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PAGE FORTY iiunriifrBtrr lEnrntng WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3 ,196E Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O ’clock ATKOfiB Ibdiy Net Pran Run About Town OldWest Side Sewer Charge FEWER PRIVATES AT PINEHURST .. . PRIVATE BRANDS. WE Few H m Week £nde6 The Weathfsr A Lenten Service will be con­ Blorch 28, itM ducted tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Voted Again hy Directors MEAN ... SHOP PINEHURST FOR THE NATIONALLY ADVERTIS­ Showers tonight, ending to­ Zion ESvangelical Lutheran / ic / I morrow morning, tow tonight in 40s. High tomorrow In Church. The Board o f Direotors has newal and Rt. 6 construction. ED BRANDS YOU ARE SURE OF... 1 5 ,5 8 0 finally dlosed the covers on the 2. A $1,650 additional appro­ Maneheater— A City of Village Charm The Mountain Laurel Chap­ priation to the R«glstrar-of- iter chorua o f Sweet Adelinea eight-year-old Wiest Side Story, Voters Account, to be financed VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 167 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 (Cloaolfled AdvertUliig on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS wlU rehearse tomorrow at 8 by voting repeat assessments frem unused 1966-67 surplus. pjn. at the Russian American lost night against 319 property The sum will replace funds SAVE MORE . . . Naitkmal , 211 Wethers­ owners o f the area and by ap­ used in July for an unanticipat­ field Ave., Hartford. The event Shop Evory Aisle of proving refunds for interest ed special election tor state GREEN GIANT la open to all women Interest­ representative. PINEHURST paid in and for interest on use- ed in singing: four-part barber­ 3. A $6,600 additional, 'wash­ Kitchen Sliced GREEN GIANT GREEN GIANT shop haimony. Those wishing money. out appropriation to the Board more information may contact The assessments are the same of Education, for the Adult GREEN BEANS PEAS WITH Fomous Mrs. 'Frank J. Hynes of 209 laid in November 1959, but de­ Basic Education Account. Thp Orbit Missed Main S t or Mrs. Truman clared lUegat last Scptemlber by entire sum is fHianced by a CrandaU, 58 White St. V2 in. cut ONIONS PEAS Soviet Informants Expect the courts. TTie ruling, based on state grant, already deposited' a technicality, hod left 'the door with the town. Community Baptist Church open for ^plicate re-assess- 4. A $10,000 transfer from 1 Lb. 1 Lb. will have Its quarterly church By Saturn ments. The charges are for a one Insurance Account to an­ Cans •1.00 Cans 57c Cans husineas meeting Friday at force meiln and pump sbaticn on other, to pay for employes' im­ 7:30 pm . at the church. W. Middle Tpke., complieted in proved benefits voted in July, 1960. after the current budget was CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. the satellite weighing 13 tons, The trustees o f South Meth­ In the 'Period since November approved. (AP)—The third stage of the satellite weighing 132 tons, odist Church will meet Friday 1959, moat of the 319 property 5. A $4,000 transfer from manired, 28-ton, Apollo 6 moon Peace Talks Within Week UPTON America’s. Saturn 5 super­ at 7:80 p.m. at the church. owners had paid their osseas- the Welfare Account to the ship, a dummy lunar landing meirts, some had paid Interest rocket failed to restart in Engineering Account, to meet space today after two sec­ capsule and the third stage. LONDON (A P )—Soviet informants said today they Jehovah’s Witnesses will have charges, many hod moved away that department’s payroll to In all, the Saturn 5 has 11 en­ expect preliminary "Vietnam peace talks to begin in suid a few hsul held off paym ^t TEA BAGS ond stage engines quit ear­ a theocratic ministry school to­ the end of this month. SARAN WRAP gines: five first stage, five sec­ Moscow next week. They said the North Vietnamese morrow at 7:30 pm . and a serv­ until the town announced its Town Manager Robert Weiss See What You Save On lier in a troubled flight ond stage and one third stage have already assured the United States privately they ice meeting at 8:30 at King­ decision on interest end use- said that he will seek an­ Jumbo (Usually 59c Size) Deal Fade 100 (]ount that could delay the coun­ engine. dom Hall. money refunds. other transfer to the Engineer­ try’s man-to-the-moon pro­ The rocket propelled the huge will launch no major offensive if all American bombing The refunds could cost the ing Account in May. He said gram. load into orbit but it was the ------attacks are halted. John Mather Chapter, Order town approximoitely $6,964, but that the ahorbage stems from Despite the premature shut­ wrong orbit—110 miles too high. The sources, who cannot be of DeMolay, will visit Friend­ are expected to total in a much underestimating the depart­ aaid don’t forget the spe­ down of the second stage en­ If the Apollo 6 had carried Identified by name, said Hanoi already has begun lifting the ship Lodge of Masons tomorrow lower sum. Of the $6,964 esU- ment’s payroll needs. cial feature we have on gines, other engines took up the men, a mission to the moon siege of Khe Sanh as a sign of night and confer one of Its de­ maite, $1,726 is for refimds of Director William Schaller State of Maine U. 8. A slack and the world’s most pow­ would have been aborted, said s c o n bMwsq Johnson its intentions. grees. Lodge will open at 7:30, interest paid to the town and cast the lone vote against the Grade Potatoes 10 lbs. GREEN GIANT erful rocket shoved Into orbit an official of the National Aero­ 29c. None of these statements with Junior Warden Marshall $5,238 is for town payment of transfer, on the basis that the nautics and Space Administra­ TOWELS could be oonllmved dn official Hodge presiding. After the busi­ interest, calculated at three per Welfare Account should not be NIBLET tion. After the malftmction of (No April Fool about it, 5 *0. Western circles. ness meeting and DeMolay de­ tapped. He said that the board these are the same grade the second stage, too little fuel T o Confer cent, on assessments paid, while 2 pack sco n SOFT WEAVE The officials cautioned, how­ gree work, refreshments will be the case was in htigaitlon. was criticized last year for a potatoes you pay 59c for G dden CO RN remained to propel the craft served. similar transfer from Welfare. in many stores, bigger TISSUE State News outward to the moon. ever, against expecting an early Payments and refunds will be end to the peace negotiations. made to those property owners Weiss assured the directors, than Pinehurst). 2— 2 Fades 4— 2 Packs And he said the later failure On Peace Members of the Cosmopolitan “ The Welfare Account Is In ex­ of the third stage to restart They said they expected them to affected, if they make applica­ 4 89c 400 Students go for months. Club will leave the west park­ tion by Jrme 1. cellent shape and the transfer would have prevented a moon WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ 4 Rolls Rolls ing lot at Center Congregational will not affect It—all welfare Don’t let the size of the 4 75c 97c shot in any event. dent Johnson has agreed to di­ Other sources recalled that Church Friday at 1:15 p.m. by In other financial ootions last obligations will be met.’’ store fool you . . . Gome Protest Over The r e ^ r t was attempted rect contacts on peace between 12,000 Americana were killed in bus for Hartford where they will night, the board approved the 6. Authorization to the town to Pinehurst for more than three hours into the North Vietnamese and U.S. rep­ Korea while truce talks were following: tour the Msurk Twain Memorial. controller to apply for a retro­ SEALTEST MILK 25 FOOT ALCOA flight after the satellite had cir­ resentatives and will fly to Ha­ going on. After the tour they will return 1. A $6,000 additional appro­ active state grant, estimated at g«ri. jug 81c Punishment cled the globe twice. waii late tonight to discuss The Russian informants said priation to the Police Depart­ “ We did not get a re-ignltton,’ ’ Moscow was I not consulted by to the church for tea. $189,000 and to be paid over a SEALTEST ALUMNIUM FOIL peace and war prospects with ment Account, 'for special serv­ 16-year period, for Water Pollu­ WINDEX EAST HAVEN (AP) — About the mission control center re­ top American officials from Sai­ Hanoi before Wednesday’s con­ The Great Decisions Group ices and overtime. The sum will tion Abatement Facilities. The IC E CREAM 400 students demonstrated out­ ported. gon. ditional acceptance of President will meet tonight at 8 at the be finan'ced by an increase In grant will be for the town’s V2 g d . 99c side East Haven High School Controllers Immediately or­ Washington is understood to Johnson’s call for peace talks. anticipated revenue from spe­ Sewege Treatment Plant, con­ i| Glass Cleaner With They said that In view of Pe- home of Mark Kravltz, 22 Wyllys simply Tm Finest Che­ li Ammonia D 15 Oz. Spray Can today to protest punishments for dered the Apollo 6 separated have messaged Hanoi informing St. cial service assignments in con­ structed several years ago off ney Flamis Baldwin, Mc­ ‘ tradlness and violating clothing from the third stage. This was the government of President Ho king’s present relatively low In- junction with North End Re­ Olcott St. Intosh or Delloious Ap­ 25 regulatioiB. done successfully. Then the C!hl Mlnh of U.S. readiness to fluence In the North Vletne- Hose Co. 2 of the Eighth Dis­ ples . . . Iceberg Lettuce i SHURFINE SODA...... 10 12-oz* cans 79c While police hurried to the space craft engine—instead of meet lor initial contacts on niese capital, they did not be- and vine ripe tomatoes scene, the students—nearly half the dead third stage engine— peace talks. »«ve the Red Chinese were con- trict Fire Department will meet that are Just a bit better bonight M 8 at fire headquart­ the enrollment at the school— was called upon to propel the Olflclals Indicated the first suited either. Budget Hearing Area Students . . . Shop Pinehurst Every milled around and shouted for craft to a point 13,832 miles in Hanol-Washlngton contact ' 'What you Americans srom ers, Main and Hilliard Sts. day . . . For quality and TODAY . . . As Always . . . PINEHURST Famous For Fine Meats Daughters of Liberty, No. 17, Slated Tonight On Honor List low prices. someone to come out and listen space. ■would probably be ibetween dip- ^ realize is ^ will sponsor ^a Rummage Sale to their grievances. From this height, the space U.S. and North Vietnamese dip- North Vietnam is a soyweign Police Chief Joseph Pascarella craft will make a timing dive lomats in Moscow, Vientiane, “ P? Russian sad. Friday at 9 a.m. in the base­ A public hearing on Tewn A total of 610 students at­ said that “ except for a few stu­ back to the atmosphere at Itinar Laos, or some other capital ™ ey said they expected the ment of Orange Hall. Donations tending Central Connecticut Manager Robert Weiss’ recom­ dents who would not ^ ve their return speed of nearly 26,000 where both countries have em- prellmtoary talks to g e t ^ ^ r may be brought to the hall to­ State College In New Britain mended budgets for 1968-60 Is leaders a chamce to sit down miles an hour. If all goes well it l,aga,eg way "very quickly—probably morrow at 7 p.m. have been named to the honors and talk with administrators, will parachute to a landing In being conducted at 8 tonight in list for the fall semester and The first purpose, in the U.S. week.” ^ ^ ^ most of the students caused no the Pacific Ocean about 390 view, would he to set a time and They added that they teUeved The Handicraft Group of the Bowera School, Princeton and among them are several from trouble.’’ miles northwest of Hawaii about place for actual talks on scaling the °*'ty pc^lble sltes^fw^^ Newcomer's Club of the YWCA Manchester and area towns, Pinehurst and fill your freezer with these U. S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, speaking to crowd in Hart- ■ Committee. Below is part of a crowd of 300, most­ Henry Sts. Loaders of the demonstration 4:60 p.m., EST. talks were Moscow or Paris and will meet tmiight at 7:30 at the college officials annoimce. ford’s North End. At right, behind microphone, is ly teen-agers, awaiting McCarthy’s arrival at down the war and eventually ne- ' " ' ' Weiss is recommending a said Arnold Cestari, a newly ap­ that the Soviet capital has a 60- Community Y. Mrs. John Mc- choice steaks at these special low prices. •nie aircraft carried Okinawa gotiating a settlement. $12,076,225 General Fund The list is as follows: pointed assistant principal, had waited there to recover the James Rogers, a Manchester native, now of Hart­ Bradley Field. (Herald photos by Buceivicius) 40 chance of being chosen. Candless will speak on “ Crys- The situation has developed MANCHESTER: Archangel© been suspending students for ford and chairman of its McCarthy for President Moscow is the only capital In tala” . The executive board of budget and a 42.6 mills tax craft. with such speed, since Johnson A. D’Amato, 167 Branford St.; wearing sandals and ordering Performance and recovery of the world with American, North the club will meet tonight at 8 rate for the General Fund, and ordered a partial halt In the Patricia J. Gutt, 19 Clinton St.; three-hour' detentions for being the space craft were termed Vietnamese and Viet Cong dip- at the home Mrs. David Bren­ bombing of North Vietnam Sun' a $739,544 budget and a 4..0 Leonora H. Fava, 326 Carter --A*.:'—** ■ late to class. secondary goals by NASA offi­ day night that even surprised lomatlc representatives. Paris A ner, 14 Lawton Rd. mills tax rate for the Town St.; Jean M. Hickey, 29 Asked to comment, Oestalr cials. The primary purpose of U.S. government leaders are not has a diplomatic mission from Fire District Fund. O’Leary Drive; Armanda Yur- said that three students had the Qlght was to test the Saturn quite sure what will happen Hanoi but no official representa- Grade 7 Methodist Youth Fel­ His General Fund recommen­ chln Kao, 101 Russell St.; Kath­ DELUXE U. S. CHOICE been suspended in the past few 6. '' next. tlve of the National Liberation lowship will meet Friday at 7 From Oscar Mayer U.S. Choice New York or Hip dation is $1,447,117 and 4.6 erine A. MaoKenzie, 44 Vic­ days for “ cutting class and The Apollo moon rfidp was They voiced cautious optl- Front, the political arm of the p.m, at the church. mills above the ourrent year, toria Rd.; Josephine A. Sola, 45 PORTERHOUSE walking out of the school.’’ qualified on earlier unmanned mlsm about peace prospects but Viet Cong. and his Fire District recom­ Franklin St. SIRLOIN Detentions for tardiness ore flights. appeared by no means certain The Soviet informants said The confirmation class of mendation Is up $141,626 and ELLINGTON: Judith A. De- BOLOGNA for one hour, not three, Cestari After the premature shutdown the United States and North they believed a major stumbling South Methodist Church will 0.46 mill. Carli, RFD 1; Derek J. Lisk, STEAK All our U. S. choice steaks are carefully said. of the second stage engines, the Vietnam can actually reach an block, once real peace negotla- sponsor a car wash Saturday RFD 1. Apollo program manager, Maj. Weiss is proposing $6,828,850 trimed and aged for flavor. The center “ I haven’t changed any reg- agreement soon. Jtions get under way, will be an from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m .at the Su­ for the schools for 1968-69, up ROCKVILLE: Cynthia A. Wel- 12-oz. pkg. 69c lilations here,” said Cestari. Gen. Samuel Phillips said the As if in response to their American commitment to with­ P cuts of SIRLOIN ARE A GOOD BUY sannah Wesley p>airking lot at $563,850 above the current ton, 30 Davis Ave.; Donald W. With Large Tenderloins flight proved that liquid rocket doubts. North Vietnam’s Com­ draw from South Vietnam. the church. school budget. The Board of Slerakowskl, 2 Hilltop Dr. ; AT $1.18 Ib. a Carpenters Return engines can fail, “ but not catas­ munist newspaper warned the They said this is a prime issue Eduoation tonight will make a Wendy Donovan, 8 Walnut St. NEW LONDON (AP)' — Work trophically.’ ’ Top Round S w iss...... lb. $ 1 .1 8 “ If we had lost two engines (See Page Twelve) (See Page Twelve) Cadette Girl Scout Troop 633 strong plea for replacement of SOUTH WINDSOR: Mary E. Lb at major construction sites in of St. James' School will con­ all or part of the $318,609 Hallowell, 1013 Main St. *1.15 the New London-Norwich area like this on a lunar mission, we Bottom Round S w iss...... Ib. $ 1 .0 9 would not have conducted the duct a paper drive Saturday Weiss has cut from its $7,147,- TOLLAND: Freeman T. Colel- SKINLESS FRANKS stock Your Freezer Now resumes today after a two-day starting at 9 a.m. to help fi­ 759 request. la, Mt. Spring Rd. Tender Cube Steak ...... Ib. $ 1 .3 9 (See Page Twelve) nance a trip to the Pennsylvania The Mancheste*’ Property VERNON: Diane Richard, 26 (See Page Twelva) ]>utch country. Those wishing Owners Association, led by Bolton Rd.; Patricia E. Shea, lb. 79c to donate papers may contact Wilber Little and Herman 42 Peterson Rd.; Catherine A. GENUINE New Hearings Slated Mrs. Ruel Wicks, 67 Glenwood Schendel, will argue tonight Mllkie, 381 Timnel Rd. St., or leave, papers at the cutfc for a “hold the line’’ budget and WAPPING: Theresa A. Pres- KRAKUS POLISH OeSAR MAYER and scouts will pick them up. tax rate for next year. tileo, 69 Ash Rd. SPARERIBS U.S. Relief Force On Troubled F i l l s VARIETY (frozen) or WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen U.S. research that alone cost $1 !' billion. CO LD CUTS CANNED SLICED Freshly Cut John L. McClellan says he'll Half Mile from Base hold a new round of hearings on —The Senate Armed Services Country Style Ribs Committee voted to Junk the 12-oz. pkg. 89c the problem-plagued, multlbll- SPECIAL OFFER HAMS BACON or Porit SAIGON (AP) —Advance ele- A U.S. spokesman said he ex­ llon-dollar F ill warplane, Navy’s FlllB program on menta of a big U.S. relief force pected some of the 20,000-man grounded by the Air Force and which $400 million reportedly drove through light enemy artil­ relief force to link up with the well on Its way toward being has been spent. It approved In­ HOUSE lery and mortar fire today to 6,000 Marines inside Khe Sanh Junked as a Navy weapon. stead $287 mllUon to start work FROM by nightfall for the first within a half mile of the be- The promise of more pubUc on a substitute plane. 3-LB. 1-LB. breakthrough in the siege of the aleged Marine combat base at hearings before the Senate If Congress goes along as ex­ MICRIN Ib fortress, now in its 11th week. CAN PKG. Khe Sanh. Investlgatlonav subcommittee pected, the action means that i GENERAL ELECTRIC! Marines and helicopter-borne the F ill—originally known as Mouthwash With resistance continuing headed by the Arkansas Demo­ light, Soviet Informants in Lon­ air cavalrymen were pushing in crat—who characterized the the TFX—will become exclu­ don said the North Vietnamese three prongs toward the base. F ill program as a "tragic blun­ sively an Air Force fighter- were lifting the long siege of Reports from the field said they bomber and not the Joint Air 18 Fl. Ozs. der” —closely followed these de­ 79c Khe Sanh as evidence of good were encountering sporadic ar­ velopments : Force-Navy plane that Robert HALE Intentions in preliminary pace tillery and mortar fire but little S. McNamara ordered and In­ —Two of the first six Air other resistance. sisted upon throughout his ten-' talks. Force F lllA s sent to Southeast However, about 80 rounds of Men of the 1st Air Cavalry Di­ ure as secretary of Defense. Asia for combat duty were lost There Is no independent esti­ enemy artillery and mortar fire vision pushed up from south of Speaks in Hartford within a week after entering the hit Khe Sanh and Marines strik­ the base and were reported mate of how much cancellation i t Vietnam wqr, perhaps handing of the Navy’s FlilB program SAVE FRESHER BY FAR ing out from the base were re­ within 2.6 miles of their goal by the Communists the fruits of PLAYTEX ported engaged in fighting with mld-atftemoon. would cost because the Penta­ GROUND MEATS the North Vietnamese in the gon has refused to provide cost (See Page Sixteen) McCarthy Confident of Win figures on the overall P ill proj­ hHiH to the west. GLOVES U. S. Choice Deluxe ect. ^ u n d Ground . . . lb. 9 8 e be a significant force.’ ’ However, McClellan said In Mfg. Sugg;ested Retail 98c ------By SOL B. COHEN be a significant force.’ ’ and received co^c6 -to-coa st A _. iuro_ HeHe brought brought lauKhs laughs and and cheers cheers coveragecoverage on on TV. TV, on on radio ) and in an Interview that estimated Lean Ground Chuck or A confident Sen. Eugene Mc­ Trudeau costs have tripled in tht past Carthy, In a 6-hour, whirlwind from his Bushnell Auditorium the press. Our meat manager, Chos. McCarthy, mode a special selection of 3 in 1 Blend...... lb. 7 8 ^ Major Hotels Hit audience when, after telling of He referred to State and Na­ five years, and now stand at Special 45c visit to Connecticut yesterday, more than $12 billion. some of the finest tender Lamb Legs of the season . . . for this (In 10 lb. lots 68c lb.) told a 3,300 crowd at Hartfoiti’s the many changes to date in tional Democratic Chairman the list of presidential hopefuls,- John Bailey twice, once directly. Seeu Pick McClellan would not say when PINEHURST LAMB SALE Bushnell Auditorium what it his new hearings would start, he said, “ We gain and lose can- In his airport Interview, and "wanted to hear, that he is in although he said thej’ were U.S. CHOICE— MEDIUM SIZED Bomb Attack Wave the race lor the presidency to dldateij In each primary and, once by Inference, In his Bush­ by the time we reach Califor­ nell address. lu Cauada planned before—and would not the end. be limited to—loss of the two 4 Offer Center Slices Swordfish nia, ours may be the only Dem­ Looking fit and trim, after He was asked at the airport OTTAWA (AP) — Justice Air Force FlljA s. But the rank­ Expires ocratic candidate left.” whether he had any qualms April 30, 1968 TENDER lEGS OF UMB / C ft Hits Puerto Rico gruelling primary campaigns Minister Pierre Trudeau was a ing Republican member of the JOHNSON'S and victories in New Hamp­ The crowd at the Bushnell about campaigning in Bailey’s SAN JUAN, P.R. (AP) —A The new outbreak of explo­ big favorite today to become subcommittee, Sen. Karl Mundt When you send in the labels (Model P-15) shire and Wisconsin, McCarthy had paid $2 to $25 to hear Mc­ home state and home town. Whole or Butt Half M " wave of bombing attacks broke sions and fires occurred despite Canada’s next prime minister of South Dakota, has made It from 2 cans of Maxwell House Oysters, Fresh Haddock said, “ I feel certain that the Carthy, and it seized every op­ out with renewed fury In Puerto close police vigilance that has He replied, “ No, I donj^t have as the Liberal party assembled plain that he questions the wis­ Electric Perc Coffee you will re­ BABY Serve this tender iamb with Shurfine Frozen Peas or Green Giant Canned spirit of victory Is running portunity It could to cheer him. • New Mlnlbasket and Flounder . . . Rico during the night. Explo­ been maintained since a rash of any particular fears alraut it. for a three-day convention to dom of the decision to deploy ceive a $3 iiefund from G-E. Peas (or fresh Asparagus) Mashed Maine Potatoes and brown gravy . . . strongly and that we have prac­ A huge sign over the front of He is like a Wizard of Oz. You 99 for 2 or 3 cups sions occurred in two of San similar attacks earlier this year pick a successor to Lester B. the planes In combat. tically won, although the oppo­ the balcony expressed the feel­ pull back 'the curtain and it’s POWDER Juan’s major hotels. and late last year. Pearson. Six of the 1,500 mile-an-hour • Adjustable brew Lamb Patties ...... Ib. 3 9 ^ sition does not realize It yet.’’ ings of most In attendance. It just another voice.” Shurfine Mint (Apple) ■ Bomba exploded almoat al- Only two weeks ago, police With the vote still two days Jets reached Thailand March 17 $ 0 . 9 9 R«g. Price Selector Economy Size Stewing Lam b ...... lb. 1 0 ^ The opposition is Sen. Rob­ read simply, "Beat Bob.” The At the Bushnell, he drew ap­ multaneouflly about 3 a.m. at made their first arrest in con­ away, Trudeau declined to pre­ In a secrecy-cloaked operation Jelly 29c ^ Lean Shoulder Lamb C hops...... lb. 9 9 ^ Frozen Cleaned Shrimp. ert Kennedy of N.Y. and, pos­ Bob is Sen. Kennedy. plause when he said, "We’re • Stays at auto­ Check the size and the -La Concha and Oondado nection with the attacks. The dict victory on the first ballot, with the code name of “ Harvest YOUR PRICE matic serving sibly Vice President Hubert McCarthy was In Connecticut finding out that there are no po­ $ 3 .0 0 Refund From G-E ttie price. Beach hotels In the heart of San suspect, a university student, / and other contenders were re­ Reaper.” On March 26 the temperature Humphrey. to lend a hand to next Tues­ litical bosses—they're just peo­ California Navel Juan’s tourist district. There was charged with attempted ar­ ported putting out feelers for a planes began flying combat mis­ In an interview at Bradley day’s primaries in 30 towns, ple who thought they were po­ SPINACH were no injuries but damage son. stop-Trudeau drive. sions. Field, where McCarthy had ar­ where McCarthy backers are litical bosses.” 14 Oz. 49c ORANGES was estimated «lt about $6,000 at The stores that were burned The withdrawal from the race Four days later one of the Jets in Areclbo were Franklin’s, the rived at 6:10 p.m. from South opposing party-endorsed slates McCarthy spent little time on Wednesday of Finance Minister vanished. North Vietnam each hotel. Bend, Ind., 70 minutes behind for delegates to the June Dem­ Doz. 69c Three stores were razed by New York Department Store, Vietnam in his Bushnell speech, Mitchell Sharp and his support claimed it was shot down. U.S. 10 Oz. Bag 25c schedule, he said, "The odds ocratic State Convention. It fire In Areclbo, In northwest and the Nora Jewelry store. a speech which lasted exactly of Trudeau failed to halt fever­ officials have said only that the Most targets of terrorist at­ are that Humphrey will enter was his second visit to tfie state 30 minutes. ish behlnd-the-scene maneuvers. plane and its two crewmen are Puerto Rico, west of San Juan, the race, based on his record In in five weeks. In February, he OPEN and a large Pueblo supermarket tacks have been U.S.-owned pro­ "Our course In Vietnam Just Fifteen of 19 announced candi­ missing. perty or InstaMqtions. Despie the past two presidential cam­ spoke at the Staples High Then, last Sunday, the Air was 60 per cent destroyed in grew, and somehow became es­ dates for the post of party lead­ the name, however, the New paigns.” School in Westport. He then re­ Force announced that a second THURS. and FRI. Caguas about midnight. Dam­ calated and projected —no one er, and with it the. prime minis­ York Department .Store Is He added, “ I expect to be In ceived very little press cover­ tership, were still in the race, F ill A had crashed "after an age to the supermarket was es- knows how,” he said. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. owned by Puerto Ricans. Chicago (at the August Demo­ age and no television time. He added, “ Our military com­ including sev^n Cabinet mem­ In-fllght emergency.” Both Makes any strength coffee Convenient cup markings Large see-through bubbler Omated at $1.4 million. One fire­ PINEHURST GROCERY Firemen were , still battling cratic NaUonal Convention) Yesterday, he was accompan-^ mitments and our stated com- bers. crewmen were rescued. The man was Injured fighting the with as much support as we led to Connecticut by a corps Housewares (Lower Level) SAT. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. CORNER MAIN and MIDDLE TURNPIKE Caguas blaze. (See Page Eleven) can muster, and I expect it to of nationally-assigned newsmen (See Page Six) (See Page Fifteen) (See Page Fifteen) P A O B T W O MANCRKSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRiL 4. 1968 p a g e t h r e e

SUITINO ACTION ’TO WORD Also, WJBiem Broneifi, tiler, M08T TALKED ABOUT by Theodoro Ventura of Rock- Tolland County Coventry Elks to Seat BO Y SCOUT SANTA FB, N.M. (AP) — The MOVIE OF THE TOABl v4Be Lodgo rum, by Harry master, conducted an advance­ children, Mrs. Rolstad believes State Hoiise Museum In Hart- >'®®'ilts In qult4 interesting corn- Major Frederick Cook of Anne Hope wrote in the Sun Magee, PER. Senator from the 35th District ment ceremony. The following a teacher should "do something ford Saturday. Cub Scouts are blnatlons. Since wine, like vanll- ISCNNIE) 8ia M ~ Bournemouth, a south coast re- newspaper that she put the ma- The installation is open to on the Democratic ticket. awards were made; Ke'vin Reil­ more meaningful than just tell to meet at 11:30 a.m. at the tts alcoholic content In The 35th District encom­ sori. jor’s views to Britain's best- Elks and their friends. TaMe ly, bobcat pin; David Haynes, ing them the sound.” Second Congregational Church cooking, the entire family may reservations may 'be made by passes all 13 Tolland Ooimty parking lot on Rt. 44A to go by ®nJoy wine-flavored dishes. Best And he launched an appeal for known woman rally driver. Pat denner bsulge, and Daniel White, So, when the children were contaoUng the lodge steward towns. liteaN eRMi E iaa m W bus. ’They will be accompanied all, most of the calories also safer clothes for women drivers. Moss-Carlsson, who piloted an assistant denner badge. learning "s” they went sledding or Alfred Ritter, program chair­ His announcement is the first by Robert Simmons, pack mas- disappear with the cooking.” Drawing on 40 years driving Italian Lancia in this year’s Den 7 presented a skit and in the snow at nearby Hyde “ East Is East" 6;«(-8:SS man. declaration for the post of ter, as well as other adults. Chicken Jubilee Is one of Mrs. experience, the major wanned: Monte Carlo rally and who used Den 1 conducted a game. Tom­ Park. When they learned " j” Bonnie ft The Exalted Ruler Elect is State Senator from th6 dis­ Parents are requested to pick Pafson’s favorite recipes as it "When women drivers wear a to drive for Saab of Sweden, my Landers, Steven Salvatore they made jelly. And when they CAPifOPs Clyde” manager of Floors, Inc., Man­ trict. No one else has yet ex­ WllllRionllc/ up the boys about 3:30 p.m. at I® "simple to prepare, delicious long-line bra and step-in corset, "Few girls are so daft as to and Jon Peck, wrlnners in guess­ learned " c ” they baked cup- :40 ft 8160 chester and Hartford. He Is pressed interest in seeking the ing the total mileage of five the mentioned parking lot. and showy.” With It she usually watch out for trouble. wear uncomfortable clothes married to the former Joan post or has been reported to be famed rivers in the world, each Church Food Sale serves buttered noodles or rice. "They restrict the breathing when motoring,” she replied, and make a woman hot and un- "Look at me. I can't bear Machart, and they have two Honored Guest seeking support from the var­ received two tickets to the Shrin- The First CJongregatdonal LaDon’s Salad and Chocolate daughters, Deborah and Cyn­ ious town committees. CJhurch Ladles’ Association food Rum Mousse, comfortable." being restricted in a rally. BE SURE . . . BLISS ha* been serving the Home Atty. Vincent Diana ■will be ers circus. thia. It Is expected Incumbent Re­ Space derby kits were given \ THE sale at 10 a.m. Saturday will be Her choice of -wine to accom- The major, who explained his "I like either an old bra or Owner for 86 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ ttie guest of honor at a testi­ publican State Senator Andrew In the church vestry. pany the main course is a dry findings were the logical and oh- one of the new elasUcated SPECTION of your home by a Termite Control monial dinner-dance Sunday, to each cub in preparation for a \ Repko will seek re-elecUon un­ Space Derby on April 26. GRADUffifE 4-H Club Meeting white wine, ■'preferably Chablle vious result of standing nt street things. If I feel restricted I undo Expert, Hupervised by the finest technical staff, AprU 21, at 1 p.m. at Garden der the Republican banner. \ ■The Jolly Garden 4-H Club or Plnot Ohasdonnay.” comers watching women driv- the hooks and eyes, WWI Vets Seek Grove. The event is sponsored Cubmaster John F. Hayes \ THE FUNNIEST phone our nearest local office: He cited the unique growth cipsed writh the scoutmaster’s (boys and girls group) meet at Chicken Jubilee ers, said: "A tight corset?—The days of by the Italian American So­ X MOST TOUCHINO rate and limited tax base of prayer. 7 pjn, tomorrow at the home of 6 to 8 chicken breasts "She spends her time trying the tight corset are gone, Hospital Funds ciety. Mayor Nathan Agostinelli ToUand County towns as pri­ FILM OF THE James T. Laldlaw, leader, on % cup flour to relieve the discomfort. She "I wouldn’t wear one nor win serve as toastmaster, and i YEARI takes her hand or hands off the would any of my friends, mary problems to be faced smd Robert D. Hooley HONORS FOR Grant Hill Rd. Assisting will be % teaspoon garlic salt "Hospital Week for the Vet­ Atty. Joseph Conti -will be the wheel and yanks at the offend- "High heels?—Out for driv­ 649-9240 erans of World War I” will be brought to the attentlan of the NON-SCHOLARS TONIGHT ) \ ■.. Dmw, TJMII George G. Jacobson II, and % teaspoon paprika main speaker. The candidates expressed con­ ./ T:05-9:I0 Albert E. Bray, assistant lead- 1% teaspoon salt ing garment. ing. I always keep a pair of flat- observed next week throughout legislature. MCMINNVILLE. Ore. (AP) Robeii Taylor Tickets for the ^ testimonial cern that "someone must effec­ ers. Members are to draw plans % cup butter "When they refuse to budge ties in the car. Don’t you?" Connecticut. Members of Man­ "I am convinced the incum­ — A donor, who wishes to re­ may be obtained from John bent senator (Repko) has not tively speaik for ToUand County for gardens and tell of vegeta cup Chaiblis or other dry she becomes irritable, her a t ------BLISS TERMTE CONTROL CORP. Oaughey. Fred P. Lea, post ex­ chester Barracks World War I In the Senate” has reportedly main anonymous, gave Llnfleld Andislo of 192 Wells St., gen­ succeeded in b r in ^ g the needs bles to be raised. white dinner wine tention wanders and to escape In 1880 the U.S. government alted ruler, (PER) is the in- Veterans and Auxiliary will con­ won him the encouragement and CioUege 16,000 for scholarships. BURNSIDE DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1862 eral chairman; Joseph Naretto o f this area to the attention Marking Period Ends ! cups pitted Bing or other the torture she puts her foot established the Division of staling oMoer. duct a fund drive on Main St. support of many of the delegates ’The only stipulation is that the S80 BURNSIDE AVE EAST HARTFORD of 99 Dale Rd., ticket chairman, of the legislature,” Houley de­ PAHAVISION’ com ITie third marking period at dark, sweet cherries down and more than likely has Forestry. In 1901 the Bureau of The program will start with and other shopping areas In and other Democratic leaders In money be awarded to "nonhon­ FREE PARKING 528 3333 The Oldest and Largest in Conn. or at the Armory Tawem, 306 clared. CJoventry High School ends to­ cup brandy , an accident.” Forestry was established and a oodctall hour at 6. Dinner will Manchester. They will be iden­ the area. or roll students” with only aver­ Main St. Advisory Panel Planned morrow. The fourth marking Shake chicken breasts In pa­ Major Cook also condemned became the Forest Service of be aerved at 7. ADter .the in- tified by metal lapel clips in the Houley is married and the age grades. Most scholarships "The Senator from our dis­ period starts Monday per bag with flour, garlic s^t. dresses with wide sleeves, high- the Department of Agriculture staSatioa ritual at 8, Ray shape of torches. father of three children. He and arc restricted to students with A trict has a special responsibil­ Spiring recess starts April 22 paprika and salt. Saiute slowly heeled shoes, narrow dresses. In 1905. Henry's orchestra will play for A message from Gov. John his wife Helen and family live and B grades. Restaurants Aid ity because of the imique na­ and ends AprU 26. butter to a rich golden brown. Dempsey says, "For the first at 76 Merllne Dr., Vernon. dancing. ture of our district. We have "JAYCEE'S SOCK HOP" Physioal Fitness Meeting Arrange In casserole or baking Other offloera to be installed time since they were organized He Is employed as District Crippled Child thirteen towns In the county p r e s e n t i n g WDBC’s Parents having 12-year old pan and pour wine over chick- are Reno Coma, esteemed lead­ 50 years ago, the members of Sales manager of the L.G. Bal­ the Department of Connecticut, and all have a very limited in­ FRANK’S CAFE daughters or others in their gjj Oover, and make In 375-de- ing knight, by Thomas Blan­ Six Manchester area restau­ four (Company, and is a veteran Veterans of World War I, are dustrial and commercial base The Family Reataorant ScMidy Beach—Plus 2 Bands teen years are invited to a g ree oven for 20 minutes. Re­ Open Doily 10 ajn. to 9 pjn. chard, PI21; Alfred M. Ritter, rants wdll observe "Coffee Day of the Marine Corps and a grad­ seeking the assistance of the for taxation," he stated. uate of the University of New CXIRNER MAIN ft PEARL meeting at 7:60 p.m. tomorrow move cover and add cherries, Sat. till 6 p jn . esteemed loyal knight, by Ray­ for Crippled Children" Thurs­ “All towns are experiencing at the Tolland County Agri- Return to oven and bake, un- mond Zamanek, PER; Thomas public In a campaign to In­ Hampshire. FRIDAY SPECIAL Frid^i April 5th—8 to 11 crease their hospital and reha­ day. April 11. On this day cof­ dramatic population growths cultural Center In Rockville. covered, 15 to 20 minutes long- Agnew', esteemed ledtming fee will be "on-the-house" for The Senatorial Convention will bilitation funds. As the veterans that create special educational Complete The meeting wiU be on er, or until chicken is tender. knight by Charles Lathrop, everyone wearing a "Brace-a- be held In Stafford, June 18. The Manchester High School Gym of that war grow older, the and budgetary problems.” county experienced Its first LO]LOBSTER DINNER $2.95 "Physical Fitness, Nutrition Bring to table. Heat brandy PER; Robert W. Gordon, secre- Chlld” button. DONA’nON $1.00 need for hospital and rehabili­ “Pi'eservation o f Open primary for the post of State HLET and Clothing Program” to be butdonotboU; pour over chick- tary, by Paul Gagne, PER; Ed­ Participating restaurants arc Spaces, contln'ued long range Benefit Manchester Scholarship Foundation presented by Mrs. Alyce D ^ e - en and set aflame. When flames ward J. Tomkiel, treasurer, by tation service Increases, and Senator from the 35th District $Z95 the campaign of the Depart­ the Friendly Ice Cream Shops conservation planning, concern MIGNON hy o>f Mancheater. die down nerve chicken with Harry Mlagee, PER. at 436 Main St. and Burr Cor­ two years ago when Atty. Ed­ ment of Connecticut for this for agricultures special prob­ win Lavitt of Ellington contest­ Baked Stuffed Dance to Aid Red Cross cherries and sauce. worthy cause takes on added ners Plaza; Shady Glen Dairy lems and Increased recreation­ JUMBO SHRIMP $2.28 The Nathan Hale Branch, LaDon’s Salad (Herald photo by Buceiviclus) Bars at 840 E. Middle Tpke. ed the party-endorsed candi­ importance." al facilities, all deserve in­ date Atty. COarles Tarplnian of ARC, ia sponsoring a dance "to 1 head lettuce MRS. MICHAEL L. PARSONS FOR and the Manchester Shopping creased attention,” the candi­ SpecIaUzlng In help meet ita goal for Income" box seasoned croutons Parkade; the Friendly Ice Mansfield. hie boiler over hot, but not engineer at Pratt and Whitney date declared. Tarplnian won the primary in fin e Itallan- ^ Smash Week! at: 9 p.m. April 19 at Paganl's fresh chopped chives RUBBER FRODUOnON Cream Shop at 172 Union St., “Also located in the district Amerloon Meals! boiling, water, (tool; beat egg Division of United Aircraft a closely fought contest and was I g I riG % Mon. - iTl. 7:10 and 9:18 on Cryata.1 Lake. A buffet will Parmesan cheese to taste Cosmetics p l a n n e d Rockville, and the Litc^^leld is the rapidly expanding State yolks lightly and then beat Corp., East Hartford, subsequently defeated by Rep­ OO Y W IIO II IKIT______TO MAIN 4T. be served from 7:30 p.m. to */4 cup grated sharp cheese Farm Shop at Kelly Rd. on the them gradually into the melted Mrs. Parsons attended Kan- University,” he said. ko. Tarplnian is not expected to Fresh Breads and Pastries Sat., Sun. 1:30-3:30- 8:30 pjn., prior to the dancing vinegar and oil to taste NEW DELHI (AP) — India Vernon Circle Shopping Plaza. L uuue 528-2210 chocolate. Flavor to taste with sas State University. She is a rrs Houley promised to co-ordi­ seek the nomination this year. Mode Dally! to "The Big Band Sound of the (Combine all ingredients, ex- plans to make rubber producers Paul Marte and .Peter nate his proposed program Featuring Dally Specials! 7:30-9:30 ForUee.” John Carl, a director cept croutons, and toss. Add instant coffee member of the Women^s Auxil- Winner of 10 out of its Andaman Islands, lo­ Humphry, Manchester and Legal Beverages on the Nathan Hale Branch croutons Just before serving to which has been diluted in hot tory of Manchester Memorial ■with the Democratic candidates PORTUGAL'S AIRLINE Academy Award Nominatioas cated far out in the Eastern Bay Rockville chairmen respective­ TeL 649-8844 Liggetfs for the House of Representa­ RANKS 89Gi Including “Best Piofure” Board, is in charge of the tick- prevent their becoming soggy. i " r c fn of Beng;al near Burma. ly of the current Easter Seal ets. Mrs Parsons says she has a Whip cream until stiff, stir pital gift shop. She is active in tives from the area district. LISBON (A P )—^Transportes Deputy Commerce Minister Campaign, have announced that Cub Scout Awards small herb garden, which she ‘n and fold into chocolate girl scouting and is a senior At The Parfcade "I plan to form an ad-vlsory Aereoe Portuguese (TAP,) the COLUMBIA PICTURES pmwils ■ M.S. Qureshi told Parliament more than 100 restaurants in nDBRnanrisnar Cub Pack 65 meeting cultivates for herbs to use in m xture. Beat whites until planning board ad^sor a m ^ committee composed of leading country’s third largest Industry, _ IMIl-IMIIIIUll Stanley Kramer scout rubber trees would be planted pr^uction had Cubmaster Arthur Blondli the kitchen either fresh, dried «t‘ff and also fold into toe her of the program committee, MANCHESTER the state wdll offer "Brace-a- Democrats and Independen'ts registered a 23 per cent In­ ^■SEftPEAST on 6,000 acres during the next Chlld” buttons this week In ex­ from the towns of the county, presenting t h e following or frozen. She mentioned that chocolate mixture, a little at a a member of the senior gradua- crease in passenger traffic in time. tion committee, and is council five years. change for contributions In be­ and leaders in Education,” Hou­ Spencer i Sidney awards: Wolf badge to Eric Un- garlic chives make a fine addi­ 1067. WEEK! Pour into a serving dish and liaison for three Manchester half of crippled children. ley declared. NOW! 4th TRACY 'POITIER deowood and Joseph DeiLorge; tion to LaDcn's Salad. TAP carried 536,041 passen­ chill at least two hours. girls who will be Involved in They also said that proceeds "This committee wdll be In­ gers, 4,000 tons of freight and silver arrow to Gregory Bou- Chocolate Rum Mousse wdll go to the Connecticut So­ valuable in counseling me in Katharine ounces sweet chocolate The Parsons came to Man- summer senior opportunities. 1,442,420 kilos of mail during dle; gold arrow to Eric Whip­ Chester six and one-half years The Parsons attend St. Mary's ciety for Cripped Children and the issues facing our area, both eggs, separated the pest year. Portuguese offi­ HEPBURN ple. ago from Kansas, and have Episcopal Church and are Adults lor its statewdde rehabil­ now and after my election to Thiman Capote’s teaspoon vanilla cials announced it now occupies Cuba going Into Webeloe: lived Ln Bolton two and one-half members of the Connecticut itation pro{;ram. Children In the Senate,” he explained. 39th place among 90 airline Eric Whipple, Dean Pelletier, to 2 teaspoons instant cof­ braces and wheelchairs, they guess who^s years. They have a son, Tlmo- Aeronautical Historical Associa- Houley, a member of the Ver­ companies affiliated with the IN C O L D Carl Blondin, Hatch, Mark Mar­ fee added, are helped to live near­ thy, 13 months. Parsons is an tion. non Board of Representatives, International Air Transport As- BLOOD co m in g tin and Gary Cadorebte. tablespoon hot water 85 East Center St. ly normal lives through the has served as chairman of the During toe evening Mrs. 1% cups heavy cream sodation. WriNto lor ih« icrttn ond dvtcttd bv to d in n e r At Suimntt St. special training and therapy Vernon Economic Development Brenda Weillver and Mrs. Bar- 2 tablespoons rum pro'vldied by the Easter Seal Oommlssion and as secretary to Richard Brooks bara DeLorge, den mothers. Melt chocolate in top of dou IA Columbia fid u m IW nM la Ponovtilon* Society. the Zoning Commission. and their dens presenting skits ' WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL He has met with Democratic on "Rivers of toe World,” toe A Flying Gorilla? A BEAL TWIST Town Committee chairmen 1 n theme for the month. High­ N o Charge NEW DELHI (AP) —Those each of the district’s 13 towns, lEw^ttin^ ll^raU i and Iniroducinf ...... MARGUERITE Katharine Houghton Mu,icb»Dtvot lighting the program was a NEW YORK — The "Anlmal- cowboy boots on sale in Ameri­ and has personally contacted all n. thru ]Fri. 7:00-9:18 noll hammering contest with port,” maintained at Kennedy ca may have been made by In­ 43 convention delegates, dis- PutjUshed Doily Except Sundays I Sat. Sun 2:10-4:28-8:40-9:06 Gary Cadorette placing first, international Airport by the for a(dditional DAISIES $1.79 dians. For the first time, India c u s ^ g his plans writh them. and HoUdaya at 13 BtsseU Street, Uanohester, Conn. (06040) April 12Ui and Jerry Rush, second. American Society for the Pre- BUNCH exported 2,400 pairs of cowboy "I am very gfraUfied and ‘PlJiNET OF THE APES” Durlng toe next two weeks vention of Cruelty to Animals, boots to the United States dur­ pleased with the resiilts of my ~ Telephone 643-2711 the pack will be making East- processes pets or zoo animals in OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY ing 1967, Deputy Commerce personal contacts wdth delegates Seoood Class Poetaxe Paid at Passengers Manchester, Conn. THE MOST INCREDIBLE er baskets for toe Mansfield any of 140 species for trips by Minister M.S. Qureshi told Par­ and delegations,” he stated. State Training School chll- airliner. In a recent month it liament. "I will conduct an energetic SUBSCRIPnON RATai Fayatde in Advance IS SHOW YOUU EVER SEE dren. handled 8 horses, 3 apes, 2 campaign on the Issues and by The next meeting of (Tub gorillas, 2 frogs and 2 polar election day every voter will be One Year ...... 130.00 DELICIOUS Six Months ...... 16.50 Pack 65 will be held at 7:30 bears. aware of my positions on the p.m. April 26 in the FWbertson problems facing our state and Three Mentha ...... 7.80 One Month ...... 2.60 School on Cross Street. county,” Houly pledged. RAVIOLI Manchester Evening Herald NOTICE CaiM ltonl, Coventry correspondent, F. Pau- Minestrone FOR Une Uttle, tel. 742-6281. In accordance with toe re­ Sheinwold on Bridge UNDER Tomorrow Nighf quirements of toe Zoning Reg- 21 The term rum Is derived from ulatlons of the Town of Man- LT.WOOD and Sausage APRIL 5 the Devonshire word "rumbul- Chester, (tonnectlcut, toe Zon- REFUSE FINESSE 'TO AVOID NORTH s RISKS FEATURING llon,” meaning "a great ing Board of Appeals will hold A K86 Available at all times, made Dancing LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET By ALFRED SHEINWOLD for your eating pleasure at tumult." a public hearing on Monday, C? A J 8 5 . Each DIRECT FROM THE Whenever you try to guess home. April 15, 1968, at 8:00 p.m. in 0 J843 Night FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT which opponent has the queen THE ACTION HOUSE the Hearing Room of the Mu­ ♦ 75 Come and see Rina and 8-12 p.m. f fJUliLb '• of trumps you run the risk of Peter — of THE INCREDIBLE nicipal Building on toe follow­ guessing wrong. If you refuse WEST EAST NOTICE ing application: to take a trump finesse you may A A43 J 10 9 5 111 lU Sun Oil Ctompany, 404-406 V lSl[l\5S" c a l l : 9 Q62 TOWN OF n a OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED be able to avoid that risk. 74 Hartford Road, Business Zone 0 Q975 BOYS FROM N.Y.C. EAST HARFORD Opening lead Queen of clubs. K 106 VILLA MARIA n . Request Special Exception ♦ QJ 10 9 8 3 2 Se« Them Try To Demolish Their EAST HARTFORD, NOT PRE-PACKAGED West opened the queen of CONNECTICUT - for gas station, and Certificate inKNGflESTER CAB clubs, and South won with the SOUTH FO O D S . Equipment During The Show o f Approval for same, at above king. South led a heart to the — PLUS — “INVITATION TO BID” location. 618 Colebrook Road RE: FINISH GRADING All persons interested may PENOBSCOT FANCY GRADE “A” FRESH king and returned a heart to Glastonbury AND SEEDING OF SCI- attend this hearing. 643-2121 try a finesse with the nine. West 'THE QUIET ONES" ERIRA PARK PROPERTY won with the queen and return­ Zoning Board of Appeals CHICKEN FRIES Sealed bids will be received ed a trump, alter which South South East BETTER COME EARLY John F. Clifford, ALSO A SPECIALTY at toe office of toe Purchas­ couldn’t make his contract. He 1 NT Pass Chairman ing Agent, 740 Main Street, had to lose two spades and a 2 (3) All Pass .John A. Caglanello, CALL 633-98S8 65 TOLLAND TPKE. MANCHESTER East Hartford, until 10:00 a.m. diamond in addition to the Secretary Thursday, April 18^1968 and trump. SPECIALTY BUILDERS will be pulbllclv opened and South should make his cen- Dally Question s tract by leaving the trumps read at that time and place, FOWL Partner opens in third posi­ for toe above mentioned com­ I alone. There Is virtually no dan­ CAMERA tion (after two passes) with one l8t RUN PLUS 2—ALL 3 IN COLOR ger of a ruff, and the danger modities and service. club. The next player passes. Information for b i d d e t s, CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS of an overruff at any late stage MANCHESTER RENTAL TOBIN’S YANKEE SLICED You hold: Spades, A-4-S; Hearts, Showtimes . Pri.-Sat Sun. specifications proposal and of play Is no worse than the DRIVE-IN Q-6-2; Diamonds, Q-9-7-6; Clubs, contract forms are encloiWd. REPAIR SIDING OF AU TYPES danger of misguesslng the lo­ R0UTK6 6 • 44A— PJ...... 9.00 9.00 Q-J-10. The right Is reserved to re­ cation of the queen or trumps. PHOm 949. 9000 “ROUGH NIGHT IN JERICHO” ...... 10:45 7:15 Have a problem? What do you say? L ject any or all, or any part of POOLS & COTTAGES Stages Crossniff “BANNING” ...... 7.10 — We'll be glad to h( Answer: Bid one diamond. If any or all bids ■when silch ac­ Declarer takes both top clubs, you had another jack or a cou­ tion Is deemed to be for toe Fine Photo Finishing ruffs a club in dummy and then ???????? lb ple of tens Instead of the low best Interest of toe Town of takes the ace of diamonds and 'IMis a huildied nrinuiesof immleis, cards you would jump to 2-NT. Is George Peppard NASSIFF P k a m a t ic Ne w S p r in g gives up a diamond. The plan East Hartford. The actual hand is a trifle light Town of Hast Hartford is to set up a limited cross- brawls, broads, and sizzling action. The New Generation’s CAMERA SHOP BACON for such strong action. John W. Torpey, ruff. Gbrk Gable? 991 Main St. Manchester General Features Corp. Purchasing Agent East returns the jack of General Features Corp. ???????? OUR OWN CUBED EXTRA LEAN—FRESH GROUND spades for lack of anything bet­ NOT PRE-PACKAGED ter, and this rides around to SCOTCH HAM dummy’s king. South ruffs a dla- I DIM Qionoil C o a t s and SUITS moind and leads his last club. NOW SHOWING Chuck Ground ,b. 79° When West cannot follow suit, Phone Rewrvations MAWmi-PlM M W Affention! Lb. ^ 1 # 4 9 It Is safe for dummy to ruff Accepted • • .priced to save you low. (If West had been able to RowoHMiaiir follow suit, declarer would dis­ For The First Time READING IMPROVEMENT CUSSES SIDING SPECIALISTS WE WILL HAVE FRESH NATIVE GREYLEDGE FARM TURKEYS card a spade front dummy. IN JimCHO ON fHE BEPEBBD5CMEN TICHNieOLOIk* A Uniwrul Piclurv ALUMINUM - WOOD - VINYL - STONE Now! . . . before Easter a gi-eat sale of superbly styled new FOR EASTER. ORDER EARLY FOR GOOD SIZE SELECTION! Now South leads dummy’s N/OTiiMtii sr.Nfh 311-r; BESINNINe APRIL 29, 1948 last diamond and ruffs in his 3rd HIT spring coats, suits and pant suits. Luxurious woolens and own hand. (If West had discard­ AFTERNOON and EVENING CLASSES "GONEWITH ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED IN WRITING Let us fill your frtoier with U.S.D.A. choice meats, native poul^, ed the queen of diamonds, de­ _ .Watchi___ every imiiortant new fabric. Many “Stay-flexed” for perfect clarer would discard a spade T H E W I N D ” Classes for ELEMENTARY and HIGH SCHOOL students In UP TO FIV E YEARS TO PAY Seabrook rarm fruits and vegetables. Save up to 15 to 20% dnd the women shape retention. Newest silhouettes. Fashions for evei-y size on the.jack of diamcinds.) Remedial Reading (Phonics, Understanding, etc.). Study Buy D irect - No Middleman •at iiko a king. By this time South has suc­ IVKNIH6S IT HI gamble for SkUls, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Speed, College Board Test and age in all the most wanted spring colors. Junior Petite, cessfully ruffed twice In each SUNDAY INIU rHUIIOAT •R4D. 81.00 Preparation and General Reading Efficiency. - WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL - up tmOAf ANO M fV lM V • t .f f . I f M Juniors and Misses Sizes. hand and has eight tricks safe­ MATINIIS 0tiN n n n l i i S it Small Classes ★ Pre-Testing Program ★ Certified Teachers ly stashed away. Since he still FREE ESTIMATES. WNOATI ANO NOUOAVS •l-OD. II.? 4 TBOIMICOUNI* 742-8822 IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST had A-J of trumps In the dum­ W U N IIO A f ANO IA1UMOAT Academ ic Reading Impro^vement C en ter, Inc. + 2 2 + o + 60 VALUES 51 BISSBLL ST. REAR OF ICE PLANT 443-8424 my and K-10 of trumps in his Robert Wagner ‘ R.R. #3 Box 113 Coventry, 06258 Just Say "Charge If" PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE owm hand, if Is no great feat es E. CENTER STREET * ' Next to Cavey's for him to win ten tricks and GEORGE PEFFWDis'Rt Jill St. John MANCHESTER, CONN. Telephone 648-9947 his game contract. NUGENTS...BROAD STREET PARKADE SHOPPING CENTER


Vi . J.f-i


IRtle boy." m s «ul>J«ct* In orange Juice, meat and oheeM as quickly as we can get help to They had one goal to mind: Charles S. Robb, began his tour rived from Okinawa with 75 oth­ to talk with newsmen. South Windsor school are very aknllar to an grinoers with lettuce and toma- Baby Twister them." Operations Immediate Aim, force their way Into Khe Sanh Robb Begins of duty In Vietnam yesterday. er Marines, most of them enlist­ "The mission I have here is Amertcim third grader's sUb- to, potato chips, pickles, ftrult, The tornado dipped Into Callo­ where 6,000 of their fellow The 28-year-old career officer ed men. Robb had spent two going to be difficult enough the FUEL OIL jectn—excepting, o f course, he milk. High School and Timothy way County and demolished the To Open Rt. 9 to Khe Sanh Leathernecks have been sur­ wouldn’t tell newrfmen where he days at Camp Butler In Okina­ next 13 months,’ ’ he said. "I 14.9 studies Korean. Ethyard: Baked Veal cuUet with H its Parts home of Douglass Ladd, 20, and Charlie Sulliyan rounded for more than two Tour of Duty wanted to be assigned. But wa being processed for Viet­ hope to remain as anonymous Education Budget Members o f the class each tomato sauce, mashed potato, his 18-year-old wife. Both were months. , asked how It felt to bo to Viet­ nam. He Is asslg;ned to the let and effective as possible.” 200 OAL. m t f . aoj>. killed when thrown nearly 100 CA LU, Vietnam (AP) — The Jumpotf the enemy was quiet. "I bet those poor bastards will Marine Division and will be M Hour Nottee For DeUimy contribute 26 cents each week buttered green beans, bread and U.S. .1st Air Cavalry Division, In In Vietnam nam, Robb replied ,’’I’m happy Had President Johnson given Of Kentucky yards by the wind. The Initlad landing target was be glad to see us," s.ald cne to be here." Marine Infantry screened at the division head­ and they send a total o f |18 butter, "fruit, milk. Tuesday, a display of split second timing, him any last words of advice? CASH OIL CO. per month to the Foster Par- SpaghetU with m eat^ce, tos^ Other homes in the area were a hilltop flanking Route 9. Ele­ yoimg Marine, stripped to the captains to Vietnam usually quarters before being assigned LOUISVILLB, Ky. (AP) —A rode the spearhead of a thrust DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) — "Any conversation between 2aO-7Mt Cut by $193,900 ent’s Plan for the support of green salad anth teench sidlntered by the wind which lit­ makes house calls ments of the 66th Regiment of waist in the sweltering humidi­ command rifle companies to the further. ; llMrttoril Trim In freshly starched the President and myself is to baby tornado skipped across tered highways with debris and Monday to open a road to the ty. "I know I'd be.” B a n im The town council has cut $H»,- Ing Rd., requests a temporary Chan Ku. Because each mem- dressing, ftw ch breM (H^. ^ the North Vietnamese 304th Di­ fatigues. President Johnson’s field. The Marine command refused the strictest confidence," Robb falling trees. bksleged Marine base at Khe Marine engineers began re­ M2 from the proposed Board of and condlUonal permit to allow her cannot write a letter to T.E.), bread and butter, trult^ parts of Western Kentucky ear­ You don’t have to come to him to learn how Sanh. vision were said to be there. B o n -1 n -1 a w. Marine Capt. The husband of the Presi­ to schedule a news conference replied. Education budget. The gross a fireworks display at dusk on Chan Ku (the plan stipulates Jell®, milk. W edn ^ ay, Hot ly today, kUled a young couple. Some small trollers were top­ The 3rd Brigade of the Air pairing the first of 15 bridges dent’s daughter Lynda Bird ar­ for Robb and he was reluctant pled In the Owensboro area and Allstate cuts red tape and keeps costs low The Immediate goal is to re­ blown on the road. budget now stands a tS>BM,ne Sunday, Sept. 1, on premises a* that only one letter per month meat In gravy sandwich, b\M«r- Injured several other persons open National Route 9, which Cavalry was assembled 15 miles with income eetlmsted at |1,- the northwest corner of Ayers may be written), the class has whole kernel corn, butter- an electricity was off In Prince­ on all kinds of Insurance. Just phone him, "We got about two weeks of and caused widespread damage. winds about 12 miles through east of Ca Lu. The battalions 011,006, ntaking the net budget and Nevers Rds. In an A-20 chosen Elaine Kearney as their scotch pudding with topping, ton, where a 160,000 volt line work to do," said the,chief engi­ Other areas were lashed by and he’ll bring the facts and figures to you. the hills westward from Ca Lu were loaded Into helicopters and 12,075,228. rone. corresponding secretary. milk. Thursday, hamburger In was snapped like a twig. neer, Lt. C!ol. Victor A. Perry, violent rediwtorms which drove to Khe Sanh along a routp headed for the hilltop target. Some of these cuts -Included Salvatore Garofalo, P.O. Box *tlea to support a foster a roll, french fried potatoes, rel- Forestry offlclals reported ex­ Whenever you say. ’Triangle, Va. '"They’ve been to creeks from their beds and left roughly paralleling the demili­ The troops carried only water tensive damage to the lodge and these hills for a year. I expect a $62,000 from teatdter salaries 202 Wapping, requests a tern- originated wtth the stu- labes and catsup, b u t ^ ^ the 7,000 residents of Russell­ tarized zone 15 miles to the and ammunition. Rations would and adult educaMon; $20,885 porary and condlUonal permit dente and they are hoping H Easter cake, milk. Friday, No motel at Pennyrile State Park be flown in later. lot of mines on the road" ville cut off from the rest of the near Dawson Springs. Winds— See or phone him now, at north. Since January, Khe Sanh from school clerks budiget; $7,- to allow the parking of garbage ,'wtH be a rerwardlng experience, School. To bear the heavy traffic ex­ state. apparently a tornado—cut a has been supplied only by air. Ahead of them, artillery had 960 from textbocAs; $2,860 from trucks within a building on both for Cawn Ku and them- Manchester Evening Herald Many were being evacuated Up until late Wednesday, the blaisted the hilltop for five min­ pected when Khe Sanh is re­ the proposed amount to the premises known as 307 Pleasant selves. • South Windsor Ooimqiondent path about 200 feet wide and one 24 HOURS—Phone 875-3710 by boat as water climbed to 10 combined drive of the cavalry­ utes. Then Cobra helicopter lieved, the engineers are build- SBRVICI Board of Education, and $4,844 valley Rd. In an I rone. Ladles Gatld Meeting Mrs. Laurette BllUg, M. 644- mile long and blocked the road feet In ouUying secUons of the men, U.S. Marines and South gunships moved to and for 10 tog b rasses around the blown from audio-vlstial equipment. ^ ___ t The Ladles Guild of St. Fran- 8567. leading into the park. John F. Rowlson Co., 62 La­ Logan County community. i« Allstate Vietnamese soldiers met Uttle minutes worked over the hills bridges until they can he re­ The council said that "the els of Assisi Churdi, ElHngton Insurance Companies Salle Rd., West Hartford, re­ "We’re In bad shape,” report­ resistance and had advanced with rockets and machine guns paired. areas where our budget differs HELPFUL HENRY? The Aswan High Dam con­ Northbrook, III. qoesu a temporary and condl- ^ I t ^ r ^ l a r month- ed one official. "People are Allstale about one-third of the way to Before the last gunship left, from that prepared by the ^ ------tains enough material to build Uonal permit to M ow a sign COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - being brought to higher ground Khe Sanh. the first helicopters arrived Board are those where our 17 Great Pyramids. larger Uian permitted on prem- church hall. Elec- The lines were long In front of The ultimate aim fo Opera­ bringing In troops. They broke Judgment makes us fe ««« Hour will be held a t S tions. urges all residents to « e r < ^ ,h 7 t^ -m e^ eT ^ ca st tonight at the Podunk MIU, Ell- "During the first few days extreme caution In twirntog rtpa’ -vrarion Roscio Dolores togton Rd. Quest speaker for some of them (the enemy) outdoors. The grass is ve^r dry toclud^ S the evening Is U t t lT LLeague a WOOD and the local Are dei»rtment President, Dick Soucler. would stand up on the ridgeltoes averaged three fires a day last Koffman, Duane Renwi^ w There will be a Regular CSub and fire at us,” said one pilot. wee^^No burning should be Ztogle, Sue Bogush, F r ^ ^ LARGE $ 1 But two days before the done without a ^ r m lt. P e ro ts clo, from 8 to 11 p.m. at the W a ^ g BUNDLES I ^ y be obtained from ^ meettoa of the School for the South Windsor PlW - Square Dance CTub. Caller will uty WanSetB WUlam LoftUE South Windsor Councry ^ , Riafn Negroes Fail or Bradforxl Alpers. era will be held Monday at 8 *>« Ed B l ^ W. G. Glenney Go. ’The new fire code recenUy pm . at the Players’ W orl^w p schools for the 336 N. lUbin St. passed by the town councU In the SulUvan Avenue Shop- week- Monday frozen In Unseating provides a $100 fine for those ping (Center. Backstage person- coming week. Monday, trozen Gossard people who bum without a per- nel Is needed and anyone Inter­ mit or who allow a fire to get ested to learning the "behlnd- Selma Whites out of contrtt. Chief Crombie the-ecenes” workings of Uttle SELMA, Ala. (AP) — ’Three believes strict enforcement of theater is invited to attend this PA.C. Negroes seeking to unseat white tbis ordinance will greatly cut meeting-. No experience is nec- Incumbent city councllmen In down the number of carttessly essary. Selma’s Democratic runoff have caused grass Ores his depart- CSass ‘Adopts’ Child lost by virtually Identical 2,(X)0 ment has to respond to. The E Period Adult livin g votes margins. (Candidates of m A Hearing Tonight Class at South Windsor High both races said the returns There will be a pubUc hear- School Is the proud Foster Par­ showed the election was polar­ ing of the South Windsor Zemihg ent o f Chan Ku Kim of South BINGO ized along color lines. Board of Appeals tonight at 8 Korea. EVERY MONDAY-^ P.M. One of the Negroes defeated at the Wapping Elementary Chan Ku is nine years old to ’Tuesday’s runoff, Edwin L. Vh r School to consider the foUowlng and In the third grade. The let- 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE Moss, commented, "I had hoped appUcaUons: ter from the Foster Parent’s P. A. C. BALLROOM that, to view of the Improved The South Windsor RepubU- plan states that "he Is a cheer- conditions here—the opening can Town Committee, 19 Char- ful, affectionate, and outgoing lines Of communications be­ tween the white and Negro com­ munities—that the vote would not follow racial lines so close­ ly." However, he said, "we will be back to four yaars.” Moss, a clerical worker for the Catholic Fathers of St. Edmunds, said he plans to seek city office again. Herman Blagg Sr., the white candidate who defeated Moss, also said that the returns showed that voters cast their ballots for candidates of their own race. Another victorious white candidate, Luther P. Pep­ per, agreed. In a complete preliminary tal­ ly of votes, Blagg had 6,064 votes to 3,446 for Moss; Pepper defeated radio and television announcer Marius "Ace” An­ derson 5,208-3,271, and Maxie M. Ellis defeated the Rev. Lorenzo Harrison, 5,219-3,219. The election was the first test of Negro voting strength in the city since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a massive Negro voter registration drive here to 1965. But, despite a tenfold Increase to Negro voting strength, the outcome of the election rested with white voters, which gave the Neg;ro candidates little chance for victory unless sub­ stantial numbers of white per­ sons voted for them—or stayed home. ’The city general election will \ be held Aug. 13.

a m n e s t y o n BOOK FINES CHICAGO (AP)—It was a lovely day at the library, Chtoa- goans were given a day of am­ nesty from paying fines for ov­ erdue books. Now, the question is whether the deal has backfired. Louis A. Lemer, the board member who suggested the day free of fines, said the gesture was a great success. "Libraries from all over the country have contacted us about H," he sadd. "Many valuable and out-of-print books were re- in a s m a s h off c o lo r • • • tumed." Eveiy Suit Nationally Adv^ lised at ®55 to ®60l Mustang Sprint GOSSARD SHAPES YOU Chicagoans returned 104,893 overdue and missing liooks Jan. oriental m ood, set on tire with Japonica orange • • • 2 . However, since then l)orrow- Choose From: ers have been lax alxmt return­ 4 caretree, delicate •• .lavished with coloroxcitom ont ing books and fines have • Double breasted styles 5 f dropped. Overdue fines In Janu­ • Turtlenecks, diagonal waitings anti ary totaled $17,000 as compared CARESSA . . . Bowed to go . . . with $32,000 In 1967. • Side button closings 3 4 9 0 During February, the library j a O®®'®*? ^ * o Petti Slip in wild new Japonica print "Swing sette" long leg pantie girdle, barely off the ground, with its c»* „ lot \noc\a' ®^.ed- collected $22,000 In fines. • Front Zip styles „ ..""’"S c. » ' 0»> with self-piping and nylon lace with two layers of $heer power net squared’Oway toe and chunky heel. trim. Sizes S,M,L, for light control where you need it Choose From: the most. Double front and back spf\0'- OHAROE YOUR • Solids and stripes panel. Sizes S, M, L, ■\ top—Rounded toe, intriguing broad heel and • Spring Pastels s v i ' presoription topped with a matching bow. Very charming PROM AMERICA'S LARGEST AND fW ® traveling companion for all the new looks. " Novy and white The gown, disc in Japonica print Green calf, blue and black patent. S18 GREATEST KNIT MAK|RI • Sizes 8 to 18 with fashionable halter. Satin piping "Flair bra" from Japonica match bottom—Put Spring in your step with our deli­ trims the yoke, arms and hem. mate with easy-fit wear. Sizes Welcome More j cate sling back pump. Very dainty thin strap, with airy open sid^, crisp neat bow and the DILLON SALES and SERVICE, Inc. Sizes S,M, g| 0 B,C, 32-36, very newest squared toe. In Navy calf and •S AT 319 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. black patcoit. S18 PINE PHARMAOY MA Oiuler U M O M If You Are A Used Oar Buyer, We Have A Wonderful Selection Of A-1 Valuw BURTON’S SHOE SALON Downtown Miancheetor^ BURTON’S Downtown Manchester Read Herald Ads DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER

' /y Tl

__ .... -.-..j.. iJ .kJ ■ a : \tr' PAO B SBVBN PAOB SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 MAWCaaSlTO EVBmNO HERALD. MAWCHBSimL OOWW,. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 Quick Views Swedish Prisons Try LOW COST Of the Visit * ♦ * * \ l / Family Living Plan By McCarthy Florida FOR A m TRAVEL By EKNL R. OC»IBN 'Docena ot empty buses in that would allow long-term In- deeply religloua and met hla OAM BB front o f Hertford’s BuslineU I churoh Auditorium yesterday after­ * t t ^ ^ a m lH e a to underway In tion he attended on furloughjT noon gave the impression of ^ Ihere are currently only a salty arrivals for the McCar­ ■ ^ n e w idan by the prinn few euch vlUa* in Sweden t ^ y thy raUy. The buses were for autttorttlee to a follow-up of a but prtoon authorities plan to TWO INCLUDED school chlklren of the Hartford f i r * s u c c e ^ experiment last extend ttie system on a large area, attending a performance suminer when a epeolally se- scale provid^ it works out o f the opera, “ Pagliaocl.” lected group of paragon prison- well. era wero granted a few weeks’ Work is fundamental to tiie The crowd of 300 at Bradley mountain holiday with their Swedish prtoon system and Field, gathered to greet Sen. mates. Now, the National Prls- many of the open Institutions__ McCarthy, considered predom­ o n B o a r A headed by director now amounting to one fourth of inately o f teen-agers and general Torsten Eriksson, has the prisons—function as "facto- younger, with some curious deolded to give “ unreliable" In- ry prisons” on terms similar to adults. mates a chance too. any outside plant. "W e have to experiment to ’The prison authorities are A 12-piece band of Yale stu­ make progress hi prison wel­ rtrivlng to Increase the percent­ dents came up from New Ha­ fare,” said ’Torsten Eriksson, age of open inatitutione to half ven and entertained the airport wbo has 85 years experience in of all prison facilities . crowd In its wait for the over­ the field. ^ ^ Despite aU the UberaUty, due McCarthy plane. Eriksson and the SwedlA Swedish prisoners do escape. Prison Board during the past The escape rate In 1966 (corn- Several members o f the na- year have carried out three ex- pete flguns for 1967 are still lUonal press corps, accompany­ perimenta termed unique in the tmavaUable) was 8.2 per cent. A ing Sen. McCarthy, called the world, n ie y were: large number of these escapees. airport crowd, "disappointing." One—A "prisoners’ unlversl- however, were Inmates who did r **4 U.S.D.A. CHOICE ty” , located at Uppeala north of 2x>t return from furloughs, or re- J here, where gifted inmates hitned late, % The senator’s wife did not ac­ FIRST CUT • BONE IN FORT ST, company him. She was in Wash­ study and take'^ven highly qual- '^ivl what do the Swedlrti peo- l a u m i b d a l e PETERSBERG' ington, D.C., recuperating from ified courses, th ey a n also al- Pto say about the increaringly f • Coralldo Inn e Clearwater e International a broken foot, a virus and ex­ lowed to go on to their own into "soft deal” some Swedish con- e Gull Winds Inn Hotel haustion. Stockholm University. victs get? (Others are still put e Jack Tar e Lauderdale Harrison Hotel Two—The "vacaition jkrison” behind maximum-security 20- Ruttgers at Hoerjedalen, north Sweden, high walls imder close e Holiday Inn 18-year-old Mary McCarthy, e Martin Beach (South) the next to the oOdest of Mc­ CHUCK where model inmates from open Kusrd)- e Lagoon Resort Carthy’s four children, awaited Institutions had a nice three- ^ random sampling of "man- e Sheraton Inn her father’s arrival. She ar­ weeks summer holiday. ’Hiere h»-the-street” sentiment indlcat- • Sokol Motel was nothing to bar them, but ®4 a possible majority taking a • Sea VUlage • Statler Hilton rived at 2 pjn. from the Uni­ • All American (Herald pboto by Buoeivictus) versity of Pennsylvania, where none escaped. favorable attitude at least to- Inn Motor Inn ^ • Tides Hotel Sen. McCarthy ponders his reply to a question from a newsman. she had attended a ’Tuesday Three—’The so-oalled "fam ily aUowlng inmates more op- • Cavalier Motel niBtut. "Watch-ln” of the Wls- ROAST prison” near Uppaala. Long- P^f’hmlty to see their mates, ^ w . ww e 1 oonsln primary reeults. term Inmates are allowed to . ^ young swltdiboard opera­ B tive In vUlas, together with their tors comment to typical: •Ck' speaks in Hartford . ----- CENTER CUT CALfPORNIA FORT Is —------She didn’t blink an eyelash wives during the last part of .. quite natural to me COCOA AREA . MEYERS ^ • Silversands as she, very assuredly, faced their terms. ’Ihree villas ore ?®^ thinking In prtoon wel- The Breakers • Executive a battery of microphones, cam­ CHUCK ROAST Lb 49c ROAST cunently bousing inmates who , '® ^ ^ a * ob­ Motel eras and questions. served long sentences In closed , ^ l«c r e a «d contacts between ^ • The Country THE KEYS McCarthy Confident of Win Miss McCarthy Is a sopho­ Institutions. ’Ihere to hardly any tomates and their wives or hus- Club Motel • The Shore more, on a year leave of ab- survelUance. ’Ihe e3q;>erlment ho***®. It is tragic that the faml- • Island Motel Motel • Rancho Del ^ reception I have received since la you who gave the McCarthy sence from RadcUffe ^ U ege, has proved successful so far, fiwnihers should be punished . • Key Lodge Mar Motel (Oonttmied from Page One) Wisconsin.” campaign its impetus, while vm majoring in government. spokesmen for the prison au- • Ta Kl-Ki Motel mltments were ruled by non- “I csu« whether or not oldtimers sat by and watched thorttiee said. • Almaza Motel A VACATION YOU WILL ' Boneless Shoulder reason, and we must continue you can vote," he said. "First, it grow. Now, I think it’s time Asked whether she thought A 27-year-old lifer from the • Aqua Terrace MAXWEU HOUSE INSTANT A L W A Y S REMEMBER!, to challenge them, lest they because it’s your problems we we too became Involved.” 18 -year-olds should l i Haemoeand prison, convicted ■•=5^ Cottages continue to escalate, again by are trying to solve, and second, Sen. McCarthy was intro- ted to vote, she replied, ^ If CLOD against his denial of a cold­ GOP Wins K C O F F E E blooded robbery-murder about non-reason.’ ’ because you make the beet duoed by the Rev. Josei>h Duf- you’re old enough to die, you re [( At the aimort hp «nis campaigners.” fey of Hartford, chairman of old enough to vote,” six years ego, moved Into a Control in ROAST modem three-room villa to "Hanoi’s respo^e to Pies^ invited everyone, "from the Connecticut McCarthy - DOMINO GRANULATED 6 to 78,” to join in his oam- Committee. Miss McCarthy, about 5-foot- SHOULDER spend a delayed honeymoon f f a g v l - f r h t * r l Johnson’s peace feelers are with his pretty young wife. -I-lClOL R J.C1X LI.U most encouraging. It is too early paign. He said, “One man came for- seven, has auburn hair and SUGAR 5 53° ( to teU what wUl result but for cheered when he ward In the cold days of De- freckles—lots of freckles. She LONDON i! The couple married last No- uARTironn fari r . now things look favrable.’ ’ fo r * set o f "N ew Civil cember and January to offer was wearing a yeUow mlnl- ( HAWAIIAN vember d u rli« a few hours ex- ^ HAR’ITO R D (A P )—Re- i. ,.1 i. Rights for America, especially opportunity for change to the dress, a burgundy jacket, DROIL txa leave granted the inmate. INCLUDE:, AIR TRAVEL — «3J3 MONTHLY PER PERSON Jr young.” He said that nation and to the DemocraUc brown shoes with red bows, and FUNCH 3 8 9 ° The prison board’s "wedding ^ » Wty council ^ Soutoeast tj,gpg excuse, "except for Party. He Is soft-spoken, but carried a brown purse. Her CHUCK cans proseir^ a promise thsT^ Hartford’s sec- Asia, ne repueo, We must hon- unwillingness," to pro- hard-willed, tough-willed. He voice Is low-pitched, like her municipal election In six ¥ SWEET MIXED could serve the rest of his term months. ^ defense y jjg education and housing for speaks vWth rare eloquence and father’s. in the probably unlipie "fam ily , ARRANGEMENTS FOR LOW COST ROUND TRIP AIR TRAVEL WILL BE MADE THROUGH ( C U B E Under the new town charter ^1- all and to raise the income disarming w it and he talks hard ------prison" situated at Knutsby ( P I C K L E S ?* 4 9 ° ) which went into effect ’Tuesday, MERtURY TRAVEL AGENCY. MANCHESTER. TO FLY NON-STOP BRADLEY TO MIAMI. THIS ®®“®®-" There were lots of long-hairs, jar ' about 80 miles nwth of here. making the elegtion necessary, in commitments t v and radio star Gary McCarthy received a one-min- mustaches, sideburns and STEAKS The inmate and his wife moved incumbent Ned Atwood became bp i-po™^**bi ^ Moore, speaking at the Bush- ute standing ovation before he beards in the airport crowd. SWEET LIFE—WHITE in last December in time for LOW COST TRAVEL CAN BE INCLUDED IN YOUR BUDGET FOR AS LIHLE AS $3.33-MONTHLY TENDER the city’s first full-time mayor. Christmas. It was their first vp^*fb • -♦ . "®“ f “ ««>ltuoua ap- started speaking and received There were also balloons, Mc- He defeted Democrat Frank Ba­ p airport in piause when he said, “ May I another for his opening remarks, earthy buttons and hand-made T U N A 3 9 5 ° meeting since the wedding. PER PERSON. ______r CHUCK In brine ® cans ^ rone 8,193 to 7,085 ’Tuesday to tor bid you an official welcome to " I remember Connecticut as a s l ^ . ^ ( “ Tn»ey will to yjg Q ^p ticket to a sweep m j"to “ tos in H a ^ o rd a North whatever thirf turns out to be." state that was for me even be- ______WALDORF in the house until we find that „sa ib ie seats, * crowd of "Principally, I am here and I fore New Hampshire.” „# slima read "M c- ) STEAK he may be released. Hto to m Republicans were elected about 200 Negroes, mostly teen- am Involved because I am a He pledged. “ You wlU find In c S l 2 49S" WITH THE PURCHASE-AT THE SAME EVERY DAY LOW PRICE J ------“ uivuiveu Decause X am a Me pledged, "You wiU find in f-artbv Is Wha will oertalny be shortened U he nine-member city council, k RAKUS Imported TISSUE 4 ;: ! ! b 2 9 ° and perhaps yoimger, little sore at you young people,” me no loss of purpose, no deter- “ Our Generation behaves, but be will probably Three Democrats were seated ’This is the m ost, enthusiastic ______he said. ‘T am sore because it____ loration of wUl, and no thought SupportsguoTOrts McCarthy,"McCa "Amerl- \( CAMPKU'S PORK K )] have to wait a few years for his the state’s minority rep- OF ANY OF THESE PRODUCTS BY Top tilts up for ^ of deals or Commitments." You,” "Connecticut CANNED $0.99 ) | i ( release,” Torsten Eriksson ex- resentation law. Republican easy cleaning! erage at noon was unchanged at "What we need,” he said, “ is Wants You,” and one long one, 3 '= “ 4 5 ° plained. Martin Burnham was re-elected Spillovers beneath coils wipe The vUla, for which the pris- gity treasurer, Stock Rally a new course in patriotism for "Happiness Is A Candidate You H J W I * away as easily as from a oners pay a near nominal rent Last October Atwood had de- ’The Associated Press average the-American people and, by Can Trust—McCarthy." ) j counter top. of 60 stocks at noon was un- open discussion, we are setting ______of a couple of hundred crowns tggted democratic Incumbent Running Out ® precedent In American pel- ggn. McCarthy, sllghUy over (about $40) a month, 1s un- j^hn Shaughnessy to become the P H I L C O ^ trials up .2, rails up .3 and util- itics.” ( six feet, has neatly-clipped r t ^ guarded and casual surveillance g,ty,g tt^ t Republican mayor In Of Gasoline » _____ McCarthy said, “ Goldwater’s Maytag hair'.'He is a li^drom e is eictremely discreet. 20 years. ’The new charter gives 'm e xrwket cAiowed a flurry efforts in 1964 also were, in a man with an annarenUy even While serving hto sentence ” at y,e mayor many powers pre­ NEW YO R K (A P )- T h e stock ® P” ‘ ®®‘ “ gainst the same- dlapiisitlon. home” , the convicted robber- vlously assigned to boards and market rally ran out of gas ear- "®®® American life, but, his ------SUNSHINE VANILLA BEAUTY SANDWICH. 1-lb. bog 41e murderer pursues U s studies on commissions, Froet-frae refrigerator. Exdtiiig new 1968 work therapy vriiUe moving and Philoo refrigerators. Top or bottcan freezere working freely In the society OVERGOMINO PROBLEM or side by side models. Free vacation for 2 in the morning, ,L , with a vest, a white and enjoying all the blessings of JOHANNESBURG (AP)—To trok a sober second look at what ^^ h alrUnes very active, there diking about a new ghirt, green tie with yeUow with purchase of any ftest-free modcL_ ^ overcome veterinary regula­ A V. was another two-minute lag in America in 1968,” he polka dots, and black shoes. He DAIRY & FROZEN FOODS low as $15.67 per month INC3LUDING tions on horse sickness wUch p e ^ e u» Vietnam. this also was eUm- "with a new America, pre- looked fresher than the mem- spring BARGAINS in ROUND TRIP AIR TRAVEL FOR TWO. Some ^ ^ r averages were in^ted. P^^ed to participate in politics.” bers of the press corps ac bar South African horses from LAND O' UKES i l b . INCOME TAX overseM equestrian events, in­ Tmdlng subsided greatly. The McCarthy drew another stand- companylng him. cluding the Olympics, South A f­ i w «-38 m l l l ^ shares teaded In the ^ g ovation when he declared, ------'48 PREPARATION rica may establish a team of c h a ^ morning hours was more than top domestic priority Is to ^he McCarthy motorcade con- BUHER horses at a pemanent overseas four mdUlon rfiares fewer than solve the problems of our cities, several black Con- Airlines put on a surprisingly for the like period Wednesday as pinpointed in the report of the tinental limousines foUowed by INDIVIDUAL. base. ‘”The idea to to buy and train wrong rally. Analaysrts said that when a new volume record of ^^esldent’s Commission on McCarthy Commit- PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS AND CRISPY CAtlPORNIA these horses overseas and to they l ^ w of no siwjial news, 19.9 mllUon shares was set. Riots.” followed by two chartered 8 OZ. SO” automatic range. Famous tilt top easy to CREAM SMALL BUSINESS send a South African team of and they assumed the airlines The four most-active stocks He repeated what he had said buses—one for the national PKG. riders over each year to com­ (flean Philco ranges. lift off oven door. PVee were being picked up es lag- were all airlines. In order, they ^ Hartford's North End, “ Our p^egg corps the other for the CARROTS 1 0 ® CHEESE CoU pete In major and international vacation for 2 with purchase of any Philw gards in the recent market ad- were Northwest Airlines, up 4, only weakness in not providing Connecticut' press corps, automaitic range. A s low as $14.65 per moirth vance and that short covering Eastern, up nearly 4, National, education, housing and employ- ■ JASON J. NOYITCH events,” said Allan Goodman, a heightened their gains. up about 3 and American, up ment, is the failure of our will _ . _ leading member of the South A f­ INCLUDING ROUND TRIP AIR TRAVEL YeULOW RIPE S W E E T L IF E rican National Equestrian Fed­ Gold-mining issues and aero- about H4. to apply ourselves to our prob- sn Hartford F O R T W O . SLICED 643-1996 — 649-5435 eration. space defense stocks continued General Motors held about un- lems. We can do all those thlng^s. .. Hn.nirhl 1 L B . weak as the emphasis In think- changed and Du Pont rose ’There can be no excuses.” ®® , . oiinuHnir tn -v ^ r- Ing switched from war to peace Wightly, IBM dropped 4, Control ’Tremendous applause greet- fn vntn BANANAS 2 i 2 9 ® CHEESE PKG. O N LY 12 D AYS ’TO GO! and preliminary talks with Data, Homestake and McIntyre ed his statement, “We have °*** ^ ‘ Individually Wrapped North Vietnam on the bombing Porcupine more than a point. treated the N egro people as If ’The McCarthy visit, though FRESH pause were expected to begin. Prices were irregularly higher they were colonials— similar to S A R A L E E poslsbly next week. on the American StockEx- colonials controlled in former organized and m anag^ by a WITCHCRAFT Profits were taken in' many of change as volume slackened. yeam by European countries. relatlvely-amateur McCarthy COFFEE 12 >4 OZ. 23” color TV. PhSlco color TV with soKd the high-flying glamour Issues ------And we paw say— this must Committee, went off without a ASPARAGUS PKG. state signal system featuring new automatic as well os blue chips which , end'" hitch, except for the late ar­ CAKE WON’T ■ .j^ tuning eye. Free vacation for 2 with purchase cHmbed to big gains dn the pre- WhUe-shelled eggs are easier rival of his plane, was caused ^ of any color TV. As low as $^.26 per vlous four sessions. to dye for Easter than the “We now must respond with by a mix-up in signals at South 'The Dow Jones , industrial av- •’^own ones. ’They are also eas- what is a moral obligation and Bend, Ind. WORK month INCLUDING ROUND TRIP AIR ier to decorate in other ways, a necessity of our times,” he de- TRAVEL FOR TWO. ------:— ■------dared. ^ , No Democratic Party regu- on MicCarthy received sustained ybslble at the airport, aipplause when he said, ”We the Buflhnell or at the re- your ...... j must preseave the integrity of cepUon in the rotunda of the STAR eAXElC^O our courts and of Congress it- gt^te Capitol. Gov. Dempsey, -Bv CLAY R POLLAN- ARIiS UBtA seM, and we must separate the ^bo had been invited, begged MAR. 22 Your Daily Activity Guide JW SEPT. 23 r- milUtary from politics.” ^ff because of a previous out AM-FM stereo full featured consoles. AM- According to the Stars. OCT 23 4 > L W The crowd continued to ap- of-town committment. plaud as he said, "And, we must ______INCOME FM, stereo, solid haidwood cabinets with 6-17-28-39 To develop message for Friday, 3-14-25-36( ^ 5 0 -6 9 -7 8 read words corresponding to numbers 47-59-70 p ia id against the g r ^ of p i ^ j ^ the crowdk as it midtiple speakers. Free vacation for 2 with of your Zodiac birth sign. But WE W IUI Taxei are tricky BOTH y / TAUIUS SCORPIO inatltutloos from within, such entered and left the Bushnell, purchase of any console model. As low as PHU.CO butineu, but our yean of ex­ federal" APR. 21 1 Welcome 31 Be 61 About ale the OIA, the FBI, and the ^be St. Patrick Pipe Band ^6.61 per month INCLUDING ROUND perience hove provided uv AAAY 21 2 New 32 From 62 And NOV 22 draft system under General ^ Manchester, led by Pipe Ma- AND ■ AIR TRAVEL FOR TWO. 9-20-31-42 3 Your 33 Gives 63 And Herahey. with oil the magic formuloi. 4 Who! 34 Messoges 64 Promising 4-15-26-37,^ jor Jim Farrell. ’The band WM >53-58-81-88 STATE 5 Money 35 Materialize 65 Romontic 48-56-79-87V^ H e concluded his address, a great hit Avoid toil and trouble. Let GIMINI 6 Generolly 36 Stand 66 Interlude SAGITTARIUS "We cannot allow things to BLOCK brew up your lox re- MAY 22 7 Keep 37 Misfortune 67 Coming 8 Give 38 Journeys 68 Lot NOV. continue to drift as they have McCarthy people have hit turnl LIFE UP • V JUNE 22 9 Friends 39 Anything 69 Creotive d e c ' drifted for the p ^ three years; fbe green carnation £is a Open Wedq 5-16-27-40 10 Todoy 40 Of 70 Appri^ol 1968 is a year for testing the trademark of their candidate. OUARANTII 11 Opposite 41 To 71 Once over 7-18-32-43, . We guarantee accurate preparation of every tax return. MANCHESTER 1^51-72-84-85 54- 63-73 ;12 News 42 Colling 72 Moy American people. You hajve el- i^ ^ y were In evidence yester- If we make ony errors that cost you any penalty or CANCER 13 Money 43 Scandal 73 Malcontents ready joined our cause—so let CAPRICORN interest, we will poy the penoltj;_or_intere^ JUNE 23 14 Plons 44 You ♦ 74 Tonight DEC 23 Tliurs., Fri. 15 Looks 45 Are 75 Don't us con/Unue.” _____ Kj JULY 23 16 Or 46 In 76 Be. JA n' 20 Because of McCarthy’s tight geated on the stage, and Intrc- 17 Favorable 47 Chonce 77 Shy ^ 2-13-24-35 1-22-33-44,^- 18 Away,- 48 Is . 78 Nature schedule, a reception fo r his juced to the audience of 8,800 4^> ^ 5/46-61-82-90 19 A 49 Visits 79 In 55- W71^^ district V leadens was canceled, James Rogers a Manches- to 9 k LEO 2OW 1II • 50 Of 80 Your AQUARIUS However, McCarthy did appear ter native, Whose parents still 21 Emphosizes 51 It 81 Times YEARS JU LY 24 JAN 21 America's Largest Tex Service with Over 2000 Offices 22 Sex 52 Gain 82 Four for 16 minutes at a reception uve on-E. Middle ’Tpke. Rogers TELEVISION APPLIANCE _ AUG 23 23 And 53 At 83 Refreshing FEb ' 19 ^ for him in the rotunda of the to chairman of the Hertford Mc- 24 Should Mongers Sat to 5 V ) M 2-23-34 54 84 Arrive 25 Crystollize 5SyAn. 85 Todoy ’’ 10-21-29-38^ Btate OapltoJ, attended by the cjarthy for President Commit- »'45-67-80-85 Menobeeter Sbcq^plng Farkode — Lower Level 26 Like ■ 56 Blessing 86 Way 49-62-83 8 9 ' hoiders o f the |26 tickets. tee. He now resides in Hartford. VIRGO 27 News 57 A 87 Disguise PISCES He then 1 ^ by limousine, » ______Between Sears aqd Orante Rear Entranoea 28 For 58 Inconvenient 88 Now AUG 24 FEB 20 SERVICE Budget Tenna 1I|) 29 Little 59 Of 89 Activities with a state police escort, fbr McCarthy’s address was pre- |WlVT SEPT 22 30 Little 60 Aflmiring 90Wtots MAR 21 .-_r Neiw Haven, where his gave es- ceded by audience-participation Weekdays 9 AJML to 0 PJVL PROTECTION CONTRACT To 88 MoDtha NEXT TO STOP and SHOP 8-19-30-41 64-65-66-74/C- JG ooJ sentiaUy the same speech to 6,- in the singing of “ The Star Spqn- '52-57-68 .til verse (3 N eum il S a t and Sun. 9 A JIL to S PJIL — 286-1981 75 76 77 000 followers, gathered in the gied Banner” and “ America the New Haven arena. Beautiful.” ■ NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 1


iianrl^pBtpr A Motoriess Sport Connecticut \ Inside “Orienteering" is, from the deecrii>- lEopnin^ Ifprald tion we have of it, especially suited for Yankee Report I The Baby Has PUBUSHSD BY TBB the British and their ideas of what might MienAiJ^ PIUNTINO OO.. INC. U BiMaU Street be good casual fun for friends or fam­ By A.H.O. (Oootlniiod from Page 8) Kenoheeter. Conn. 4 THOMAS F. im O U SO N ily. As for the time when Americans paid $892 in taxes for the trip. WALTER R. FBRQUSON ' might think it fun, of a weekend or holi­ It’« getting so ttasK’lB na Again, the Intention 'was to halt PubUetoera guaranteed security anywhere B ee|i^ Named Founded October 1, 1881 day afternoon, that, we think, is still a all foreign travel for everybody for any high level DemoomtJo but the rich. PuMWied Every Erenlnc Except Sundeyi half century or so off. We hove some •ad BoUdeyt. Entered at the Poet Office at maturing to do, we people of the new ofnee holder in Connecticut. Again, Boyd and the airlines EASTER FASHION VALUES! Maneheater, Conn., aa Second Claaa Hall . stepped in and won the fight. and noisier world, before we alow down Life, fo]T any top name Demo­ MoGoUum, Holly Lynn, daughter of Everett A. and Unda Matter.______WlUiout anything definite hav­ crat, has now become a thing , LaCroes McCollum, 701 Main St. She was bom March 26 at SUBSCRIPTION RATES enough to get real enjoyment out of ing been decided. President under glass and microscope. He Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents Payable In Advance orienteering. Johnson proposed in his Jan. 1 One Year ...... $80.00 - are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LaCross, Thrall Rd., Broad Brook. needs, the Democrat, to think balance-of-paymenta message Bix Montha ...... U.80 .Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCoI- y Three Months ...... 7.80 One plays orienteering much as one twice before he doea any rou­ that some limitation of travel V One Month ...... 3.60 -lom, Tromley Rd., Warehouse Pt. plays the game of an automobile rally, tine thing, and three times be­ would be worked out later in MEMBER OiF except that uc£ slaughters of the battlefield. EVENING SENTINEL Bolton BV H(\LF, TH£ p o sm M U 8£ £Ap M0R£ £FF£crm


GOOD TIMINO ToUand Tolland ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP) — Mrs. Marsha Wolf couldn’t have TV-Radio Tonight timed her baby’s arrival any VFW Woinftn i closer. She took a final exami­ TRES CHIC 3 n Net Grand List Up $1.4 Million nation at Missouri Western Col­ Tolland's Net Grand List hiwi . lege In the morning, then left is pleased to announce Name Aides increasedcreased ii loo nso / a previously mentioned the home of Mrs. Jerome Smith Television for Sisters Hospital where she creased $1,422,060 over last accounted for an additional to price Items for the May 10 gave birth to a son at night. ^ the addition of Mrs. Lois Lawson was elected KNIGHTS »f COLUMBUS *22’.' A 6:00 ( 8-33) Mike Douglas (C) ( 8) Truth or Consequences 862,005, according to reviaaH ti knd 11 sale. Those wishing (18) (Merv Griffin (C) prasideint of the VFW Auxiliary (30) Combat (S) I Love Lucy Post at Its meetingr this week. Grand List fugures recentlv declared to donate Items may contact (tO) iPerry Mason 7:16 (40) Sporta completed by the Board of Tax V*® Pe^od Mrs. Smith, Summit Dr. (40) MoHole'a Navy (30) Newsreel She will assume the new post (34) Mlaterogcrs. Nelghbor- 7:30 (31) Making Things Grow following district installations in Review. 315” *'^*^ " “ additional $98,- Dr. Ehner A. Diskan will tell )iood (18) Les O anc Benita (30) Tliis Is the LVe (3032-30) Daniel Boone (C) WINDOW SHADES Jime. The town was granted an ex- n w i of hds experiences aboard S.S. ( 3) iBIg Three Theater ( 3-12) Cimarron Strip (C) Other officers elected include tension on the filing of its grand a™® . HOPE tomorrow night alt an- 8:30 (30) UA. Navy File ( 8-10) Second Hundred Years "Bonnie” 11st when complications arose pd defeat- gponaored by (40) Bob Young, News (C) WASHABLE Mrs. Helen Martin, senior vice (18) Afternoon Report 8:00 ( 8-40) Flying Nun (C) president; Mrs. June Afrlcsuio, -over p v revising the assessment capSie S e ’^ o C d *^® Congregational (34) What # New? (34) Washington INTERSTATE junior vice president; Mrs. Ann rates of some homes in the 1..S: n T T olled Mens Vol- c9iurch Women’s Fellowship at 6:00 (30) PhU Silvers 8:30 (18) Subscription TV Melchan leyibaH League Single Elimlna- g in the Religious EducaUon (30) MoHalefs Navy ( 8-40) Bowltohed (C) AQUA SHADES Kelly, treMurer; Mrs. Bertha town. ( 8) Newswlre (C) (lfr30J3«) Ironalde (C) The revised net figure of $22,- tlon tournament championship. Ruiidins’ (13) N ew sb ^ (C) (24) Fourih Estate Payne, chaplain; Mrs. Ethel The champs carried on a ( 3) News (C) 6 (9 A A Made to Order 862,006 is a $51,000 Increase over The Tollanders Square Danc- (19) Herv Griffin 9:00 ( 3-12) Movie (C) ’^’O.OUwith Your Holler# Williams, conductress; Mrs. tradition In previous years, re- ( 8 4D) Oallfomla Girl (C) the assessor’s Grand List re­ (10) Alpine Ski Show (C) Thelma Bujauclus, guard; and (34) American Frontier (R) (34) News In Perspective to our leased in January. sultlng'in' dlffeVenrt4''ms“’wta'- danceT tomorrow night at a8 'to in 9:.')0 (20) Adam 12 (C) Full Line of Custom trustees, Mrs. Eleanor Green nlng the single elimination (32) Highlights (10-333330) Dnutoet 1967 (C) It will result in a mill value the Meadowbrook School. Gene (40) News. Maverick (three year), Mrs. Laura Hick- 6:30 (34) What's New (R) 10;00 (10-20-22-30) Dean Martin (C) VENETIAN BUNDS ton (two years) and Mrs. Rose c o n ,p .,« ,2 U 2 , Vandel will serve as caUer. (1O-23-30) Huntley-tBrlnkley (24) Toy That Grew Up staff last year. (C) (40) Alfred Hitchcock Sargeant (one year). Frank Merrill Builders fin- Easter eggs for Saturday’s ( 3-12) Walter Cronklle (C) ( 8) OperoUon Entertainment The average homeowner’s mill 10:30 (18) Subscription TV E. A. JOHNSON Officers appointed by Mrs. Ished in third place, and Bou­ annual Easter Egg Hunt may ( 8) Bob Young, News (C) rate for next year will be about (30) British (iuendar 11:00 ( 3-8 1(C) 10-22-30-40) News. Lawson are Mrs. Lorraine chard Foundations in fourth In be left at the Tolland State Jail 8:46 (20) News Sports. Weather 303 East Center St. Manchester $22.86 per $1,000 of assessed PAINT CO. White, secretary; Mrs. Jtilla the playoffs last week. on the Green today and tomor­ 7:00 ( 3) World of L.owell Thoma.i V (20) Honey West valuaUon, based on 65 per cent (C) ni:26 ( 3) Starlfeht Movie (C) 72? Main St.—Tel. 649-4501 6 43 -2 4 83 Ooetz, historian, and Mrs. Qiloe Bulletin Board row. (34) Basic Hkjonomlcs (R) 11:30 (10-20-22-30) Tonight (C) ( CAMPBELL COUNCIL NO. 573 of 1960 market values, accord­ ( 8-40) Joey Bishop (C) Jones, patriotic instructor. (30-40) New.-), Weather The Trinkets and Treasures (30) MunUey-Brinkley (C) (12) I.ate Movie (Delegates to the Countlee ing to the assessor's formula Sale Ctommlttee of the Tolland Manchester Evening Her­ used by the town. SEE 8ATiniDAY*8 TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE LISTINGS Obuncil Include Mrs. Hickton, Volunteer Ambulance Associa­ ald Tolland correspondent, Mrs. Afrtcano and Mrs. Louise The $93,000 to be returned to tion will meet tonight at 8:80 at Bette Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. Dormbeck. Alternates are Mrs. ______, ___ 3 by the town’s general fund by the Radio Lolla Griffin, Mrs. Lucy Audet “OLD PAINT' GETS NEW CX)AT. One of new Takes Pride and Pleasure in Board of Education, coupled (This listing includes only those news broadcasts of 16 or 18 freshly painted and marked cruisers belonging to Cruisers Get with $960 to be returned by the and Mrs. Payne. Major Hotels Hit minute length. Some stations varry other short newscasts.) Delegfates to District 3 are the Manchester Police Department is wheeled out Planning and Zoning (jommls- QhoksiAL THsicdA, Qru Joivn, Mrs. Domibeck, Mrs. Lawson, slon, will reduce the mill rate WDMG^ISW ® Night)>eat of the lot, ready for action. The new two-tone de­ Spring Coat :6b News. Weather. Sport# for next year’s budget be slight­ 8:00 Dick Robinson 11 Mrs. Hickton, Mrs. Griffin. Al­ sign sports easily recognizable white doors and 6:00 Joey Reynold# 11:26 Sport# Final ternates include Mrs. Kelly, trunk lids, aimed at aiding citizens and hindering Shades of Bonnie and Clyde! ly over four mills based on the 9:00 Ken Grilfin 11:36 Other Side of the Day _ Bomb Attack Wave 1:06 News. S | fn Off U. S. Choice CHUCK POT ROAST Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Martin and crooks. This wasn’t necessary in the old days since Even Manchester’s police cruis­ $22,852 mill value. WBOB— Ancient Temple Huge Mrs. Williams. everyone knew the marshal’s horse anyway- ers have come under the influ­ The $93,000 returned by the ence of infectious spring fash­ achool board represents a $25,- 8:00 Hartford HlghUgMl BLOCK STYLE n ie auxiliary inducted three 7:00 Nows JAGJAKARTA, Indonesia — new members Monday night, ion trends. 000 tuition rebate from Rock­ Hits Puerto Rico 8:00 Gaslight 12:00 Quiet Hours The Temple of Borobudur near and was presented with two V em on Accoiding to Police Chid! ville High School, $33,000 addi­ (Continued from Page One) peared the fire from the jewelry Jog;jakarta is one of the wonders membership awards for achiev­ James Reardon, two of the de­ tional anticipation state grants W P O P — 1416 store spread to the Franklin 8:00 Danny Clayton Show of the Aslan world. Built be­ ing 100 per cent membership partment’s fleet of 10 patrol and $35,000 “realized as a re- the Areclbo fires late this mom- gtoje Another bomb was foun 7:00 Lee "B abI' Slnuni Show tween A. D. 788 and 850 as a 12:00 Gary Girard Show by Dec. 31. cars are currently sporting suit o f Superintendent of Ing, and had sent to San Juan ' Areclbo said symbol of a monarch’s power, One award was received Jaycees to Turn on Town: flashy blaick and white paint Schools Robert Briarton’s bust- for help from the metropolitan ™^®® were m s^ n WINF—US* 6:00 News the temple covers more than from the national president for jobs. "If the experiment ness ability” , according to the fire department. Damage to the gtwe ?irlh e fires in Nora’s l^w- 1:16 Speak Up Sports twe square miles and reaches works," said Reardon, “we plan 6:30 Harry Reasoner the VFW auxiliary, Ruth K. Rock Band Contest May 17 school board. ^ e stores was esUmated at ^ork Depart- 106 feet in height. to paint more of them in a 8:36 Speak Up Siwrta Bogacz. The other award was The school board budget will ment store They said It ap- 6:00 Ktnn U.S. Choice received from Third District A rock band contest at Rock- The Vemon Square Dance slightly different style.” be further offset by per pupil 6:16 Speak Up Hartford PoHce agents In Areclbo said peared the fire from the jewelry 8:46 LowoB 'ntomea Chuck Steaks lb. 69e President Mrs. Laura Ecad>ert vlUe High School will be spon­ Club will hold Its “ Happy Birth­ The two-tone cars have grants from the state. incendiary devices were respon- gtorg spread to the Franklin 8:86 PhU Rlxiuto during the Hartford-Tolland sored by the Greater Vemon day to All” dance Saturday at white doors and trunk lids, em- Tlie $960 expected to be re­ 7:00 Th# Wortd Toiiltitt the OLD Bible for the fires in Nora’s Jew- atore. Another bomb was found 7:16 Prank Gifford County Auxiliary meeting. Jaycees. (jailed "BatUe of the the Vemon Elementary School, blazoned with the department turned by the Planning and elry and the New York Depart- Areclbo at the Pueblo super- 7:30 Alexander Kendrick Congregational Church Notes Bands” the contest will be held The Junior and Senior Fellow- word “POIilOE'’, Zoning Commission represents ment store. They said it ap- market, but caused no damage. ' TJp Hartford in the school gymnasium on 8:00 N London Broil lb. 99c Dr. Elmer Diskan of Manches­ ship of the Union (jongreg&tlon- which, in addition to the tradl- a double Capitol Region Plan­ 8:10 Si c Ud Hartford Weldon May 17 at 7:30 p.m. al Church will dramatize the tional red light, aid the citizen ning Agency dues, which were ______There was little doubt that In- U:16 SI Off Cut from choice lean shoulder ter will tell of his experiences w n c —lOM Designed to encourage teen­ "Seven Last Words of Cbrlst” identifying the unit. budgeted but used. I T * 1 cendlary devices caused the atxtard SS HOPE, at >the aixmiol 5:00 News. Weather Skinkss Men's Night event of the Wom­ age talent in Vemon and sur­ beginning at 6 p.m. on Sunday. Five of the department’s cars The CRPA had requested the S a n d y o e a c h M C damage at the hotels and the Drug Co. . Caguas market. 5:16 Afternoon Edition en’s Fellowship tomorrow at 8 rounding towns, trophies find The Rockville Area Family are painted a solid color with extra assessment be budgeted 6:00 News. Wea'her, Soorts of fhclt rrw addri". Leon Ground Chuck p.m. in the Religious Ekhication prizes will be awarded to win­ Campers Association will meet the seal on the door, while the in case the legislart.ure did not A t B e n e f i t D a n c e n ie explosion at the La Con­ 6:36 Aftenxxui Edition or Meat Loaf Mix ,g 79° FRANKS lb W Building. ners who can then go on to state at the Lottie Fisk Building in remaining three are unmarked ^ approve a special grant for a cha Hotel occurred In front of 7:00 Americana 767 M A IN ST. The Annual United Congrega­ and national competition. Henry Park Sunday at 2:30 p.m. for detective uses. water and sewer study of the Sandy Beach, disc jockey for the executive offices. The blast 7:26 David Brlnkl^ The number of competing “The new markings serve a WDRC Radio, will be master of exploded a door some 20 feet 7:30 News of the wortd Porltinq In finch Sirprf FIRM RIPE CHIQUITA tional Church Men’s Communion Rockville Hospital Notes region’s 29 towns. The grant 7:46 Joe Oaragtol# SWEET JUICY TEMPLE bands will be limited to approx­ multitude of purposes,” said approved, however, and the ceremonies for a Scholarship into the air. It also knocke da 7:60 Shiig Along Parkioq lot Breakfast will be held Sunday Visiting hours are 12 >30 to 8 7:66 Emphasis imately the first ten who regis­ Reardon, “First to make it extra asseaament was not used. Dance to be held in the Man- five-inch hole in a concrete wall at 7 a.m. at the church. The p.m. in all areas except mater­ 8:06 Pop Concert BANANAS 2.. 25‘ ter, according to chairman Law­ easy for a person in trouble to Grand List Breakdown Chester High School gym Fri- and shattered several windows. ORANGES lbs. Rev. David Emmons, minister nity where they are 2 to 4 and rence Halpem of Evergreen spot a police cruiser; second, Hie revised Grand List stood day at 8 p.m. The Manchester ipjjg blast at the Condado in residence of Ingraham House 6:30 to 8 p.m. pkg. 43 ^ of the United Church of Christ, Road. In order to reg;lster inter­ to act as a deterrent making at $23,644,225. A total of $709,- Jaycees are sponsors. Beach also occurred In the hotel NABISCO R ITZ ...... 1 ested groups should contact Hal­ where they are 2 to 4 and 6:30 would-be criminals realize there will be the featured speaker. to 8 p.m. 560 was deducted from this for Two bands •will play for the lobby. New England's Leading Pabn Sunday worrfiip serv­ pem. is a cruiser neaiby and third, exemptions for service and ex- event, the second held by the ------Requirements Include that Admitted Tuesday: Harold to let the taxpayers know that Order Your Easter Dinner Now! ices wtU be held at 9:30 and Paterlc, Elling;ton; Elsie Neff, “THE SIXTH servicemen and their relatives Jaycees this year. Proceeds Two-Year Professional band members be lietween 13 we are on the job." Fresh Native Grayledge Turkeys—Large R a n tin g ChickeJis— Capoms 11 e-m., Including the service of 40 Mountain St.; Oscar Wolfers- and for the Wind. from this and the first dance and 19 years of age, a Connec­ Reardon said that other states An Gjddltlanal reduction of will benefit the Manchester H lgll'W ay Ol L atter Oven Roasts—Boneless Ribs— Sirloin Roast baptism. dorf, 21 White St.; George La- School of The Liord’s Supper and Office ticut resident for two months, such as New York, Pennsylvan­ Chappelle, 140 West Main St.; $82,660 was made for. the new Scholarship Foundation. BOSTON — A student of Morrell E-Z Cut Hams— Gem Semi-Boneless Fully Cooked Hams of Twtebrae wlH bo observed on non-professional (not the main ia and California use even dis­ Mary Skewes, Manchester; Don­ statutory exemption to the Richard Bohadlk, Jaycees America’s refuse problem estl- Maundy Thursday, April 11, at means of livelihood), of gr>od carded cars, conspicuously ald Pierce, Tolland; John Feld­ elderly under 1967 Public Act president, will make the presen- mates that Americans are filling 8 p.m. New members will be character and talented. Talent marked and placed In strategic man, 123 Orchard St. 755. tatlon to MSF President Mrs. some 200,000 g;arbage dumps. At ACCOUNTING received into the church at the must be displayed in a manner locations, to deter law breakers. Oiat is “ tasteful” to the general Births Tuesday: A daughter The Grand List Includes 1,876 Eleanore Gowen during the the same time, motorists yearly service. He said that in some cases dum­ $ dwelling bouses valued at $16,- program. throw on roadsides enough Utter HIGHLAND PARK MARKET public; no competing band mem­ to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braun, GRAND NIGHT M U S r HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING Good Friday services will be mies were placed in the vehicles ber can have a manager or rela­ West Hartford; a son to Mr. 279,915 ; 3,695 motor vehicles an jsnee is open to all to cover a modem highway 317 Highland St., Manchester, Conn. Phone 643-4278 held at the First Congregational or cardboard silhouettes. of aircraft valued at $2,630,885, and Manchester youth. 'Hekets will from New York to San Fran- 66 Forest St., Hartford—Tel. 247-1115 and Mrs. William Gugllelmi, Church of Vernon from noon to tive who la a member of the In California cardboard cut­ ... Baker Rd. Benefit of The Manchester Scholarship Foundation 1,234 bams, sheds, poultry and door. cisco one f on their regular beats, and no sailing steam and other .ves­ Marlborough; Mrs. A ^ I^pez, gomplalnts have been regU- torcount of in said said estate Court exhibitat the saidday and than two visitors at one Bess Eaton Lenox Pharmacy sels'" such as boats were valued hour above mentioned and that no- time per patient. yernon Rd.. Bolton; Mrs Jessie Qne alert patrolman, how- Big “D” Coin-Op Laundry Manchester Auto & Body Repair at $37,166. All taxable proper- tice of the time and place set for Pattenta Todav 306 Lewie, 1097 Main St., Apt. A; ever, did reg;lster this comment. hearliMfbe to aU persons ratients loaay. auo Mrs. Irene Bgkuiik', 4 Waddell Blish Hardware Company Manchester Carpet Center known to bo Interested in said es- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: “ It doesn’t increase the horse­ Rd. l^e Mrs. Beatrice Andrulot, 93 Len- power much!” Boland Oil Co. Manchester Surplus der to be Also, William KUhz, 74 Mather ALL WAYS BEST newspaper .vinir.ct’ oireu^Uon In ox St.; Russell Armoglda, 63 Bourne Buick Manchester Wallpaper and Paint Co. said ■ District, .and aM ^ Whitney Rd.; Mrs. Betty Bar St.; Mrs. Helen Aubln, 164 Park­ postage prepaid to Mrs. Ruth A. er St.; Alfred Dupuis, 27M Blue- anowski, 17 View St.; Mrs. Ce- Clay samples show that volca­ Broad Brook Insurance Agency Medical Pharmacy Pratt, 9 Old PepperkUfe Lane, field Dr.; Mrs. Lucille Genovese,, Wethersfield, Conn.;™ i Mrs. ™__ ,mabel E. cellagg]{a Benoit, 45 Fairfield St.; noes erupted off the Florida Brunswick Parkade Lanes Moriarty Brothers ^ CANDIES Duhptiy, 4096 East Trade Wfnds __ Foot 17 Deming St.; Charles Miner, coast about 30 million years Avenue. Lauderdale - by - the - Sea, Mrs. Virginia Bezzini, East Paul Buettner Florist Moriaity Brothers Fuel Oil Division JlorWa; Howard P. Jensen. West Hartford; Stuart Clark, 930 46 Schaller Rd.; Henry Grzejka, ago. St., Holton, Conn.: Jobn A, Jeusen, . * Tn«—aa rv.io Old P^st Rd., Tolland; Mrs. 36 Creetvlew Drive. Newington, Sycamore Lane, James ooie- Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc. Moriarty’s Plying A Coim.: |Mks. Mary P. TwfWe, Box man 74 Lvdall St.; James Con- Virginia Donnell, ,and daughter, Cathodic Ladies of Columbus Nassiff Arms 133, Coventry, Conn.; Mis. BJna C, ^ L Gail Dr., Ellington; Mrs. Helen Dimook. Nofeh Rd., Bolton. Conn.; nolly, Storrs; Debra DeParolis, Charter Oak Sport Shops Nichols-Manchester Tire, Inc. Herbert N. Jensen, 68 Woodbridge East Hartford; Andrew Fer- Meloche and daughter, RFD 1, neither S;-« M reira, ThompsonvlUe; Arthur Bolton; Mrs. Barbara Comeliu- S. Crispino’s Supreme Food Northern Conn. National Bank IMatrlct._ A^P.O., New York_06^; Fuller, Lake Rd., Andover; son and daughter. Cedar Cunliffe Motors One Hour Martinizing Milton O. Jensen, West St.. Bolton, Swamp Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Conn, all at least seven days be­ George Gaskin, 26 Park St. Daigle Carpet Covering Paul Dodge Pontiac fore the date set for seld hearing. Also, Alfred Golangos, 142 Beverly Bliltz and son, Brewster NORiMAN J. PREfUeS, Judge, St-, CJoventry. Daughters of Isabella Pequot Bottling Company cc: Albert B. BUI Jr.. Esq. Oak St.; Mrs. Margaret Gray, Bill A BUI 88A Mt. Vemon Dr., Vemon; DeBella and Reale Pinehurst Grocery 80 State St Hartford Conn. 06103 Henry Grzejka, Old Post Rd., Deci’s Drive-In Potterton’s TV Tolland; Mrs. Carol Hagenow, School Menus ConnecUout Bank and Trust Co. De Cormier Motor Sales Quish Funeral Home One Constrttutlon Plaza 86 Branford St.; Roy Keith, 22 Hartford, Conn. Hollister St.; Walter Loughlin, Regal’s Men Shop, Inc. The Manchester public schI Dick’s Esso Station Vemon Gardens, Apt. 44D, Dillon Ford Robert Velardi Music Studios Rockville; Patricia Majowlcz, menu for the week of April 8 is - HOUSEWARMING? as follows; ORDER OF NOTICE ON 537 Graham Rd., Wapplng; Su­ Dillon Sales and Service St. Mary’s CYO APFUCATION TO SELL Monday; Cubed steak, gravy, BEAL ESTATE san Martsteln, 26 Flagg Dr.; If this were your home, South Windsor Garage mashed potato, carrots, bread, Dry Gulch Package Store AT A cotm r OF p r o b a t e ; Michael Plocharczyk, 235 Union you’d have fewer worries held at Coventry, within and for butter, milk, sliced peaches. Ed’s Sign Company Stanley Greens the District of Coventry, on (he 1st St.; Mrs. Gloria Prior ,RFD4, with a Homeowners policy Tuesday: Spanish rice with day of April. 1966. Coventry. from us. Our agency will Fiano’s Restaurant Tierney’s Funeral Home Present, Hon. David C. Rappe, meat sauce, green bean.s, make sure your policy S.B.DI LOAN Judge. Also, Mrs. Eileen Ruggiero, Fogarty Brothere, Inc. United Bank & Trust Co. Efltote of Richard L. Birch, late bread, butter, milk, brownie fully covers your home of Coventry, in said DUrtrlct, de- 396 Woodland St.; Mrs. Doris and belongings,. See us to­ Vasquez Molded Shoes Solenski, High St., (joventry; juddlng. Friendly Ice Cream Co. Wednesday: Frankfurt on roll, day—^you might be glad The Administratrix having mode Mrs. Valerie Voigt, Colchester; you did. C. Gambolati & Son Contractors Vic’s Pizzas and Grinders potato chips, cole slaw, milk, STwxorSnce^^v^ (he ristut?°'tor Mrs. Emma White, 29 Buckland ice cream. Garden Grove Caterers Westown Pharmacy fstoto ^iSS?be“d Edward Wilson, 54 Parker Thursday: Sliced turkey, Robert J. Smith, Inc. Gillette Company Whiting Corporation UMftdn. it ItB ordered that aaid af>- St. cranberry sauce, mashed pota­ oi b ir t h s YESTERDAY: A son W. G. Glenney Company Wheilesale Tire Co. of Manchester to, whole kernel com, bread, Insuransmiths 1 lb. of April 1966. at S o'clock in the to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth butter, milk, mixed fruit. Golf-O-Tron Wild Cargo Pet Shop S avings B ank forenoon; and (hat notice thereof Nlcholn sn .tlrnnHc Mendow Rd 963 Main St.—Tel. 640-6241 2 lbs. $3.50 be given, by nUbOlshing a copy of Nichols, 60 acantlc Meaoow kq., Friday: Gd Friday; no Hall & Muska, Inc. Poster Williams (Ills o i ^ r in The Manchester Eve- South W indsor; a daughter to school. Mancheeter MANY ASSORTMENTS » ? a n " s i r r a . ’“eJ^"^b? Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, Bev- Harrison’s Stationers WjUie’s Steak House poatbig a copy (hereof on (he pub­■ erly Dr., Coventry. Hartford Road Enterprises Yankee Clippers Barber Shop TO GIVE AND ENJOY lic atgiHooBt nearest to the place DISCHARGED YESTER­ 649-5203 .OF M anchester where the deceased last dwelt. — Easter Gandies Highland Park Market Leonard Yost, Jeweler MAIN OPFICf ’ lAST BRANCH WIST BRANCH and by leaning with, or by mailing DAY; Mra. Joan Bymee, 68 LENOX in—certified—letters, postage pre­ Laura Dr., Hebrdn; WdUlam' Home Specialties Co. Bruce Termix and Termite Control 923 Main Sirtci I. Ctnier Streei, Cor. Itnoa Moncheiltr ferkade paid and return receipt requested, miplete Selection LIFESiCASUALTY Membif ef fedeiol DepoiH Iniwrance SO U TH W IN D SO R O F F iC l — SwRivan Avenue Shopping Center . addressed to each of the interested Morrison, 247 Summit St.; Holmes Funeral Home RURNSlOE O F f IC I — Iwmiide Avenue at Church Street, Eoit Hertford porUes. a copv nf this order all at *Trad»mark of Tho Mtna Ctsuahy & Munson C ^dy Ritche!n PHARMACY feast 7 days before said time as- Mrs. HUse Klotzfoach, 40 Ol- Sunty Co. ana itt auociattd comp^itt. siflned, and return make to this cott St., Apt. 312; James AirmUR DRUG MW B. qBNTllB BT. MAIN OFFICE and PARKADE OFFICE OPEN ’TONIGHT TILL 8 P.M. Oowit. McOonvUle, 453 Summit St.; DAVaiD C. RAPPE. Judge. T PAQB TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRit 4. 1968 Section Two THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 Haurljrfitpr iEurniug Ifrralii thotsday, ahul 4, itts Pages 13 to 24 ^ Suit Pending in Crash ' Obituary About Town Manchester Chess Club will Police Taking Vote nominate officers at its meeting That Killed Truck Drivers Jamea A. Ellis tonight at 4 ;80 at Iona Hall, Re- A certificate of attachment fil­ "Eyewltneases heard the KBIBRON—James A. Elhe, gent St. On Forming a Union screech of tires made by the 73, c f 127 Jones S t, husband ot ----- ed in the town clerk’s office in­ dicates as impending suit grow- Sealtest van, and the witnesses Mrs. Celia Moran ElUs, died Ticket returns are due today Unionization of the Manchester Police Department' U I ^ V C S txo AK i^llU taie BUSV ^ 1 ___nTTn«B the tag out of an accident nearWll- n J X i Wednesday at his home for the Teen Council dance to be may come about soon, accordinsr to Manchester Patrol­ ,i A nn r!«nt«r Bt. Street into the path of the Mr. Ellis was bom Nov. 2 hold tomorrow from 8 to mid- men’s Association President Samuel; Maltempo. Mal- tie’s Restaurant on Center St. 18M In Scotland. He had been night at the Hotel America, in May 1966. One of the drivers tempo reported that the idea was favorably received was burned to death in the cab employed at the American Hartford, and should be made to by the majority of assoclaUon — ------—------— ------the west curb about the time he of his truck and the other died Screw CJo., WlUimantic, end be- Miss Joyce Rydlewlcs, 46 Server members attending a meeting are seeking mrionUaUon to pro- heard the sound of tire squeals. later from bmns. fore that he served as man- St., a representaUve to the yesterday afternoon which fea- ^ *o He caught just a flash of this ager of the WlUtam F. Sled- council from Manchester High tured three guest speakers on with the town. In March The plaintiff Is Josephine , . , __ _ Maltempo said that the town's Elizabeth Ponnone, admtalstra- <*<>«■ not Jeskl Farm In Columbia. He School. The Frantic Five will the subject. know where It came from. newly adopted parity clause trix of the estate of Anthony was a life member of the D d- play for dancing, ‘‘Wltneeses behind the van The real test, however, will which provides for equal rights Ponnone, one of the truck driv­ phin Xioc^e of Masons, Bon- -*■ heard the screeching tire come wh«m the n ^ ^ r of com- „ „ ^ Bremen and po- ers. neybridge, Scotland. The executive committee of pleted unton a p p llca tl^ are ,3 Maltempo Survivors, besides his wife. Cub Scout Pack 2 will meet to- I k e has attached property at “ if counted, Maltempo said. 33,^ 0,3 association was seek- 286-268 Oak St. owned by Mary van eld4 ^ they did not c ^ include 2 daughters, Mrs. morrow at 7:80 p.m. at Second J. Duke, Alfred Johnson and vdmt may have c ^ e d Charles Oliver of Hebron and CongregaUonal Church. “ We handed out 88 appUca- ing more lucrative retirement tions at yesterday’s meeting," beneflU, which are presently Everett H. Johnson. The attach- P o^ on e to ^ p l y Ws brahee^ Mrs. Mary Hoskins of Hanard- ment is for $78,000. vdio were e x ^ e d vOle; a son, WlUlam A. EUls of Manchester Power Squadron said the 20-year poUce depart- afforded the firemen through a Guest Speaker The accident which claimed « witnessw were Kitrobnan Hebron; 7 sisters, Mrs. Jessie will meet tomorrow at 7:TO ment veteran. "We expect that state plan. The firemen are un- those who plan to join will turn ionized Milton W. Kadish of Water- the__ __ lives of_ the two______truck__ drlv- Brian A. Rooney of the Man- Morrison, Mrs. Agnes McKay, p u>- Sch^l, 14 M «. Mary Patterson, Mre. Mia Princeton St. After a business Club Speaker in the com i^ted form within Maltempo believes the only bury will speak Sunday, April ers took place on May 8, diort- <*est®r PoUce D ^ ^ tm en t, Denholm, Mrs. Ina Aitdilson, meeting, selected membera ^11 three or four days. If we get an way to get action Is to uillon- 21, at 7 p.m. at an installation ly after 9 a.m. Charles E. Walter F. Hlltgren d Ooven- ^ _ Brother H.Willard OUpln of acceptable number of applicants ize. "It’s the thing of the fu- banquet of Charter Oak Lodge Keeney of East Hartford, driv- ^*7 and Myron A. Robbins Jr. Mrs. iUille Malcolm, and Mrs. discuss cooperative charting, o ..u rad^ir^flag uskge 'an d ' p ro p « the Bt. Barnabas Order, Eplsco- to the union, that will be It." tufe,” he explained, "everyone of B’nal B’rith at Temple Beth er of the Adley Corp. tractor- of 24 West St. Kate Smith,ji, allau orOff scotiiana,acouaira, . ’ . i,- 3 ^ 3_». ^pal.3, North jjast.East, Pa..Pa., wlUwill sneakspeak MaltemMaltempo said that anyone u doing It. Even the undertak- Sholom. trailer truck, was pinned In the Keeney was eibsolved In the 2 brothers Peter meeting May 6 to discuss tomorrow at a meeting of the with the power of arrest can ers!” The speaker is a member of cab of hls truck and died "from death of Ponnone according to Ellis, both1 of S c^and, 12 summer actlvl- BO-60 Club of St. Mary’s Eplsco- join the union. i This would In- Police chief James Reardon, District i, B’nal B’rith, board tWrd degree bums of the sWn the oaroner’s report any gfrandchildren, and several details ties. pal Church, at the church, elude the department’s approx- had no comment to make on of governors, and is co-chair- affectingapproximately one criminal negligence, end nelth- nieces and nephews. A potluck will be served at 7 imately 84 patrolmen, five de- the possibility of a Manchester man of fund raising. He is per cent of the skin surface er driver was found to be un- Funeral services will be held There will be a Bible reading p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cov- tecUves, 10 officers and others Police union. "There is now a chairman of B'nal B’rith re- . . The driver of the Seal- der the Influence o f tatoxl- tomorrow at 11 am . at Hebron tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Gospel ey are chairmen of a dinner such as dog warden, Lee Frac- law In effect, which allows both glonal board of vocational serv- test van, Ponnone, was pulled cants or drugs, and no op- Congregational Churdi. The Hall 418 Center St. committee. chia. policemen and firemen to un- Ices In Connecticut Valley, and from the cab of hls truck, cloth- eratlng defects were found Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey, Jr., ____ The speaker is a member and The association president went ionize,” said Reardon, "It’s a representative to the “ Broth- ing aflame, by several passers- when the extenslv^y damaged pastor, will officiate. Burial will Pve. Joseph F. Llegl Jr., son brother superior of a monastic on to say that not everyone their right." erhood - in - Action” committee by and died the frflowtag day vehicles were inspected. . be in St. Peter’s Cemetery. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. order devoted to the care of would have to join In order to In days before this legisla- which encompasses the KofC, at Manchester Memorial Hos- Upon Investigation by the Friendsnenos may callcau atai the Ba­db- j Bllyue Rd., recently Impoverished and Incurably sick have a union. tlon, when Reardon was a Con- Masonic Order, Prince Hall Af- pltal, from "massive and ex- Manchester police there was no conoan Funeral Hc«ne, 71 Proap^ completed training as an Army men and boys of .all races and Guest speakers at yesterday’s nectlcut State Police officer, he filiates and B’nal B’rith In Con- tensive first, second and third sufficient evidence to bring St., WilUmanUc, tonight from 3^ Jackson, creeds. Besides the home in meeting were Police Capt. Ever- came out strongly against po- nectlcut, and he la coordinator degree bums. . .’’ according to orimlnal action against eny- 7 *0 ®. g Q 3„ j i3 home on leave. Hls North East, on the shores of ett Shaw of New Haven, a un- lice unions. of youth activities for these a report made by Louis W. one who might have been the next assignment will be in Viet- Lake Erie, St. Barnabas also ion organizer for state, county He said he didn’t feel as four groups In the state. Schaefer, coroner for Hartford driver of the suspected car Mrs. Grace M. Tedone j,3^ has a home at Gibsonla, Pa., and municipal activities, and though unionization should af- He is a member of the Con- County. which eyewitnesses recalled The Board of Direcjtors at table in the foreground and the 400 townspeople attending last night’s budget hearing listen attentively as Mrs. Grace Mtaafra Tedone, near Pittsburgh. Patrolmen Joseph LaPenta and feet the performance of a po- nectlcut regional board of the The coroner’s report stated: seeing. Walter Schultheis Herman 0 . Schendefl a speaker, out of photo to lerft, speaks his mind on town fiscal matters. (Herald Photo by Pinto), 77, of Wethersfield, mother of The Little Flower of Jesus A graduate electrical engineer Charles DlPletro, officers of the llceman’s duty, since he Is Antl-Defamtaatlon League of Cosmo Tedone of Manchester Cosmo TMone 01 Aiancn^ier from Carnegie Technical In- West Hartford union. sworn to carry out that duty In B’nal B’rith, and Hillel Founda- said for many months they and Domlano Tedone of ^ u th morrow — at 8:16 p.m. at the sUtute,.tJhite. Brother Willard nursuedpursued Members of the associatlon the first place. tlon of Connecticut, and Con­ Windsor, died Tuesday at St. would not meet the United home of Mrs. Leo Tsokalas of hls secular career until he joln- necticut Regional Board of the Johnson States in peace talks until all Francis Hospital, Hartford. B’nal B’rith Youth Organiza­ School Costs Dominate Budget Hearing Survivors also include 3 other Gardner St. Mrs. Frank Mori- ed St. Barnabas when It was a bombing was stopped. arty Is co-hostess. fledgling effort to provide homes tion. He is a charter member sons, 2 daughters, a brother, 2 Soviet Informants Expect "Contact” seems to be their ----- for men and boys who could not and past president of Water- T o Confer term for preliminary discus­ "Will Manchester accept sisters, aqd 28 grandchildren. bury Lodge, a past president of its budget. About 40 members of the Man- be cared for in any other way sions which they are not willing higher taxes and better All made what toe audience said, adding that It was the “ as one of thousands of resl- The funeral will be held to- Connecticut Valley Council, and That reduction, he said, could of H -RO « the Chester Chapter of UNICO Na- by any recognized organizations. Peace Talks Within Week at this time to consider "tallw." schools or do we want seemed to feel were valid points, manager’s duty to lesson costs, dents alarmed over the pros- twice received the COaln Mak­ come about if the school board G u S Z o -lL a ^ o F ^ ” e r a l tional plan to attend a dinner He and hls order of monks atable ta x es and d etariorat- and none spoke at too great Darden E. Haslett of 8 Tuck peots of a 5.08 mlU increase.” er award. On Peace The Loa Angeles Times re­ declines to continue Its propos­ (Continued from Page One) U.S.-South Vietnamese rescue ported in a copyrighted story inc schools?” a sneaker length. Most had prepared notes Rd. was toe first ta the list of He charged that “ faulty S e , 2^ ^ a s h ^ g t o n St., ^ A certified public accountant, ed $8,000 in support for museum Hartford with a solemn high DePasquale’s Restaurant, through the years through the drive up Highway Otoward the that a version of Johnson's San nsVmers" to"^St. M ar?s Church, wltota a fix^_time. „ary and the peace conference Mullaney of 199 Woodlanci and about 9:30 part of the au- sion of the tax rate to meet tion’s request, he said, scoring this year have to make "a very Friends may call at the fu­ Girt Scout Troop 1 to spon­ The Russians did not believe stages ‘ received a Presidential cita- statement 10 hours after the Ha- 1st., which came after the dience began departing. After educational needs. proposed cost increases for a important phll<^phical decl®®" neral home tonight from 7 to 9. soring a rummage sale Tucs- Washington would easUy agree ^ g y said the North Viet- women’s vice noi announcement, said John- ^ ‘^^H^^’Toi^ht I^ronevTtoe m id-n oin t o f thp .qi/o-hour the final recess, shortly before Michael Guadano of 66 Phelps second assistant superintendent, as to toe kind of town we 11 have The family "suggests that to this In view of the Manila hbbya. president of (Connecticut Valley son’s speech Sunday “ and the " f said. Tonight, I renew the session nroved to be th e D , only about 100 persons re- Rd.. told the board, “ I am a office staff and data processing. — whrther r^ldents con- Au .A u. ^ 7 -at the American Vernon to tnw m view 01 ine -Mama namese preferred direct nego- g, b ,„3, g.^th. A,, ti a offer I made last August.’ ’ those wishing to do so make ,.rfA.Kino- agreement between the United tlatlons between Hanoi and subsequent acts ot the U.S. ag- „ . . » /If fViB otII malned, many of them munlcl- member of Manchester prop- He called the manager “ very tinue to purchase co lo r’^ s and memorial contributions to the gressors have made it clear that ^^he n ew s^ r «^d fwo crux 01 tne opniions ana ^ employes and department erty owners unassociated. Your generous in giving the educa- riding lawnmowers, or the kinds donate adult ctothtog may con- H ill'S Vietnam allies Washington but were willing to Patients’ Activity Fund, Mans­ toe U.S. government remains F«nchm en Dr. H er^rt Mar- arguments sounded by the school personnel. apparently thrifty use of our tlon budget a more than half- of basic things that Lutz Junior toot______Mrs.______Frauds Bemardi of ^ X s a y that withdrawal would not begin consider any other participant field Training School, Box 61, obstinate and has not given up Raymond Aubroc, principal suggestion—to tax dollars is taking us to the million dollar increase.” Museum represents.” 46 Olootit 9 t ; chtldren’s cloth- fV lf* \ F o i * d ^ o f '•toll six months after toe end of in t he peace negotiations that Andover vast majority of those ad- Mansfield Depot. tag Mrs. Oeoar Kurtz of 337 ^ Viet Cong resistance. the United States might pro- Its slnUter design of aggression f*® P®^,f dressing General Manager reatore part or all of the pro- cleaners. If our schools are al- During toe latter part of hls A second (Camber of Com- south vtolhuu., which I. Robert Weiss and the posed $319,000 reduction for lowed to deteriorate, what new talk, Luplen placed figures on merce representative who ad- Keene^r Sfc; wMto elephants, f r O W l C t OSS sources said they expect- pose. BocUe A. Pardo manifest right in Johnson’s ‘11m- to toe North Vietnamese capital Board of Directors. the schools—was made by five industry will we be able to at- a nearby blackboard, purport- dressed the board was Bruce Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson of 156 '-* ^ * »* ' V aI preliminary talks to be The Soviet Union has not yet a month later with toe major SOUTH WINDSOR — Rookie Missing Girl Ited bombing’ concerning North Of the 23 persons who spoke, of toe first eight speakers. tract?” he asked. ing to show that the tax rate Watkins, a member of toe com- High S t, or books and toys, ^ dramatization of the ’’eev- followed up a British bid for peace offer.. A. Pardo, 88, of East Hartford, Vietnam.” 18 called specifically for restor- The first three, however, hit Robert Kennlff, 82 Kennedy has actually risen by 9.55 mills mittee which studied and sup- And toe Times reported, the brotherMAAAAAA.A of„A Michael ^.Au.Paul ouuand Mts. Ix>Uto Vdotorito o f *n tost words of Christ” will be ^ ®®«- a c ti^ to y d Vietnam Returns Cold Prior to this statement— atlon of some part or all out against increased spending. Rd-, agreed wlrth the previous since 1966. ported the restoration of a Jim- Mrs. Mel Wolfe both of South Brent Rd. Articles may also be rgs^nted Sunday at 6 p.m. in t^to ta^owledge" toat H ^ o l has ^ e k o e ^ m a d h l n e r y in which reached Washington onlv P®“®® o«er-pos8lbly containing of Weiss’s proposed $319,000 Daniel F. Maloney, the ini- speaker’s sentiments: "Infla- Frank Sheldon, local business- lor high school Interscholastic aA„: A^ additional U.S. concesslons- « died yesterday to East “^„^ti3t for toe prograra er b r o ^ e r s ,^ ^ oto’er slstem, Mr. and ^ra. James Me- ‘" '3333^33 ^ S terseness f ^ hfiT"****"* ^ ^ ^ ton aT“ ^ ^ T b S a ^ the story. tors asked toe directors to "Is hls main purpose to raise Lloyd Berry, vice president of which Weiss has included $100,- wHl be only about $U,000 imt and three grandchildren. ( S L ^ d b S fr^m llSS'aW T e " " ^ w a r t Hoislngton said toe ward e v e n S y r n l g ^ con- prune Weiss’s recommendaJtlons our taxes every year? Manchester PTA Oouncll, 000 Iteon in his capital im- soine 150 boys wculd be^ Hie funeral wUl be held Sat- St., and now of Ormorid 3^ statements have always I ™ ™ , a.______girl, cold but otoerwlse weU, fllct. ^ ^ tor 10 d a ^ r mori. for a $12,076,225 General Fund Hls home stands on a 50- bold the direotora he come to the provements budget. t^atklns said, and would be budget and 42.6 mill rate. The foot-front lot, has no sidewalks meeting with that group’s ap- Completion of the connector ®^®" ® healthy way to occupy ’ . ------...... t- their time and energies. Dean Rusk manager’s proposals represent or sewer service, but with a provaJ, that he was represent- will open Industrially zoned “The chamber feels this pro­ B Mbbb rp Miss Ctady Mcixams™, Pat They said a partial evacuation sky Monday and Prime Minister ®f“ “ ” .A u e n i. razier Of lAOKe- appearance Wednesday that 'j ' ^ a $1,447,117 increase —a 13.7 42.6 mill rate he will have to tag 14 schools and some 5,000 land, Sheldon said, and also al- per cent rise over toe current pay $440 per year In property persons and that the oouncill leviate traffic problems, gram is very important. Don’t It aristopheris' ^ c y S S Joseph Tracy, all of '°"®®® *>®®‘®e‘ng «>e U.S. Ma- Harold w L on sent a direct t ^ ‘a. operating budget. taxes, Maloney charged, turn- wanted to go on record for a Adler Dobkin, chairman of overlook it," he asked the di­ Frank Sheldon Oiurch East Hartford, It 11. Manchester. The young people i n ^ ^ ^ r s h i p t : ^ g h ^he Sanh has already message to Soviet Premier Al- o fh ta ’flm Secretary of Defense Clark M. rectors. Mrs. Ralph Lewis ^ r t a lA d ll^ t a also visited Miami and Day- “ '® w^^atop uirougn ^ Communist exel N. Kosygin. throe children of Ws own. Vietnam.” Cltfford and Chairman Earle G Though last night's hearing ing to the directors and calling restoa-ation o f the school board’s the Town Planning Commission, at Bowers School attracted a for a tax rate reduction. full budget request ______. , Speaking as a business man, S lS ^ E ^ t H a m orT Beach. ' words and toe parttcl- ^®''®®« ^® ^ 1««® ®®«rces said there t h f r w K ”S c s wTere ateW Wheeler of toe Joints Chiefs ^ poke next, ur^ng the directors the board should appeared that Weiss made the should be studied, perhaps trust the big ones,” and closed capacity t l^ i^ of 40O-double Next to toe m lcr^hone ? ® J f “ *'®‘^“®® ‘‘’ ® a^nd t^ I^ .;“r„Ves'tme”nt bGfk of his cuts “ from three through the Regional (Council by charging Weiss with poor Friends may call at toe fu- TTlLu,.,. Jaugh axe: Firat woto: ”Fatoer »"®^® »>an token resistance to a had been no Soviet response. h ^ T r T to e r alltes ^r^ n S .^ t e £ , toe turnout of a year ago—It Wilber Little, president of the a further fourvllle, Ky. She is a "Truly, I say to ®^ a split between toe U.S. and gon. There was occasional polite, ...... - efudes a new posmon for as- Another Another school .school representa- questioned the board about and an unbalanced budget are The final speaker was Adelor Patrick L. Brennan, 81, of freshman at Jm school Md is ^3^^^ ^3^ ^^3 ^ 3 early, shifting the burden to toe X d ^ y e S t e m ^ ^ S T h e / u p Souto Vietnamese governments The original purpose o f toe and sometimes spirited, ap- '•era. Little admonished the to- IwUcy, paus toe sistant to Town Planner Joseph urging a restoration of edu- whether it had established a sub- major cause of inflation. She. Turgeon of 3 Durkin St., who Troubled by plausee for toe 23 persons wnowho rectors------to™ “ delay- j •— all —f expend!------possible•------eldmlnation— ™ of the---- Tamsky. ontinnal hudrot dollars was committee to study oosslble too. Questioned many small also called on the board to “‘keep k Meriden, father of P. John Bren- cuirently in Paradise," Nancy Cole, Zoe possible too, questioned many three remaining engines which from a Girl Scout meeting. The ^ X ^ ro a rch ^ for'’X a c“ * Swto ^ spoke for or against Increased tures except those absolutely ^ I s ’ t o o ^ p r o g r ^ and oobkln and two later speak- Herman m orak, president of sources of tax revenue oto- items in the budget, and fith with the townspeople” and nan, Mrs. Jean Cordy, and Mrs. Ohio, Virg;lnla, Pennsylvania oonstuned aJl the fuel. giri had allDDed awav from the a ^ the President to discuss with hls ” "°'^ '^ X e Hawley, Douglas Fontaine, Stu­ spending, but in toe main toe necessary^ until the Grand List t o o f Lutz Junior Museum ers-w ho spoke primarily for [^e B ^ net Junior High Parent- er than local property taxes, charged that, though more de- support the full amount of toe Celia <3off, all of Manchester, and — New Jersey with art Magdefrau and Richard As a result, the second stage meeting. Vietnamese leaders, altoou^ top diplomatic and military ad- died Tuesday at Meriden Hos- choir, Stage Motors burned 88 seconds longer than Pollce said toe girl was an- totally dependent on U ^. visers toe policy-strategy re- audience remained quiet and at- '‘®®°'’7®- . , , . t. economies—all agreed Teacher organizatiom If the When told it had not, Tyler tailed this year, it was harder educational budget, Poehnert. tentdve throughout toe evening. He^hlt at increasing numbers "A s a taxpayer, Ina appalled Tamsky is overworked and that «um,ort adeauate spoke for broadening toe tax to decipher. At 11:20 Mayor Agostinelli pital. Third word. “ Woman, be- intended. p^ently stehted eariy X X i X economic sup^rt, view that followed toe Viet Cong Survivors also include 2 other Connecticut State EJmployees ______(Conttaiied from Page One) There wasn’t a hiss or a boo of town personnel, saying, wo c ^ ’t a tittle better the assistant Is badly needed. it i^llToVe conTrto brsran d said the i^ssibility of She said, ’'Disj;rust of toe banged his gavel to end toe ses- all night, and not one of toe ‘‘Every town officer has to by our educational syeitem,’’ Mrs. Janice Latham, speak- t’ charged, establishing a state 'income------tax small items leads me to dis- sion. sons, 2 other daughters, 2 sis- ■^®®®®|^tiPn (OSEA) w U l^ v e Barbara Trouton, Carol mission. We would go to toe al­ Flanders Rd. in Columbia. ^ ninths ago. speakers had to be called out have an aide, a raise and fringe Berry concluded to a round o f ing not in her capacity as presi- „ „ +i,’ot thp board -______ters, 32 grandchUdren, and a a Spring Daime xo wisnleskl, Allen Apel and Wll- ternate earth orbit mission.” Searchers concentrated in toe ® * •^®hns®" has raised ithe U.S. of order or even admonished benefits galore." He concluded applaufie. dent of the League of Women gj^^d a 'frozen” local ______great-grandcWld. ^ a n Beaoh Park New ^ n - denigter. The main goal of toe flight Vernon area with no success. In Salpin, South Vietnamese troop celling from 826,000 to driving against Martel was by toe chair. by saying the Board of Educa­ Rlchard F. Taylor of 224 Fesr- Voters but as a private cltl- ^ residents to The funeral was held this don. Dance Helwte aro nwv ^,3^^,^^ ^ 3^.^^ „j^y ^ 3^^ jjy ^33 establish whether toe Sa- The girl is said to have warn- President Nguyen Van Thleu 680,000 men, far short of toe Town Officials The orderly tenor of toe hear­ tion’s claim that a $319,000 guson Rd., who said hla wife zen, told toe board parents are Y®®„ 12th Circuit nolled. mornlng from toe Smith Funer- available at OS^ headq^ ^^^ ^ j^rsaken turn 6 could safely orbit an e d ^ r^ m o to e r slS would run '"®‘ 7 ® ’ Ambassador Ell- 200,000 Increase Westmoreland Martel was arrested Feb. 26 3 2 Petitions Filed ing was ta part urt in Hartford. 254 New Voters turn of events. tacks. pledged as a guideline an an- it rains in uiiglng: reatoraftlon o f Waltervvautci ouiiuiuieia,Schultheis, presidenti/icaiuciii. v/i.of _ „ nldcrAir$A« -rvAMOAvicinerBons r\ on n ------illegal " — *possession of marl* an— exit------ramp, . struc . ___ _ ji stuxuiiKstarting tiuuutabout x1:30 .ajv p.mM.iii. Tohn P Rvan alterations McDougall. amine the data for several days Richard <3. A nders^ and . But in toe main, It^ ilms <^e nual five per cent limit on funds to education, Lutz Junior Museum’s board of persons on trans- sign and went onto ® ^he purpose of toe tour is to F u n erals Reaction worldwide to Hanoi’s A__ A__ _Ai__ 1______o J,. fixed incomes. , fArrM^ferred to juvenile ■iiivPiniiA court andfiriH the viderviHer spinningsninninc around.arouud. MartelM&rtel P t o X ellta g M^StiicWand St., Sheto word, "It is finished,” before we can make a decision ^^®®_^'Registered H c r C reasoned and sincere argu- budget increases. “ I’m amazed Following a recess. Frank trustees, said the board is He said he spoke from per- lUiree had their cases escaped Injuries. inspect toe area of toe pond. I «Mn™****"®’ Deborah Hawley, Victoria Iver- on how serious the problem la Dr., Vernon have fUed a 0 move and Johnson’s foUow-up State News ments voiced by toe speakers to find now that we’re to have U. Luplen of 21 Sunset St. told “deeply disturbed” over a pos- thBt “mnnv ’“ " ‘ee Jiaa tneir cases escapea injuries. .v, w ^ . j j Mrs. Mary McVeigh T o Richard A S t Germain, sen, Barbara Justice, Martin and whether the next Saturn 8 is Joint voluntary petition, Wito toe addition otf 284 new themselves which prevailed. a 13.7 per cent Increase,” he toe directors l:c ..as speaking sible 30 per cent reduction In c.ffBHmr inflation ee*"^'"*ed to June 6 to await The case of Kerne ^ the pond Is found adequa e ar«are .qiifferimrsuffering from inflation j.ggyjjg------state lab tests------not. ------„o g, 146 W. Center gjggjgd, and cleaned, toe Com- The funeral of Mrs. Mary Me- „ - _ m ._ .i3i building at 672 Hart- Bernier and Charles McDougaU. manned, ’ PhllUps said. Mrs. Anderson’s debts are names, up to and Including last a Brooks, 23, —— ______—- ___ and high taxes and are being completed. ' Velgh of 108 Birch St. will be ® . tionoo Seventh word, “ Father, into "Because of toe early shut- listed as $8,126.50 and assets nlgl»t Manchester’s voting Uste D^n^e, a longtime critic 7 U.S. Roundup St., charged with ten counts of fjjtggjQn may recommend that held tomorrow at Q-1K9:18 a a.m. m 10”n xvQ.,vvnranrnn fiz,uuu. ueeuB thy .hands___ , I commit______my__ spirit,"j ______down of toe ^two second-stage___ , , _a *n$2,000 Ann and h,...her i-.,AAA€>rw1><,husfband’s ’ reached . . a 23,004____ . fnrnisrn total, [“ noHov. ^elgn policy, dABCritaed ^scribed cur- cur- foroed to give up their homes.” Transferred to juvenile were obtaining controlled drugs in it be purchased by toe town Warantee Deeds Schendel also hit out against l______Allen,, __ 16,, of____ 29______Dover excessive amounts, was contin- from the Holmes Funeral Leonard G Charboneau and Allen Apel and Douglas Fon- engines,” he added, “ there is no debtq, $4,289.19 and assets $26. «aigible to vote In the (Continued from Page One) Town Manager Robert Weiss *poor performance by the man- ^ j niedn, 18, of ued to April 18. He is being Home, 400 Mata St., with tl .-m a A. A ll T A.mrv^ * * . . . _ I — t has Invited toe Town Board of ® Vivian C Charboneau to Donald tai"®- The voice of Christ at question that tols has been less Her largest creditor is Idsted AprU 30 special eflectioin., “ an apparent first step In the stoppage by union carpenters ta ager,” unionizing of all town Branford St. Mass of.requiem at St. James' represented by Atty. Dominic Directors, members of toe and June n G PinbinPlnkta, the '•"® end ®"" of each play Is i® by than i*'®" a ® perfect mission. But as as General General Motors Motors Accepitance Acceptance Dally DaUv aign-upe aign-uns In Un March March ta in ‘"*;®®tion of peace. U a contract— _ dispute with county CJhurch at 10. Burial will be in employes over the protests of other youths presented Squatrito. Town Planning Commission, property at 706 Center St. $19.80. James Lee. . . there , .are many thingsa a,, a to,, ,. bea Oorp. - of Hartford, $2,000. Area toe town cierk and rogiiatnar-of- - contractora assocTation“‘ some, and the deplorable con- Oockerham, 19, of The case of EUzabeth Torpey St. James’ Cemetery. TWiPhnel Sauchuk to Thomas Refreshmente will be served niAnflAf) pleased with nhniltabout thetoe fllo-ht.flight, /.-uA-iitAv-acreditors Usted ainaa-under her name,yiataa voters offices totaled tao 133 A.hew__ Thant welcomed North Viet- ____ «a. j and members of toe Advisory FUends may call at the fu­ nam’s move and offered toe fa -, reached agreement dltlon of the cemeteries. Branford St., Michael J. of 162 Handel Rd„ charged with Recreation and Park Commis­ lay call at the fu- crockett and WUllam R. ®'^*® ^*'®- ^®^ Flucklger For one thing, we proved that tneiude: Town of Vernon, $127; votero and another 121 adgned ® "'"Y® ' W etoiesto^ night He concluded by *^e Q,^gpJ.y 47^ gf simsbury, and three counts of obtaining mon­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. • „ ®ertyXt 102-104 R id g e'1®®'!®*’- foUowtaS the program. liquid rocket engines can fall, Connecticut Bank and Trust, up last night,’ in a tiwo-hour, ®“‘tles of toe world Iwdy ta Ge- w a / c ^ d ^ ’^ f sion to make toe tour. any peace directors to drMtically cut ^ 49 ^ south ey under false pretenses, was ------Rood, property 104 Ridg ------^3^ catastronhlcallv.” Hartford, $1 ,186, and Warren H^ter-mo^ ’sessUm. The iat-’ ®"XXteX'^ X “ SmTsm' was ™®«‘’ the budget and give some 15,- .^vdndsor. continued to April 11. She Is Mlss LUUan Copeland ®t. $27.60. He said that astronauts could j. ctottier, RockvlUe, $64.11; ter ’fflgur^ls con S to^ ^ ^m efront optimism v/m wanted" bv a ,.«inn Funeral services for Miss Lll- Lease Five Firemen by such war-policy crit 000 owners tax relief. If the presented on being represented by the Pub- llan I. Copeland of 26 Grove St. Helen M. Pitkin and Francis tX flight ^ achieved orbit on ^ Llated_ m JOs cr^toro «e hlgi for a two-hour eeaaton._ ^( n a X o s a W^. Si- *®®^®*'’ board dews not prove , respon- g gju^rge of breach o f the jieajce lie Defender George Royster, were held yesterday afternoon T. Sullivan to Michael Patrick, Try for Posts ; - ° - , . . Town of Vernon, $10; Dr. Ml- DemocratsDomocrets outnumbered Re- hri^ht n-Ark of the Senata The leader, Noyes amdth bus- slve, r^idents should demand g i g ^ w f ^ o m an arrest March The charges refer to worth- Tolland County at the Holmes Funeral Home, 200 W. Center St., one year. hB„« th5e» nn. Atktas, RccfcvUle, $200; P^oaiw toon 2 to 1 5,3®, Relatlonl Sjmmlttee. *»J®®f «-®Pro8entative of Loljal SO the strong mayori ® 7 after a domestic disturbance less checks cashed at the W. Five veteran Manchester fire- originally been to have three un- ConneoUcut Bank and Trust, among the 254 new voters. g oeorira n Aiuan r vt ®^ *he carpenters union, said 400 Mata St. The Rev. Felix M. ^ PendensInc., against men are currently vying for two manned Saturn 5 fligMs to qual- J506.92, and ® ^B uX 'pG ari“ S p l mem- with hls wife. He pleaded guilty Middle Tpke. branch of Stop & Superior Court H.B. Rock- neghrtered ^ S sen X r t -G o r e D-TenJI ’ “ *® T®^ '"®*®® Pl«®® members to toe charge and was given Shop. Davis, pastor of Second Congre- roperty denutvdeputy chief slotar’ *‘ - which— must----- ‘ ,ifvJfy thathe rnnk«).rocket for aatronaintastronaut or------her and Main St. businessman, gational Church, officiated. Bur- Mastercraft Bull^rs,_ property btibit tripstrlns and&nd then manned ^ “ ®*^ Hospital, $381 number 114, n ^ r e g o t e r ^ Re- Johnson’s statemelit on es- f ® " ? ® P®»- ^ith carpenters a 30-day suspended jail sen- Arthur H. Jarvis Jr., 28, of and 102 Llnwood, he filled soon Joint debts include: Bene- numbw 47 and new tabllshtag contacts was directed I," ?,*^®5 PArts of toe state. He said the association favors the tence and fined $60. Eastford, arrested In Vernon Three divorces were granted lal was ta Buckland Cemte^. at 6^ 6^ 92 ^ d W2 ~ ftee,■■ who10 passed written mmoon w n juumejourneys In 1996. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE Bearers were Gordon Bren- Dr. In one parcei» ana i i i i-iin v . ficlai Finance, Manchester, . _ as much to Hanoi as to hls however, to give spe- secondary, sewer J . u^Y® . 4. ®i!^ The youths were arrested March 1, pleaded guilty to fall- recently in Tolland County Sup- examinations earlier tols week. Alter toethe firstiirst roexetrocket inta methe Maincheater’s rqglsterod Dem- T Z figures on toe contract un OPEN MON., TUES., WED. 10-S — THURS. & PRI. 10-8:30 — SAT. 10 5:30 nan, Thomas Brennan, Herbert wood Dr. ta another. proposal, but added that the di- 2 when a patrolman at- ure to renew license and was court, r ^ ors ‘ W say "o to the ex- to stop a vehicle driv- fined $10. A charge of failure 0 r ™ w i „ a Joh» D ..!., Anthony Am.tn . e_ . l » t a . l r . Xoro^“i^?eeStardT:^bn»,= m » rv*%,%^A8TliStrt% toe ^e,’$_13.W; hSk, iiit o h ln_ Dr. : .60, W Dr. ia « n hoXa X^ll^Hrol bXS members are notified. , , Marina K. Robinson of West F O R YQI oibitant demands of the edu en by Klein on a routine ticense to drive a re^onable distance ^ f J/ jr rv*»Al AvA nnlnotlpin at*A* Anfhfvnv catlonal system.” check when he observed mac. apart was nolled. ® « u* a# Tapanis Economy p f r k X S ^ Ed“ today-was successful, it would Leventoal, Bolton, $60, and 9,084 Ropubll- ^ 3 3 . . 3 „ „ t 3 3 j 3 oougm He was followed by Kenneth -rm rvn t k n,. Attachments McGregor 44 Camplleld Rd.- send astronauts along on toe Manchester Medical Group, $60. ®’^ . with U.S. representatives. SOUTHINGTON AP)—A no . . .. „ terlals 'being thrown out of the A nolle was entered in the vorce from Allan J. Robinson TOKYO - Japan now builds Connecticut Bonk and Trust MoOregw 44 cam ^e^ Kd.^ Raymond of 89 Vll- M6 unafflUated. contact would be made, »*’« ------’ ^ Skinner, president of toe Man- ^^idows as the vehicle case of Arvld Peterson, 62, of willimantic on grounds of Intol- oo.oi„=f T»Ak A 'DiBAdArB. John Kivisa, 47 aionage 01., • ______. h- h <> ------—___. ______r ’ toe lice search was under way to- more thw h ^ toe world’s Co. against Jack A. Theodore, "Y "" ' ^hV'would accelerate toe pro- lage St., Rockville, has fUed a Hanoi announcement said, day lor 21-year-old Roy Myers of nelred the curb. Coventry, charged with being erable cruelty. She was granted who said hls group finds the ^ g j^ picked up by police in- found Intoxicated, stemming custody of one minor child. S d ^ n d D ^ald Mordovsky, 361 gram, perhaj^ enabling Ameri- volunt^y petition ta bankruptcy n • J "with a view to determining Bristol, who broke awav from duotion, produces more steel per Rd. npk cans to reach toe moon by toe also and debts are listed at $7,- Duplicate Bridge with toe American side toe un- poaice custody foUowtag his ar- ted" to the m anfger^’alreadv cludT three envelopes,"Sieved f i ^ a March 7 arrest. Hobinson was ordered to ® ^ to contain marijuana, three Michael E. French, 16, of 4 transfer to Mrs. Robinson his In- caplta than Great Britain and Daigle Hardwood of these men will fill toe summer of next year. 240.88 and assets at $326. Results in a dupUcate bridge cessation of toe U.S. raignment in arcult Court. inadequate and cut to the uses more computers than any inc. against Mastercraft Build- 'w o 01 mese m 1 w REG. SPECIAL pl'asUc envelopes containing in- Florence St., Ellington, charged terest in a trailer and lot and ^ !u BT vacancies opened by toe retire- The monster rocket, tall as a The largest listed creditor is g^me last night at the Italian homblng raids and all other acte Myers was being escorted bone.” otoer comtry except the United ers $1,3M; P™P®*'^^, ment of D e ^ y Cailef Thomas 36-story bu)ldlng and weighing the Fox Memorial Hospital, One- American a u b are: North- war against toe Democratic from the court when he ‘made Smoked Beef He also charged that the di­ sulin syringes, and packets of with breach o f the peace, plead- ordered to pay $25 week for sup- $1.79 lb. white cigarette paper.. ed guilty and received a 60-day p^rt of a minor child as well as s Tir^ McKinney, I _. f Marshall------Rd.,----- 3,106 tons, thundered away tn m ata, N.Y. at $1,860.77. South; John CJlark and Freder- Republic of Vietnam so that his break Wednesday. A pollce- rectors would have to “ take the someday become No. 3 among parcel, and 111 Llnwood Dr March 30 and the upcoming re- Cape Kennedy at 7 a.m., kht. Area creditors include Amerl- ick aark, first; Mrs. R.C. Jack- talks may start." man fired a warning shot, ’ 1 . 3 9 . consequences if you make furth- John S. Martel, 27, of E)ast suspended jail sentence and maintain Insurance for the tiic economic superpowers — af- second parcel. tirement of Deputy Chief after a flawless countdown. can Finance Co., Manchester, son and Charles Ames, second; Johnson cited this Hanoi poll- The youth had been presented 1.29 lb. Hartfqjd, pleaded guilty 'to op- was placed on probation for two benefit of the child. ter the United States and Rus------Sedrick J. Straughan, 114 Wash- The scream of its live first- 1324; Arthur Drug, Rockville, third. oy statement and recalled he in court on charges of evading Hearts of Swiss Cheese Ralph Lewis, armed with eratln|'a motor vehicle while ye^s. Robinson also must pay a sia Elected Grand Master ington ______St. stage engines, . generating . » 8.6 jio ; Dr. Michael P. Atkins, Also, East-West; Mrs. Warren tiad said Sunday toe United responsibility, operating an un- 991 a copy of toe manager’s budget, under suspension, operating a French was a^r^ted M ^ h number of bdlis and $200 toward HARTFORD (AP)—With hls Promotions will be made as a million pounds of thrust, as- Rockville, $90; Grant’s, Rock- Holland and Mrs. Leo Berube, States stood ready to send Its registered motor vehicle, reck- 1.79 lb. questioned toe directors in fine motor vehicle under 'the taflu- 22 In ^ counsel fees. election as grand master of toe direct result of toe examination, aaulted toe ears of newsmen yllle, $220; House and Hale, flrst;____ Mrs.______Katherine Horrigan___ representatives _ an _ ^ h ere at less driring_____ and_ giving______false ta- Cheese Ball detail on several sets of figures ence of liquor and failure to dent at EUlngton High School Anthony M. Celia of Coven­ Personal Notices Masons of Connecticut, Gall L. the results of which will not be three and one-half miles away Manchester, $132.06; Dr. Luke and Thomas Landers, second; any time to discuss "toe means formaiUon to police. Hls case ’1.59. in the proposal and pointed out carry registration. which involved an argument try was granted a divorce from places where she felt ther^ Martel received a $3 fine on with toe principal, police said. Smith of Windham has become decided for throe or four days, as toe Saturn 8 climbed majestl- O’Connor, Rockville, $98; Rock- and B.W. EUls and Robert Lev- of bringing this war to an end.” had been oonUnued and he had SPECIALS GOOD THRU EASTER Rosa Marla Celia of Italy on might be discrepancies. the failure to carry roglstra- Apparently p e n ch had re- _ . g desertion. Card Of Thanks toe first policeman to attain according to assistant town cally into a clear sky on a tow- yllle General Hospital, $20; Seal- itow, third. Johnson theri said he was been remanded to the state jail such a Masonic office ta toe manager, John Harkins. erlng pillar of fire. test Foods, Manchester, $34; The game is sponsored by, toe ready for contact. It appeared in Haittord when he bolted. She also castigated the man- tlon charge. On the othef turned to pick up some of his fS j t-, »* » voot We wish/ ii. to I ti thank a our United States, Harkins said toe results of The first stage workM per- southern New England Tele- Manchester Bridge Club and la significant he used toe word Myers was arresteipMarch 27 ager for failing to make the charges he received 60-day jail belongings the day ^ e r he Raymond ^^uquette ®Mt tuidjSlihiwa bouauSS’ The state police lieutenant the exam would be immediately fectly, kicking toe second stage phone Co., $137.16; Taylor Rent- played each Wednesday et 7:30 “ contact" which toe North Viet- after investigation of an ocol- Imported budget public sooner wid have sentences to run concurrently, quit school, and at the time had Hartford was grant^ a dly c maisaces and various oouilesics was chosen for toe Dosltlon forwarded to fire chief, WUllatn free some 40 miles above toe Center,' Manchester, $90 and p.m. and each Friday at 8 p.m. namese had chosen to describe dent that occurred March 16 ta it more readilv avaliahle to cltl- execution of which la to be sua- a knife ta his possession. The from Teresaa M. Duquette of „rm " pended after 16 days has been original charge was assault Springfield, Mass., on the during Wetoesday at the lodge’s 180th C. Mason and would not be earth 2>^ minutes after blastoff. Vernon National Bank, Vernon, at the club, IM Bldridge* St. the first exchange. Southington. He had been held grounds of Intolerable cruelty. it*- annual communication. made public. The five hydrogen-powered $33.16. Play is open to the public. The North Vietnamese have at the state jail since hls arrest;, Prom her study, sl^ .said ' it served. A charge of reckless with a deadly weapon. JKlUi AX’UHlx ^lUJNCUrSOil 'll .


ed in front of Arthur’s Drug ten warning for failure to ylelc Sharp, listed fifth in most Police said the third house, That year the helmet law died Police Seeking located on Center St. was not Police Probing Store. 942 Main St. yesterday the right of way at an Inter polls, expressed belief that a in committee. m ajority of his followers would entered, but that numerous ■win­ The 1967 Assembly saw a flur­ at approximately 2 p.m. secUon yesterday at 8:25 p.m. Trudeau MANCHESTER PET CENTER A truck belonging to Joseph following an accident at the In- switch to Trudeau but this was House Vandals dows had been broken. ry of cycle laws threaten to ex- Two-Hit, Runs Valley, 31 Charter Oak St. was tersection of W. Center and disputed by all the other leading Footprints In ■the area led in­ Un^rulsh cycling In the state. Manchester police today are Easter Bunnies...... each $2.79 Two cases of hit and run were struck’ In the right rear fender Cooper Sts. Payne allegedly contenders. Martin. Hellyer and vestigators to believe that chil­ Some of the stranger bills pro- Seen Pick Winters all claimed they would seeking the identity o f youthful dren were responsible for the Guaranteed Singing Canaries $8.95 and $9.95 ^ e d VvcTlata" haw their head- included In reports of three min- by an unknown vehicle as It drove his car into the path of a g(et most of Sharp’s delegates. vandals who caused several damage. lights cn aU the Ume, they or accidenU toMng place on was parked in front of the Hll- car driven by Jean Vecchio, 28 hundred dollars property dam­ Baby Parakeets ...... $5.95 and $7.95 Sharp’s switch did, however, wear a flasher on their helmta Manchester streets yesterday. Itardvllle Luncheonette, 303 W. Center St.______age to three new homes Tues­ In Canada bring to Trudeau the finance IJUIGE SELECTION OF TROPICAL FISH and they never ride without Norman J. Francoeur, 23, of Adams St. yesterday between n — day evening or early yesterday The fact that no two people (Continued from Page One) minister’s elaborate campaign AND SUPPLIES their seat belts fastened. 112 Highland St., told poUce his 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. » ^ t m a G a ^ morning. have fingerprints exactly alike organization and it gave Tru­ This Ume Boardman waa far car was damaged by an un- Robert O. Payne, 21, of 149 lea^r, * *** Informal polls indicated Tru­ The newly constructed, but was established In 1892 by Dr. from alone. Assemblymen such known vehicle as it was park- Lenox St. was issued a writ- of 13 In Foroanoar, inoia. deau a total of seven Cabinet deau would lead on the first bal­ unoccupied residence, located Henry Faulds of England. 10 Gallon Aquarium Set-up complete. M I A Q K as Rufus Rose of Waterford a n d ______ministers in his camp. Hellyer lot by a substantial margin, but has four and Martin three. on Love Lane and nearby on All you do Is add the water. iWeFsa George Gunther of Bridgeport Foreign Minister Paul Martin, Center St. belong to the Jarvis Today's convention progrram fought along with many state Transport Minister Paul Hellyer Realty Co., 283 Center St. cyclists to keep the cycle laws was devoted mostly to worship We carry a large selection of Smith-Worthington Guaran­ and trade Minister Robert Win­ Authorities said the first sensible. « meetings at which the eight teed Collars and Leashes for your dog. ters also registered significant house, a ranch style, on Love Elxcept for the helmet law leading candidates were given J & M Overhead Trolleys 500 lb. test, 60 ft. $5.05; 75 ft. $7.96 strengfth. Lane, was entered and several and working aspects of the li­ an opportunity to discuss TIE-OUT CHAINS — SWIVEL STAKES The latest Gallup poll showed feet of baseboard heating was censing law, the cyclists con­ domestic and foreign affairs COMPLETE DEPT. FOR KEEPING YOUR PETS HAPPY Trudeau far out in front In popu­ rendered useless as fins, run­ UPHOLSTERY sidered the la'ws passed ade­ and to answer questions from BROAD ST. lar support in urban centers. ning the length of the pipes quate and meant for the protec- delegates. Thirty-two par cent of the per­ were flaittened by a blunt in­ • Reupholstering Uon of the cyclists. sons quizzed named Trudeau The evening program was FOR HUMANE REASONS WE DO NOT SELL strument. Several window.s • Slip Covers BABY CHICKS AND DUCKLINGS Tfie law that may actually Manehestor their first choice with 14 per dedicated to Pearson, who is re­ were also damaged with bb • Custom Drapes kill cyoUng here covers the new cent for Martin, 10 per cent for tiring at the age of 70 after five shot and small rocks. insurance requirentents. Rates OPEN D AILY Winters and 4 per cent for Hel­ years as head of the govern­ Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 to 6:00 The second home, a Cape Tolland, Conn. have gone up as much as ten lyer. ment. He was to deliver his Thursday till 9:00 P.M. thnes over last year for young­ SILF-fIKVICI DIPT STORI 10—10 farewell speech to the 2,481 (3od, also on Love Lane had sim­ This may be a factor In the 995 MAIN STREET — 649-4278 er cyclists. convention voting since the Lib­ delegates, but as not expected ilar damage and in addition, 8754765 ’•That one got by 'Us,” Board- erals face a national election, to indicate which candidate he buckets of paint were spilled on man admits. “W e did not even probably within a few months. favors. the floor. loam o f it unUl cycUsts began writing us in Fetoruary to com­ spring and Easter plain.” But he has not given up and hopes more reaacmable rates wSl be set and the other laws woriced out. MEN...THE FAMOUS BRAND CLOTHING His present project Involves the AAA sponsored and CMA Before Spring: buds produce leaves, cyclists take to the open, sunny roads. supported Motorcycling School held last July and planned again for this summer. BUYS YOU WANT FOR SPRING AND EASTER! He Lobbies Due to the cycling school, Will New Insurance Boardman has .been asked to help ■write a chapter in the next Without Pay edition of the driver training text. Sportsmanlike Driving. ROYAL-HALL® Thin Cyclist’s Ranks? David M. Boardman hated Ih e book is used by about 98 motorcyclists and everything per cent o f the nation’s driver LEISURE 4 By MALCOLM BARLOW about them. DACRON®-RAYON courses, he noted. New state insurance requirements are changing the He is the son of a Middlesex FAVORITES Connecticut motorcycling scene: Youths are being Judge who was so prejudiced SPORTCOATS forced out and small inexpensive machines are not sell­ against motorcyclists, he dis­ ing. ------^ :------qualified himself on cases in­ Comp volving them. Deaths in 1 8 8 8 Last year insurance rates for opinions, valua 34.95 'Boardman is a "gray flannel a male under 2S and single were Burt Ives of WiUlmantlc, in suit” type from the axiverUsing Good-looking two and three button roughly about $35 for a six the cycle business for more The World profession and is now director lightweight sportcoat.? in sturdy Dacron month period. The coverage was years than most cyclists have of safety and public relations Ralph Fallen Coleman Sr. polyester-rayon blend . .. tailored minimal, but moet parents of walked, said, “ I know the Insur- of the Automobile Club of Hart­ with two inside breast pockets. Choose boys under 21 insisted their sons ance law will affect us." ford, a member of the AAA. ABINGTON, Pa. (AP) Ralph from glen plaids, tattersalls, more! have it. i, , * insurance is practically But Boardman is also one of Fallen Coleman Sr., 75, illustra­ COMPLITE ALTERATIONS INCLUDED This year the same male will compulsory for people under the founders and the president tor who later turned to religious have to pay $312 minimum in 21, a good portion of the cycle of the Connecticut Motorcyclists art and portraiture, died Manchester for one year assum- buyers, Ives said. A young Association formed by cyclists Wednesday. He illustrated Rehearse for Weekend Ballets ing he is a “ clean” risk and has cyclist without insurance in an David M. Boardman worried over the flurry of new books for numerous authors, in­ HALL-PREST® a good driving record. accident must produce a sUe- cycle legislation in last year's cluding W. Somerset Maugham, Miss Janet Popeleskl, left, ing the Hartford Ballet C o m - In Hartford, highest rated in- able bond until the case is set- nician. General Assembly. F. Scott Fitzgerald and Booth and Miss Kristine Miller, Man­ pany, 308 Farmington Ave., NEVER-IRON suance territory in the state, tied. He loses his license and The club’s main activity is "The convert is always the Tarkington. His religious works chester members of the H art­ Hartford. the male would pay $362. This the Motor Vehicle Dept. will just ^______taking^ o grroup - - -r tours_____- of the ____strongest-o-- advocate,” Boardman included designs for stalned- ford Ballet resident perform­ Premiering on Monday eve­ DRESS SLACKS represenU a drop from $460 In ^ot give him another unUl he ^untrysl^ to the east of Man- explaTns. glass windows. ing company, rehearse for the ning, "The Lady of Tearful Re­ February. produces insurance, insurance Chester. They have also taken state cyclists call him 'our gret” is a duet choreographed Helen Grace Carlisle ballet’s Premiere Ballet Concert Comp. The big difference this year he must then buy through trips as far as Canada, the lobbyists." Others refer to him for Julia F-.-iderick, Hartford's Series Saturday, Sunday and value 8.95 is in Public Act 581 dealing with pool of “ bad risk” drivers, Cape and scenic spots within as the “ guiding light" of organ- NEW YORK (A P ) — Helen Women's Monday at the Millard Audito­ ballerina in residence, and insurance for motor vehicle U- “ i f the Insurance were corn- 600 miles. ized state cycling. Grace Carlisle, 70, novelist best rium, University of Hartford Earle Sieveling, a featured art­ Permanent press 657o Dacron polyestcr- ability. It was passed at the end pulsory over age 21,’’ Ives add- Several mem'bers have toured Boardman was the only man known for "Mother’s Cry” and ceunpus. ist with George Balanchine’s and-3.57o Avril* rayon .. . ‘‘Clean of the 1967 General AaaemWy ed, “ We would reaUy hurt." the country on motorcycles. in the state in 1966 to protest "The Tiger Sniffs the Rose,” Quality Mdiers-^olorful New Style Saturday’s performance will New York City Ballet Com­ Sweep”’^” soil-release finish. Altered to without fanfare or even the Many cycUsta, he said, refuse 'Their most popular tour is cycle laws In the General died of a heart attack Tuesday. begin at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday pany and guest artist for these iiiseaiit length at no charge . . . 29-42. knowledge of motorcyclists. to carry Insurance at the new a '■roker run.” It is a sembly. But he admits he might matinee’s curtain time Is 2 concerts. Originally composed AU motorcycle Insurance, ac- rates. Often they have homes -arefullv manoed out trip of have voted cycling out of exlst- Arthur Rutherford Ford p.m., and the final ballet Mon­ as an operatic duet sot to a cordlng- to part of the law which and .property. . . about 75 miles on mostly coun- ence just ' ■* a - few------years earlier.— LONDON, Ont. (A P ) Ar- day Is slated for 8 p.m. All poem by Edward Albee, “The alao deals with cars and trucks, ‘ "The rates defeat the purpoee roads and small highways About five years ago as an thur Rutherford Ford, 87. editor seats are reserved for the three Lady” is a dramatic offering must have passenger coverage, of the law,” he said. Along the route the cyclists ex-Navy man, he was helping emeritus of the London Free Dress Shoes performances, and reserva­ which combines voice, poetry, The law quleUy went into ef- Frank DeGray of the Vernon -iok up playing cards in enve- recruit youth for the Navy. One Press and member of the tions may be made by contact­ sculpture and dance. feet Jan. 28 and none of the cycle Shop said he has had sev- jopcs. A t the end of the route youth mentioned ' to him dur- Newspaper Hall of Fame, died state motorcyle group leaders oral young men lose Interest In g. little used scout club ing an interview his hobby was Wednesday. He had continued nor the main dealers knew about the machines when they learned house in Tolland everyone driving motorcycles. writing a weekly column for the It or the effect It would have, ©f the rates. opens up their cards and com- " I told him we had enough Free Press since retiring as edl- 6.27 t. 6.67 tor In 1963. New Hearings Slated David Boardman, president of ."One fella told me the low pares hands. By then, it’s din- hoods In the Navy as it was,” Tapered mld-hc-el allng . . . thin Instep strap allng with mid heel . . bold the Connecticut Motorcyllsts rates of last year were the only ner time and a barbecue is Boardman recalls. stmp style ■with adjustable buckile. hdgh-ridlng tongue. Many more to choose Gardner J. Thomas ^ % Asan., said he first became reason he wanted a bike,” De- started. the youth persisted and MARION, Ind. (A P ) — Gard­ from, in all the dazzMng new spiring patent colors. Sizes 6 to 10. f ' I aware of the law when parents Gray said. The runs are fully open to made Boardman agree to take ner J. Thomas, 78, who retired On Troubled Fills and teens began writing him Seymour Kudlow of Yamaha anyone with a cycle, according a ride on his cycle before pass- last May as publisher of the designs for the substitute. Gen­ about the high rates. gales on Main St. said thelaw to Maurice Latulippo, club ing final judgment. (Continued from Page Onei Marion (Jhronicle-Tribune, died eral Dynamics Corp., which Most youth find the money is basically sound, but the president. But the club polices “ It was an old Indian bike,” Tuesday. Thomas also had been four remaining FlllAs were holds the prime F ill contract, hard to cough up in the school rates are “ exorbitant.” all cyclists on the runs. he said. "On a Wednesday ^ ______a member of the board of Fed- grounded as the Pentagon dis­ has not. year when It took them all last John Larabee, owner and The first poker run is June night I rode on the back of his gj.gted Publications Inc which patched a special investigating The Navy, in an apparent at­ summer just to pay for the ma- manager of the biggest Honda 19 and will benefit an area bike. It was the greatest thrill ^pg^ates newspapers in’ Mlchl- team to Thailand. chine. dealership in New England on such as a summer camp They I'd ever had. Washington and Idaho as tempt to show the $400 million In a prfevlew of what can be spent on the F lllB would not be " I had no Idea the act was In Center St., said, “ People have raise about $100 each year this "That Saturday I bought my Marlon and Lafayette, expected at the new hearings, the works, "Boardman recalled, learned about the rates talking way. ^'^st motorcycle.” wasted, said the preliminary de­ Mundt charged that the normal signs call for use of "the F lllB ” We had bird dogs keeping with me on the sales floor. Then The biggest headache of club Boardman drove his s ^ Air Force test program was not track of all motorcycle leglsla- they just walk out. Insurance members is the Image of the «'"all Jap^ese bike whl e p. scott McLean technology and incorporate completed before the six jets most of its basic ^components, tlon last year but this got by used to be a good sales point, "typical” cyclist created by wearing his gray flannel CINCINNATI. Ohio (A P ) — were sent Into combat. Including the engines and the U6-” ” I would not own a motorcy- movies, the press, and a vtigue suits. His Enfield nelghlwrs p McLean, 43, former During stateside tests last Phoenix missile capability. It Boardman is over 30 and cle if I had to pay those rates," group of state cyclists calling ^ kick out of seeing him president and general man- January pilots discovered “ seri­ would also employ a variable among the older, died-ln-the- he admitted. themselves the “ one percent- l^y^ ager of Indianapolis television ous faults” in the F lllA , Mundt sweep wing." wool cyclists who will have to a cycle, he added. Is driven ers.” This means they are so cycling is not a clean WLW-I, was found dead said, “ yet only two months later The TFX controversy dates to pay little more this year than ©nly six months a year and far out, they form only one per Boad dirt and grease j^jg Wednesday night, the airplanes were sent to Viet­ the early 1960s. last. They have Httle to kick only when the weather is good, cent of'all cyclists. from the bikes make McLean, who authorities said nam with these faults unrem- about and might be expected to a new cyclist cannot take a The members also feel a dls- J®ans and black leather jackets undergone an unsuccessful Famous When McNamara first arrived New for Springl dled.” at the Pentagon in 1961, the Air welcome the chance to protect passenger until his license Is like for the University of Ckm- kidney transplant, was Mundt also said current plans TEEN MAN their passengers. three months old now. president of Avco Corp. Force was at work on a heavy HALL-PREST®, 'Youth Flex call for 160 F lllA s to be built (between 80,000 amd 90.000 But the older cyclist Is usual- Larabee suggested a rate of beards and ride cycles. When- « before all planned modifications pounds), slim, sleek fighter- HALL-PREST® ly the carefully aged product $160 a year for the 18-year-old ever any of them are in court, " ° “ ywooa- Girls' Shoes NEVER-IRON are incorporated, and urged bomber capable of low-level su­ of the youthful urge to ride the male cyclist might still be prof- the papers report “ an unkempt the Shoes Boys that production be halted. personic flights beneath enemy Open road with the wind in your itable for the insurance com- motorcyclist was charged ^ orcy s a ^ GOLF JACKETS SLIM SLACKS “ If this drastic step Is not tak­ radar. face. The urge does not come pany and allow the real en- with. . instead of saying a peop e ’ 2.97 3.77 en,” Mundt said, “ then we will At the same time, the Navy at age 25. thusiast room to enjoy the college student, according to " J - truly be committing another bil­ publicized was seeking a new missile-firing Party perfect “T" straps with NEW-FOR-SPRING Comp, • TWs year, future aged cyclists sport. John Sabella of the club. ^ ‘ “ 3 .6 7 lion dollar blunder In this TFX plane for air defense of its are looking over new bikes, Jhelr “ Cycling Is good for people," The public Image has created A a c u ff-p i^ wipe 'n wear uppers. program which already has cost ‘Sure cyclists, look dirty, but Adjustable strap for snug fiit. Sizes fleets. It had to be light—no value $10 prices and cost of insura^e. Larabee said, ‘ It gets you out, funny and som -ti.ies bitter stor- NEW CAR styled nice ^ the American teuepayer many, you would too if you rode around 8H to 4. more than 50,000 pounds-aml ^ The lean-legged low-rise styling teen-men The Insurance usually convinces you do and see more than you les the cyclists remember, winlort. Sizes 8% to many fruitless billions of dol­ WORSTED SUITS like that." HERE stubby for carrier duty, yet it "Glen Douglas” authentic pro st) ling them Its too expensive and they would In a car.” The club once chose the Bunce pretfi. Ill permanent press rayon-aiid- Boerdman’s hiatory as the cy- lars.” needed enough range to stay al­ permanent press fabric with nylon- could buy a car for less. Ralph Strong, president of the Center In Manchester as the acetale blend, fortified with nylon . . . plus A 1. . J . clists’ unpaid lobbyist began in Mundt called for renewal of oft (or long periods. lined yoke and sleeves, swing-av? .i\ new "Clean Sweep"^” soil-release finish. M ost cyclists, including Connecticut Dealers Assn. and charity they most Wanted to con- ^^en Hartford’s AAA presi- the subcommittee’s hearings. Since the Air Force and Navy action pleat.?, storm tab collar, insidi Pre-hemmed. Sizes 29 to 36. Boardman and other leaders, owner of a Waterford dealership, tribute to that year. They col- 'told thrCenerarArse^^^^^ Asked about this, McCHellan both wanted a plane with ad­ scorecard pocket! S-M-L-XL (3 6 -l(il want as much ooverage as poa- said the 75 state dealers are just lected a large sum and called a hpimpts tor rvclists should said: “That will be done in due justable wings that could be ful­ 95 aible, especially for their pas- beginning to feel the pinch as woman at the center to give It Mandatory ^ course but I won’t say just ly extended for short takeoffs sengers who are often their the weather warms. The under- to her. 4fc Boardman was the only cy- for fhaf Oxford or Step-in when.” He said subcommittee an4 tudiced back against th? and wlves or girl friends. But 26 cyclist makes up close to 90 "The woman, a local school present and he strode to investigators have continued the fuselage for high speed dashes, ” Boardman, almost all cyclists, per cent of cycle buyers. teacher, went to one of our microphone to speak against inquiry while hearings were in 52 54 SPECIAL McNamara ordered develop­ and even many sympathetic in- Despite all the hubbub over meeUngs to pick up the money helmet law after the AAA recess. ment of one plane that would Buraace agenU feel the rates the flurry of new state cycling and her knees shook,” Mrs. Ray- gj^g^j through He was Men's Shoes Comparable value *60 and *65 McClellan charged that Mc­ satisfy the requirements of both are too high and do not reflect laws passed last year. Strong mond Terlesky recalled. “ But . . . , Namara made a “tragic blun-, OCCASION! services. the risks Involved. said, “ We’ve had very good we didn’t bite and she stayed " der” by attempting to force HALL-PREST® NEVER-IRON By insisting on a high degree (Robert Brian, an actuary cooperation from the Motor Ve- we didn’t bite and she stayed t o ------upon the services “ a weapon so Color is the keynote in our current collection of Juiitiard suits . . with the State Insurance Com- hide Dept. In working out the talk with us and enjoyed the 3 .0 0 of “ commonality” —or use of useless It would imperil the discover newer, zestier patterns in superb worsted fabrics, loomed of and sympathetic leg:islators, the same parts in both Navy QUALITY SPORT SHIRTS mlsalon office, calls cyde in- specifics.” evening.” lives of the pilots and the securi­ many of the radical bills Intro­ 3-eyellet tie oxford or hidden gore and Air For^e versions—Mc­ the world's best... pure virgin wool. Tailored in one, two and three suranoe a "gray area.” He Strang said the dealers agree A Vernon club called the Sll- ty of the country.” duced last year were defeated. : DAILY rental; step-in. Scuff-resist uppers defy Namara claimed $1 billion could ,g g notea the lack of research here with most of the cyclists the ver, ^ Eagle, similar to Tri-City, Most of the present laws are wear, soles and heels never need Since McNamara left the Pen­ button models with updated lapel treatments, slight body tracing and Comp, value $5 and In other states on the dan- compulsory helmet law waa had a much different experience supported by moat state ^SYSTEMy repair. Blzee 6% ito 12. tagon Feb.. 29 there have been be saved. (Pentagon wags say the theo­ color-coordinated liningsl In sizes for regulafs,*shorts, longs. gens Involved. wrong. Car drivers are not with the Newington Crippled ^ jjgjg Tri-City members ad- indications that McClellan ry of commonality was first put Tlils Spring, he said, rates forced to wear seat belts, he Children’s -Hospital would soon end his often stormy mitted. forward by Calvin CooUdge, Tremendous selection! camp along the banks of Bolton were largdy based on auto in­ But some of the laws such as five-year inquiry. who is supposed to have in­ COMPLETE ALTERATIONS INCLUDED Permanent-press polyester- The hot weather may make Lake. The hospital refused The 72-year-old senator has surance. the helmet law, Sabella said, quired: “If the milita*y really cottons in plaids, stripes, solids, accept their donation after the — LEASING — told friends he believes he was He admitted he could not ex- more helmet law complainers “ Are so sloppy, they’re not en­ must fly, why can't it buy one iridescents.. . many with club worked to gather the sum. Low dally, weekly or month- vindicated when the Armed plain the basis o f the rates es- strong added. The CMA, Board forceable.” Dress Style machine and take turns using embroidery emblems! Regular pedaily In cases where the cy- man said, plans to fight the hel The image of the monster cy- Ijr rates on new Mercurys or Services Committee voted 11 to You could wear a flower hat it?” ) collar, short sleeves. S-M-L-XL. consUtutional cllst with a leather jacket, hairy helmet” according to Comets! 1-2-8 year leasing 2 to deny the Navy’s request for cle has no plq^ce for a passeng- met law on plan available for all metkes Shortly after McNamara er. grounds. cbest and cigarette drwplJ^ out another member Big Boys' and Men's $588 million for the F lllB . awarded a contract to General and all models! The belief Is widespread on "But we are looking over the But their fight may be in of his mouth is rarely found, said. Dynamics in 1962 to develop a Capitol Hill that the new de­ rate structure ■used for motor- vain for many young men who Bill Barrows insisted, The club members said they multlservlce plane, McClellan RESERVE A CAR fense secretary, Clark M. Clif­ cycles,” Brian said, "And we cannot or will not i>ay their "Most of us are really against are not sure what future cy­ LOAFERS began his Investigation. At first NOW. . .CALL ford, Is willing to drop the Navy hope to come up with con- way onto a motorcycle. nailing. g(irls against trees," cling will be like. The type of the senator concentrated on why version without a fight. Clifford structlve changes In The Herald recently held an said referring to a nationally ^atupg McNamara overruled the re­ has not stated his views public­ mediate future. interview with a motorcycle publicized incident In from the present youthful rid­ commendation of Defense De­ 643-5135 ly but even before the Armed "We’re dealing with private club which may become more recently. ers may not only be scarce partment experts that the con­ Services Committee this week Industry now,” he added, “ And and more typical o f motorcycle About the new laws the club soon,______but____ they^ ___ may^ be a dif- 7 .9 7 tract go to Boeing Co. In the en­ voted funds for the. substitote SOUTH WINDSOR they are being very good about groups all over the state. has much to say. They all felt breed entirely. suing years, the probe has cen­ FARMINGTON plane-called the V F X l-h e had r o u t e 5 it," The average member of the sure the state legislators need- ______MORIARTY tered on problems encountered AT RT. 177 (PLAINVILLE AVE.) Inverted moc toe seam step-in with approved a Navy plan to start ON EAST HARTFORD TOWN LINE , Despite the dealings ■with the Tri-City Motorcycle Club Is ed a whipping boy last year and leather vamp, t'win side g^>res for in development of the F ill. ROUTE 6 (SCOTT SWAMP RD.) Welcome Here insurance firms, Brian warned, over 30, married, has children chose the cyclists as an easy trim lit. Exitra hard wearing soles ’ work on such a craft. Cost has been one of the big >*ow BROTHERS AU Sizes Four major manufacturers "n iese are- dangerous veh icle and is a property o-wner. TTiey minority group "'Ith little public RUBBER STAMPS and heels. headaches. At first the- Penta­ FV*r The Big Man In Your EaEiiily, Visit Our Big Man’s Shop In Berlin, Oonii. "Connecticut's Oldest to 12 McDonnell Douglas Corp., and these people are gxilng to all own heavier than average acceptance and no voice In pol- Manchester Linooln-Meroury Dealer” Grumman Aircraft Engineering gon estimated It would cost $6 ALL ALTERATIONS PITTED AND FINISHED IN TIME FOR EASTER have to pay ttieJr coverage.” cycles and prefer several expen- itics. Blueprint and Supply, Inc. •01 CENTER STREET Oorp., Llng-Temco-Vought Inc., billion to produce 1,700 planes. The flwt people to really feel slve European makes. But there are 28,000 eyelid 680 Hartford Rd. and North American Aviation This deluded $711 million (or the pinch are the cycle dealers. Their jobs Include mailman, registered in the state. With Manchester, Conn.—649-8893 (Except Thurs.) Inc —already have submitted research. The Herald surveyed, the four computer programmer, shop David Boardman of the Con- Rockville Exchange Ent. 1495 OPEN EVENINOS major area dealers for their foreman gnd electronics tech- nectlcut Motorcyclists Assn. # > -f"

MANCHWIBR EVBNDfO HERALD. lilANCHESIER. CONN. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 PAGE PAGC aiXTHEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEBTSB. CONN. THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1968 Huge Storm B olton it itnl eastor, LBJ Decision Seen Spurring BITUMINOUS R am s into Conservationist to Outline 1 a Y without doooraM Midcontinent Plan on Open Space Tonight FAIRWAX Attitudes of Wait-and-See DRIVEWAYS F/RST osgt! The public Is invited to a school gym has ended for the "When you read the ballot you running for 28 seats. Jcriinson’s By THE ASSOOIA'EBD PRESS NBW YORK (AP) — Preil- Izens for Johnson-Humphrey. P ek in g Areas . Gas Stattan. . hearing tonight on the town’s year. know I’m a candidate for presi­ name also is on the ballot. A monster storm punched its \ ^ dent Johnson’s decision not to Several Oregon Johnson back- Now Booking for Seasonal Work proposed open space program. Approximately 30 persona, dent,” Branigin says. ’”rhere’8 Of these delegates who may way through the midcontinent w* hov* p oos" *99 d y« seek re-eiection has led to a era Indicated they wanted the today after raking the middle Under the auspices of the Plan­ male and female, ranging in age wait-and-see attitude on the nothing on there about being a make an early switch, Mitchell vice president to enter the cam­ said, "M y offhand guess would Early Bird Special Mleslsslppl Valley with death- ning Ckimmlsalon, members of from about 26 to 46, exercised in boHi 19c and 29c fixes presidential candidates among: stand-in.” paign. be there will be more going for dealing tornadoes and burying the Conservation Commission and played various games under his supporters in Indiana and A number of other Democrat­ "He is the one man, next to ir/« DISCOUNT NOW THRU APRIL 9Hi porta of the Great Plains In a will outline their proposals for the direction of David Dooman, both stores open thurs. ’n’ fri. nltes till tiff Ore(on, two key primary states. Kennedy than McCarthy.” ► ic leaders in Indiana declined to the President, who has the most bllnard. the future, green spots In the Bolton resident and Bennet Jun­ In tvro others, supporters of Two of the Johnson delegates ■''An work Personally Supervised. We are 160% insured. — two ooavealcBt locottona — say who they may favor for the knowledge and experience to Eight persona were kUled and town, from the standpoint of ior High School physical educa­ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy already said before the President with­ downtown manchester — east middle turnpike nomination. Sen. Birch Bayh, guide this country,” said Travis aixirea were injured Wednesday conservation, appearance and tion Instructor. ■ have stagred a lightning raid on drew, that they were transfer­ who had supported Johnson de­ Stewart, a coordinator for the DsMAK) BROTHERS "" night in a rash of tornadoes recreation. Tlie meeting begins Folk Concert Set the Johnson delegrate camp in spite a close friendship with the ring their support to Kennedy, national Johnson-Humphrey OAIX. 648-7601 Nebraska’s delegates to the which churned out of the storm at 8 p.m. in the Ckimmunlty The senior high school French California and have won over a Kennedys, said “ I’m going to Oommlttee. I convention are not bound by the system and ripped hardest at Hall. (Jlub is sponsoring a folk con­ few Johnson men in Nebraska. think about what this really Norman Stoll, a national com­ f cert Saturday starting at 7:80 presidential vote. Committed Arkansas and Tennessee. Heavy A 12-page mimeographed Hie New York Eiemocrat means before I make a state­ mitteeman and a Johnson man, p.m. in the gym. Rodger Grose delegates stay with their candi­ rain aCbompanylng the twisters booklet describing the plan in faces Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy ment.” said he felt "no compelling rea­ will emcee. High school folk date until he gets less than 36 brought a threat of flish flood­ detail will be available. It con­ in the four primaries and first Delegates are bound to the son to rush to align myself at Dr. Harvey PasM Boy Conyers groups will entertain. Refresh­ per cent of the convention vote, A M E R I C A ’ S l a r g e s t FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN ing In northeastern Arkansas. Loola Aptor indications in an Associated this time with either Sen. Eu­ tains two maps, one showing FRiDAY winner of the Indiana primary until two votes are taken or un­ Foot-deep snows spilling out ments will be sold during inter­ Press survey are that Kennedy gene McCarthy or Sen. Robert existing open space, and one mission. for the first convention ballot til released by the candidate, of the masalve storm were u m ??T s gained most from the Presi­ showing proposed open space. Proceeds will go toward fi­ only. whichever comes first, Kennedy.” whipped Into 6-foot drifts by 60- dent’s decision. Rep. Edith Green, a cochair­ The booklet lists the goals KNOWN FOR VAlUtS SPECIAL Kennedy did not enter the Ne­ mUe-an-hour winds and left nancing the club’s trip to Que­ ’The voters give their verdicts NEBRASKA— man for Kennedy in Oregon, for open space In Bolton, de­ bec during spring va<»tion. braska race in time to line up a much of Wyoming and adjacent in Indiana May 7, Nebraska State Chairman John C. said, however, that her office scribes the town geologically, delegate slate, but appears like­ parts of Colorado and Nebraska Music for the ‘Experienced’ May 14, Oregon May 28 and Cal­ Mitchell a Johnson backer, said received a large number of tele­ lists needs, lists what exists, The sophomore class 'will hold ly to pick up some from John­ , virtually paralyzed. Helicopters ifornia June 4. he expects some Johnson dele­ phone calls from ' Democrats then goes into the future, on a a record hop tomorrow in the gates to wait and see what Vice son. McCarthy has a 31-man and snow plows were poised to ALL THE FISH This 1s how the fight for dele­ priority basis. gym entitled "Are You Experi­ who had wanted to support the move out at daybreak in search gates looked in the four states a President Hubert H. Humphrey slate. After the public hearing, the enced?” from the record of the OREGON— administration, but now felt of hundreds of stranded motor­ few days after Johnson an­ does. they could back Kennedy. Planning Commission may same name.) Grades 9~1 are In­ "Some of us don’t want to be President Johnson’s name ists and isolated ranchers. nounced his surprise decision: CALIFORNIA— adopt the plan as part of the vited. Dress Is optional. Donation jumping from horse to horse to also remains on the Oregon bal­ Temperatures plummeted YOU CAN EAT! INDIANA town plan. is 60 cents single, 78 cents dou­ lot, where 36 first-ballot votes ’The Kennedy forces in Cali­ sharply In the wake ^ the The President’s "stand-in” in horse,” says Mitchell. A similar Informational Jiear- ble. The door prize is two tick­ Some Johnson men, however, will go to the preferential pri­ fornia worked to capture sup­ storm. Cold-wave warnings Indiana, Gov. Roger D? Branl- port on the J<4uison delegate Ing was held last year, when ets to the Bill <3osby show at the gln, now says hes’ "running to said they think his withdrawal mary winner. were issued for much of the cen­ the conservationists were work­ "We are Just standing by for slate, led by State Atty. Gmi. Bushnell this Saturday. win." At stake are 66 votes at frees delegates from commit­ tral plains. Heavy-snow warn­ ing on the plan. It was attended the present,” said Ross Morgan, Thomas C. Lynch. the Democratic National Con­ ments to him. ’There are 42 ings were out ahead of the by a captive audience of Boy Manchester Evening Her­ Johnson delegates among 103 a cochairman of the Oregon Cit- "Join with us in the campaign storm In the Dakotas and n , 0 9 vention. Scouts. ald Bolton correspondent, that wlU make Robert F. Kenne­ Mtanesota. dy the next president of the For those In town who would Clemewell Young, tel. 648*8981. Hardest hit by the outbreak of SERVED WITH . . . United States,” urged Assembly tornadoes and high winds was like relief from' budget fig- Vernon inres and schr The Bifir Mian In Your Family John F Clifford could not be used for other than 60S Now Perk Avt., West Hartford, Conn. 06110 - phoM 233-9878 drainage diversion, '$86,000. but casualties were light. target was a highway ferry 36 Chairman ’ campaign purposes. in Manchester, phone 649-5201 Under the plan a highway Im- Engineer support troops re- miles south of Thanh Hoa, Visit Our Bifir'Mian’s Shop In Berlin, Conn. John A. Cagianello, Senators could use money re- W. H. England Lumber Co., Authorlied Local Reproeontetive provement program totals an placed destroyed bridges and 190 miles above the demllltar- Seoretary ceived from fund-raising events eatln^ated $799,000 and under shored up sagging ones. Bull- Ized zone.

. it

r PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 PAGE NINSTTBEN Chicago's Eddie Stanky Never at Loss for Words to Newsmen iMAPEFIliT Rohr, Morehead THE Stanley Cup Playoffs NCAA Asks Investigation UMldllft Back to Minors Herald Angle Talks Frank, Blunt and Forward B y For AAU Track Control SARASOTA (AP) — Dave Morehead, who once . BARRY COWLES By EARL YOST By EABL TOST pitched a no-hitter for the Boston Red Sox, and Bill SARASOTA, Fla.— Never at a loss for words, and a TU/ZHEP Scholastlo Sports Writer OARABOTA, Fla.—Stanley Rohr, who once almost did, will be doiftg their throwing At Four NHL Sites WASHING'TON (A P)__ initial steps in that dl- the NCAA, which in turn is Itz firuy attempting: to create a new imag:e among: the man- WITH f > a o - ronoTPqs and tha courts rectlon. largest member. Father Crow- “Lefty" Bray, local realtor, who in the minors this year. tros on five hits. ag:erial ranks—and doing a pretty good job of it, Eddie p r e s e n c e . winters in this Florida West The Red Sox optioned More- Hurler Throws Strong at Manchester High NEW YORK (AP)—The to The National Collegiate Ath- ley. arguing that up to 90 per Sam Bowens hit a homer in appear destined to become AssocIaUon’s president, cent of the nation’s amatsur Stanky stood on the soap box and without stopping s a x Coast city, has been a regular head, who threw Boston’s la s t once In a 15-minute period .------— ------— the ninth for Washington’s victo­ TJe Manchester High Diamond boys are getting some chase for the Stanley Cup, battleground m Michigan prof. Marcus L. athletes fall within the USTFF, lambaMed members of the 8®od reasons, too," he add- at Payne Park, winter home of no-hltter in 1966, to their Louis­ pretty consistent pitching these days. They have a new hockey’s most cherish^ MPP/B 5 ville farm team Wednesday. ry maigin over Baltimore. Hie the ^bitter war between the Pi^nt, all but conceded any charged the AAU Is trying to the Chicago White Sox. Bray Senators have a spring record fellow out on the mound who is only three and one-half piece of hardware, begins fourth estate. has access to the playing field Rohr, who came within one out nation’s colleges and the hope tor reaching a voluntary maintain a monopoly over eon- You have bo be around Stanky, in case you haven't c f 17-6, best in the majors. f ^ t twl, but puts the pitches right where you want tonight at four National STAN Xyi and clubhouse and has been col­ of hurling a hltleas game Amateur Athletic Union peace not backed up by law is trol of sports meets, Stanky a little while to know gathered by now. is frank, blunt The Braves beat the Yankees them irregardless. This new addition has been known Hockey League sites, and forward. lecting a wealth o f inside base­ against the Yankees in his first for sports management su- dead. The AAU had accepted the when he's talking straight o n six runs in the fourth Inning. to toss 11 out of 12 strike balls across the home plate. The Chicago Black Hawks, The Rev. Wilfred H. Crowley, Feb. 1 findings of an arbltraUon “You guys don’t print what ball material. start last season, was released premacy. from the shoulder and when Atlanta put together five sln- Hia nickname U “Pitch” . . . ------—______who finished a stumbling fourth Campus officials promise, president of the USTFF, an- panel set up by the Senate and I say anymore. You all have a he’s using his best knife to In fact, a bad day for ® ® in the NHL’s East Division, play however, the feud won’t affect nounced Wednesday he had appointed by Vice President Hu way o f twisting things around. Tom Shopay, llie liWe young­ cut up the grass. pitchers all around. The Olncln- passed ^ 1 and an «Tor, the second place Rangers at America’s prospects In the 1968 written Atty. Gen. Ramsey hert H. Humphrey. The USTFF Hell, the other day I was talk­ ster from Bristol, Is disappoint­ Stanky, who has yet to pilot natl Reds optioned out IW-year- Jim Bunning went the dis­ j^ ^ p m cu ce, yup. Ita an t r J - e " ? S New York and East champion Olympics. CTark to ask him "to Investigate turned this down,, and Plant said ing with six guys and the next ed that he hasn’t been playing a winner in .rix previous tries, old Gary Nolan, 14-8 last year, tance for the Pirates and sur­ Montreal hosts third place Bos­ The schools spumed a Sen- violations of the Sherman Anti- he would tell the NCAA Council day I read six different stories much this spring In a bid for a four with the St. Louis Cardi- to the minors because of arm vived a rally in the ninth inning TlUre are many varied reac- » ton. ate-supported proposal for trust Laws on the part of the to do the same when it meets nals and twice in Chicago with ^ what I bad said, varsity outfield Job. The Nut- with the tying run on third, by tiona that come from the In- In the West Division playoffs, __ _ _ P . ••VIo.-nAv'Carller thiathis week I had oc­ trouble. And the New York Yan­ peace Wednesday as the U.8. Amateur ^ Athletic Union by later this month. the White Sox, greeted me megger will be sent out for kees sent Steve Barber to their retiring Pete Rose and M ax dividual players. The majority i St. Louis, which finished' third, Track and Field Federation monopolistic rules and practices The panel, after 27 months of warmly at Paime Field, spring casion to go out to the out­ more seasoning, most likely to Johnson. aaying “ Boy, It’a a lot different visits champion Philadelphia field during batting practice to Syracuse farm. mile banked oval. asked the Justice Department to unduly restricting track and deliberations, had left the NCAA home o f the Chlsox, and Invit­ Syracuse In the ’Triple A Inter­ Also, the Red Sox opUoned Sal Bando hit his ninth hofner than a regular (human) pitch- ” " and second place Los Angeles beg^n an Immediate antitrust field competition.” In charge of student meets and ed me to step into his private talk to one o f my players vdio national League. Shopay has of the spring for Oakland In the er.” ' Each man geta 12 pitches One the main goeis, prf)- entertains Minnesota, which fin­ had made a mental blunder the DarreU Brandon and the New investigation of AAU track con- Col. Donald Hull, executive dl- the AAU as overseer of open office, a long foul ball to the donned glasses In the past 10 York Mets gave Hal Renlff, a first inning when the AthleUcs thrown to him and some hit and ish ^ fourth. trol. rector of the AAU, termed the competition. It said USTFF day before. I put my arm several just don’t hit. dlanapoHs 500 on Memorial rear of the first base stands. days for the flrat Uma “He’s mainstay of the Yankees In bet­ scored three runs. All series are best-of-seven The USTFF made it clear if threat of antitrust action "rldl- meets should comply with AAU Then the reception turned cold. around him, told him what he got too much talent and nat­ Vem Puller drove In fom It’a aU matter of timing with P ^ ’ ^ergin his left games, had done wrong and pointed out ter days, his outright release. the government won't go to culous” and said, "I don’t see requirements, “ You want a story?” he ask- ural ability to be sitting In exhibition action Wednes­ runs, three with a home tor the machine, but you’d better weekend for the Phoenix Last year’s Cup champions, court, it will. how It deals with a nonprofit The priest declared a truce in what he ^ ould have done. One Cleveland. The Indians didn’t race. The weekend o< March the Toronto Maple Leafs, fln- ed. around,” Manager Ralph Honk day, Detroit beat Houston 3-1, be looking or your liable to end At the same time, three senn- group trying to help the young the track feud until Nqv. 1, That was the request from Chicago writer asked ■What 23-24 the car, for the first iahed fifth In the East Division told me laat week. Shopay has Washington edged Baltimore 3- wrap the game up until Angel up getting beaned like Tony tors said Congress should write athletes of America.” three days after the Olympic this New England visitor. y®v tell him ?” been rooming with another rookie pitcher Vicente Roono’s Conlgllaro. It takes ^bout l;36 time, was driven on the Staf- and did not qualify for the play­ 2, Atlanta pounded the Yankees ford Speedway for the purpose a peace treaty Into law, and The USTFF is the protege of Games end In Mexico City. "O.K. Give me a hundred "I told him it was none of 9 roolde, pitcher Stan Bahnsen. 7-1, Pittsburgh downed Cincin­ throwing error let in the de- for "Pitch” to hurl 12 balls, offs. of final tuning and minor ad- And -the Black Hawks, last bucks,” he shot back. "That’s Ws bxisiness. ^ T A M n y nati 4-3, Oakland crushed Bos­ breaking run. compared to nearly 10 for a “Another Chicago writer who juetmenta for proper handling. what its worth for an exclu­ New York Yankees have two ton 9-2, Cleveland outshigged Rookie Jose Arcla had five pitcher. year’s regular season cham­ saw me with the guy In the An hour and one-half was spent pions, entered the Cup show­ sive back to Connecticut.” pitching coaches on their staff, Los Angeles 10-8. hito and drove in the winning It wiU be an eariy season help, Fairfield Names Jim Lynam outfield didn’t say a word to by this writer at .the track on His interviewer, naturally, hoHdoiver Jim ’Turner and new­ Also the Chicago Cubs outlast­ run with a single in the lUh for but one can’t believe that be­ down with a host of problems, me, or ask me anything, but I Sunday, but connections were among them a six-game winless was stymied. comer Whltey Ford, the most ed San F’rancdsco 7-6 in 11 In- the Cubs. The Cubs scored four fore the Indians open their read in his widely clrixUated bad as it seems it was late In As Head Coach Y MIDGET STANDINGS “It’s worth a hundred to me history. Most teams carry but nings, California beat Its Seattle runs in the ninth on six straight schedule, they’d better get a streak in the flila\ two weeks of the e f tomoon before the car ar­ the regular season which slid W. L. so it must be worth a hundred (am .) column that I was send­ one pitching coach. Turner was farm dub 2-1 and Philadelphia hits off Frank Linzy. live pitcher on the mound. FAIRFIELD, Conn. James F. athletic director. ing the gpiy down to the minors rived and this writer had since them from second to fourth Boland Oil 19 0 to you,” he added. sI bo a pitcher during his play­ Cookie Rojas and Mike Ryan • • * Lynam, assistant varsity and Lynam, a 1964 graduate of St. nipped St. Louis 6-4. departed. place. Wyman Oil la 8 TTlls proposition wasn’t ex­ and he speculated as to what ing days 'With CSndnnatl, Bos­ Mickey Stanley's three-run each drove in two runs each for freshman coach at St. Joseph’s Joseph’s O ff the Desk Manchester race fans will be Then there are injuries. Scor­ Flks 10 9 pected, but, apparently when I club it was going to be. ton Braves and the Yanks. homer in the third inning gave the Phillies. Rojas homered in coUege in Philadelphia and one Hawk teams In his junior and "I have news for him, the anxiously awaiting word on ing champion Stan Miiklta was a Hilltop Motors 4 16 hesitated, Stanky felt that the Detroit all the runs It needed to the first and Ryan’s two-run GetUng initiated into the of -the school’s all-Ume bosket- senior seasons and was a mem- Bergin’s first experience. doubtful starter for tonight’s Manchester Auto Parte 4 16 joke had gone far enough. player is still with the dub and win. hOckey Lolich and Dennis double in the eighth provided track coaching bit is Jim Mor- GETS TREATMENT—Stan Mikita, of Chicago iball luminaries was named Mon- tor of the school’s 1,000 career Mickey Mantle is winning rt , , opening g:ame because of a back Stanky, who picked up the will be when we get back to the winning runs. Black Hawks and NHL’s leading scorer, receives day as head basketball coach point club, has been freshmen BUSINESSMEN’S ed that New York writers were "I just can’t stand the breed talk a little about his club. countless new fans on the Flor­ Ribant combined to stop the As- larty. He had a group of about Injury and Bobby Hidl and Den­ nicknames of Muggsy and Chicago to open the season. at Fairfield University. coach at his alma matte rthe 14 1 “just as bad.” of new baseball writers, radio “We had to let Jim O’Toole ida trail. Having followed the 16-20 ninth graders that are Football Meetings is DeJordy also were nursing diathermy treatment today for chest and back Army & Navy Stinky, while playing second “This same guy (writer) The announcement of toe last three years. His teams have 10 6 "My job,” the former New and telev^on people, sixm e at and Bob Shaw go because we Yankees on their Florida West nxming at the high school bruises. muscles from trainer Nick Garen. Team flies to Klock baseball for several National came Into camp two days after track. . .Paul Phlnney, Wendall Manchester High’s football selection of toe 26-year old compiled an overall record of t ^Iso 8 7 York Mot farm director said, these baseball experts are 23 or just don’t have any room for Coast swing, Fve found Man­ Washington Opens Monday, Emile Francis, coach of the New York today for tonight’s cup series with New Tel so League clubs, Including World we started and cut my squad 24 years old and they know any new pitchers. It’s 'tough to Moratta and Dick Williams have coach Dave Wlggln has started Lynam was made by Athletic 33-21. Sportsmans Tavern 8 7 Series representatives in down to 25 players. Well, we “la victories. Ih at’s how I’m tle never too busy to sign auto­ York Rangers. (AP Photofax) more about baseball than me break into our staff for a new a fl.^ group Of toys on the oval t o f hilLky’ d e ^ e ^ m ^ Director George^ R. Blsacca, Bisacca described Lynam aa a UAC Barons 4 11 Brooklyn, Boston and New stlU have six guys aicund who judged. My goal Is to win, win, graphs or pose for pictures and I’ve been in baseball 33 man, starters and reliefers,” he for this year's track season, boys. Interested In football, from wasn’t so sure. The playoffs mark the re tom whom Lynam succeeds, at a “ young, enthusiastic basketball Beer Barons 1 14 York (Giants), first put this were ‘out’ and I have a good win. with youngsters. The same Johnson Waits for Winner vdio has been nursing two years.” offered. Working everyday after school, Bennet and Illlng Junior High’s, “ I’ve been in enough playoffs of the Flyers to their regular press conference In toe unlver- man who possesses toe dynamic writer at ease and then told of mind to keep all six just In can’t be said for Joe Pepitone WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl- The White H b i^ is still sU«»t bruised knees, to be ready. He "Don’t believe that nice guys Chicago, fourth the past two many changes In pole vault and Wlggln reports that he present- to know anything can happen,” home Ice. They played 21 of slty’s Campus Center. spirit and vision which we at SENIOR LEAGUE “I don’t like some ball play­ who acts Just the opposito and dent Johnson has his last on whether Johnson, who has also was expecting to see Mikita 15 1 some of the problems he had spite of ithat guy,” Stanky con- win pennants. GU Hodges is a years, nearly made a run for shot-put have been added. . . over 100 toys attending said Blake, who has led toe Can- toelr last 24 regular season Blsacca retired as head coach Fairfield like to think is char- Morlarty Bros. enoountered this season, none tlnued, taking time out only to ers, too. The guys that we trade nearly leveled a youngster who and Hull in action for Chicago. 9 7 nlos guy, at least you press­ it last year. Btanky’s crew led chance to avoid a baseball dmt- announced he won’t run for re- The notice of coaching vacancy classes on Monday, Tuesday adiens to seven Stanley Cups in games on toe road after toe at Fairfield last month af- acteristlc, not only of our bas- Top City Blues on the ball club. Jlte up a cigarette and stretch seem to use me as a crutch. had the nerve to ask this “su­ out as the Washington Senators "I don’t doubt that they’re 7 9 men say so, well, we’ll see If from June 10 to Aug. 13 and as election, will make the tiadl- In "toys basketball” was put Thursday nights from 7-9. 13 seasons. Spectrum was closed«by wind ter serving ten years In that keitiball program, but our Ansaldls ‘iMy club’s sound and ready,” hds legs out onto a traveling he wins with the Mets. Fans It’s my fault they can’t hit, per star” for his autograph. open the 1968 season Monday hurting,” said Francis,, “ but I HaiwkB 1 15 late as Sept. 6 before falMng tlonal trip to the ballpark next out over the notices of the school The classes are held In room A-7 In toe new West Divdrioa, damage. capacity. He has remained as academic growth as well." he said, adding, “despite the trunk. run or field. That’s why they Baseball would be lots better know those two. They'll be here Los Angeles was ready to c a l l ------don’t buy tickets and come out behind, winding up three games against Minnesota. •ystem In Manchester. One on Monday and Thurs^y and Philadelphia goes with young newspapermen. They’ve been “Maybe the writers should to see managers perform. I was are traded, but they always with more Mantles and less Johnson, now 0-3 and the only week for his fourth try. His at- even if they have to play in on Coach Red KeUy against back o f Boston. would assume that the “ toys the choral room, on Thursday, Bemle Parent in goal against trying to manage this club run this club?” Btenky asked. never a nice guy when I played blame the manager,” he add^. Pepltones. President still waiting for his tendsmee Is uncertaJn. wheelchairs.’’ Minnesota. Kelly, Inactive since *^My pitchers have leaimed basketball” would meai-i jayvee Both rooms are located near the Boston’s hustling Bruins— St. Louis and veteran Gleim Psychological Reason for Psychiatrists ever since I took over. Stanky admitted that not and I’m not a nice guy now. I ’m Stanley’s big Job with the first winner in baseball’s annual Humphrey, the ever-ebullient, leading toe Maple Leafs to toe that I’m quick with the hook,” substitute. Is No. 2 In this as coach, meaning that Jim Mor- auditorium. ^ . , most of them with no prior Stan- Hall. “Get this • straight, I hate only did he resent the poison- 48 and I’m not going to change Pale Hose Is to bring a ‘winner “Our farm system is opening day ritual, may pass up larty has already been highly Any toys Interested In play- rhm Bvnprience—are decld- Doug FaveU,Favell, PhiladelphlaPhiladelphia’s s — A ” to i^ave no stone unturned estimated $440,000 for four Olympic team and six alter- strict fouling rules and no dunk get mad if I gave out the In­ group haa, gotten together and team. YORK ketball hopefuls. formation to evening papens entered a race car on the ex- Latest rumor has it * y unholy war to sign college ^ Unseld to an NBA con- years. The only player signed so Flu and tardiness hindered fl- nates will be named Sunday. restrictions. SAMPLE BUYS OF players was under way in ” far by the a b a is Wayne chap- nal practice sessions Wednes- CERTIHED and the evening writers would AP Forecasts on National League ohwWe USAC Championship aren’t going to stop here either. get peeved at me if I gu-ve the pro basketball today. Boerwinkle, toe No. 1 pick of man of Western Kentucky by day for toe 88-man, eight-team HSHING news to morning papers. Hell, The 22-year-old National Bas- Denver in the ABA, ourrently is the Kentucky Colonels. tournament opening today In AI- PRO SH O P you can never please a news­ ketbeill AssoclaUon announced playing in the Olympic trials at The other No. 1 choices in toe buquerque’s 5,000-foot altitude . man, so I stopped trying.” Manchester Archer Places it’s first-round draft pickh Albuquerque, N.M. "We certain- n b a . draft were Don Smith, 618 Stress is being placed this FISHING EQUIPMENT 'Stanky summed up the flag Hard Road Ahead for Cards, Wednesday with Westley Un- ly don’t want to do anything to Iowa State by Cincinnati; year on trials and training af al- race like this; It won’t be as In Indoor Championships seld, and Ron upget Boerwlnkle’s chances of , 6-11 of Pan Ameri- titude for toe 1968 Olympic dose as last year, or with as Williams among toe top choices, making toe Olympic team,” by Detroit; Charley Paulk, Games at 7,500-foot Mexico many teams involved. Injuries “ I guess we have to enter Into ggjd Dick Klein, Chicago gener- g.g Northeastern Oklahoma City, Reds Must Escape Injuries Archery sensation from Man­ an unholy war of going after gi manager. “ As a result we by Milwaukee; , 6-7 Arad McCutchan of Evans- SHAKESPEARE SPINCAST RIG balanced the league a year ago. CHURCH— Joe Rivosa 356, Y — Jerry Smith 166-391. solid pitching with Bob Gibson Lanler-Ron Hunt combo must chester, Ed Gaftney, recently toese players,” declared George have had no direct negotiations South Carolina by Phoenix; vlUe, NCAA College Division Tony Marlnelli 157-383, Al Bu- NEW YORK (APj-^St. Mlkan, commissioner of the ri- the boy. , 6-5 of Houston by coach, said with a smile that, Peite Acetoa 135-363, Bill Car­ COMPLETI FOR showing the way to a staff that click In the middle of the infield. finished 13to at toe Indoor In­ lin 136-139— 388, Mike Plochar- jaucius 163-371, Rocco Lupac- Louis has the pitching, The Giants do have that home val one-year-old American Bas- Williams, drafted by New Or- Boston; Skip Harlicka 6-1 of the altitude affect on athletes includes Nelson Briles, Steve ternational Championships held ezyk 138-140—375, Stan Opa- chino 142-373, Joe Tv'aronlte 1771 REEL AND LINE PLUS power and balance to win run power and good pitching. kethall Association. leans of the ABA, said he would South Carolina by St. Louis; has “ been accepted for mainy Carlton, and the others who did lach 140-351, Phil Ohaes Wl- 144-368, Andy Lamoureaux 149- at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Mich. Unseld, ,a 6-foot-8 two-time like to play with the Warriors. ShaJer Halimon, 6-5 of Utah years. So I guess it’s true. Psy- the National League pen­ the job last season. The Pirates lead the league In 361, Bill CSiapman 141-378, 146— 418, Hank Martyn 161- SIOBS Gaffney is 19 years old and shot All-American at Louisville, weis However, he plans to consult State by Philadelphia and Bill chologically-. . . that’s for psy- 2-PIECE FIBERGUS ROD nant again but it won’t be John Edwards will g(lve Tim hitUng every year but the pitch­ Howie Holmes 369, Sandy Han­ 146— 423, Russ DeVeau 360, ing lets them down. The addi­ toe No. 1 draft of the Baltimore with Bucky Waters, his West riosket, 6-7 of Ohio State by New chiatrists. I’m a basketball any lOV^-game romp this McCarver a chance to take a a 689, only six points below toe na 151, Hank Agnew 385, Art Howde Hampton 352, Ed Bu- tion of Bunning makes them a Virginia coach, before making a yorh, coach.” ALL NEW 1968 M ODELS $18.95 Voliie ST. JAMES LADIES—Rose time. rest and Dick Schofield provides winning score of 696. shot by Bullets in toe NBA. Tinsz 136-355, Jim Matoleson jaucius 143-362, Carl Bolin 142- If there Is any complacency In shortstop insurance behind Dal formidable factor. Any Une-up The chose toe decision. None has been sig;ned. The NCAA red team, which 391, Charlie 'Whelan 380, Joe BoreUo 133, Sally PhlUlps 139- Jim Ploen. The NBA did sign two of its The NBA first-round draft features floor leaders JoJo 150-366, Sam Little 154-390. the camp of the defending world MaxvUl. that includes R o^ rto Clemente 7-foot Boerwinkle of Tennessee. DlBella 352, Ken Seaton 350, 344. There were 1,680 shooters for top draft choices. , - ^gg conducted over toe tele- White of Kansas and Rick champions it didn’t show in A batting order that Includes has to be a threat. WilUams, 6-3 West 'Virginia star, 6 Al Omelchuk 355, Art Johnson toe competition from all over Southern California star, pbone Monday by Commissioner Mount of Purdue, meets the KACY—Chet Kosak 228, Jim Florida where Orlando Cepeda Brock, Cepeda, McCarver, Curt The Cubs went far with a kid was picked by toe San Francis­ 6 NITE OWLS — Erls Langlols toe U.S. providing some tough signed a toree-year-contract Walter Kennedy. It was moved burly Armed Forces team in toe Cantln 228-213—610, Hank Wlt- 351. VERSATILE and Lou Brock were bombing Flood, Mike Shannon, - Roger pitching staff last season and co Warriors. 182-466, Beverly Winter 181, competition for toe local bow­ tke 203, Nick Cataldo 200, WiU ON SALE FOR the fences. Manager Red Maris and Julian Javier packs count on the same group, plus a None of the three has signed with the Los Angeles Lakers. f^om May 8 when toe other tournament’s opening game at 4 ROCKETTES — Pat CofeUl Mlary Lourie 488, Nancy Taylor man. , 6-8 Little AU- rounds will be held. p.m., EST. Simon 201, Nick Marcheseni YOUR MITCHELL 470, Lorraine Demko 480, Lois Schoendlenst’s toughest prob- enough punch to carry an ordi- full season from Ken Holtzman, any contract. Each said they 233, Ed Tomezuk 203, Norman 125, Lods Peterson 131, PhyUis Gaffney has been shooting for American from Guilford, N.C., The ABA draft is scheduled NCAA Whites play toe NAIA Jolmson 486. lem was cutting his pitching nary staff and the Cards’ staff to take them all the way. Ron wanted to weigh all offers be­ Dion 213-557, Walt Yawonskl Huestis 129, Stella KeUey 127, over three years and is an in­ College, also signed for three 27, but it held what Mi- AU-Stare at 5:30 p.m. The IS THE MOST VERSATILE staff Is not ordinary. Santo, Ernie Banks and Billy fore deciding. 221, John Guard 202-550, Walt Barb Dionne 126, Betty Wear Only structor at Halls Archery Lanes Unseld has been offered years with the Seattle Super- called an evaluation meet- NCAA College Division battles MIXED NUTS — Ida SuUl- CinclnnaU looks tough If It can Injuries, of course, can ruin williams must carry the big ing March 9. Each ABA team the AAU All-Stars, who feature Smodenskl 204-203—557, Al 351. OF SPINNING REELS van 130, Barbara Callahan 134- in Manchester. He is also a $500,000 over a four-year span to Sonics. SPICE—Marilyn Paquet 128, escape the injuries that ruined serious pr^lem s load and Adolfo PhUllps must The signings give toe older theil named four coUege players Edgar Lacey, who quit NCAA Bergevin 202, Lou Vegiard 226- 361, Gerry Costa 139-360. them last season. San Francisco with C e ^ a s k n ^ or Fl<»d a continue to Improve, member of toe Columbia Lake play with toe Kentucky Colonels 579, Mario Frattaroli 557. Lorraine Demko 349. Bowmen and holds toe cham­ NBA a 3-1 edge ver toe ABA. it could consult before toe draft, champion UCLA at mid-season. 203 should be close to the big money Versalles, Tom Haller of toe ABA. Baltimore did not pionship for toe indoor title of , Houston’s AU- P.S. These are d l brand new 1968 BLOSSOMS—Gerl Barton 126, on an ekpected super year by Mudeat Grant are the reveal Its offer although Buddy the club. ED GAFFNEY Jeannette, general manager of American was signed last week “36®” models and carry Gofcia's. Iris VacanU 131-361. Juan Marlchal. Pitteburgh, the The Reds might have m ^e^a Dodgers’ hopes to pull off opera- team that had everything but h pitching Is requiar "lifetime guarantee' HOME ENGINEERS — Sandy finiQhert Hivth added a Injuries hand t chopped down solid with the addition of rookie Beben 182-176-495, Mary Chaves « o . . y .t m Palmer Sharpening Game Riverside Oval to Open of service. 176, Rita Scruggs 174, Carol ^ . , _ , _ , Bristol has a group of versatile hitting. Atlanta has the power of Page 181-478, Teddy Gilbert 188- Leo Durocher s umcago (^bs pij^yers who think they can win. Hank Aaron and Joe Torre but 476, Lee Pabst 181, Edith Palm­ rate aa contenders ^ter making ^ staff that Includes Jim MaJo- the pitching is questionable, Big Show Saturday Night er 186-469, Yolanda Buriis 179- believera ot the cynics last sum- Queen, Milt Pappas While the Phils wait on Al- mer. Both the Los Angeles ^ ^ Greensboro Tourney Riverside Park Speedway In- door policy will prev®** ®®y 484, HUdur Zawistowski 461, Hll- ten’s hand and sweat out a ★ SUPPLY LIMITED Dodgers and Atlanta Braves augurates Its 20th season many of toe top NASCAR pilots ma McComb 461, Marie Bolls .u 1 sound) can make it close. shortstop problem, they hardly in STARTS 481, Diane Costanzo 472, Dot can m ^ e trouble U tlwy i^ay Much depends on a Marlchal figure as contenders. Houston’s of stock car auto racing Satur- are expected to participate ★ ONE WEEK ONLY day night with an attractive toe opening weeks. Whltehtod 460, Marie Ballard up to their potential. Phlladel- (comeback and a return to form hopes to rise rest on better Worth Reeord Cash is ______’68 DEMOS^IG DISCOUNT^ APRIL 460. p ^ has to sweat It out vdm jjy Mays If the Giants are pitching. The Mets/lack puttch , . , group of old favorites and a.host The "*"®'’’®®® GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — The professional golf of newcomers competing for the slated to start at ^for 68 OLDS TORONADO — AIR CONDIHONEO. FULL POWER 20Hi LINES Richie Allens damaged right Mike McCormick must and need at least another Ibm REBIiS PINETTE8 — Eleanor Chur- hand. Houston appears to have j,ack up his fine year with an- Seaver before they can start to tour which has produced eight one-stroke victories in ,1 ^ 1 cash pile of the spring. erside “ ® ^ COirTLAND “444” PRO SHOP RODS dlla 192-471, lUnda Sullivan enough to keep the New York other good season and the Hal progress under Gll Hodges. U maTor events this year, pitched camp at the Sedge- Heading the list of returnees a " ‘"e-nl|ht aUend^ 68 OLDS. DELMONT — HOLIDAY SEDAN, AIR CONDITIONED Mets In last place. 196-470, Marlon Vogt 175, Gin­ field i u o t r y Club today for the Greater Grfeensboro win ^ d ® f e n ^ “ e stands for laat year’s ihau- 68 OLDS. CUTLASS — 4-DOOR SEDAN ger Yourkas 196-510, Peg Hick­ Here’s the way It looks from Open, worth a record $137,600. ______D a ^ y ^^ulK"j7ry^Hum iston, gural show. The opening night here; son 177-463, Jean Burnham Attention centered on toe ef- _ . is 7010. 201-493, Gert Andrews 456, 1. St. Louis ‘ .7 Top contenders Include Doug and Buddy Krebs of Manches- record, set in 96 forte of Arnold Palmer to sharp- 4-Dr. Sedan Pearl Burnham 451, Ronnie 2. Cincinnati RSox Open Tuesday Sanders, twice a GGO champion ter. ELECTRONIC hls game for next week’s Air cond. $2995 65 POHTIAG CATALINA 4-Door Sedan $1795 FISHING BOOTS & WADERS 3. San Francisco e n __ „ and winner of over $46,000 In The kickoff feature will be a 67 PONTIAC CATALINA Newberry 176-483, Ruth Heneg- Masters at Augusta, Ga. Al­ b a s k e t b a u h 4. Pittsburgh GGO money: Julius Boros, an- go-lap race, the main event for FISH LO-K-TORS han 471, Norma Thempeen though he has played toe four- Sedan 6. Chicago other who has won here; and jbe first five weeks. The first 65 DODBE W $1«5 Start at 39*98 213-495, Barbara Goddard 193- To Defend AL Title day, 72-hole GGO often, he has 66 CADILUC DEVILLE Air Cond., $4295 517, Jil Kravontka 176-518, 6. Los Angeles ' such foreign threats as Gary extra-distance gpdnd of toe 1968 by LAWRENCE ...... $169.95 not been emlnenUy successful Sedan FEATURING — RED BALL — HODGEMAN Wanda Kaselauskas 208-184— 7. Atlanta WINTER HAVuiN, Fla. (AP) — Joe Lahoud, a 19- ta^ftoteh to~toe GGO was Plt^yer, Bob ^®rle®. Bruce campaign, a 76-l.apper, is card- Air Cond. $4295 66 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF "c C $2395 U.8. ROYAL — GOODRICH by JEFFERSON ...... $139.95 523, tiois LaiPine 183, Jo Mal- 8. Philadelphia year-old rookie with only two seasons of Class A ball leat year when he XlnlBhed third Crampton, Harold Henning andx^^ for May il. 66 CADILLAC DE VILLE SERVICE & IMPORTS pezzi 482, Dot Whitehead 472, 9. Houston behind him, looms as a possible starter in right field Find Fish At Depth—No More Guessiincr Coupe ■ $1395 Toni Fogarty 470, Dot Peterson 10. New York when the Boston Red Sox open defense of their Amerl- 66 CADILLAC DE VILLE Air bond. $4295 64 CHEV. IMPALA 402. The Cards are up to here in can League pennant at Detroit next Tuesday. over toe par 71 course measur- J g n f appearanc*; «'">® ® once-a-week basis un- Fleetwood The Danbury, Conn., young­young------til June 18 when toe first Tues­ $ 1 1 9 5 Ing 7,034 yards. / limited sharply, has won Air Cond. $3495 64 CHEV. MALIDU ster impressed everyone with “ If it’s not Conlgllaro on Tues­ day night program of toe sea­ 66 CADILLAC DE VILLE BOAT SEATS & CUSHIONS ALL TERMINAL TACKLE day it will either be Lahoud or Palmer Is one of five “ here eight times, starting with hds slugging In early spring fih« GreetiAboro field of 140 inaugural. His most re- son is slated. Sport Coupe $995 SALT WATER EQUIPMENT EVERY ACCESSORY training games, but was as­ (Jose) T a r ta b u ll," WlUlams Many of toe drivers already 6-cyllnder $1595 63 CHEV. IMPAU said. have won a tournament toW triumph came three years 66 PONTIAC TEMPEST signed to the Triple A LoulsvlUe ■year. Others are Tom Weiskopi, ^ ^ gj, making tested toe fifth-mile asphalt Wes Blalosuknla PISHING VESTS — JACKETS — PANTS CUSTOM-TIED FLIES & LURES farm club for more seasoning. Despite Lahoud’s homer the toe leading money winner; de- . . . ------f 4-Dr. Sedan $395 ^ toe oldest winner of a PGA oval this weekend, hoping to get & HIS auto., 6, PS. $1295 62 MERCURY COMET With Tony Conlgllaro stUl ex­ Red Sox lost Wednesday’s game fending champion Archer; Billy tour event. their cars in top shape for the 65 PONTIAC TEMPEST 9-2, dropping their exhibition CONNECTICUT — MAINE — NEW HAMPSHIRE LICENSES periencing vision dlfficulUes In Sam has won over $46,000 here opening. Others are expected UConn AH Stars record to 8-17. Casper and Johnny Pott. D andD his comeback attempt, however, in appearances. In addiUonto Saturday afternoon for warmup The Red Sox trinuned their 27 (Corley, Holowaty, Smith, the hurry-up caU was sent for Whitney, Curran, roster to 26—one over the open­ his eight victories he has been runs. 1963 OLOSMOBILE 88 CONVERTIBLE ...... ^ Lahoud. Thompson, etc.) ing day limit—by sendlpg thre^ THINK second or third nine tiines. The 1967 season was one of toe ALL THESE and MORE AT THE Rejoining the parent club, he The last four holeq will be most successful in Riverside hls- vs. pitchers to LoulsvlUe. Right­ for Connecticut Explorers started in right field Wednesday handers Dave Morehead and televlsed naUonally on Saturday tory. The total attendance against the Oakland AthleUcs with Xopsy DelGobbo CATERERS DarreU Brandon were sent out and Sunday. The winner will le- the year was 140,240. and prompUy took up where he There will be two Danny SATURDAY NITE 8:30 SCRANTON MOTORS, INC ARMS of MANCHESTER on option, and left-hander Billy ceive $27,600. Manchester High School had left off—smashing a home Rohr was outrlghted. Among toe few top notchers Galullos in toe field this year, Prelim. 7 P.M. nm In three trips. G o lf absent Jack Nlcklaus, Canadian Young Danny Jr. will be I iillioi i.ril I h (i h r I or from After today’s game against Adults fl.60 Under 14 fl. OPEN DATES FOR BOWLING BANQUETS hind toe >yheel of a spanking Manager Dick WilUams said the Philadelphia PhUUes at THINK George Knudson, two-time win­ Tickets available at Ray’s new modified coupe for his CADILLAC - OLDSWOBILE - PONTIAC 991 MAIN ST - 649-1647 ALL TYPES OF CATERING Conlgllaro, scheduled for an eye Clearwater, the Red Sox haVe ner this year, and Englishman Restaurant ” and Nasslfl R o c l ''''" ® Tony Jacklln, who won at Jack- driving debut at Agawam Sat- Arms, Manchester;, 643-9533 OUR SPECIALTY examination in Boston today,, an open date for breaking camp 166 UNION ST., ROCKVILLE, CONN. OPEN 9.5:30~THUR5. fa 9:00 P.M. would rejoin the team on Satur­ on- Friday, then meet the Wash­ 0HAR1CR OAK BonvlUe, Fla., last Sunday. lirday night. Steve’s & Tom’s Pizzeria, 8 7 5 - 7 ^ United Stock Car Racing Rockville; and at box of­ WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL? day and he would know better ington Senators at LoulsvlUe J.” . ’ t'- SPORT SHOP Club, directed by Harvey Tat- fice. NASSIFF 646-0350 — 643-6219 then whether Tony could play in Saturday, and Sunday to wind Bowling ' OPEN s THE HOUSE OF SPORTS tersall, continues to run toe acr the opener. up the exhibition season. ll8 9 ToUand Tumpike VILLAGE CHARMERS — Unda Weidt 841. tlon. However, the same open MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-ONB

OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE b u g g s b u n n y Trucks— Tpoefors 5 THRRH OUGRTA B l A LAW ■T SRORTRH w M WHIPPLE Hsip Wmlscl— Holp 35 31 •C o r r e c t i o n ... CATCH AND HE'LL BE 1961 CHEVROLET half - ton PWEND ANDl , '/OUR ALBUM - A CANDID SNAP OF THIS HOUSEKEEPER 8 or 4 dny» • THAT UNB»>irABLE ON pick-up. Newly rebuilt motor KEYPUNCH operator — some WISH TO PURCH^Se CLASSIFIED and transm ission. Call 648-6712, litierarv stars, photographed ATTHE- knowledge of 1401 computer week. Referenoen, own trnnn- A HOT OOS/SIWEI BOYfrU. aVEVOO a PREVISW of PURPLEI ,THE CAMPAIGN RCST SCLLCRR operation. Board of Education, portaticn. 648-4472 «lny». JWE HA/E WONEYL H«TORY/rM HOLWN6 A PRK$6 PROSE? I.TRAILWHEN IT Answer to Prevleua Puiile after 6. COMES TO EATlNS i-iwr--ir^^Mrir_TM: iri,' C 1 0 8 - 1146 Main St., Manchester. COHFKRENCe TOW3REOWTO AN-^ HE'S A On the Farm NA-nONALLY known compMQr H0UNC6 THAT TVS BEUjaAi^V INATURAL NATIONALITY WAITRESS — 11:30 a.m. to 2 In appliance field, located In DINNERS A ADVERTISING Auto Accosserlos A6RCEPT& 6EACAHDI0ATE/IN ACROSS S Strong T i m 6 p.m. dally. Apply In person, East Hartford, Conn., haa a po­ 1HE4e OARKPAV* ALLOF LM» vegetablei MIM U IE R CLASSIFIED ADVEimSING DEPT. HOURS Jane Alden Restaurant, Tri- sition available for pemon In IFarm 4M^t MOST PUT ASIDE PERSONAL , 8 AJM. to 4 :8 0 P.M . City Plaza. Vernon. credit department With knowl­ implement 5 Hameu part r i r r i l l l NINE low-mUea*e tires 16" 8- PURSUTSTD H a p HOMANITV^ 5 Weeding 0 Smell MAIM 600, 6 mounted on wheels. Call edge of clearing credit, cash Implement 7 of cheese t implement (or after 8 p.m . 646-8006. TYPISTS — copy — statistical. application, and following ac­ 0 Short-napped — n S t M :ir^i COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Many needed for assignments gathering hay fabric counts for payments. 6 day 12 Farm road 9 Bring into 4 iM P3 1 DAT BKFORB PUBUOATION near home. Temporary, full­ week with all company fringe 13 Put to harmony DeadUne tor Batortey aad Blaatey Is ditO p.m. Fritey. TraHun— time or 9-3 p.m. Immediate benefits. Salary commenwrate ®i»afcrW«»wt tm.- 14 Solar disk 10 Sharper l-UiliJL-J 15 Distinct part Mobils H ohms 6-A Jobs. Highest pay7~ no fee. with experience. CaH 289-7981. TM. It OA M. OW- 11 Penetrate Staff Builders, 11 Asylum St., 16 Extinct bird 19 Former Russian 40 Adolescents PLEASE READ YOUR AD Mr. Spaethe or Mr. Donahue. 17 Let it stand empresses w French police NIMROD oamplnp trailere — Hartford, 278-7610. An equal opportunity employer. bureau 43 Body of water 18 Chinese bigwig 20 Ught shoes 44 Operatic solo Olaaslfled «r "Waat Ads" are tataa orar the phoas as a sales and . service. Camper BY V. T. HABILIN 19 Durations of 23 Cariban Indian 34 Aircraft f i l e c l e r k s — temporary, CLERK — TYPISTS —8-4:wl A L L Y OOP office Entertainer 45 Depend ilwnld read hU ad fhe FIRST Town, Route 140, B a it Wind­ 25 Fancy J* 48 Monosaccharide. D AT IT APPEARS and RRPORT ERRORS la ttine for the full-time or 9-8 p.m. Immediate Monday ■ Friday, no Batig- .'ATS RIGHT JOE, 21 One (Fr.) . 27 Tatters S' Double plow sor, Conn. Open evenings and' YEH, K IN »)l WHY, SHUCKS, MAN, XYE 22 Heating devices Jested SO Compau point next l a e w t ^ The Herald la responsible for only ONE law r- Jobs, work near home. High­ day work, bus line at front FUNNY \ TlNaLES THIS TWE'RE RI® ^ estM t of a ‘make M od" tneerlloa. E m r t which db 11 Asylum St., Hartford, 278- back door, traffic no problem, MOO.' ridge (var.) 14 net le e y i the r a ^ of the adrertloenieat win net be Mrreeted Motoreycls^- 28 Horseman v r 13 u f "TWiira gioocl' 7610. one week paid vacation this ? 29 Brazilian Bieyciss 11 summer, all benefits company ^S IT macaw IS TELEPHONE work, stay home paid. Call 622-1188 fo r Inform a­ 30 Zoo primate 1968 SUZUKI motorcycle, 160 OC and make money, no selling. 31 Peruke IS tion. InlE LOOKS 32 Health resort 643-2711 875-3136 with electric starter also sad­ Cali 649-0545. UNBEATABLE 33 Bridges 22 (BA Poinfing— Poporing 21 their courses. CAVIAR! en for full and part-time wait­ PART-TIME ITfe HAC20Ae OF ^ IN THATOLDTTZONf^C dition. $14.60 weekly. Assume O F M V C ^ C M INCOME TAXES prepared by INTERIOR and exterior paint­ ress work. Apply, W.T. Grant W INTHBOP^ THAT... OP IN THE A TTIC monthly payments. Call Mr. VENETIAN blinds — repaired, Marvin Baker. Call 643-0267. retaped, and recorded. 646-0273, ing and papering. Call Phil Co., Mancheseter Parkade. Bake, 233-8715. OPENINGS 649-2071. Denoncourt, 742-6173. Z ASSEMBLER needed on second Plus 10% Bonus for Second Shift r INCOME Tax Returns prepar­ CHEVROLET Impala, 1963. 4- L. PELLETIER — Painting — U0NES4-, door hardtop. Power steering, REWEAVING of burns, moth shift, brazing department. Ap­ AVAILABLE ed. Call Dan Mosler, 649-3329. holes, zippers repaired. Win­ Interior and exterior, papering ply In person, Klock (Company, RlPSSUR/ radio, heater, $9.80 weekly. As­ and paper removal, fully in­ RIDE WANTED from Vernon sume monthly payments. Call dow shades made to measure, 1272 Tolland Tpke., Manches­ * r-*r all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys sured. 643-9043, and 649-6326. MANCHESTER 8t. to Rockville, Prospect St. Mr. Bake, 233-8716. , ter. A P P LY N O W area, leaving between 8 and made while you wait. Tape re­ EDWARD R. Price — painting, 1962 RAMBLER. 4-door, auto­ corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 SALESWOMAN—full-time. Only BY AL VERMEER 8:30 a.m. Call 643-6128. interior and exterior, papering, MEMORIAL PRISCI_IXA!SJP0 P matic, 6 cycllnder. Good run­ Main St. 649-6221. experienced need apply In per­ VISIT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE paper removed, ceilings, etc. son only. Mam’selle, Tri-Clty ning condition. $125, call 646- Fully Insured, 649-1003. v-y Plaza, Vernon. HOSPITAL Willow Street, East Hartford, Conn. PJOA .Cl IMI by NCA, Im T M. R«| US. ft(. Off. Aotomobilos For Sole 4 1463.

V _.PAOB TWENTY-TWO BIANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-THBBB 71 BiuIim m LecatloM h o m w i H«lp Wontad— Mate 34 Dogs— Birds— Pats 41 for S«l. TI Horn Fw S * 7Z BERRrS WORLD For Ronf 44 m a n c h b c t e r - room Houses For Sol* 72 Out Of Tesm MINIATURE Poodles—2 black ______— Ranch on bus Ibis. Ifsar n op - For Sol* 75 males, AKC registered. Call 677 MAIN Street, ground flow _ parkado, exosUont oondl* * r o O T n * * ^ S ^ S t ) l^ * ^OOM Colonial, very clean MANCHESTER Six room Cape. ______CLASSIFIED 640-9464. office suite. S76 square faet, caii now only |14|500. rooms. lU h a ^ « “ condition, central, conventiently located and In vERNON condition. Priced to sell. oontaining 8 rooms, private Agonoy, 646-OMl. FRENCH Poodle, white, 8 $23,900. PhUbriok Agency. H. M. Frechette Realty. 647- Owner, 649-9926. “THE UTMOST” INSPECTORS lavatory, alr-conditloned. Ad------Realtors, 64941847. 9993. ______Custom built, 7 room GLENNEY'S Annual months old, all shots. Call af­ stts, t n n jacent to bank. Ideal for pro- r AMOB — 1 BWAffl'l l 'iff s . ,-.M____~——------—— TWO — . FAMILY, dellght- Raised Ranch by "Monroe ADVERTISING ter 5, 648-0417. Reasonable. fesslonal. Insurance or real (Mths, modem kltehsii wHh Im m rail mniH R*n#h, THREE FAMILY — posslbls, ful neighborhood, ten rooms, Moses.” Here is a 8 year bttdt-tns, tormsl dtnlng room, estate office. Call 640-0007. **'*P**®**> Pi'Montly a two fomUy with duplex, sunporch.Immaculate. old home with IVt baths, ELECTRO­ AKC REGISTERED German funlly room, ■ bodrooms, J- CLA8SIFIBD ADYBRTI8ING DEPT. HOURS ^ «” •«•> •*>»ne, water only. T.J. Crockett Reduced for quick sole. Hayes EXPERIENCED 4:30, 643-4363. temporary in the prime Ade- tral location, treed lot. Moder- HELAINE RD — 6 room Cape, Realtor, 048-1677. Agency, 646-0181. Klock Co., 1272 Tolland Tpke., separately, on Main St. Coll lalde-Waranoke Rd. area. Four Manchester. . 155 West Main St. ate price. Mr. Lombardo, Bel- finished rec room, remodeled ______^------— ------TOOL AND DIE MAKER 648-0678. bedrooms, 2 full baths, lovely flore Agency, 843-8121. kitchen, living room. dlntog DESIRABLE A zoned buUdlng BAST HARTFORD — contem- CBOSS-BUCK! Enamel Aluminum glassed and screened porch. PRESS OPERATORS Rockville, Conn. Arrietes For Sol* 45 FOR RBN’^ — 3-bay garage PATamn PAwru ------room, fireplace, newly installed lot 110’ X 160’ on Woodbridge porary six room Ranch, three Bhcperienced tool and die < FORK LIFT OPERATORS Beautifully landscaped tree I ^ S ^ RANCH on h ^ acre gtorm windows, large corner Street in Manchester. With bedrooms, cathedral ceilings, plus one room suitable for any dotted deep yard. Many extras. maker needed to work In PACKERS MARY, you’ve stepped on us small business, near Parkade. W3-8601. single lots at a premium, this paneled 26’ fomUy room, city Call Frank now for an appoint­ with fireplace, 2 baths, p r ic e d ______one Is a real buy. CaU Nick utiUtles. A treed lot, $21,- Early American Combination Doors! tool room of progressive long enough. We want you to First Shift, 4B Hour Week CaU 640-6206, 643-6802. ment. Belfiore Agency, 648- for immediate sale. Wesley electric appliance firm. INSPECfTORB — experienced go to Barrett Plumbing Supply Convertino, Jarvis Realty Co., 600. 10 per cent down. Meyer 6121. R. Smith, Realtor. 648-1667. $76,000. and worth it. Belfiore Realtors, 648-1121. Agency, 648-0609. Thorough knowledge of all EASTERN BOILER & with aircraft engine parts. All Co., 331 Broad Street, Man­ STORAGE SPACE for rent, can Beauty in o plmaes of tool and die mak­ benefits. Apply to Dean also be used for small work ------:------Agency. 6 4 3 - 5 1 2 1 . ------ELECTRONICS, INC. chester, Conn, and rent a Glam- WOLVERTON AGENCY says THREE FAMILY — aluminum ______HOUSE LOTS — 160x800 plus, VERNON — 2-family, 6-room ing required as well as gen­ Machine Products, 102 Colonial orene Electric Rug Shampooer (E) 1MI NEA, Inc. shop. Call 048-0678. M Loomis St. "Here’s a golden opportunity siding, 2-car garage, convenient SPRING STREET — Large residential. Globe HoUow units each with 3 bedrooms, White Aluminum White eral knowledge of machine Rd. for only $2 a day. location. Good Income proper- Colonial custom buUt for pres- School area. Phyllis Jackston, near Vernon Circle. ExceUent repairs. Good starting rate DISHWASHER and bus boy, " M y daddy has more money in Swiss banks than SPRUCE ST. 214-218. Small to enjoy retirement Uvlng at ty. Gerard Agenoy, 649-0688 or ent owners. Formal dining Realtor, 649-8782. (Will CO- financing available. Wesley R. with liberal employe bene­ full-time days, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., FURNITURE and appliance de­ your daddy!" store heated, reasonable. 247- its best” . 6% room Cape, In 648-0866. room, Ubroiy, two flre^ocM, broke). Smith, Realtor, 648-1667. Combination Door! enamel fits. Excellent working con­ fringe benefits, uniforms pro­ livery man. Experienced only. SAVE SAVE 4048. most desirable area featuring utmost cleanliness and walking fliUshed foraUy room, enelOMd ditions In a modem, air- vided, automatic sanitary ma­ Must have driver's license. kCANCHESTER —6 room Co­ CAPES, Ranches, Raised SWIMMING I^O L distance to schools, buses and porch. Rooms larger than Resort Property conditioned plant. chine operation. Apply Knud- Many benefits. Call Mr. Pet- Household Goods 51 AnHquM 56 Houses For Rent 65 lonial, one year young. IH _ _ Ranches at prices you can af­ Costs you less tenglll, 646-0111. shopping, etc. By appointment, avenge. 2-oor garage, wooded that stays sen Country Fare, 1100 Bum- bath^ near bus, schools and lotrFWlbrtok A gm ^ rR eolton i For Solo 74 ford. CoU tor particulars. Wes­ APPLY side Ave., East Hartford, be­ Redwood pool 20’x24’, one L ^ G E coUectlon of beautiful HOUSES for rent, furnished or $17,900. Wolverton Agency, shopping, exceUent condlUon. ------PLUMBER and helper — ex- stained glass antique lamps LAKE HAYWARD — lovely ley R. Smith Construction Co., than a wood tween 2-S p.m. year old. Originally $1,800. imfumlahed storting at $176 Realtors, 649-2818. Selling for $22,900. For further V IONA .perienced new construction, UNCLAIMED and shades. Tiffany lamps. eununer cottage, ready tor 648-1607. Must seU, make an offer. per month. Phllbrlck Agency, information, caU the R. F. WOLVERTON AGENCY — white! good hourly wage, plenty of Lamps repaired and rewired. BIA8T CBNTBR 8T., t raem occupancy. Fully furndEflied, MANUFACTURING CO. LAY-AWAY Realtors, 640-6847. Dimook Oo., 649-5246. Ideal 4 room Ranch, with two ^ TOLLAND door installed! overtime. Inquire at Imperied Call evenings 648-6847, Sam house, C zoned, for doctor’s of­ three bedrooms, screened BEACON bedrooms, 10 x 9 and 12 x 12, Regent Street, Manchester Plumbing, 989 Sullivan Ave., Call 643-1723 Nussdorf. FOUR room large Ranch. Fur­ fices, 2 or 8 famUles, IM’ M AN rwFSTFR Vniriiph TSi ®®®roo«ie> 10 X 9 onu 12 X 12, porch. Financing available to “HERITAGE WOOD” ICANCTES'TER English Tu- living room, kitchen, bath and ouallffled buver Price $7,600. Ehq>erlenced Oi>erators for: South Windsor. 644-1621. New 1967 Zig-Zag sewing frontage. Hutehlns Agwoey, Opening soon! I A lovely PERMA-WHITE White enamel An Equal Opportunity nished or unfurnished. Floors t o r ^ lo n la l, 7 rooms, plus ftui basement. On 60’ x 120’ ^ f F M C Agency machine. Sews on buttons, W o n fd To Buy 58 reflnished, knotty pine Interior. 649-0U4. ______wooded area of 60 custom Employer BULLARDS TRUCK DRIVER’S helper. Work FREE — 200 extra s ft H makes button holes, does all heated eunporeh, 4 bedrooms, treed lot. Approximately $4,800 ^ for little more Working adults. 648-6880. treed lot, wall to wall carpet­ built homes created espe­ for a 04-year old concern still Stamps with oil change. Truck the latest fancy work, no HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques IMMACULATE 6 - room Cape to assume 014 per cent mort' enamel that TURRET LATHE ing, anUque brick fireplace, cially for you by Monroe operated by families of the tires, half price, all sizes 6 to attachments needed. bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, AMSTON Lake — 20 minutes with breeseway and garage eaA gage at $96.22 a month, $16,800. COVENTRY Lake — 4 room than the cost of MAN WANTED for shlppbig, ENGINE LATHE storms and screens. City uUli- Moses, custom builder. All founders, where you will be as­ 12 ply. Cole’s Discount, 648- glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ from Manchester, 2-bedrooms, only eight years old, formal Wolverton Agenoy Realtors, summer cottage. ExceUent receiving and delivery. Also Ues. Garage. Near bus Une, lots half-acre and larger. stays white! sociated with fine home fur­ 6382. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 $126. Call 1-633-2138 after 6. dining room, three largo bod­ 049-2818. area, oloee to water, beautiful a regular finish man with electrical back­ Apply Personnel Dept. BALANCE $42.20 CaU for details. 649-6306, nishings. Fringe benefits In Lake St., Bolton. 640-3247. rooms, closet space galore, fuU stores,. church and schools. treed lot. Only $1,900. Hayes ground for counter sales. Ap­ DARK rich stone-free loam, Priced in low 20’s. Charles Les- 876-6811. aluminum BEACON MACHINE CO. elude participating Insurance Or Terms of $4.26 Per Month COVENTRY — 6-room house, walk-out basement, $21,600. Agency, 646-0181. ply Economy Electric Supply, $16. Pool and patio sand, \^E BUY and sell antiques, and convenient, $136. CaU 1-633-2138 Wolverton Agency, Realtors, perance, 649-7620. MANCHESTER 86 Oak St., 647-9001. INC. and pension plans. Five Cay stone, fill, gravel, sand and MOODUS Reservoir — six rcom All haidwaie included, all door! 24 Leggett St. week; 18 years or older; Call Capitol Manager Collect used furniture, china, glass, sil­ after 6 p.m. 649-2818. B (Sl W manure. 643-9504. ~ Till 9 P.M. ver, picture frames, old coins, PRINCETON ST — 4 bedroom summer cottege. Artesian wril, b a r r o WS and WALLACE Co. MALE producUcm workers. East Hartford, Conn. driver’s license necessary. guns, pewter, scrap gold, MANCHESTER — BeauUful 1s Colonial, 2H baths, finlriied CUSTOM BUILT furnished, 4 g r o o m s , (Ktra Manchester Parkade Openings on first shift. Start­ Watkins Brothers, Inc., 936 ONE OP the finer things of Ufe- recreation room, fenced In 280-7401 666-5662 watches, old Jewelry, hob­ the thought on this 8 room large lot. ^ IW n g distance to Manchester 649-6306 holes pie-drilled iof easy Pre-hung for fast do-it-yourself ing rates $2.42 per hour. Ap­ Main Street, Shipping Dept. Blue Lustre carpet and uphol­ MANCHESTER 7 ROOM RANCH by collections, paintings, attic Raised Ranch, IH bathe, yard. Just a few et^ s from the beach. Needs some work. ______plications excepted dally. Call NIGHT supervisor for whole- stery cleaner. Rent electric 6 bedroom older home, 2 Bowers, nUng and Manchester installation! All hardv/are MAN OR BOY, must have driv­ contents or whole estates. Fur­ formal dining room, kitchen Price »B,500. CaU P.M. Gaal COVENTRY — Immaculate mo- Mrs. Marge Hampson, 648-6168 sale grocery warehouse, salary shampooer $1. The Sherwin- fuU baths. Charter Oak High Scho our screening plant or deUv- 640-9903. now. baths. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Put an end to your housing g u f treed lot, $19,600. Ray Hol- * 2 8 ®® for experienced night and permanent guest combe. Realtors, 644-1286. essential, hours 1 p.m .-ll p.m. M ai* or Fomalo 37 ered. George H. Grlfflng, Ino. problems: Check the Gar­ SIX ROOM Ranch with 8 bed­ rates. JOE LOMBARDO has listed a TOLLAND—FamUy home. Im j Apply Moahkln Freight Lines. 742-7886. On all above listings, ten­ rison Colonials now being rooms, 2 full ceramic baths, AMERICA’S FIRST—GEORGIAN PERMA WHITE DRIVERS HAIRDRESSERS wanted, full 4-bedroom Ckilonial with a 2- maculate 6% room Raised V B P JfO N ^ M e to Rt. 83 and REGULAR GOOD GRADE 116 Park Ave., East Hartford. USED SINGER ZIG-ZAG EFFICIENCY apartments, 1-2 ants pay all utilities includ­ kitchen has buUt-ln oven, or part-time. Apply in person. SEWING MACHINES — Singer car garage in a very con­ buUt by Jarvis on Center, Ranch, 2-car garage, IH baths, Vemjm d r c K 7-room Split COMBINATION DOOR SHOP MEN rooms, free parking. Also ing heat. range, formal dining room. ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR The Wlggery Beauty Salon, 626 automatic zig-zag with cabinet, Portable sewing machine, venient location. This is an im­ Street in Manchester. There w...... w.,..., wooded lot rec room. Level, 3 bedrooms, family WAREHOUSE MEN sews on buttons, makes but­ rooms for refined gentleman, 11x20’ Uvlng room with unique ™ room. Priced to sell. Wesley 3/0 X 6/8. Reg. $44.95. JANITOR—part-time evenings. Main St., Manchester, Tuesday excellent condition, button free parking. Inquire before 7 maculate home with aluminum is only one available so Reg. $25.95. $22 95 CaU 648-4463 3 to 6 p.m. only. through Saturday. holes, hems, embroiders, sews ton holes, monograms, over­ V. FIANO, 646-0191 siding, aluminum storms and omy $22,600. Must ^ seen. CaU R- Smith, Realtor, 643-1667. p.m. Scranton Motel Cabins, 180 you’d better hurry. This 3 years old. If this sounds l i k e ' - ’ , - t»-_ i ------——------Benefits: casts, blind hems dresses, screens, copper plumbing, and buttons. OriglnaUy over $820. Tolland Turnpike, Manchester. bedroom beauty features WAREHOUSE MEN, night 8 Paid HoUdays no attachments needed. a completely fenced in yard. your kind of house you may ^®^te Ake^cy ~ shift, good working conditions WUI take $60.60 cash. City want to talk to us. Wolverton " e » ie Agency, ew-oaoa. believe a 6-room Ranch, Sick Time Five year parts and service COMFORTABLE room for gen­ Call Joe now to Inspect this IH ceramic tile baths, SPECIAL PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND and benefits, Gaer Bros., 14 Sewing Center, 622-0476. Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. COVENTRY 1^ baths, 2-car garage, Gold Pension Program guarantee. tleman, private entrance, free Out of Town moderately priced fine home. modem kitchen with drop- Rye St., So. Windsor. HELP WANTED Medallion electric heat, kitch­ Major Medical parking, 14H Hackmatack St. For Ront 66 Belfiore Agency, 643-5121. in range and disposal, full SOUTH MAIN St. arm — 6 and SPRING IS HERE en built-lns, one acre lot with WE DELIVER, WE SERVICE, WE GUARANTEE DAY warehouse men with trac­ Life insursmee COMPLETE PRICE $53.20 between 6-9 p.m. 6 flat, with 2-oar garage, i9tt- Enjoy life in this cozy shade trees, new wall to wall APARTMENT, 8H rooms. MANCHESTER — 6 room Oo- basements with economical AND YOU CAN CHARGE IT, TOO tor troUer experience, good 7 P.M. — 12 Noon 1967 WHITE ZIG-ZAG Ing for $19,100. T. J. Oroekott Ranch nestled in the trees. carpeting in a superb location Or Terms of $6.60 Per Month ATTRACJnVE sleeping room. Separate building on bus line. lonlal, Bunporch, baths, 2- gas heat. For an appoint­ working conditions and bene­ Apply in Person / Realtor, 6U-1677. Living room plus dining for $26,900. For further infor­ Gentleman, private entrance, Ideal for couple. Grove St. oar garage, treed lot. Prieed ment to view these homes fits. Gaer Bros., 140 Rye St., Between 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. Apply in Person Anytime Nice condition. Makes but­ CaU Capitol Manager Collect room and sunporch. Con­ mation call R. F. Dlmock Oo., shower bath. Free parking. Ap­ Rockville. CaU 649-2871. to seU, $19,900. Hayes Agency, MANCHESTER — Porter St. So. Windsor. ton holes, sews on buttons, Till 9 P.M. call venient to UConn or Man­ 649-5246. ply 196 Spruce St. 646-0111. area, 7 room older home, does fancy work with one or BOLTON — Three room apart­ chester. Financing avail­ 20 FT. sound condition, excellent loca­ CARL Zinsser offers this brand . two needles. ment, single dweUlng. Yard able. See this one. $12,900. 666-5662 MANCHESTER — a 11 r a oUve JARVIS REALTY Co. tion. treed and well landscap­ new four bedroom Colonial with Reg. $29.95 WANTED-- DAIRY QUEEN with garden space. Reasonable D. Sisco, 649-8306. Top pay 628-3468, 688-2832. Apartments— Fiigfs— now Raised Ranch, In one of ed yard, basement garage — 1V4 baths and garage. One acre Good starting salary , many rent. Ideal for older couple or Manchester’s finest residential 283 East Center Street fringe benefits. Apply In Tenements 63 only $19,900. H. M. Frechette wooded lot on a beautiful dead­ TWODOR « BRAZIER FULL PRICE $37.40 single person. 649-7168. areas, modem Idtohen, dlalnt 643-1121 B W FAMOUS person. The Singer Co., 866 ELECTRIC STOVE — 30” Frigi- Realty, 647-9993. end street. Pick your own dec­ 25.50 LOOKING for anything in room, fomUy room with flro- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Or Terms of $4. Per Month dalre. Imperial, twin door oven. FLORIDA — near Gulf beaches, orations and move in this Combination door and unique Main St., Manchester. 647-1425. real estate rentals — apart­ place, 2-car garage. $61,900. MANCHESTER -^ Ideal loca- FOUR bedroom Dutch Colonial, 242 Broad Street Very good condition, $80, 643- 2 bedrooms, accommodates 4 Manchester Parkade Spring. Belfiore Agency, 643- CaU Capitol Meinager Collect ments, homes, multiple dweU- PhUbriok Agenoy Realtors, 646* Uon, 6 room Cape, 4 down, IH baths, fireplaoe, buUt-lns, panel design. Glass and ALUMINUM DRIVER needed for Company 6749. people, living room, kitchen, MEinchester 649-6306 6121. Manchester, Conn. TlU 9 P.M. ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real 6847. 2 up, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 large garage, 1% acres, wooded, ------MALE pick-up truck. Knowledge of bath, patio, garage, electric air- screen inserts. ANTENNAE for color TV, $60. Estate, 643-6129. enclosed porches, nice comer $20,600. SuburtMUi. Hutchins VERNON — 6 room Cape, 2- b OLTON —Large custom built greater Hartford area neces­ conditioner, electric heat, all WOLVERTON Agency — need lot with trees. This home is in sary. Apply in person Klock Folding cot with mattress, $10. Agency, Realtors, 040-6834. c w garage, aluminum storms, g p ^ Level, 7 rooms, fireplace, 2’8” X 6’8” or S’O” x 6’8” 666-5662 NEW 8 ROOM apartment, in­ modern. Write Box "C ” , Man­ room? Vacant 6 room Colonial, exceUent condition. Ride by 88 ______fireplaoe. Carruthers Real baths, 3-oar garage. Only 24 FT. Co., 1272 Tolland Tpke, Man­ PART-TIME evenings — Man Mahogany Duncan Phyfe table, EXTENSION LADDER HELP cluding appliances and uUll- chester Herald. Just celebrating it’s 8th birth­ Homestead St. Price—$18,500. MANCHESTER — five lots of Estate, 876-9182. $24,900. Hutchins Agency, Real- chester. and wife to do Janitorial duties, $16. 644-1966. Reg. $36.95 824-0620. ties. CaU J.D. Real Estate, 648- day. All large rooms, bath and Interested, call Gaston Realty, record with 7 room house. Poe- tors, 649-6324. PLUS 40X 6129. OPENING in busy local com­ CLEAN. USED refrigerators, breezeway and garage, full 649-6781. slble apartment site or indlvld- TOIXAND — Near Parkway, ______FOUR PIECE bedroom set, Resort Froperty ual dweUlwrs. Bel Air Real * room Roneh. 4H acres WINTERIZED home on Bolton WANTED pany owned paint and wallpap­ ENUMERATORS WANTED to ranges, automatic washers walk-out basement on bMuU- good condition, 649-0879. TWO-BEDROOM town house, HERE'S A lovely Cape Cod at land, privacy. Only $14,100- Lake, 88’ frontage on lake, ex­ 14“ BLACK COLONIAL STRAP HINGES ’ 31.50 er store, for part-time work. work on Manchester city direc­ with guarantees. See them at For Ront 67 ful % acre lot. Mid 20’s. Wol­ Estote, 643-9382. Spin-Proof patented tory, interviewing residents at IH baths, includes appliances home only a short walk from Hoyce Agency, 640-0111. ceUent Income producer. T.J. Involves retail selling and light B. D. Pearl’s Appliances ,649 verton Agency, 649-2813. Includes 3 for door. Matching thumb latch. ALFLO® rune joints their homes. Apply Price ft Lee BLENDER like new, $5, girl's and uUllUes. CaU J. D. Real COTTAGES for rent —Gardner stores, churches, schools. Ul- juST LISTED — 8 famUy, Crockett, Resdtor, 648-167T. For general labor in warehousing. Hours can be ar­ Main St. Call 643-2171. room RolMd Mold.d Cycolac *nd Co., Room 3, 480 Main St., Man­ English bike, $10, 2 tires, 7.00- Estate, 648-6129. Lake. Modem, lakefront, free THINK BIG about this one be­ tra modern In every respect, 3.5.8 , over $300 monthly In- ANDOVER Reg. $35.55. $ 2 2 . 0 0 Complete our aluminum tube di­ ranged to suit applicant. Per­ capi. Cycolac pulley and chester (Odd Fellow Building) 13, $4. lamp shades 60c, books, brochure, pictures. Arrowhead cause everything about It Is. this home features 6 rooms, 2 come, 2 car garage, permanent Ranch, 3 batlu, S to 4 bed- r o u t e 86, Hebron. 76 acre vision. Steady work, manent, $2.00 per hour. Phone assorted items. Girls suits, WE HAVE customers waiting Grove, Route 364. Colchester, rooms, fomUy room, treed lot, (,^,1,0 6 rcom bouse. 3 rope on models 20 ft. 8:30-9:30 a.m. and 2-6 p.m. FOUR PIECE bedroom set, Nine big rooms includes 4 bed­ fuU baths, 2 car garage, brick aiding, city utilities, H. M. Mr. Marvin, Sherwln-WlUiams dresses, spring coat, 12-14. As­ for the rental of your apart­ Conn. 242-9278, 848-7178. low 20's. Hayes Agency, 046< juge bonu. Approximately 000 and over. Free swinging paid holidays, vaca­ good condlUon. 649-0879. rooms, a rec room, game room, and aluminum siding. The Frechette Realty, 647-9998. tion, plus opportu­ Co., 648-6686 for appointment. sorted woman’s Junior petite ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ a 36' living room-dining room price ds reasonable, the loca------om. feet on State highway, stream safety shoes with slip- 5 Ft. Warner tate. 643-6129.'^ EAST BEACUI—Quonochontaug, proof vinyl treads. Situations Wantod— KEEP carpet cleaning problems size 7’s. 643-8870 between 2 and combination, 2 full bathrooms tlon— la tops. ___ For____ an -i-i-—appoint- IMMACULATE 6 room Cape on ------Z7T" on property, good (or horses nity for advancement. CARPENTER — trim man for Rhode Island. Sleeps four. HEADQUARTERS small —use Blue Lvistre wall 8. and closets everywhere you ment to check this listing, call large w<^ed lot. FYr^lao^ SOUTH WITTOSOR^ rambling beef. Completely fenced, ad Starting rate $2.60 per housing development by hour Female 38 MANCHESTER — 4 room apart­ Electrical appliances, large STEP look. All this plus an Income the Jarvis Realty Co., Realtors, walk-out " ‘ "basement, ^ aluminum ‘ ten room "Ranch. ** “Breezeway, 3 Jaoont to state forroit. Immedl- hour. Apply in person. or contract. CaU Jim McCarthy to wall. Itent elwtric ^ m p o o - MAHOGANY table, blond oak ment. Convenient location. bathroom. Porch with ocean FOR ALL er, $1. Pdnewood Furniture o„ h producing separate apartment. 648-1121. storms and screens. Char-Bon car garage, 2 kitchens, one ooouponoy. T.J. Orookett Real­ 649-6474 after 6 p.m. and man's dresser, Stove, refrigerator and heat view. Private beach privUeges. TYPING done at home, will Shop. A shady front porch and at­ Realty 048-0688. and two hoU baths, fireplace, tor. eu-1677. LADDER buffets, desks, portable TV- furnished, $160 per month. Glastonbury, 638-1309. LaPOINTE INDUSTRIES YOUN'g m a n full-time for stock pick up and deUver. 647-9726. MANCHESTER______— Immaculate ______^------aluminum siding, large wood- RCA, carnival punch bowls Hayes Agency, 646-0181. tached 4-car garage, acre lot. and delivery. No nights or Sun­ FENCE — 330’ roU, 4’ high, dou­ Garrison Colonial dn executive MANCHESTER — New List- iqj, Char-Bon Realty, 648- No. 375 and cups, cut glass, lamps and Wolverton Agency, Realtors, days. Apply in person only Wes- WANTED — steady work as ble picket wiring fencing with SIX ROOM duplex, adults only, 649-2813. prestige neighborhood. Fire- ing. Inunaculate 7-room Colons oggs. 155 West Main St. ' companion for elderly lady or steel posts, $76. 649-3023. antique leaded shades. Call Wanted To Rent 68 ______Wonted— Aedl Estate 77 Reg. $12.95 town Pharmacy, 469 Hartford references required, $126. paCiWUplaced UvlngA4T4140 room,aw4SS| formalavasssu* din- lal, s one - block------from Center.------mj-uikT e-en a a a A l A ______— small chUdren, live in, smaU evenings 643-6847. Sam Nuss­ Rd. monthly. CaU after 6:80, 649- FAMILY of 8 desires rental of MANCHESTER —2-famlly, 4-4 ing room, 1% baths, rec room. Fireplaced llv l^ formal SBLLINO YOUR HOME? For Rockville, Conn. salary. Prefer central Man­ dorf. Boats and Accessories 46 9228. single house, ownership care, convenient west side loca- 2 car oversized garage. High dining room, 1% baths, den or room Ranch, large prompt oourteous service that PRODUCTS ^ . 8 8 TRJLTCK mechemlc for fleet chester. Write Box D, Man­ 10 miles radius of Bolton or jmmaculate, $19,900. FPr elevatlon. Park like setting. By fourth bedroom. Low $20’s, for cellar, garage, hurry. Hutch- gets results, caU Louis Dlmock chester Herald. TWO AND THREE room apart­ maintenance in Manchester ar­ Manchester. 1-423-3041. immediate sale. Bel Air Real appointment only, Bel Air immediate sale. Bel Air Real Ins Agency, Realtor, 649-6324. Realty, 049-9828. ______ea, excellent benefits and 16’ MARINE PLYWOOD boat, ments with heat, on Main Estate, 648-9382. trailer, 45 h.p. Mercury engine Machinery and Tools 52 Real Estate, 643-9382. Estate. 643-9332. NORTH Coventry -beautiful GLASS fUms instaUer, no ex­ guaranteed overUme. (3aU 643- Street In Manchester. CaU 649- FAMILY OF three looking for a l l CASH for your property and controls, skis, . many perience needed, we train. High 7364. Situations Wanted— SHOP equipment —like new 2290. 4 room apartment in vicinity BROOKFIELD ST. — 8 room WOLVERTON AGENCY — Tru- MANCHESTER — exceUent and Raised Ranch, 6 rooms, built- within 24 hours. Avoid red SAME LOCATION SINCE 1920 pay, exceUent benefits and con­ M ol* 39 extras, $695. CaU 649-3022. condition. Saw Smith power of Washington School. 643-2877 Colonial, located In the center ly a beautiful 6 room Cape In well kept 6-room older home. Ins, di^washer, disposal, w ^ tape. Instant service. Hnjree ditions. Interesting varied ELECTRICIAN — Journeyman------qmatt FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, of town. New on the market, WE’RE NOT MOVING— ^WE’RE IMPROVING made boat saw, angle and cross cut. Shop days or 647-1768 after 3. an Ideal location. East Hart- In convenient and desirable lo- to wall carpeting, completed 640-0181. work. CaU Elmore Associates, and helpers, full-time, steady MAINTENANCE plumber — Smith drill and lathe combina­ hot water, carpeting, range, 4 large bedrooms and bath up. ford minutes from Manches- cation. Must be shown by ap- rec room, fireplaced Uvlng ------East Hartford, 289-8283. employment, insurance ben­ repairs on plumbing and tiaUer, reasonable. Inquire 193 refrigerator. $166 per month. YOUNG COUPLE with 4 months Downstairs has living room Woodbridge Street. tion, power rip saw, welding ter bead end street. Peace and polntment. CaU AUce Clampet, room, 2 car garage, spec- efits, paid hoUdays and vaca­ heating. Faucets and valves Available on or about April 1st. old child seeking clean 2 bed­ with fireplace, large dining aulet with 75 x 160 lot. Built Realtor, 649-4648, 648-7407. lal laundry area. WeU treed 1 i AIRCRABT quality inspector, and cutting torches, tanks, tion. CaU between 8 a.m. — 6 repacked. No Job too small. large capacity portable space CaU 643-0089 between 6 and 8 room duplex apartment with room, kitchen with buUt-lns, For all your aluminum building needs Glenney's is your heodquorters. sheet metal mechanics and p.m. Robert’s Electric Co., L.J. McCaffrey, 649-2964. p.m. appliances in Manchester ar­ den with fireplace^ enclosed Listings Needed helpers. Apply Rolo Machine 16’ COLUMBIAN, trailer, and heater and many other con­ lovely at $19,900. Wolverton South Windsor, 644-2421. ea, around 11-12 of May. Will­ side porch. Fine residential driveway. Price $20,600. Call —Aluminum Screens —Tubes Co. Inc., 65 Eim St., Manches­ 60 h.p. motor. CaU 742-7672. tractors tools. Call evenings. Agenoy, Realtors, 649-2818. Read Herald Ads 643-6847. ing to keep up property for re­ area. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, F. M. Gaal Agenoy, 643-2682. Desperately ter, 647-1481. MEN part-time for janitor and Dogs— Birds— Pete 41 17’ RUNABOUT, 70 h.p. Mer­ DyPLEX, 6 rooms, garage, no duced rent. CaU 649-6476 after 646-1677. __pijif Sheets —Frame parts for storm sash and screens floor waxing work, five days, pets. $120. monthly. 649-1628. GARDENER — part-time, for OMOMING ALL breeds. Har- cury, tilt trailer, soft top, boat 10 a.m. weekdays. I have buyers who are willing, a a.m. to 10 a.m. CaU General fully equipped ready to go. 649- WOLVERTON AGENCY. YoOT mowing lawns, must be re­ mony HUl. E.G:* Chase, Hebron FOUR ROOMS, second floor able and ready to purchase sin­ — Perforated Grills Cleaning Service, 649-5SM. 7702. Musical Instruments 53 dream come true. One extra liable. References. 46 Oak St. Rd., Bolton, 648-6427. Stove, refrigerator, electricity, fine 6H room Ranch, bath and gle- and tenement homes. 649-6834. 90-WATT, P. A. AMP; premier hot water and partial heat in­ Business Property half, three bedrooms, large BOY WANTED for landscape POODLE AKC, miniature, reverb unit and mike mixer. cluded. Immediate occupancy, MAN wanted to work In lum­ Fertilizers 50-A For Sol* 70 living room with fireplace, full SHOP work, part-time. 644-8076. black male, 9 weeks, last and All in exceUent condltloi^ CaU $110. 643-0613 until 6 p.m. WE NEED YOU! BLAGROVE REALTY Co. basement with finished laundry ber yard. Must have driver’s best of litter. Priced for quick ADAMS ST — vacant machine 644-8687 after 6. room. This dream located on MANCHESTER Uoense. Davis ft Bradford Lum- SALESMEN and crew manag- sale at $80. 644-0836. MANURE — all you can haul APARTMENT, second floor, 2 shop with 10,000 square feet 643-6378 superb half acre lot. Exclusive ber Co., 200 Tolland St., East er, experienced or will train. in one day. $8. 742-8334. rooms and bath. Heat and hot on one floor, 2 acres of land, FRIDAY Wolverton Agency, Realtor, by Hartford. FuIi^ part-time, days, evenings, PET GROOMING — Ail breeds, water. Near center. CaU 640- 2-famlly house included, sensi­ Antiques 56 appointment. $19,900. 049-2818. TOLLAND — charming 6 room exclusive product. Earnings to including plucking, stripping, 6281 Ext. 68. Monday through bly priced. Must sell. T.J. TIRE SERVICE man, 48-66 jgoo. weekly. 233-9644. MEN AND WOMEN Ranch, assumable mortgage, IW.G.GLEMMEY poodle styling, reasonably pric­ Household Goods 51 WANTED TO BUY ~ antiques, Friday, 8:80 to 4:80 p.m. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. 1649-5253 hours per week, must be steady SPLIT LEVEL, 8 rooms, 1^ exceUent condition, treed lot, to 8:30 P.M. ed by Miss Lauri, 1-455-9393. steins, furniture, pewter, lead- baths, family room, den, fourth Why spend tiilie traveling through traffic when you can work near home? worker and married, paid va- EXPERIENCED man for gen- _ SIX-ROOM duplex, centraUy lo- MANCHESTER Green — com- We will train you on interesting jobs, with attractive wages, excellent beautiful rec room. Priced to cation, insurance, bonus and eral machine work. Able to DOG TRAINING — Prlv.ite in- USED GAS stove, $20. CaU 648- “ cated $130. Write Box “ X ” bedroom, garage, $27,600. PhlL eell, A.O. Burrill Oo., 621-8896. any quantity. 644-8962. merclal, industrial, residential benefits and a perscmal, friendly atmo^here— 3 shift operation. other benefits, experience help­ work to blueprints. Good op­ dividual instructions for you 6712 after 6. Manchester Herald. , package. Look this one over; brick Agency Realtors, 049- 0847. ful but not essential. Apply in portunity for capable man. and your pet at your con------•— (A) large building with 10,000 IF YOUR home Isn’t seUlng It­ 3 3 6 AUTDMATIC CL^JCKS , bought, sold, traded, NEWER FOijR room, second self don’t blame the house! person. Nichols Manchester Harper Buffing Machine Co. venlence. Reasonable. 1-468- WHIRLPOOL expert repairing. Colonial square feet with plenty of po­ APPLY NORTH M AIN STREET SATURDAY 9393, washing machine, $30. CaU 643' floor apartment. Adults. $125, MANCHESTER — T room' ous- Tire, Inc., 296 Broad St. 289-7471. tential; (B) A four tamUy house Get expert assistance — we Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. Call 643-6700. iom buUt brick Colonial Cape, 6712 after 6. _ and (C) vacant "C” zoned lot have cUents waiting. Keith ELLINGTON _ GLASTONBURY DISHWASHER wanted, part- HELP Wa n t e d — mechanic POODLES — Enchanting tiny Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m.- in like new condtUon, 22 acres which' could be used for park­ ALDON SPINWINIi MILLS COWP. 'R e a l Estate, 649-1922. time. Please apply in person. for service station. Apply in toy and small miniature pup- 9 p.m. Sundays open til 6 MANIHESTER Green, 3 large high scenic land. Priced (or BUILDING MATERIALS— LUMBER— FUEL NOON Gaslight Restaurant, 80 .Oak person. Charest Esso,, Rt. 30, pies, stud services. Moderate 19” MOTOROLiA portable ,^TV, p.m., closed Tuesday and sunny< rooms, second floor, $80. ing -etc. Subject to zoning. T.J. qiUok sale. Hayes Agenoy. TALCOTTVILLE, CONNECTICUT St. Vernon. prices. Financing. 1-466-9393. CaU 649-9736. ^ Wednesday. monthly. CaJl 649-1467. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1671. 046-0181. " Read Herald Ads

.J* iarmA.' . - . rf-,. ••■%•/*

THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-POUR Awnicie Daily Net Pran Riai inanrl;(0trr Ettmittg ifrniUi re r Ik e Week Ended The Weather ^ Mareh ft, 19M Grass Blazes Clear tonight. Low near 80. Park Bench Aboard Truck THE TRANSMISSION IS A Tomorrow sunny. Ifigh 60 to 56. Siragusa-Johnson Plague Firemen 15,580 Leads to Three Arrests VERY VITAL PART OF YOUR OAR Manehe$ter A City of Village Charm Alarm reqmnaes by both the (CkMelfted Advertiahig on Page 26) PRICE TEN CENTS Three young Manchester men portedly taken from Center Park Town and Eighth District Fire How miKh do ydo know about it? 0 ^ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 158 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1968 were charged with larceny un- only a short time before. FREE booklet that tdls you all about it includhic Departments yesterday, were der $60 last night, after the Police were notified of the 11 ways to proteet it. pickup truck In which they were theft when a fireman observed limited to corraling minor grass riding was found to have an un­ three men loading the bench In­ fires, adiich had crept out of IWIT iriiiMa « 4 • MS ol eery dw, *0™“ “ b tie u a. e»llt AAMOO usual rear seat, a bench from to a white pick-up and driving control. Center Park. off in a westeriy direction on Town firemen busied them- Frank J. Campenelll, 22, of 79 Center St. The three men told Mlves with a pair of such Ytu la frw i fW iw dehw k Mather St.; Barry J. Cole, 24, the arresting officer they did K Area, one at 08 Summit S t at in p S e dW. And Witt of 167 E. Center St. and Albert only as a prank. 6 fl6 p.m. and another at 8:46 onr SCO AAMCO OMrtM M M t to O N It E. Scabies Jr., 21, of 30 St. Campenelll and Cole are in p.m. at a vacant lot on Bl in coins. tivity and blatant white rac­ Ralph Th» bride is the daughter of Police said some of the gress new recommendations and and brothers of the bridegroom. ism.’’ fuggestions for easing the light nanied to succeed ^ Mr. and Mna Axel W. Johnson youngsters, en route home, Mrs. Johnson wore a yellow Classes were dismissed at a fu X7^ «« as head of the Southern Chris- of 235 Hlgliland St. The brido- smashed some windows and of the Negro. dress with matching acces­ high schools in Freeport, N.Y., His statement was broadcast tlan Leadership Conference, giocm Is a son o f Mr. and Mrs. turned in fire alarms. sories. The bridegroom’s mother Trenton, N.J., and Toledo, Ohio. nationally by television and ra­ called for silent marches Sun­ Ail>e(t Siragusa o f Kenmore. wore a blue knit dress with Many pupils at a Hartford At Freeport a group of youths, dio networks. day around the nation In King’s The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, matching accessories. Both FLOOR COVERING High annex, which haia a school mostly Negrroes. broke a win­ In his address, Johnson said memory. He said he and other pastor o f Emanuel liUttaeren population about 90 per cent SCLC officials would return wore corsages of yellow and dow and bumed'a small Ameri­ the "dream of Dr. Martin Lu­ Ctaurch, pertotmed Ibe double- Negro, walked out of school. Monday to lead a silent msuxh. white carnations. TEMPLE’S MAIN STREET—ACROSS FROM BOURNE BUICK can flag. At Toledo 2,000 youths ther King has not died with ring ceremony. Jamne MIcKay A reception was held at the Police arrested six persons roamed streets around the him." Negroes and white, he Memphis was relatively calm was organMt and the solk^ Army-Navy Club. For a Can­ and used tear gas several times school, and broke windows in sadd, must join to prevent the this morning after six hours of ■was {Ronald Erickson. Bouquets adian motor trip, Mrs. Slragusa to break up window-smashing, oars and buildings. Several fires "forces of divisiveness’’ from looting, arson and shootings set of whfto gtaiOolli and yellow looting and rock-throwing in­ broke out. A police car was off Thursday night by the slay­ wore a pink and white coat- Unidentified woman weeps as she views body of Dr. King at Memphis funeral home. (AP Photofax). ruining society. pompons were «n the attar. dress with pink accessories and cidents in the city’s predomin­ stoned at Trenton, where young AU citizens, he added, "must ing. The dusk-to-dawn curfew The bride was given dn mar- a corsage of pink carnations. ancy NorUi End Thursday night Negroes caused a commotion In stand their grounds to deny was lifted this morning and Na­ itage by her father. 9ie wore The couple will live in Kenmore. Fix Up Now For Easter and early today. school corridors. violence Its victory." The races tional Guardsmen and police pa­ a fuU-4cngth xleeiveleaB gown of Mrs. Slragusa ia a graduate Schools in New Haven all Most of the 3,800 predominant­ must work together, he de­ trolled possible trouble areas. Hnen, dkublaned with ChanUUy of Manchester High School and were dismissed at noon today, ly Neg^ro students of a South clared, “tuitll we do overcome.” The Memphis Press-Sclmitor laoe bodioe, A-bne sidiit and a the Career Academy for Med­ but even before that hour po­ Philadelphia high school walked Retaliation ■WASHINGTON (AP) — Fol- said police arrested a short, cathedral-length itrain o f match­ ical Aaalatanita, New York City. WALL TO WALL CARPET lice reported isolated cases of out today, and several smaller lowing is the text of President balding white man this morning ing lace. Her ribow^length veil Mr. Slragusa, a graduate of youngsters flinging stones or schools in the area had smaller Is Urged by Johnson’s proclamation Friday as he left a rooming house near o f sUk MuBdon was arranged Kensiagton High School, at­ trash cans, and mUling around walkouts. There was some win­ on the death of Martin Lu­ the shooting scene. He was re­ from a matching lace petal tended the Unliversiity o f Buf­ VINYL 10 0 % NYLON DUPONT 501 in larger-than-usual g^roups. dow smashing. ther King: ported turned over to the FBI, headpiece and she carried a Co­ falo, where he was a member The outbursts were apparent­ After one of Innumberable Carmichael To the people of the United but the FBI agent in charge, lonial bouquet of oarnottons and of Phi Kappa Psi fTOtemlty. IINSTALLED OVER 32-OZ. WAFFLE PAD ly reaction to the slaj^ng of fires in a Brooklyn Negro dis­ States: Walter Happel said he had no roses. The bridal gown was de­ He has received on honorable King in Memphis. trict, during the long, violent WASHINGTON (AP) — Black The heart of America grieves information on the arrest. signed and made by the bride. ASBESTOS Early today, Hartford police night, an 87-year-old man was today. A leader of his people— King’s widow flew to Mem­ discharge from the U.S. Navy, power advocate Stokely Carmlc- a teacher of all people — has phis In a plane chartered by Miss Karen Benson of Hebron and is employed as a radio and (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) hale urged Negroes today to was maid of honor. She wore television broadcaster in Buf­ Choice fallen. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy to a full-length blue crepe gown, falo. arm themselves with guns and Martin Luther King Jr., has claim the body of her slain hus­ TILE been struck down by the vio- band. She remained aboard the designed with lace bodice and Of take to the streets in retaliajtion chiffon overskirt. She wore a for the fissasslnatlon of Dr. lence against which he preach- plane at the airport, i 2 " x i r matching floral headpiece, and Step O ff a Triangle 9" X 9' Colors Martin Luther King Jr. ed and worked. The body, In a bronze casket, King’s Death Halts Carmichael told a news Yet the cause for which he was put on view and hundreds CHICAGO — Step off the dis­ INSTALLED IN ANY ROOM conference he wants black struggled has not fallen. The of Negroes passed to pay their tance from the kitchen refrig­ America to “ kill off the real en­ voice that called for justice and last respects. A large crowd LOFT'S KITCHEN erator to the range and then to UP TO 12'x12' emy.” brotherhood has been stilled— was still at the funeral home the sink and return. If the total Political Campaigns “We have to retaliate tor the but the quest for freedom, to when the casket was loaded Into which he gave eloquent expres­ FRESH CANDY of the three sides of this tri­ PREPARATION EXTRA Do One Or The Other death of our leaders,” he said. a hearse to be taken to the air­ angle is 22 feet or less, plan­ WASHINGTON AP) — The posed a week of naUonal mourn­ sion, continues. port. As Abernathy closed the violent death of Dr. Martin Lu­ "’The execution of those debts ning has produced an effective ing. Men of all races, all religions, door on the hearse, he said: ther King Jr. disrupted the 1968 wlU not be in the courtrooms. WELDON DRUG CO. kitchen design. No one of the Vice President Hubert H. all regions must join, together "Long live the king.’’ CERAMIC BATHROOM political campaign and some po­ They will be in the streets of the three elements should be more Humphrey gave news of the as­ in this hour to deny vlblenco In Washington, Black Power liticians say It could remain a United States of America.” than nine feet from the other. sassination Thursday night to its victory—and fulfill the vi- advocate Stokely Carmichael ARMSTRONG It costs 80 little and adds so much. factor through the November 2,700 people attending the big­ "When white America killed ‘It lasts a lifetime. Don’t settle for ,sub- elections. gest Democratic fund-raising Dr. King she opened the eyes (Sce Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) of every black man in this B-tiinitOT. Nothing has the style like Political leaders, expressing dinner of the year and the affair shock and sorrow, also stressed here was abrupUy called off. ■ country,’’ Carmichael said. CERAMIC TQe. the assassination could spur President Johnson canceled a Carmichael blamed President Congress to pass a pending civil scheduled appearance at the Lyndon B. Johnson and Sen. INLAID LINOLEUM 1: rights bill. dinner. Robert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y., Others viewed the assassina­ King’s assassination dwarfed along with the rest of the na­ tion as one more indication of a the biggest political news of the tion’s white population lor the Siege Is Lifted INSTALLED IN KITCHEN society too often prone to resort day, which occurred hours be­ death of the Nobel Peace Prize 119 'to violence rather than lawful fore the slaying: Humphrey’s winner. UP TO 9 X 12 INSTALLED means to settle deep problems. near announcement in Pitts­ "Bobby Kennedy pulled that Free^ "^ The Immediate plans of the burgh that he would seek the trigger as much as anyone At Khe Sanh Base Up to 100 Sq. Ft. Indudes Labor, several presidential contenders Democratic presidential nomi­ else,” Carmichael said, charg­ Materials and Your Choice of Colors. Estimates' were not clear but It seemed nation. ing the senator had failed to SAIGON (AP) —’The siege of usual shelling. U.S. officials be- likely campaigning would be The vice president told an push for prosecution of slayers Khc Sanh was lifted today, U.S. lieve a North Vietnamese drive 'f ~ ^ SHOP AT halted for a time. audience of labor leaders: "If of Negro civil rights workers officers said, but spearheads of was derailed by the most inten- PREPARATION EXTRA Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., pro- gtidf together a lltUe longer, when he was attorney general. a big relief force less than a slve air offensive of the war. HOME ^ we will be together a lot long­ The militant Black Power mile away made no attempt to U.S. warplanes unloaded more er.’’ , leader declared that violence enter the Marine combat base. than 100,000 tons of bomba on But Humphrey indicated he that erupted in city after city The 6,000 Marines at Khe enemy positions, DIAL was withholding his announce­ across the nation after King was Sanh were still under fire from Now that the siege has been Impeaching ment until after Johnson's Viet­ shot In Memphis is "just light North Vietnamese gunners, who declared lifted, the U.S. objec- 643-6662 nam talks in Hawaii. (AP Fhotofax) pounded the base in the north- tlve is .to seek out the North (See Page Nine) NO OBLIGATION King’s death appeared certain Johnson tells nation: “We have been saddened” by Dr. King’s death. west comer of Vietnam wi)th 100 Vietnamese around Khe Sanh. Of Robles Is rounds. This was one reason tor "W e’ve moved out and taken 9x12 N YLO N OUT OT -TOWN to bring renewed demands for, House passage of a Senate-ap­ keeping any of the relief forces territory," a senior officer said, 9x12 CALL COLLECT R O O M SIZE Ruled Illegal proved civil rights bill which out of Khe Sanh. " ’The basic con c^ t of the ene- contains a strong open-housing And members of the garrison my besieging Khe Sai* is over, LINOLEUMI OPEN DAILY PANAMA (AP) — In an 8-1 provision affecting most of the Pays Tribute to Dr, King sallied out two miles for the' "There’s no particular value The 1 you i«e here are iuit a decisloR Panama’s Supreme nation’s housing. Several sena- first time since the siege began in a hookup. They’re within a uunple of the more than 400 in the RUGS 9 * 6 EXTRA HEAVY RUGS Court ruled1 J today thofthat th«the Na-Na tors and congressmen urged ac- nearly three months ago and kilometer and a half of each outiUndiqg Ethan'Allen open itock beat back an attack by 400 other. It would be no effort to WAHM, WBLCOMim, collection for every room in your -OR- $ y Q . O O THURS. - FRI. 9.9 tional Assembly’s Impeachment jjjg gjyjj rights lead- North Vietnamese with heavy march together and to shake JFONDERFVL home, Choote from informal Antiqued 9 X 12 of President Marco A. Robles gj.tg death, LBJ Postpones Hawaii Trip losses. hands. The important thing now Fine, elegant Hdrloom Solid Cherry, $598 TUB AREA was Illegal. “ The thing that is needed now With the NoWh Vietnamese is that we’re moving and we ETHAN ALLEN gracloui Solid Mahogany, appee- said Mving, storage-making Custom-Room -BU paiuuiuiop-uonisoddQ oitL is some ^ it lv e action," WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ appeared to be dictated by at was called off after Humphrey’s slon-radlo networks, which be- torce around Khe Sanh base - have other objectives.” MARLY AMERICAN 49.95 Rog. $9.95 INSTALLED sembly convicted and dismissed one of them Sen. Henry M. ggj,. once estimated at 20,000—rC' Flan units, and traditional Colonial In dent Johnson, postponing Viet­ least three considerations: statement. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ With the 20,0(X)-man relief Robles March 24 and then swore Jackson, D-Wash zumed Solid Maple and Birch. See it 4 Sides Finished nam policy talks in Honolulu, —Perhaps most Important, America is shocked and sad- a Marines and air caVal- BRAIDED in Vice President Ma xDelvalle California Gov. Ronald Rea- —It ithe President Immediate­ estimate, the possibility of a ry^en bearing down on Khe remained in Washington over­ Johnson could not be certain dened by the brutal slaying to­ as chief of state. However, the gan, considered a potenUal con- ly announced outright cancella­ big, decisive battle went glim- g^nh from three sides, a 600- night after appealing to all tion of the Hawaii conferences, whether the King slaying would night of Dr. Martin Luther country’s 4,000-man National tender for the Republican presl- mering. man battalion of Maitoes on STORE HOURS: Americans "to reject the vio­ produce serious racial violence King. KrrcHEN INLAID G uard backed Robles and kept dentlal nomination, said King’s this could be interpreted as a Khe Sanh stands astride one Thursday ventured farthet out- Monday and Tuesday Open tUl 6 P.M. lence" that brought death to Dr. that would make his continued RUGS Delvalle__aoRiimlner from assumingoffice death was “ a shocking act of sign of panic and perhaps the “ I ask every citizen to reject of the invasion routes from side the two square miles of for- Open TTiuraday end Friday Evenings pending the court’s decision by violence that solves none of thp Martin Luther King, very violence he was inveighing presence in Washington pru- the blind violence that has Closed Wednesday LINOLEUM Laos. North Vietnamese cap- tress than any "Leathernecka CARPETS the court, which took up Ithe nation’s problems,’’ Johnson told a national televl- against. dent, even though presidential struck Dr. King who lived by lives early in the siege said they had since it was taken under questlon Monday. Reagan added the MSMSlna- audience Thursday —Equally Important, Johnson communications- parmlt him to nonviolence." were told the coming battle for siege 76 days ago. ^ 2 5 ^ ^ e a REMNANTS The guard’s blockade of the Ion is more evidence of what he had Relayed departure appar^Uy did not feel he act and react from anywhere Harking back to his dramatic Khe Sanh would be the last bat- ifjje Marine battalion occupied assembly hall goaded opposition termed a moral sickness affect- for Hawaii until, j today. He had should,pp carry o’ on business as In ------world.- announcement last Sunday that tie of the war, if won. ^ hill two miles southwest of militant s into brief but explo- ing the nation, planned to leave in the middle usual lest he seem callous in the Johnson had planned to make withdrawing from the Marines expected a human- jjhg Sanh for the night and slve disorders. However, their A Democrat agreed. We are of the night. (ace of an act which Vice Presl- an overnight flight to March Air presidential race because wave assault at Khe Sat6i would there was attacked before dawn efforts -to whip up a general steeped In violence,’’ said Sen. Afterward, press secretary dent Hubert H. Humphrey said F(Sfce Base, Calif., for a break- ^yainted to heal deep divisions begin during the recent liion- hy about 400 North Vietnamese. atrlke and civic reUatance were Frank Church of Idaho. “ It Is Georae Christian quoted the "brings shame to our country." faiat meeting with former Presi- within the nation, Johnson said: rains, when U.S. airpower iph^ Leathernecks drove off the * m e flv S b llc apathy. curse of the land.’ ’ V . . . . . A. irtaonVi/wirAt* ____ ... Ko Homatmmer . i ...... « . 49.95 Thera^M no immediate__ reac- PoliUcal developmento that President as saying he would Humphrey spoke at a Demo- dent Dwight D. Elsenhower, "We can achieve nothing by would be hamstrung. attack, reported the enemy left 50 ^T'^rfh'IToilirt’a’ riuinK. which occurred before King’s death in- decide later whether to go cratlc fund-raising dinner which then fly on to Honolulu. lawlessness and dlvlslveness These never ^veloped. ^ W e 93 bodies in the barbed wire FORMICA COUNTER TOPS AS IX>W AS WITH 2' X 4’ / % to i ^ s m ^ ab 1 a m. eluded: ahead at this time with the Hon- johiison had planned to address But. iq mld-evenlng, he puLolf among the American people. It “ le night camp, and said Co..inc. EXPERTLY and REASONABLY INSTALLED 600 North Vietnamese, ;the base „ Sq. Yd. assembly had convicted —Secretary of Labor W. WU- meeting.- until he got word of the Mem- these plana and Issued a s a e- 78 Colors to CViooee From Indudes^ Material and Labor (See Page Nine). w^as unmolested except for the (See Page Fourteen) BlMielMBter 648-0890—RockvlUe 875-2534 MATCHING RUGS 20 UNION STREET-^ROCKVILLE, CONN.

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