Here Are Cess, Or Otherwise, of Our Practice Sometimes Very Graphic
PURIFICATION: Dreams, Aches, Turbulence and Other Signs of Progress by ROB PREECE Just as Jung recognized that the greater need to receive some kind find these images interesting be- psyche's way of revealing itself is of approbation that tells us we cause we can gradually learn to History of the Karmapas through dreams, so too in the Ti- are worthy or that we have spiri- read their meaning and apply it betan tradition, dreams are often tual qualities. to our life. Purification dreams considered a way of discovering Looking for signs of the suc- can be extremely diverse and Recognizing a Tulku the effect of practice. There are cess, or otherwise, of our practice sometimes very graphic. I recall even texts, referred to during the may not be particularly useful. someone in retreat saying how for the discovery of his future in- giving of empowerments, which However, as we do Buddhist she had looked down at her right Most of us know that tulkus carnation, or tulku. Writing such describe the kinds of dreams practice, we will inevitably have leg; a split opened up in it and are recognized as reincarna- a letter, which was sometimes meditators may have. In the case some experiences that do reflect exuded a mass of little insectlike tions of specific masters, but transmitted orally to a trusted of tantric practice, it is even sug- the effect of purification in par- creatures. She was horrified un- we may not know the begin- disciple, then became one of the gested that sometimes medita- ticular. It is clear from my own til she realized this image might nings of the tulku "system." methods for recognizing the Kar- tors should continue a particular experience of this, however, that actually symbolize that some- Here's the story, along with a mapas.
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