EPISTEMIC TRUST AND LIBERAL JUSTIFICATION Definitive version published in The Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (2012): 179-199 Michael Fuerstein Saint Olaf College Department of Philosophy
[email protected] 1. Introduction Reason-giving has arguably become the central concern of liberalism.1 A vast portion of contemporary liberal theorists endorse some version of the view that our political arrangements and uses of power must be justifiable to all citizens by good reasons.2 Call this the liberal principle of justification (LPJ). The motivation for LPJ has normally been given in moral terms. The obligation to provide good reasons to a universal audience – or at any rate to have good reasons available in principle – derives from an equal respect for the autonomy of all persons as rational beings. Reason-giving is seen as an essential route to securing free consent, and free 1 For valuable feedback I am grateful to Akeel Bilgrami, Alvin Goldman, Philip Kitcher, Joseph Raz, Daniel Viehoff, and several anonymous reviewers. I also benefited from an audience at the 2009 Workshop on the Epistemic Benefits of Free Speech and Openness at the University of Copenhagen, the members of Alvin Goldman’s Social Epistemology Seminar at Rutgers University, and an audience of my colleagues at Saint Olaf College. Portions of this paper, and especially Section Four, draw on Chapter Three of my Ph.D. thesis, “The Scientific Public: Inquiry in Democratic Society” (Columbia University, 2009). 2 Some prominent variations on the theme are Cohen 1989, Habermas 1996, Larmore 1987, Rawls 1993, Waldron 1987. 1 Epistemic Trust and Liberal Justification consent is understood to be essential to the legitimacy of state action.3 That is a crude sketch, at any rate, of how the argument goes.