0 @ mini'apples newsletter the minnesota apple computer users' group, inc.

July, 1994 Volume 17, Issue 7 July tttffte 1994 Su M T W R Sa V

7:00 7 8 MEMBER

7:00 11 12 13 14 16 10 7/ 6:30 7:00 15

7:00 AM S «& 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7:00 7:00 7:00 If ^

24 7:00 25 26 27 7:00 28 29 30 6

MEMBES Board of directors Fourth Dimension SIG Novice SIG BnV-5 Mini'app'les members welcome. 6250 Excelsior Blvd #104 Mirriam Park Lib, 1831 Marshall Ave.., Mathews Ctr. 2318 29th Ave S., Mpls; Rm C St. Louis Park St. Paul "Open Forum" Greg Carlson, 544-8252 Bob Demeules, 559-1124 Tom Lufkin, 698-6523

Apple ll/GS Main Apple II Novice SIG HyperCard SIG I Augsberg Park Library, Murray Jr. High, 2200 Buford, St.Paul No Meeting. Restarts in Sept. 7100 Nicollet Ave, Richfield II TomGates. 789-1713 Peter Fleck, 370-0017 EriK Knopp, 636-3244 AppleWorks SIG Macintosh Consultants SIG ClarisWorks SIG Murray Jr. High, 2200 Buford, Byerly's 3777 Park Cntr Blvd., St. Louis Pk. Norwest Bank, 5320 Lyndale Ave So. fflSt. Paul "Time Out conversions" Mike Carlson, 377-6553 Denis Diekhoff, 920-2437 Les Anderson, 735-3953 Mac Programmers SIG Macintosh Main Filemaker Pro SIG Location & Date Pending No Meeting this month Location Pending Gervaise Kimm, 379-1836 Mike Carlson, 377-6553 g| SteveWilmes. 458-1513 • mini'apples The Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc. P.O. Box 796, Hopkins, MN 55343

Board of Directors: Introduction - This is the Newsletter of Mini'apples, the Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc., a President Gregory L. Carlson Minnesota non-profit club. The whole newsletter is 8216 32nd Ave. N. copyrighted © by Mini'apples. Articles may be repro Crystal, MN 55427 duced in other non-profit User Groups' publications 544-8252 except where specifically copyrighted by the author. (Permission to reproduce these articles must be given by Vice-President Brian Bantz the author.) Please include the source when reprinting. Secretary Leroy Sorenson Questions - Please direct questions to an appropriate 2415 24th Ave. S. board member. Users with technical questions should Minneapolis, MN 55406 refer to the Members Helping Members section. 721-5638 Dealers - Mini'app'les does not endorse specific deal Treasurer Jacque Gay ers. The club promotes distribution of information 5226 W. Nokomis Pkwy which may help members identify best buys and ser Minneapolis, MN 55417 vice. The club itself does not participate in bulk pur 722-1239 chases of media, software, hardware and publications. Members may organize such activities on behalf of Membership Director Bob Demeules 559-1124 other members. Operations & Resource Erick Knopp 636-3244 Advertisers - See MultiForm mailer in the back of Publications Director Brian Bantz this issue. Software Director Owen Aaland Newsletter Contributions - Please send contributions directly to our Post Office, Box 796, Hopkins, MN SIGs: Mac Eric Jacobson 55343 or upload them to our BBS at 892-3317. SIGs: Apple II Les Anderson Deadline for material for the next newsletter is the 10th of the month. An article will be printed when Past President David E. Laden 488-6774 space permits and, if in the opinion of the Newsletter Editor or Manager, it constitutes material suitable for publication. Editor/Publisher: Tom Ostertag 488-9979 Mini'app'les BBS - 892-3317, 24 hrs. Settings: 8-1-0. Mini'app'les Voice Mail - 229-6952

The Mini'app'les Newsletter is an independent publication not affiliated, sponsored, or sanctioned by Apple Computer, Inc. or any other computer manufacturer. The opinions, statements, positions, and views herein are those of the author(s) or editor and are no intended to represent the opinions, statements, positions, or views of Apple Computer Inc.. or any other computer manufacturer. Instead of placing a J^ema* symbol at every occurrence of a trade-marked name, we state that we are using the names only in an editorial manner, to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.

*M*y, 1994 Mini'app'les Newsletter JvAta Need Help? Have a question the manual Members doesn 't answer? Members Helping Members is a group of volunteers who have generously agreed to help. They are Helping just a phone call away. Please call only during appropriate times, if you are a Members Member, and own the software in question.

Macintosh Key If you would like to be a "Members Helping Members" volunteer, please leave Adobe Illustrator 21 your name & phone number on our BBS, or leave a voice-mall message at 229- Beginners 13,14,18, 24 6952, or use the MultiForm mailer near the back of this issue. C a n v a s 5 FileMaker n, Pro 1,17 Apple II Key Apple/// Key Freehand 22 A p p l e W r i t e r 2 General 12 General , 14,17,18, 24 A p p l e W o r k s 2 , 2 3 H e l i x 1 6 A s c i i E x p r e s s 3 A p p l e I I G S K e y HyperCard 6, 9 BASIC 5 AppleWorksGS 15 MacDraft 5 Dazzle Draw 23 APW 20,23 MacDraw 5 D B M a s t e r 7 Delux Paint II 23 MacPaint 5 Educational Software ..23 General Information...3 M a c O S 4 , 1 8 , 2 4 General Information...23 Graphic Writer II/III....15 Microsoft Excel 5, 6,17 Home Acc'n't 20 G S / O S 3 Microsoft Word A, 5,6,14,17,24 Publishlt! 23 HyperStudio GS 3 Microsoft Works 11,17 P r o T E R M 2 3 M e r l i n 1 6 + 1 5 Networking 5, 6,13 Quicken 23 M o u s e t a l k 1 5 P a g e M a k e r 4 , 6 , 1 7 Talk Is Cheap 3 P a i n t W o r k s 1 5 , 2 3 PostScript 8 TimeOut 2 Prosel 2 P o w e r P o i n t 5 TO Graph 2 T M L B a s i c 3 Q u i c k B a s i c 5 , 6 TML Pascal 3 X P r e s s 2 1 Writer's Choice 15

Steve Wilmes 458-1513 E 15. Arnie Kroll 433-3517 E Tom Ostertag 488-9979 E 16. Michael Foote 507-645-6710 ....DEW To m G a t e s 7 8 9 - 1 7 1 3 E W 17. Richard Becker 870-0659 EW To m E d w a r d s 9 2 7 - 6 7 9 0 E 18. Steve Peterson 922-9219 EW Earl Benser 884-2148 EW 19. Jodi Roste 933-1698 EW Dan Buchler 435-3075 E 20. Nancy McClure 227-9348 DEW Ann Bell 422-1115 E 21. Rand Sibet 566-8571 EW Fritz Lott 377-3032 E P e t e r F l e c k 3 7 0 - 0 0 1 7 D E W Ed Spitler 432-0103 D D-days (generally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Bob Rosenberg 377-4300 EW E-evenlngs (generally 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.) 340-0234 D W-weekends (generally 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.). In any case, call at reasonable hours and ask if 12. John Hackbarth 715-246-6561 D this is a convenient time for them. We appreciate 13. Jim Horswill 379-7624 DEW your cooperation. #^ 14. Tom Michals 452-5667 DEW

Mini?app'|q$^$vgsJetter H M«»1994 Treasurer's Report 5/94 Table of Contents by Jacque Gay Profit & Loss Statement Income T r e a s u r e r ' s R e p o r t 4 M e m b e r s h i p s $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 Advertising $68.00 ICONFerence 5 Software Sales $34.74 O t h e r S a l e s $ 3 9 . 0 9 New Officers Elected 5 Swap Meet $80.00 Interest $38.56 Apple Price Reductions 5 D o n a t i o n s $ 2 5 . 0 0 G o o d D e a l s 6 Total Income $660.39 Expenses U s i n g Y o u r W o r d P r o c e s s o r 9 Gen Mbrship Mtgs/Shows (VP.)$100.00 S e c r e t a r y $ 2 1 . 2 3 Software Review: Empire Deluxe 10 Publications/Newsletter $579.47 M a c T i p s 1 0 Hardware/Resource Support $ 17.00 Total Expenses $717.70 Apple II History, Part 11 12 Net Proflt/(Loss) ($57.31) M e e t i n g M i n u t e s 1 5 Please Help Inside Back Cover

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS COMMUNICATIONS Your Standard Equipment will get you there,.. If you have Cactus Software & the Right Key Communications, Inc. "Sharp and to the point" Documentation Services for: Computer Software Technical Manuals Mechanical Systems Training Courses HyperActive Software professional HyperCard9solutions 612/757-6916 Fax 757-4515 (612)724-1596 CUSTOM DATABASES ONLINE DOCUMENTATION

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MinP-apifles vAfffe tter w*1fr™BrjY1994 ICONFerence July 21-23,1994 in Kansas City Tentative Session Schedule, as of May 27: Bill Lynn - Way Cool & Way Cheap (TOM. W, CAT23, TOP10, Submitted by Thomas A. Gates Macintosh Utilities MSG:136/M645;1) Articles identified from GEnieLamp are Keynote speaker: Randy Brandt, Greg Nelson - Multimedia Authoring reprinted with permission from Project Manager, AppleWorks 4.0 with CD-ROM GEnieLamp Apple II, Vol.3 Issue 27. (c) Pat Wilson, Microsoft - Special Nathaniel Sloan - The Ins and Outs Copyright 1993 T/TalkNET Online Preview of Microsoft Windows 4.0 of Telecom Scripting Publishing and GEnie. To join GEnie, set (Chicago) (non-disclosure required) your to 2400 baud (or less) and Joe Kohn - Looking Good in Print half duplex (local echo). Have the Pat Wilson, Microsoft - Microsoft Joe Kohn - All About the Internet modem dial 1-800-6384369 (USA) orl- Office for Windows Demo (2 hours) 800-387-8330 (Canada). When you get Lane Roathe - How to get a job in Nick Dazio et al - Launch of the The a CONNECT message, type HHH. At the the computer industry Mensch Computer U#= prompt, type: JOINGENIE and hit Erick Wagner - Apple II Interfacing, the [return] key. When you get the Roger Wagner - subject to be prompt asking for the signup code, type announced How to Control and Monitor Real- World Devices DSD524 and hit RETURN. The system Mike Westerfield will then prompt you for your information. subject to be David Ciotti - Soldering for announced Call 1-800438-9636 (voice) for more Beginners, Which End of the Iron is information. Michael Lutynski - Animasia 3-D Hot? Jim Maricondo - UNIX & the We are also still hopeful that we Internet; UNIX and the Apple IIgs: can get a session on Mac System 7.5 GNO/ME from Apple. Anything else you'd like to see that not's on the list yet?

New Officers for the Year 1994-1995 President Greg Carlson Treasurer Jacque Gay Mac SIG Eric Jacobson Vice President ..Brian Bantz Publications Brian Bantz Apple SIG Les Anderson Secretary Roy Sorenson Software Owen Aaland Membership Bob Demeules Operations Erik Knopp

Apple Price Reductions CAMPBELL, California—May 16,1994—Apple Computer, Inc., today announced price reductions on selected desktop personal computers, PowerBook notebook computers and Apple peripherals. Previous Apple price New Apple price* %Change Quadra 660AV 8/230 w/IMB VRAM $1,879 $1,499 20% Quadra 660AV 8/230CD w/IMB VRAM $2,159 $1,779 18% Quadra 660AV 8/500 w/IMB VRAM $2,759 $2,369 14% Quadra 950 0/1000 Publishing Configuration $7,329 $6,229 15% * PowerBook 145B 4/80 $1,429 $1,259 12% PowerBook 145B 4/120 $1,659 $1,369 17% PowerBook 165 4/80 $1,759 $1,449 18% PowerBook 165 4/160 $2,099 $1,549 26% PowerBook 165 4/160 with express modem $2,339 $1,699 27% PowerBook Express Modem Kit $319 $215 33% LaserWriter Select 300 w/Toner Cartridge $819 $699 15% LaserWriter Select 300 $730 $600 18% Apple OneScanner w/Accy Kit $869 $699 20% Apple OneScanner w/Accy Kit for Windows $869 $699 20% Apple OneScanner^ $820 $650 21% Macintosh Cclcr ^splaytH" RGB) $419 $399 21% »

etter Mini'app'le J^ «Mafel994 GOOD DEALS #10 by Ken Slingsby This is the tenth in a series of articles which list good deals and press releases that have been brought to our /*^|v attention via a news source established by Apple Computer Co., AppleLink. Due to the constraints of space in our newsletter and time available, the articles have been greatly condensed. All were posted in their entirety on the Club's BBS. To read the full articles, plead or beg a friend who has access to the BBS to copy it for you. As an aid in your review of the articles, I have divided them somewhat arbitrarily into DEALS and Press Releases. The DEALS include price, dates available, and the address of the publisher or author. Most of the DEALS are special limited time offers of a significant price reduction. They are presented here as a service of Mini'app'les. The PRESS RELEASES are to make you aware of the new products. You may have to hunt to find a dealer that sup ports the product. Mini'app'les makes no claim as to the usefulness or quality of the products offered herein. The User Group does not endorse the products and is not supporting the products. The following is not paid advertisement. There may be other products mentioned on AppleLink not appearing here. If so, that is an omission, not a refusal of the prod uct. As in all purchases, buyer beware! There are at least two GOOD DEALS offered this month if several members want to pool their orders for a group purchase. If you are interested in coordinating a group purchase, please call Tom Gates at the number listed in the latest Newsletter. He has agreed to coordinate group purchases and try to avoid having multiple persons attempting to get the same discount. Then get the word out. You can use the BBS, this Newsletter, announcements at User Group meetings, and word of mouth to spread the details. If there is sufficient interest in group purchases, an opportunity will exist for someone to become a 'permanent' coordinator. In order to qualify for most of the items presented here, you MUST be a member of an Apple User Group. Be prepared to give your member number, and tell them that Mini'app'les sent you!

includes a disc with sample stacks. Personal Information Manager that DEALS The PML and Pict Installer is a very lets you instantly look up contacts Contact the manufacturers directly at useful utility which easily inserts and other data from FileMaker Pro, the listed number for these special QuickTime movies and color picts Touchbase Pro, Now Contact and "i^%k prices. Be prepared to give them your onto cards in a HyperCard stack. Dynodex! It combines the powerful, Mini'app'les ID number. Special price for User Group mem multi-column Action Outliner® with ACI US, Inc. bers: Click D. Mouse and sample full-featured daily, weekly and stacks $21.00 (reg. $29). PML and monthly calendars to help you plan Announcing the newest edition to their family of 4D products, 4D Pict Installer $20 (reg. $30). FAX smarter, stay organized and save orders to 205-592-0611 or mail to: time. Much more than just a calen FIRST. 4D First, the simplified ver sion of the best selling relational AG&T, Inc., 4634 Battery Lane, dar, IN CONTROL lets you plan, database, 4th Dimension, offers Birmingham, AL 35213. manage and schedule every detail of you busy life faster and better than more features than any other rela ASDG Inc. ever! Plus, IN CONTROL'S flexible, tional database in its class. For a lim Hollywood professionals call easy-to-use interface allows you to ited time, buy 4D First for up to 40% ELASTIC REALITY the most powerful work the way you're accustomed to off. Call ACI at (408) 252-4444, and complete Macintosh morphing extension 203. working. Through June 15,1994, product available. Features include User Group members can purchase Adventures for Gifted and Talented regional motion and fade control, re IN CONTROL 3.0 for an incredibly usable shapes, wire frame preview low $49.95-a savings of almost 60% CLICK D. MOUSE is a self for motion testing, resolution inde instructional guide to getting started off the regular retail price-and ver sion 2.0 users can upgrade for only on HyperCard programming. The pendence and full moving morph and war support with automatic $34.95! book has been especially designed "tweening." You can own version for the young motivated program 1.1 of this professional effects pack DiiMO Technologies mer but is also useful as a starting Get the DiiMOCACHE 50MHz tool for all ages. Teachers will find age for only $99.95 (plus shipping and handling) by calling (608) 273- ACCELERATOR for only $384! The this product useful for the classroom 9240. Includes a quickstart and tuto DiiMOCache Accelerator will make to be used as a curriculum guide with teacher notes and hints. The rial video. your Mac 2-4 times faster! Prices start at $384 (for getting 5 members package has been thoroughly field Attain Corporation tested in the classroom. The package together to purchase 5) or at $399 IN CONTROL 3.0—the only (for purchase of 1 accelerator). Call

MlnliSP£|ps Nej5gl£tter mo^[L?34 JJ> retail is $99.95. User Group Members board for $76. Opti-mechanical musical instruments, today can purchase Active Help! at an mouse $38. Call 213-780-6110. (exp. announced an agreement in which incredibly low $55.95. Active Help! 8/31/94) Apple will license Roland's musical is backed by a one year guarantee. instrument sound collection for use Call 1-800-522-8483. Working Software in future versions of QuickTime, Toner Tuner, Working Apple's software that brings multi Home Office Computing Magazine Watermarker, and Last Resort at media capabilities to computers and The leading magazine for small nearly half price-just $69.95 for all consumer electronics devices. and home-based businesses-is offer three. User Group members save up The Roland Sound Canvas musi ing a special discount of 66% off the to $55 on three of Macworld's 15 cal instrument collection includes newsstand rate for all Apple User best utilities (April 1994). Also avail digitized samples of more than 10 Group members. For people who run able separately at 20-40% User instrument families including piano, a small business (full or part time) Group discounts. Call 800-229-9675. organ, guitar, bass, strings and and/or maintain a home office, this orchestra, ensemble, brass, reed, per offer will be of tremendous interest. cussion, sound effects and more. Contact Gary Michelson at 212-505- These sounds can be used to create 4293. and play music on computers—with Press Releases out users needing to know the tech Insignia Solutions SAN JOSE, Calif., USA, May 17, nical nuances of MIDI technology. Offering User Group members 1994-Connectix Corporation released Maxima 3.0 at the Apple PowerBook 500 Series special pricing to receive PC compat The four new PowerBook 500 ibility. SoftWindows enables Power Worldwide Developers Conference Macintosh users to run MS-DOS and models include the 520,520c, 540, today. Maxima 3.0 is the first major 540c (the 'c' designates a color Windows applications at speeds upgrade to the popular Maxima comparable to 386SX and 486SX PCs RAM disk software in two years. Its screen). Based on the Motorola 68LC040 processor technology, run . Includes MS-DOS 6.21, Windows primary new features are double 3.1 and NetWare, preinstalled. Only capacity RAM disks and automated ning at 66/33 MHz or 50/25MHz $349 (List price $499). Insignia setup. Maxima is recommended for (processor/bus speed) these new sys Solutions is also having a special fac with 8 MB or more of tems offer up to 36MB of RAM tory blowout sale of Universal RAM, all network servers and desk expansion and 320MB of hard drive SoftPC 3.0 and AccessPC 2.0 for non- top systems with more than 8 MB of storage. Apple plans to provide RISC based Macintosh's. Universal RAM. Maxima 3.0 has a suggested PowerPC technology SoftPC allows Macintosh users to list price of $99 and registered users for the PowerBook 500 series in the run MS-DOS applications, and of previous versions can obtain an future. AccessPC allows Macintosh users to upgrade for $19.95 by calling SAN MATEO, California, USA, June read, write and format DOS disks 800/950-5880. 1st, 1994 - Connectix Corporation with your Macintosh and use DOS today announced that it has received files with Macintosh applications. CUPERTINO, California—May 2, 1994—Apple Computer, Inc. today Energy Star Compliant Controlling Only $49.95. Call 800-947-7706. announced that it is sending its Device status for its new version of (exp. 7/31/94) OpenDoc component-software envi CDU (Connectix Desktop Utilities) for Macintosh. This is the first time 1/0 Design, Inc. ronment for Apple Macintosh per sonal computers to 1,000 developers the United States Environmental Special User Group Offer on worldwide. As a result, these devel Protection Agency (EPA) has autho MacLuggage®. PowerBook Standard rized any Macintosh product to bear Case for $39.95 (reg. $49.95). opers can begin creating software based on an open architecture that the Energy Star logo as a Controlling PowerBook Leather Attache $79.95 Device for CPUs. (reg. $99.95). PowerBook BackPack Apple is developing in conjunction $19.95 (reg. $39.95). Members also with a number of industry leaders, as The CDU 1.0.4 upgrade is available receive a 50% discount off all Mac part of the CI Labs organization. for $29.95 to registered owners of and PC carrying cases and dust cov OpenDoc is being developed for previous versions. The company's ers. Call 1-800-241-2122 (quantities Macintosh computers as well as for Macintosh products include RAM limited). Windows, OS-1/2 and UNIX sys Doubler, Connectix PowerBook tems. Utilities, Connectix Desktop Utilities, MACE GROUP INC. CUPERTINO, California—May 10, Maxima 3.0, MODE32 and the Macintosh Memory Guide. For more Special pricing to members of 1994—Apple Computer, Inc., a com User Groups on all of their MacALLY information, contact Connectix at accessories. Combine your order to a puter and information industry pio neer, and Roland Corporation, a 800/950-5880, 415/571-5100 or fax minimum of five items (they can be leading manufacturer of professional 415/571-5195. mixed). For example, extended key-

Mini'epp'les NtAtefetter 8 May, 1994 DiiMO at 800-503-4466 for more or sound from your favorite CDs. ation and editing, color-correction, information. Hurry, this offer avail Special User Group prices: $49.95 for photo-retouching, and multi-layer able for a limited time only. single purchase (reg. $73.95). compositing into a single software Volume discounts available (as low program. In addition to the applica Domark Software, Inc. as $30 per package). Call 1-800-565- tion itself, the Pro3 package Blast off with FLYING NIGHT 5582. KS note: This is another includes: AppleScript®, ColorSync®, MARES, the first native Power opportunity to start a group pur Macintosh Drag & Drop, Macintosh entertainment software chase... hint, hint. QuickTime®, the KPT Glass Lens fil title (also available on 680x0 ter family, and dozens of Pro3 paper machines). Flying Nightmares is two Keep it Simple Software textures and full-color patterns for exciting games in one: flight simula Introducing a revolutionary new use with any Pixel Paint Pro3 art tion and complete strategy war- line of products from Keep It Simple work. User Group special price of game. Fly the remarkable Harrier Software; the SUNPACK line of solar $185 (Introductory retail $379) Over "Jump Jet," capable of vertical take panel chargers/carrying cases for use a 50% discount to User Group mem off and landings and command an with Apple's PowerBook or Newton bers through July 31,1994! Upgrade entire Marine task force. Amazing computers. These products utilize pricing also available for previous speed, great fun and Domark has really cool "flexible amorphous sili versions. Call 1-800-851-1427. slashed prices for User Group mem con" panels that will not only Ventana Press bers to $44.95! Call 1-800-695- recharge your batteries but will also GAME and say 'User Group Special run your PowerBook or Newton as Affordable, easy Internet access is Please' to receive your discount. long as the Sun shines! In order to now available, and at a special price help members of user groups for user groups. The INTERNET Hewlett Packard throughout the nation, and to spur MEMBERSHIP KIT, new from Great ! Great Price! HP market awareness, KISS is offering Ventana Media, comes with Internet DESKWRITER for $199 (Suggested special discounts (30% off retail) to access with no setup charges and six retail, price/actual terms and prices User Group members only! Call 800- hours of free online time, Mosaic may vary, while supplies last). FAR-OUT2. documentation, graphical software, Contact a participating dealer The Mac Internet Tour Guide and (Partial list below). Photonics The Internet Yellow Pages. User Ballard Computers: 1-800-BALLARD Photonics Corporation's COOP- groups can receive all this at a 30% ERAITVE products utilize diffuse discount for a price of $49. Just call J&R Computer World: 1-800-221- infrared technology to create a wire Ventana Media at 800-743-5369 or 8180 less solution for LocalTalk devices in send your credit card information to Syex Express: 1-800-289-7939 minutes. Two or more PowerBooks, Ventana Media, PO Box 2468, MAC's or other AppleTalk devices Computers 800:1-800-321-1234 Chapel Hill, NC 27515. equipped with COOPERATIVE trans MacWAREHOUSE: 1-800-622-6222 ceivers can exchange information Alliance Interactive Software, Inc. Kalleens: 1-800-262-1010 anywhere— in a conference room, a Members can purchase any Classic Series game for 50% off ComputerLand/Datago: 1-800-354- bank, a classroom, even on an air 9368 plane. Our instant Personal Area Suggested Retail Price! $15 for any Network (PAN) gives you the free diskette game or $25 for either CD Insight Direct: 1-800-755-9685 dom to work collaboratively when game pack. Digital Illusions® Classic ComputerWare: 1-800-326-0092 ever and wherever you want. For Series includes WWI era: Fokker GST/MicroCity: 1-800-675-CITY adventuresome early adopters, Triplane Flight Simulator; WWII era: Photonics is offering a spectacular P-51 Mustang Flight Simulator, Sub Comark/USA FLEX: 1-800-678-0354 introductory price of $99.95(US) Battle Simulator and PT Boat MacMall: 1-800-222-2808 (retail value of $689) for the COOP- Simulator; Modern Ferrari Grand ELEK-TEK: 1-800-395-1000 ERA1WE starter kit. With two trans Prix. Call 305-423-4289 (exp. ceivers and an access point you have 8/15/94). Rocky Mountain Computer Outfitters: 1-800-895-0009 everything you need to set up your Common Sense Publishing, Inc. own wireless LAN today! Call Donna InMedia (408) 955-7930. (exp 6/30/94) Active Help! is a CD-ROM tutori al to help you master PageMaker. Announcing SLIDES & SOUND Pixel Resources You control the pace. Get training software, bundled with Kodalux pro Now shipping PIXEL PAINT® on the commands you need exactly cessing of your first roll of 24 images when and where you need them- to PhotoCD®. Slides & Sound allows PR03, a major upgrade to PixelPaint Professional. PixelPaint Pro3 is the instantly, from within PageMaker you to import directly from any first Macintosh graphics application and delivered right on your comput Kodak Photo CD, arrange your t^ fully integrate 32-bit image cre er screen. Active Help! suggested slides, add captions, titles and music

Mini'app'les Newsletter 4«k ^^^Kt^ l«#9-r Using your Word Processor (from Mac Monitor, Jan 1994) don't set their positions yet. It's 5. Spellcheck the document. by Anne Chalmers, Mouse Tracks, never necessary to have a string of 6. Recheck the format. Scan Portland, OR MUG tabs; type one tab between items (as submitted by Gregory Carlson through the document and use Print in a table) and don't worry about Preview to see if corrections in Producing a document using a how it looks until later when you spelling have disturbed your format word processor requires both text add the formatting. With a type ting. This is particularly important if and formatting. To illustrate why writer, you would put a tab at the you are trying to squeeze stuff onto a both are required, consider the letter beginning of each paragraph. With a single page. "R". It doesn't have any "official word processor, don't do this! Start each paragraph without a tab. You 7. Print. In the Print dialog, indi appearance; it can be written lots of cate print quality desired, pages to different ways — at least as many will set the "paragraph indent" later different ways as there are individu to create that space; this allows for be printed, and method of paper feed. als' handwriting. But the word more powerful and flexible format processor can't just display the idea ting. And remember, the fewer key 8. Proof. Look for words that are of the letter "R"; it has to display it strokes, the faster the text entry. spelled correctly but are the wrong in some particular font, at some par 3. Set margins. The Page Setup dia word. The spell checker will not ticular size, in some particular color, have caught these for you. For exam log box typically has buttons and etc. These characteristics are the for boxes for determining page size, ori ple, "form" when you meant "from." matting. Bold style, page breaks, bor entation, and other special instruc 9. Print again, if necessary. One ders, and spaces are some other tions. Margins should be at least .5 exception I make to this routine is examples of formatting elements. inches. The document style and size when creating documents that I'll be With a typewriter, you didn't have to will help you decide on the margins. proofing on the screen. In that case, think about formatting because The margins are one of the factors I insert steps 2a and 2b: there were so few formatting that determine where the page breaks 2a. Select all text and apply a for options: tab spacing, overstrike, fall. There is no reason you can't mat that's easy to read. This varies underline; and on later models you change the margins later on in the from person to person and from could physically replace pieces of the machine to get different fonts. Word process. However, if you've spent time screen to screen, but many people #N inserting page breaks to create a par like Geneva or Palatine, 12 pt. or processors, in contrast, have more ticular look, you'll need to repeat that larger. formatting options than just about process if you change the margins. 2b. Select all text and set the anyone can keep track of. 4. Format the page using all the Fortunately, you need to learn only a space before each paragraph to 4 pt. few to start, many of them you'll tricks and tools necessary. This is and the line spacing to a comfort never use in your whole life. when you decide on fonts, font sizes, able 16 pt. This makes the text much The following steps will help you line spacing (a.k.a. leading), para easier to read on the screen. to learn to create new documents graph style, etc. For example, you As you develop your expertise in quickly and efficiently. Many people might be writing to a legislator con word processing, you will find that find it a little awkward to get used to cerning new taxes. For this kind of there are many sophisticated format the process at first. Give it a try. correspondence you want a semi-for mal look that's both inviting and ting tools available in most applica Then modify it to suit your needs. tions. Styles, sections, and tables are official in appearance. You want the 1. Begin by opening a new file. text to be easy to read, and you three of Microsoft Word's tools for Remember to save often as you enter would like to make your point on creating documents that you'll want to learn to use. Once you've become text and as you format the docu one page. To this end, you might ment. It is useful to use the Save As... choose 10 pt. Times as your font and accustomed to the basic process, feature to save a back-up copy from size. A line spacing of 12 or 13 pts. learning new techniques will be time to time. This allows you to go makes your letter easier to read. much easier. back to a recent version of your doc Applying a 4 pt. space between para ument if you happen to make graphs open the letter up without changes you wish you later hadn't made. spreading it out to a second page. No paragraph indent gives a more for 2. Type in all the text you wish to mal look. The current convention is include. Try to get into the habit of to leave your return address and entering text without formatting or salutation left justified (a.k.a. flush stopping to make many corrections. left), but you may choose to right J^*v This is the most efficient way to use justify it anyway. a word processor. Type tabs in but

Mini'app'les Newsletter Mo* 1994 J»y Software Review: Empire Deluxe by Greg Carlson player. Later, according to articles The game was ported over from Empire Deluxe that I read, the feature of Mac vs. PC the PC world, and the entire flavor of /^iSk New World Computing $49 list players is not functional. the game seems to reflect this. There When I attended the Macintosh Since I don't know anyone with are shortcut commands mentioned Novice meeting in April, a couple of this game, I set it to two player in the manual; unfortunately, I have doorprizes were awarded. I managed mode, with one of the players being yet to see F10, AIt-F8, etc. on a to win 'Empire Deluxe', a 'computer the computer; set the scenario to Macintosh! Without these shortcut simulation for the training and prac "Tutorial", and tried it. After about 1 commands, a movement or non- tice of the long neglected and much hour of play, I won! Satisfied with that, movement of each troop required desired skill of Planetary Conquest.' I tried a different scenario - a scenario going to the menu bar, activating the With this simple premise, Empire is a "world" of your choice; (you may pull-down menu, finding the com Deluxe looked like it might be fun to use one of the 40 standard scenarios, mand, and executing the command. play with. make a random scenario or design With 100 items to do this with, it Arriving home, I opened the box, your own if you wish). After about 16 grew rather tiring. Hopefully these found three high-density disks, the hours of play, I also managed to win shortcuts will be incorporated in the manual and a short 1-page "how-to" this game also. (By the way, the com next version of the game. sheet I plugged Disk 1 in, and found puter was in the "Easy" mode.) Another distasteful item is that that I needed 6 mB of hard drive space Not satisfied with that, I picked a the game requires you to type in a to install the program. By using cus third game to play (a random world), "word" from the manual - each time tom install, I managed to drop it down and now am probably going to lose you start the game. I understand the to 4.8 mB by installing Color only! this one -1 have only had about 16 basic reason for it, but it does grate Now that I installed it, I started hours of play on this scene. on me that I need to have the manu reading the manual. At first glance, it As an idea of how this game al at hand to put in a word from it seemed to be a lot like my college works, you are in command of before starting. days playing "board wargaming". armies, ships, planes and cities. Your Good things about the game - it Upon starting the simulation, I object is to conquer the world (i.e. all can hold your interest, and is quite found that this was true. cities). As you capture a city, it is challenging. There may be from two to six capable of manufacturing armies, Would I purchase the game? Well, players, and play may be either at ships or planes to aid you in your after playing it on the Mac, I'd be will '"3B% one computer, or over a modem (2 conquest. Each "turn" consists of ing to recommend to a PC user for his computers), or even over a network. individually moving each army, ship, machine, but until there are some This program is available in the PC- and plane. During the end of the shortcut commands available and a world also, and according to the doc game, you may have 100 or more new manual written, I'd be reluctant umentation, Macs and PC's may play items to move individually per turn. to heartily recommend to game play against each other. Any of the players A typical game may take 100-200 ers. If you are into board wargaming, may be "computer"; there are even turns to complete. or are a strategic-style game "nut", levels of "smarts" for each computer you'll enjoy Empire Deluxe.

More Mac Tips: submitted by Greg Carlson onto floppy disks and make an alias and it will be seen upon startup. of the copied program, leaving the 7. Make an alias of the Apple Menu Aliases alias on your hard drive. When dou Items folder if you're often adding 1. Use aliases to create an applications ble-clicked, the system will ask you to things to your Apple Menu. folder. Create a folder labeled "appli insert the disk. Note: Give each disk a 8. Keep an alias of the Apple Menu cations", and put aliases of all your unique name so you and the system can distinguish between them. Items folder in your Startup Items applications in it. To run an applica folder. tion, just open the applications folder 4. Make an alias of the trash and put and double-click on the application it in your Apple menu. Quick Renaming you want. 5. Put an alias of your hard drive in 1. Click on the icon & press Return 2. Keep aliases of programs and things your Apple menu. 2. Type the first few letters, and press you do frequently on the desktop. 6. Put an alias of the Note Pad in your Return. 3. Use aliases to save disk space - Copy files ar.1 orograms not often used Startup Folder. Make a "To Do" list

MinKapptes Newsletter 10 1994 f*t 1 Alphabetize the icons Option-Shift-K produces the Apple icon and paste the white box into the 1. Switch from Icon View to Name symbol. Use this to move or group icon. You can use this as "post-it View. items together in your Apple Menu notes" - just name a folder as your Items display. note, and use the white-box trick to 2. Return to Icon view. remove the icon so just the note Option-Shift-V produces a diamond 3. Hold down Option & select Clean shows. Other things you can use the Up Option-8 produces a bullet white-box trick for: Put any item (or application) you White Box Trick Create dividers in your file list; want to start with in your Startup Go to your drawing program and cre Get more desktop real estate Folder. ate a white rectangle with no border. Use the Marquee tool to select some Create an "invisible" folder to keep The Command-Y (in System 7) ejects prying eyes out of your special folder. the disk. white space. Make it big enough to cover the folder's icon in the Get Info To do this, name the folder "", Option-click on a window's close box box and copy it to the Clipboard. where is the space-bar. to close all open Finder windows. Highlight the item you wish to use, Miscellaneous key-combinations. and use Get Info; click on the item's

Miscellaneous Mac Tips by Lisa Slavik, AppleGram (Apple Corps watching the clock, but for those 10. If your computer crashes as of Dallas), April '94 obsessed folks out there, try this. much as mine does, you will appre submitted by Greg Carlson Locate your Alarm Clock in the ciate this tidbit of info. Instead of 1. To copy a file while moving it to a Apple Menu Items of your System automatically hitting that reset but different location, hold down the Folder. Make an Alias of it and drop ton, or worse yet, turning off the option key while dragging the file to the alias into your Startup Items computer, try hitting Comand- a different location. folder (also located in your System Option-Escape simultaneously. This 2. To close the previous windows Folder). The alarm clock will now key combination will return you to while opening a new one, hold appear on your desktop upon start the Finder. You should be able to recover and hopefully save your down the option key. up. 7. To get rid of the sometimes information. If you do not have and 3. To rebuild the desktop without Escape key, try using the (-) key restarting the Mac, use the force quit annoying last minute before your instead. That's the key just to the left sorry warning from your trash can, (command, option, escape). Once select the trash can icon and hold ofl. you have indicated that you do indeed want to force a quit and down the Command and i keys. This 11. Irritated by the hair raising noise return to the finder, immediately will bring up the Get Info icon and that your modem makes? If you voila' you can uncheck the option. have a Hayes-compatible modem press the command and option keys to rebuild the desktop. 8. One of the basic fix it yourselves (mine isn't Hayes-compatible and it works just fine), edit your initializa 4. If you want to see what your type on the Mac is the Rebuild Desktop. This should be done once a month, tion string to ATMO instead of face looks like and don't have any of ATM1. You can always switch back if those extension programs, go into or so I have been told. When start you prefer the distraction. your system folder, and double-click ing your Mac, simply hold down on the bitmapped font. You will get Option and Command keys until 12. Another tip for you with a window showing a sample of the you are asked "Do you want to , if you keep getting inter rebuild the Desktop?" A word of type face. rupted by Call Waiting while online warning, rebuilding the desktop to the BBS or one of the other ser 5. As a rule of thumb, size and rotate causes you to lose any information vices. Try typing in either 1170 or your graphics and illustrations in the that you have put in the Get Info *70 before the telephone number. program of origin. This goes for scans boxes. 13. To reduce the large size of your too! Some scanners and the scanning software will allow you to scan in 9. Sticky Fingers is part of the Easy PageMaker Document you can select Access Control Panel. By turning SAVE AS...; this will size down the your graphic at the desired size and Sticky Fingers on, you no longer file considerably. You can also select angle. This means that if you are have to hold down two or more keys under Preferences Smaller Saves. working in PageMaker or Quark and you are importing a graphic, resize it simultaneously. You can press one before you import it. then the other. You can also select the audible beep selection that 6. We are all guilty of occasionally acknowledges the keys.

MinrappTes Newsletter 11 «M«y, 1994 Jjy Apple II History Part 11 — The Apple IIGS, cont.

Compiled and written by Steven on a desktop, and also to make it ble to make multiple addresses in the Weyhrich (C) Copyright 1991, Zenker easier to make an upgrade available ROM "line up" properly. Software [vl.O :: 06 Dec 91] for He owners. They had wanted to Additionally, they made it easy to THE APPLE IIGS: MISCELLANEOUS make it possible even for Apple II "patch" the toolbox code in the HARDWARE and II Plus owners to upgrade, but in ROM using code loaded from disk, the end it turned out to be just too Other features Apple engineers allowing programmers to fix errors expensive and difficult to exe- that were later found without having added to make the Apple IIGS a next cute.<2> to replace the physical ROM chips. generation computer included a The Macintosh engineering At first, they were given 64K of built-in clock, slot space for internal group was at this time designing a space for the ROM, over four times expansion cards, and the electronic protocol for interfacing standard as much as was available on the orig equivalents of seven more expansion inal Apple II. Later, they had to go cards. Taking the cue from their input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and graphics tablets. This pro back and ask for 128K of ROM, experience with the Apple lie, they tocol, called the "Apple Desktop because of the many things that included as built-in features the Bus", was first implemented on the they needed and wanted to do. Of peripherals that most users would Apple IIGS. It made possible the course, Applesoft had to be present want to use. They allocated serial interchangability of hardware in ROM in order to maintain com ports to slots 1 and 2, the classic 80- devices between the Macintosh and patibility with the older Apple II column firmware to slot 3, the Apple II lines, allowing Apple to sell software. Additionally, they also put mouse controller to slot 4, a a common set of peripherals that all of the mouse-handling tools into Smartport controller to slot 5, a 5.25 both computers could use.<2> the ROM (unlike the II, II Plus, and inch disk controller to slot 6, and He, which had to have the mouse AppleTalk capability to slot 7. THE APPLE IIGS: FIRMWARE firmware on a card in a peripheral (AppleTalk was Apple's network pro Firmware, you may recall, is that slot). tocol that had been designed origi layer of controlling programs in A boost to the firmware design of nally for use with the Macintosh). ROM on a computer that sits the IIGS came, unexpectedly, as a Because the engineers wanted to between an application program and result of the merger between the make the IIGS capable of connecting the hardware it is trying to control. Apple II and Macintosh divisions. to the AppleTalk network, the serial On the IIGS, the firmware was This merger came as part of the reor ports they planned were based on a designed after the hardware was ganization that coincided with the different communications controller finalized. Unlike the older ROM that departure of Steve Jobs from Apple. chip than was used in the older Wozniak included with the original Since the Macintosh team was now Super Serial Card and the Apple lie Apple II, the IIGS software engineers working in the same place as the serial controller. Although the new tried to make it more than just a set IIGS designers, they were available to controller chips were more capable of addresses to call to carry out a offer help and ideas. Bill Atkinson, than the older ones used on the 8-bit function (such as clearing the the programming wizard who wrote Apple H's, telecommunications pro screen). Rather, they wanted to make MacPaint and many of the mouse grams written for those older Apple's a more comprehensive system tools for the Macintosh, helped in wouldn't work. This was because (called a "toolbox") which could be the creation of the mouse tools and most terminal programs, for the sake more flexible for future enhance QuickDraw II for the IIGS. (This was of speed, were written to directly ments of the hardware and firmware. the name given to the ROM tools control the old Super Serial Card In particular, they didn't want to used to draw on the super hi-res have the addresses for carrying out (rather than going through the slow screen, and was borrowed from the er, built-in firmware commands). certain functions to be fixed in a sin older QuickDraw routines on the The controlling commands neces gle location as on the older Apples. original Macintosh). sary to manage the newer chip were This toolbox would have a single To allow the user to easily config very different, and so caused such address to call, and a specific com ure certain features of the IIGS to software to "break".<2> mand would be passed on through their own tastes, a "control panel" The case and used that address. Set up like this, it was designed (another idea bor in the Apple IIGS was made smaller would allow Apple's firmware pro rowed from the Macintosh). It was than that found in the lie, both in grammers to modify the ROM in the used to set the clock, the system order to make a smaller "footprint" future without having to take trou

Mini'apples Newsletter 12 ,<3> off. Some of the members of the he would meld my brain if I didn't put all I could into marketing the THE APPLE IIGS: SYSTEM SOFTWARE design team not yet mentioned here include Nancy Stark (an early and Apple IIGS! I have to do it!!", he was ProDOS needed to be updated to reported to have said, white-fisted better take advantage of the addi energetic champion for the IIGS pro and pale, at that meeting. Despite ject); Curtis Sasaki (IIGS product the obvious references to science-fic tional memory on the IIGS, as well manager); Ed Colby (CPU product as the larger storage devices that tion movies and television of the manager); Jim Jatczynski (Operating 1960's and late 1970's, the executive were not very available when System group manager); Fern ProDOS was originally written. Back Bachman (who worked to ensure staff bowed to his requests (which were no less firm after Sculley had then, five was felt to be compatibility with existing Apple II quite a large disk size. By the time software); Gus Andrate (who devel taken a Valium and had a couple of Diet Pepsi's. After all, he WAS the the IIGS was designed, 40 megabytes oped the sound tools and the unified was becoming a common standard. drive firmware); and Peter Baum, boss). The new IIGS-specific version, called Rich Williams, Eagle I. Berns, John Of course, the IIGS was received "ProDOS 16", would also be able to Worthington, and Steven Glass, who by the Apple II community with handle any number of open files at each developed part of the IIGS sys enthusiasm. After initial sales broke the same time (the older version of tem software and firmware.<4> all previous records, including those ProDOS was limited to eight files for the Macintosh, Apple re-doubled open simultaneously). THE APPLE IIGS: PRODUCT INTRO its efforts to promote this as the The first version of ProDOS 16 DUCTION computer for nearly everyone. After was more limited than Apple's In September of 1986, Apple all, it had ties into the past (compati designers wanted it to be, but they introduced the new Apple IIGS, bun ble with 's 4K Integer didn't want to hold up the new IIGS dled with an Apple 3.5 drive, for BASIC Apple II at its core), and ties until a better version was ready. The $999 (not including a monitor). into the future (with the 16-bit tech version of ProDOS that would run 8- Apple management, somewhat sur nology and expanded memory). Within a year it was outselling the bit Apple II software (on the IIGS or prised by the response that occurred older Apple n's) was renamed in their "Apple II Forever" event two Macintosh (which had also received a boost in sales, thought to be bene "ProDOS 8". That version was modi years earlier, made the decision to fied to handle system interrupts bet heavily promote this new Apple II. fiting from the wave of IIGS sales). ter, which was important on the Why they came to this change of By 1988, a significantly enhanced IIGS because of the control panel heart was unclear. Although they Apple IIGS was released, with more feature and the way in which the showed no slowing in their plans for advanced system software (which worked. (An the Macintosh (which was making worked more like the easy-to-use interrupt refers to a special signal steady progress in gaining accept Macintosh interface) and higher that is sent to the microprocessor by ability in the business world), a density graphics (the cost of better a hardware device. This signal "inter multi-million dollar marketing and color monitors had come down con rupts" what the processor is doing, media blitz was arranged to promote siderably since the initial design of redirects it to do something else, and the new IIGS as the ultimate home the IIGS back in 1985). Apple even then returns the processor to what it and recreational use computer. Even decided to take the unprecedented was previously doing. The mouse on employees at Apple who had worked move of licensing the Apple II tech the He and the mouse card for the on the IIGS project were startled (but nology to a couple of other compa other Apple IPs use interrupts to pleased) at the marketing intensity nies, who worked on producing IIGS handle movements of the that was begun, and the order for for other computers, mouse).<2> this came directly from the top. John including IBM and its clones! (Further details about ProDOS 16 Sculley himself had insisted that the Software and hardware.sales hit a and its later replacement system, Apple IIGS be given highest priority. spiraling upward curve, which stim iF^ GS/OS, will be found in an upcom (Apple's CEO since 1983, he had just ulated more sales of computers from ing part of the Apple II History). a year earlier ousted founder Steve Apple, which increased software and

Mini'app'les Newsletter 13 Mb* 1994 J**} hardware sales further. Apple even THE APPLE IIGS: PRODUCT INTRO tem to be in ROM, rather than hav produced a IIGS of its own DUCTION (Take 2) ing to be loaded from disk when for the Macintosh and Macintosh II In September of 1986, Apple booting. Additionally, fixes were series of computers. Eventually... introduced the new Apple IIGS, bun made to known bugs in the ROM 01 (Hold it. Something just doesn't dled with an Apple 3.5 drive, for firmware. (The latest version of the seem right. I don't recall things $999 (not including a monitor). The IIGS system software made patches to ROM 01 to fix those bugs, but going NEARLY that well for the IIGS. Apple II community was excited Computer! about the new computer, and these patches still had to be loaded APPLE IIC: [ Tweedlesquirge ] State inCider magazine featured a exuber from disk, which slowed startup time. Having the latest new tools request, please. ant Steve Wozniak on the cover of its October 1986 issue with the caption, and fixed new ones already in ROM AUTHOR: Compare time events just made booting the version 03 IIGS a outlined in previous section with "It's Amazing!" Apple, for its part, did do some bit quicker). The new Apple IIGS also known events in database notes. had the capability of using both the advertising for the new computer in APPLE IIC: Working... [ the pages of current Apple II publica internal slot firmware as well as Blinkitydinkitydinkityzeerp ] Events tions of the time. However, there using a peripheral card plugged into just described are from a parallel was no major push for the new com a slot. The ROM 01 IIGS could, of timeline, which diverged from our puter, and again it seemed destined course, use cards plugged into the own timeline in July 1986. to be dwarfed by Apple's preoccupa slots, but only at the expense of AUTHOR: Hmmm. Any way of mov tion with the Macintosh. being unable to use the internal firmware for that slot. With so much ing into that timeline? Though announced in useful system firmware built-in, a APPLE IIC: Negative. Insufficient September, the IIGS was not widely available until November. Early pro ROM 01 user who wanted, for exam energy available in my power supply brick to actually make changes nec duction models of the IIGS had ple, to add a controller card for a some problems; one of the new hard disk would have to give up essary to alter the events in our time either AppleTalk in slot 7 or use of line to allow the above scenario to chips did not work properly, and 5.25 disks in slot 6. Almost every actually occur. necessary changes to fix them caused a delay. The upgrade that thing else had to be set in the con AUTHOR: Then HOW did we come would turn an Apple He into a IIGS trol panel to the internal firmware. across that information in the first was also delayed until early The ROM 03 IIGS also included place? 1987.<5> enhancements for disabled users. A APPLE IIC: Flux capacitor was affect feature called "sticky keys" made it ed by a momentary surge in power THE APPLE IIGS: ENHANCEMENTS possible to do multiple keypresses. lines due to a nearby thunderstorm. In September 1987 Apple made (To execute an "Option-Control-X" AUTHOR: Interesting. Well, maybe an incremental improvement to the sequence, for example, required IIGS with the release of a new ROM. pressing three keys at once. This was someday I'll have to beef up this The ROM 01 revision made a few something that a paralyzed user with power supply a bit and have a talk changes in the original IIGS ROMs a mouth-stick to press keys could with Ml Sculley if I can find my yel not previously do). Also, more low radiation suit... So how do we and included an improved video controller chip. Bugs in the ROM things that had required a mouse get back to the correct information? code were fixed, and a problem with now had keyboard equivalents APPLE IIC: You could effect a com a "pink fringe" effect with certain (using the keypad). The new IIGS plete shutdown and memory purge, graphics displays was fixed. The new also had somewhat "cleaner" sound then reload correct data from pro ROMs were not compatible with any and graphics. However, because the tected archives. IIGS System Disks earlier than ver improvements made were minimal AUTHOR: Very well. Make it so. sion 2.0. The new ROM was identi compared to the cost of providing APPLE IIC: Working... [ fied by a message at the bottom of upgrades to previous owners, no upgrade program was announced by Blinkitydinkitydinkityzeerpity... ] the screen when booting the IIGS that said "ROM Version 01". The Apple. In any case, many of the new PROOFREADER: Your Apple original IIGS had no message in this features could be obtained on older TALKS??? location.<6> IIGS's by upgrading the memory to AUTHOR: What? Yes, well I had a The next change came with the at least one and using CPU conversion done in the early release of the ROM 03 version of the GS/OS System Software 5.0.2 or 24th century... IIGS in August of 1989. This new greater.<7> A feature that was added to the APPLE IIC: Data reload completed. IIGS computer came standard with 1 You may proceed when ready. meg of RAM on the motherboard, ROM 03 firmware that was entirely and twice as much ROM (256K ver fun, instead of functional, was AUTHOR: Now, lef s see if we can get sus 128K on the older IIGS). This accessed by a specific key-sequence. it right this time...) allowed more of the ope?• :: ig sys If the computer was booted with no

Mini'app'les Newsletter 14 WffOy, JL?/5/"t +x J«fc disk in the drive, a message that said Finder. It would then say "About the <3> Hogan, Thorn. "Apple: The First Ten "Check startup device" appeared, System". Using the mouse to click Years", A+ MAGAZINE, Jan 1987, p. 45. with an apple symbol sliding back on that title would cause the names <4> Szetela, David. "The New il", NIB and forth. At that point, if the user to be displayed and the audio mes BLE, Oct 1986, pp. 5S. /^s <5> Weishaar, Tom. "Miscellanea", pressed the keys "Ctrl", "Open sage to be heard. OPEN-APPLE, Nov 1986, p. 2.74. Apple", "Option", and "N" simulta NEXT INSTALLMENT: Peripherals & <6> Piatt, Robert, and Field, Bruce. neously, the digitized voices of the the Apple II Abroad "A.P.P.LE. Doctor", CALL-A.P.P.L.E., Nov Apple IIGS design team could be NOTES 1987, p. 58. <7> Doms, Dennis. "Apple upgrades heard shouting "Apple II!" Also, the <1> Duprau, Jeanne, and Tyson, Molly. names of those people would be dis "The Making Of The Apple IIGS", A+ IIGS hardware", OPEN-APPLE, Sep 1989, played on the screen. If running MAGAZINE, Nov 1986, pp. 57-74. p. 5.57. GS/OS System 5.0 or greater, the user <2> Pinelta, Paul. "In The Beginning: An would have to hold down the Interview With Harvey Lehtman", APPLE "Option" and "Shift" keys, then pull IIGS: GRAPHICS AND SOUND, down the "About" menu in the Fall/Winter 1986, pp. 3&44.

mini'app'les Board of Director's meeting minutes mini'app'les Board of Director's ings account at Norwest Jacobson (nominated for this post). Also meeting minutes Treasurer's report approved. discussion on the interest in starting a May5,1994 Telecommunication SIG, the obstacle Norwest Bank, New Hope President's Report—Greg Carlson being finding a SIG leaden Any member Presiding Officer: President Greg Greg announced a MOM award interesting in helping run a Telecom Carlson. (Member of the Month) to Nick SIG is encouraged to contact Greg. Ludwig, for the big insurance coverage Preliminary Attendance Apple II SIG Director's Report— savings he found the club. The board Erik Knopp Members: Greg Carlson, Jacque Gay, gave Nick a round of applause. Erik L Knopp, Roy Sorenson, Tom Meetings are set through Aug. Tom Vice President's Report— is leading the Apple novice SIG for June, Gates, Bob Demeules. Tom Gates July. Aug. 25 is the club wide picnic, Excused: Keven Kassulker, David Swap Meet: 15 tables have been probably to be held at Minnehaha park; Laden. reserved already, a big improvement watch newsletter for details. over preregistration of last year's swap Guests: Eric Jacobson, Wayne Publication Director's Report— Coulliard, Nick Ludwig. meet. Tom also appreciated the promi nent announcement in the May Keven Kassulker (Not present—no Meeting called to order by President newsletter. He said he has heard mem report.) Greg Carlson at 7:23. ber interest in a Fall swap meet as well. Reports were approved by board. Adoption of Agenda: agenda passed Flyers have been distributed at Apache Old Business with additions. Plaza. Voice Mail: Tom will get a call count Election Update: Greg will get ballots April 7,1994 meeting minutes approved. from the voice mail service. distributed for voting at SIG's in May. Treasurer's Report—Jacque Gay Ballots were also printed in May See Treasurer's Report. Jacque and Membership Director's Report— newsletter. Tom had investigated insurance Bob Demeules Bob reported the membership trend BBS Update: Brian Bantz has donated a options, and found we have an insur Mac II ci to run the new BBS. We have ance agent in our membership. Nick continues to improve, in both new and renewal memberships. The new some leads on donation of a high speed Ludwig reported on the insurance poli brochure continues to bring in member modem. Bob moved to authorize pur cy he was able to find for us. There is a chase of the First Class BBS software for ships, both from the PowerMac intto policy for user groups nationwide and the store displays. He announced a new club BBS. Tom seconded and through I.T.T. Hartford, which provides motion carried unanimously. $1 million liability coverage, $10,000 we have a new corporate member, Environmental Science (from the property coverage and "non-owned Adjournment moved, seconded and auto coverage" (as in damage to auto PowerMac show). Bob still needs mem approved at 8:51. bers willing to keep computer stores Next executive board meeting May 19. being used for club business) for annual stocked with brochures, in particular premium of $350. the Comp USA store. Next board meeting 7 pm, Thursday, Discussion on club CD's: at present June 2, at Norwest Bank, New Hope. we have banking services with both Mac SIG Director—open position Norwest (checking) and TCF (CD's). Discussion on opportunities for this Submitted by Roy Sorenson, Consensus was to close the CD's as they position prompted by guest Erik secretary. mature and put them into a (new) sav

Mini'app'les Newsletter 15 1994

9 June 1994 Main Mac Meeting An enthusiastic cadre of Mac His most interesting demonstra ful of people adjourned to Byerly's users learned more about mouse and tion was of Fotoman Mac Plus. for further discussions on topics track balls than they thought possi Fotoman is a small camera that cap Macintosh. ble at the Main Mac meeting on 9 tures up to 32 images electronically The next meeting will be 11 June from Bob Wudech of Logitech. that you can upload to your Mac. August at Machine Dreams in the Two lucky members walked away You can manipulate the gray-scale Foshay Tower, 821 Marquette with a new mouse or track ball and images with Digital Darkroom which Avenue. Bob(?) Doliff of Doliff mini'app'les now has a handheld is included. Insurance has offered parking at his scanner. Bob gave us lots of food for As a user group member you can lot a few blocks away at 501S. 8th St. thought about the ergonomics of order any of these products at a gener Anybody want to have sushi at pointing devices as well as how ous discount. Probably all of the atten Ichiban before or after the meeting? "intelligence" in the drive can make dees took copies of the order forms. —Mel work easier. The questions continued until the librarians asked us to leave. A hand

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1/12 page.. 2.25" Width x 2.5" Height $10 1/16 page... 2.5" Width x 5" Height $20 1/3 page 2.5" Width x 10" Height Vert or 5.5 H $40 1/2 page 7.5" Width x 5" Height (save 5%) $60 2/3 page 5" Width x 10" Height (save 7%) $80 7-1/2" Width x 10" Heigh (save $15%)t...... $120 Outside back cover 7-1/2" Width x 7-1/2" Height ....$100 Inside back cnver.... 7-1/2" Width x 10" Height ....$120 Frequency discounts 6 months at 5%, 1 year at 15%, Mail inquiries to: PO Box 796, Hopkins, MN, 55343 Phone inquiries to: Jacque Gay (612) 722-1239

Mini'cappjes Newsletter 16 «ta* 1994 f*l, J«fe Name: New and Renewing Members— Company: specify your level of support: City, State, Zip:. D Individual $25.00 D Student* $15.00 Phone (Home):. (Work) D Sustaining $40.00 D F o r e i g n $ 4 0 . 0 0 Member ID# (if applicable):. Expiration date:. D Educational $50.00 D Corporate $100.00 *Muf be slut-tirm audtnt ID#: Exp. Data: a •niccrtdud nsUubon. Name: Make checks Street: payable to jPttjfrl Wttattyour ftevfr City, State. ZIP: ',,j,...,,.'. "Mini'app'les"

Which personal computer(s) do you use? Q Apple il D "Toaster Mac -68000 G Mac Hx, Ilex Q Apple III (128,512, Plus, SE, Classic) G Mac Ilsi, Ilci, llfx, LCII, D Apple He C Other 68000 (Mac Portable, Performa 400 D Apple lie PowerBook 100) G Mac IIvx, Performa 600 G Apple ltc+ G Mac 66020 (II, LC) G PowerBook 140-180 D Apple IIGS D Toaster Mac -68030 G PowerBook Duo 180-230 G Laser (SE/30, Classic II, Classic ill, G Quadra 700-950 D Other Performa 200) G Centris If this is a new

membership, or a What attachments or What are your areas of renewal, please G Check if you want your name peripherals do you use? withheld trom commercial and take a few minutes special interest? G QuickDraw printer G Business applications other non-club mailing fists to fill out the G PostScript printer G Household applications G Check H you are interested in questionnaire. G Modem G Educational applications volunteer opportunities (see G Scanner/digital camera G Desktop publishing other side) Your New Member G Drawing tablet G Programming G If you were referred by a dub kit will arrive in 3 to G Voice mail G Networking member, please give name: 6 weeks. G MIDI G Games Q Other G Other

eDOM Disk size eDOM # Title or Description Qty. Price @ Total Orders Prices: 5.25" eDOM: $3.00 5.25" System: $1.00 3.5" eDOM: $5.00 3.5" System: $3.00 Mac System 7: $15.00 (Prion Induct 6% Minnesota win tax) Total merchandise Current Apple System Software Double price for non-members Version Date Format ,ipplen,II+//c,//e Add $1/dtsk shipping ($4.00 max) DOS 3.3 System Master n/a 09/10/85 5.25" Grand Apple II System Disk 3.2 07/16/90 52513.5' Make checks ProDOS 8 Total: 1.9 07/16/90 5.25/3.5' payable to Apple IIGS "Mini'app'les" GS/OS System (6 disks) 6.0 4/92 3.5" HyperMover (2 disks) n/a n/a 3.5" 2nd Fold

> 9 5* 3

O 0) £*•* 2 £ —♦o 5 p ° tn en Q..i= I 13 S n> *^JZ 2 Q w o Q. T> *• 00 ~ Q. ro •s u. ■ I *CO f § § : r c TJ El a s r -co t t/^|k 0> :cd | > CO 2 CO CO a :•: =5 ■ |*| feSDDm 0) en >=r. I en l[ o CO CO I CO CO o en



;/^%. Please Help We are in need of the following equipment to aid in the development of the First Class BBS, and for items to aid the club: • Another computer, preferably a 040 model • CD Rom drive • Hard Drive, large additional modems, 9600 or faster r • Money

Receipts will be issued for your income tax for the donations. Also, credit for the donations will appear on the BBS and in the newsletter. Please contact Dick Peterson, with offers.



Non-Profit Org. U.S. Fbstage mini'applesBox 796 PAID Hopkins, MN 55343 Hopkins, MN ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Permit 631

«mini'app'lespire 99-12 membership ID No: 0160 card


Mini'app'les Newsletter 18 May, 1994