Redalyc.Richness of Plants, Birds and Mammals Under the Canopy Of

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Redalyc.Richness of Plants, Birds and Mammals Under the Canopy Of Bosque ISSN: 0304-8799 Universidad Austral de Chile Chile Campos, Valeria E; Fernández Maldonado, Viviana; Balmaceda, Patricia; Giannoni, Stella Richness of plants, birds and mammals under the canopy of Ramorinoa girolae, an endemic and vulnerable desert tree species Bosque, vol. 38, núm. 2, 2017, pp. 307-316 Universidad Austral de Chile Valdivia, Chile Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative BOSQUE 382 307-31 , 2017 DOI 10.40 7/S0717-92002017000200008 Richness o plants, birds and mammals under the canopy o Ramorinoa girolae , an endemic and vulnerable desert tree species Riueza de plantas, aves y mamíferos bao el dosel de Ramorinoa girolae, una especie arbórea endémica y vulnerable del desierto Valeria E Campos a,b , Viviana Fernández Maldonado a,b , Patricia Balmaceda a, Stella Giannoni a,b,c a Interacciones Biológicas del Desierto INTERBIODES , Av. I. de la Roza 590 O, J5402DCS Rivadavia, San Juan, Argentina. Corresponding author b CIGEOBIO, UNSJ CONICET, Universidad Nacional de San Juan- CUIM, Av. I. de la Roza 590 O, J5402DCS Rivadavia, San Juan, Argentina, phone 0054-02 4-42 0353 int. 402,, c IMCN, FCEFN, Universidad Nacional de San Juan- España 400 N, 5400 Capital, San Juan, Argentina. SUMMARY Dominant woody vegetation in arid ecosystems supports different species of plants and animals largely dependent on the existence of these habitats for their survival. The chica Ramorinoa girolae is a woody leguminous tree endemic to central-western Argentina and categorized as vulnerable. e evaluated 1 richness of plants, birds and mammals associated with the habitat under its canopy, 2 whether richness is related to the morphological attributes and to the features of the habitat under its canopy, and 3 behavior displayed by birds and mammals. e recorded presence/absence of plants under the canopy of 19 trees in Ischigualasto Provincial Park. Moreover, we recorded abundance of birds and mammals and signs of mammal activity using camera traps. Our camera traps captured more than 80, 90 and 50 of plants, birds and mammals, respectively. The coverage estimate was 83 for birds and 89 for mammals. Bird species richness decreased by -43 , for every unit increase in number of stems; although richness of plants and mammals was not explained by any variable considered. Birds and mammal species invested more time in foraging than they did in moving or resting under canopies. The abundance of South American gray fox Lycalopex griseus increased 9 with abundance of birds, though not ith abundance o mammals. This is the rst stud to assess the role o R. girolae in the provision of biodiversity- related ecosystem services; a relevant aspect because their conservation can enhance biodiversity in arid ecosystems. Key words biological interactions, arid ecosystem, species richness, habitat, Ramorinoa girolae . RESUMEN Los bosues de ecosistemas áridos mantienen plantas y animales ue dependen de la existencia de estos hábitats para su supervivencia. La chica Ramorinoa girolae es una leguminosa leñosa endémica del centro-oeste de Argentina y categorizada como vulnerable. Se evaluó 1 riueza de plantas, aves y mamíferos asociados al hábitat bao su dosel, 2 si la riueza está relacionada con atributos morfológicos y con características del hábitat bao su dosel, y 3 el comportamiento desplegado por aves y mamíferos. Se registró la presencia/ausencia de especies vegetales bao el dosel de 19 árboles en el Parue Provincial Ischigualasto. Se observó la abundancia de aves y mamíferos usando trampas cámara, y signos de actividad de mamíferos. Se capturó más del 80, 90 y 50 de las especies de plantas, aves y mamíferos, respectivamente. La cobertura estimada fue 83 para aves y 89 para mamíferos. La riueza de aves disminuyó en -43 por cada incremento en el número de ramas, pero la riueza de plantas y mamíferos no fue explicada por ninguna variable. Tanto aves como mamíferos invirtieron más tiempo en forraear ue en desplazarse o descansar bao el dosel. La abundancia del zorro gris sudamericano Lycalopex griseus aumentó 9 cuando aumentó la abundancia de aves pero no la de mamíferos. Este es el primer estudio ue evalúa el rol de R. girolae en la prestación de servicios relacionados con la biodiversidad; un aspecto relevante ya ue su conservación puede meorar la biodiversidad en los ecosistemas áridos. Palabras clave interacciones biológicas, ecosistema árido, riueza de especies, hábitat, Ramorinoa girolae . INTRODUCTION mental conditions determine the presence o specicall adapted biodiversity, with a high number of endemic spe- An arid environment has extreme weather conditions cies and of species of conservation concern Costa 1995. e.g . high temperature and radiation, poorly developed Owing to these causes, arid environments and their servi- soils, scarce food and water resources, heterogeneously ces have high ecological value MEA 2005. The dominant available both in space and time. These harsh environ- woody plants inhabiting arid ecosystems are likely to cau- 307 BOSQUE 382 307-31 , 2017 Richness under canopy of a desert tree species se changes in microclimate and soil properties under their country. Owing to its restricted geographic distribution, canopies, generating gradients that increase spatial hete- slo groth and lo re resistance, this species as ca - rogeneity and provide microhabitats for high diversity of tegorized as vulnerable. Currently, it is being assessed for plants Rossi and Villagra 2003 and associated animals. inclusion in the endangered category according to the Globally, ecosystems, habitats and species continue to International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN disappear, and lost with them are ecosystem services. Bio- 2001, Hadad et al. 2014. diversity is an important factor in ecosystem functioning Since desert woody plants are likely to cause changes and in the provision of many ecosystem goods and servi- in microclimate and soil properties, generating gradients ces. Because woodlands are vitally important as habitats that increase spatial heterogeneity and provide microhabi- for a maor part of the world s biodiversity, their ongoing tats and food resources, we expect that the morphological loss, fragmentation and degradation cause much concern traits of R. girolae will explain the richness of plants, birds about the resulting decline in biodiversity, which is likely and mammals associated with the habitat beneath their to have far-reaching conseuences see review Brocker- canopies. In this work, we evaluate 1 richness of plants, hoff et al. 2013. Included among the latter are biomass birds and mammals under R. girolae canopy, 2 whether loss, global warming, changes in hydrological regimes, richness of plants, birds and mammals is related to the reduced ater holding and inltration capacit, increased morphological attributes of R. girolae and to the features soil erosion and sedimentation, landscape fragmentation, of the habitat under its canopy, and 3 behavior displayed increased wildlife migration and poaching Thompson by birds and mammals under the canopy of R. girolae . 2011. Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services METHODS to which human well-being is intimately linked MEA 2005, where biological interactions are nodes crucial to Study area . The study was conducted in Ischigualasto communities and key factors in ecosystem functioning Provincial Park, San Juan Province, Argentina gure . García et al. 2011. Chica Ramorinoa girolae Speg. is The Park has an area of 2,91 ha and lies on a hyper-arid a plant of special interest to conservation given its pro- sector of the Monte Desert, which corresponds to the cen- vision of biodiversity-related ecosystem services in arid ter of the Monte de Sierras y Bolsones. Its average annual ecosystems. Ramorinoa girolae is a woody leguminous precipitation is 100 mm Labraga and Villalba 2009. The tree Fabaceae, leaess though ith green stems, hose area is characterized by a wide temperature range throug- individuals are on average 4 m tall Hadad et al. 2014. It hout the year; mean annual temperature is 22 C, with a is a species endemic to central-western Argentina and its maximum of 45 C and a minimum of -10 °C. The study morphological features enable it to maintain different bio- area is dominated by rocky outcrops of sandstones with logical interactions. Its fruits are woody and very hard, and varing salt content; moreover, there are areas o ne-te - contain beteen one and ve seeds o high nutritive value tured substrata sands and clays where water accumulates 21.2 proteins and 29.3 lipids, Zapata et al. 2010. Its after a rainfall event Máruez et al. 2005. The vegetation seeds are consumed by the viscacha rat Octomys mimax is xerophytic due to the low rainfall and high temperatures, Thomas, a rock-dwelling rodent endemic to western Ar- and its cover is heterogeneous, ranging from 5 to 80 gentina that pierces the fruit to extract the seeds Campos Máruez et al. 2005. 2012. This rodent hoards the harvested fruits in fairly lar- ge uantities over time, probably depending on the spora- Field survey . e selected 19 individuals of R. girolae - dic and massive fruiting of the R. girolae Campos 2012. gure 2 of a minimum height of 3 m, separated from each Recent studies show that one species of moth Anypsipyla other by at least 100 m, at two sites occupied by the spe- univitella Dyar is the only pre-dispersal seed predator cies Campos et al. 201 and topographically accessible Papú 2014. Associated with this moth there is a parasitic in Ischigualasto Provincial Park Site 1 N 10 and Site 2 wasp onious sp. Förster that attacks immature stages N , gure . To evaluate plant richness, e recorded of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Papú 2014.
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