Heritage Statement
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DRAFT DRAFT Heritage Statement James Watt North Building Univeristy Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ University of Glasgow Project number: 60607911 28 February 2021 Heritage Statement Project number: 60607911 DRAFT Quality information Prepared by Checked by Verified by Approved by Mair Hughes Amy Jones Principal Conservation Architect Technical Director DRAFTRevision History Revision Revision date Details Authorized Name Position Distribution List # Hard Copies PDF Required Association / Company Name Prepared for: University of Glasgow AECOM Heritage Statement Project number: 60607911 DRAFT Prepared for: University of Glasgow The University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ Prepared by: Mair Hughes Principal Conservation Architect E: [email protected] DRAFTAECOM Limited 1 New York Street Manchester M1 4HD United Kingdom T: +44 161 601 1700 aecom.com © 2021 AECOM Limited. All Rights Reserved. This document has been prepared by AECOM Limited (“AECOM”) for sole use of our client (the “Client”) in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and the terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by AECOM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of AECOM. Prepared for: University of Glasgow AECOM Heritage Statement Project number: 60607911 DRAFT Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5 2. National Policy ................................................................................................. 5 3. Significance ..................................................................................................... 6 Setting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Historical Development ........................................................................................................................................... 7 4. Proposals ........................................................................................................ 9 Slates ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Ridges ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Flashings and Abutments ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Gutters and Downpipes and Hoppers ..................................................................................................................... 9 Mortar and Stonework ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Chimneys .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 DRAFTLightning Conductor .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Bird Protection....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Mechanical Services ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Rooflights .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Access for Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 11 4. Heritage Impact and Conclusion .....................................................................11 5. References .................................................................................................... 12 Prepared for: University of Glasgow AECOM Heritage Statement DRAFT Project number: 60607911 1. Introduction 1.1 AECOM has been appointed by the University of Glasgow to provide advice for re-roofing works and external repairs to the Category B listed James Watt North Building. This Heritage Statement has been prepared to accompany a Listed Building Consent application for the proposed works. The purpose of the Heritage Statement is to provide historic background information, a statement of significance for the building, and to provide a heritage impact assessment of the proposed repair scheme. The James Watt North Building is currently being returned to use as teaching space for the department of Engineering. 1.2 The British Standard Guide to the conservation of historic buildings BS7913:2013, Paragraph 4.1 states that: Research and appraisal into the heritage values and significance of the historic building should DRAFTbe carried out to ensure that decisions resulting in change are informed by a thorough understanding of them. The level of the research appropriate is dependent on the nature and history of the historic building (for example, any statutory protection) and any proposed works. 2. National Policy 2.1 There are a number of statutory instruments and policies governing the approach to cultural heritage. The main pieces of legislation are: Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014; Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2011; Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997; Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997; and, 2.2 The principle elements of policy and guidance comprise: Historic Environment Scotland Policy Statement, June 2016 (HES 2016b); Historic Environment Circular 1. Historic Environment Scotland, 2016 (HES 2016c); Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) Paragraphs 135-151: Valuing the Historic Environment, 2014 (Scottish Government 2014a); Our Place in Time - The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland, 2014 (Scottish Government 2014b); Planning Advice Note 2 / 2011 – Planning and Archaeology (Scottish Government 2011); Planning Advice Note 71 – Conservation Area Management (Scottish Government 2004); and 2.3 Planning authorities are directed to Historic Environment Scotland Policy Statement June 2016 (HES 2016b), SPP (Scottish Government 2014a), Historic Environment Circular 1 (HES 2016c) and HES’ Managing Change in the Historic Environment guidance note series to inform their consideration of planning applications affecting the historic environment, including applications for listed building consent. 2.4 Designation of a building or structure with special architectural or historic interest is provided through the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is responsible for listing buildings of particular historical or architectural merit. Buildings are assigned to one of three categories according to their relative importance. All listed buildings receive equal legal protection, which applies to the interior and exterior of the building, regardless of its category. Prepared for: University of Glasgow AECOM 5 Heritage Statement DRAFT Project number: 60607911 Category A: buildings of national or international importance, either architectural, historical, or fine, little altered examples of a particular period, style or building type. Category B: buildings of regional (or more than local) importance, or major examples of a particular period, style or building type, which may have been altered. Category C: buildings of local importance, lesser examples of any period, style or building type, as originally constructed or moderately altered, and simple traditional buildings that group well with others in categories A and B. 2.5 The importance placed on cultural heritage is set out in Our Place in Time – The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland, 2014 (Scottish Government 2014b), which sets out a 10- year strategy for protecting and managing heritage assets. DRAFT3. Significance 3.1 The James Watt Building is a Category B Listed Building originally listed in December 1970. It is also part of an ‘A-Group’ of buildings on the University of Glasgow campus, comprising, the McMillan Reading Room, Gatepiers, Railings, Quincentenary Gates, Hunter Memorial, John McIntyre Building, Pearce Lodge, Thomson Building, Lord Kelvin's Sundial and the Gilbert Scott Buildings. 3.2 The University of Glasgow Estates Conservation Strategy of 2011 identifies the building as being of ‘Considerable Significance’. Defined as: ‘A building or element of regional (Scotland) or national (United Kingdom) importance, or a good example of a particular period, style or type with a high degree of intact original fabric that contributes substantially to the importance of the building or site overall. 3.3 This assessment of significance was the result of analysis and discussion between all members of the study team and with full consultation with key stakeholders including Historic Scotland and Glasgow City Council. Setting 3.4 The University of Glasgow campus consists of over 170 buildings,