

Steve Dillon, | 320 pages | 13 Jan 2014 | DC Comics | 9781401243036 | English | United States Hellblazer, Volume 7: Tainted Love by Garth Ennis

John Constatine celebrates his fortieth birthday alongside his friends and loved ones, including , and the love of his life, Kit. However, things John Constantine burn bright too long for Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 Constantine, and he soons finds himself at his lowest point ever. Drunk and homeless, John must pull himself together if he is going to survive against the King of the Vampires, who comes looking for his blood. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. Jan 07, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Paperback —. About John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. Also by Garth Ennis. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Buy other books like John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. Joe Death. Benjamin Schipper. : Masks and Monsters. . The Phantom of the Opera Collection. The Order of the Forge. Tazio Betin and Victor Gischler. Legends of Today. Pierre Christin. Justice Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 Dark Vol. . American Vampire Vol. . David Mazzucchelli. Creatures of the Night Second Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7. . : Vol. Super Sons of Tomorrow. Patrick Gleason and Peter J. Chashiba Katase. Alter Nation. The Omnibus Vol. Jamie Delano and Garth Ennis. Harrow County Omnibus Volume 1. Hiro Mashima. D: Plague of Frogs Volume 3. Book Two. Ajin, Volume 7. Gamon Sakurai. Absolute Sandman Volume Three. Jody Houser. Clue: Candlestick. Hinterkind Vol. Ian Edginton. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 7: Tainted Love - DC Entertainment

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They have started releasing new numbered volumes, but there is still a lot missing and they've even skipped some books with the new releases. It always drives me nuts trying to check the inside of each book for what issue numbers they contain and all that, and I figured other people probably go through the same trouble when rearranging book shelves or loaning comics, so I wanted to try to save you the hassle. I'm going to do my John Constantine to put these in the most logical reading order, but nothing is perfect, especially as some books like Rare Cuts contain issues that span multiple other books. The primary Hellblazer series itself will be bolded for easy reference, one-shots, mini-series, Swamp Thing, and other books that feature Constantine prominantly will be in standard font, and other less-than-notable appearances will be italicized. For now, this list will only include the classic Hellblazer version of John Constantine, though you can find a new incarnation of the character in as part of Dark and in his own new . I'm no expert, but I am a collector and this is my best effort at putting such a list together. I hope you find it useful John Constantine share it with your friends or fellow collectors. His appearance here is actually rather brief, but still noteworthy as it occurs pretty much concurrently with his in Swamp Thing. Certainly not required Hellblazer reading though. And that Moore created him because he wanted to write somebody who looked like John Constantine The Police? Well if you didn't now you do! The Curse marks Constantine's introduction as the Swamp Thing's Jimminy Cricket as the Hellblazer sends the Earth Elemental on Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 quest that will forever change his life if you can call it a life. In Earth to Earth, much to the chagrin of John Constantine, Swamp Thing must take a break from his quest in order to locate his spouse, Abby Arcane, who is being persecuted for their relationship. Along the way Alec will go up against and Lex Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7. Original Sins collections several early issues of John Constantine's first break-away from Swamp Thing into his own monthly title. It is here that John obtains his 's blood from Nergal. If John Constantine reading Swamp Thing as well, check below for skipping-around instructions. The end of Regenesis and all of Spontaneous Generation actually take place concurrently with Original Sins. They tell completely separate stories except for the very last issue in Original Sins, which takes place between the last two issues of Spontaneous Generation. To get everything in the right order, read Original Sins up to pagethen read all of Regenesis and continue into Spontaneous Generation until pagethen finish up Original Sins, then finish up Spontaneous Generation. Swamp Thing spends most of Regenesis and Spontaneous Generation dealing with a new entity that was intended to become the next Swamp Thing when he was thought to have died. As a last ditch effort, he decides to inhabit John Constantine's body in order to sire a child which this new spirit will become. Etrigan and the also appear to run a little commentary during the last chapter of this story. Follow-up is also provided for the events of Swamp Thing: Spontaneous Regeneration as well as containing the two-part epic, The Horrorist. Constantine, however, stars only in the first chapter of this book. His scenes actually take place somewhere within the Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 few chapters of The Devil You Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7, but there are no important plot elements which require you to read this story intermixed with that one. John Constantine Fear Machine, as Constantine is searching for a way to reconnect with humanity he finds himself thrown in with a group of neo- pagans with psychic abilities, who are approached by a defense contractor interested in exploiting their powers. It contains several one-shot stories and John Constantine two-parterincluding the often-mentioned "Newcastle incident," in which we see the demise of . I have placed it here because most of the stories do take place before , and those that don't do not reveal any major plot points and are therefore safe to read early. It's just a collection of one-off stories geared at fan-boys-and-girls. It does, however, contain one issue of Hellblazer, which is only collected in newer printings of Family man. Your third option for this one story, John Constantine you absolutely must have everything Hellblazer would be to pick up Constantine: The Hellblazer Collection, which is listed below along with the movie. Okay, that's not entirely accurate. It would be more accurate to say John Constantine makes a brief appearance as a spandex-clad parody of himself alongside the Phantom Stranger during the psychadelic of Danny the Street. Strange doesn't even begin to cover it. If you want to see where much of the inspiration for the movie came from, Dangerous Habits is the book to read. Centered around Constantine's bout with lung cancer, this is a far darker take on the situation than Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 will see portrayed in film. This is usually the first Hellblazer book I lend to people, as it is one of my personal favorites. In Bloodlines, a member of Britain's royal family is posessed by the same demon that once controlled Jack the Ripper. Bloodlines also contains the first appearance of Kit Ryan. Fear and Loathing gives us more than the John Constantine glimpse we get in Dangerous Habits. Gabriel's story here is also a lot less viewing-audience-friendly than it was in the movie. In Tainted Love John must face a vampire that has stalked the Constantine family for generations and the return of an John Constantine, Kit. Damnation's Flame is greatly a spiritual journey for Constantine as he struggles with his relationship with Kit and takes a hallucinatory trip across America, confronting his , his past, and his own funeral. John has one last meeting with Kit in Rake at the Gates as returns to claim revenge for the events of Dangerous Habits. Constantine later finds himself In the Line of , helping out his epileptic neighbor, battling a demon that thrives on hooliganism, and meeting "the most evil man in the world. John Constantine, John Constantine Son of Man by Garth Ennis Have you ever heard the interpretation of genies where they grant you wishes, John Constantine always take the most literal interpretation of your wish in order to give you what you asked for but not what you wanted? John seems to like that idea as well, because Son of Man tells a story of a mob boss, Harry Cooper, who wanted his dead son, Ronnie, back Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 the dad. John gives him what he asked for, but not what he wanted. Though Dillon did not return for Son of Man, all of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's classic run on Hellblazer reflects the high quality of writing and art seen in their Preacher series. Setting Sun is a collection of one-shot John Constantine stories, written by during his last four issues of Hellblazer. , perhaps most famous for Bullets, takes on John Constantine in these books. His run on Hellblazer finds Constantine in some Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 the most twisted situations I have ever read, including a small-town porn ring in Good Intentions and joining up with some Neo- Nazis is Highwater. Names of by Dylan Horrocks Names of Magic was a transitional book between the Books of Magic and the Age of Magic series, John Constantine latter of which has never been collected in trade. In Names of Magic, Tim briefly makes contact with members of the Trenchcoat Brigade Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 order to ask them for tutelage. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Lady Constantine by The Lady Constantine mini-series, which John Constantine the story of one of John's ancestors, was actually released during 's run on the primary series, below. However since it is a complete off-, I thought it would be best to place it outside of that group rather than break up the pace of Carey's run. During Mike Carey's run on Hellblazer, something Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 is coming, something that could destroy everything, and Constantine John Constantine bring together a group of allies to stop it. Last John Constantine he got a bunch of magic-types together like this, many of them did not survive. Before this arc is concluded, major changes will come for the Swamp Thing, leading to his new ongoing series. Red Sepulchre starts off Carey's run with a story about John's niece, Gemma, who is kidnapped by a group that believes they can use her to control him. Next, in Black Flowers, we see the beginnings of the comic apocalypse. Now, have I mentioned that DC released a bunch of books at the same time as the movie in order to boost interest in both? Papa Midnite was killed off rather early in the Hellblazer series, but since he was going to be a major character in the movie, he needed a quick resurrection. That's what you're looking at in the interlude above. It's an interesting story on the origins of this foe, but, as they point out at least twice in the book, this is not the same grass skirt and top hat wearing Papa Midnite that you might remember. This incarnation is based absolutely on the character from the movie and, as far as I know, has yet to be used in the primary series at all. Johnson ties the framing story of Papa Midnite back into the main Hellblazer series by making reference to events that take place just before Staring at the Wall, even though it was actually written at least a year later. In Staring at the Wall, the apocalypse arrives, a John Constantine is formed, and all is lost. Among the things that are lost is John's memory, which he struggles to regain Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 Stations of the Cross. In Reasons to be Cheerful, John tries desperately to control the damage brought upon by the price he paid to regain his memories during Stations of the Cross. The Gift is the conclusion to Mike Carey's run on Hellblazer in which John has John Constantine confront one of his his oldest and fiercest foes, Nergal, and ask him for help. But don't let that detract from this book at all, Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 it was excellently written by Mike Carey, who was the author of the primary series at the time. It did not tie-in to Carey's ongoing plot, however, so that is why it is separated from the rest of his run. The story continues in Red Right Hand as John's empathy continues to haunt him, as do a few old friends, as he fights to save Glasgow. These three books span the entirity of Andy Diggle's run on Hellblazer. In Joyride, Constantine discovers a cause for the violence, crime, and drug abuse happening at the Hunger Hill community of South . Then in the Laughing , after running into his old friend Map, John Constantine receives a strange birthday gift from an African Shaman who explains that he is now the target of a magical serial killer. Finally, in Roots of Coincidence, John discovers that someone has been manipulating the events around him and to track this foe down, Hellblazer: Tainted Love Volume 7 must travel back to the Ravenscar mental hospital where John Constantine spent several years of his life. It is an elaborate system of routes through the city and Chas is a master. The demon Tuma'el wishes to posess this Knowledge for himself and Chas must find a way to stop him while coming to terms with being middle-aged. Intelligence specialists have discovered elements of the Iraqi insurgency may be demonically possessed. Constantine is taken to Iraq to help with this little problem, but also because of his interest in a female Iraqi agent. The guests are tormented by terrifying visions that only they can see. The only way for John to investigate is to join them, and the job becomes John Constantine personal very quickly as Constantine comes to know and care about the people who share his privacy-free prison. The show's producers are more concerned with ratings than the suffering before them, and in a way, they seem almost as inhuman as any horror Constantine has gone up against. Scab begins 's John Constantine on Hellblazer. In it John discovers that he has an unexplained, dark, disgusting scab on his body. And it's growing. This scab seems to somehow have something to do with a bloody dockers' strike twelve years ago in . In Hooked, after getting dumped by his girlfriend, John Constantine goes to extremes to get her back, possibly even considering the use of a love John Constantine. Constantine's enemies, the shape-shifting demon Julian and the young alchemist Epiphany, will have something to say about this turn of events as well. India opens with Constantine wanted for a murder he didn't commit. He leaves the UK and heads to India on a quest for purity in an effort to reconcile a very unfortunate turn in Hooked. But something wicked haunts the slums of Mumbai, leaving beautiful young women in its wake. While in India, Constantine mingles with street kids, billionaires, and Bollywood. Bloody Carnations finds Constantine trying to enlist the help of , The Changing Man in order to regain his sanity. In Phantom Pains, John looks to replace his missing thumb while his niece, Gemma, plots revenge against him. The Devil's Trenchcoat, part of John Constantine's trademark look, gains a mind of its own after Gemma auctions it off to John Constantine him.