S W* •••- ^ «■> PAGE FORTY iiunriifrBtrr lEnrntng WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3 ,196E Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O ’clock ATKOfiB Ibdiy Net Pran Run About Town OldWest Side Sewer Charge FEWER PRIVATES AT PINEHURST .. PRIVATE BRANDS. WE Few H m Week £nde6 The Weathfsr A Lenten Service will be con­ Blorch 28, itM ducted tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Voted Again hy Directors MEAN ... SHOP PINEHURST FOR THE NATIONALLY ADVERTIS­ Showers tonight, ending to­ Zion ESvangelical Lutheran / ic / I morrow morning, tow tonight in 40s. High tomorrow In Church. The Board o f Direotors has newal and Rt. 6 construction. ED BRANDS YOU ARE SURE OF... 1 5 ,5 8 0 finally dlosed the covers on the 2. A $1,650 additional appro­ Maneheater— A City of Village Charm The Mountain Laurel Chap­ priation to the R«glstrar-of- iter chorua o f Sweet Adelinea eight-year-old Wiest Side Story, Voters Account, to be financed VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 167 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 (Cloaolfled AdvertUliig on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS wlU rehearse tomorrow at 8 by voting repeat assessments frem unused 1966-67 surplus. pjn. at the Russian American lost night against 319 property The sum will replace funds SAVE MORE . Naitkmal Center, 211 Wethers­ owners o f the area and by ap­ used in July for an unanticipat­ field Ave., Hartford. The event Shop Evory Aisle of proving refunds for interest ed special election tor state GREEN GIANT la open to all women Interest­ representative. PINEHURST paid in and for interest on use- ed in singing: four-part barber­ 3. A $6,600 additional, 'wash­ Kitchen Sliced GREEN GIANT GREEN GIANT shop haimony. Those wishing money. out appropriation to the Board more information may contact The assessments are the same of Education, for the Adult GREEN BEANS PEAS WITH Fomous Mrs. 'Frank J. Hynes of 209 laid in November 1959, but de­ Basic Education Account. Thp Orbit Missed Main S t or Mrs. Truman clared lUegat last Scptemlber by entire sum is fHianced by a CrandaU, 58 White St. V2 in. cut ONIONS PEAS Soviet Informants Expect the courts. TTie ruling, based on state grant, already deposited' a technicality, hod left 'the door with the town. Community Baptist Church open for ^plicate re-assess- 4. A $10,000 transfer from 1 Lb. 1 Lb. will have Its quarterly church By Saturn ments. The charges are for a one Insurance Account to an­ Cans •1.00 Cans 57c Cans husineas meeting Friday at force meiln and pump sbaticn on other, to pay for employes' im­ 7:30 pm . at the church. W. Middle Tpke., complieted in proved benefits voted in July, 1960. after the current budget was CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. the satellite weighing 13 tons, The trustees o f South Meth­ In the 'Period since November approved. (AP)—The third stage of the satellite weighing 132 tons, odist Church will meet Friday 1959, moat of the 319 property 5. A $4,000 transfer from manired, 28-ton, Apollo 6 moon Peace Talks Within Week UPTON America’s. Saturn 5 super­ at 7:80 p.m. at the church. owners had paid their osseas- the Welfare Account to the ship, a dummy lunar landing meirts, some had paid Interest rocket failed to restart in Engineering Account, to meet space today after two sec­ capsule and the third stage. LONDON (A P )—Soviet informants said today they Jehovah’s Witnesses will have charges, many hod moved away that department’s payroll to In all, the Saturn 5 has 11 en­ expect preliminary "Vietnam peace talks to begin in suid a few hsul held off paym ^t TEA BAGS ond stage engines quit ear­ a theocratic ministry school to­ the end of this month. SARAN WRAP gines: five first stage, five sec­ Moscow next week. They said the North Vietnamese morrow at 7:30 pm . and a serv­ until the town announced its Town Manager Robert Weiss See What You Save On lier in a troubled flight ond stage and one third stage have already assured the United States privately they ice meeting at 8:30 at King­ decision on interest end use- said that he will seek an­ Jumbo (Usually 59c Size) Deal Fade 100 (]ount that could delay the coun­ engine. dom Hall. money refunds. other transfer to the Engineer­ try’s man-to-the-moon pro­ The rocket propelled the huge will launch no major offensive if all American bombing The refunds could cost the ing Account in May. He said gram. load into orbit but it was the --------------------------------------- attacks are halted. John Mather Chapter, Order town approximoitely $6,964, but that the ahorbage stems from Despite the premature shut­ wrong orbit—110 miles too high. The sources, who cannot be of DeMolay, will visit Friend­ are expected to total in a much underestimating the depart­ aaid don’t forget the spe­ down of the second stage en­ If the Apollo 6 had carried Identified by name, said Hanoi already has begun lifting the ship Lodge of Masons tomorrow lower sum. Of the $6,964 esU- ment’s payroll needs. cial feature we have on gines, other engines took up the men, a mission to the moon siege of Khe Sanh as a sign of night and confer one of Its de­ maite, $1,726 is for refimds of Director William Schaller State of Maine U. 8. A slack and the world’s most pow­ would have been aborted, said s c o n bMwsq Johnson its intentions. grees. Lodge will open at 7:30, interest paid to the town and cast the lone vote against the Grade Potatoes 10 lbs. GREEN GIANT erful rocket shoved Into orbit an official of the National Aero­ 29c. None of these statements with Junior Warden Marshall $5,238 is for town payment of transfer, on the basis that the nautics and Space Administra­ TOWELS could be oonllmved dn official Hodge presiding. After the busi­ interest, calculated at three per Welfare Account should not be NIBLET tion. After the malftmction of (No April Fool about it, 5 *0. Western circles. ness meeting and DeMolay de­ tapped. He said that the board these are the same grade the second stage, too little fuel T o Confer cent, on assessments paid, while 2 pack sco n SOFT WEAVE The officials cautioned, how­ gree work, refreshments will be the case was in htigaitlon. was criticized last year for a potatoes you pay 59c for G dden CO RN remained to propel the craft served. similar transfer from Welfare. in many stores, bigger TISSUE State News outward to the moon. ever, against expecting an early Payments and refunds will be end to the peace negotiations. made to those property owners Weiss assured the directors, than Pinehurst). 2— 2 Fades 4— 2 Packs And he said the later failure On Peace Members of the Cosmopolitan “ The Welfare Account Is In ex­ of the third stage to restart They said they expected them to affected, if they make applica­ 4 89c 400 Students go for months. Club will leave the west park­ tion by Jrme 1. cellent shape and the transfer would have prevented a moon WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ 4 Rolls Rolls ing lot at Center Congregational will not affect It—all welfare Don’t let the size of the 4 75c 97c shot in any event. dent Johnson has agreed to di­ Other sources recalled that Church Friday at 1:15 p.m. by In other financial ootions last obligations will be met.’’ store fool you . Gome Protest Over The r e ^ r t was attempted rect contacts on peace between 12,000 Americana were killed in bus for Hartford where they will night, the board approved the 6. Authorization to the town to Pinehurst for more than three hours into the North Vietnamese and U.S. rep­ Korea while truce talks were following: tour the Msurk Twain Memorial. controller to apply for a retro­ SEALTEST MILK 25 FOOT ALCOA flight after the satellite had cir­ resentatives and will fly to Ha­ going on. After the tour they will return 1. A $6,000 additional appro­ active state grant, estimated at g«ri. jug 81c Punishment cled the globe twice. waii late tonight to discuss The Russian informants said priation to the Police Depart­ “ We did not get a re-ignltton,’ ’ Moscow was I not consulted by to the church for tea. $189,000 and to be paid over a SEALTEST ALUMNIUM FOIL peace and war prospects with ment Account, 'for special serv­ 16-year period, for Water Pollu­ WINDEX EAST HAVEN (AP) — About the mission control center re­ top American officials from Sai­ Hanoi before Wednesday’s con­ The Great Decisions Group ices and overtime. The sum will tion Abatement Facilities. The IC E CREAM 400 students demonstrated out­ ported. gon. ditional acceptance of President will meet tonight at 8 at the be finan'ced by an increase In grant will be for the town’s V2 g d . 99c side East Haven High School Controllers Immediately or­ Washington is understood to Johnson’s call for peace talks. anticipated revenue from spe­ Sewege Treatment Plant, con­ i| Glass Cleaner With They said that In view of Pe- home of Mark Kravltz, 22 Wyllys simply Tm Finest Che­ li Ammonia D 15 Oz. Spray Can today to protest punishments for dered the Apollo 6 separated have messaged Hanoi informing St. cial service assignments in con­ structed several years ago off ney Flamis Baldwin, Mc­ ‘ tradlness and violating clothing from the third stage.
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