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Trinity College Bulletin, 1925-1926 (Report of the Librarian)

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of The Librarian

October, 1926


Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut To the Trustees of Trinity College: In accordance with Section Three of Article Fifteen of the Statutes of the College, I submit herewith the report of the Librarian for the year ending July 30, 1926. As in other years, the Library has been kept open fifty-four hours per week, and the usual statistics in regard to attendance are given:

ATTENDANCE CLASSIFIED 1925-1926 Day Evening Faculty Visitors Total September 117 13 20 14 164 October 1172 167 131 32 1502 November 1076 300 118 20 1514 December 942 212 91 26 1271 January 790 247 77 17 1131 February 886 170 113 23 1192 March 1409 200 131 31 1861 April 933 238 90 24 1285 May 1493 293 131 39 1956 June 213 80 56 52 401 9031 2010 958 278 12,277

ATTENDANCE MONTHLY (1) September October November December -1923 414 1819 1913 1432 1525 1923-1924 390 1817 1571 1151 1493 1924-1925 477 1696 1403 790 939 1925-1926 164 1502 1514 1271 1131

ATTENDANCE MONTHLY (2) February March April May -1923 1225 1412 1211 1621 235 1923-1924 977 1726 1022 1603 514 1924-1925 1180 1497 806 1142 523 1925-1926 1192 1861 1285 1956 401

ATTENDANCE ANNUAL SUMMARY Year 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 12,901 12,807 12,270 10,453 12,277 4 TRINITY COLLEGE.

These figures do not indicate any considerable change in the use of the Library by the students, though the increase over last year is gratifying- this in spite of the fact that the college year was somewhat shorter. The increase in the attendance during the Trinity Term is noteworthy, especially considering the large number of students required to withdraw at mid-years.


During the year, there have been added to the Library 3087 volumes and 2956 pamphlets. Of these 895 volumes were purchased; all the pamphlets and 2192 volumes were presented. Included in the purchases are 150 volumes in unbound periodicals and 11 volumes paid for from the appropriation of the Depart­ ments of Civil Engineering and Philosophy. Of the volumes added to the Library, 2194 are bound and 893 unbound. It should be added that most of the volumes entered as unbound periodicals have already been bound or will be bound during the summer. The generous appropriation from the inco~e of the Morgan Fund has been most helpful. Indeed without it, it would be quite impossible to secure the books indispensable in the work of teaching. Your Librarian earnestly hopes that this appropriation may be continued till our Library Funds are greatly increased. Some of the more important purchases of the year are: Beilstein's Handbuch der organischen Chemie (Vol. 7); Eugene Labiche, The~tre, 10 vols.; Theodore Fontane, Gesammelte Werke, 10 vols; Ernst Zahn, Gesammelte Worke, 20 vols; Charles M. Doughty, Wanderings in Arabia, 2 vols.; Guy de Maupassant, Works, 10 vols.; George Borrow, Works, 6 vols.; Joseph Bedier, Histoire de Ia litterature fran~aise, 2 vols.; George P. Krapp, The English Language in America, 2 vols.; E. K. Chamber's Elizabethan Stage, 4 vols.; Clement Marot, Oeuvres, 2 vols.; Outline of Christianity, 3 vols.; International Critical Tables, first vol.; and Amy Lowell, John Keats, 2 vols.

GIFTS Appendix II gives the names of the donors of the year; to these should be added the names of the donors of current periodi­ cals given at the beginning of Appendix I. We are again in­ debted to Mrs. Henry Ferguson, to Dr. Isbon T. Beckwith, and to members of the Faculty for their constant remembrance of the Library. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 5

Some of the gifts call for particular mention: From President and Mrs. Ogilby, we received 509 bound and 40 unbound volumes from the library of Miss Cornelia K. Manley, given in memory of her. An appropriate label has been provided with which to mark them. The gift included many useful and valuable volumes, especially philosophical works, biographies, and literary and musical criticism. Their gift is the most important single gift of the year, and is cor­ respondingly appreciated. From Mrs. Edward Pearsons Newton, we received 372 volumes from the library of her husband, the late Reverend Edward Pearsons Newton, of the class of 1881. In addition to theological works, the gift included a goodly number of items of a general literary nature. It is largely through such gifts that our Library has been accumulated, and though many duplicates and some obsolete books will be found in any such gift, yet each one brings to us books very much worth while. From Judge] oseph Buffington, we received some 70 volumes and about 250 pamphlets. He sent also a copy of a very in­ teresting book entitled "The Coinage of Different Countries", containing pictures in the colors of the different metals of the coins of practically all modern nations. Frederick Peck Wilcox, of the class of 1880, gave us a copy of a beautiful and valuable work entitled "Japan- Described and Illustrated by the Japanese", one of fifty copies. The Li­ brary is fortunate to have among its treasures this unique work. It is of great interest for the study of Japanese art and Japanese life and thought. From His Majesty, the King of Siam, we received 11 unbound volumes of Buddhist Scriptures, a continuation of previous gifts. From William Gwinn Mather, of the class of 1877, we received a copy of "Increase Mather, the Foremost American Puritan", one of the twenty-five copies especially bound for Mr. Mather. We also received from him Vol. XIII of the Text and Vol. XIII of the Plates of the great work on the North American Indians, the earlier volumes of which also came to us through Mr. Mather's generosity. From Professor Riggs we received 18 useful books; from Professors Perkins, Kleene, and Costello, a number of useful volumes, and also useful books from Mr. Charles G. Woodward and Mr. Newton C. Brainard, Trustees of the college. From the Reverend W. Northey Jones, of the class of 1888, we re­ ceived a copy of his History of St. Peter's Church, Perth Amboy, 6 TRINITY COLLEGE

of which he is Rector. From the Reverend Louis C. Washburn, of the class of 1881, we received a copy of his book on Christ Church, Philadelphia, of which venerable parish, he has been Rector many years. From the family of Thane B. Wright, of the class of 1924, we received 4 volumes in his memory, selected from his library. From Major-General James G. Harbord, LL.D., 1924, we received a copy of his "Leaves from a War Diary"; from Pro­ fessor Charles Seymour, LL.D., 1922, a copy of the "Intimate Papers of Colonel House," and from Professor David M. Robin­ son, L.H.D., 1925, a copy of his valuable book on Sappho. We acknowledge again gratefully the gifts of their publica­ tions by the Carnegie Institution, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Smithsonian Institution, the Govern­ ment of the United States, and the State of Connecticut. We are again indebted to the State Board of Education for eight bound volumes of town reports.

CATALOGUING The work of the year in this department, in addition to cataloguing recent accessions, including the large gifts of the year, has been almost entirely reclassifying and recataloguing. We have checked 18 sections of the Union List of Periodicals, involving running through some 100 of the drawers containing our card catalogue. The importance of this cooperative enter­ prise is so great, that there can be no question as to the propriety of our devoting the time to the work. 1653 volumes not before catalogued have been catalogued and shelved. 1558 volumes have been recatalogued and 1654 reclassified.

The work of the year may be summarized:

Number of books catalogued 1,653 Number of pamphlets catalogued 201 Number of books reclassified 1,654 Number of pamphlets reclassified 11 Number of books recatalogued 1,558 Total of i terns handled 5,077

Reviewing the work of the last ten and a half years, we have the following figures: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. · 1

Number of books catalogued 34,502 Number of pamphlets catalogued 1,835 Number of books recatalogued 28,856 Number of pamphlets recatalogued 1,000 Number of books reclassified 28,988 Number of pamphlets reclassified 997

Total of items handled 96,178 Total number of new cards added to catalogue 109,454 Total number of cards altered 23,745



The appropriation of $500 for binding has as usual been expended largely in binding current periodicals, though each year progress is made in "catching up" with the binding of other material. It is requested that this appropriation be continued.


A new edition of the pamphlet published ten years ago entitled a "List of Current Periodicals in the Libraries of Hartford" was issued as the April number of the "Bulletin". The work of preparing this fell to Miss Bailey and Miss Blinn. The old edition had become useless, and the calls · for a new issue both from the members of the College Faculty and from others made it proper to bring the list up to date.


Your Librarian would emphasize again the woeful inade­ quacy of our Library Funds. We need at least $100,000 addi­ tional endowment to provide a proper income for the purchase of books and periodicals to enable us to maintain our relative place among New England College libraries. It is hoped that friends of the college will meet this great need at no very distant day.


Miss Louise M. Bailey as Cataloguer, and Miss Laura A. Blinn, as Assistant, have given faithful and efficient service. The Student Assistants have been Charles Francis Whiston, Howard Watson Tule, Harold William Gale, Royden Constantine 8 TRINITY COLLEGE

Berger, Millard Fuller Manning, Harry Halliday Jackson, and George Reginald Turney. Mr. Whiston and Mr. Tule the senior assistants having graduated, Mr. Gale will be first assis­ tant next year.

THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE President Ogilby and Professor Costello, the resident mem­ bers of the Library Committee (with the Librarian) have been most interested and helpful. Professor Costello is a "born bibliographer", and his suggestions and advice as to purchases are most helpful. At Commencement time, a meeting of the Committee, with all members present, was held. The prob­ lems of the Library were carefully considered and many useful suggestions made. It is hoped that a number of them may be carried out this year.

CONCLUSION This year has been one of progress. The work of recata­ loguing is measurably completed, only a few small collections remaining to be dealt with. We have been able to purchase the new books most insistently demanded. Probably the summer will see the new stacks on the top floor so desperately needed put in place. For further progress in building up the collection, additional funds are essential. At present we live a hand-to­ mouth sort of existence; no large purchases can be made and no systematic effort to fill gaps or to round out our collection in any field can be made. Still a comparison of the situation now with conditions ten years ago gives us courage to hope that at no very distant day many of these needs will be met. All of which is respectfully submitted. ARTHUR ADAMS, July 1, 1926. Librarian. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 9


Periodicals Received, 1925-1926. Note: The following figures explain the sources whence the journals are derived : • Purchased with the income from the book funds. •• Gift of the publisher. 1 Gift of Professor J. Ewing Mears, M.D., '58. ll Gift of E. F. Waterman, '98. Gift of Mrs. Henry Ferguson. Gift of Professor Thomas Hume Bissonnette · 7 Gift of President R. B. Ogilby 8 Gift of Modern Language Department. o Gift of John Hall Sage. 1 Gift of the State of New York. n Gift of the United States Government. 11 Gift of Professor L. C. Barret. u Gift of Department of Economics. 15 Gift of Professor H. A. Perkins. 18 Gift of Professor Arthur Adams. 19 Gift of Professor F. C. Babbitt. 2o Gift of the late Rev. Dr. Samuel Hart, '66. 21 Gift of the Romance Department. n Gift of Professor R. B. Riggs. 21 Gift of the Department of Biology. 25 Gift of the Rev. W. F. Parsons. 28 Gift of Professor G. A. Kleene. 29 Gift of Professor E. F. Humphrey. so Gift of Professor I. T. Beckwith. SI Gift of Charles Lathrop Pack, LL.D.

Vola. • American Economic Review 1 • • American Economist 2 so American Forestry • 1 18 American Historical Review 1 •• American Issue, The 1 s American Journal of Anatomy 1 so American Journal of Archaeology 1 • American Journal of International Law 1 • American Journal of Philology 1 • American Journal of Physiology 3 • American Journal of Science 1 • American Mathematical Monthly 1 • American Naturalist 1 3 American Bar Association Journal 1 10 TRINITY COLLEGE.

Vole. • American Statistical Association, Publications 1 6 Anatomical Record 1 • Anatomischcr Anzeiger 2 7 Anglican Theological Review 1 • Annalen der Physik 4 • Annales de Chemie et de Physique 3 8 Annates Politiques et Litteraires 2 •• Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard University 1 • Annals of Mathematics . 1 • Archiv fiir die Gesamte Psychologie 2 30 Art and Archaeology 1 • Asia 1 • Astrophysical Journal 1 • Atlantic Monthly 1 • • Biblical Review 1 10 Bird Lore 1 •• Boston Public Library {Bulletin) 1 •• Brooklyn Public Library (Bulletin) 1 •• Bulletin of Agricultural and Commercial Statistics 1 18 Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors 1 • Bulletin of Bibliography 1 • Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 1 12 Bulletin of the Pan American Union 1 12 Bureau of Standards-Technical Papers 1 •• California University Publications in Zoology 1 •• Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society of America-Proceed- ings of the 1 • Century Magazine 2 • Chemical News 2 • Chemical Society (London) Journal s 18 Christian Education 1 • Christian Register . 1 * * Christian Science Monitor 1 u Christian Workers' Magazine 1 ** Chronicle, The 1 * Church Quarterly Review, The 1 • • Church Times, The 1 ' Churchman, The 2 13 Classical Journal 1 • Classical Philology 1 * Classical Review 1 • Commercial and Financial Chronicle 2 • • Commonwealth 1 t2 Congressional Record, The 1 18 Connecticut Churchman 1 •• Constitutional Review, The 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 11

Vols. •• Corporation Journal, The 1 • Cumulative Book Index 1 •• Dearborn Independent, The 1 • Dial 2 18 Dialect Notes 1 • Economic Geology 1 • Economic Journal 1 • Edinburgh Review 2 • Educational Review 2 5 Electrical World % • Engineering News- Record 2 • English Journal 1 u Federal Reserve Bulletin 1 8 Fliegende BHitter 1 • Folia Neuro-Biologica 1 • Geologische Rundschau 1 ' Geographical Review •• Girls' Friendly Society of America 1 • Harvard Economic Service • Harvard Theological Review 1 •• Health Bulletin (North Carolina) 1 n Health News 1 • Hibbert Journal 1 ** House and Garden 1 • • Illinois Biological Monographs 1 • • lllinois Health News 1 18 Language 1 21 L'Illustration 1 21 L'Illustrazione Italiane 1 * Independent, The 1 22 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 11 Industrial Bulletin • • Insurance Index 1 •• Inter-America 1 • • International Conciliation 1 • International Index to Periodicals 1 • International Review of Missions • • International Journal of Ethics 1 u Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik 2 • Jahresbericht u. d. Fortschritte d. klass. Altertumswissenschaft 1 •• Japan Society Bulletin 1 •• Johns Hopkins University Circular 1 u Journal of Agricultural Research 1 17 Journal of American Chemical Society 1 • Journal of American Folk-Lore 1 18 Journal of Biblical Literature and Exegesis 1 12 TRINITY COLLEGE

Vols. • Journal of the American Medical Association 2 23 Journal of Comparative Neurology 1 • Journal of Geology 1 8 Journal of Morphology 1 • Journal of Philosophy 1 • Journal de Physique et le Radium 1 • Journal of Political Economy 1 • Journal of Theological Studies 1 ** League of Nations . 1 so League of Nations Herald 1 • Library Journal 1 • Literary Digest 2 25 Living Church 1 • London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 2 • London Times (Weekly Edition) 2 28 Michigan Alumnus 1 • • Michigan Churchman 1 * Mind 1 ** History Bulletin 1 * Modern Language Notes 1 * Modern Language Review 1 • Modern Philology 1 •• Monthly Bulletin of the Pa. Dept. of Agr. 1 12 Monthly Labor Review 12 Monthly Weather Review " Museum of Fine Arts (Bulletin) (Boston) • • Musical Leader • Musical Quarterly 1 • Nation (New York) 2 • Nation and Athenaeum 1 • • National Republican ts National Advocate 1 • National Geographic Magazine 2 4 Natural History • Nature 2 * Nature Magazine 1 18 New England Historical and Genealogical Register 1 ** New Haven Free Public Library Bulletin 1 • North American Review •• Our Dumb Animals 1 • Outlook, The 3 • * Pan-American Record 1 12 Panama Canal: Report of Dept. of Health 1 n Pennsylvania Health Bulletin . 1 2o Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 1 ** Phi Beta Kappa Key 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 13

Vols. • Philologische Wochenschrift • Philologus 1 • Philosophical Review 1 15 Physical Review 2 • Physikalische Berichte 4 Playground, The 1 • Political Science Quarterly 1 • Popular Astronomy • • Physiological Reviews • Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science • • Protectionist, The 1 • Psychological Bulletin 1 • Psychological Review 1 •• Public Health (Michigan State Board) 1 12 Public Health Bulletin U. S. Treasury 1 12 Public Health Reports U.S. Department Public Health 2 18 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 1 • Quarterly Journal of Economics 1 • Quarterly Review 2 • Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature 1 18 Religious Education 1 • Revue d'Histoire litteraire de Ia France 1 • Revue Philosophique 2 •• Rice Institute Pamphlet 1 • Romania 1 • Romanic Review 1 •• Royal Society of Canada (Transactions) 3 • Scandinavian Review 1 •• School 1 • School and Society . 1 1 Science 2 • Scientific American 2 • Spectator 2 18 Speculum 1 18 Spirit of Missions 1 • Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 •• Tripod 1 12 United States. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor 2 12 United States. Bulletin of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 1 12 United States. Catalogue of Copyright Entries 8 12 United States. Congressional Records 12 • United States. Dairy 12 United States. Experiment Station Record 1 12 United States. Farmers' Bulletin 1 12 United States. Immigration Bulletin 1 12 United States. Monthly Catalogue U. S. Public Documents 1 14 TRINITY COLLEGE.

Vol. 12 United States. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports 1 12 United States. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance 4 • • Western Electric News 1 • 'William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine 1 18 World Lore 1 • • Yale Review 1 • Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie l • Zeitschrift fiir Anorganische Chemie 4 • Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 15

APPENDIX II. List of Donors (See also Appendix I.) In this enumeration, a pamphlet is understood to be a piece of unbound printed matter less than 100 pages in extent.

Bound Unbound Pam- Vols. Vols. phlets Adams, Professor Arthur 19 11 2 Albany, Diocese of . 0 1 0 American Bar Association 1 0 0 American Civil Liberties Union 0 0 1 American Congregational Association 0 0 1 American Council of Learned Societies 0 0 1 American Electric Railway Association 3 0 0 American Jewish Committee 0 1 0 American Oil Burners Association 0 0 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0 1 0 American Tree Association 0 0 2 Arlington Mills 1 0 0 Association of Alumni Secretaries 0 0 1 Association of College and Secondary Schools in the Southern States . 0 1 0 Association of Life Insurance Presidents 0 1 2 Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association 0 0 3 Bahai Literary Committee 4 1 5 Barbour, Mrs. John H. 7 0 0 Barret, Prof. LeRoy C. 3 0 2 Bastian, W. E. and Co. 0 0 1 Bates, Reverend John M., '72 . 0 0 1 Baxter, Percival P., Esquire 1 0 0 Bayonne Housing Corporation of 1 0 0 Beardsley, Rev. Wm. A . 2 0 0 Belasco, David 0 1 0 Bell Telephone Co. 0 0 25 Bishop, Rev. Wm. S., D.D. 1 0 0 Bissonnette, Prof. Thomas H 1 0 0 B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of 1 0 0 Bogigian, Hagop 1 0 0 Bogue, Benjamin N 9 0 0 Boston Public Library 0 0 1 Brainard, Newton C 0 1 0 Bridgman, Helen Bartlett 3 0 0 Brown, Samuel Albert, M.D. 1 0 0 Brown, Alexander and Sons 1 0 0 Brown University Library 1 0 0 16 TRINITY COLLEGE.

Bound Unbound Pam- Vols. Vols. phlets. Buchanan, E. S., Esquire 0 0 1 Buffalo, University of 0 0 1 Buffington, Judge Joseph 55 17 250 Campbell, I. F. 0 0 1 Carlton, William N. C., L.H.D. 1 0 0 Carnegie Corporation of New York 0 1 0 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 14 7 4 Carnegie Foundation for Advanc.ement of Teaching 0 31 0 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission 0 0 1 Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh 0 0 1 Carnegie Institution of Washington 0 17 0 Chamberlin, T. C. . 0 0 1 , City of, Engineering Board of Review • Q 1 0 Chicago, City of, Municipal Tuberculosis Sani- tarium 0 1 0 Chicago Daily News 2 0 0 Chicago, Mayor's Office 0 0 1 City Misl?,ion Society, N.Y. P. E. 0 0 1 Cole, Dr. George Watson 0 0 1 Colleges, Schools, etc. 2 144 152 Connecticut, Diocese of 0 1 0 Connecticut Historical Society 0 0 1 Connecticut River Banking Co. 1 0 0 Connecticut, State of, Comptroller's Office 2 0 1 Connecticut State Library 15 8 49 Continental Baking Corp. 0 0 1 Costello, Prof. Harry T. . 13 2 0 Crompton and Knowles Loom Works, Worcester 1 0 0 Crerar, John, Library 0 0 1 Curtis Publishing Co. 0 0 1 Dadourian, Professor H. M. Ph.D. 0 1 0 Denver Chemical Mfg. Co. 1 0 0 Edwards, Franklin S. 1 0 0 Education, Natural Society for the Study of 0 0 1 Engineering Foundation 0 0 1 Essex Institute 0 0 1 Farnsworth, E. C. 1 0 0 Fenning, Karl, '03 . 0 0 1 Ferguson, Mrs. Henry 0 9 51 Ferree, Miss Annie D. 3 0 0 First Baptist Church, Pittsburgh 0 0 1 Fisher, Irving Prof. 0 0 1 Fleischmann Company, The 1 0 0 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 17

Bound Unbound Pam- Vols. Vols. phlets. Foster, Mrs. William Frederick 1 0 0 General Education Board 0 0 1 General Motors Corporation 0 0 1 Gordon, Dr. Benj. L. 1 0 0 Guggenheim, Daniel, Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics 0 0 1 Guggenheim, Samuel, Memorial Foundation 0 0 2 Halsey, Stewart and Co. 0 0 3 Harbord, Major-General James 1 4 1 Hamilton, Edward John . 3 0 0 Harriman, The Rev. F. W. 0 0 27 Hartford. City of, Engineering Department 0 0 1 Harvard College Observatory 0 2 37 Hellerm,ann, Alfred 0 1 1 Hohenthal, E. L. J. 0 1 0 Hubbard, Miss Mary 11 0 0 Hubbard, William Stimpson, ' 2 0 0 Illinois, State of 1 0 0 Industries Publishing Co. 1 0 0 Interfraternity Conference 0 1 0 Japan Society 1 0 1 Japanese Students Christian A sociation 0 0 1 Jeffers, Leroy 0 0 1 Joint Commission on Methods of Prev ntina linquency 0 0 1 Jones, Reverend W. orthey 1 0 0 Kahn, Otto H. 0 0 6 Kansas, Diocese of . 0 0 1 Kansas, Geological Survey of 0 0 1 Kerr, W. H. 0 0 1 Kleene, Prof. G. A. 12 0 0 Lake Forest College, Bross Foundation Lib. 1 0 0 Land Grant Colleges, Association of 0 1 0 League of Nations Non-Partisan Association 0 0 5 Leather Belting Exchange 0 0 3 Leavenworth, C. S. 1 0 0 Lexington, Diocese of 0 0 1 Libraries, etc. 0 0 23 Lowell Observatory 0 0 1 Mansfield, Burton 1 0 0 Mather, William Gwinn 3 0 0 Mellon Institute, University of Pittsburgh 0 0 1 Mellon Memorial Fund 0 0 1 Merrill, Reverend Elmer Truesdell, D.D .. 1 0 0 18 TRINITY COLLEGE.

Bound Unbound Pam· Vols. Vols. ph lets Mexico, Republic of 1 6 5 Michigan, State of . 2 0 2 Michigan, University of 2 0 1 Milbank Memorial Fund 0 1 3 Military Training Camp Association of U.S. 1 0 0 Minnesota, State of 1 0 3 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston . 0 0 1 National Catholic Welfare Conference 0 0 1 National Electric Light Association 1 0 0 National Temperance Society 0 0 Near East Relief 0 0 1 Newberry Library 0 1 1 New England Society in the City of New York . 0 1 0 New Hampshire Historical Society 0 1 0 New Jersey, State of 5 1 0 New York Ho&pital, Society of 0 1 0 New York State, Department of Agriculture 1 0 0 New York, State Board of Charities and Cor- rection 1 0 0 New York, Department of Labor 0 3 6 New York State Museum 0 1 1 New York State Library . 12 7 16 New York State Tax Commission 1 0 0 New York Times 0 1 0 New York University 1 0 0 Newton, Mrs. Edward Pearsons 372 0 0 Newton Theological Institution 1 0 0 North Carolina Child Welfare Commission 0 0 2 North Carolina Historical Commission 3 0 0 Northwestern University 0 0 Oberlin College Library 0 0 Odessa, Observatory of the University of 0 1 5 Ogilby, President and Mrs. in memory of Miss Cornelia K. Manley . 509 40 0 Ogilby, President R. B. 14 2 1 Ohio State University 0 1 1 Ohio State University 0 1 0 Ohio State University Studies 0 1 0 One Hundred Thousand Group of American Cities 1 0 0 Page, Kirby 1 0 0 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 0 0 1 Pennsylvania, State of 13 0 51 Pennsylvania, University of 0 3 1 Perkins, Prof. H. A. 0 5 25 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 19

Bound Unbound Pam- Vols. Vols. phlets Perkins Institute for the Blind 0 0 1 Philippine Island, American C. of C. of 0 0 1 Phipps, Elizabeth A. 8 0 0 Portland Cement Association 0 0 1 President's Office 0 2 12 Princeton University Library 1 0 1 Procter and Gamble Co. . 1 0 0 Prudential Insurance Co. 0 0 1 Railroad Companies, 0 0 1 Riggs, Prof. R. B. 18 0 0 Rhode Island, Diocese of 0 1 0 Robinson, David, M., L.H.D. 1 0 0 Rockefeller Foundation 0 1 0 Salvation Army 3 3 4 Schalkenboch, Robert, Foundation 1 0 0 Seymour, Charles, LL.D. 2 0 0 Shepard, Professor Odell . 4 0 0 Shannon, A. H. 0 0 1 Siam, The King of . 11 0 0 Sill, Rev. F. H., O.H.C. 0 0 1 State Board of Education 9 0 0 State Street Trust Co. 1 0 1 Swan, Dr. H. C. 2 0 0 Texas, State Library of 0 13 79 Thompson, Slason 0 1 0 Tilton, Arthur V.R. 5 2 0 Treasurer's Office 1 8 15 Union League Club 2 0 0 U.S. Government 205 366 1924 United States Steel Corporation 0 0 4 Unknown 1 0 0 Virginia State Board of Health 0 0 6 Wadsworth Athenaeum 0 0 6 Warren, Fiske 1 0 0 Washburn, Rev. L. C., D.D. 1 0 0 Washburn Observatory 0 0 1 Waterman, E. F., '98 1 0 6 Wells, Gabriel 0 0 1 Wesleyan University 3 0 0 Wilcox, Delos F. 0 0 3 Wilcox, Frederick Peck 5 0 0 Williams, Dr. George C.F. 1 0 1 Woodson, Carter G. 0 0 2 Woodward, Charles G., '98 1 1 11 20 TRINITY COLLEGE

Bound Unbound Pam- Vols. Vols. phlets Woodworth, George W. 0 0 1 Wright, Thane B., Family of 4 0 0 Wyer, Samuel S. 0 0 1 Young, A. H. 0 0 1