NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FACT SHEET August 2017 Permittee and Mailing Address: Unitek Environmental Guam P.O. Box 24607 Barrigada, Guam Permitted Facility and Address: Unitek Environmental Guam Waste Transfer Facility 1026 Cabras Highway Port of Guam Piti, Guam 96925 Contact Person: Mr. LeRoy Moore, President (671) 565-3151
[email protected] NPDES Permit No.: GU0020346 I: STATUS OF PERMIT Unitek Environmental Guam (hereinafter, the “permittee”) has applied for renewal of its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit pursuant to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) regulations set forth in Title 40, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”), Part 122.21, for the discharge of treated wastewater from its mobile treatment plant to Category M-2 and Category M-3 marine waters of Apra Harbor. Because the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) does not have primary regulatory responsibility for administering the NPDES permitting program, EPA Region 9 has primary regulatory responsibility for the discharge. EPA Region 9 is proposing to issue an NPDES permit incorporating both federal secondary treatment standards and GEPA water quality requirements. The permittee is currently discharging to the Apra Harbor under the NPDES permit No. GU0020346, which became effective on January 1, 2012, and expired on December 31, 2016. Pursuant to 40 CFR 122.21, the terms of the existing permit are administratively extended until the issuance of a new permit. II. Proposed permit changes – the table below provides an overview of change from the existing permit to the proposed permit. Parameter/item Existing Permit Proposed Permit Reason for Change Toxicity Acute toxicity – Chronic toxicity – Discharge into marine freshwater species marine species waters so marine species appropriate, Guam Unitek Treatment facility NPDES Permit No.