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BURRA BURRA (Part) District Council of BURRA BURRA (Part) HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE LOWER NORTH j __ 4;1 Department of Environment and Plannin ~ HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE LOWER NORTH (REGION 8 - SOUTH AUSTRALIA) PART TWO 5 . D. C. BURRA BURRA I TEM I DENT I F ICATION SHEETS Prepared for the Heritage Conservation Branch of the Department of Environment and Planning by John Dallwitz and Susan Marsden of Heritage Investigations, assisted by Penny Baker, Pam Carlton and Paul Stark . Adelaide, 1983 . Funded by the South Australian Heritage Committee and the Australian Heritage Commi ssi on (National Estate Programme, 1981/2). PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref . No. 1 Heritage ITEM IOENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Stone Wall Office Use 1978-80 ITEM No. Former or other Hill River Stone Wall DOCKET No. ·· .. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Add'tess Camels Hump This massive stone boundary wall extends along the ridge of Range the Camels Hump Range and Brown Hill Range for a total dis­ Town tance of approximately 65 kilometres, following a large part Postcode of the eastern boundary of the Clare District (see Clare D.C . ) Section and the entire western boundary of the Burra Burra D.C . It Hundred is believed that the wall was erected a f ter the granting of County freehold in the Hundreds of Anne and Ayers in 1864-66, and L.G.A. Burra Burra that either of the landowners Scott or Browne started the con­ S . H. P. Region 8 struction and others followed suit . An estimated 7 , 040 , 000 A.M.G . Ref . 6630-III & IV stones were used over the total length of the wall . Since 54 from 28640 627310 these were gathered in the immediate vicinity the form of the wall varies as the stone type varies from hill to hill. It SUBJECT is a remarkable relic, possibly unique in Australia. 4 . 10 PERIOD State Study Area 1855-68 TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature D National Trust, 2490; Historical site D Northern Argus, 21 Nov . 1941; Historica l Gdn. D SAA 1324/109; SAA 1324/50; BUILDING ITI Schmaal, Clare - a backward glance, pp 19-20 STRUCTURE D PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal Jean Schmaal, 1981 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 267 Negative No. 13 STATUS Direction of view to S Reg . of State Her. Items Reg. D I nter i m L D Nominated D National Estate Reg . D Proposed L D National Trust CL 0 RL Q File[K] Other ' S .A. Highways Dept. D r-l Insti t . of Engineers D co. r-l r-l. l!) N ......... ~ Cl ......... RECOMMENDATION U) H H (A) StateUU (B) LocalD PREPARED BY HER ITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date : 1982 PROJECT HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Item Ref. No. l ( a) L. G. A. Burra Burra Film No. 267 Negative No. 15 Direction of view to N Film No . Negative No. Direction of view Film No . Ne gative No. Direction of view PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 6 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Booborowie Waterhole Office Use 1978-80 ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. ·· .. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Address This was a well- known watering place (still used), which Town Booborowie attracted the Browne brothers to take up the Booborowie run Postcode in the early 1840s. The name "Booborowie" is an Aboriginal Section word meaning "round waterhole", (which was this waterhole) . Hu ndred Ayers County L.G.A. Burra Burra S. H.P . Region 8 A.M .G . Ref. 6630 - I 54 29120 628600 SUBJECT 4 . 9 PERIOD State Study Area 1837- 54 TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature [[] S. A. Archives 1324/29 Historical site c:J Historical Gdn. c=J BUILD I NG (:] STRUCTURE (:J PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal Shirley Madigan, 1981 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 267 Negative No. 3 STATUS Direction of view to N Reg. of State Her. Items Reg . D Interim L D Nom i nated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed L D National Trust CL D RL 0 File D Other S .A. Highways Dept. D r-1 Insti t . of Engineers D c:o. r-1 r-1 Lf) N "~ ~ RECOMMENDATION U) H H (A) StateD (B) LocalGJ PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1981 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REG ION 8 Au s tralian Item Ref. No . 7 He ritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act Office Use 1978-80 ITEM NAME: Former South Booborowie Homestead ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No . ' Bungaree ' ·· .. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Addtess As early as 1846 William Browne and his brother John held the extensive Booborowie run under Occupation Licence. According Town Booborowie to Cockburn the Brownes held the land as early as 1843. In Postcode 1851 they were granted the land under the Waste Lands of the Section 1000 Crown Leases Act . The lease was wholly resumed by 1869. Hundred Ayers Present homestead probably dates from the 1870s and 80s . County According to present owners, Burke and Wills camped on the L.G.A. Burra Burra verandah on their way north . S.H.P. Region 8 A.M. G. Re£ . 6630- I In 1877 the town of Booborowie was proclaimed on Browne land, 54 29130 628520 to the South East of Section 1000. (See also sheets for shearing shed and sheep yards) . SUBJECT 2.1 4 . 1 PERIOD State Study Area 1869- 84 TYPE OF I TEt-1 REFERENCES SAA, 1324/29; LAND Natural feature Cockburn, Pastoral Pioneers; c=J Historical site Booborowie Centenary Souvenir c:J Historical Gdn. c=J BUILDING [RJ STRUCTURE c:J PHYSICAL CONDITION Verbal Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 267 Negative No. 11 STATUS Direction of view to W Reg . of State Her. Items Reg .O Interim LO Nominated D National Estate Reg . 0 Proposed L D National Trust CL D RL 0 FileD Other S.A. Highways Dept . c:J M Insti t. of Engineers D co. lf1 N ........ <Q' ~ RECOMMENDATION (/) H H (A) StateD (B) LocallXJ PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1982 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 8 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Shearing Shed , Yards and Office Use 1978-80 Water Tank ITEM No. Former or other South Booborowie Shearing DOCKET No. Shed HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Addtess While Booborowie Township was surveyed in 1877 it d id not actually come into existence until ·the early 1900s, with Town Boobor owi e closer settlement. Till then, the original Booborowie Head Postcode Station (see separate sheet) provided t he small local popu­ Section 1000 lation with a social focu s , and "the twent y four stand shear­ Hundred Ayer s ing shed completed in the late SO ' s was the regular scene for County a variety of social occasions". L.G.A. Burra Burra S.H.P. Region 8 The size of the shearing shed reflects the extent of the A.M.G. Ref. 6630 - I famous Booborowie run, first established by the Browne 54 29130 628540 brothers in the 1840s , and developed as one of the best sheep s tations and merino studs in S .A. The shed is one of the SUBJECT largest in the Region. 4.1 The shearing shed, yards and stone water tank are in good 2 . 7 original conditi on a nd are still in use . PERIOD State Study Area 1885- 1904 TYPE OF ITEJ.I.l REFERENCES LAND Natural feature D "A History of the Booborowie District", (quote , p . ll) Historical site D Historical Gdn . D BUILDING [!] STRUCTURE m PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Verbal S. Madigan , Andrew Hawker , 1981 Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 267 Negative No. 6 STATUS Direction of view to NW Reg. of State Her. Items Reg. D Interim I.. D Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed I.. D National Trust CL D RL [:] FileD Other S.A. Highways Dept. c:J Insti t. of Engineers D r-i r-i Lf) N ........ '<t' ~ RECOMMENDATION U) H H (A) State[2] (B) LocalO PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1981 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 9 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Former Booborowie Council Office Use 1978-80 Chambers ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No . ··. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Addtess This stone f arm storage shed was once Council offices . The District Council of Booborowie was proclaimed in 1875 , and Town Near Booborowie from 1877 was based at Council offices at Baldry (See separate Postcode sheet) . However , it was soon apparent that the Council needed Section Ad j 42 to be based in a more central area , particularly as the popu­ Hundred Ayers lation was increasing rapidly in the southern part of the County Hundred. L.G.A. Burra Burra Without referring to r e s idents ' preferences for the location S . H.P. Region 8 of a central township, the Government surveyed the township A.M.G. Ref. 6630- I of Booborowie , which was declared in 1877. It was not well 54 29170 628650 received and no buildings were at first erected ther e . The District Council made the first move to accept the new town , SUBJECT and as no provision was made in the s urvey for Council Chamber 3 . 3 the Council erected this buil ding on a site north o f the· town. The office was built by Sara and Dunstan for £131/4/0 and completed in 1888. The Council ceased to exist when it amalgamated with the Burra ~------------------------~ Burra District Council in 1935 . PERIOD State Study Area 1885- 1904 TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature D Abbott, Ed .
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