Breakdown of Taxon Records by Species 26-Mar-21

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Breakdown of Taxon Records by Species 26-Mar-21 Breakdown of taxon records by species 22-Sep-21 Dataset Species No of records Algae Alaria esculenta 5 Alcyonium digitatum 1 Ascophyllum nodosum 46 Ascophyllum nodosum ecad mackaii 7 Ascophyllum nodosum var. mackayi 2 Atrichum undulatum 1 Bambusina borreri 1 Bartramia pomiformis 2 Buxbaumia aphylla 2 Buxbaumia viridis 33 Chondrus crispus 13 Chorda filum 11 Cladophora rupestris 3 Closterium angustatum 2 Closterium baillyanum 2 Closterium costatum 2 Closterium dianae 1 Closterium dianae var. pseudodianae 1 Closterium directum 1 Closterium gracile 2 Closterium gracile var. elongatum 1 Closterium incurvum 1 Closterium intermedium 1 Closterium jenneri forma cynthia 1 Closterium juncidum 1 Closterium kuetzingii 1 Closterium lineatum 1 Closterium lunula 1 Closterium striolatum 1 Codium 4 Codium fragile 5 Codium tomentosum 1 Corallina officinalis 12 Cosmarium amoenum 1 Cosmarium botrytis 1 Cosmarium brebissonii 1 Cosmarium granatum 1 Cosmarium margaritiferum 2 Cosmarium monomazum var. polymazum 1 Cosmarium ornatum 1 Cosmarium phaseolus var. elevatum 1 Cosmarium portianum 2 Cosmarium quadratum 1 Cosmarium quadrum 1 Cosmarium reniforme 1 Cosmarium tetraophthalmum 2 Cosmarium variolatum var. skujae 1 Delesseria sanguinea 4 Desmarestia aculeata 2 Dicranum majus 1 Dicranum polysetum 1 Dicranum scoparium 1 Dicranum tauricum 2 Dilsea carnosa 2 Drachiella spectabilis 1 Ectocarpus siliculosus 4 Elachista scutulata 2 Enteromorpha intestinalis 18 22 September 2021 Page 1 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Enteromorpha linza 1 Euastrum ansatum 1 Euastrum crassum 1 Euastrum elegans 1 Euastrum oblongum 1 Euastrum pectinatum 1 Eurhynchium praelongum 2 Fucus ceranoides 6 Fucus cottonii 5 Fucus serratus 43 Fucus spiralis 42 Fucus vesiculosus 38 Furcellaria lumbricalis 3 Gloeocapsa magma 1 Gonatozygon brebissonii 1 Gracilaria gracilis 1 Halidrys siliquosa 10 Hildenbrandia rubra 2 Himanthalia elongata 14 Hookeria lucens 1 Hyalotheca dissiliens 1 Hydrodictyon reticulatum 1 Hylocomium brevirostre 2 Hylocomium splendens 2 Hypnum jutlandicum 1 Isothecium myosuroides 1 Laminaria 1 Laminaria digitata 15 Laminaria hyperborea 10 Laurencia 1 Leathesia difformis 2 Leathesia marina 6 Lithophyllum incrustans 1 Lomentaria articulata 6 Marchantia polymorpha subsp. ruderalis 1 Mastocarpus stellatus 11 Membranoptera alata 1 Micrasterias papillifera 1 Micrasterias truncata 1 Mnium hornum 1 Netrium digitus 1 Netrium interruptum 1 Odonthalia dentata 3 Orthotrichum affine 1 Orthotrichum obtusifolium 5 Osmundea 4 Osmundea hybrida 1 Osmundea pinnatifida 7 Palmaria palmata 10 Pelvetia canaliculata 43 Penium cylindrus 1 Penium exiguum 1 Penium spirostriolatum 1 Phycodrys rubens 1 Phymatolithon calcareum 1 Plagiomnium undulatum 1 Plagiothecium undulatum 2 Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii 2 Pleurotaenium rectum 1 Pleurozium schreberi 2 Plocamium cartilagineum 2 Polysiphonia 2 22 September 2021 Page 2 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Polytrichum commune 1 Polytrichum formosum 1 Polytrichum piliferum 2 Porphyra umbilicalis 6 Ptilium crista-castrensis 3 Racomitrium aciculare 1 Rhizomnium punctatum 1 Rhodochorton purpureum 4 Rhodomela lycopodioides 1 Rhodophysema georgei 1 Rhytidiadelphus loreus 2 Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus 2 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus 2 Saccharina latissima 5 Saccorhiza polyschides 6 Sargassum muticum 6 Scleropodium purum 3 Scytosiphon lomentaria 1 Sphagnum austinii 1 Sphagnum fuscum 1 Splachnum ampullaceum 1 Staurastrum lapponicum 1 Staurastrum oxyacanthum 1 Staurastrum polymorphum 1 Staurastrum teliferum 1 Tetmemorus granulatus 1 Tetraphis pellucida 1 Thamnobryum alopecurum 1 Thuidium tamariscinum 2 Trentepohlia 40 Trentepohlia abietina 27 Trentepohlia aurea 46 Trentepohlia umbrina 2 Ulva 1 Ulva intestinalis 4 Ulva lactuca 18 Vertebrata lanosa 27 Total records in Algae 783 Annelida and Mollusca Abra alba 1 Abra nitida 1 Abra prismatica 1 Acanthinula aculeata 1 Acanthocardia echinata 2 Adalaria proxima 2 Aegopinella nitidula 39 Aegopinella pura 4 Aeolidia filomenae 1 Aeolidia papillosa 3 Aeolidiella glauca 1 Aequipecten opercularis 9 Alboglossiphonia heteroclita 1 Alderia modesta 1 Alentia gelatinosa 2 Alitta virens 1 Alvania beanii 3 Alvania punctura 4 Anaitides mucosa 1 Ancylus fluviatilis 17 Anisus leucostoma 1 Anomia ephippium 6 22 September 2021 Page 3 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Antalis entalis 1 Aphrodita aculeata 1 Aplysia punctata 6 Aporrectodea cupulifera 1 Aporrectodea longa 1 Aporrhais pespelecani 1 Aporrhais serresianus 1 Arctica islandica 4 Arenicola 1 Arenicola marina 9 Arianta arbustorum 92 Arion agg. 20 Arion ater 381 Arion ater agg. 135 Arion circumscriptus 54 Arion circumscriptus silvaticus 1 Arion distinctus 155 Arion fasciatus 9 Arion flagellus 150 Arion hortensis 1 Arion intermedius 86 Arion owenii 48 Arion rufus 1 Arion silvaticus 76 Arion subfuscus 226 Arion vulgaris 1 Ashfordia granulata 12 Astarte elliptica 1 Astarte sulcata 2 Astropecten irregularis 1 Balea 3 Balea heydeni 10 Balea perversa 5 Balea perversa agg. 1 Balea sarsii 18 Bathyomphalus contortus 1 Bela brachystoma 1 Bittium reticulatum 6 Boettgerilla pallens 23 Buccinum undatum 21 Caecum glabrum 1 Caecum imperforatum 1 Calliostoma zizyphinum 19 Callochiton septemvalvis 1 Candidula intersecta 12 Capitella capitata 1 Carychium 1 Carychium minimum 3 Carychium tridentatum 4 Cepaea 9 Cepaea hortensis 166 Cepaea nemoralis 36 Cerastoderma edule 14 Cerithiopsis barleei 1 Cerithiopsis tubercularis 4 Cernuella virgata 49 Chaetozone gibber 1 Chamelea striatula 1 Chrysallida 1 Chrysallida interstincta 2 Cingula trifasciata 5 Clausilia bidentata 56 22 September 2021 Page 4 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Clausinella fasciata 3 Clelandella miliaris 3 Cochlicella acuta 77 Cochlicopa 5 Cochlicopa cf. lubrica 51 Cochlicopa cf. lubricella 14 Cochlicopa lubrica agg. 5 Cochlicopa lubrica seg. 1 Columella aspera 10 Columella edentula 3 Corbula gibba 4 Cornu aspersum 262 Coryne pusilla 1 Crassostrea gigas 3 Cuspidaria cuspidata 1 Cylichna cylindracea 1 Dendrobaena veneta 1 Deroceras agreste 4 Deroceras invadens 16 Deroceras laeve 21 Deroceras panormitanum 100 Deroceras reticulatum 339 Diaphana minuta 1 Discus rotundatus 116 Doris pseudoargus 5 Dosinia exoleta 5 Dosinia lupinus 3 Doto 1 Eisenia fetida 2 Eisenia veneta 1 Eiseniella tetraedra 4 Eledone cirrhosa 1 Elysia viridis 2 Emarginula fissura 1 Ensis magnus 1 Ensis siliqua 1 Eteone longa 1 Eubranchus exiguus 1 Eubranchus pallidus 1 Euconulus cf. fulvus 12 Euconulus fulvus agg. 1 Eulalia viridis 1 Eupolymnia nebulosa 1 Euspira catena 1 Euspira nitida 2 Facelina 1 Facelina auriculata 2 Facelina bostoniensis 3 Flabellina verrucosa 1 Galba truncatula 11 Gari depressa 1 Gari fervensis 1 Gari tellinella 2 Gibbula cineraria 38 Gibbula magus 5 Gibbula tumida 7 Gibbula umbilicalis 31 Glossiphonia complanata 3 Glycera 1 Glycymeris glycymeris 2 Goniodoris nodosa 1 Goodallia triangularis 1 22 September 2021 Page 5 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Gouldia minima 3 Gyraulus crista 2 Gyraulus laevis 1 Haemopis sanguisuga 8 Harmothoe 1 Harmothoe imbricata 4 Hediste diversicolor 4 Helcion pellucidum 5 Helicella itala 79 Helobdella stagnalis 4 Hemilepton nitidum 2 Heteranomia squamula 13 Hiatella arctica 18 Hinia 1 Hydrobia ulvae 2 Iothia fulva 2 Jorunna tomentosa 2 Jujubinus montagui 1 Kellia suborbicularis 4 Kurtiella bidentata 7 Lacuna pallidula 12 Lacuna parva 1 Lacuna vincta 19 Lanice conchilega 11 Lasaea adansoni 5 Lauria cylindracea 85 Lehmannia marginata 116 Lehmannia valentiana 2 Leiostyla anglica 5 Lepidochitona cinerea 21 Leptochiton asellus 4 Leptochiton cancellatus 2 Limacia clavigera 1 Limacina retroversa 2 Limacus agg. 3 Limacus flavus 2 Limacus maculatus 19 Limapontia capitata 4 Limapontia senestra 4 Limaria hians 1 Limax cinereoniger 22 Limax maximus 122 Lineus longissimus 1 Littorina arcana 3 Littorina fabalis 15 Littorina littorea 67 Littorina obtusata 30 Littorina obtusata/fabalis 4 Littorina obtusata/mariae 13 Littorina saxatilis 70 Loligo forbesii 1 Lucinoma borealis 3 Lumbricus rubellus 9 Lutraria angustior 1 Lutraria lutraria 1 Lymnaea (Stagnicola) 1 Lymnaea fuscus 2 Lymnaea stagnalis 1 Macoma balthica 6 Macomangulus tenuis 1 Malacolimax tenellus 21 Margarites groenlandicus 1 22 September 2021 Page 6 of 227 Dataset Species No of records Margarites helicinus 10 Margaritifera margaritifera 4 Melarhaphe neritoides 6 Mendicula ferruginosa 1 Milax gagates 40 Mimachlamys varia 6 Mimachlamys varia nivea 2 Modiolula phaseolina 7 Modiolus modiolus 11 Moerella pygmaea 1 Monacha cantiana 5 Monia patelliformis 8 Musculus 1 Musculus discors 6 Musculus subpictus 2 Mya arenaria 3 Mya truncata 3 Myrtea spinifera 1 Mysia undata 1 Mytilus edulis 53 Nassarius incrassatus 6 Nassarius pygmaeus 1 Nassarius reticulatus 3 Neptunea antiqua 2 Nereis pelagica 1 Nesovitrea hammonis 13 Nucella lapillus 62 Nucula nitidosa 4 Nucula nucleus 4 Nucula sulcata 1 Ocenebra erinacea 1 Octolasion cyaneum 5 Octopus vulgaris 1 Odostomia acuta 3 Odostomia eulimoides 1 Odostomia lukisii 1 Odostomia scalaris 3 Odostomia turrita 7 Odostomia unidentata 4 Omalogyra atomus 9 Onchidoris bilamellata 2 Ondina divisa 1 Onoba aculeus 6 Onoba semicostata 11 Orbinia sertulata 1 Ostrea edulis 5 Oxychilus alliarius 74 Oxychilus cellarius 61 Oxychilus draparnaudi 1 Oxychilus navarricus subsp. helveticus 7 Oxyloma elegans 9 Palaemon elegans 1 Palliolum striatum 3 Palliolum tigerinum 3 Parthenina decussata 1 Parthenina indistincta 1 Parvicardium exiguum 1 Parvicardium minimum 1 Parvicardium pinnulatum 5 Parvicardium scabrum 5 Patella pellucida 16 Patella ulyssiponensis 13 22
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