly (A.B. Univ. by C 80-1, Prof. Latin and Hist. Ohio Ensey, Richard Fahnestock, Jr. (Bait. C. C.), timore. Tenn. 82), G 84—5, Shelbyvilie, Tenn. Stats Univ. 81-, Coinmbus. 5 84-6, Baltimore. Gerber, Adolph (Ph. B. Munich82), F by C Coals, Robert Dorsey. (C E. Pa. Mu. Acad. Devries,William Levering, NI and H 5 85-6, Evans, Robert Graham, 5 80-1, Farmer, 83-6, Prof. (sled.) Mod. Lang. Eariham 75, Ph. B. 81), 5 76—80, F 80—I, Ast 81—3, Baltimore. Danville, Ky. Coil. Richmond, md. Lect. Chem. Univ. Md. 83-4, Prof. them. Dewey, Davis Rich (A, B. Vt. 79), G 83-4, G Evenson, Gcmstav Adolph (A. B. Norw. Gerke, Welter Duncan, 5 79-81, Baltimore. and Toxicology, Univ. Md. Baltimore. 5 84-5, F 85-6, Burlington, Vt. Luth. 80), 0 82-3, * Oct. 10, 1885. Gieske, Gustav Edward, 5 85—6, Catoisavilie, Coar, Henry Livingston (Cologne Gym. 84), Dewey,John (A. B. Vt. 79, Ph. B.84), G 82-3, Ewing, Samuel Thomas (A. B. Wash. Coil. Md. G 84-6, W. Springfield, Mass. F 83-4, Instr. Philosophy, Univ. Mich., Md. 71), G 76-7, Queen Anne’s Co., Md. Giffin, Charles NI. (B. L. Cincin. 71, A. NI. Coates, Charles Edward, Jr., NI 84—6, Balti- Ann Arbor. Wesi.75), 077-9, Clergyman M.P.Church. more. Dc Witt, XViiliam Russell, 5 82-3, C 85-4, Fadeisy, George Beauregard, C 834, Balti- Gilbert, Philip C., C 82-4, * Sept. 1884. Cobb, Jesse Tevis (A. B. Central, Ky. 79), G B. & 0. Engineer Corps. more Gildersiseve, Raleigh Coiston, NI and H HS 83—5, Teacher, Henderson, Ky. Dickson, John (NI. D. Univ. Md. 52), G 76-7, Fasrber,JsmliusIsaac (Univ. Borpat), G 82-5, 85-6, Baltimore. Cole, Alfred Dodge (A. B. Brown 84), G 84—5, Physician, Baltimore. Borpat, B~nssia. Giles, Arthur Henry (A. B. Syracuse 78), U Prof. Chem. and Physics, Denison Univ., Dickson, John Ross (Belt. C. C.), 5 78-9,Bal- Fahibseg. Constantine (Ph. B. Leipsic 73), 81-2, Maultus, N. V. Granville, 0. timore. F 78-80, Chemist, Philadelphia. Gillespie, John Hamilton (A. B. Rutgers 82, Cole, Thomas Lafayette, 5 81-3, Clergyman Diusmore, Thomas H., Jr. (A B. Highland Fey, Edward Allen (A. B. Univ. Mich. 62, New Brunaw. Theol. Scm.), U 82-3, Pas- P. E. Church, Rhinecliff, N. Y. Univ. Kans. 76, A. NI. Highl. 79, Ph. B. A. NI. Mich. 65, Ph. B. 81), U 77-81, tor, Duich Ref. Church, New Hurley, Cole, William Itoswell, C 84—5, M 85—6, Bal- Highi. 83), G 81-4, Instr. 111gb School, Prof. Latin and Hiat. Nail Deaf Mute N.Y. timore. York, Pa. Coil., Washington, B. C. Gilmuan,Benjamin Ives (A.B. Wins. 72, AM. Coleman, Robert James (A. B. Central CoiL Dixon, Thomas,Jr. (A. NI. Wake Forest 83), Fearn, Thomnes Spear, P NI 85-6, Summit, Wins. 80), 0 79-81, F 81-2, F by C 82-3, Mo. 76), G 79—80, Buena Vista, Cob. G 83-4, Memb. H. of Rep. N. C., Raleigh. N.J. New York City. Coler, CecilSeymour (A. B.Ohio Univ. 83), G Dohme, Alfred Robert Louis, C 83-4, NI 84-6, Feis, Maurice (A. B. 83, LL. B. Univ. Pa.86), Gilpin, Joseph Elliott, C 84-5, NI 85-6, Bai- 85-6, Athens, 0. Baltimore. C 80-1, NI 81-8, Atty at Law, Philadel- liinore. Coler, George Perry (A. B. Ohio Univ. 82), Dolley, CharlesSumner (NI. B.Univ. Pa.82), phia, Pa. Gittings, David Sterrelt (A. B. 83), C 78-80, G 84-6, Instr. B. & 0. Manual Training G 81-4, AstProf. Nat. Hist., Swarthmore Ferguson, William Clements, 5 84-6, Rich- NI 80-3, Studemit of Law, Baltimore. Sch., Baltimore. Coil. Pa. and Instr. Biol. Univ. Pa. mond, Ind Ujeilum, Erik Simvmon (A. B.Norw. Ltmth. 79 Cohn, Theodore Frederick (Univ. St. Ps- Donaldson, Frank, Jr. (A. B. Harv. 79, NI. B. Ferris, Cornelimma, Jr., 5 84-6, Denver, Cob. LL.B. Iowa Univ. 82), U 79-81, Atty at tereb.), G 84-5, St. Petersburg, Russia. Univ. Md. 83), U 79—83, 85-6, G 5 83, Phy- Field, BurrKellogg (Ph. B. Yale 77), 0 77-8, Law, Albert Lea, Ihinmi. Collins, Arthur T., 5 81—4, Sanitary Engi- sician, Bailimnore. Mt. Washington, lid. Glenn, John, Jr. (A.B. 85), NI80, 81-5, U 85-6, neer, Bristol, Pa. Donaldson, Henry Herbert (A. B. Yale 79, Fields, John Charles (A. B. Toronto 84), G Studentof Law, Univ. lid., Baltimore. Collins, Joseph Victor (Ph. B. Wooster 79), Ph. B. 85), F 81-3, Ast Biol. 83-4, F by C and F 84-6, hamilton, Out. Glemmo, John Itark (A. NI. Wash. and Lee G 80-1, 82—3, Wooster, 0. 84-5, Instr. in Psychology85-6, Baltimore. Fifield, James Clark, C 83-4,NI846 Kearney, 79, LL.B. Univ. Md. 82), U 79-80, Att’y at Colton, Bisel Preston (A. B. Amh. 74), CZL Donaldson, William Winchester, P NI 83-4, Neb. Law, Baltimmiore, 81, G 81—3, Normal, Iii. Baltimore. Fifield, Lebbeus Bailey (A. B. Amh. 53, Glenn, William Lindsay (A. B. 84), NI 80-4, Comstock,WilliamJames (Ph. B.Yale 79), F Dorr, Lucius Bradley, PM 85-6, BuffaloNY. A. NI. Amh. 71), 0 82-3, Baltimore. 0884-5, Student of Law, Univ. lId., Bal- 81-2, Student of Chem., Munich, Ger- Dorsey, Daniel Banks, (Bait. C. U.), 5 81-3, Fink, James A., 5 83-4, Baltimore. timnore. many. Baltimore. Finley, John Park (B. S.Mich. Ag. Coil. 73, Goldaborough, Brics Worthington (NI. B. Cone, Charles Morris (S. B. Dartm. 75), G Dorsey, Richard, (Balt. C. C.), C 84-6, Balti- NI. S. Mich. Ag. 81), F by C 82-3, Lisut. Univ. Va. 80), S 79-80, U 80-1, Baltimore. 78-80, Hartford, Vt. more. U. S. Signal Corps, Washington, B. C. Gooch. George Willis (A.B. Yedkin 81), U Coun, Herbert William (A. B. Boston Univ. Dosh, Frank Bowman, C 78-9, NI 79—81,Nati Fisher, John Alonzo (Ph.B. Ill. Weal. 80), 85-6, Henderson, N. C. 81, A. NI. Bost. 82, Ph. B. 84), G 81-3 Med. Coil. Wash. 81—Q, * Oct. 1882. U 83-6, Clergyman R. E. Church, Balti- Goodman, Edgar (Bait. C. C. 75, A. B. 80, Ast 83-4, C Z L 82, 83, 84, Prof. Zool. Doub, Albert Alvin, 5 83-4, NI 84-6, Beaver more LL.B. Univ. lId. 81), C 77-8, NI 78-80, U Wesisyan Univ., Middletown,Coon. Creek, Md. Fitzgsraid, Delano S. (NI. B. Univ. France 80-5, Atty at Law, Baltimore. Converse, Josiah Holmes, 5 76-83, Librarian, Doubleday, Charles Albert (A. B. Amh. 81), 80), U 80-i, Physician, Baltimore. Goodnow, Henry Root (A. B. Amb. 78), U Bar Library, Baltimore. G 84-6, Montclair, N. J. Fleming, Wiliiamn Scott (A. B. Bavids. 78), 80-2, F 82-3, F by C 83-4, Instr. Hill Seb. Cooke, Charles Albert (Bait. C. C.), 5 80-1, Douglas, CharlesHenry James (A. B. Brown G 80-I, U 5 81-2, F 82-3, Prof. Greek and Pottatowas, Pa., 1884-5, Brooklyn, N. Y. Baltimore. 79), G 80-1, Miiwatmkee, Wis. German, [)avidaon Coil. 83-5, Wetumpka, Gordon, Basil Brown, Ii 80-4, Baltimore. Cooke, Frederick Hale (A. B. Wins. 80), G Downs, Howard Fletcher (Bait. C. C. 76), C Ala. Gordon, Douglas Huntley, C 84-5, NI 85-0, 80-I, Rock Bottom, Mass. and NI 76-7, NI 79-80, Minister NI. E. Fletcher, LawrenceBunting (A.B. Columbia Baltimore. Core, John, Jr.) S 79-SO, Baltimore. Church, Caiverton, Md. 77, A. NI. Columbia 80, Ph. B. 81), Fel- 76 JOHNS HOPKINS [No. 48.

Gore, Joshua Walker (C. E. Univ. Va. 75), Hemmeter, John Cohn (Bait. C. C., M. D. JamiesonAlaxandar Fridge (AB. 80), C76-7, Langdon, Courtney (Harvard), 0 85-6, F 76-8, Prof. Nat. Sri. S. XV.Bapt. Univ. Univ.Md. 83), G 84-6, C Z L 85,Balimoore. M 77-80, 0 80-1, Teacher, Lawrenceville, Teacher, Baltimore. 78-81, Ast Prof. Math. Univ. Va. 81-2, Heusphill, Charles Robert (S. C. Univ. 69, N.J. Lanier, CharlesDay, C 85-6, MeDonogh, Md. Prof. Nat. Phulos. and Engin. Univ. N. C. Va. Univ. 71, 5.Presb. Theol. Sam., A. M. Janney, Oliver Edward (M. D. Univ. Md. 81 Lamnan, Charles Rockwell (A.B. Yale 71, Chapel Hill. Davids. 78), F 78-9, Prof. S. W. Presh. and Hahuemnaun lied. Coil. Phila. 82), 0 Ph. D. Yale 73), F 76-7, A 77-80, Prof. GortonWilliam Curns Lawrence (Bait. C. C. Univ. 79-82, A. Prof. Southern Theol. 85-6, Physician, Baltimore. Sanskrit, Harvard Univ. 83), M and H H S 83-6, Baltimore. Sem. 82-5, Clergyman, Presb. Church, Jarvis, Edmund Allan (A. B. 80), C 76-7; M Laner, Martin (Bait. C. C. 75), 5 76-7, Bal- Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell (A. B. Victoria, Louisville, Ky. 77-80, G 80, * October 15, 1880. timore. Out. 81), G 81-2, F 82-4, F by C 84-6, Instr. Hench, George Allison (A. B. Lafay. 85), G Jarvis, William C. (M. D. Univ. Md. 76), G Lawrie, Andrew Davis (A.B.Amh. 73, Ph.D. High School, Washington, D. C. 8.1-6, Carlisle, Pa. 76-7, Baltimore. Gdtt. 76) 0 76-73ooperBoston,(A.Mass.B. Toronto 83, Grammer, Carl Eckhardt (Bait. C. C., A. B. Henderson, Raymond Lee, 5 85-6, Hancock, Jastrow, Joseph (A. B. Univ. Pa. 82, A. M. Lawson,A. M. AndrewTorontol85), 0 85-6, Gaol. Survey 80, B. D. Va. Theol. Scm. 84), C 76-7, M lid. Pa. 85), G 82-4, 0 5 and F 84-6, Phila- of Canada, Ottawa. 77-80,G 80,StudentofLaw, Univ.Md.80-I, Hating,Daniel Webster (Ph. B. Yale72, C.E. delphia. Learned, Marion Dexter (A. B. Dickinson Clergyman, P. E. Church, Hancock, Md. Yale 78), R. B. Engineer 734, 78-80, F Jay, John G. (M.D. Univ. Md. 71), 0 76-7, 80, A.M. Dickins.83),G 84-5, F 85-6, Dover, Graminer, Frederick Louis, 5 84-5, Student 76-8, Prof. Math.W. lId. Coil. 80-4, West. Physician, Baltimore. Del. LehighUniv. Pa. Univ. of Pa. 84-5, Prof. Physics, Univ. Jayne, Horace Fort (A. B. Univ. Pa. 79, Lee, Frederic Schiller, (A. B. St. Lawr.Univ. Grape, Jacob, Jr. (Bait. C. C. 78), S 81-5, City of New York. M. D. Pa.82), 0 83-4, Prof. Vert.Morphol. 78, A. M. St. Lawr. 80, Ph. D. 85), G 81-3, Teacher, Baltimore. Herrick, Francis Hobart (A. B. Dartm. 81), Univ. Pa., Philadelphia. C Z L 83, 0 5 83-4, F 84-5, Student of Graves,WilliamSamuel (A. M. Wash. & Lee G 84-6. C Z L 85, Tilton, N. H. Jayne, Joseph Lee (U. S. N. Acad. 82), En- Biology, Leipsic, Germany. 69, B. L. Wash. A Lee 72), G 83-5, F hy Hilles, William Sadler, C 85-6, Baltimore. sign U. S. N., G 85-6, Brandon, Miss. Lee, William (H. D. Univ. Md. 64), 0 76-7, C 81-6, Prof. Greek and German, David- Hillyer, Homer Winthrop (S. B. Wis. 82, Jefferson, Howard 5., 5 84-5, Baltimore. Physician, Baltimore. son College, N. C. Ph.D. 85). G 82-3, G 883-4, F 84-5, Ast Jenkins, Felix S. (M. D. Univ. Md. 82), C 78- Leftwich, Thomas James, C 79-82, Atty. at Gregg,Maurice, 5 81-3,Student of Law, Bal- Chem. Ummiv. ofWisconsin, Madison, Wis. 80, Physician, Baltimore. Law, Minneapolis, Minn. timore. Hinkley, John (A. B. 84), Xi 81-4, Strident of Jenkins, Oliver Peebles (A. B. Moore’s Hill Lehmann, Ferdinand Friedrich Carl (LL.D. Grier, Mark Brown (A. B. Erskine 85), G Law, Univ. lid., Baltimore. Coil. 69, A. M. Moora’s Hill, 72), 0 82-3, Gdtt. 83), G 83-4, Hamburg, Germany. 81-6. Doe West, S. C. Hitchcock, George Gale (A. B. Neb. Univ. CZ L 83, 85, Prof. Nat. Sd. Normal Sch., Leonard, Benjamin F. (M.D. Univ. Md.76), Gross, Alfred Hermaun (A. B. Toronto, 82), 83), G 84-5, Instr. Nat. Sd. and Math. Terre Haute, md. G 77-80, Physician, Baltimore. G 84-5, Student of Law, Chicago, Ill. Pierre Univ. Dakota Johnson, John (A. B.81), C 79-80, M 80-1, G Lerch, Charles Henry (A. B. Lafay. 82), G Guard, William John, M 81-3, Baltimore. Hixson, Hiram Franklin (Ph. B. Ashland 81-5, Iustr. McDonogh Sab. Md. 84-5, Teacher, Easton, Pa. Guggenheisner, Jay Caesar, M 84-6, H H S 81, Ph. 1). Ashland 83), Prest Ashland Johnson,Oakley A. (B.5. Rutgers 81), G 81-2, Lester, Samuel T., 5 76-7, Teacher, Balti- 84-5, Baltimore. Coil. 83-5, G 85-6, Ashland, 0. Priuc. Bigh Sab. Westfield, N. J., 84-5, more. Hohbs, William Herbert (B. S. Worc. Free Sing Sing, N. Y. Le Van Bender, John, S 80-1, Physician, Hahn,Harry Wolf~ S84-5, C85-6,Chicago,Ill. Inst. 83), G 84-6, Auburn, Mass. Johnson, Robert Wilkinson (A. B. Princ. Penn Yan, N. Y. Haight, Milton (A. B. Toronto 84), G 5 85-6 Hobson, Benjamin Lewis (A. B. Central 76, Ii. D. Univ. Pa. 79), 0 76-7, 82-3, Phy- Lavermore, CharlesHerbert (A. B. Yale 79), Pine Orchard, Out. Univ. Ky 77, A. XI. Central 80), G 81-2, smeman, Baltimore. 0 83-4, F 84-5, Teacher, New Haven, Haldeman, George Bowman (A. B. Beloit Lexington, Mo. Johnston, Christopher, Jr. (A. M. Univ. Va. Coon. 83), G 81-6, C Z L 85, Cedarville, Ill. Hodga, Clifton Fremont (A. B. Ripon 82), 79, XI. D. Univ. Md. 80). 0 82-3, Physi- Lewis, Henry Carvihi (A. XI. Univ. Pa.), F Hall, Clayton Coleman, G 82-5, Balti- G 85-6, Ripon, Wis. cian, Baitimnore. by C 84-5, Prof. Mineral. Phila. Acad. more. Hodges, James Shaler, C 83-4, M 84-6, Bal- Johnston, Rohart Ciaphamn, M 82-4, Balti- Nat. Sd., Prof. Geol. Haverford Col- Hall, Edwin Herhert (A. B. Bowdoin 75, timore. more. lege, Pa. Ph. D. 80), G 77-8, F 78-80, As’t Physics, Hodges, Sebastian, C 79-80, Baltimore. Jones, Charles Edgeworth (A. B. and Ph. B. Lewis, John Shackelford (M. B. Phys. and 80-1, Instr. Physics, Harvard Univ. Hoen, AlbertBartholomew, 885-6, Waverly, Univ. Ga. 85), 0 85-6, Augusta, Ga. Surg. Bait.79). 0 79-80, Physician, Balti- Hall, John Leslie, 5 85-6, Richmond, Va. lid. Jones, Charles Hampson (B. Med. and M. more. Hall, Lyman Beecher (AB. Amh. 73, Ph. D. Hoffmann, Otto, C 84-5, M 85-6, New York Surg. Edinburgh 83), 5 77-9, Physician, Lewis, Thomas Hamilton (A. B. West. Md. Odit. 75), G 76-7, F 77-9, As’t Chein. 79-80, City. Baltimore. 75, A. M. West. Md. 78), 0 77-9, Minister Prof. Chemistry and Phys., Haverford Holcomb, (B. L. Swarthmnore Jones, Harry Cleary,S85-SNew LondouXid. M. E. Church, Prast. West. Md. Collage, Coil., Pa. Bruce A. B. Priuc. 75, 78, M. L. Swarth. 81), G 83-6, Prof. (elect) Jonas, John Carleton (A. B. Westminster Westminster, Md. Haisted, George Hist. &Pol. Science,Swarthmore CoilPa. Coil. Mo. 79), 0 82-5, Fuiton, Mo. Lichty, William Henry (B. L. Neb. Univ. A M. Princ.78, Ph.D. 79), Fellow ofPrine. Hctlmes, Jesse Herman (S. B.Neb. Univ. 84), Jones, Joseph J. C. (Balt. C C.), C 80-1, Bal- 84), 0 84-5, Tecumseh, Nab. 75-6, F 76-8, Tutor and Instr. Math. Prine. G 85-6, Lincoln, Neb. timore. Liebig, Gustav Adolph, Jr. (A. B. 82, Ph. D. 78-84, Prof. Math. Univ.Texas,Austin. Hoistad, Andrew (A. B. Norw. Luth. 81), Jones. Walter (Bait.C. C. 84), C 84-5, M85-6, 85), XI 79-82, G 582-3, F 83-5, 1’ by C 85-6, Hamilton, William Eversrd, Jr., 5 85-6, G 81-3, San Francisco, Cal. Baltimore. Baltimore. Shreveport, La. Homer, Jummios Moore (A. B. 85), M and Jones, William Augustine, C 84-5, M 85-6, Liabig, Rudolph Aloysius, M 81-3, Balti- Haminosid, Gilbert Jiomine (A. B. Union H H S83-5,G 585-6, Teacher, Oxford,N.C. Tuscaloosa, Aia. more. Chris. Cull. 76, A. M. Union Chris. 79), Hough, Theodore, M 83-6, H H S 84-6, Bal- Joyce, John Jay (A. B. Univ. Pa. 71, A. lvi. Liun, Alvin Frank (A. B. Wittenberg, 84), G 85-6, Prof. Latin, Antioch Coil. Yellow timnore. Univ. Pa. 74), 0 77-8, Clergyman P. B. G 85-6, Springfield, 0. Springs, 0. Howard, Curtis Clark (S. B. State Univ. 0. Church, Georgetown, D. C. Liuthicom, Stewart Brian (A. B. 80, LL. B. Hammond,Kensey Johns (A. B. Hamp. Sid. 78), G 79-80, Physician, Columbus, 0. Univ. Md. 82), XI 77-80, 0 80-3, Atty at 78, B. D. Va. Theol. Sam. 82), G 78-9, Howard, Charles Howard (A. B. 84), M 82-4, Kaessnann, Frederick D. J., C 84-5 Balti- Law, Portland, Oregon. Clergyman P.B. Church, W. Va. G 84-5, G 5 85, Student of Law, Univ. more. Loane, James Albert (Bait. C. C. 82, A. B. Hamner, James Garland (A. B. Marietta lid., Baltimore. Kaiser, Alois, 5 77-9, Rabbi, Baltimore. 85), II 82-5, G 5 85, Baltimore. 811, G 81-2, Union Theol. Scm. 82-5, Par- Howe, Cimaries Sumner (B.S. Mass. Ag. Cull. Kastie, Joseph Hoeing(S. B. Ky. State Coil. Lockwood, William F. (M. D. Univ. Va. 75), kershurg, W. Va. 78), G 82-3, Prof Xiath. Buchtel Coil., 84), 0 84-5, G 5 85-6, Lexington, Ky. 0 80-I, Physician, Baltimore. Hanna, Albert Armstrong (M. D. Univ. Md. Akron, 0. Katzenstein, Louis (Univ. Berlin), 0 85-6, Lodge, Gonzalez (Bait. C. C. 81, A. B. 83), M 75), G 83-5, Physician, Baltimore. Howell, Edwin Clarence (A. B. Harv. 83), G Baitimnore. 81-3, G 5 83-5, F 85-6, Baitimnore. Hanser, Otto Frauz Theodore (Concordia 83-4, Teacher of Math., Baltimore. Keeler, James Edward (A. B. 81), 5 78-81, Loeb, Ailsert Henry, C 85-6, Chicago, Iii. 78), G 81-2, Missister German Lutheran Howell, IVilliamet Henry (Bait. C. C., A. B. 81, XI 81, Ast Allegheny Astron. Observ. Lord, John Deering, Jr. (A. B. 84), II 81-4, Church, New York City. Ph. 0. 84), Ii 79-81, G 5 81-2, F 82-4, Ast 82-6, Ast Lick Observ. Cal. Student of Law, Colombia College, New Harding, Caleb Richmond (A. B. Davids. 80, 84-5, C Z L 85, A in Biology 85-6, Balti- Keen, H. Fraser, M 82, Student Univ. of York. A. XI. Davids. 85), Prof. Greek, Ramp. more. Oxford, Englamid. Lord, Jere Williams (A. B. 84), P XI 81-4, Sidney, 83-5, G 80-1, 82-3, 85-6, Graham, Hubbard, Frank Gaylord (A. B. Wins. 80), Keiihoitz, Pierre Otis (U. S. N. Acad. 84), 0 1184, Studemit of Med. Univ. olPa, Phila- N. C. G 84-6, Oswe~o, N. Y. 84-6, Baltimore. delphia. Harding, Edward Cries (A. M. Univ. Va. Hudgins, XIaxwell S. (C. E. Wash. and Lee Keiser, Edward Harrison, (S. B. Swarth. Loudon, William James (A. B.Toronto 80), 76), F 78-9, Student of Law, Univ. Va. 76), G 76-7, Inslir. Cooper Inst. N.Y. 80, M. S. Swartb. 81, Ph. D. 84), G 81-2, F G 81-2, Toronto, Ontario. 76-7, Classical Instr. Bait. 77-8 and N. Y. Huggins, Lindley XIurray, C 81-3, Balti- 82-4, Ast 84-5, A Prof. Chemistry, Bryn Love, James Lee (Ph. B. Univ. N. C. 84), G City 80-i, Prof. Greek, Univ. La. 79-80, more. Mawr Coil., Pa. 84-5, Ast Prot. Math. Univ. of N. C., Baltimore. Hughes, John Samuel (Bait. C. C.), 5 83-4, Kemp,George Theophilus (Balt. C. C., A. B. Chapel 11111. Harlan, XVilliam Beatty (A. B. 83, LL. B. Student ofLaw, Baltimnore. 83), II 81-3, 0 83-4, G 5 84-5, F 85-6, Bal- Lowe, John Hanson (Bait. C. C., A. B. 80, Univ. Md. 85), C 79-81, 5 81-2, M 82-3, Hughes, Percylieredith, C 84-5, M and W S timore. LL. B. Univ. lid. 82), M 77-80, 0 81-2, Alty at Law, Belair, Md. 85-6, Washington, D. C. Kennard, John Hanson, Jr. (Univ. La. 83), Atty at Law, Baltimore. Harrison, Graeme (A. B. Princ. 81 ,A.M. Huizinga, Abel Henry (A. B. Hope 80, G 83-4, New Orleans, La. Lowudes, Charles N. T., P H 84-5, Student Prioc. 84, LL. B. Univ. 1\id. 84), G 81-2 A. M. Hope 83, New Brunswick Theol. Keyser,Newberry Allen Smith (M. D. Univ. of XIed. Univ. Md. Baltimore. 84-5 Baltimore Sam.), G 83-4, F84-6, Zealand, Xiich. Md. 83), P M 79-81, Physician, Balti- Lowry, William Scott (S. C. Theol. Sem.), Harris~n, William G. (M. D. Bellevue 64), Husacy, George Benjamin (A. B. Colombia more. 0 84-5, Smithviile, Va. G 76-7, Physician, Baltimore. 84), G 84-5, G 5 85-6, East Orange, N. J. Keyser, Roland S. (A. B. Syracuse 72, A. NI. Lupton, Silas Lucien,C76-7, Winchester,Va. Harry, Joseph Edward, M 83-6, H 5 85-6, HusseyGeorga FrederickS 79-80,Baltimore. Syracuse 75), 077-8, Havana, N.Y. Lyons, William Patrick (A. B. 84), Student Pyleeville, lid. Hyslop, John Thomas Benjamoin (M. D. Kimball, Arthur Lalanda (A. B. Princeton of Law, Univ. Md., Baltimore. Hart, Edward (S. B. Lafay. 74, Ph. D. 79), Univ. Md. 85), P M 81-2, Physician, 81, Pb. D. 84), F 82-3, F by C 83-4, A F 76-8, Prof. Analyt. Chem. Lafayette Pungoteague, Va. Physics, 84-, Baltimore. Hacallumn, Archibald Byron (A. B. Toronto Coil. Easton, Pa. Kimball, Richard Fuller (A. B. 82, LL. B 80), G 83-4, London, Ontario. Hartogenais, Benjamin Henry (Bait. C. C. lies, lialvern Walls (Ph. B. Columbia 75, Univ. Md.84),C 78-80, M 80-2, Law, Macauley, John, C 85-6, Washington, B. C. 83), Ni 83-6, Balcimore. Ph. D. Colmmmbia 77), F 76-8, Chemist, Baltimore. MacClintock, Charles Thomas (A. B. Ky. Hartwell, Edward Mussey (A. B. Amh. 73, Leadville, Cob. Kinnicutt, Leonard P. (5. B. Mass. Inst. WesI. 81), 0 81-2, 83-5, Instr. Hamilton A. Xli. Amh. 76, Ph. D. 81, XI. D. Miami Ingle, Edward (Belt. C. C., A. B. 82), M 79- Tech, 73), 0 78-9, Instr. Chemu. Harv. Coil.Ky. 82-3, Teacher, Irvine, Ky. Med. Coil. 82), Instr. Boston Latin Sch. 82, G 82-4, Baltimore. 81-3, As’t Prof Chem. Worcester Free MacClintock, John (A. B. Ky. WasI. 82), 5 74-7, G 78-9, F 79-81, Physician, Cincin- Irby,John Robin XIcDaniei (S.B.Univ. Va. Inst., Worcester, Mass. 81-2, G 82-3, Miilersburg, Ky. nati 82-3, lnstr. 83-4, and A. Physical 75, Ph. D. Gdtt. 78), hillier Scholar, Univ. Knight, Herbert, P XI 84-5, Lancaster, Pa. MacClintock, William Darneil (A. B. Ky. Training 84-, Baltimore. Va. 73-5, F 79-80, * March25, 1880. Knight, Lewis W. (M. D. Univ. Md. 66), 0 lVesl. 78), 0 5 80-2, Teacher, Paris, Ky. Hathaway, Arthur Stafford(S. B. Corn. 79), 77-8, Physician, Baltimore. 82-3, Union Theol. Sam. New York City. G 79-82, F 82-4, F by C 84-5, Jnstr. Math. Jackson, IValter Beattie, C 84-5, Marion,Va. Koyl, Charles Herschel (A. B. Victoria, MacEwan, Elias John (A. B. Kaiamoazoo 75, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, N. Y. Jacques, William White (S. B. liass. Inst. Out 77), 0 79-80, 0 5 80-1, F 81-3, Instr. A. H. Kal. 77), F by C85-6, Prof. English, Haworth, Erasmus (8. B. Kans. Univ. 81), Tech. 76, Ph. D. 79), F 76-9, Electrician, High School, Washington, D. C. Michigan Agric. Coil. G 81-2, Prof. Chem. Penn Coil. Oska- Boston, llama. 78-86,Instr. TelegraphEng. Kuhara, Mitsuru, (S. B. Tokio79, Ph. B. 81), MacGoidrick, Daniel J. (Woodstock CoIl.), loosa, Ia. llass. Imest. Tech., Boston. F 79-81, F by C 81-2, Lact. Organic Chem. 0 84-5, Woodstock, Md. Hay, Jesse, C 77-9. Baltimore. Jagemammn, Hans Carl Gunther (Naumburg Univ. Tokio, Japan. Mackenzie, John Noland (M.D. Univ. Va. 76 Hayes, Charles Willard (A.B. Oberlin 83), Gym. 76, Ph.D. 84), G 81-2, G 5 82-3, F and Univ. N. Y. 77), 0 82-3, Physician, G 84-5, G 5 85-6, Hanover, 0. 83-4, Prof Mod. Lang. Eariham Coil., Ladd, Christine [now Mrs. F. Franklin] Baltimore. Haynes, Elwood (B. S. Wore. Free Inst. 61), Richmnond, md., 84-6, Prof. (elect) Ger- (A. B. Vassar 69), 0 78-82, Baltimore. Magar, Wilhelm (Wiesbadan),G 77-SOCham- G 84-5, Instr. Normal School, Portland, man, Univ. md., Bloomnington. Laessig, John Henry, Jr., 5 82-4, C 84-6, Bal- ist Baltimnora. md. James, Walter Belkuap (A. B. Yale 79), G timore. Mago~mn, Herbert William (A. B. Iowa 79, Hedrick, William Adam (A. M. Columbian 79-80, Baltimore. Lamb, Arthur Lincoln, C 83-4, II 84-6, Bal- A. M. Iowa 82) G 85-6, Bath, Me. 84), G 84-6, Georgetown, D. C. Jamason, John Franklin (A. B. Amh. 79, timore. Mahon,Ormusby Lyman (Bait.C. C.), C79-82, Helfenstein, Edward Trail, S 85-6, Freder- Ph. D. 82), G S 80-i, F 81-2, Ast 82-3, A. Lambert, Marcus Bachman, (A. B. Lafay. Baltimore. ick, Md. in History 83-, Baltimore. 82), 084-5, Riagalsvilla, Pa. APRIL, 1886.] UNIVERSITY 011W ULAI?S. 77

Mahon, Robert Wright (C. E. Lehigh 76, Mitchell, Oscar Howard (A. B. Marietta 73, Bay View Asyinin, BaIt. 85, Ass’t Phy- Platt, ~~alter Brewster (Pb.B. Yale 74, M.D. Ph. D. 82), G 77-82, Tutor in Chem. A.NE. Marietta 78, Ph. D. 82), G 78-9, F sician, Bloumingdale Asylum, N. Y. Hart. 79, F. H. C. S. Bug.), G 81-2, Physi- Lafay. 82-3, Chemist, Camden N.J. 79-82, Prof. Math. Marietta Coil., Ohio. Noycs, William Albert (A. B. and S. B. Iowa, cian, Baltimore. Mann, Alfred, P M and C Si-fl, Milwaukee, Milsukuni, Kakichi (Ph. B. Yale 79, Ph. P. 79, Ph. P. 82), G 50-1, G S Si-2, Instn. Pleasants, John (A.B. 86), NE 82-6, Balti- Wis. 83), G 79-SO, F SO-I, C Z L 79, 80, Prof. Chem. Univ. Miun. 82-3, Prof. Chem. more. Mansfield, John Melvin (A. B. Iowa Wesi. Zoology, Univ. uf Tukio, Japan. Univ. Teun., Knoxville. Pleasants, Richard Hail, Jr., C 81-5, NE 85-6, 64, Ph. D. Ia. W. 69), G 84-6, Mt. Pleas- Moale, Wslliam Armuistead, Jr. (NE. D. Univ. Nuttall, George Hessny Falkiner (NE. P. Baltimore. ant, Ia. Md. 79), G 75-Si, Physician, Bait. Univ. Cal. 84), G 85-6, San Francisco, Cal. Poe, Samuel Johnson (A.B.Pninc.84), G 85-6, Marhurg, Theodore, C and NE 80-1, Balti- Molinard, William Robinson, 5 SS-6, Baiti- Staident of Law, Univ. NEd., Baltimore. more. inure. O’Connor, Bernard Francis (B. fla L. Univ. Poinier, Peter Porter (NE. B. Stevens 74), F Marbury, William L. (LL.B. Univ. NEd. 82), Montgomery, Henry (A. B. Toronto 76, A.NE. France. 74, Ph. P. 83), G 79-SO, F 80-2, F 76, * June, 1876. S 78-9, Atty at Law, Baltimore. Turonto 77, B. S. Victoria, Out. SO), G by C S2~3, Iustr. French, Columbia Col- Pope, Boiling Anthony, Jr. (S.B. Tulane 85), Mans, George Peterkin, 5 78-9, Baltimore. 81-2, Prof. Nat. Sd. Univ. of North Da- lege, New York City. G 85-6, New Orleans, La. Marks, Arthur Handly, S 84-5, Winchester, kota, Grand Forks. OConor, J. F. X. (A. B. St. Fr. Xav., N. Y. Poullain, Thomas Noel, C 85-6, Baltimore. Teno. Moore, George Neville, C 85-6, Washington, 82,) 5. J., G 84.5, Wuodstock Coil., Md. Powell Nathan (S.B. Hanover 84), G 84-5, Marquand, Allan (A. B. Prine. 74,Ph. D. 50), D.C. ODonovan, Charles, Jr. (A. B. Geotown 78, Madison,Ind. Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. 77, F 77-80, F Moore, John Leverett (A. B. Prine. SI, A. NE. NE. P. Univ. NEd. 81), G 78-9, Physician, Pratt, Robert James (CE. Reuse. Polyt. Inst. by C SO-i, Leet. on Logie and Tutor in Pniuc. 84), Tutor in Latin, Princeton Baltimore. 83), G 83-4, Electrician, Troy, N. Y. Latin, Princeton, 51-3, Prof. History of 52-5, G. 85-6, Orange, N. J. ODonovan, Harry, P NE 84-6, Baltimore. Art, Princeton. Pratt, Waldo Selden (A. B. Wins. 78), G 78-9 Moore, William Sadler (A. B. Davids. 77), G Orudorif, William Rid~ely (Bait. C. C. 81, F 79-SO, Ast Director, .Nietr. Mus- Art, Marston,Williamfltaples(A. B.Harv . 74,C. E. 79-SO, Prof. Math. Adger Coil. Waihalla, A. B. 84), 5 81-2, NE 82-4, G 84-5, G 5 85-6, N. Y. 80-2, A. Prof. Beclesiastical Music, Harv. 77), G 79-50, Principal, University S.C. Baltimore. etc., Hartford Theol. Scm. Coun. School for Boys, Baltimore. Morgan, Gerard Emory (Bait. C. C. 73, A, B. Orn, Henry (A. B. Ham. 82, Ph. P. Jena SS), Prentiss, Robert Woodwonib (S. B. Rutg. 78, Mason, John Campbell, 5 84-6, Baithuore. Dickins. 76), G 76-8, .Adj. Prof. Bait. City F by C 85-6, Clinlon, N. Y. NE. S. Rntg. 81), G 78-9, F 79-81, F byC Matz, Franklin Peirce (A.M. Ursinus, Pa, Cull. Baltimore. Osborn, Henry Leslie (A. B.Weal. 78, Ph.D. 81-2, 84-5, U. S. Nautical Almanac Office, 75),G SO-iTeacher, King’s NEountain,N.C. Morgan, Leigh Clinton (Bait. C. C. 75, A. B. 84), F 81-2, F by C 82-4, C B L 82, 83, Washington, P. C. Matake, John Ernst (A. B.Hope 82), G 84-5, 80), C 77-8, NE 78-SO, Clergyman P. B. 84, Prof. Zool. Purdue Univ. Lafayette, Prescott, Philip Maxwell, 5 78-82, Wauke- G S Si-fl, Ridott, Ill. Church, Whitestone, Long Island. Ind. gan, Ill. Mauck, Joseph William (A. B. Hillsdale 75), Munson, Robert B. (NE. P. Univ. Md. 74), G Osborne, William Henry (A. NE. Wake For- Preston, Alexander, 5 84-6, Baltimore. G 79-SO, Prof. Hillsdale Coil., Mich. 76-7, Physician, Baltimore. est83), G 83-4, Editor “New Bra,”Shelby, Preston, Erasmus Darwin (B.C. B. Corn. 75, McCabe,Thomas(Univ.France,Univ.Rome), Mornill, A. P., C Z L 85, Chapel Hill, 0. N. C. C. B. Corn. SO), F 76-8, Instr. Cornell G 85-6, Baltimore. Morrill, Park (A. B. Amh. 81), U. S. Signal Ota, Issazo (S. B. Sapporo 81), G 84-6, Tokio, 75-6, U. S. C. and G. Survey, Nat’l Obser- MeCay, Albert Harvey (Bait. C. C.), S 82-3, Corps, G 82-6, St. Johusbury, Vt. Japan. vatory, Cordoba, Argentisse Republic. Baltimore. Morris, Charles Newton (A. B. Yale 52), G Ott, Isaac (NE. P. Univ. Pa. 69. A. NE. Lafay. Price, Bidnidge C. (NE. P. Univ. Md. and McCormick, Thomas P. (NE. P. Univ. Md. 84-5, West Hartford, Conn. 77), F 78-9, Lect. Exp. Physiol., Univ. Pa. Hahuemnaun Med.Coil. Phila,74), GSS-6, 77), Cx 77-8, Physician, Baltimore. Morris, Henry Heyward, C 54,* Oct. 28, 1884. 76-7, Assoc. Ed. Jour, of Nervous and Physician, Baltimore. McCreary, George Washington (Bait. C. C. Morrison, James William, Jr., 5 82-3, Staun- Mental Diseases, Physician, Baslon, Pa. Price, Harry Wilbtmr (Bait. C. C. 83, A. B. 74, A. B. 79), C 76-7, NI 77-9, Baltimore. ton, Va. Ould, Remus, S 78-SO, Baltimnore. 85), C83-4, NE84-5, Student ofLaw, Wash- MeCulloch. Joseph Flavius (A. B. Adrian Morse, Harsimon Northrop (A. B. Amuh. 73, Outen, Joseph Tomlinson (A. B. Ohio Wesi. ington, P. C. 83), G 84-5, Pleasant Garden, N. C. Ph. 1). Gdtt. 75), Lustr. Chem. Amh 73.6 66, A. Nil. Ohio Weal. 70), G 83-5, Millers- Price, Herbert Lee (Bait. C. C.), P NE 79.83, McDaniel, Charles Thomas (Bait. C. C. SI), F76, A 76-83, A Prof. of Chem. 83- Ba~ burg, Ky. S 51-3, Student, Crozer Theol. Scm. Up- tmmore. Asheville, N. C. land, Pa. Pnitchest, John Edward (A. B. Pritchett Moseley, William Edward (NE. P. Harv. 74), Page,James (Bait. C. C., A. B. 82), NE 79-82, inst. Mo. 73), G 78-9, Glasgow, Mo. McDaniel, William Roberts (A. B.West. Md. G 76-7, Physician, Baltimore. G 82-4, Mass. Inst. Tech. 84-5, Baltimore. Pund, Frederick, C 78-83, Baltimore. SO), G 83-5, Prof. Math. West. Md. Cull., Mossell, Charles Wesley (A. B. Lincoln 71, Page, Waiter I-lines (Rand. Macon 76), F Westminster, Md. B. P. Boston Univ. 74), G 55-6, Lockpont, 76-8, Lect. N. C. Normal Cull. 78, Prof. Quincy, Charles Byron (B. L. Wis. 81), G MciPowell, Whitford Loane (BaIt. C. C. 79), N.Y. Louisville High Seb. 78-9, Journalist 85-6, Salina, Kan. S 79-SO, Minister NE. B. Church, Luther- Motora, Yuzero (Kioto, Japan 84), G 85-6, Raleigh, N. C. ville, Md. Sands, Japan. Painter, Charles, C 76-7, * Dec. 1877. Rainage, Bartow Bee (A. B. Newbenry SO Mcllwaine, Clement Read (A. B. Ramp. Sid. Mount, Cimnistian Keener, 5 84-6, Baltimore. Palmer, Albert Gallatin (A. B. 82, Ph. P. and Harv. 84), G 80-1, Teacher, Brook- 78, LL. B. Univ. Md. 53), G 79-Si, Balti- Mumper, William Norris (A. B.Dickins. 79), 85), C 79-80, NE 80-2, G 82-3, G 5 83-4, F lyn (N. Y.) Latin School. more. G 81-2, 84-5, Prof. Md. Agnic. Cull., College 84-5, As’t in Chem.Swarthinore Cull. Pa. Ransage, Btmrr Jasnes (A. B. Newberry SO, McIntosh. James Higgins (A. B. Newberry Station. Palmer, Chase (A. B. 79, PIs. P. 82), C 76-7, Ph. P.. 86), G 80-2, 84-6, G .8 82-4, Student 84), G 84-6, Newberry, S. C. Murray, Augustus Taber (A. B.Haverf. 85), NE 77-9, G S 79-SO, F 80-2, Ast in Chem. MeLane, Allan, Jr. (A. B. 56), NE 82-6, of Law, Columbia College, N. Y. G 85-6, New Bedford Mass. Mass. inst. of Tech. 82-3, Prof. Chein. Rainsay, Franklin Peirce (A. B. Davidson Student of Law, Univ. Md., Baltimore. Murray, DanielMaynad~er (LL.B. Univ.Md. State Norusal School, Salem, Mass. 79, A. NE. Davids. 55), G 85-6, Minister MeLane, Robert Milligan, C 77-8, San Fran- 53), C 79-81, 5 81-3, Atty at Law, Bait. Palmer, Charles Skeele (A. B. Ainh~ 79, Presh. Chords, Troy, Ala. cisco, Cal. * 1878. Murray, John Scott, Jr. (A. NE. Ftmrman 78), A. NE. Ainh. 52), G 84-5, F 85-6, Chicopee, Basusbung, John H., 5 83-4, Frederick, Md. McLane, Robert Milligan, Jr., NE 84-6, H S G 82-3, Student of Lang., Germany. Mass. Randall, Daniel Richard (A. B. St. J ohn’s 55-6, Baltimore. Mussey, William Lindsly, 5 82-3, Cincin- Palmer, Nelson (A. B. SO), NE 77-SO, G 80-1 83), G 83-6. Annapolis, Md. McLean, Frank P. (Ph. C. Cal. 75), G 76-7, nati, 0. Baltimore. Randall, Thomas Henry, (Mass. Inst. Tech. Physician, Washington, D. C. Palmer, Oliver Hungenfond, C 85-6, Wash- 84), 5 81-2, Architect, Brookilmac, Mass. MeMahon, Robert Fulton (A. B. Prine. 84), Nachtrleb, Henry Francis (H. S. Miun. 82), in~ton, P. C. Randall, Wyatt William (A. B. St. Julius G 84.5, Cambridb e, 0. G 82-4, F 84-5, C B L 53, 84, 85, As’t Parrish, Nicholas Morgan, 5 76-8, 81-2 84), G 85-6, Aussapohis, Md. McPherson, John Hanson Thomas (Bait. C. Prof. Bid. Univ. of Miun. Minneapolis. Teacher, Baltimore. Randolph, Robert Lee (NE. P. Univ. Md. 84), C. 84), NE and H H 5 84-6, Ilaltimnore. Naeseth, Christen Andreas (A. B. iNorw. Patrick, George Thomas White (A. B. Iowa P NE 81-2, Richmond, Va. McWhirter, Felix T. (A. B., E. Teun. Weal. Luth. 74, A. NE. Norw. Luth. 83), G 84-5, Univ. 78, B. P. Yale 85), G and F 85-6 Read, Miles S. (Crozer Theol. Sen.), G 80-1, 73, A. NE., E. Teun. W. 84, Ph. D. Dc Pauw Prof. Norw. Luth. Coil., Decorab, Iowa. Lyons, Iowa. Minister, Baptist Church, Baltimore. 85), G 85-6, Greencastle, md. Nason, Frank Lewis (A. B. Amh. 52), GSS-6, Patten, John Owen, 5 82-3, Bath. Me. Read-r, Frank Eugene, C 85-6, New Brigh- Means, David McGregor (A. B. Yale 68), F Instr. Reuss. lolylech. Inst., Tiny, N. Y. Patterson, JamesMcDonald, 585-6, Denver, ton, Pa. 76-7, Prof. Pout, and NEeni. Sd. Middle- Neale, Leonard Ernest (NE. P. Univ. Md. Si), Cob. Reese. Charles Lee (Bait. C. C., Ph. P. bury Coil. 77-SO, Att’y at Law, New York 5 78-9, Physician, Baltimore. Patterson, James Wilson (A. B. Pniuc. 63), City. Heidelb. 86), C 80-1, Student isaGerusany. Nelson, Bdward William, 5 76-7, Chicago, G SO-i, Baltimore. Reese, David Meredith (Bali. C. C.), 5 84-6 Meriwether, Colyer, 5 84-5, NE 85-6, Clark’s Ill. Pease, Brumat Mondell (A. B. Univ. Cob. 82, Baltiusore. Hill, S. C. Nelson, Julius (B.S. Univ. Wis. 81), G 83-6, A. NE. Cob. 85), G 82-3, G 5 83-4, F 84-6, Reese, Robert Miller (A. B. 82), C 79-SO, NE Merryman, Charles Gorsuch (Bait. C. C. 82), C B L 84, Waupaca, Wis. Instr. Latin, Smith College, Northamp- 80-2, As’t, Pratt Library, Baltimore. S 52-3, Louisville, Ky. Nelson, Keatiug Simons (A. B. St. John’s toam, Mass. Reeve, James Spofford (A. B. Lawn. Univ. Metzler, George Frederick (A. B. Albert, 74, A. NE. Univ. Va. 78), G 81-2, Cuipepen, Peed, Mansfield Theodore (A. NE. Rand. Wis. 55), G 85-6, Appleton, Wis. Out. SO, A. NE. Albert 83), G 84-5, Odessa, Va. Macusa 78), G 53-5, Teacher, Baltimore. Reeves, William Peters, 5 84-6, Richmond, Ont. Ness, Jens Anderson (A. B. Norw. Luth. 84), Peirson, Joseph Edward (A. B. Wins. 83), G Ind Michael, J. Edwin (A. B. Pnine. 71, A. NE. G 85-6, Red Wing, Miun. 83-6, Pittsfield, Mass. Reid, HarryFielding (A. B. SO, Ph. P. 85), C Prine. 74, NE. P. Univ. Md. 73), G 80-1, Newson, Benny Byron (S. B. Ohio Wes. 83), Penniman, George Dobbin (Bait. C. C., A.B, 77-8, NE 78-SO, G 5 80-1, G 81-2, F 82, Ast in Physician, Baltimore. G 83-4, Instr. Central Teun. Coil. Nash- 84), C 81-3, NE 83-4,Student of Law, Univ. Physics 82-4, Student in Cambridge, En,,~ Middleton, Henry (A. B. Charleston 73), G ville, Teun. Md., Baltinsore. Rice, Henry Joseph (S. B. Corn. 76, NE. S. 76-7, Summerville, S. C. Newton, John C. Calhoun (A. B. Ky. NEil. Penniman, William Bose Dobbin (Balt. Miller, Caspar Otto (NE. P. Univ. Va. SO and Corn. SO, Sc. P. Syracuse 81), F 76-8, Inst. 74, A. NE. Ky. NE. Inst. 77), G 84-6, C.C.), 5 83-6, St. Penis, Md. C B L 79, 81, As’t U. S. Fish Commission Univ. N. Y. Si), G 85-6, Physician, Balti- Millershung, Ky. Penniugton, Clapham (NE. P. Univ. NEd. 82), more. 79, Prof. Mich. Sill. Acad. 80-2, Prof. Nat. Nicholls, Charles Wilbur, 5 78-80, Student S 77-SO, G 82.3, Physician, Baltimore. Sd. Brooklyn N. Y. High Seb. 82-5, * Dec. Miller, Charles William Emil (Bait. C. C. SO, Geul Theol. Scm. New York. Penningion, John I. (NE. I). Univ. NEd. 69), A. B. 82, Ph P. 86), NE 80-2, G 5 82-3, F 13, 1885. Nichols, Edward Leamimsgton IS. B. Cornell G 76-7, Physician, Baltimore. Rich, Alexander Miller (A. B. Hobart 85), 83-5, F by C 85-6, Baltimore. 75, Ph. P. Gdtt. 79), F 79-SO, F by C SO-i, Pennington, Stirling, C 76-7, Baltimore. Miller, Daniel (Bait. C. C. 67), 5 77-8, Balti- 5 82-3, Teacher, Reisterstown, Md. Prof. Phys. and Chemn.Central Univ. Ky. Perkins, Charles Albert(A.B.Wms. 79, Ph.D. Rich, Bdson Prosper (B. L. Neb. Univ. 85), more. 85-3, Prof. Phys. and Astron. Univ. Kan- 84), G 5 81-3, F 83-4, As’t in Physics 84- Miller, Edgar George, Jr. (A. B. 84), Student G 83-4, Student of Law, Lincoln, Neb. sas, Lawrence. Baltinsone. Rich, Jacob Monroe (NE. B. Columbia 83, ofLaw, Univ. Md., Baltimore. Nicholson, James Carmich (Bait. C. C.75, A. Perkins, Charles Allen, G 84-6, Syracuse, C. B. Coluinb. 84), G 85-6, New York City. Miller, John Hearsh (A. B. Erskine SO), G B. Dickins. 77), G 79-SO, Minister NE. B. N.Y. Richardson, Edwin George (A. B. 81, West SO-i, Prof.Math. Erskine Cull., Due West, Church, Great Falls, NEd. Perkins, William Henry, Jr. (A. B. 84), NE S.C. Phila. Theol. Scm. 82), C 76-7, NE 77-9, Nicolassen, George Frederick (Bait. C. C. 74, 814, G 84-6, Student of Law, Univ. NEd., Clergyman P. B. Church, Milwaukee, Miller, Joseph Sylvester (NE. P. Phys. and A. B. Univ. Va. 79, A. NE. Va. SO, Ph. P. Baltimore. Surg. Bait. SO), G 83-4, Physician, York, Wis. 82), F 79-SI, Ast Greek and Latin 81-2, Perry, Herbert Mills(A.B. Harv. 80), F 80-2 Riddick, Elbert T. (Bait. C. C.), P NE 83.4, Pa. Prof. Auc. Lang. S. W. Presbyterian Instr. Math. Cascmdilla Seb., Ithaca, N.Y. Baltimore. Miller, William Howard (Bait. C. C. 85), NE Univ., Clarksville, Teun. Peterson, Frank Hance (A. B.West. Md. 78), Rieinan, Perlee Lowe (A. B. Pniuc. 83), G and H H 5 85-6, Baltimore. Nixon, henry Barber (Ussir. N. C. 78), G G 78-9, Lavender, NEd. 81-4, Baltimore. Mills, Thomas Wesley (A. B. Torontu 73, 82-4, F 84-5, F by C 85-6, Wimmfaii, N. C. Peterson, James Bates, 5 80-1, 5. Abingion, Riggs, Lawnason (A. B. Priuc. 81), G 83-4, AM. Toronto 72, M.D. McGill 75,L.R.C.P. Norman, Seaton Fisher, P M 78-9,Physician, Mass. Student of Law, Univ. Md., Baltimore. Bug.), G 81-2, F by C 82-6, C Z L 83-5 Baltimore. Pettignew, Thomas (A.B. SO), NE 77-SO, Civil Riggs, Robert Baird (A. B. Beloit 76, Ph. P. Lect. Physiol. McGill Univ. 84-, Mon- Norton, Edwin Clarence (A. B. Amh. 79), Bugineer, Parkershung, W. Va. GStt. 83), G 84-5, U. S. Nail Museum, treal, Quebec. G SO-i, Prof. Greek, Yaukton College, Philipson, David (A. B. Cincin. 83, Hebrew Washington, D.C. NEliroy, William Forsyth (NE. D. Phys. and Dakota. Union Coil. 83), G 83-6, Rabbi, Baltimore. Rivers, Edmund Christopher (A. B. Wash. Surg. Bait. Si), S SO-i, Physician, York, Nonwood, Chalmers Cohn (A. B. Bavids. 78), Pickle, James Marion (A. NE. Furman 76), N.Y. G 78-81, G 5 81-2, Prof. Math. Md. Coil. NEd. 76, NE. P. Univ. Md. 79) G 79-80, NEliroy, William McCracken (A. B. Geneva G SO-i, Prof. Chem. Fla. Agric. Coil., Physician, Denver, Cob. Coil., College Station. Agric. Lake City. Robb, John Alexander, Jr. (Bait. C. C., 77, B. D. Yale 82), G 84-6, Northwood, 0. Noyes, William, Jr. (A. B. Harv. 83, NE. P. NEindeleff Charles, S 84-6, Washington, D. C. Piggot, Cameron (M.D.Univ. NEd. 82), G 82-6, NE. P. Univ. Md. 80), 5 77-8, Physician, Harv. 85), 1 84-5, F by C 85-6, Physician Baltimore. Baltimore. 78 JOHNS HOPKINS [No 48.

Roberts, Benjamin Titus, Jr. (A. B. 85), S Shippen, Charles Carroll(A.B. Harv.77,M.D. Striugham, Washington Irving (A. B.Harv. Vehien, Andrew Anderson (A. B. Carleton 82-5, H 85, G 85-6, North Chili, N.Y. Univ. Md. 79), G 77-8, 80-1, Physician, 77, PIe. B. 80), 0 77-8, F 78-80, Parker F 77, A. M. Carleton 80), 0 81-3, As’t Prof. Roberts, David Ellsworth, S 81-4, C 84-6, Baltimore. of Hary. 80-2, Prof. Math. Univ. Cal. Math. State Univ., Iowa City, Iowa. Baltimore. Short, Henry Alford (A. B. Columbia 80, Berkeley Veblen,Thorstein Bunde(A. B.Carleton 80), Robertson, Forrest Lee (A. B. Ky. Wesi. 82), Ph. D. 85), F Columbia 80-1, F by C 80-5, Strobel, William, 5 76-8, Minister Lutheran O 81-2, Northfield, Mino. 0 82-3, Paris, Ky. Ast in Latin,Columbia Coil., New York. Church, Baltimore. Veneziani, Carlo (Ph. B. Heideib. 83), 084-5, Robinson, Adoniram Judson (Bait. C. C. 79, Sieher, John (Bait. C. C., A. B. German- Sudduth, Hugh Thomas (A. NI. Muskingum Teacher, Boston, Mass. AB. 51, LL.B. Duty. Md. 88), C 79-80, M Wallace Coil. 0. 81), 0 81-3, Student, 81). 0 82-3, Prof. Rhetoric and Eng. Lit. Vincent, John Martin (A. B. Oberlin 83), 80-1, G 82-5, Tutor, Bait. City Coil., Balti- Drew Theol. Sem., Madison, N. J. Ohio Univ., Athens, 0. O 83-6, Elyria, 0. Sihier, Christian (Concordia 66, M. B. Univ. Sutro, Alfred Emil, C 79-80, Baltimore. Voorhees, Herman (C. E. Rensa. Polyt. Inst. more. 73), 0 78-9, F 79, *Octeber 14, 1879. Robiusou, Carvel Hall, M 80-1, * July 25, Mich. 71, Ph. B. 81), F 77-9, C Z L 78,79, Swaun, Edward, 5 82-3, Student of Law, 1882. Ast Biol. 79-80, Physician, Cleveland, Columbia Coil., N. Y. Robinson, Lewis Bayard (Bait. C.C.), C 81-2, 0. Swartz, Charles Kephart, 5 84.6, Gettys- Waller, Charles Be Vane (A. B. Erskine83), Baltimore. Sihier,Ernest Gottlieb(Concordia 69, Ph.D. burg, Pa. O 834, Selma, Ala. Roe, William Edgar (A. B. Wins. 78), G 789, 78), F 76-9, Classical Instructor, New Sweet, Wright I. (C. E. Union 80), 0 82-3, Wallis, Samuel (A. B. Georgetown, 84), Cornwall, N. Y. York City. Dean’s Corners, N. Y. O 84-6, New Orleans, La. Rogera, James It. (M. B. Wash. Uuiv. Bait.), Simon, Charles Edmund, M and H 5 85-6, Swift, Morrison Isaac (A. B. Wins. 79, Ph.D. Waltemeyer, John Tassey, P NI 83-4, Atchi- G 76-7, Baltimore. Baltimore. 85), 0 79-80, F 80-2, F by C 82-3, 84-5, son, Kan. Rogers, Robert William, M 84-6, Philadel- Simpson, Shadrach (A. B. Trinity, N. C. 73, Instr. Philos.Hobart Coll. 824, Student Walz, William Ferdinand (Bait. C. C. 81, phia, Pa. A. MI. Trinity 75), 0 81-5, Prof. Chem. in Berlin, Germany. A. B. 84), 5 81-4, NI 84, 0 84-6, Baltimore. Roiando, Henry (Bait. C. C., A. B. 81, M. D. West Md. Coil., Westminster, lid. Szold, Benjamin, 5 76-7, Rabbi, Baltimore. Warfield, Mactier (A. B.81,M. B. Univ. lid. Univ. Md. 83), C 77-8, M 78-81, Physi- Slack, Henry Richmond, Jr. (Ph. 0. Md. 84), C 76-7, NI 77-81, 0 81-2, Physician, clan, Presbyt. Hosp. N. Y. 81-5, Student Coil. Pharmacy 85), 583-5, La Grange,Ga. Taher, Henry (Ph.B. Yale 82), 0 82-5, New Baltimore in Germany. Slaughter, Moses (A. B. md. Asbury 81), 0 York City. Warner, Amos Griswold (B. L. Univ. Neb. Rosenthal, Lessing, C 88-5, Chicago, Iii. 81-4, 0 5 84-5, F 85-6, Brooklyn, Ind. Talmage, James Edward, 5 83-4, Teacher, 85), 0 85-6, Roca, Neb. Rotch, Francis, C 81-2, Ean Claire, Wis. Sloan, Robert Neal (A. B. Georgetown 85), Provo City, Utah. Warner, Anthony Kimmel (Bait. C. C., NI. Rouse, Williard Gouldamith, S 84-6, Belair, O 85-6, Baltimore. Tarleton, Robert Melvin, NI 85-6, Baltimore. B. Univ. Md.85), 583-4, Physician,Balti- Md. Smedes, Evert Baucker (A. B. Univ. N. C. Tatloek, SeymourWhitman, 5 834, Hoosick more. Rowland, Arthur John, C 84-6, Baltimore. 81), 0 834, Raleigh, N. C. Falls, N. Y. Warner, Clarence Duane (B. S.Mass. Agnic. Royce, Josiah (A. B. Univ. Cal. 78, Ph. D. Smith, Arthur Donaldson (A. B. Univ. Pa. Taylor, Amzi Dodd, 5 80-1, Newark, N. J. 81), 0834. Granby, Mass. 78), F 76-8, Instr. and Ast Prof. English 85), 0 85-6, Philadelphia, Pa. Taylor, Frederick Manville (A. B. North- Warren, Frederick Morris (A. B. Amh. 80), Lit. Univ. Cal. 78-2, Instr. and Ast Prof. Smith, Augustine Jacqueline, 8 78-9, Cler- western, 111.76, A.NI.,N.W.79),G84-5, Prof. 0834, Durham, Me. Philos. Harvard University. gyman P. E. Church, Calverton, Md. History, Albion College, Albion, Mich. Warren, Henry Clarke (A. B. Harv. 79), G Russell, Thomas, G 82-3, U. S. Signal Ser- Smith, Anthony M., 5 77-8, Baltimore. Taylor, Frank Wilhelm, C 85-6, Baltimore. 79-84, Boston, Mass. vice, Washington, B. C. Smith, Charles Lee (S. B. Wake Forest 84), Taylor, John Phelps (A. B.Yale 62, A. NI. Warren, Horatio Alanson, C 85-6, Collins- Ryttenberg, Moses Roth (Bait. C. C. 82, A.B. O 83-6, Raleigh, N. C. Yale 67), F by C 85-6, Prof. Andover ville, Conn. 85), C 824, M 84-5, G 85-6, Baltimore. Smith, George La Tour (C. E. Corn. 74), 0 Theol. Scm., Andover, Mass. Watson, Edward Lionel (BaIt. C. C. 79), 5 76-7, 834, Teacher, State Normal Seb. Taylor, Percy Hayes, 5 80-3, Student, Har- 79-80, Minister NI. E. Chnrch, Baltimore. Sale, Lee (A. B. 81, LL. B. Wash. Univ. 85), Baltimore. vard Coil. Cambridge, Mass. Webb,William Rollins(A. NI. Trinity 78), 0 MI 79-81, G 81, Instr. Louisville High Seb. Smith, Kirby Williams, (A. B. Univ. Vt. Taylor, Robert Tunstall, NI 85-6, Baltimore. 82-3, Clergyman P. E. Church, Baltimore. 81-3, Atty at Law, St. Louis, Mo. 84), 0 85-6, Rutland, Vt. Taylor, William Dana (B.E. Ala. Agric. 81), Webster, Albert Lowry (Ph.B. Yale 79), Sale, Samuel (Ph.D. Heideib. 78), G 81-2, Smith, Nathan Ryno, P M 82-3, Student of O 84-5, Amiburn, Ala. Topographer U. S. Geol. Surv. 80-3, Fby Rabbi, Chica.,o, Ill. Med. Univ. Md. Baltimore. Thach, Charles Coleman (B. E. Ala. Agnic. C 83-4, Sameitary Emegineer, West New Salzmaun, Tobias, 5 78-9, Ballimore. Smith, Theobald (Ph. B. Corn. 81), 0 81-2, 77), 0 80-1, Teacher, Sherman, Texas. Brighton, Staten Island. Same, (onway Whittle (LL. B. Univ. Md. Albany, N.Y. Thayer, William Cleveland (A. B. Columbia Weech, Robert William Henry (Bait. C. C.), 84), G 84-6, Atty at Law, Baltimore. Smith, William Flood (Bait. C. C. 83), M and 76), 0 5 81-2, F by C 834, Prof. Math. C 84-6, Baltimore. Sanderson, William Raymond, S 79-80, H H 5 83-6, Baltimore. Hobart Coil. 82-3, Teacher, Jacksonville, Weidner, Revere F. (A.B. Muhlenherg 69, Arlington, Md. Smyth, Albert Henry (A. B. Phila. Central Fla. A.NI. Muhib. 72), 077-8, Minister Luth- Sanford, Edmund Clark (A. B. Univ. Cal. High Sch. 82), 0 85-6, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas, Bond Valentine (A.B. Haverf. 83), eran Chsmrch, Phillipsburg, N. J. 81), 0 85-6, Oakland, Cal. Smyth, Herbert Weir (A.B. Harv. 78, Ph. B. O 834, Baltimore. Wells, Bemejamin Willis (A. B. Hary. 77, Sanger, Edward B., G 81-4, Student in Ger- Gott. 84), Instr. Wins. Coil. 83-5, F by C Thomas,Henry Midhin(NI. D. Univ. Md. 85), Ph. B. Harv. 80), F 81, Instr. in English, many. 85-6, Baltimore. PNI 79-84, Physician, Baltimore. Friends’ School, Providence. It. I. Sato, Shosuki (S.B. Sapporo 80), G 83-4, F Soulhworth, Mase Shepard (Ph.D. Ttibin- Thomas, Richard Henry (NI. B. Univ. Md. Wheeler, Arthur Wilson (A. B. Aanh. 79), by C 84-6, Sapporo, Japan. gen 73), Prof. Chem. Wins. CoIl. 76-82, F 75), 0 76-7, 79-80, Physician, Baltimore. O 79-80, F 80-I, *Jcn. 6, 1881. Savage, Alexander Duncan (B. Litt. Univ. by C 80-1,85-6, Springfield, Mass. Thomas, William Jones (A. B.84), C 76-7, NI Wheeler,John Henry (A. B. Harv.71, A. NI. Va. 70, A. M. Yale 77), F 76-9, As’t. Spieker, EdwardHenry (Bait. C. C. 77, A. B. 77-80,5 82-4, Prof. Math. West. Md. Coil. Harv. 75, Ph. B. Bonn 79), F 76-7, F Director Metr. Museum of Art, N. Y. 79gPh. B. 82), M 77-9, 0 5 79-80, F 80-2, 84-5, *Merch 9, 1885. and Tutor in Latin,Harvard 77-81, Prof. 79-81, New York City. Instr. Greek and Latin, 82-, Baltimore. Thompson, Henry Oliver,NI84-6, Baltimore. Latin, Bowdoin 81-2, Prof. Greek, Univ. Scaife, Walter Bell (LL. B. Univ. Mich. 80), Sprigg, Alidin M., C 76-7, M 77-8, Cumber- Tidhall, Charles Martin, S 80-i, Minister, Va. G 82-5, U. S. Legation, Vienna. Austria. land, Md. Presbyterian Churels, Greensboro,N. C. Whetham, Charles (A. B. Toronto 84, A. NI. Schaefer, Julius (Bait. C. C.) 5 84-5, Balti- Stabler, Augustus (M. B. Howard Univ. 83), Tidhall, William Jared (A. B. Davids. 78), 0 Toronto 85), F 85-6, Dundas, Ont. more. C 76-8, Physician German Hosp. Phila. 79-81, Greensboro, N. C. Whicher, George Meason (A. B. Iowa 82), 0 Schacifer, Edward M. (M. D. Univ. Md. 80), 83-4, Brighton, Md. Tiernan, Charles B., S 77-8, Atty at Law, 84-5, Prof. Greek, Hastings Coil., Hast- G 81-5, Physician, Baltimore. Stamps, Preston (Ph. B. Univ. N. C. 83), 0 Baltimore. ings, Neb. Selicib, Edward E. (Ph. B.Leipsic 75), G 76-7, 83-4, Milton, N. C. Tiffany, Herbert Thorudyke (A. B. 82, LL.B. White, Edward Lucas, NI and H H 5 84-6, Teacher, Baltimore. Stebbins, Frank Edward (A. B.Amh. 80), 0 Univ. Md. 85), NI 79-82, 0 82-3, Att’y at Baltimore. Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm (Ph.D. 80-1, Springfield. Mass. Law, Baltimore. White, John, Jr., 5 84-5, C 85-6, Pooleaville, Strasab. 78), F 80-1, Privat-docent, Univ. Steel, William Black (A. B. Lafay. 79, A.M. Tolman, Albert Harris (AB. Wins. 77), 0 Md. of Bonn, Prussia. Lafay. 82), G 834, PortDeposit, Md. 82-3, 0 5 834, F 84, Prof. Rhetoric and Whitelock, George(LL.B. Univ. Md.), 576-8, Schloegel, Charles A.. G 85-6, Minister Lu- Steele, Robert Benson (A. B. Univ. Wis. 83), English Lit. Ripon Coil., Ripon,Wis. Att’y at Law, Baltimore. theran Church, Baltimore. O 85-6, Lodi, Wis. Torrison, Isaac Berthinius (A. B. Norw. Whiting, Guy Fairfax (NI. B. Univ. Md.78), Schneider, Edward Adolph (Ph.D. Freib. Steele, Samuel Tagart, 5 83-4, Baltimore. Luther 79, Concordia Theol. Scm. 83), 0 O 79-81, Physician,Baltimore. 84), G 85-6, Baltimore. Steiguer, George E. de (A. B. Ohio Univ. 79-80, Minister, Lutheran Church, Maui- Whitnean, Charles Otis (A. B. Bowd. 68, Schorr, Henry Greenfield (West Phila. 84), 0 84-5, Athens, 0. towoc, Wis. A. NI. Bowd. 71, Ph. B. Leips. 78), F 79, Stein, Michael Daniel, 5 83-5, NI 85-6, Oak- Trail, Henry (A. B. Harv. 84), 0 84—5. Prof. Zool.Univ. Tokio79-81, Ast in Zool. Theol. Sem. 82), 5 79-80, Clergyman P. E. Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass. Church, Washington, B. C. land, Cal. Frederick. Md. Schubart, Louis H. (B. S. N. Y. City Coil. Steiner, Hugo (Bait. C. C., A. B. 85), M 82-5, Treadwell, Williamn Hearle (Ph. B. Heideib. Whitman, Frank Perkins (A. B.Brown 74), 82), G 82-5, Student of Germany. O 81-6, Baltimore. 80), 0 80-1, Instr. in French Yale 82-3, 079-80, Prof.of Physics, Rensa. Polytech. Schuersnann, William Henry (C. E. Univ. Stephenson, Wiley Roy, C and M 76-7, Minneapolis, Mino. Inst., Troy. N.Y. Cincin. 81), 0 82-3, Cincinnati, 0. Stephenson’s Depot, Va. Trimuble, Isaac. Ridgway, Jr. (NI. B. Univ. Whitney, Milton, Jr., 5 79-80, Waterbury, Scott, Charles Felton (A. B.Ohio State Univ. Steinberg, GeorgeId. (M. B. Phys. and Surg. Md. 84), P NI 79-82, Physician,Longwood, Md. 85), G 85-6, Columbus, 0. N.Y. 60), Surgeon U. S. A., F by C 80-i, Md. Whitridge, James Barney, S 78-9,Balt.imore. Scott, Robert P., 5 82-3, Baltimore. 84-6, Baltimore. Trower,Thomas Lyttleton, Jr., C84-5, *July, Wiegand, Henry Hazlehnrst (Bait. C. C., A. Scribuer, Henry Sayre (A. B. Prine. 81), 0 Stetson Canton Beecher (A. B. Colby 81, 1885. B. 85), 5 80.5, NI 85, 0 85-6, Baltimore. 85-6, Plainfield, N. J. A. MI. Colby 85), 0 85-6,WestSumner, Me. Trueman, James Starr (A.B. Balhousie 82)~ Wiesenfeld, Bernard (Bait. C. C. 74), NI 84-6, Scudder, Jared Waterbury (A. B. Rutgers, Steuart, Arthur (Bait.. C. C., LL.B. Univ. O 85-6, St. John, New Brunswick. Baltimore. 81). G 84-5, Teacher, Albany, N. Y. Md. 80), 5 76-8, Atty at Law, Baltimore. Turner, George Mortimer (8. B. Amh. 85), Wiggins, Benjamin Lawton (A. B. Univ. of Sedgwick, William Thompson (Ph. B. Yale Stevens, Lewis Tebbetta (Bait. C. C., A. B. 0 85-6, Skaneateles, N. Y South 80, A. NI. Univ. of South 82), F by 77, Ph. B. 81), Yale Med.Seb. 77-8, Instr. 82), MI 79-82, 0 5 82.3, F 834, Student, Tusks, Benjamin Simon William, C 84-5, NI C 824, Prof. Ane. Lang., Univ. of the Yale 78-9, F 79-80, Ast 80-1, A in Bio- Harvard Med. Sch. Boston, Mass. 85-6, New York City. South, Sewanee, Tenn. logy 81-1, Ast Prof. Biology, Mass. Inst. Stevens, Morris Putnam (Bait. C. C.), 5 84.6, Tuttle, Albert Henry (B. S. Pa. State Coil. Wightenan, Arthur CiSrence (A. B. Wof- Tech. Boston. Baltimore. 68), F by C 82-3, C Z L 83, Prof. Zoology, ford 79), 0 84-6, Marion, S. C. Seelyc, William James (A. B. Amh. 791, 0 Stickney, Charles Dickinson, Jr., 5 81-2, Ohio State Univ. Columbus. Wighiman, John Roaf (A. B. Toronto 71, 80-1, Instructor, Lawrenceville School, New Bedford, l\Iass. Tyler, Joseph Henry (A.B. Brown 77), 0 A.NI. Toronto 72), 05 85-6, Toronto, Ont. N.J. Stokes, George Clement, Jr. (A. B. 84), M 77-9, Baltimore. Wilbsmrn, B. R., 5 78-9, Clergyman Meth. Sewall, Henry (S.B. Wesi. 76, Ph. B. 79), 0 81-4, 084-5, Student of Law, Univ. Md., Tyson, Isaac, Jr., S 84-5, Baltimore. Church, Baltimore. 76-8, F 78-9, A in Biology, 80-2, Prof. Govanstown, Md. Tyson, Jamnes W., Jr., 5 84-5, Baltimore. Wilcox, Alexander Martin (A. B. Yale 77, Physiology, Univ Mich. Ann Arbor. Stokes, Henry Newlin (S. B. Haverf. 78, Ph. B. Yale 80), Amer. School ofArchre- Sewall, William Desnuing (B. S. Wore. Free Ph.D. 84), 0 78-80, 05 80-81, F 81-3, F Uhier, John It. (NI. B. Univ. Md. 61), 076-7, ology, Athens 824, F by C 84-5, Prof. Inst. 82), G 82-3, Bath, Me. hy C 83-4, Student of Chem. in Munich, Physician, Baltimore. Greek, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence. Sharp, George Matthews (LL.B. Yale 75). G Germany. Wilhelm, Lewis Webb (BaIt. C. C. 71, A.B. 77-8, Alty. at Law, Baltimore. Stoller, James (A. B. Union 84), 0 84-6, Van Meter, William Kendrick, (A. B. Ham. 80, Ph. B. 84), C 76-7, NI 77-80,0 80-1, 05 Shaw, Albert (A. B. Iowa 79, A. M. Iowa Johnstown, N. Y. 85), S 84-5, New York City. 81-3, F 83-4, F by C 84-5, Baltimore. 82, Ph. B. 84). G 81-2, 0 5 81-4, Editor Stout, James Edlos (Univ. Va. 69), 0 824, Van Velzer, Charles Ambrose (S. B. Corn. Wilkens, Frederick Henry (A. B.84), NI824, “Tribune,’ Minneapolis, Minn. Louisa Co. Va. 76), F 78-81, Ast Prof. Math. Univ. Wis. Student in Berlin, Germany. Shearer, Thomas l.aidlaw (M. B. and M. of Stow, Audley Hart (Bait..C. C.), P M 83-6, Madison. Williams, Frederick Rodgers (A. B. Prine. Surg., Edinb. 82), 5 77-8, Physician, Bal- Baltimore. Van Vieck, Edward Burr (A. B. Weal. 84), 82, LL. B. Univ. Md. 85), 0 82-3, Att’y timore Stratton, William Edgar (Bait. C. C., A. B. O 85-6, Middlelown, Coon. at Law, Belair, Md. Shefloc, Joseph Samuel (A. B. Norw. Luth. 83), P NI 80-2, M 82-3, Student, Hary. Van Vleck, Frank (NI. E. StevensInst. 84), Williamna, George Huntington (A. B. Amh. 85), G 83-6, Waukon, Iowa. Med. Seb. Boston, Mass. O 84-5, Instin. Graphics and Kinematics, 78, Ph. B. Heideib. 82), F by C 82-3, A Shemwell, Joseph Freeland, P M 84-6, Straus, Irvin J., P NI 84-5, 5 85-6, Baltimore. Cornell Univ. Ithaca, N. Y. 83-5, A Prof. Mineralogy 85—, Baltimore. Prince Frederick, Md. Stricklen,Wiltz Raymond (Bait. C. C.76,A.B. Van Vorst, Frederick Boyd(A. B.Pniuc. 75), Williams, Henry Winslow (A. B. 83, LL. B. Shiun, Charles Howard (A. B. 84), 5 82-4, 80),C 76-7, NI 77-80, MinisterME. Church, F,Priuc. 75-6, F 76-7, Att’y at Law, New Univ. Md. 85), C 81-2, NI 82-3, Att’y at San Francisco, Cal. Baltimore. York City. Law, Baltimore. APRIL, 1886.] UNIVEJ?SITY 011W ULARS. 79

Williams, John Whitridge (Bait. C. C.), M Wri 84-6, Baltimore. 0ht, James Paul (B. D. Drew Theol. 73), Doctors of Science 2 Wisconsin 14 Williams, Langdon, C 834, MI 84-6, Boston G 77-9, Minister NI.E. Church, Baltimore. Civil Engineers 16 South Carolina 14 Mass. Wylie, Douglas Miller (Balt. C. C.), 5 834, Mining Engineers 3 Baltimore. Connecticut 11 Williams, Lucius Elijah (A. B. Mercer 85), Indiana 11 G 81-6, Macon, Ga. Wylie, Hamilton Boyd (NI. D. Phys. and Nebraska Williams, Nathan Winslow (Bait. C. C., Surg. Balt. 77 and Bellevue, N. Y. 78), G. OCCUPATIONS. 10 LL.B. Columbia83), 579-80, Atty at Law, 78-9, 80-i, Physician, Baltimore. 10 Physicians 80 Michigan Baltimore. Georgia Williams, William Holme (A. B. Wis. 76), G Yager, Arthur (A. B. Georgetown, Ky. 79, Attorneys 34 Alabama 82-3, F by C 834, Ast Prof. of Greek, Ph. B. 84), G 82-3, G 5 83-4, Prot~ His- Minisiers 38 Louisiana Univ. of Wisconsin Madison. tory, Georgetown Coil., Ky. Journalists s Williams, William Klapp, C 83-4, M 84.6, Yonce, Glosbrenner Victor (A. B. Roanoke Teachers: Vermont Boston, Mass. 77, A. NI., Roanoke 82), G 82-3, Teacher, in Colieges and Universities 136 Minnesota Willis, Edward William (Bait. C. C. 84), P M Lutherville, Md. in High Schools and Aca- Tennessee 84-6, Baltimore. Young, Abram Van Epps (Ph.B. Mich. 73), demies 15 in other schools 25 Missouri Willoughby, William Franklin, C and M Ast, Univ. Mich. 73-7, G 77-8, 80-1, F 78- 85-6, H H S 83-6, Alexandria, Va. 80, Ast in Chem. Harvard 84-3, Prof. — 176 Engaged in scientific pursuits, but Kansas 3 Willoughby, Westel Woodhury, C and M Chemistry, Northwestern Univ., Evans- Colorado 85-6, H H S 83-6, Alexandria, Va. ton, Ill. not teaching 20 3 Students elsewhere 55 Florida 2 Wilson, Edmund Beecher (Ph. B. Yale 78, Young, Frederick George, C 84-5, NI 85-6, Rhode Island Ph. B. 81), Ast in Zool. Yale 77-9, F 79- Beaver Dam, Wis. Now enrolled as students of this 2 inslitution 314 U. S. Navy (State not given) 2 81, C Z L 79, 80, 83, 82, Ast 8i-2, Leet. U. S. Army (State not given) 1 Wins. Coil. 834, Student at Dohrns Lab. Zweizig, John Henry (A. B. Muhlenberg West Virginia 1 Naples 84-5, A Prof. of Biology, Bryn 82), G 82-3, Reading, Pa. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Delaware 1 Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Utah Wilson, Henry Merrysnan, Jr. (M. D. Univ. OF STUDENTS. 1 Md. 82), C 79-80, Physician, Baltimore. Dakota 1 Wilson, Henry Van Peters (Bait. C. C., A. B. The students enrolled above have come 83), M 80-3, C Z L 83, G 83-4, G S 83-6, from the following States and countries: Canada 14 Baltimore. SUMMARY OF THE FOREGOING Maryland (Baltimore 330) 419 Germany 5 Wilson, Woodrow (A. B. Prine. 79, A. NI. New York 69 Japan 3 Prine. 82), G 834, F 84-3, A in History, LIST OF NAMES. 46 Russia 3 Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. ss France 2 Wiltshire, James G. (M. B. Univ. Md. 69), Total number enrolled 923 Ohio 31 Italy 2 G 76-9, Physician, Baltimore. Virginia 26 England 1 Wingert, Henry Firey, C 83-4, M 84-6, Deceased 19 North Carolina 24 China 1 Hagerstown, Md. New Jersey 19 Ctmba 1 Winslow, John Randolph, P NI 83-4, C 84-5, Living 994 Kentucky Switzerland 1 M 85-6, Baltimore. District of Columbia 33 India 1 Witzenbaeher, William John (A. B. 83), C Fellows by Courtesy 52 Iowa. 15 1 81-2, NI 82.3, Instr. Meilonogh School, Illinois 14 New Brunswick 1 MeDonogh, Md. Fellows 138 Wood, Augustus (A. B. Brown 78), G 82-3, Graduate Students 513 New Bedford, Mass. Matriculates and Candidates for Ma- triculation 223 ENROLMENT, 1876-1886. Wood, Julian (Ph.B. Univ. N. C. 84), G 84-5, Preliminary Medical Students 29 Edenton, N. C. Spccial Students 161 Wood, Peter Bryson (NI. B. Nati Med. Coll. 83), P NI 78-80, Physician, Baltimore. Total Graduate Degrees Conferred. Woodhull, John Francis (A. B. Yale 80), G DEGREES. Years. Teachers. Enrolled anStudents,eluding Matrien-lates. Students.Special 83-6, Inst. Nat. Sd., State Norm. Sch., Students. Fellows. A. B. Ph. D. New Paltz, N.Y. Graduates of the Johns Hopkins Uni- Woods, Allan Chase, NI and H H 5 83-6, versity: Baltimore. Bachelors of Arts 90 1876—77.. 291 89 54 12 23 — — Woods, Hiram, Jr. (A. B. Prine. 79, NI. B. Doctors of Philosophy 69 Univ. Md. 82), G 79.80, Physician, Balti- 1877—78.. 34 104 58 24 22 — 4 more. Of the Graduate Students there have 1878—79.. 25 123 63 25 35 3 6 Woodward, Richard H., 5 84-5, Saluda, Va. been admitted to degrees elsewhere, 1879—80.. 33 159 .79 32 48 16 5 Worthington, Daniel Dulany (A. B. Md. Bachelors of Arts 297 Abric., NI. B. Univ. Md. 73), G 76-7, Bachelorsof Science 53 1880—81.. 39 176 102 37 37 12 9 * Nbcember, 1882. Bachelors of Philosophy 27 1881—82.. 43 175 99 45 31 15 9 Worthington, James Cheston (NI. B. Univ. Bachelors of Laws 51 1882—83.. 41 204 125 49 30 10 6 Md.), G 80-3, Physician, U. S. Marine Bachelors of Literature 9 Hoap. Service. Bachelors of Divinity 7 1883—84.. 49 249 159 53 37 23 15 Worthington,ThomasKimher(A.B.Haverf. Bachelors of Engineering 2 1884—85.. 52 290 174 69 47 9 13 83), G 83-6, Baltimore. Masters of Arts 86 1885—86.. 49 314 184 96 34 — — Wright, Charles Baker (A. B. Buebtel 80), Masters of Science 3 G 824, G 5 84-3, F 83, Prof. English Lit. Masters of Literature 1 and Rhetoric, Univ. Vt., Middlebury. I)octors of Philosophy 56 1 In the first twoyears the number ofnan-residentlecturers was much larger thau it has been siuce. Doctors of Medicine 93


The JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY was founded by the munificence of The first Examinations for Admission and Matriculation be0in Wednesday, a citizen of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, who bequeathed the most of his June 9, 1886, and continue through the week. large estate for the establishment of a University and a Hospital. The The ceremony of conferring Degrees is appointed for Monday, June 14, foundation of the University is a capital, in land and stocks, estimated in 1886, at 6 p. m. Value at more than 3,000,000; the capital of the Hospital is not less in The present academic year closes Tuesday, June 15, 1886. amount. 1867, August 24. Incorporation of the Johns Hopkins University. The eleventh academic year begins on Friday, October 1, 1886, and con- tinues till June 15, 1887. 1870, June 13. Organization of the Board of Trustees. 1873, December 24. Death of the Founder [born May 19, 1794]. The autumn Examinations for Admission will begin Friday, October 1, at 1874, February 6. First Business Meeting of Trustees. 9 a. m. 1874, December 30. Election of a President of the University. There will be a Christmas Recess, beginning on Friday, December 24, and 1876, February 22. Inauguration of the President. ending on Monday, January 3 ; — also a Spring Recess, beginning on 1876, October 3. Instruction of Students began. Friday, April 8. 1886, April 26. Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary. JOHNS HOPKINS UYIVEI?SITY 011WULAIi?S. [No. 48.

Herald,) “an heraldic picture of a University situated inthe State SEAL founded by Lord Baltimore.” The motto of the University VERITAS Vos LIBERABIT (which has been in use since its organization) is taken from the Gospel of St. John viii. 32. The shield is hung from a bough of oak. The legend upon the border gives the corporate name and place of the foundation, and the date when instructions were begun, viz.: THE JOHNS HOPKINs UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, 1876.

GREAT SEAL OF MARYLAND. The following account of the Great Seal of Maryland has been prepared by the librarian of the University, Dr. Win. Hand OF THE Browne, editor of the Maryland Archives. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. The design of the present Great Seal of Maryland was devised by Cecilius, the first Proprietary, in 1649, to replace an earlier seal which had disappeared in what is called “Ingle’s rebellion” By the formal action of the Board of Trustees, Dec. 7, 1885, in 1644. The differences from the first seal were probably intro- an official seal (of which the above diagram is a fac-simile) was duced as a safeguard against a fraudulent use of the latter, in adopted, and at a subsequent meeting, April 5, 1886, the following case it happened to be in bad hands. The commission which regulations were prescribed by the same authority, with respect accompanied the new seal, contains a minute description of the to the guardianship of the seal and its use. devices on both sides. On one side this seal bore the effigy of Baltimore himself in Resolved, That the fac-simile of the seal may be printed upon full armor, on horseback, surrounded by the legend—” CARCILIUS the official reports and registers and other papers proceeding from ABSOLUTUS DOMINUS TERRE MARL~E ET AVALONIZE BABO DE the Trustees, upon the journals which receive financial support BALTIMORE.” This part of the seal was personal, and liable, from the University, upon literary and scientific publications of course, to change with each Proprietary. proceeding from the University which have received the appro- On the other side it bore the Calvert arms, heraldically bation of the Academic Council, and upon a book plate to be described as “paly of six, or and sable, a bend dexter counter- inserted in books belonging to the University library; and that changed,” quartered with the Crossland arms, which Baltimore the use of the fac-simile without the authority of the Trustees derived from his grandmother, Alicia Crossland, and which are be forbidden. blazoned, “quarterly, argent and gules, a cross fiory counter- In the preparation of thedesign the authorities were particularly changed.” indebted to Stephen Tucker, Esq., of London, Somerset Herald, On the shield was placed a Palatine’s cap, or coronet, signifying who revised and arranged the suggestions transmitted to him from the Palatinate jurisdiction of the Proprietary, and above this Baltimore by Clayton C. Hall, Esq., to whom the University also a helmet bearing the Calvert crest, a ducal crown with two half owes its grateful acknowledgments, for many kind services.. banneret~, one gold, the other black. In the design for the seal symbols of learning have been placed The Calvert supporters were two leopards; but for the Mary- in combination with the well-known Arms of Maryland. The land seal Baltimore adopted a farmer and fisherman as emblems arms of the State are those of Lord Baltimore’s family which of the chief industries of the Province. On a scroll beneath was became a part of the Great Seal of Maryland at an early period the motto of the family, “PATTI MASCHIJ PAROLE FEMINE;” in the history of the colony. and around the whole ran a legend taken from the fifth Psalm: The emblems adopted to symbolize the University are open “ScuTo BON}E YOLUNTATIS TU~ CORONASTI NOS.” books and a terrestrial globe—indicative of literary and scientific All this part of the seal was dynastic, representing the Pro- studies. These have been placed upon an azure background and prietary government; and when the State took the government occupy the upper portion of the shield, above the name of the into her own hands, she retained the beautiful and significant State. There is thus presented (in the words of the Somerset historical symbol as the emblem of her sovereignty.

The Johns Hopkins University Circulars are printed by Messrs. JOHN MURPHY & CO., No. 182 TVest Baltimore Street, Baltimore, from whom single copies may be obtained. They may also be procured from Messrs. CUiSHINGS & BAILEY, No. 262 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Subscription, $1.00 a year.