KG/JD/P5413 01 June 2021

Brent Council (Planning) The Planning Service, Brent Civic Centre Engineers Way HA9 0FJ

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Application for the Approval of Details under Condition 17 (Post-Completion Report) of Planning Permission 16/0304

Land at the Corner of Edgeware Road and Capitol Way, NW9 Planning Portal Ref: PP-09899189

On behalf of our client, RLAM and Neat Developments Ltd, please find enclosed an application for the full discharge of details under Condition 17 of Permission 16/0304. The requisite planning fee of £116.00 has been paid online via the Planning Portal.

To assist with your consideration of this application, please find enclosed:

• Application Form • Site Location Plan • Post-Completion Report, prepared by Hoare Lea

Site Context

Capitol Way is a mixed-use development which is part of the and Opportunity Area falling within the Borough of Brent. The wider area comprises, Asda Superstore to the south with the recently consented Oriental City redevelopment to the south. To the north is the Mercedes car garage and to the north-west is the Capitol Way industrial and business area. To the east of Edgware Road is LB Barnet and comprises several large-scale redevelopment schemes for mixed-use and high density new residential development.

Works completed on Block E building in February 2021.

The parent permission (ref. 08/2823) comprised the following development:

‘Demolition of existing units and erection of replacement 4-storey and 6-storey blocks above two-storey podium decks and a frontage block of 17 storeys above the podium, comprising 460 self-contained flats, 5,360m² of retail (Use Class A1 bulky goods), a 734m² garden centre, 1922m² of floor space for alternative uses falling within Use Classes A uses (A1, A3) or B1 (a-

Architecture Planning Interiors Old Church Court, Claylands Road, The Oval, London SW8 1NZ DD 020 7556 1510 T 020 7556 1500 E [email protected]

Rolfe Judd Holdings Limited. Registration No.4198298 Rolfe Judd Architecture Limited. Registration No.1439773 Rolfe Judd Planning Limited. Registration No.2741774 All Registered at the above address

London Borough of Brent Approval of Details – Condition 17 June 2021

c), and 649m² for alternative uses falling within Use Classes A uses (A1, A3), Class B1 or Class D1 (community/health centre), 97m² of crèche facilities (Use Class D1), 281 residential car- parking spaces, 500 residential cycle-parking spaces, 172 commercial car-parking and 80 commercial cycle-parking spaces, 527m² energy centre, bin stores and associated landscaping, with access from Capitol Way NW9 and Plaza Walk NW9.’

Non-material and minor-material amendments were subsequently made to the scheme through various applications, most notably the most recent minor-material amendment application 16/0304, granted on 9 March 2017.

This application seeks to provide the details pursuant to Condition 17, which states:

Following completion of each phase of the building works and prior to occupation of the relevant phase of the development a post-completion report demonstrating that noise levels from any plant (e.g. refrigeration, air conditioning), together with any associated ducting, shall be 10 dB(A) or greater below the measured background noise level at the nearest noise sensitive premises shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The method of assessment should be carried in accordance with BS4142:1997 'Rating industrial noise affecting mixed residential and industrial areas' prior to the occupation of the development.

Should the predicted levels exceed those specified in this condition, a scheme of insulation works to mitigate the noise shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. You must then carry out the works in accordance with the approved details.

In accordance with the requirements of the above condition, the applicant has provided a post- completion report which demonstrates that the noise levels from the approved energy centre will comply with the set criteria at all assessed locations, in accordance with Condition 17.

Therefore, we trust the information provided is sufficient to register and validate the application. The post-completion report has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of Condition 17 of Permission 16/0304 and can now be fully discharged.

Yours sincerely

Katie Gwilliam

For and on behalf of Rolfe Judd Planning Limited