UDC 338.585 The NECESSITY For ORGANISATION Of ROAD TRAFFIC To INCREASE SAFETY On ROADS After ROAD WORKS Bezuglyi A.O., Ph.D, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3883-7968 Kontseva V.V., Ph.D, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4911-7723 Vozniuk A.B., M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise, Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7611-9652 Stasiuk B.O., National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2504-6577 ABSTRACT Bezuglyi A.O., The Theorethical Aspects of Determination Index of Socio- economic Losses from Road Accidents/ Bezuglyi A.O., Kontseva V.V., Vozniuk A.B., Stasiuk B.O. The article considers the reasons for the unsatisfactory reduction of the number of road accidents, as well as proposals for their elimination. Object of the study – the current road conditions of Ukraine. Purpose of the study –to describe factors, which influencing on unsatisfactory reduction of the number of deaths in road accidents and to provide suggestions for their decreasing. Method of the study – analyze the object of the research with the subsequent synthesis of proposals. In the article the results of research conducted within the framework of the pilot project "Traffic Safety Audit on the transport corridor GO Highway on the road section Lviv - Uman" was considered by which a number of disadvantages that somehow impact the level of road safety were identified. These disadvantages were grouped by the author into four groups – “Geometric Parameters”, “Service Objects”, “Settlements” and “Vulnerable Road Users”.