INSIDE: • The world’s first monument to aviation pioneer Sikorsky — page 3. • Consecration of Bishop Daniel of the UOC-U.S.A. — page 4. • ’s President in Canada — centerfold. HE KRAINIAN EEKLY T PublishedU by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW association Vol. LXXVI No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 $1/$2 in Ukraine International forum in Kyiv focuses Canada officially recognizes on Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic future the Famine as an act of genocide by Illya M. Labunka Cooperation Foundation (PAUCI). OTTAWA – Canada has officially rec- Famine and Genocide of 1932-1933 Kyiv Press Bureau Greeting all of the participants and ognized the Holodomor in Ukraine as an known as the Holodomor was deliberate- guests during the opening panel session, act of genocide. ly planned and executed by the Soviet KYIV – The Diplomatic Academy of Dr. Borys Humeniuk, rector of the A bill recognizing “the Ukrainian regime under Joseph Stalin to systemati- Ukraine, which functions under the aegis Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Famine of 1932-1933 as an act of geno- cally destroy the Ukrainian people’s aspi- of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, on June 2- expressed optimism that by this time next cide” was passed by the House of rations for a free and independent 4 hosted the second annual international year he could greet forum participants on a Commons on May 27 and by the Senate Ukraine, and subsequently caused the forum titled “Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic more positive note, as Ukraine’s strivings the next day. It received royal assent on death of millions of Ukrainians in 1932 Future.” The forum featured Ukraine- for European integration would hopefully May 29, thus making it law. and 1933,” and points out that “informa- based Ukrainian and foreign diplomats, as be enhanced with a NATO Membership Significantly, the bill was passed while tion about the Ukrainian Famine and well as internationally renowned political Action Plan (MAP). President Viktor Yushchenko was on an Genocide of 1932-1933 was suppressed, analysts and scholars who convened for Borys Wrzesnewskyj, member of the official state visit to Canada. distorted or destroyed by Soviet authori- three days of meetings to discuss and ana- Canadian Parliament, who was one of the The legislation, Private Member’s Bill ties.” lyze Ukraine’s successes, setbacks and first panelists to speak during the opening C-459, was the initiative of Member of President Yushchenko had asked for prospects on the road to full Euro-Atlantic session, set the tone for the entire three- Parliament James Bezan, who represents Canada’s support in recognizing the integration. day forum as he commended NATO’s past the riding of Selkirk-Interlake, . Holodomor as genocide. Ukraine’s presi- The forum was sponsored by such successes and stressed its vital importance It also establishes a “Ukrainian dent and MP Bezan discussed the bill on organizations as the Center for U.S.- today – even more than half a century after Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Monday, May 26, during the president’s Ukrainian Relations, the American Foreign its establishment. He noted that over the Memorial Day” that is to be marked visit to Ottawa. Policy Council, U.S. Embassy, the decades NATO has become the shield annually on the fourth Saturday in On Tuesday, May 27, in one motion Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, Institute behind which an economic and political November. The day coincides with the by MP Bezan in the House of Commons, for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Konrad European Union, although outside of for- National Day of Remembrance observed the bill was deemed to have been read a Adenauer Stiftung, Democratic Initiatives mal NATO structures, could patiently in Ukraine in accordance with a presi- second time, considered in committee, Foundation, Open World Program/Library dential decree issued in 1998. of Congress, and the Polish-Ukrainian (Continued on page 19) The bill notes that “the Ukrainian (Continued on page 20)

Winnipeg hosts President Yushchenko with pomp and circumstance by Roman Yereniuk – President Viktor Yushchenko on May 27 enjoyed a six-hour visit to Winnipeg, where he mani- fested and showed his love for Ukraine and acknowledged the contributions of Ukrainians Canadians to Canada and to Ukraine. The president had four important functions in Winnipeg, and at each one spent considerable time with his hosts and individual members of the community. Upon arrival, President Yushchenko was greeted by the premier of the province of Manitoba, Gary Doer, who received him in a private audience to discuss issues of mutual benefit to Ukraine and Manitoba. In addition, there was a formal signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between Manitoba and Dnipropetrovsk Oblast by Premier Doer and the chairman of the oblast administration, Viktor Bondar. The agreement especially highlighted agricultural ties between the two as well as other areas of endeavor, including trade, education and business. Next, the president of Ukraine and the premier of Manitoba proceeded from the Provincial Legislature to the Taras Shevchenko Monument, where flowers were placed at the statue to the Ukrainian bard. Here the premier intro- duced Mr. Yushchenko to the crowd of 1,200 with a very Official Website of Ukraine’s President warm phrase, “You are truly a world leader of freedom and President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine with Manitoba Premier Gary Doer among schoolchildren from the democracy in this 21st century.” province’s Ukrainian-English Bilingual Program. Mr. Yushchenko acknowledged the warmth of the Ukrainian community in Canada and proceeded to inform Lloyd Axworthy, university president, and 1,000 guests great work of Dr. Axworthy when he was minister of inter- all present about initiatives in Ukraine to commemorate witnessed a special convocation honoring Mr. Yushchenko national affairs for the Canadian government. the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and to build museums of the with an honorary doctorate. The Hoosli Choir of Winnipeg performed the national Kozak legacy at Khortytsia and in Baturyn. Vasyl Balan, vice-president of the University of anthemns and the traditional “Mnohaya Lita” for the hon- At the ceremony the president was thrilled to see 350 Winnipeg, presented biographical data about the honoree, oree. students of the Ukrainian-English Bilingual Program of after which the doctoral gown and hood were presented to The last stop on President Yushchenko’s itinerary was a Manitoba and to hear them perform the national anthems President Yushchenko. Ukrainian Canadian Congress reception attended by 400 of Canadian and Ukraine with great gusto and pride. In his remarks President Yushchenko voiced special guests. The community reception was chaired by Prof. The third stop on the Ukrainian president’s visit to gratitude for the honorary degree, explained his views on Winnipeg was the University of Winnipeg, where Dr. the post-2004 direction of Ukraine and acknowledged the (Continued on page 20) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS

Is Ukraine returning Sahaidachnyi under NATO flag NATO-Tak campaign is launched KYIV – The Ukrainian naval forces KYIV – The Our Ukraine party, with the to Kuchma-era repression? frigate Hetman Sahaidachnyi on June 2 participation of politicians, public figures by Taras Kuzio Second, criminal charges against the arrived in the Mediterranean and proceeded and Ukrainian artists, on May 31 launched to participate in a patrolling mission within the NATO-Tak (NATO-Yes) public cam- Eurasia Daily Monitor government and the Tymoshenko bloc (YTB) over its privatization plans are the framework of the NATO-led anti-terror- paign at the Ukraina National Palace of In a television interview on May 20 defended, because the privatization is ist operation “Active Endeavor.” After Arts. Party leader Viacheslav Kyrylenko Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko raised attacked for being politically motivated to being admitted to fulfilling tasks with said that this was the first step in a large- the stakes in her worsening relations with compensate Ukrainian citizens for lost “Active Endeavor” in the Mediterranean, scale national campaign to inform the pub- President Viktor Yushchenko by bringing Soviet-era savings and thereby win politi- the Sahaidachnyi hoisted the NATO flag. lic about the advantages of Ukraine’s mem- up the question of impeaching the presi- cal dividends for the YTB. Such accusa- This means that the frigate was successfully bership in the North Atlantic alliance. He dent if a continuing investigation into the tions heated up in an April 14 statement certified by alliance experts, was admitted voiced hope that Ukraine would be granted Vanco contract finds proof of corruption. by the vice-chair of the Presidential into the Allied Maritime Component a NATO Membership Action Plan in Two days later the prosecutor’s office Secretariat, Ihor Pushkin, followed by a Command Headquarters Naples (Italy) and December. “We will persuade people that filed criminal charges against Davyd very critical counter-attack two days later may proceed to fulfill the tasks of detecting we have the only path to European integra- Zhvania, a key organizer of the Orange by the YTB. and preventing terrorist actions in the tion,” he said. Mr. Kyrylenko said that fol- Revolution, senior leader of the People’s In almost daily attacks, the head of the Mediterranean. The Hetman Sahaidach- lowing Ukraine’s accession to NATO, the Self-Defense wing of the Our Ukraine – Presidential Secretariat, Viktor Baloha, nyi’s move under operative command of the country would have no military bases of People’s Self-Defense (OU-PSD) bloc has retorted by accusing Ms. Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters any other country. He noted that the coun- and chief financier of People’s Self- Tymoshenko of being a “cowardly char- Naples was made based on a decision of the try’s membership in the alliance would Defense (PSD). latan,” Ukraine’s “Eva Peron” and an North Atlantic Council, the members of have a positive effect on Ukrainian rela- Ms. Tymoshenko asked all members of “uncultured pigmy,” and has said that her which considered a report of Naples’ mili- tions with Russia. (Ukrinform) the Orange coalition to “place their hands tary experts on the Ukrainian ship’s readi- constitutional proposals were “directed Coalition exists only de jure on the table and say that these hands had toward the introduction in Ukraine of a ness level for participation in “Active never stolen.” The issue of corruption regime similar in nature to that of Hitler’s Endeavor.” After the September 11, 2001, KYIV – The chairman of the within the Orange coalition as a pretext Germany.” A return to the use of such terrorist attacks in the U.S., NATO, at the Parliamentary Committee on National for its undoing is nothing new. In Soviet-era rhetoric against opponents request of the United States, agreed to carry Security and Defense, Anatolii Hrytsenko, September 2005 the Tymoshenko govern- resembles the language used in a out the anti-terrorist operation in the stated on June 3 that “problems emerged in ment fell after Presidential Secretariat February 2001 statement accusing the Mediterranean. Ukraine became the second [Ukraine’s majority] coalition still before Chair Oleksander Zinchenko accused the opposition, including Ms. Tymoshenko, non-NATO country, after Russia, to join the its establishment, since someone wished to president’s advisers, drawn from big of being “fascists.” operation. From May to June 2007 “Active see another coalition and someone prom- business, of abuse of office. Third, there are proceedings to strip Endeavor” saw participation of the ised the Party of the Regions a year ago The spring 2008 crisis resembles the Mr. Zhvania of his Ukrainian citizenship. Ukrainian naval forces corvette Ternopil that a broad coalition would be set up.” Mr. crisis in September 2005 in three Ukraine does not recognize dual citizen- and in November-December 2007 the Hrytsenko told Era Radio, “we may say respects: the National Security and ship, and Mr. Zhvania gave up his corvette Lutsk. (Ukrinform) that the coalition exists de jure, but it does Defense Council (NSDC) was used on Georgian citizenship when he became a Victory Day to remain holiday not work de facto.” At the same time, the both occasions as a surrogate (anti- citizen of Ukraine. He complained of politician noted, key decisions are made. In Tymoshenko) government; in both double standards, accusing First Lady KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor many cases, when the draft laws submitted instances the president’s deep personal Kateryna Yushchenko of maintaining her Yushchenko will never approve the aboli- are not politicized but aimed at the coun- dislike of Ms. Tymoshenko was unbri- American citizenship after she received a tion of the state holiday of Victory Day, try’s development, there is support by even dled in both words and actions; and eco- Ukrainian passport in 2005 (she married which is celebrated on May 9, said the over 300 votes. But efficiency, according to nomic policy, privatization, social poli- Mr. Yushchenko in 1998). U.S. sources, president’s press secretary, Iryna Mr. Hrytsenko, could be higher, provided cies, corruption and energy divided the however, told the Jamestown Foundation Vannikova, on May 31. “May 9 is a holiday that the coalition and the government could prime minister and the president. that the first Lady gave up her U.S. citi- of a great victory of our people. That is unite and become a focal point so that The major difference between the two zenship in autumn 2007, when the legal why Ukraine will always celebrate it. We deputies from other factions support them Orange crises lies in the different consti- procedure was to give up foreign citizen- will pay great respect and honor to those when it comes to voting. “Unfortunately, tutions in place at the time. Currently, the ship before taking Ukrainian. who defended us in that war,” Ms. this did not occur,” Mr. Hrytsenko said. president has no right to remove the Further criminal charges may be fabri- Vannikova quoted the president as saying (Ukrinform) prime minister; therefore, the disintegra- cated against Yurii Lutsenko. Ms. in response to a proposal on canceling the tion of the government and coalition will Tymoshenko and Internal Affairs holiday. The Ukrainian Republican Party President opens HIV-AIDS clinic be evolutionary, not revolutionary as it Minister Lutsenko, head of the PSD, link had appealed to the president to look at was in 2005. KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko the charges to the Presidential Ukraine’s history with Ukrainian eyes and took part on May 30 in the opening of the A more dangerous aspect to the Secretariat’s plans for replacing the cancel the Victory Day holiday. Tymoshenko-Yushchenko rivalry rests Orange with a grand coalition and to Mr. (Ukrinform) (Continued on page 16) over the return to Kuchma-era repressive Lutsenko’s demand, made a week earlier, tactics with one small caveat. If in the for Mr. Baloha’s replacement. “I believe Kuchma era the regime launched a diver- that this was politically ordered by Mr. sity of repressive policies against the Baloha as a way of responding to objec- FOUNDED 1933 opposition, today the presidential appara- tive criticism of his work,” Mr. Lutsenko THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY tus is repressing its own ostensible coali- said. tion partners. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Mr. Lutsenko and the PSD, which con- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Repressive policies have been trols 18 of OU-PSD’s 72 deputies, have Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. launched along three fronts. long been at odds with Mr. Baloha and First, former Security Service of Periodicals postage paid at Parsippany, NJ 07054 and additional mailing offices. his allies in OU-PSD. The pro-Baloha (ISSN — 0273-9348) Ukraine (SBU) Chairman and NSDC United Center party accuses Mr. Secretary Yevhen Marchuk was appoint- Lutsenko’s PSD of being a “pro- The Weekly: UNA: ed presidential adviser on May 19. Mr. Tymoshenko fifth column” inside OU- Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Marchuk is suspected of being the brains PSD and sees the YTB, rather than the behind the Mykola Melnychenko record- Party of the Regions, as its main oppo- Postmaster, send address changes to: ings in President Kuchma’s office in nent. Mr. Lutsenko recently stated that The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz 1999 and 2000 to force Mr. Kuchma into the PSD would never again run jointly in 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas early retirement. Mr. Marchuk was instru- an election with Our Ukraine. P.O. Box 280 mental in coordinating parliamentary Mr. Lutsenko is at odds with Messrs. Parsippany, NJ 07054 opposition to then Vice Prime Minister Baloha and Yushchenko over the May 25 Tymoshenko’s policies against energy Kyiv mayoral and City Council election The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] corruption in the 2000-2001 Yushchenko Mr. Lutsenko, who heads the OU-PSD government that ultimately brought the The Ukrainian Weekly, June 8, 2008 No. 23, Vol. LXXVI bloc in the elections, supported the Copyright © 2008 The Ukrainian Weekly government down. Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko blocs in their opposition to Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky. Meanwhile, Messrs. Baloha and Yushchenko switched their ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Correction support to the mayor after OU-PSD refused to agree to Mr. Yushchenko’s In his May 25 commentary about the Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 demand that it form an alliance with Mr. Polish concentration camp Bereza e-mail: [email protected] Chernovetskyi. Mr. Yushchenko reported- Kartuzka, Yaro Bihun misidentified the Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 ly told OU-PSD of his hope that the Kyiv literal meaning of the Ukrainian word e-mail: [email protected] elections would become “Tymoshenko’s “bereza” as willow in English. In fact, a Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 e-mail: [email protected] bereza is a birch. (Continued on page 23) No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 3 Kyiv Polytechnic unveils world’s first statue of aviation pioneer Sikorsky by Illya M. Labunka models, many of which were soon to be used in World Kyiv Press Bureau War I, said Dr. Zhurovsky. In 1912-1917, Sikorsky was employed as chief engi- KYIV – “I take my hat off to the alma mater that neer of the Russian-Baltic Aviation Co. trained me to conquer the skies.” With these sentimental By 1913, in what many already then considered the words of gratitude etched forever in a stone pedestal second phase of Sikorsky’s burgeoning career, the bril- supporting a bronze figure of an aviation pioneer, the liant engineer designed the world’s first multi-engine city of Kyiv paid tribute to one of its greatest native planes, namely the Grand, the Vytiaz and the four- sons on May 14, as then-mayoral candidate Vitalii engine Illia Muromets, the latter of which was eventual- Klitschko and former New York City mayor Rudy ly designated the most efficient plane of World War I. Giuliani helped unveil the world’s first statue dedicated In 1918 Sikorsky emigrated to France and in March to Ihor Sikorsky on the grounds of the National 1919 the aviator arrived in the United States, embarking University Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. on what was arguably the greatest and most prolific As part of the tribute in his opening remarks the uni- phase his career. versity’s rector, Dr. Mykhailo Zhurovsky, noted that Former Mayor Giuliani praised the great Ukrainian Ihor Sikorsky studied at the then Kyiv Polytechnic aviation designer’s contribution to world science and Institute in 1907-1911. The institution not only served overall global development by encouraging and remind- as the training ground for the future aeronautical engi- ing the students, faculty members and guests that neer, designer and pioneer of aviation technology, but Sikorsky reached the apex of worldwide recognition also enabled the visionary student to actually bring to through education, hard work and commitment. the fore and fulfill his dream of creating the first planes “Think about it for a moment. You are walking on the and helicopters. same ground that he walked on. This individual, who Between 1908 and 1911 Sikorsky designed the first achieved world fame, hails from your country, from protypes of the modern helicopter. In 1909 Sikorsky your city, from your university. He made an extraordi- established the world speed record (111 km/hr) for a nary contribution to humanity. You can do the same,” loaded plane (three passengers) in a model of his said Mr. Giuliani. design, the Sikorsky-6. In 1923, Sikorsky established the Sikorsky Ihor Sikorsky’s brilliant career literally took off in Aeroengineering Corp., which produced a number of 1912 when his plane, the Sikorsky 6-A, received the hydroplanes, particularly for military use. gold medal at the International Aviation By the mid-1930s Sikorsky began to shift his focus Illya M. Labunka Exhibition, after which the aviator began to collaborate back to helicopter design and construction. In 1939 The statue of Ihor Sikorsky that was unveiled on May with other designers to create a number of aviation Sikorsky’s company merged with the Voight Corp. to 14 on the grounds of the National University Kyiv form Voight-Sikorsky Aircraft. That same year, Polytechnic Institute, Sikorsky’s alma mater. Sikorsky perfected his initial design of the first modern helicopter. the occasion, which was read by Mr. Klitschko, per Among his more famous later designs was the S-61, request of the relative. which in 1967 became the first helicopter in history to “I regret I was unable to be present at the unveiling successfully complete a non-stop flight across the ceremony, however I am certain this statue will inspire Atlantic Ocean. Similarly, the Sikorsky-designed S-65 young people to new horizons,” he wrote. became the first helicopter to successfully complete a Mr. Klitschko also announced that he will make it a trans-Pacific non-stop flight in 1970. priority of his to renovate the house in which the In 1943 Sikorsky established his own company, Sikorsky family once lived. “It’s embarrassing for me Sikorsky Aircraft, which for many years was a leader in to admit what poor condition this historic house now aviation design, engineering and manufacturing. finds itself in and that’s why I didn’t even have the Sikorsky retired in 1957 but remained a consultant at nerve to show to it [Rudy] Giuliani,” said Mr. the company he helped create. Sikorsky died in 1972 in Klitschko. Easton, Conn. In addition to the abovementioned guests, the unveiling The inscription on the statue’s pedestal reads: “I Although Sikorsky’s son Serhiy Sikorsky, who ceremony of the six-and-a-half-foot statue was also attend- take my hat off before my alma mater, which pre- resides in the United States, was unable to attend the ed by its designer, Mykola Oliynyk, and two of Sikorsky’s pared me to conquer the skies.” unveiling ceremony, he did relay a letter of greeting for relatives, Mrs. O. Skryzhanska and Hryhorii Lashkariov.

Ukrainian Canadian community leaders meet with Yushchenko TORONTO – Leaders of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) met with the President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine on May 28. Representatives of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), the Canada- Ukraine Foundation (CUF), and the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO) also participated in the meeting, which took place in Toronto as part of the president’s state visit to Canada. On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian community, UCC President Paul Grod greeted Mr. Yushchenko. Mr. Grod acknowledged the importance of the current state visit to the development of Canada-Ukraine bilateral relations. In his presentation to the president, Mr. Grod touched on several issues relating to further cooperation between the Ukrainian government and the UCC, including: • the need for regular consultation on joint initiatives; • coordination and planning of events involving the Ukrainian Canadian community and visiting Ukrainian government officials, as well as the awarding of Ukrainian national honors to Ukrainian Canadian com- munity leaders; • coordinating projects in the fields of education, cul- Official Website of the President of Ukraine ture, charity and social policy as well as economic President Viktor Yushchenko meets with Ukrainian Canadian community leaders on May 28 in Toronto. activity; and • Ukrainian government support for the preservation played in facilitating a special partnership between our ernment of Canada to support Ukraine’s integration into of the Ukrainian language and culture in Canada, two countries. Additionally, President Yushchenko has a the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty including support for internships, exchanges and sum- good understanding of how Ukraine can help our com- Organization.” mer youth programs. munity here maintain and develop its Ukrainian Others in the community delegation included UCC “Our objective is to further develop mutually benefi- Canadian heritage.” Vice-Presidents Alexandra Chyczij (Toronto) and Daria cial relations between Canada and Ukraine. The Mr. Grod went on to say that the outpouring of wel- Luciw (Edmonton), CUF President Bohdan Onyschuk, Ukrainian Canadian community has much to offer in the come for Mr. Yushchenko from ordinary Canadians has UCC Toronto President Markian Shwec, UWC First strengthening of these relations,” Mr. Grod said at the been remarkable. “President Yushchenko has been an Vice President Eugene Czolij (Montreal), UWC General meeting. “We are pleased that the president of Ukraine exceptional symbol of the new Ukraine. The UCC looks Secretary Victor Pedenko (London, Ontario), and understands the positive role that the community has forward to working with his administration and the gov- WFUWO President Mary Szkambara (Toronto). 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 500 attend consecration of Bishop Daniel of UOC-U.S.A. PARMA, Ohio – May 9-11 was a the UOC-U.S.A. and other Orthodox weekend of spiritual joy and renewal for Churches, along with 400 faithful who not only the more than 500 people who traveled to Parma from around the coun- gathered here at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian try. In attendance were also three hierar- Orthodox Cathedral but for the entire chs of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the the United States, Metropolitan Stefan U.S.A., as the hierarchs, clergy and faith- Soroka, Bishop Robert Moskal and ful of the Church witnessed the consecra- Bishop-emeritus Basil Losten, as well as tion of a new bishop of the UOC-U.S.A. Bishop John Kudryk of the Byzantine in the person of Archimandrite Daniel Catholic Church of America. (Zelinsky). The liturgical services began on Friday Seven Orthodox hierarchs from night, May 9, with a Vesper service, around the world participated in the his- served by the Very Rev. Bazyl toric event of the Church. Metropolitan Zawierucha, a provost of St. Sophia Constantine and Archbishop Antony, the Ukrainian Orthodox Theological hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary and a pastor of Holy Dormition Church of the U.S.A. were joined in the Ukrainian Orthodox parish in consecration services by Metropolitan Northampton, Pa.; the Rev. Harry Nicholas of the American Carpatho- Linsinbigler, dean of the Florida Deanery Rusyn Orthodox Church; Archbishop and a pastor of Holy Protection of the Yurij of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Mother of God parish in Dover, Fla.; the of Canada; Bishop Jeremiah of the Rev. Vasile Sauciur, dean of the West Ukrainian Orthodox Church of South Coast Deanery and pastor of St. America; Bishop Demetrios, the assistant Volodymyr Parish in Los Angeles; the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis Rev. Stephen Masliuk, dean of the New of Chicago and a representative of the England Deanery and pastor of St. Mary exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Parish in Bridgeport, Conn.; the Very Metropolitan Constantine presents the pastoral staff to newly consecrated the U.S. and Bishop Andrij of the Rev. Roman Tarnawsky, pastor of St. Bishop Daniel. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Western Andrew Parish in Boston; and the Rev. Europe. Deacons Dr. Ihor Mahlay and Dennis Archimandrite Daniel was led to the nave prayers, spiritual reflections and instruc- Also participating in the consecration Lapushansky. of the Church by the Rt. Rev. tions, while the clergy and faithful partic- services were 60 priests and deacons of At the conclusion of the service, Archimandrite Pankratij (Dubas) and ipated in a social gathering at the Ihumen Gregory (Woolfenden) in front Cathedral Center, which was organized of the presiding hierarchs for the nomina- and sponsored by St. Vladimir Cathedral tion and betrothal ceremony. Parish. Metropolitan Constantine addressed During this gathering Consul Archimandrite Daniel: “The Holy Sobor Oleksandr Alexandrovych, representative and Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian of Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., along Oleh Shamshur, extended the ambas- with the Holy Synod of the Great Church sador’s greetings to Bishop Daniel as of Christ, blesses Your Meekness, Most- well as the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Honorable Father Archimandrite Daniel, Church of the U.S.A. to be a bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox As the church bells rang the festal Church of the USA. Do you accept this chimes on Saturday, May 10, a proces- election?” sion of hierarchs, clergy and faithful The archimandrite answered: “Seeing made its way from the cathedral rectories to the cathedral. Sixty children of the that the Sobor, the Council of Bishops Ukrainian School at St. Volodymyr’s and the Holy Synod of the Great Church Cathedral, as well as members of Plast of Christ have judged me worthy to be Ukrainian Scouting Organization, the bishop, I render thanksgiving and accept, Ukrainian American Youth Association and have nothing to say contrary to this.” and Ukrainian American Veterans partic- Following the service, Bishop-elect Bishop Daniel’s mother, Halyna Zelinska, during the services. Daniel remained secluded in church for (Continued on page 24)

With the reactivation of a full aca- A biography of the new bishop demic program at St. Sophia Seminary, A native of Ukraine, Bishop Daniel monk (Hieromonk), with the name Metropolitan Constantine and the (secular name: Volodymyr Zelinsky) Daniel, at St. Elijah Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Board of Trustees appointed was born in the small town of Buchach, Monastery in Dover, Fla. Father Daniel dean of students in 2006. Ternopil region of Ukraine. After Following his monastic tonsure, At the 2007 convention of the graduting from a local secondary school Father Daniel was appointed assistant Ukrainian Orthodox League of the he enrolled in his first course of theolog- editor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Word U.S.A., Metropolitan Constantine ical studies in the seminary of Ivano- (UOW), the official publication of the appointed Hieromonk Daniel as the spiri- Frankivsk in September 1993. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the tual advisor of the senior league. In that He emigrated to the U.S. in 1996 to U.S.A. In September 2002 he became capacity, and at the request of the UOL continue his education at the Catholic editor-in-chief of the UOW and remains senior board, he also accepted the position University of America and the Dominican in that position today. Also in 2002, of chairman of the Vocations and Clergy House of Studies in Washington. Archbishop Antony appointed Father Support Commission, which administers In 2000 the Rev. Deacon Volodymyr Daniel director of the Office of Public the Metropolitan John (Theodorovich) was received into the UOC of the Relations (Communications) of the Scholarship Fund. This fund provides U.S.A. and enrolled in St. Sophia Consistory, which publishes the annual financial assistance for seminarians and Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Church Calendar and manages the clergy to pursue continuing education. Seminary in South Bound Brook, N.J. UOC-U.S.A. website. During the opening divine liturgy of With many years of theological study In 2003 Father Daniel enrolled in the the 18th regular sobor of the UOC- already completed, his advanced stand- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary U.S.A. on October 3, 2007, Hieromonk ing enabled him to complete the (Eastern Orthodox focus), completing Daniel was elevated to the rank of Orthodox theology program in two all the requirements for the Doctor of Archimandrite by Metropolitan years. He concurrently enrolled in a Ministry degree, which was conferred Constantine. A few days later, on graduate studies program in applied upon him during the seminary com- October 6, 2007, the same Sobor elected Orthodox theology at the University of mencement ceremonies in May 2007. Archimandrite Daniel as bishop-elect. Balamand, Holy Patriarchate of Antioch In 2005 Father Daniel was appointed Bishop Daniel On January 9, 2008, the ecumenical (Antiochian House of Studies, U.S.A.), spiritual advisor to the United Ukrainian patriarch and the Great and Holy Synod receiving his master’s degree in 2002. Orthodox Sisterhoods and spiritual advi- commissioned as an officer of the U.S. of Constantinople formally elected and Deacon Volodymyr was ordained to sor to the Church Orphanage Adoption Army (Chaplain Corps). He enrolled ritually included Archimandrite Daniel the priesthood by Archbishop Antony on Program in Ukraine. Archimandrite into U.S. Army Chaplain School at Fort in the Diptychs of Holy Orthodoxy. May 12, 2001, in St. Andrew Ukrainian Daniel has led the college mission teams Jackson, S.C. from which he graduated The episcopal consecration of Bishop Orthodox Memorial Church in South to Ukraine’s orphanages for the past in April of that year and served as a Daniel took place at St. Volodymyr Bound Brook, N.J.. On May 22, 2002, four years. chaplain in one of the medical brigades Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, the archbishop tonsured him as a priest- In January 2006 Father Daniel was of the U.S. Ohio, on May 10. No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 5

THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORUM Detroit UNAers clean up Dibrova Branch 102 Secretary Nicholas Bobeczko retires after 62 years by Daniel S. Bobeczo Jr. CLEVELAND – After 62 years as the secretary of UNA Branch 102, Nicholas Bobeczko submitted his final report on June 1. Born in Chester, Pa., on December 1, 1914, he officially became a UNA mem- ber in 1921. “I attended my first convention in 1941,” recounts Mr. Bobeczko, “and I have served on the Election Committee as a chairman, vice-chairman or English secretary at every convention since.” Mr. Bobeczko became the secretary of Nicholas Bobeczko Branch 102 in December 1946. He has served on the executive board of the nitions, and commendations for his dedi- Cleveland UNA District and is a member cated service, commitment and involve- of the UNA Seniors. He was active in A.J. Serafyn ment with the Ukrainian community. Tri-City Seniors of Middleburg Heights, On August 6 of this year, Mr. BRIGHTON, Mich. – The spirit of Dibrova Day was in full swing on May 17 when Ohio, and was a longtime volunteer at St. Bobeczko, 93, and his wife, Mary members of the Detroit District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association Mary’s Church in Solon, Ohio. He is an Szmagala Bobeczko, 90, will celebrate and the Dibrova Estate spent the day beautifying the grounds of Dibrova in prepa- active member of St. Josaphat’s Seniors their 70th wedding anniversary. They ration for the season. Seen above are some of the participants. and a parishioner of his home church, St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in are, as always, supported with love and Parma, Ohio. encouragement from their two sons and Over the years Mr. Bobeczko has daughters-in-law, their six grandchildren Tired of searching and surfing? received numerous UNA awards, recog- and 11 great-grandchildren. The Ukrainian Weekly: your one reliable source UNAers extend congratulations and many thanks to Mr. Bobeczko for over for all the news Daniel S. Bobeczko Jr. is a grandson of Nicholas Bobeczo and a member of six decades as secretary of Branch 102. about Ukraine and Ukrainians. UNA Branch 102 in Cleveland. The books are balanced and closed.


IN THE PRESS THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Canada welcomes Yushchenko The genocidal nature In what was the first visit in 14 years by a president of Ukraine to Canada, President Viktor Yushchenko on May 26 arrived on an official state visit that took him of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 to Ottawa, Winnipeg and Toronto. Unfortunately, an originally scheduled stopover in Edmonton – where, incidentally, Ukraine is to open a Consulate – had to be nixed due “The genocide loophole,” by Jonah requisitioned grain and other food before to the president’s tight schedule. (For the record, Leonid Kuchma’s 1994 trip was the Goldberg, Los Angeles Times, April 8: sealing off parts of the countryside. Without first state visit to Canada by a Ukrainian president.) “Last week, Russia’s lower house of food and unable to escape, millions per- He received a rousing welcome – “rock-star treatment,” the Winnipeg Free Press Parliament passed a resolution insisting that ished. “Ukraine, according to Ukrainian called it – wherever he went, and he met with top leaders on the federal, provincial Joseph Stalin’s man-made 1932-33 famine President Viktor Yushchenko, became ‘a and local levels. He met with Ukrainians of all ages, from babes in arms and students – called the Holodomor in Ukrainian – was- n’t genocide. vast death camp.” of the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program in Manitoba to seniors in their 90s; all “Virtually no one, including the “ ‘There is now a wealth of historical waves of Ukrainian immigration to Canada were represented, from the descendants of Russians, disputes that the Soviet govern- material detailing the specific features of the earliest settlers to newcomers who arrived after Ukraine declared independence. ment was involved in the deliberate forced Stalin’s forced collectivization and terror In Ottawa, President Yushchenko was hosted at a state dinner by Governor General starving of millions of people. But the famine policies against Ukraine,’ Michaelle Jean. In Winnipeg, Manitoba Premier Gary Doer greeted him as “an inter- Russian resolution indignantly insists: Yushchenko wrote in the Wall Street national hero for democracy” and the University of Winnipeg presented him with an ‘There is no historical proof that the famine Journal late last year. … honorary doctorate. And in Toronto, Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty lauded was organized along ethnic lines.’ It notes “The pro-Russian party led by former him for Ukraine’s democratic progress. that victims included ‘different peoples and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych boy- The Ukrainian leader secured Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s support nationalities living largely in agricultural cotted a parliamentary vote on a 2006 law for Ukraine’s bid for a NATO Membership Action Plan and propelled the passage of a areas’ of the Soviet Union. recognizing the famine as an act of geno- bill officially recognizing the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as an act of genocide. The bill “Translation: We didn’t kill millions of cide. His party has suggested using the received royal assent the day after Mr. Yushchenko returned home. farmers and their families because they word ‘tragedy’ to describe the famine. And, there was plenty of media coverage also, ranging from news stories in the were Ukrainians, we killed millions of “ ‘It happened on the territory of many newspapers of Ottawa, Winnipeg and Edmonton, to articles in Canada’s most promi- Ukrainians because they were farmers. countries,’ Yanukovych said. ‘Maybe in nent national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and an interview in the National Post. “And that’s all it takes to be acquitted of Ukraine it had a greater effect, as Ukraine is There were commentaries also, most of which focused on the connection between genocide. a more agricultural country.’ and their homeland, as well as their contributions to Canada, “The oversight was deliberate. The word “Some Ukrainian historians, such as where they number between 1.1 million and 1.3 million (the estimates vary). ‘genocide’ was coined by a Polish Jew, Stanislav Kulchitsky, an authority on the Introducing Ukraine’s president in Parliament, Prime Minister Harper spoke glow- Raphael Lemkin, who was responding to famine who works at the Institute of ingly of Ukrainians’ contributions to Canada. He also delivered a strong endorsement Winston Churchill’s 1941 lament that ‘we History in Kiev [sic], counter that while the of Ukraine’s NATO bid. Later, at a joint news conference with Mr. Yushchenko, Mr. are in the presence of a crime without a famine enveloped many regions of the Harper underscored to reporters that “it is a founding principle of NATO that outsiders name.’ Lemkin, a champion of human Soviet Union, the ‘smashing blow,’ as he do not make these decisions” – a reference, of course, to Russia and its surrogates. rights who lost 49 relatives in the said Stalin called it, fell on Ukraine and President Yushchenko succeeded in telling the story of Ukraine, which he under- Holocaust, gave it a name a few years later. Kuban, a region heavily populated with scored is deeply rooted in Europe, to Canada’s leaders and the public, whether that But to get the U.N. to recognize genocide as Ukrainians. was during the historic joint session of Parliament, while addressing the public during a specific crime, he made compromises. “ ‘The mechanism was different in an outdoor rally in Winnipeg, or speaking to business leaders in Toronto. “Under pressure from the Soviets, Ukraine,’ Kulchitsky said in a telephone “Ukrainians have to learn how to bring out lessons from history… Through the Lemkin supported excluding efforts to mur- interview. He cited the sealing off of the 20th century we’ve declared our independence six times, and five times we lost it,” he der ‘political’ groups from the U.N. resolu- Ukrainian countryside in particular, saying said. “Those are probably the facts that we are using to form our national policy.” tion on genocide adopted in 1948. … there were no such efforts elsewhere. Speaking of the Holodomor and its lasting effects on Ukraine’s people, he related “Kulchitsky said the famine should be how his grandmother hoarded bread long after the Famine was over: “She would “Aftermath of a Soviet Famine,” by understood as part of a larger effort to wipe never leave a crumb on the table. Up in the attic there would be three or four bags of Peter Finn, The Washington Post, April out Ukrainian culture and nationalism that bread crusts.” 27: began in the 1920s. At the Economic Club of Toronto he told his audience about the “astonishing “…When Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin “ ‘It was not industrialization or modern- opportunities” in Ukraine and urged them to increase their investments in the country. forced peasants off their homesteads and ization,’ he said. ‘It was cold-blooded In sum, President Yushchenko’s state visit to Canada surely was a historic one. into collective farms, special military units killing by hunger.’ ” There is no doubt it will serve as a major impetus for the further development of excellent relations between Canada and Ukraine. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

rience at Bereza. June Turning the pages back... Thanks for column There were many like him during the dark days of the 1930s and ‘40s – men and on Bereza Kartuzka women who suffered at the hands of the Poles, and later at the hands of those far 10 Dear Editor: Last year on June 10, 2007, Presidents and worse. They were tough, principled and 2007 Viktor Yushchenko held an informal meeting during an eco- Thanks to Yaro Bihun for his excellent determined in their pursuit of a free and nomic forum in St. Petersburg. During the meeting, topics column “The Meaning of Bereza” (May independent Ukraine, despite the over- included entry bans for politically active persons who, in the 25) on the recent Washington-area show- whelming odds at the time. eyes of their respective governments, have spoiled relations ing of the Yurij Luhovy film about the They were, indeed, the “greatest genera- between Kyiv and Moscow. Polish concentration camp Bereza- tion.” However, it was not only these “politically active persons” who were responsible for Kartuzka at which family members of some Orest Deychakiwsky the souring of Ukraine-Russia relations. of those incarcerated there were present. Washington On June 4, 2007, President Putin, during a televised interview on democracy, sug- Your mention of one of the Bereza pris- gested that Ukraine was moving toward tyranny. oners, my uncle Bohdan Deychakiwsky, On June 5, 2007, tensions flared again when Ukraine did not allow International brings to mind a tape-recording session Eurasian Movement leader Alexander Dugin to enter Crimea, and, in response, Russia that my father Mykola Deychakiwsky I’m impressed stopped Mykola Zhulynskyi, Mr. Yushchenko’s humanitarian affairs aide, at the St. (himself a member of the Organization of Petersburg airport. Ukrainian Nationalists imprisoned and tor- by papers online Mr. Dugin wanted to attend a Russian language forum in Crimea with Duma member tured by the Nazis towards the end of Konstantin Zatulin. Both men were declared personae non gratae in June 2006 for their World War II) and I conducted back in the Dear Editor: participation in the anti-NATO protests in Crimea during the Sea Breeze international early 1980s with Bohdan about his Bereza I just downloaded the current issues of military exercise. For their participation, Mr. Zatulin was banned for one year, while Mr. experiences. Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. Dugin was banned entry for five years, according to the Security Service of Ukraine. At one point during the taping, Bohdan I’m impressed. Dr. Zhulynskyi was sent back to Ukraine just several hours after Mr. Dugin was sent was recalling Polish guards beating him Wait until my mother-in-law sees the home. Viktor Chernomyrdin, ambassador of Russia to Ukraine, admitted to journalists and the other inmates with truncheons Svoboda printout. She’ll be able to that this was a tit-for-tat reaction. Petro Poroshenko, an ally of Mr. Yushchenko, also while making them duck-walk. Seeing quote it on Sunday morning at church was denied entry into Russia. No official explanation ever came from Moscow for either what must have been a distraught expres- while everyone else is still reading the denial, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. sion on my face, he merely chuckled and previous week’s issue. In June 2006, in the wake of the Sea Breeze protests, Ukraine banned Vladimir said that was nothing compared to what he Of course, when the back issues Zhirnovsky, an inflammatory Duma member, Gleb Pavlovsky, a Moscow spin-doctor, endured a few years later in both Soviet and become available online my wife, Eduard Limonov, a far-left oppositionist, and journalist Mikhail Leontyev. German prisons. In fact, during that taping, As a result of these travel bans, Moscow and Kyiv set up a commission to resolve Olenka, will make me throw away about and a subsequent taping my father and 15 years’ worth of yellowing newsprint these issues. In effect, however, they agreed to disagree. brother conducted with him, I was struck stacked in the basement. Ugh! by Bohdan’s level-headedness, and even Source: “Will Ukraine and Russia solve the problem of personae non gratae?” by occasional humor in describing what was Jurij Dobczansky Pavel Korduban (Eurasia Daily Monitor), The Ukrainian Weekly, June 24, 2007. undoubtedly an extremely unpleasant expe- Washington No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 7 NEWS AND VIEWS TheThe thingsthings wewe Manitoba’s 138th anniversary and its Ukrainian community by Orysia Paszczak Tracz by Dr. Roman Yereniuk Orthodox Church established St. Andrew’s College in the north-end of The trouble with translating Manitoba celebrated its 138th anniver- Winnipeg in 1946; the college is presently sary as a province on May 12 (1870- located as an associated college on the – in so many words 2008). Of the province’s population of campus of the . slightly more than 1 million citizens, Likewise, the University of Manitoba OK, so you have to translate some English, when you say “my mother,” you Ukrainian Canadians constitute a popula- established a department of Slavic studies simple Ukrainian article, passage, or let- already mean your own mother. To tion of about 150,000, evenly divided in 1949 that has one of Canada’s most ter into English. No problem, or so you emphasize “ridna maty moya” is redun- between urban (mostly Winnipeg) and prominent Ukrainian language and litera- think. Wait a minute. Some of these rural areas. dant. And yet it isn’t – it is poetic, senti- ture studies programs. Since 1981 the U Ukrainian words and phrases just don’t Ukrainian Canadians have played a mental, so much more than “my own of M’s Center for Ukrainian Canadian sound right in English – without more major role in the history and development mother.” “Ridnyi krai” can be my native Studies has been one of the leading spe- explanation, at least. And you know very of Manitoba beginning from 1891. land, even though I am not a native cialized centers of its kind in Canada. well that literal translation just doesn’t Ukrainian Manitobans began as an because I was not born there. It is still Besides the fields of agriculture, reli- work, or you wind up with one of those agricultural community, farming in four my homeland, my ancestral land. “Moyi gion and higher education, Ukrainian translations from hell. prominent areas of Manitoba: south of ridni” can mean my kin, my relatives, my Manitobans have also assisted Manitoba’s There’s something that appears often Winnipeg (Gardenton, Vita and Tolstoi fellow countrymen, kindred, people who growth in other fields. in Ukrainian literature from the past areas), north of Winnipeg in the Interlake are dear to me. Many have been employed as teachers about the elderly and children sitting or area, south of Riding Mountain Park (the Then there are the phrases. In one lan- and administrators in the public education sleeping on the “pich” (pronounced Oakburn, Sandylake, Rossburn and guage they can be perfectly innocent, and sector. Someone once stated that every “peech”). Is this on the stove or oven? Of Russell areas) and north of Riding in the other, x-rated. I found out the hard eighth teacher in Manitoba has got some course not! Not even hearth is close as a way when I was passing on to a friend Mountain Park (the Dauphin, Ethelburt, Ukrainian roots. They have also been term. You need to go into a lengthy the Christmas invitation the Hutsuly Swan River and Roblin areas). involved in the “people industries,” such explanation of just what a Ukrainian vil- extend to the fierce animals and the Ukrainians thrived here on mixed farms, as nursing, social work and various areas lage clay or tile pich is, so that your read- forces of nature before Sviat Vechir: “... as well as grain farms, opening up of medicine. Ukrainian Canadians operate er does not think Ukrainians should have and if you don’t come now, don’t come Manitoba as part of the Canadian prairie many small businesses (Manitoba is well- been arrested for elder and child abuse. to us during the year.” And the wicked agricultural “bread-basket.” The first two known for these), are employed in profes- You want to wish someone “schastia.” weather and animals are told to go into of four settlement waves (prior to World sional fields (such as finance, law, etc.), Luck? No, not really. Schastia means so the mountain valleys and caves “de War I and between the first and second and are well-represented in the trades. much more. Probably bliss, well-being, world wars) of Ukrainians to Manitoba Ukrainian Manitobans are equally rep- sontse ne svityt’” – where the sun does fortune, prosperity, health, success – not shine. At that, I heard my friend were in fact to these agricultural areas of resented in the arts scene in the province – depends on what is meant. When you Manitoba. Some of these Ukrainians, need- from choirs to dance groups, to opera and choke and laugh. How was I to know that wish someone “schaslyvoyi dorohy” “where the sun don’t shine” has a totally ing further work, also became employed in music. The Ukrainian folk dancing scene [bon voyage], you mean for them to have the railway and logging industries. has close to 100 schools in Manitoba. We different meaning in English? a safe trip. Schastia is so much more than I work at the University of Manitoba The last two waves of settlement (after all know about “hockey moms,” but luck. Libraries and used to work in the Slavic World War to 1955, and the post-1991 Ukrainians also have “Ukrainian dancing You’re going “huliaty.” What are you Collection. Many years ago, someone wave) have been very much urban in moms” who drive their children to up to? Huliaty can mean dancing, walk- from the Acquisitions Department character and have added much to the fab- rehearsals, competitions and festivals. ing/strolling/promenading, rushing brought us a letter from a publisher of a ric of Winnipeg – small business, educa- Ukrainians in Manitoba are proud of around, playing games, sitting around Ukrainian art journal in the U.S. The tion, social work professions and the Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival in drinking, having fun, and having much department had sent a claim for the cur- trades. Dauphin (held annually in August) as well more than fun, in intimate relations. For Manitoba figures prominently in the as the two Ukrainian pavilions at animals, huliaty means being in heat. rent issue, and the publisher replied that life of Ukrainian Canadians, since the Winnipeg’s Folklorama. Again, clarity and understanding mean the issue will be sent when it is “out of headquarters of the Ukrainian Canadian For the past 70 years Ukrainian the difference between innocent fun and print.” Of course, that did not make Congress – the umbrella congress of most Manitobans have participated in the politi- really getting into trouble. “Huliaty vesil- sense, and we wrote them in Ukrainian to Ukrainian Canadian organizations and cal process of federal, provincial and lia” is to hold a wedding. ask about the order. They replied, this societies established in 1941 – is located municipal elections for most of the par- “V Nediliu Rano Zillia Kopala,” the time in Ukrainian, that they were relieved here. Also, the two Ukrainian Churches – ties. Winnipeg’s Stephen Juba was a long- wonderful Olha Kobylianska novel, is someone there (in Manitoba) spoke a the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of time mayor of the capital in the 1960s and usually translated as “On Sunday normal language. The two elderly profes- Canada and the Ukrainian Catholic 1970s. Many Ukrainian Manitobans have Morning She Gathered Herbs.” But zillia sors, multilingual (but not English speak- Church of Canada – have their metropoli- been involved at the municipal level and and herbs are not necessarily synony- ers), had used a few dictionaries to get tans and their ecclesiastical offices in on school boards in their local areas. mous. In the English world, we usually that first letter out to us. Well, in north-end Winnipeg. Over 100 domed All in all, Ukrainian Manitobans have associate herbs with culinary uses, as a Ukrainian, “vyity z druku” means to Ukrainian churches – some 23 in made their province a better place to live flavoring for dishes. They are, technical- come off the printing press, i.e., to be Winnipeg alone – form Manitoba’s unique in. Their contribution has been invigorat- ly, a non-woody plant; in horticulture an published/printed. So that is why we landscape. ing and most significant in the history of herb often refers to any plant that is culi- would get the issue when it is “out of In higher education, the Ukrainian their province. nary or used medicinally. It is the medici- print.” Happy 138th birthday, Manitoba! nal and magical properties that are so These are just a few examples of how Dr. Roman Yereniuk is acting director Thank you to Ukrainian Canadians and all integral to the word “zillia.” In the complicated translating can be. There are of the Center for Ukrainian Canadian other multicultural groups in the history- Kobylianska novel, the zillia being so many more. The whole culture of lan- Studies at the University of Manitoba. building process of Manitoba! picked is for a love potion. In North guage and national identity is behind America, the green stuff growing all each word. Literal just doesn’t cut it. You around is weeds, while in Ukraine, so have to know and feel both languages, much of it is zillia. you must be fluent, and bilingual, or else Materials sought for bandura documentary And then there’s “ridnyi, ridna.” oh you can wind up where the sun don’t SANTA MONICA, Calif. – The doc- Photos can be sent as originals, boy... “Ridna maty moya” – my own shine. umentary film titled “Living Strings – which will be scanned and returned; mother? “Ridnyi krai” – native land? The And it goes both ways. A recent book The Story of the Ukrainian Bandurist videos and/or film will be transferred word stems from “rid” – clan, kin, fami- from Ukraine on the folk costume of Chorus” is seeking the Ukrainian com- and returned as well. ly, lineage; also gender and kind or sort. Volyn has the title “Davnie vbrannia na munity’s support. The production is Readers may contact the film’s pro- So ridnyi is something belonging to your Volyni.” The English-language title page searching for audio-visual materials ducer, Orest Sushko, at osinla@veri- family or extended family, kin. But in says “The Old Clothes on Volyn.” and archives of the chorus from its or 310-795-0747 for further inception in 1915 to subsequent emi- information. Materials can be sent to gration to North America in 1949. This Mr. Sushko at 2901 Fourth St., Apt. would include its time in Ukraine, as 214, Santa Monica, CA 90405. RE: QUESTIONS TO THE EDITORS well as Germany. “Livings Strings” is envisioned as a Dear Readers: Any photos, newspaper clips, video, one-hour television documentary that sound or film recordings would con- will focus on Ukraine’s national instru- When sending letters seeking replies from editors, readers should include tribute to depicting the harrowing jour- ment, the bandura, and will tell the either a daytime phone number or an e-mail address so that we may answer your queries in a most efficient matter. ney of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus remarkable story of the Ukrainian (UBC) through these early decades. Bandurist Chorus. The project is sup- Please note that the editorial staff does not have a secretary who is able to Also, any material from UBC tours and ported by the Ukrainian Canadian answer readers’ letters in writing. activity in North America from the Foundation of Taras Shevchenko (under Thank you in advance for your cooperation. period of 1949-1990 would be greatly the aegis of the Ukrainian Canadian – The Ukrainian Weekly editorial staff appreciated. Congress) and embraced by the UBC. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 Shevchenko Scientific Society holds annual meeting NEW YORK – The annual member- book. Oral reports at the meeting were ship meeting of the Shevchenko optional and reserved for presenting Scientific Society (NTSh), followed by a highlights. literary evening celebrating the 80th Dr. Popovych emphasized that the anniversary of Bohdan Boychuk – poet, scholarly society is functioning success- pose writer, translator and literary critic – fully and is fulfilling its obligations comprised the program at the society’s thanks to the dedicated, energetic and headquarters on May 17. competent work of its board members The meeting was preceded by separate and employees. He singled out the mani- sessions of two scholarly sections – fold contributions of Prof. Vasyl Lopukh, Philology and Mathematics-Physics- both as director of administration and Technology – chaired by their directors, chair of the Press Committee, as well as Prof. Assya Humesky and Prof. Roman I. those of Prof. Vasyl Makhno, who is the Andrushkiw, respectively. A lecture by organizer and emcee of the society’s lec- Dr. Leo M. F. Chirovsky on some “mis- ture series, co-organizer of NTSh panels sion impossible” projects in applied at scholarly conferences, chair of the physics was the featured event of the Publications Committee and secretary of MPT Section. the Scholarships and Grants Committee. Dr. Orest Popovych, president of Dr. Popovych accorded special recogni- NTSh, opened the meeting by welcoming tion to Dr. Daria Dykyj, vice-president all, while reserving special recognition and treasurer, for her invaluable and very for an honored guest, academician Prof. demanding work in managing the soci- Leonid Rudnytzky, a former president of ety’s finances. Furthermore, throughout NTSh in America and the current presi- the report year, the society has been in At the Annual Meeting of the Shevchenko Scientific Society: (first row, from left) dent of the NTSh World Council. constant need of legal expertise, which Olha Kuzmowycz, Svitlana Andrushkiw, Andrij Szul, Daria Dykyj, Roman Prof. Vasyl Makhno read the minutes was provided by the NTSh Law Advisory Andrushkiw, Orest Popovych, Assya Humesky, (second row) Vasyl Lopukh, of the 2007 annual meeting which were Committee chair, Dr. Andrij V. R. Szul, Christine Karpevych, Wolodymyr Vasilaky, Tatiana Keis, Borys Hlynsky, Leonid prepared by Dr. Roman Procyk, NTSh continued Dr. Popovych. Rudnytzky, Vasyl Makhno, Wolodymyr Petryshyn and Jaroslaw Zalipsky. vice-president and learned secretary who After recognizing the contributions of was not present. The minutes were other active board members, Dr. of negotiating the sale of the excess portraits of NTSh presidents in the hall- approved unanimously, with one absten- Popovych highlighted the two recent development rights of the NTSh building way, among many of his other efforts. tion. major achievements by NTSh: in New York. For giving up the right to Dr. Popovych then read the names of • The society has received complete Dr. Borys Hlynsky spoke on the activ- build any additional floors or other struc- the nine NTSh members who had passed galleys of the first volume of the ities of the NTSh Washington Chapter, tures, the society is expected to be paid away during the report period of May American volume of the Encyclopedia of which he chairs. by the buyer more than $1.5 million. 2007-May 2008, and asked the assembly the Ukrainian Diaspora (EUD). This first Following the reports, the floor was Dr. Andrushkiw, NTSh first vice-presi- to rise and honor their memory with a volume (letters A-K), which had just opened for discussion, in which board dent, reported on the competition for members answered questions from the moment of silence. He then announced arrived from the EUD office in Chicago, young mathematicians in Ukraine, which the election of 18 new members to the was prepared under the editorship of Drs. audience. At the conclusion, all had the NTSh is co-sponsoring with the U.S.- opportunity to examine the first volume society in the same period. Vasyl and Daria Markus. It will be pub- Ukraine Foundation. The contest was Most NTSh officers had provided their lished by NTSh, which has been sponsor- of the Encyclopedia of the Ukrainian initiated and organized by the MPT Diaspora. written reports in advance, and these ing the EUD project for decades. Section of NTSh under the leadership of were made available to all in a bound • The society is now in the final stages The day’s events at NTSh culminated Dr. Andrushkiw. The soon-to-be- in a literary evening dedicated to the 80th announced winner will be awarded a anniversary of Mr. Boychuk. A member medal and a prize of $5,000 at a ceremo- of the famed New York Group of ny at the prestigious Institute of Ukrainian writers, Mr. Boychuk is author Mathematics of the National Academy of of seven earlier collections of poetry as Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. well as the latest “Kyivs’ki Ekslibrysy” Dr. Dykyj presented a summary of the (2006) and the two volumes of society’s financial statements for the “Collected Works” (2007). The last three years 2005-2007, and a proposed budget were published in Kyiv (in Ukrainian), for next year. where the poet has been living in recent According to Prof. Makhno, chair of years. Mr. Boychuk has also translated the Publications Committee, NTSh has awarded a total of $79,154 in support of Ukrainian poetry into English and other- Ukrainian publications. Reporting for language poetry into Ukrainian, and has Dr. Olexa Bilaniuk, chair of the contributions to prose as well. Scholarships and Grants Committee, Before a packed lecture hall, Prof. Prof. Makhno cited the figure of $69,900 Makhno opened the program and intro- as the total awarded by NTSh for duced the featured speaker, Dr. Bohdan Ukrainian students and projects. Rubchak, professor of literature, himself Prof. Lopukh spoke first as chair of a poet and member of the New York the Press Committee. There were 29 Group. As a connoisseur of literary theo- Ukrainian-language and nine English- ry, Dr. Rubchak proceeded to classify language articles devoted to NTSh in and dissect Mr. Boychuk’s poetry along newspapers. The society published two the lines of existentialism, love-eroticism bulletins and 13 Internet reports on NTSh and metaphysics, illustrating his points activities. Prof. Lopukh created a with quotations from the poet’s works. photofilm dedicated to the memory of Dr. Later, Mr. Boychuk himself traced the John Fizer. As director of administration, changing movements that defined his art he informed the assembly about the as it evolved with his life’s experiences. extensive remodeling completed at the The author also cited excerpts from his entrance to the NTSh building, the ship- “Collected Works,” copies of which he ment of some six tons of books to was busy autographing long after the Ukraine, and the display of a gallery of program had ended.


The Ukrainian Weekly is seeking to hire a summer intern to work during the months of June, July and August for three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday preferred) at its home office in Parsippany, NJ. Responsibilities to include: proofreading, rewrites, reporting (depending on appli- cant’s experience). Interested applicants should e-mail a cover letter and resume to: [email protected]. No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 9 Scholar speaks on hip-hop music and class identity in Ukraine by Renata Kosc-Harmatiy class awareness of Ukrainians who are around the misperception that very large most popular groups have developed migrating within the European continent. numbers of dark-skinned ethnic groups their performances based on materials WASHINGTON – “Hip-hop, per- Dr. Helbig observed from her field are coming to Ukraine. sent back to them from friends who emi- formed increasingly in the Ukrainian lan- work that there is a growing awareness of There are also increasing stereotypes grated to California and have emphasized guage over the last five years, is one of class by migrant workers who routinely about African migrants and their qualifi- American hip-hop elements in their the primary musical genres associated return to Ukraine, and bring with them a cations, which do not take into account music, particularly in terms of develop- with the 2004 Orange Revolution,” said racialized imagery from the West, in the fact that many arrive seeking – and ing an allegiance to a local community. Adriana Helbig, visiting assistant profes- which “whiteness” is associated with sta- possessing – advanced degrees. As a Dr. Helbig noted that appropriating sor of musicology at the University of tus and is a “marker of respect in eco- response, some of the African performers this musical genre to local circumstances Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in a recent nomic exchange.” This experience is have made an added effort to demon- has helped Ukrainian youth deal with a lecture at the Kennan Institute. strate that they are not just surviving, but growing feeling of alienation, as well as Both the performers and their art show defined not only in the United States, but also in European countries such as Italy. are proudly living well, she said. reclaiming identities. Furthermore, the new, dynamic and diverse ways that musi- Local industries have also played a hip-hop culture has promoted very posi- cians in contemporary Ukraine express However, downward demographic shifts and substantial outward migration of large role in marketing certain images of tive messages, focusing on the “expres- claims of belonging, citizenship and race and class, and promoting the hip- sion of individual strength and originali- equality. Dr. Helbig observed that the new Ukrainian labor has been coupled with increased immigration into Ukraine. As a hop image of Africans in Ukraine. Dr. ty.” Dr. Helbig noted that the small styles, language and ideology embodied in Helbig noted that images of Africans are recording studios of Kharkiv hip-hop hip-hop may be discussed in the “broader result, the ethnic and racial composition of Ukraine is changing at a rapid pace. used to advertise music, as well as to cre- artists enforce strict regulations prohibit- theoretical framework of multicultural dis- ate “authentic ambiances” in restaurants ing smoking and consumption of alcohol courses that have emerged among The Soviet policy of offering higher education to developing countries also and clubs. Yet this is a practice that Dr. on their premises. Ukrainian citizens regarding new econom- Helbig says can hardly be justified as The use of language and the question ic opportunities made available since the means that there is a history of inter-eth- nic unions and inter-racial children with- tolerance, but more as “decorative of identity are both “highly charged polit- 2004 Orange Revolution.” racism,” in which the ethnicity and for- ical issues” in Ukraine. Dr. Helbig noted Hip-hop has become a growing global in Ukrainian society, although it is not widely perceived, Dr. Helbig stated. eignness of the “other” is emphasized. that the hip-hop movement in Ukraine phenomenon, embraced by people in cul- African hip-hop artists have responded helps advance this discourse in a musical Popular culture has slowly begun to turally and geographically disparate by creating music that promotes a very format by expressing a simple message embrace the “otherness” of African places, including the United States, place-based identity (combining African that it is “not so bad and difficult to live Ukrainians, who are serving as both pre- Africa and Japan. Integral to this trend is origins with a new Ukrainian context). together.” senters on Ukraine’s entertainment and the usage of traditional musical instru- The growing genre of hip-hop has also Dr. Helbig concluded her February 19 music networks, as well as advocates of ments and local languages, Dr. Helbig been picked up by ethnic Ukrainians, lecture by noting that hip-hop could help noted. Ukraine has also become part of Ukrainian language music. most of whom perform in their native “stimulate audiences in Ukraine to recon- this localization of hip-hop. Dr. Helbig Dr. Helbig stated that the “association language. These performers continue the sider their understandings of black and traced the origins of this process to sever- between African identity and music has hip-hop tradition of singing about their white identities in the West and in the al phenomena, including the African increasingly begun to spill into all walks personal local experience. Some of the post-socialist sphere.” immigrant community in Ukraine, of Ukrainian life.” African Ukrainian- Ukrainian citizens who have emigrated to language hip-hop/reggae groups are the United States and also the growing growing in popularity and are often invit- ed to participate in local cultural festi- Renata Kosc-Harmatiy is a program vals, national talk shows and televised associate at the Kennan Institute in concerts. Although they are celebrated on THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Washington. The article above is reprint- stage, she cautioned, it is still difficult to Visit our archive on the Internet at: ed with permission from the June issue of say that these groups gain acceptance the Kennan Institute’s newsletter. See “once they have left the stage.” Dr. Helbig noted that anxiety is growing 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 11 GENERATION UKE

Edited and compiled by Matthew Dubas and Yarema Belej Multi-talented artist pays homage to family with debut exhibit in NYC by Yarema Belej for as long as she can remember. Ms. Shmerykowsky is the grandniece of NEW YORK – Dianna Shmerykowsky, the famed dancer Roma Pryma 24, a resident of Bayside, Queens, has been Bohachevsky and dons the familiar red painting, drawing and dancing for almost boots nearly every weekend. She devotes her entire life. In blending these passions, her summers to the Ukrainian Dance her first public art exhibit, titled “A Series Camps at Soyuzivka, directed by her aunt of Ukrainian Folk Dances,” will be on dis- Anya Bohachevsky Lonkevych. Ukrainian play through the month of June at Bar 82, located on Second Avenue in the dance is what drives the young artist, she Manhattan’s East Village Ukrainian neigh- commented. borhood. When not dancing or painting, Ms. The pieces in the exhibit date from 2003 Shmerykowsky is a full-time teacher of to as recently as last month, explained Ms. \general and computer art classes at Bayside Shmerykowsky. The work began on this High School in Queens, N.Y., where she collection while she honed her painting teaches her students about the beauty and skills at the Pratt Institute, School of Art and many forms of expression that art affords, Design, where she earned a degree in art much in the same way that her late mother education with a major in painting. taught in her. This collection features her interpretation Having lost her mother at age 7, Ms. of the beauty of Ukrainian folk dancing. “It Shmerykowsky noted that art has fostered is about the movement and experience of and maintained a connection with her dear Ukrainian dance,” said Ms. Shmerykowsky. mother. This love of art and dance has car- One of Dianna Shmerykowsky’s works depicting Ukrainian folk dance. “I wanted to show the colors and the beauty ried on the legacy of her mother who was of what I see when I dance.” an accomplished dancer and artist in her both her crafts. In her eyes, however, it is all, pursue art in college,” said Ms. As a senior member of the Syzokryli own right. homage to her father and brother. Shmerykowsky. “I fell in love with art at Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Ms. This art exhibit is something that has “Without their support, I probably would Pratt, and after all these years they both sup- Shmerykowsky said dance and art are cen- been a long time in the making and a testa- not have had as much strength to have port my choices and my art work. I cannot tral parts of her life. Art has been in her life ment to Ms. Shmerykowsky’s dedication to wanted to do it in high school and, above thank them enough.”

Hundreds of Plast scouts head PHOTO OF THE MONTH outdoors to mark spring’s arrival by Yarema Belej organized and executed a station-to-station competition based around the environmen- PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Over 260 young tal theme, emphasizing recycling and alter- scouts (“yunatsvo”) and more than 80 adult native uses of materials. scouts (“starshi plastuny” and “seniory”) of The Past fraternity “Pobratymy” built Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization con- an impressive bonfire that was fitting for verged during the Memorial Day Weekend such a big event. The program for the on the “Pysanyi Kamin” campground in bonfire was organized and executed by the Middlefield, Ohio, located approximately “Kniahyni” sorority; it was highlighted by 45 miles east of Cleveland, to begin their beautiful songs, and creative and funny summer camping season. skits conducted by the various participat- “Plast scouts from all over the United ing branches of Plast. States – Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, One of the goals of this annual event is Detroit, Hartford, New Jersey, New York, to modernize some of Plast activities so Philadelphia, Washington and other loca- that the organization adapts to changing tions – all came together in culinary, friend- times and needs. To this end, all partici- ly, sporty, humorous, musical, ecological pating groups of “yunatstvo” were asked and even romantic harmony,” said Bohdan to make a five-minute film about how Pecheniak of the “Lisovi Chorty” Past fra- they help keep their community clean. ternity. Prizes were awarded for the very cre- The annual event in honor of St. ative and sometimes funny films. The George, the patron saint of Plast, brings young kids were reminded “small actions together the youth of the organization to that may seem futile make a big differ- meet, camp, play, dance and, most impor- ence,” said Ms. Baranetsky. tantly, learn over the long weekend lead- During Sunday’s liturgy commemorat- ing to the summer season. This year the ing the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor, over-arching theme was respect for the a plaque was blessed dedicated to the environment. memory of the Rev. Paul Hayda, who was “In light of the current global crisis, we killed in a car accident in September 2007. wanted to make this event one that the The former pastor of St. Joseph Church in younger scouts could connect with,” said Chicago had been the chaplain of the Victoria Baranetsky of the “Lisovi Mavky” campground for many years and a solid Plast sorority, who served as head coun- member of the Plast family. selor of the event. “It is something they Participants had great weather for the hear about in every other realm of their life, entire weekend, aside from a brief shower and to be able to have that echoed in their on Monday morning, which only added to Ukrainian community is important and the great accomplishments and energy of potent.” the entire event. It seemed that in no time, The festivities began on Saturday morn- the younger scouts were already back on ing with the opening ceremony of the their buses and headed for home. Alexander Nikolayev AFP/Getty Images camporee with full regalia, which included Fortunately, this weekend is but a tease Anatoly Tymoshchuk, the Ukrainian captain of FC Zenit St. Petersburg, holds the promotion of Damian Hryciw to the of the great camps that all these kids will up the UEFA Cup trophy as the team greets its fans during a victory celebra- rank of “hetmanskyi skob,” the highest attend this summer, which are organized by tion on arrival back in St. Petersburg on May 15, following the its 2-0 win attainable rank for yunatsvo. the same involved and very skilled mem- against Rangers Football Club at Eastlands in Manchester, England. The “Lisovi Mavky” organized the bers of the Plast scout ranks throughout the event, while other scouting sororities and country. fraternities organized and carried out major For information on camps readers may Send “Photo of the Month” submissions to: [email protected] or The Ukrainian Weekly, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. events. The “Chornomortsi” fraternity visit 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 13 Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art exhibits Archipenko graphics CHICAGO, Ill. – The Ukrainian Institute of Modern artistic career. Art is currently showing “Les Formes Vivantes,” an exhi- In the lines and forms of these monumental works on bition of graphic work by the renowned Ukrainian artist paper one can find reflections of the many sculptural Alexander Archipenko, who was born in Kyiv in 1887. innovations for which the artist is so famous: the incor- While Archipenko is most famous for his contribu- poration of “void” or negative space into the composi- tions to the development of modern sculpture – indeed it tion, the geometric abstraction of the human form, the is often agued that he was one of the greatest sculptors dynamic interplay of concavity vs. convexity, and the of the 20th century – by exploring his career as a print- highly refined utilization of kineticizism and moveable maker this exhibition serves to highlight Archipenko’s objects. All of these elements come together and come innovations in the two-dimensional realm. to life in the vibrancy of his living forms. On display are 15 of Archipenko’s 54 known prints. Besides works of lithography and dry-point printing, The exhibited work spans the the artist’s career, from his the exhibition also features an exquisite silkscreen print early years in Paris (1908-1921) to his brief period in titled “Two Figures” (1952). Here Archipenko’s use of Berlin (1921-1923) through his later years in the United metallic inks derived from mixing pigments of alu- States (1923-1964). minum and bronze gives the work a reflective quality Not to be missed is an incredibly rare lithograph from analogous to the way his monumental sculptures of pol- the artist’s Berlin period titled “Two Figures” (1921). ished or silver-plated bronze come alive via radiations Besides this individual gem, the entire exhibition is of reflected light. centered upon an incredible series of 10 large litho- Archipenko’s use of metallic inks can also be related graphic prints titled “Les Formes Vivantes” (Living to the iconographic tradition of his native Ukraine. Just Forms, 1963). This series of prints produced at Erker- as Byzantine icons cast spiritual reflections from gold Presse in St. Gallen, Switzerland can be considered the and silver, Archipenko’s silkscreen graphics shimmer culmination and crowning achievement of Archipenko’s with the light of modern art. The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art is located at 2320 W. Chicago Ave. It is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, noon-4 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $5 for admission. For more information readers may call 773-227-5522. “Rencontre” *** The UIMA was founded in 1971 by Dr. Achilles Chreptowsky in the heart of Chicago’s Ukrainian Village. Three store- fronts were transformed into a viable muse- um serving the local community and the greater Chicago area with an ongoing pro- gram of cultural exhibitions, literary events, film screenings and music recitals. Five to six major exhibits, often supple- mented by catalogues, are held annually in the main gallery, which occupies 2,100 square feet. One large side gallery houses the UIMA’s permanent collection, that includes the work of Chicago artists, as well as that of sculptors and painters of Ukrainian descent. UIMA is also home to a professional storage and research facility. Operational Support for the UIMA is pro- vided by the Illinois Arts Council, the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, Chicago CityArts program, Self-Reliance Federal Credit Union and the Ukrainian Heritage Foundation. For more information see: www.uima- “Le Groupe”

“Luminosité des Formes”

“Les Formes Encerclées” “Les Amoureux” 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23

FOR THE RECORD Canadian PM’s President Yushchenko’s address to Canadian Parliament of the constitutional reform that we are working on now. introductory remarks That way we will provide long lasting political stability essential for the future progress of the country. Following is the text of the introductory remarks by As the president and head of state, I have initiated differ- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered on ent measures to combat corruption. Of course, this is a big May 26 prior to the address to both Houses of the problem for my country, but I would like to say that this Canadian Parliament by President Viktor Yushchenko of problem is not a problem of last year or the last three years. Ukraine. This problem was not brought in by the Orange Revolution. Unfortunately, this is a very heavy heritage that we Mr. Speaker of the Senate, Mr. Speaker of the House, inherited from the previous system. That is why the presi- colleagues from both Houses of Parliament, honored dent today introduced six draft laws on fighting corruption guests, ladies and gentlemen, we have the immense privi- and they are now in Parliament. Last year they already lege today to welcome the president of Ukraine, Viktor passed first reading and I am sure that in the near future we Yushchenko, to this joint session of our Parliament. will finalize the enhancement of Ukraine’s legislation on Mr. President, on behalf of my fellow parliamentarians fighting corruption. and all Canadians, thank you for accepting our invitation to We also plan to reform the entire system and sector of speak to us here in this great symbol of our democracy, and national security. Very important changes will happen to the welcome to Canada. Official Website of Ukraine’s President system of justice. These are the tasks that I have put as pri- This may be an historic day, but it has been a long time orities in front of the government, and I would like to say coming. Ukraine’s president addresses Canada’s Parliament. that you should not have any doubts that could put our Many Ukrainians have preceded you here. Roughly 100 democratic course under threat. I will do everything possi- years ago, there began the mass migration of tens of thou- Following is the text of Ukrainian President Viktor ble for no political ambition to stop our democratic pace. sands of your countrymen and countrywomen to Canada. Yushchenko’s address to both Houses of the Canadian My words are clear and affirming. Our movement will “The men in sheepskin coats,” they were called. Parliament, delivered on May 26 in the House of Commons obviously give very productive results, and this will be a They were hardy, hard-working and hopeful people, who Chamber. The English-language translation of his speech, very important message to all the democratic forces in saw in our young and largely untouched country a land of delivered in Ukrainian, is reprinted from Hansard. Ukraine. This is the goal of every step in everything I do. great opportunity. Many were attracted to the vast open Dear friends, I would like to now speak about several grasslands of the Canadian Prairies, which, while unshel- Your Excellency Mr. Prime Minister, Your Excellency aspects that characterize practical accomplishments and tered from the harsher elements, reminded them of the Madam Chief Justice, honorable senators, honorable mem- prospects for our country. For several years now we are steppes back home. bers of the House of Commons, dear guests, ladies and gen- marking out the stable economic evolution and develop- We often now forget how difficult those pioneering days tlemen: I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to ment of our country. For the last three years GDP growth really were. Many of these settlers endured terrible hard- speak today at this honorary meeting. has been estimated at 7.8 percent annually. Only last year, ships, but they prevailed and built the farms, families and It is a great honor for me to speak today at the GDP grew at 6.7 percent and this is the high evolution level fraternities that were vital to the social and economic devel- Parliament of Canada. Right now I am filled with very ten- that we are keeping up every year. Incomes for the popula- opment of rural western Canada. der feelings for your country, for this land. For me, as for tion are growing as well. Today, more than a million people of Ukrainian origin millions of Ukrainians, this country, this land, is sacred. Every single year, after the Orange Revolution, the call Canada home. This is due to many reasons, which I will be speaking incomes of the population grew 30 percent every year. They include: Ed Stelmach, premier of my home about. Foreign direct investment has increased immensely. The province of Alberta; our former Governor General Ray I have come here to express words of gratitude to the investment that came to the Ukrainian economy in the last Hnatyshyn; a great number of my parliamentary colleagues land of Canada, for it became a motherland for millions of three years constituted 80 percent of the total investment from both chambers and all parties many of whom of Ukrainians and many generations of my native people who that Ukraine managed to acquire in the course of its inde- course are here today; famed Canadian astronaut Roberta at different times came to seek their destiny in Canada. pendence. Bondar; the great painter, William Kurelek; the late We are very grateful for the support that our country has When I was the chief of the central bank, I had only one Supreme Court Justice John Sopinka; and more great NHL always had from Canada. First, it was of great importance dream and that was it investment in Ukraine could reach the hockey players than I could possibly name. that Canada was the first country out of all the countries of level of that in Poland. Poland, at that time, received around In fact, Canadians of Ukrainian origin have made a the West to recognize Ukraine’s independence. Every $4.5 billion to $5 billion annually. Beginning in 2005, the name for themselves in all the regions of Canada and in Ukrainian will always remember that. Ukrainian economy has received from $7.5 billion to $8 every field of activity. Our country is indeed fortunate that This decision was the first step in our close partnership billion of foreign direct investment. so many of them have chosen to settle in Canada. in the modern age. We highly appreciate our modern rela- I am sure this is a manifestation that the Ukrainian gov- Yet, Mr. President, for all that Ukrainians had achieved tions, which have exceptional ties – the ties of brotherhood. ernment has managed to find the right formula in the dia- in this country, when I was a boy there remained a certain In my speech I would like to introduce today’s Ukraine logue, which is very important. I am referring to the dia- sadness in the Ukrainian Canadian community. Because, and our vision of its future, as well as share our opinions logue with businesses, since a lot has been done to create despite sharing with us the opportunity and prosperity that regarding the progress of and the prospects for our rela- fruitful and favorable conditions that would be attractive for freedom and democracy had brought them here, Ukrainian tions. businesses. Canadians understood that the bondage and repression of First, and probably most important, Ukraine is a country Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to their ancestral land remained as strong as ever before. of full democracy. The leading international organizations invite all Canadian investors to be more active in the Indeed, I think some doubted whether that would ever recognize Ukraine as a free democratic state. This conclu- Ukrainian market. We have a number of big and even inter- change, but change it did. sion includes such key aspects as election processes, free- national occasions. One of them is hosting the Euro-2012 In 1991 when it finally broke free of Soviet tyranny, it dom of speech, freedom of the press, and human rights and football [soccer] championship final in Ukraine. Only with- was Prime Minister [Brian] Mulroney and the government freedoms. in this project, with this event, we plan to invest in sport, of Canada that stood first among the great democracies of That was a time when our old dreams were about tourism and infrastructure, including roads and hotels. The the West to recognize the independence of Ukraine. strengthening our statehood. That was the reason for total cost of the project will be $25 billion U.S. We celebrated Ukraine’s hard-won freedom. Since then, immense changes. The breaking point for this was the The investment in roads will be $10 billion. This is a big we have supported its efforts to establish democracy, Orange Revolution in 2004. It witnessed the maturity of the challenge for us. It is the first time in European football his- human rights and the rule of law, and we uphold those val- Ukrainian nation, which in critical times stood up for its tory, that is respected all over the world, that the cup final ues to this day. independence and for fundamental human rights and free- will be hosted in Eastern Europe. I am sure that this is a big As you know, Mr. President, when those who would turn doms. responsibility for the executive committee of UEFA and a back the clock in Ukraine tried to stop the Orange The Orange Revolution awoke our society and made colossal honor for my own country. It is a great examina- Revolution, all the parties of both houses of this Parliament irreversible and positive changes in human minds. tion, and I clearly understand that the cup final would have and all the people of this nation joined with your country Ukrainians believed in their own strengths and in their abil- been a lot easier to have been hosted by Spain, Italy or and with your courageous leadership to say, “Never again ity to stand up for their rights and for their own destiny. We some other country because they have ready-made infra- will Ukraine lose her freedom.” are very grateful to the international community for it structures, but I am sure that this is a genuine policy to the After decades of Soviet oppression, it takes time to impartial attitude to those important days for Ukraine. east where we have to get out of the traditional framework develop democratic institutions and the spirit of a free peo- I would like to express the most gratitude to Canada, and traditional system of coordinates. ple. However, progress is being made, and the world is tak- which sent the largest number of international observers in I was present at that very important decision, and I am ing notice. very grateful to all the friends from UEFA who took this the course of the dramatic election of 2004. The pace of that Mr. President, I want to congratulate you on Ukraine’s positive decision for Ukraine. development, which required centuries for many countries official accession to the World Trade Organization earlier Once again I want to remind everybody, and I am speak- to do, was covered in several years by us. We were facing this month. There have been challenges to face and there ing to Canadian investors now, that I want them to more many challenges and, of course, certain obstacles. will be others, but it is clear that Ukraine is on the way to a actively come to our country because our potential is very However, the recent years have shown that the most better future for its people. promising and strong. It triggers positive changes in differ- complicated problems and challenges, including the social That is why, as you know, Mr. President, the government ent spheres of our lives. problems have been resolved in a very democratic and civi- of Canada strongly supported Ukraine’s request to join On May 16 Ukraine became a valid member of the lized way. We are speaking frankly about our problems. NATO’s membership action plan at the Bucharest summit WTO and, therefore, today the Ukrainian system is equal We need to improve the public administration in our this year. This is, we understand, part of your design to see within planetary economic competition. This will open new Ukraine embrace the trans-Atlantic community and our country to settle all the disparities in the system of relations prospects to enhance our foreign economic activities and shared democratic and free market values. between the three fundamental power institutions. We have broad integration of our economy into the global state. to determine their responsibilities and authorities and that is (Continued on page 23) what we are working on. This is our key target and content (Continued on page 23) No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 13

Official Website of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko receives an honorary doc- President Viktor Yushchenko with Canadian Prime torate at the University of Winnipeg from uni- Manitoba Premier Gary Doer with the Ukrainian Minister Stephen Harper. versity President Lloyd Axworthy. president.

Canada’s Governor General Michaëlle Jean with Ukraine’s president at Rideau Hall in Ottawa.

The president and first lady of Ukraine arrive in Ottawa.

In Toronto, two young Ukrainian Canadians share a moment with the Ukrainian president.

President Viktor Yushchenko shovels some earth during the planting of a tree, an Ohio Buckeye, at Rideau Hall to mark his state visit to Canada. With him are First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko (left), Governor General Michaëlle Jean (right) and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond (behind Mr. Yushchenko). The president speaks at the Economic Club of Toronto. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 NEWSBRIEFS CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS (Continued from page 2) Clinic for HIV/AIDS-Affected Children TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI, (973) 292-9800 x 3040 Treatment in Kyiv. He reminded his audi- or e-mail: [email protected] ence that AIDS is the most severe chal- lenge for Ukrainian society – as of January 1 there were almost 123,000 HIV-infected SERVICES PROFESSIONALS OPPORTUNITIES citizens registered in Ukraine, while more than 12,000 children died of AIDS. Centers to prevent and fight AIDS register The Ukrainian National over 1,000 HIV-infected cases monthly, LAW OFFICES OF Museum in Chicago while six to eight Ukrainians die of AIDS is searching for a every day, the president noted. He stressed ZENON B. MASNYJ, ESQ. that he backs community initiatives, the Museum Administrator enthusiasm of professional unions and the work of the Ministry of Health in fighting In the East Village since 1983 Requirements: HIV/AIDS. (Ukrinform) Serious personal injury, real estate Fluent in Ukrainian and English Lutsenko: president destroys coalition for personal and business use, rep- Proficient in Microsoft Office College degree preferred KYIV – Internal Affairs Minister Yurii resentation of small and mid-size Lutsenko has accused President Viktor businesses, securities arbitration, WEST ARKA Responsibilities: Yushchenko of supporting a plan to 2282 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada M6S 1N9 divorce, wills and probate. Plans, leads and directs overall Museum destroy the democratic coalition devel- oped by the head of the Presidential Fine Gifts operations and special projects. (By Appointment Only) Secretariat, Viktor Baloha, and the Party Authentic Ukrainian Handicrafts of the Regions. Speaking at a press confer- Art, Books, CDs, Ceramics Andrew R. CHORNY Salary is commensurate with experience. Embroidered Goods and Supplies Manager 157 SECOND AVENUE ence on May 27, Mr. Lutsenko said, “An Gold Jewelery, Icons, Magazines NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10003 obvious political coup is being conducted Please send resume to: Newspapers, Pysankas and Supplies (212) 477-3002 before our eyes. It is an absolutely obvious All Services to Ukraine, Mail-orders Ukrainian National Museum and proven fact that Viktor Yushchenko is c/o Jaroslaw J. Hankewych supporting the plan of Baloha-Kolesnykov Tel.: (416) 762-8751 Fax: (416) 767-6839 2249 W. Superior St. on destroying the democratic coalition, e-mail: [email protected] Chicago, IL 60612 which was elected by people in 2007 and or e-mail to [email protected] has a majority in the Parliament.” According to Mr. Lutsenko, Mr. Baloha FIRST QUALITY and PRU National Deputy Borys UKRAINIAN TRADITIONAL-STYLE Kolesnykov convinced the president that EARN EXTRA INCOME! “if [Leonid] Chernovetskyi could buy the MONUMENTS The Ukrainian Weekly is looking rich and rather educated city of Kyiv, the SERVING NY/NJ/CT REGION CEMETERIES Donetsk clan can then easily buy the for advertising sales agents. OBLAST whole and not very prosperous Ukraine.” For additional information contact Mr. Lutsenko said that during a meeting at MEMORIALS Maria Oscislawski, Advertising the Presidential Secretariat involving its P.O. BOX 746 FOR SALE Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, head, Mr. Baloha, Parliament Chairman Chester, NY 10918 (973) 292-9800, ext 3040. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, representatives of the 845-469-4247 Our Ukraine – People’s Self-Defense bloc BILINGUAL HOME APPOINTMENTS 4 rooms (3 bedroom) apartment in and him, held early in May, it was clearly downtown Kyiv for sale by owner. FOR RENT demanded that an agreement be reached On Sofia Square next to Hyatt on a broad coalition in the Verkhovna Regency Hotel. Details at Rada and a coalition with Mr. WEB DESIGN Chernovetskyi in the Kyiv City Council, BY UKRAINIANS Furnished house to share in Rockaway, NJ. 2 bedrooms, private bath, deck, love- and an end to persecution of those who 7 years in business ly kitchen to share, close to lake. Non- “cover” the Donetsk clan and the Tel.: (202) 657-7105 Presidential Secretariat. Mr. Lutsenko said Portfolio: TOURS smoker, no pets. Call (973) 625-4565 early morning or late evening. that he “would never stand next to ban- dits.” He said the president had promised him that “as long as I am a president, MERCHANDISE everybody coming to my Cabinet in a tie will not be placed [in jail].” Mr. Lutsenko commented, “This was a challenge to everything I did in 2005 when I became from $59 per night the internal affairs minister.” He added that he had been told that, if he does not resign from his position, he would soon be dismissed. “The first warning signal was given when Viktor Yushchenko recalled the Ukrainian passport of [Davyd] Zhvania, at the moment when Zhvania’s wife was a month away from childbirth. This is immoral,” he said. (Ukrinform) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Baloha refutes Lutsenko’s allegations KYIV – The head of the Presidential ATTENTION, MEMBERS OF THE Secretariat, Viktor Baloha, on May 27 UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION! strongly rejected allegations by Yurii Lutsenko, leader of the People’s Self- Do you enjoy your subscription to Defense (PSD), that President Viktor The Ukrainian Weekly? Yushchenko intends to destroy the demo- Why not share that enjoyment with a friend? cratic majority in the Verkhovna Rada. In ORDER A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION his statement, currently available on the presidential website, Mr. Baloha called TO THE WEEKLY such accusations “a product of the anxious at the member’s rate of $45 per year. fantasies of Lutsenko.” Mr. Baloha insists that it was his decision to play a crucial Ukrainian Book Store To subscribe, write to The Ukrainian Weekly, Subscription Department, role in the decision that Mr. Lutsenko Largest selection of Ukrainian books, dance 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, should head the voting list of the Our supplies, Easter egg supplies, music, icons, Ukraine – People’s Self-Defense (OU- greeting cards, giftwear and much more. Parsippany, NJ 07054; or call (973) 292-9800. PSD) bloc in the parliamentary elections, 10215-97st Run your advertisement here, as he considered the PSD leader to be a Edmonton, AB T5J 2N9 in The Ukrainian Weekly’s promising, determined politician and sin- Toll free: 1-866-422-4255 CLASSIFIEDS section. cerely believed that Mr. Lutsenko would (Continued on page 17) No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 17

Krzysztof Moderau, some of whose works decision to create the park is a victory of ence “Fresh Water Resources of the NEWSBRIEFS have already been mounted in Ukraine. “I environmental organizations, such as the Carpathian Region,” which opened on (Continued from page 16) know that the idea of placing this plaque is Ukrainian League of Reserve May 29 in Lviv. Among organizers of the add strength and authority to the OU-PSD. nearly 10 years old. But finally it is a suc- Management and Studies. While explor- event is the State Agency on Environ- Hence, Mr. Lutsenko’s statements on the cess, which demonstrates deep changes for ing the future area of the park as early as mental Protection in the Lviv region, the intention of the Presidential Secretariat to the better in Poland-Ukraine relations,” 2001-2003, the league’s representatives Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and destroy the democratic coalition are commented the deputy ambassador of were surprised by the richness of its flora Entrepreneurs (UUIE) and the National untruthful, Mr. Baloha stressed. Poland to Ukraine, Leszek Szerepka. and fauna. The area includes almost 20 University Lviv Polytechnic. Participants (Ukrinform) (Ukrinform) species of plants included in Ukraine’s in the forum noted that the main problems Red Book (of endangered species), around World tallest man gets tractor of the region are water supply and ration- CIS heads of governments meet 10 species of fauna from the European al use of fresh water, imperfection of KYIV – The world’s tallest man, Red List of Threatened Animals, and 15 cleaning and utilization of sewage, chem- MIENSK, Belarus – The Council of species from the Red List of the CIS Heads of Governments, chaired by Leonid Stadnyk of Ukraine’s Zhytomyr ical and biological pollution of surface region, has received a tractor as a gift from International Union for Conservation of waters of the Dnister, Western Buh and Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yulia Nature. Over 200 species of vertebrates Tymoshenko, met on May 23 in Miensk, the energy supply company Zhytomyrobl- Sian rivers, and the decrease in quality energo. The tractor was modified to make included in the Bern Convention were and quantity of water. The president of Belarus. Out of 12 countries, nine – registered in the famous Tsuman forests in the world’s tallest man feel comfortable at the UUIE commission on protection of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Kivertsi district. Ukraine currently has the wheel of the vehicle. The Stadnyk fam- natural resources and president of the Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan 15 national natural parks. However, ily has over a hectare of land in the village Business Circles Confederation of the and Ukraine – were represented at the Ukraine’s Polissia has only two parks, the highest level by their prime ministers. The of Podoliantsi. Thus, the tractor will come Lviv region, Vasyl Sribnyi, said the meet- in handy there. “From now on, the work Shatskyi in the west and the Desniansko- delegations of Kazakhstan and Starohutskyi in the east. (Ukrinform) ing was to discuss water supply, rational Turkmenistan were led by vice prime min- will become a pleasure for me, and I will use and protection of the natural waters of isters. Prime Minister Tymoshenko said have much free time,” Mr. Stadnyk said. Chornobyl Zone Museum is planned the Carpathian region, new methods of Kyiv’s position with regard to its activities This was not the first gift given to the water preparation for industrial produc- KYIV – The Ministry of Emergency in the CIS remains invariable. “Over the Ukrainian giant. Zhytomyroblenergo also tion and the technology of drinking water, Situations and Protection of the Population past year executive and legislative powers equipped Mr. Stadnyk’s house with vari- as well as elaborate a joint position on from the Consequences of the Chornobyl changed in Ukraine, but in foreign policy, ous conveniences. Lviv entrepreneurs ecological policy with representatives of Accident announced plans to establish a sewed a suit and made shoes for him, power, science, public and business cir- in particular in cooperation within the Chornobyl Zone Museum, Minister framework of the Commonwealth [of while a communal enterprise presented cles. (Ukrinform) him with a three-meter-long bed. Mr. Volodymyr Shandra said on May 30. “I Independent States] we as always stand for think we will set up the Chornobyl Zone the active development of economic rela- Stadnyk also has a bicycle made to order Ukraine’s new envoy to EU and a special car given by Ukrainian Museum this year, not from the point of tions,” she emphasized. At present, intensi- view of the Chornobyl accident, but from KYIV – Ukraine’s new representative at fication of economic activity as a basis for President Viktor Yushchenko. The world’s tallest man is 2.55 meters tall. (Ukrinform) the point of view of a cultural heritage... the European Union, Ambassador Andrii the people’s well-being in CIS countries is Believe me, there are a lot of interesting Veselovskyi, presented his credentials to a key issue, she underscored. Ukraine A presidential residence in Lviv things,” Mr. Shandra underlined. He noted the chairman of the EU Council of signed 15 of 20 documents put on the that the ministry is responsible for the Ministers, Slovenian Foreign Minister meeting agenda, including those on the KYIV – A total of 10 million hrv was spent on the seven-year reconstruction of a preservation of cultural heritage in emer- Dimitrij Rupel. Mr. Rupel noted the devel- improvement of bridge construction, mod- gency-affected areas, including the opment of relations between Ukraine and ernization of freight railcars, joint training new residence of the Ukrainian president Chornobyl zone. (Ukrinform) the EU and spoke about support for of hydro-metrology personnel and a num- at the Potocki Palace in downtown Lviv. Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations on the ber of documents covering the activity of The apartments occupying two floors in Conference on Carpathian water part of the Slovenian presidency in the EU. the CIS and its agencies. Ukraine also the left wing of the historic building were Mr. Veselovskyi presented his credentials signed with provisos the plan on prepara- decorated with antique furniture and rare KYIV – Scientists from Ukraine, tions for the 65th anniversary of victory in paintings. The bedroom suite is made of Poland, Slovakia, Romania and other also to European Commission President the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Karelian birch, and a majority of the furni- Carpathian regions participated in the Jose Manuel Barroso on May 29. (World War II), but did not sign a number ture belonged to the Soviet Consulate in international scientific-practical confer- (Ukrinform) of documents, including the convention on Lviv during the 1930s, according to Lviv state border cooperation. Ukraine does not Art Gallery Director Borys Voznytskyi. participate in some CIS programs, includ- While in Lviv, Mr. Yushchenko will work Announcing the death on Saturday, May 24, 2008, ing those dealing with customs and mili- at a table that belonged to the Halychyna tary cooperation. The next meeting of the burgermeister in the 19th century. The of Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather Council of Heads of Governments will Ukrainian president has 13 residences, take place in Chisinau, Moldova, in which were passed down from his prede- November. (Ukrinform) cessor, Leonid Kuchma. The Potocki Dmytro Chorkawyj Palace was reconstructed with funds from CPU to retract allegations the Lviv city budget. (Ukrinform) Born March 19, 1914, in Palahicze, Ukraine KYIV – The Pechersk District Court of Coin honors Petrushevych Kyiv on May 23 obligated the leader of the KYIV – The National Bank of Ukraine Communist Party of Ukraine, Petro Preceded by: Symonenko, to deny accusations that the (NBU) has put into circulation a jubilee family of President Viktor Yushchenko is coin with the face value of 2 hrv dedicated Wife Dionizia implicated in the joint venture to Yevhen Petrushevych. The coin contin- Daughter Oksana UkrGazEnergo and the gas business. Petro ues the series of “Outstanding Yushchenko, the president’s brother and a Personalities of Ukraine.” It is made of Great-Granddaughter Alyssa Licata national deputy, filed a suit on protection German silver. Petrushevych (1863-1940) Cousin Peter Chorkavy of his honor, dignity and business reputa- was a Ukrainian legislator, participant of tion and on denial of inadequate informa- the Ukrainian national-liberation move- tion. The matter concerned information ment in Halychyna, one of organizers of Family remaining: spread by Mr. Symonenko through a press the Western Ukrainian National Republic Son Ihor and ex-wife Irene service and the official website of the and chairman of its Parliament, the Communist Party. The court directed Mr. Ukrainian National Council. (Ukrinform) Grandchildren Cristina Folkestad Symonenko and the Communist Party to Sevastopol anniversary marked with husband Robert retract their publications within a month. (Ukrinform) KYIV – The National Bank of Ukraine, Mark Zivtins continuing the “Ancient Cities of Ukraine” Tania Licata Pilsudski plaque in Vinnytsia series of coins, has put into circulation a with husband Anthony KYIV – A plaque in memory of jubilee coin worth 10 hrv and titled “225 Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, the first head of Years of Sevastopol.” The coin is dedicat- Lida Granger the Polish state re-established in 1918, was ed to the important seaport and fortress of with husband David unveiled on May 23 in Vinnytsia, at the Sevastopol, which was founded in 1783 at Alexander Chorkawyj former Municipal Council building. On the site of the former Greek colony of May 17, 1920, Pilsudski visited the city at Chersonesos. (Ukrinform) Great-Grandchildren Angela Licata the invitation of the government of the New national park in Polissia Andrew Licata Ukrainian National Republic, which at that time was headquartered in Vinnytsia. It KYIV – The Volyn Oblast Council has Jeffrey Licata was there that Pilsudski uttered the famous backed an initiative to create the Michael Granger phrase describing Poland’s attitude toward Kivertsivskyi national natural park on ter- Ukraine: “There is no independent Poland ritory in the Polissia region. The creation without independent Ukraine.” That phrase of the park should stop the large-scale Eternal Memory was inscribed on the newly unveiled felling of trees of valuable species, first plaque. A Polish delegation participated in and foremost old oaks, and protect the the ceremony. The bronze plaque was endangered bison, whose numbers have Buried at St. Nicholas Cathedral cemetery in Chicago, IL. made by Poland’s popular sculptor decreased from hundreds to a dozen. The 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 19

of a nascent democratic state. In fact, how International forum... refreshing is the messiness of Ukraine’s (Continued from page 1) political processes when compared to the develop. rule by decree of neighboring Mr. Since the 1991 collapse of the USSR, it [Alyaksandr] Lukashenka or a Parliament is now NATO that often faces loud public in which over 70 percent of the deputies questioning, he noted. “There are those are members of a former president’s who say that NATO’s raison d’être has dis- party,” added Mr. Wrzesnewskyj. In his closing remarks, Mr. appeared; that NATO stood against an Wrzesnewskyj underscored the fact that in imperialistic Soviet threat, something the 1940s Canada said “yes” to the alliance which no longer exists,” said Mr. with France and England, in the 1950s Wrzesnewskyj. Canada said “yes” to Germany, in the Mr. Wrzesnewskyj suggested that the 1990s Canada said “yes” to the countries continuation of the debate over NATO’s of Central Europe and the Baltic states. existence illustrates an inability to value “And in 2008 Canada is ready to say ‘yes’ the other critical historic roles NATO has to Ukraine,” declared Mr. Wrzesnewskyj. played and can continue to play. It also Speaking on the second day of the does not acknowledge NATO’s role as an forum, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine expanding shield behind which countries William Taylor expressed a similar com- with nascent democratic and free-market mitment to Ukraine during the panel that societies can flourish, no longer subjected focused on U.S.-Ukraine relations. “No to regional threats, and with the knowledge matter who wins the U.S [presidential] that the economic and political benefits of elections in November, we will support Illya M. Labunka European Union membership will surely Ukraine in December. Both the Discussing the ramifications for Ukraine following April’s NATO Summit in follow. It is for these reasons that all for- Republicans and the Democrats in the U.S. Bucharest (from left) are: Dr. Taras Kuzio, George Washington University; mer Warsaw Pact countries as well as a Senate expressed their position on support- Hryhorii Perepelytsia, director of the Institute of Foreign Policy of the number of former Soviet republics, have ing Ukraine in Bucharest,” said Mr. Taylor. Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine; and Nico Lange, director of the Konrad joined or wish to join NATO, remarked the Ambassador Taylor said that all of the Adenauer Stiftung in Kyiv. Canadian legislator. candidates for U.S. president – Sens. “I personally do not understand those Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John and leaders of the National Bank of more informal environment. As a result, among our allies who question Ukraine’s McCain – support Ukraine’s membership Ukraine would eventually – in unison – those present had the opportunity to hear NATO ascension due to energy worries or in NATO as part of their programs. follow a sound fiscal and monetary policy Hryhorii Nemyria, vice-prime minister for threats. These are the same countries He acknowledged that a great deal of to combat inflation, instead of doing so Euro-integration issues, offer some frank which not that many decades ago faced work has to be done ahead of a meeting of separately. commentary on the future of Ukraine’s exponentially greater threats; notwith- foreign ministers of NATO member-states Mr. Taylor also stated that Ukrainian Euro-integration process, with specific standing which Canada and the alliance that is scheduled to take place in society should engage in a more proactive emphasis on NATO. embraced them. Due to the alliance’s December. “First and foremost, Brussels effort to resolve additional domestic “The allies can help, they can facilitate, embrace, these countries’ populations are will see how much Ukraine is meeting issues, ranging from fighting corruption to and they can reach a consensus, but what now among the most free and prosperous NATO standards; secondly, Ukraine needs decreasing Ukraine’s dependence on really matters is what is happening here in on the planet,” stated Mr. Wrzesnewskyj, to engage in serious talks with its neigh- Russian energy by diversifying its own Kyiv. We know the address [to NATO], we clearly referring to some of the Western bors in order to obtain a clear answer; and energy resources through the exploitation know the direction, and we know what European countries such as Germany, thirdly, domestic problems inside the coun- of oil and gas fields in the Black Sea. needs to be done. The real question is what France, England and Italy, that have try need to be settled,” he said. More Moreover, Mr. Taylor said Ukraine’s needs to be done here [in Ukraine], inside demonstrated skepticism vis-à-vis specifically, the U.S. envoy was referring readiness to host the finals of the Euro- the country, to really move it forward,” Ukraine’s recent NATO bid. to the rise of inflation, as a major concern 2012 European Football (Soccer) said Mr. Nemyria. “Others find excuses in not embracing with potentially serious political and eco- Championship is another important exam- Voicing discontent at “the lack of cohe- Ukraine in Ukraine’s politics; they say, nomic repercussions that could destabilize ple of the country’s European integration siveness” between Ukraine’s top leaders ‘what a mess.’ It needs to be pointed out to the country. Ambassador Taylor expressed process. He emphasized the need for and criticism of the fragile coalition, Mr. these naysayers that this is a healthy sign his hope that President Viktor Yushchenko Ukraine’s leadership to draw greater atten- Nemyria nevertheless expressed hope that tion to this significant endeavor. the ruling parties would come to a “domes- The ambassador also underscored the tic consensus” so as not to undermine need to reform the country’s court system Ukraine’s NATO bid. and laws on land issues. “However, this An observer at the forum, E. Morgan will become possible if the president, the Williams, president of the U.S.-Ukraine prime minister and the Verkhovna Rada Business Council, shared his thoughts on work together,” said Mr. Taylor. the positive aspect of the expansion and Later that same evening, at the official integration of Ukraine’s business environ- residence of the U.S. ambassador, forum ment, noting how eagerly the Ukrainian participants and guests had the opportunity business community wants to be part of to meet and discuss topics related to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration in a (Continued on page 21)

Conference participants (from left) William Greene Miller, former U.S. ambas- sador to Ukraine and currently a senior scholar at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center; Walter Zaryckyj, executive director of the Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations; and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor.

An open invitation to local community activists

Would you like fellow Ukrainians to know about events in your community? Would you like to become one of The Ukrainian Weekly’s correspondents? Then what are you waiting for?

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes submissions from local community activists. You may reach The Weekly by phone, (973) 292-9800; fax, (973) 644-9510; e-mail, [email protected]; or mail, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 Canadian Friends of Ukraine promote awareness of Holodomor TORONTO – To mark the 75th Shymko, met with several Canadian par- which secondary school and university The official opening will take place in anniversary of the Stalin-era Famine- liamentarians to urge all-party support students will conduct interviews with late August to coincide with the awards Genocide, Canadian Friends of Ukraine for this legislation. Representatives CFU family members who witnessed the ceremony honoring the winners of the have undertaken a number of joint also had the opportunity to speak with Famine of 1932-1933. Participants are Holodomor survivors student interview Canada Ukraine projects to strengthen Secretary of State for Multiculturalism required to submit their written inter- competition. The Holodomor book exhi- international awareness of Ukraine’s and Canadian Identity Jason Kenney on views in digital format along with photo- bition project is chaired by Ms. Shymko. genocide. Parliament Hill. The CFU has also graphs and biographical information • A Genocide Curriculum Development Canadian Friends of Ukraine (CFU) encouraged the Canadian government to about the Holodomor survivor being Project focusing on “The Symbolism of have worked with Canada’s government support multilateral efforts at the U.N. to interviewed. Supplementary audio and Death: The Holodomor through the Prism and Parliament to secure the passage of have the Holodomor recognized as an act video documentation will also be collect- of Art and Culture.” Will be implemented legislation recognizing the Holodomor as of genocide. ed. in Ukraine’s eastern and northern an act of genocide against the Ukrainian Canadian Friends of Ukraine are sup- Three-person juries in each province provinces, as well as the Crimea region of people. The CFU has also worked with porting several genocide-awareness proj- will judge submissions made in their Ukraine, where decades of Russification journalists to raise public awareness of ects in Canada, including the “Walk for a respective provinces. All participants will and Stalinist propaganda sought to deny the genocide in the international media. World Without Genocide” initiative receive a specially cast Ukraine Famine- the truth about the Soviet state’s complici- Canadian Friends of Ukraine have had undertaken by Mr. Horlatsch. Born in Genocide memorial lapel pin and compe- ty in anti-Ukrainian genocidal policies. the privilege to work with Conservative 1921 in the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine tition certificate. In August the competi- The curriculum also will be utilized by Member of Parliament James Bezan, on and having lost 11 members of his family tion finalists will travel to Kyiv, where educators for summer time youth-outreach the drafting of his Private Member’s Bill during the Famine-Genocide, Mr. the official announcement and award programs. C-459 titled “The Ukrainian Famine and Horlatsch is working to raise public presentation will take place. Finalists will The curriculum will also be applied in Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day awareness of the Ukrainian Famine- receive a monetary prize, award certifi- Canada in several Ukrainian-language Act.” Mr. Bezan, MP for Selkirk- Genocide. cate, laureate gift and multi-media prize schools and heritage language programs. Interlake, Manitoba, is of Ukrainian Canadian Friends of Ukraine have package. The approach taken by this curriculum descent. launched three genocide awareness proj- CFU plans to compile and publish the development project is unique because it Stefan Horlatsch, a Holodomor sur- ects in Ukraine. genocide survivor interviews, making will address the issue of the Famine- vivor, together with fellow members of • Student Interviews with Holodomor them available in Canada and Ukraine to Genocide through the prism of an art and the Canadian Friends of Ukraine execu- Survivors is a CFU program undertaken institutions dedicated to the study and culture course, utilizing varied historical tive board, Margareta Shpir and Lisa in selected oblasts across Ukraine in prevention of genocide. The project’s sources in literature and fine art, such as honorary chair is Jurij Darewych. poetry, prose, paintings, drawings, • In the project International Book posters and placards. Teacher training Exhibition on the Famine-Terror, CFU and preparation for implementing this food as a weapon against a people,” has partnered with the National curriculum development project will Canada recognizes... added Mr. Grod. Parliamentary Library of Ukraine in Kyiv begin this summer. The project is chaired (Continued from page 1) The UCC president went on to note: and several NGOs to present a unique by Ms. Shpir. “The Ukrainian Canadian community reported, concurred in, read a third time exhibition that will showcase books and Donations in support of CFU projects extends its thanks to Prime Minister and passed. The bill then went to the journals printed outside Ukraine and pub- may be sent to: Canadian Friends of Stephen Harper for supporting the bill Senate, where it passed all stages on lished in various languages throughout Ukraine, 620 Spadina Ave., Toronto, along with the other party leaders, the Wednesday, May 28. The bill received the diaspora. Ukraine’s parliamentarians, Ontario M5S 2H4. (Plesase indicate Honorable Stéphane Dion, the Honorable royal assent the next day at Rideau Hall, government officials, foreign diplomats, “CFU Famine-Genocide Projects” on Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe for the residence of Governor General historians, journalists and human rights your checks. For additional information, ensuring that this bill passed while the Michaelle Jean, the representative of the activists will participate in the official call 416-964-6644 or visit the website at president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, crown. opening of the exhibit. “I would like to express my apprecia- was in Canada. Secretary of State Jason tion and thanks to all parties for the sup- Kenney and his team were strong sup- port that I received. I would also like to porters of this recognition and helped thank Sen. Raynell Andreychuk, who secure the government’s commitment. I edged the contributions of Ukrainians to sponsored my bill in the Senate and would also like to thank the Canada Winnipeg hosts... Canada and stated boldly that “Ukrainian expedited its quick passage,” said Mr. Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group (Continued from page 1) Canadians also are to be included as Bezan. for being stalwart advocates of the impor- Ostap Hawaleshka. The national president builders of the new Ukraine.” Mr. Bezan also stated, “This bill is tance of having Canada’s Parliament rec- of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Pavlo The editorial cartoon of the Winnipeg about recognizing a historic wrong ognize the genocide which took place in Grod of Toronto, warmly welcomed the Free Press of May 28 carried a depiction of ignored by the West. The Communist Ukraine in 1932-1933.” president to the event. President Yushchenko holding in his ideology of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin Irene Mycak, chair of the UCC’s President Yushchenko was strongly mouth a stalk of wheat and in his hand a targeted and exterminated millions of National Holodomor Commemoration applauded by the community leaders and Manitoba loaf of bread, which fittingly Ukrainian men, women and children Committee, pointed to the coordinated answered in great length several questions underscored his new title as “Viktor through forced famine.” efforts of UCC member-organizations, on issues such as civil society, adoption Yushchenko: President of the Prairies.” Sen. Andreychuk commented, “It is provincial councils and branches that services, integration of eastern Ukraine and The president also visited Toronto, important that this bill be recognized by “successfully organized a series of com- Winnipeg’s human rights museum. At the where he addressed the Economic Club of Parliament and the government of memorative and educational events conclusion of the event Lesia Szwaluk, Toronto, met with leaders of the Ukrainian Canada, which will allow us to honor the which have helped focus parliamentari- president of UCC Manitoba, presented Canadian community and attended a victims and survivors of the Holodomor ans on the need to recognize this President Yushchenko with a sculpture reception with Ukrainian Canadian com- that are in Canada, Ukraine and around tragedy.” Among these, she said, were titled “Hetman” by the late Winnipeg artist munity members. the world. It will also let Ukraine and the “the Canadian journey of the Roman Kowal. international community know that International Remembrance Flame led by In his various remarks in Winnipeg, Prof. Roman Yereniuk is acting direc- Canada supports calling Holodomor, a Holodomor survivor Stepan Horlatsch, a President Yushchenko expounded on his tor of the Center for Ukrainian genocide.” traveling exhibit produced by the League commitment to the democratic and civil Canadian Studies at the University of Ukrainian Canadian Congress of Ukrainian Canadians, 72-hour fasts by society processes in Ukraine, acknowl- Manitoba. National President Paul Grod offered university students and countless others.” congratulations to Mr. Bezan “for his Mr. Grod underscored, “The next step efforts in bringing this bill forward” and is for Canada to support the efforts of the thanked MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj for government of Ukraine to have the supporting it. “The truth about the General Assembly of the United Nations Holodomor as genocide has been sup- pass a resolution condemning the pressed for too long, and I am proud that Holodomor as genocide against the Canada is taking the lead to ensure that it Ukrainian people.” is legally recognized. This recognition and the Memorial Day will serve as a Sources: Canadian Press, Ukrainian constant lesson to all Canadians that we Canadian Congress, Office of James must stand up against despots who use Bezan, MP.

Attention, Students! Throughout the year Ukrainian student clubs plan and hold activities. The Ukrainian Weekly urges students to let us and the Ukrainian community know about upcoming events. The Weekly will be happy to help you publicize them. We will also be glad to print timely news stories about events that have Official Website of Ukraine’s President already taken place. Photos also will be accepted. The president of Ukraine among Winnipeg Ukrainians against the backdrop of the monument to Taras Shevchenko. No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 21 International forum... (Continued from page 19) the international business community. Mr. Williams underscored that Ukraine’s businesses are driven to move forward rapidly and are leaving all the political squab- bling behind because time is of the essence. “In my opin- ion, it’s the business community that is moving Ukraine forward, both economically and in terms of being a strong democracy. The business community is creating jobs, and Ukrainian businesses are integrating into the international business community, and the international business com- munity is integrating into Ukraine. And that’s why every- one is positive about Ukraine,” he said. According to Mr. Williams, Ukraine’s overall growth, despite very little political stability and a dearth of reforms, with the exception of those related to WTO ascension, is the result of a thriving business environment in Ukraine committed to integration according to interna- tional standards. One of the underlying themes of the forum was how to enlighten and educate Ukraine’s populace about the important strategic, economic and social benefits of NATO and European integration for Ukraine. Christina Pendzola-Vitovych, country director for Illya M. Labunka Ukraine of the American Council on International Forum panelists (from left): Member of the Canadian Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Member of the Education, and this year’s forum chairwoman of the panel European Parliament Elmar Brok, Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for Euro-Integration Issues Hryhorii focusing on U.S.-Ukraine relations, said that although Nemyria, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine Rector Borys Humeniuk and Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Minister some time has been lost with respect to effectively pro- Volodymyr Ohryzko. moting not only what NATO has to offer Ukraine but how overall Euro-Atlantic integration can improve the lives of Ukraine’s citizens, it’s nevertheless not too late to engage society in the process. “In addition to necessary funding, what’s equally important is what Mr. Nemyria himself said when he mentioned the need for a ‘cohesive’ plan of action among the country’s leaders,” said Ms. Pendzola-Vitovych. Similarly, Peter Borisow, president of the Hollywood Trident Foundation and board member of the Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations and chair of the session focusing on a “Global Community of Democracies,” underscored the need to more effectively utilize the power of the media in educating the masses about NATO and Ukraine’s overall Euro-Atlantic Integration. In particular, Mr. Borisow sug- gested the use of television as a powerful tool which, in his opinion, is underdeveloped in Ukraine as a potentially effective medium for educational purposes. On the third and final day of the forum and during the final session, Dr. Taras Kuzio of George Washington University, Dr. Hryhorii Perepelytsia of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine and Ilko Kucheriv of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation offered their thoughts about the NATO’s Bucharest Summit. Both Dr. Perepelysia and Mr. Kucheriv agreed that the Russian factor vis-à-vis Ukraine’s setback in its latest bid for a MAP cannot be underestimated, especially since the Russian media has a very powerful influence not only in Ukraine but even in the United States, where anti-NATO ads are being sponsored by the Russian Federation’s Foreign Affairs Ministry and appearing in such highly influential newspapers as The Washington Post. Dr. Kuzio, on the other hand, focused critical attention on both Ukraine’s domestic political problems and Western Europe’s reluctance to support Ukraine in its bid for NATO as the underlying factors hampering Ukraine’s European integration. The third international forum focusing on “Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future” is scheduled to be held in Brussels, Belgium, on December 3-4. The upcoming event will be the first of such conferences to be convened in the capital of the European Union (EU).

How to reach THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY MAIN OFFICE (editorial, subscriptions and advertising departments): The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054 phone: (973) 292-9800; fax: (973) 644-9510

KYIV PRESS BUREAU: The Ukrainian Weekly 11 Horodetsky Street — Apt. 33 Kyiv, Ukraine 252001 phone/fax: (44) 279-1906 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 23

Ukraine’s accession to the system of collec- That is why, in communities all across President Yushchenko’s... tive security. This, apparently, will be the Canadian PM’s... Canada, events are taking place to com- (Continued from page 14) first time in our history that Ukraine’s sov- (Continued from page 14) memorate the 75th anniversary of the The second thing, which is also very ereignty will be approved by almost 30 Moreover, Ukraine has always demon- Holodomor. That is why Canada co-spon- important, [is that] Ukraine has firmly cho- countries in the world. Therefore, when we strated its commitment to our NATO allies. sored the government of Ukraine’s motion sen its course for full integration into are speaking of Ukraine’s NATO member- Your country is also part of the U.N. mis- at UNESCO honoring the millions who per- ished in the terrible Famine orchestrated by European and Euro-Atlantic structures. This ship, we are speaking about genuine sion in Kosovo and is supporting a provin- Stalin in the pursuit of his evil ideology. pact has been approved by our national leg- Ukrainian sovereignty. cial reconstruction team in Afghanistan. In In Canada, we are not afraid of history or islation and all the defining laws have also That is the reason such a strong and fact, Ukraine is the only non-NATO country the truth. That is why our government has been approved. We worked out the logic of insistent policy is being carried out by the supporting every NATO mission in some the internal reforms and attained the values Ukrainian government. In this very context, acknowledged the injustice done to the way or other. Ukrainians interned during the first world that the Ukrainian society wants to address. Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to thank It is for these and many other reasons Ukraine’s accession to the European you very much for the position you war. This month, we announced a grant to that Canada called upon our partners to the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Union is our main target and the reason is expressed during the Bucharest summit. It endorse Ukraine’s eventual membership in written in the middle term reform. This is was a proven, clear opinion of a country Taras Shevchenko to create a fund to pro- NATO and, perhaps even more importantly, mote the historic recognition of this sad the foundation of our strategy. We want to that fully supports this very place of my to understand that the decision to seek approach this membership through political country. In my opinion, this is one of the chapter in Canada’s history. alliance with others is a decision for, and If we know our history, we will not association and economic integration. examples of how very firm approvals of our only for, the sovereign nation of Ukraine Today we are working on fixing that formu- partnership between our two countries is repeat its mistakes. itself. Nor will we forget its bonds: the shared la in the new, enhanced agreement between manifested. If any further reason were needed to jus- Ukraine and the European Union. Of course, a very important supporting values and aspirations between our two tify Ukraine’s welcome into the Western countries, built and embodied most clearly On February 17 we started official nego- pillar for this cooperation is the approxi- security partnership, it can be found in the tiations with the European Union on estab- mately 1 million Ukrainian Canadians who by Ukrainian Canadians themselves. And darkest chapter of the country’s history. on these we will continue to build our lishing a free trade area between Ukraine have become an integral part of Canadian Of course, this year marks the 75th friendship and solidarity long into the and the European Union. society. I am very grateful to Canada for its anniversary of the Holodomor. future. In the future we expect to create such support of our Ukrainian community and its A law advanced by my colleague from It now gives me great pleasure to intro- free trade areas with our key partners and spiritual and cultural needs. As a very good Selkirk-Interlake, James Bezan, and now duce a man who embodies not only that with our remarkable partners, and primarily indication of our friendship, we are grateful being debated in this Parliament, would friendship, but also our shared values of Canada. We have already spoken about this that Canada commemorates the 10 million provide legal recognition to what happened freedom and democracy. with your prime minister, and we spent a innocent victims of the Great Famine in in Ukraine under the brutal Communist dic- Ladies and gentlemen, the president of considerable amount of time on that very Ukraine in 1932-1933. tatorship of Joseph Stalin. free Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko. matter. I would like to express my biggest grati- I also expect that one of the main con- tude to the Canadian Senate for approving a stituents of the integration process will be in resolution that calls on the Canadian gov- energy, which will make us closer to ernment to recognize the Holodomor in ties, who came to high positions after the Europe. Ukraine as an act of genocide against the Is Ukraine returning... Maidan [the mass protests on I would like to say that Ukraine already Ukrainian nation caused by Stalin’s regime. (Continued from page 2) Independence Square] during the Orange signed a memorandum on harmonization of That happened in 2003. Stalingrad.” Revolution], are in no way better than the Ukrainian energy system with the I am confident, ladies and gentlemen, Another aspect to the Zhvania case those we struggled against – the Kuchma European energy system. This and other that this address will be supported by the relates to Mr. Yushchenko’s poisoning in authorities.” Ms. Tymoshenko, whose steps are considered to be a direct integra- House of Commons of the Canadian September 2004. Mr. Zhvania was the government has been blocked by a two- tion of the Ukrainian economy to that of the Parliament. only Orange Revolution leader, other than month parliamentary blockade by the European economy. In taking advantage of this opportunity, I Mr. Yushchenko, present at the dinner Party of the Regions and daily interfer- Together with Lithuania, Poland, would like to thank Latvia and its chairman, where the poison was allegedly adminis- ence by the president and Mr. Baloha, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Ukraine initiated who is present today in this room, for their tered. Ukrainian media with links to the said that reforms since the Orange the Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian Energy recognition at the beginning of 2008 of the Presidential Secretariat have recently Revolution have been simply “empty Transit Commonwealth, founded on clear Holodomor in Ukraine as an act of geno- published unsubstantiated rumors that Mr. chatter.” and transparent rules for everyone. cide against the Ukrainian nation. Zhvania was a suspect in the poisoning. The Tymoshenko-Yushchenko rivalry Our main target is to introduce Ukraine’s The partnership between Ukraine and Repression instituted by the president is becoming even more intense. A capabilities, especially energy transiting Canada has considerable advantages, and its through the NSDC and Presidential Presidential Secretariat official said that, capabilities. Ukraine possesses one of the impetus is felt in many ways. We are united Secretariat is seen as a return to tactics “Your Yulia has created bedlam in the last biggest chains of oil and natural gas trans- by a clear political position on many chal- used in the Kuchma era. Our Ukraine three years, and it’s about time we fin- portation routes. Our goal is to integrate lenges of international life. We have felt the ished once and for all with her.” these routes, along with the entire transiting political analyst Ihor Zhdanov wrote, “In efficiency of our partnership in recovering recent times the law enforcement struc- Comments such as this cast suspicion on potential of Ukraine, into the common from the Chornobyl catastrophe. Ukraine whether Mr. Yushchenko is now con- European energy market. tures have been actively used as an instru- will always remember the invaluable sup- vinced that the only way he can win a This is a brilliant initiative that has been ment of political struggle similar to that port provided by Canada to recover after the second term is by destroying Ms. put down in the declaration of the Kyiv used under former President Leonid Chornobyl tragedy. Tymoshenko, as Mr. Kuchma attempted Energy Summit on May 23, and the initia- Kuchma.” We are soldier partners in promoting to do in 1991 and 1994. tive goes in line with the common European These developments illustrate democracy around the world and actively energy strategy. This is our contribution to President Yushchenko’s and Prime cooperating in international missions, sup- Sources:, May 1- building the common European market. Minister Tymoshenko’s divergent views 15;, April 14; We also appreciate the results of the porting peace and stability throughout the about how to relate to the Kuchma era., May 19; recent summit in Bucharest, which affirmed world. Ms. Tymoshenko was astounded when, May 12;, May Ukraine’s prospect for membership in Invariably, a very important part of our the president appointed Mr. Kuchma a 20. NATO. We hope that in December of this partnership is the cooperation between the member of the council of advisers of The article above is reprinted from year we will join the Membership Action parliamentarians of our countries. I wel- Kyiv University this month. Plan for NATO. come the activities by the Ukrainian and On the day her faction blocked the Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission When speaking to European aspirations Canadian interparliamentary group. I am president’s annual address to Parliament, from its publisher, the Jamestown in Ukraine, I want to point out that this poli- sure it will make many further contributions Ms. Tymoshenko said, “Today’s authori- Foundation, cy is not aimed at forming any plans against to cementing relations between our coun- anybody. A single challenge that would not tries. be comfortable for anyone regarding Your Excellencies, the key target of my Ukraine’s accession to NATO is not appro- visit to Canada is to give more impetus to priate. our cooperation. We are ready to act very Deepen your Faith, Support your Church! We are governed only by the national efficiently and in a systematic way. I call interest of the state. In order to understand upon our Canadian friends and partners to why Ukraine’s position is so insistent on accomplish this cooperation with new ideas EU and NATO membership, it is worth throughout the whole spectrum, starting Ukrainian Icon Painting recalling our history, at least of the 20th from nuclear energy to the participation in in NY’s Hudson Valley Region century. Just pay attention to the fact that, projects related to Euro-2012 Cup that will for the last 90 years, Ukraine has declared be hosted by Ukraine. its independence six times, starting with Dear friends, we highly appreciate our Hetman [Pavlo] Skoropadsky in 1918. friendship and we believe in it. I thank Group Sessions starting this summer at: The hetman managed to keep the coun- Canada for its support. I thank your nation St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church try’s sovereignty for only a little more than and your people for all the warm and dear six months. The same thing happened to the feelings addressed to Ukrainian hearts. 206 Union St. independence of the Ukrainian National From the heart of Ukraine to the heart of Hudson, NY 12534 Republic and the Western Ukrainian Canada, I want to express words of grati- National Republic. tude and respect. We are going forward, and 518-828-5226 I do not want this range of historic we want to go forward together as true, tragedies to be repeated in today’s history of frank and dear friends. No art training or special talent needed! Ukraine. The only non-alternative decision Thank you for your attention. God bless and solution to making Ukraine eternal is Ukraine, and God bless Canada. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 Ukrainian World Golf Challenge Civil liberties group launches to be played in Vancouver student writing competition VANCOVER, British Columbia – All the eight days of the tournament. The EDMONTON – In recognition of the deadline is June 30. golfers, their partners, families and golf courses have been selected to show- 75th anniversary of Ukraine’s Famine- The Civil Liberties Opinion-Editorial friends associated with Ukrainian com- case the variety of the region, and all are Genocide, the Holodomor, the Ukrainian Award will be given to a high school or munities in Canada, Australia, Europe, championship quality. Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation post-secondary student whose Holodomor- Great Britain, the United States, Ukraine The tournament cost for golfers is (UCCLF) has announced two separate based opinion-editorial will appear in a and everywhere else that Ukrainian com- $2,250 (Canadian); $1,375 for non- writing competitions for Canadian students. major Canadian newspaper prior to munities flourish are invited to partici- golfers. The tournament package Valued at $500, the High School Civil October 1. The value of this award has pate in the fifth Ukrainian World Golf includes: eight days with seven nights’ Liberties Award will be given to a high been set at $1,000; however, this is subject Challenge (UWGC 5) for men and accommodation at the Marriott school student who submits a research to change in the event that an op-ed from women to be held here on July 26 Vancouver Pinnacle Downtown Hotel essay based on a Holodomor theme. The more than one student appears in a major through August 2. (prices are based on double occupancy, winning essay will be determined by a Canadian newspaper. Experienced, new, serious or social city view room; options and upgrades selection committee consisting of More detailed information can be golfers are welcome. Scores will be available); five rounds of golf, including Ukrainian Canadian community mem- obtained by e-mailing the Ukrainian based on individual established handi- one practice round and four tournament bers. Judging will be based solely on the Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation at caps, applying a modified Stableford sys- rounds (Northview Golf and Country quality of essay content. The submission [email protected]. tem. Players have two golfing options: in Club, The Ridge Course, Monday; the competitive category golfers will Nicklaus North Golf Course, Whistler, compete for individual trophies as well Tuesday; Redwoods Golf Course, holy altar and the opened Holy Gospel as contribute to their country’s team Thursday; Westwood Plateau Golf and 500 attend... Book was placed on his head and the scores in a bid to win the overall chal- Country Club, Friday). (Continued from page 4) prayers of episcopal consecration were lenge (and the Australia vs. U.S., and Also included in the package are golf offered by the hierarchs. ipated in the procession, which was Canada vs. Great Britain challenges); in carts, lunches at the golf courses, a hot At their conclusion, Bishop Daniel headed by the processional cross and the non-competitive social category, buffet breakfast each morning, goodie stood and Metropolitan Constantine vest- church banners, followed by the hierar- golfers’ individual scores will not count bags, a welcome reception with buffet ed him in his episcopal vestments, miter chs, clergy and faithful, to the entrance toward the country team scores. dinner, and a gala awards banquet fol- and panagia. As each sacred vestment of the cathedral, where they were greeted This is the first time that Canada has lowed by music and entertainment. was presented, the metropolitan by the Very Rev. Dennis Kristof, dean of the honor of hosting this weeklong event. Special excursions to area attractions are exclaimed, “Axios – Worthy,” to which Previous Ukrainian World Golf available for additional costs. the Penn-Ohio Deanery, and Dareen the clergy and then the faithful joyfully Challenges were held in Australia, Information about registration and a Jogan, president of the Parish Board of responded, “Axios – He is Worthy.” Hawaii, Spain and Florida. registration form for the UWGC 5 are Administration of St. Volodymyr Once vested, Bishop Daniel was greet- The Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle available online at the Ukrainian Golf Cathedral, and children of the Ukrainian ed by the hierarchs and as a Prokimenon Downtown Hotel (www.vancouvermar- Association of Canada website, and church schools. was chanted, the new Bishop offered his will be the home for Prior to the divine liturgy, Bishop- first episcopal blessing, exclaiming, elect Daniel was once again escorted by “Peace be to you.” the Protopresbyters Hnatko and Diakiw Following the Gospel reading, to the nave of the church in front of the Archbishop Yurij of Toronto offered a presiding hierarchs for the solemn sermon in which he reflected upon the THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Professions of Faith. moment of episcopal consecration and Metropolitan Constantine asked a called upon the faithful to remember Visit our archive on the Internet at: question of the Bishop-elect: “For what Bishop Daniel in their daily prayers. reason have you come, and what do you At the conclusion of the liturgy, ask of our humility?” Bishop-elect Metropolitan Constantine addressed the Daniel responded: “The laying-on of newly consecrated bishop with profound hands for the grace of the episcopacy, spiritual instructions explaining to him Holy Masters.” the meaning of episcopal service as suc- Following that dialogue the bishop- cessor to the apostles and the wonder of elect three times expressed to the hierar- the Holy Spirit’s guidance, which leads chs his detailed profession of faith. He every hierarch. then presented Metropolitan Constantine The metropolitan presented Bishop with the written and signed profession of Daniel with the archpastoral staff, and faith and his promise to the bishops. The Bishop Daniel accepted the episcopal divine liturgy began as Bishop-elect staff with humility and offered his bless- Daniel was escorted into the sanctuary of ing to the clergy and faithful gathered in the cathedral, where he remained until St. Volodymyr Cathedral. the consecration. The weekend ended with a banquet in The liturgy began with all the hierar- honor of the newly consecrated bishop chs participating and assisted by the sen- attended by more than 400 people. ior deans and clergy: Protopresbyter Halyna Zelinska, mother of Bishop Diakiw, Dean Protopresbyter George Daniel, came from Ukraine and greeted Hnatko (Western Pennsylvania Deanery), her son with words of love and parental Dean Protopresbyter Frank Estocin (Mid- instructions about his responsibilities as a Atlantic Deanery), Dean Protopresbyter shepherd of souls. Taras Chubenko (New York-New Jersey Bishop Daniel addressed the partici- Deanery, Dean Very Rev. Kristof (Penn- pants of the banquet with words of grati- Ohio Deanery) and Dean Very Rev. tude. In conclusion, he greeted all moth- Bohdan Kalynyuk (Chicago Deanery), ers present with the upcoming celebra- along with Protodeacon Irinei Dziadyk tion of Mother’s Day and presented his and Deacon Mahlay. mother with a bouquet of flowers. He As the cathedral choir, under skillful closed the evening with a benediction. direction of Maestro Markian Komichak, On Sunday morning, May 11, the completed the singing of “Holy God, Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal have mercy Bishop Daniel served his first hierarchi- on us,” Bishop-elect Daniel was led cal divine liturgy, which was concelebrat- before the royal doors. where he was ed by Archbishop Antony and the clergy received by the hierarchs. He knelt at the who remained following the celebration.

Want to see your name in print? Then why not become a correspondent of The Ukrainian Weekly in your community? We welcome submissions from all our Ukrainian communities, no matter where they are located. Let the rest of us know what you’re up to in your corner of the Ukrainian diaspora!

Any questions? Call The Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext. 3049. No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 25

OUT AND ABOUT To The Weekly Contributors: We greatly appreciate the materials – feature articles, news stories, press clippings, letters to the editor, etc. – we receive from our readers. In order to facilitate preparation of The Through June 30 Art exhibit, featuring works by Dianna Ukrainian Weekly, we ask that the guidelines listed below be followed. New York Shmerykowsky, Bar 82, [email protected] • Persons who submit any materials must provide a complete mailing address and day- time phone number where they may be reached if any additional information is required. • News stories should be sent in not later than 10 days after the occurrence of a given event. Through August 10 Art exhibit, “Les Formes Vivantes: • All materials must be typed and double-spaced. Chicago Alexander Archipenko as Graphic Artist,” • Photographs (originals only, no photocopies or computer printouts) submitted for publication Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, must be accompanied by captions. Photos will be returned only when so requested and 773-227-5522 accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. • Full names (i.e., no initials) and their correct English spellings must be provided. • Newspaper and magazine clippings must be accompanied by the name of the publication Through November 30 Exhibit, “Holodomor: Genocide by Famine,” and the date of the edition. New York The Ukrainian Museum, 212-228-0110 • Information about upcoming events must be received one week before the date of The Weekly edition in which the information is to be published. June 13-15 Ukrainian Festival, St. Michael Ukrainian • Unsolicited materials submitted for publication will be returned only when so requested Yonkers, NY Catholic Church, and accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. MAILING ADDRESS: The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. June 14 Concert featuring Vopli Vidopliasova, E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS: Materials may be sent to The Weekly also via e-mail to the Vancouver, BC Troika Entertainment, Richard’s on address [email protected]. Richards Nightclub, 604-709-0057 Please call or send query via e-mail before electronically sending anything other than Word documents. This applies especially to photos, as they must be scanned according to our specifications in order to be properly reproduced in our newspaper. June 14 Vechornytsi Village Dance Party, Center Any questions? Call 973-292-9800. New York for Traditional Music and Dance, Ukrainian East Village Restaurant, 646-453-9909

June 15 Father’s Day celebrations, Ukrainian Horsham, PA American Sports Center Tryzub, 215-343-5412 Mission Statement The Ukrainian National Association exists: June 20 Presentation by Orysia Tracz, “Baba Was Whippany, NJ Right All Along,” Ukrainian American ■ to promote the principles of fraternalism; Cultural Center of New Jersey, ■ to preserve the Ukrainian, Ukrainian American and [email protected] Ukrainian Canadian heritage and culture; and ■ to provide quality financial services and products to its June 25 Book reading by author Timothy Snyder, members. Cambridge, MA “The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke,” Harvard University, As a fraternal insurance society, the Ukrainian National Association reinvests 617-495-4053 its earnings for the benefit of its members and the Ukrainian community.

Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome sub- missions from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors and as space allows. Please note: items will be printed a maxi- mum of two times each. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Need a back issue? If you’d like to obtain a back issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) to: Administration, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23 UKEUKELLODEONODEON FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Sixth grader invited to speak Ukrainian juniors victorious on the topic of “Volunteering” at dance championships Adrian Budas, 11, a sixth-grader BALTIMORE, Ms. – The U.S. at Highcrest Elementary School in National DanceSport Championship Wethersfield, Conn. (a suburb of was held on April 4-5 in Baltimore in Hartford), recently spoke at a the pier front Rennaissance Hotel. Volunteer Recognition night honor- Couples from every corner of the ing both senior and student volun- United States came here to compete teers. The event was held at the for the title of U.S. champions. The Community Center, with about 150 competition was held by age and people in attendance. ability groups, and included two dif- Adrian was recommended as a ferent programs: the Latin program speaker by Pat Meskill, clinical (Samba, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Jive) and coordinator, and Becce Reslock, pro- the Standard program (Slow Waltz, gram coordinator for the Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Department of Social and Youth Adrian Budas Quickstep). Services for the town of Wethersfield. The Ukrainian team, lead by coach Adrian is a member of the how much the platoon appreciated Natalya Lemishka, presented three “Vedmedi” (Bears) group of the all the items. To decorate their couples: Yarema Hryvnak and Maria Ukainian American Youth tent, they hung all the cards on a Mygalko, Michael Koval and Olya Association. string. Lysa, and Yuriy Markovetsky and Dance champions Yarema Hryvnak Below are excerpts of his speech At Easter, we visited members of Olesya Gryzyk. The performances of and Maria Mygalko with their titled “Volunteering.” the Ukrainian community who were all three pairs were fascinating and dance teacher, Natalya Lemishka. *** either sick or alone. We brought truly exciting to watch. At these each person a basket. kinds of competitions dancers and For me, volunteering means: I remember visiting an elderly trainers both have a chance to see the piano and bandura. 1. Giving up your own time to man in a nursing home here in strong points of their dancing and as Yarema Hryvnak, age 11, is a help others. town. He was already in bed. He well as points that need improve- sixth-grade student at North Arling- 2. It is something that can make was lying in bed with his eyes ment. But to win gives the well- ton Middle School. He is intelligent, a difference in a person’s life. closed and didn’t say anything. We being to improve further dance. modest and patriotic, and is greatly 3. It is fun and rewarding to do. came in with our basket and sang a Professional handling and long fascinated by the history of his home- 4. It is not something you should traditional Easter song. We left the periods of dedication gave the land. He also plays the violin. In the expect to get paid for. basket and wished him well and Ukrainian trainer and her deter- future Yarema hopes to become an 5. It could be volunteering for a told him we were leaving. We mined dancers a convincing result: architect. specific group or organization or just weren’t quite sure if he understood. couple Yarema Hryvnak- Maria Both Yarema and Maria are mem- helping a lonely and older person. But, as we were leaving, I looked Mygalko battled their way to conquer bers of Plast Ukrainian Scouting 6. It is nice to see all the smiles Organization and students of Ridna back and saw his head turn. He first place in the Latin program you get from making people happy. (Junior 1, Bronze). Shkola (the Ukrainian Saturday smiled, lifted his hand and waved At Highcrest School through the Who are these young champions? school) in Passaic. good-bye. I knew he appreciated us Student Council, I participated in Maria Mygalko, age 9, is a fourth Their victory at the Dance coming to visit him. several volunteer activities which grade-student at St. Nicholas Ukrain- Championships has become an Volunteering and doing good included: the hat and mitten drive ian Catholic School in Passaic, N.J. important stage in the self-realization deeds doesn’t have to be with a for the Social Services department Maria has a deep love for Ukrainian of these young dancers. This was one school or an organization. You can in town and for the “Pennies for song. She is a real leader among her experience Maria and Yarema will Patients” program, which raised make a difference in someone’s life classmates, and enjoys playing the never forget. $3,400.46 for cancer research. anywhere and at any time. ... Through the Ukrainian American One of my neighbors recently Youth Association I participated in moved to an elderly housing home. several activities which made a dif- It was sad to see them move. They ference in people’s lives. were like grandparents to me. We made Christmas cards for our I went to visit them with my troops in Iraq. mother and sister several months Our scout leaders’ son is in the after they moved. They were so Army. He was stationed in Iraq happy to see us. ... Every time I and gave us the names of all the looked at my old neighbor Tony he soldiers in his platoon. We made had a smile on his face that went sure every soldier received a card from ear to ear. He never stopped with his name on it. We collected smiling. I will always remember his items he thought would be helpful. smile, and that little hand waving These included: toothpaste and good-bye to me. I realized it does- toothbrushes, lip balm, deodorant, n’t take much to make a huge dif- hard candy, beef jerky, and DVDs. ference in someone’s life. Afterwards we received an e-mail So. share a smile, It can really from him, thanking us. He told us make a difference. It did for me. Yarema Hryvnak and Maria Mygalko perform at the dance championships. No. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 27 Assumption Catholic School Mishanyna boasts of its many “extras” This month’s Mishanyna grid hides the names of trees you might find in your neighborhood. by Michael Szpyhulsky inducted into the Sodality. The beau- PERTH AMBOY, N.J. – When one tiful and uplifting service was pre- ASH ELM POPLAR thinks of school, some things that pared by Sisters Yosaphata and ASPEN FIR SASSAFRAS Maria, and Lisa Roasato. come to mind are pencils, math prob- BEECH LINDEN SPRUCE On Saturday, May 17, the ACS lems, spelling bees, and book reports. BIRCH MAPLE SYCAMORE All of that is true for Assumption Track Team gathered at Bishop Ahr Catholic Elementary School in Perth High School athletic field to compete CEDAR OAK WILLOW Amboy, N.J., with some extras. in the Central Jersey Catholic CHESTNUT PINE On Friday afternoon, May 16, our Schools Individual Championships. The competition was rigid, but the For an extra challenge, see if you can match the trees listed above pastor, Father Roman Dubitsky, ded- with their Ukrainian names: osyka, dub, bereza, buk, yasen, klen, previous five meets prepared our icated and blessed our new verba, topolia, sosna, smereka, yalytsia, lavr, kashtan, lypa, viaz, pond/Monarch butterfly sanctuary. team well. Our 32 student-athletes yavir and kedr. Present for the dedication were the battled heroically and brought home city’s mayor-elect, Wilda Diaz, a seven medals. Team coach Donna representative of the Middlesex Tartza and the entire school are County Division of Solid Waste extremely proud of all our track and Management and representatives of field athletes. the Royal Garden Club of Perth The following day, Sunday, May Amboy. 18, our upper-grade Ukrainian Dance The entire student body sang Group brought pride once again to hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary. our school. The dancers represented The three-tier pond-ecosystem will the school and Ukrainian Americans be a reminder for the students to be at a Heritage Festival sponsored by “Stewards of God’s Earth” not only the Township of Union, N.J., in cele- on Earth Day, but every day of the bration of its bicentennial. Even year. The project was made possible though it rained throughout the day, by the hard work of the fourth grade when it came time for our dancers to teacher, Lynda Rizkallah, and a gen- perform the clouds rolled back and erous grant from the Middlesex the sun shone brightly. Our dancers County Division of Solid Waste were the hit of the show. Management. So, not only do we study and play Later that same afternoon the hard during the week, but our week- school body walked over to church to ends are filled with activities as well. sing a Moleben/Marian veneration. If you would like to learn more about The students presented flowers to the us, please visit our website at Virgin Mary, and several girls were 28 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 No. 23

PREVIEW OF EVENTS Soyuzivka’s Datebook Saturday, June 14 the Karpaty Orchestra and a spellbinding magic show will take place at 2 p.m. A NEW YORK: The Center for Traditional zabava/dance to the tunes of the orchestra Music and Dance and Ukrainian Wave present the sixth Vechornytsi (Village will follow. There will be plentiful June 8 - 13 – Seniors’ Week July 20 - 25 – Heritage Camp Ukrainian ethnic foods, baked goods, pic- session 2 Dance Party) at 7:30-11 p.m. at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant, 140 nic fare and cool refreshments at the beau- June 14 – Wedding tiful Tryzubivka festival grove and July 20 - 26 – Sitch Sports Camp Second Ave., between Eighth and Ninth streets. Enjoy Carpathian mountain music grounds. Admission: $5 for adults; chil- June 15 – Father’s Day luncheon session 1 by acclaimed acoustic folk band Cheres, dren 13 and under: free. For more infor- and cultural program led by Andriy Milavsky. Learn folk dances mation contact Nika Chajkowsky, 215- July 20 - August 2 – Roma Pryma such as the “Dzvinochky” (bluebells 860-8384, or log on to June 21 – Wedding Bohachevsky Dance Camp session dance) and “Dribka” (shivering) polka, Friday, June 20 1; recital Saturday, August 2 plus review of the “Hanka,” “Arkan” and June 22 - 29 – Tabir Ptashat session 1 “Pleskan” with dance master Tamara WHIPPANY, N.J.: The Arts, Culture and July 27 – August 2 – Sitch Sports Chernyakhovska. Admission: $10 for Education Committee of the Ukrainian June 23 - 27 – Exploration Day Camp session 2 adults, $5 for children (dinner not included American Cultural Center of New Jersey Camp session 1 in admission price). For further informa- (ACE/UACCNJ) invites the public to a July 27 - 31 – Adoptive Ukrainian tion call 212-571-1555, ext. 35. presentation by speaker Orysia Tracz of Winnipeg, Manitoba, specialist in June 22 - July 3 – Tennis Camp Children and Parents Heritage Sunday, June 15 Camp session co-sponsored by Ukrainian traditions and folk arts. The presentation, “Baba Was Right All Along: June 28 - 29 – USCAK tennis Ukrainian Embassy HORSHAM, Pa.: The popular Father’s Day Festival at the Ukrainian American Ukrainian Folk Medicine,” is at 8 p.m. at tournament Sport Center, Tryzubivka, located at the UACCNJ, 60 N. Jefferson Road, August 3 – 16 – Roma Pryma County Line and Lower State Roads, will Whippany, NJ 07981. Admission: $20 June 29 - July 12 – Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Dance Camp session 2 commence at noon. A stage show featuring donation to benefit ACE/UACCNJ. To Bohachevsky Dance Workshop The Voloshky School of Ukrainian Dance, reserve seats e-mail [email protected]. August 9 – Miss Soyuzivka June 29 - July 6 – Tabir Ptashat Weekend PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES: session 2 August 9 – Club Suzy-Q Week – Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. June 30 - July 4 – Exploration Day 25th Anniversary It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per submission) by The Ukrainian Camp session 2 Weekly to the Ukrainian community. August 16 – Roma Pryma July 10 - 13 – Soyuzivka Cultural Bohachevsky Dance Camp session To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, Festival Weekend 2 recital written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations July 13 -18 – Heritage Camp August 17 - 23 – Joseph’s School of involved, and a phone number to be published for readers who may require addi- session 1 Dance (Ballroom Dance Camp) tional information. Items should be no more than 100 words long.

July 13 - 19 – Discovery / Cultural August 25 – September 1 – Labor Information should be sent to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Camp Day Week Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644-9510; e-mail, [email protected].

To book a room or event call: (845) 626-5641, ext. 140 216 Foordmore Road P.O. Box 529 Kerhonkson, NY 12446 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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