Wildstorm Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice. Including Meat

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Wildstorm Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice. Including Meat Wildstorm Red Alert! Bling! Bling! Sugar & Spice and Sl 2,0003l Scooter sherrill lS in everything nice. Set your phrasem, in; iOFtJS :ii SpOt'tS today. including Meat Puppets "stunned" beime read and comics in A&E. ing Opinion, page 2 VVednesdo Y January 3l, 200l ECHNICIA www.iechniciononline. C O m NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNlVERSlTY'S STUDENT N 'APERSiNcE‘t ' ‘Halo from the flame \\as some \teii'd gas \\ltt"tl ol blood lt‘ottl a bullet \totiiid acle I'm still aloe." he ‘s.tltl otteieil to let liaunigai’t take the sti\tttL' thei'd heard that ‘that 0 Five months alter being shot isander along on ltls “as" near liis throat Shortl) alter :intlnigiri test til the setnestet till. but he kid who got shot \sas a drug outside the N.C. State lianmgart said. "I ran his hand lroni m) tern- Baumgart talked to his mother tlc‘sllllt‘tl anxious to get his dealer lot a \thile l was telling Bookstore, NCSU sophomore Rob liaumgart liiiisheil the transae pie to in} neck. arid trout in} list on the hospital phone llc \\.tv schedule hack to norriial the sliil) and setting things tiori and got back into the pas- to ill} toieai‘ni." Haumgart said. discharged the lollotting nior'ii "People ask me it it's been a straight three times a dag lt got Baumgart is doing just fine. sengei seat ot Smith's cat. lhe "It \\as eoiei‘ed iii blood the trig. huge. lllL‘ changing eient tor old. but I guess it “as a good man iolloited. leaned o\er the brightest. i'eddest blood I'd e\ er »\t the insistence ol his mother tire." he said. "It hasn't. real!) " “at lor me to deal. mentally James (:orman diii er ~s side door and asked the \k'L‘H.“ Baumgart spent that iseekend at \ttordiiig to Battingat‘t. the \\lll] the situation." .\l.i:t Reporter too tor directions to l egends. a Smith. teiiiporaril} blinded home in ('har‘loiie. \lliittlt‘l still has not been liautngart also l'ounil support Sophomore Rob Banmgart local nightclub Neither ktieit and deatetied b} the blast. “Reall_\. though. I tell tine." caught. but it is a case that local lrotn his trierids. lttlllll} and his remeiiihers almost eier} detail “here the club \\as located tittiekls regained his sight and Baumgart said. "It isas tunri} authorities are still ptiistnng oun sense ol humor about the oi the night ol Mtg. 35. Itltltl “He turned .iiszii. and I helped llaumgart run to nearb) ei er) one is as isorried. and [rust ltainngait has heett called into sllllttlliltt the night lie \sas shot Ill the lace thought that \sas it." Haunigart ('ar'r'oll llall, named to go to lirent Road." no less than l'otu‘ dill'et'ent police “lt's sortietliing m} roommate near the \.('. State Bookstore said. "l'hcn I heard him sa_\ \lter l\\U sepaiate kill calls 7 (‘alls from reporters kept his has tips. and l ioke about no\\,' he said. “delltnld .'\l .\l. ‘lles bro.‘ and I turned. and l one h_\ .i riiaii and his girlfriend t'amils's phone ringing steadih "lane ups are ditlieult." he "It's a lot better than stasing "I remember the flash than the mu his right liatid in the eat \iho heard Smith _\e|ltrig. tlte tor the out net-k tine said "I on!) sa\\ the gui's lace H...melanchol} and depressed abotit iiiir/Ile.” Batinigart said. "l'he oi er the handbrake l'hat‘s otliei hi a t‘ari‘oll llall resident ('hai'lotte TV station eieii l\\ lt'k' lmagine looking at some» halo tioin the Name “as like \ihen I saii the llash." .id\isor' Hattiiigart “as hi‘iel'l} reported Baumgari dead. one ill a crowd lot too seconds. ()ne ol' the tiiost ll’t‘queltll) looking at a light bttlh dead on Baumgart's iiiind did not t’tlsllt‘d to \VakeMed. and t‘ainily t'rieiids calling to then lieing asked to i‘eeogni/e asked questions is it he's atraid it \\.ts beaittitttl." immediateli register the sottnd \ceording to the [“0 doctors ol'l'er condolences is ere stir him three months later." ot AlMs at night. Hatinigai't and liis roommate. and flash til the gunshot he that e\amiiied liaumgart. the prised to hear Rob's \oiee ' he Raleigh Police “No, I'm not," he said. "Listen lelt .\niith. were about to letite said it tell as ll someone had ‘m‘ caliber bullet entered answer the phone. liepartment belie\es that the _\ou can't control \iliat‘s tort \'(‘ ('liapel llill ‘.\llL‘ll the) punched him Ill the |.t\\ lle through the loner side ot Si\ months later. liaumgat‘t‘s assault on Baumgait might be going to happen I item to the stopped at the \Vachosia .i\l'.\l stared lll shock as the shooter Itatiingatt's lclt cheek. l‘let)~ lite is much the same as ll \ias conntsteil to a string ol local .-\'l.'\l. I got shot. It happened, around it) pin .\s Baumgart caltnl_\ \saIked back to his car. theted olt his mandible. passed belot'e the shooting. He still shootings and burglaries. It's oiet‘ lt's dorte \\llll l'te got approached the terminal. Smith parked tno spaces .t\\.’l_\, li_\ his iiigtilar and carotid ai'tet‘}. plats ice hoeket loi .\,(C Slate. liespite that. ltaumgar‘t said a bullet lodged iii til) spine I Mi“ a man step around l'rom Still slightli da/ed. Hattnigai't missed his spinal cord b} eeri- maintains the same MW and the riiost dit't'icult task has been could be ali\e in 50 _\ears. or it behind the pillars sa\\ something liit the \tindou timeters and lodged in the back soon plans to mot e into a house dealing is tilt the rumors that sur- could kill me soinelioii in l‘i\e “.lelt realli didn't think an_\ ol Siiiith's eat It took ltitri a til l'tls neck. Hilfdlllplls \\llll l'rtends rounded the incident “The point is that I'm not tliitig til it he inst thought it moment to reali/e ll \\ as a sport " l he doctors said it “as a lllll‘ (‘haneellor Marie Anne lo\ “-\ loi ot people l knots \iere going to liie llt\ Me in fear " l Students aid quake Victims 0 MC. State’s Indian Graduate Student Association is collecting money to aid the victims of last week’s earthquake in lndia. .limm)‘ Ryals Nuns ltidt‘l 1 ast l iida}. aii earthquake measuring 7‘) on the Richter scale tore through Western and Northetn liidta Associated Press reports Honda) protected the death roll at 7.l-l.\'. although oilicials \\lllllll the Indian gov ernment ol'lered protections ranging l'rom l5.tititl to ltltitltiti ileatl \‘ (' \tatc‘s lndian (iraduate \dtltlt‘tll \ssoetatioii. \l-\l'l'l<l. litis established alt lttilta lai‘thtiuake Reliel' l‘tllltl to rid Vet School studies dog epilepsy those in the earthipiakt torn region “the imperatiie task «it help 0 Dog owners hope that two implanted dex tee is powered l‘.‘ set/tire. such as .i tumor or a ing the \tll'\l\tll's ol the catas- new studies will alleviate finan- a uncless transmitter that is stroke It the set/tires .tl'C s_\mp‘ lt'tipltt‘ slat stile. sheltered. [it'tir tonnet ted to a laptop computer toms ol a disease process that tected lr'otn disease and return cial and emotional stress. l'lic tttiitling tor this procedure the_\ hai e been able to identrl'). to their riorriial ll\ es requires an is piot ided b) the Morris lllt‘l‘l ll‘it‘ tltlgl ls tlldg‘litisetl \stlh etioi’itiotts outpouring ol' sup 'l‘re) (ioditin \iiiinal l‘tltllltl;tllt>lt. a nonpiottt simptoinatit epileps} port." said giotip member \\ ll i H. \\i t l oigani/aiion that holds \etei‘i llU\\C\t‘l. ll researchers eatr Eiiiiioiii RELIEF \arsha liamle. Hat} research. not lind the cause. then the} \\ ill l)anile. a graduate student in ltttagirie hai Hi! to \l't'lltl l‘iltlli to: some pet o\\ ners. this t't.‘\r term it idiopathic t'l‘llt‘ps}, c2c>lle3cztital1 operations tttaltdgettlettl. ts monei per month on \t‘tl! dog oliitioiiais surgical procedure Munana said that t‘pllt‘ps). rust spearheading the t‘l'lt‘l'l along than sou do on \otii \llll'l lien :iiigzht he too harsh tor their pet like an) disease. is bieedrrelat- \\llll Ramith .l;|}.‘tt';llll. a gradu- though this is .l tare on tiirt-ia'e to endure l'hat is “lit .\lunana L'il ate student in computer science loi' tttost doe oniieis is [lit laiiii is also toiiducting another studs "ll one breed carries the gene and Rohn Ra/dan. a graduate hes. it can occur to t-bseite potential dietaii eon loi epileps). it “on! spread Members of MAITRI, N.C. student in computer science. \'.(‘ Stale researchers .tlt' con tlt‘eltillls it! set/tiles. much it's genetics." Mariana r\|l three are originall) names ducting tiio studies to deter l-ieii though both ol these said “lt gets passed trorii gener» State’s Indian Graduate ot India. and all three report that mine whether thet can pio\ iile alternatiie treatments hate attoii to generation." their tamilies hate not been an oict‘all better ipiahti tit lite reduced the number ot' set/tires The seierit} ol'epiieps} is not Student Assocation, have mailed b_\ the quake.
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