bulletin Finance & Photography 2021 eabh (The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.) Photograph: A projector with its lens from the Department of Polytheama and Photographic Mediums’ equipment. © National Bank of Greece eabh BULLETIN bulletin eabh bulletin KEY TITLE SUBMISSIONS eabh bulletin All submissions by email eabh - The European Association for EMAIL Banking and Financial History e.V.
[email protected] DESIGN TEL Richard McBurney, grand-creative.com +49(0)69 36 50 84 650 EDITORS WEBSITE Carmen Hofmann, eabh Finance & bankinghistory.org Gabriella Massaglia, eabh Photography Hanauer Landstrasse 126-128, D-60314, ISSN Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2219-0643 LANGUAGE EDITOR LICENSE Chloe Colchester CC BY NC ND 2021 © eabh, Frankfurt am Main, 2021. All rights reserved. 3 INTRODUCTION Dear members and friends of eabh, Photographs are a key part of the archival collections of many financial institutions. Their emotional charge, their documentary power, their immediacy and universality set them apart from other archival documents. Used well, they provide an asset for any financial institution. This volume features articles from 17 financial institutions in eleven different countries. Almost 300 photographs provide glimpses of institutional practice over a span of 150 years. The photographs reveal stories about staff members, office buildings, and money; and they tell us about fashion, cultural movements, financial and industrial innovation, poverty, gender, colonization, leisure, and much more. This issue is the first of a series, and part of a wider project to explore the connections between finance and photography. eabh would like to invite its member and partner eabh institutions to join in by contributing to the second volume of the series.