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VOL. K 248. M VNI* lt.x SOim i BfAMCHESTEOt, C0^.,.THl^DAT,^^ 14,1992.

Fam fly, Friends Surround W indow in Love Tragfedy FIRE SWEEPS CONEY; A fter Swrowful Tris THREE MILUON LOSS « ON AID FOR JOBLESS H ttrt d FanoM Resort ADHEE MCPHERSON H e^ of Ashes — Scores IS SERIOUSLY ILL Fear a Hoover Veto e ( Hoises Born — Thoo* • suds Hoasless — Bsth- E vaifefiit Reported h a On Farm Relief Bill ers Lose Qelliing. Coma — Removed To a WaetoigtMi, July 14 — (AP) —.iters that a number of Senators who While the House rules committee voted for tee measure now were withheld action on the Norbeck looking at it askance, because of farm relief bill passed yesterday by New York, July 14—(A P )—The Los Aagdos HeqataL doubt as to its constitutionality. tee Senate, Democratic leaders in The measure provides a tax snd a heart of Coney Idaad ii a three mil­ the House said today they had been tariff, some Republloan and Demo­ unofficially informed that if it were lion doUttf aeh pile today, but tee Los Angdes, July 14.—(AP) — cratic House members claim. Under bands play on. sent to the White House it would be tee legislation all tax revenue Evjsngelist Aimee Semple McPher­ vetoed. Fire which started in rubbish measures must orlR^nate In the son Hutton was reported hy her It is tq> to tee rules committee to House. Waahingtoo, July 14—(A P )—Un­ unitor tee Boardwalk — Coney phjMclan, Dr. Edward H. Williams, decide whether the bill should be There was no official word as to expected dUNcttlttot to in n ittf out Island’s polyglot promenade—swept as being in a “precarious” condition given priority in the House for a President Hoover’s position, but it differences between tha Houm and' vote before tee imminent adjourn­ three square blocks of tee resort today. was clear on Capitol Hill teat he Senate delajred progress today off late yesterday. ment. was believed strongly opposed to Her removal from a Lake Elsinore It was imderstood to House quar- tee legislation. the new unemployment roUaf MB While a carousel sent its music resort to a Los Angeles hospital in and congressional conferees recess­ p ip i^ down teroxigh long waves of an ambulance was ordered. She ed without agreement smoke, tee lire, bellowed by a fresh was reported to have lapsed, into a brte^ .off tee ocean, destroyed: coma last night. The conference, wbieb. -sponsors bungalows and houses; six ' “Mrs. Hutton’s condition can now of tee MB bad predicted'would pro­ bath houses and bathing pavilions; be regarded as precarious,” said HINT AT AN OUTSIDER duce an agreement within an hour, 200 piurked automobiles; tee per­ Dr. Williams. “She is an awfully broke up after three hours, and a gola; the “Streets of Bagdad’’ (an sick woman. half to meet again later today. amusement place); a small apart­ “She must be removed to a hos­ Failure, of the cmiferees to reaoh ment building; five blocks of tee pital and kept there. There is a M DMTH OF REYNOLDS a compromise on tee hrif dozen dU* Boardwalk and most of tee build­ strong possibility teat she may suf­ ferences to the $2,100,000)000 briixs ings fronting .on i t fer a cerebral hemorrhage from tee It passed tee House and Senate Two score houses and several brain concussion.” - virtually precluded any riumce of business jdaces were damaged. Yoang MiOioiiaire to U |lis final action before tomorrow. A t S t Joseph’s Orphan home on ' Nervous Breakdown The big obstacle proved to be-tee tee Boardwalk 300 children were • Mrs. Hutton has been ill since she provision inserted in tee House MB lined up in fire drill as tee flames suffered a nervoiu breakdown more Tutor On N ^ . irf die by Speaker Gamer’s deriding vote, licked in its direction. Firemen than a year ago. Her condition was for pubUcity on aU lotEUs made here^ brought tee blaze imder control aggravated by a tropical ailment n w after by tee Reconatruotion aos to fhtaffrial tosti- to tee edge of which tee fire came. plies had occurred during her ab­ The carnival' employes Wmre noied‘ explorer, H. G. Wat- places ;were ptohed on. showers pre­ to the boUlng cauldron of South of bugs and crops, report tee Con­ dicted by ths W eiiteer' ^BQzaau for America’s tessenrions. Litde likelihood Men Will '4di^ Js xc$ltod tee Pan American «H | e Two) Hearijig ffife ’ s S te ^ Was necticut farmer thtw summer is NOAH d: WEBSTER A lrn ta ^ Btost Greenland' Expedi- tonight .The.:bdrehuw : reported gen- These brought up to^ date, are: having an exceptional run of in iaBs'from Copenhagen to- eralty warntot weaihw to'the Can­ Rvm ts to BrasB, Peru and to Get Cash Bonus Before luck. ~ '3^;^lTnto':baata,'TO mifes apart wlB adian nmrthweat .the Dakotas, Ohio Ecuador; tee colla ]^ of the peace Warted ^'Letters. To tee prevailing drought which ’ estab^lXhed in tee vtctolty of and Tenneseee .vaBeya.and middle n ^tiation s which sought tn end is hitting com at its most critical sfihgmafcBallk, eastern Gfdttiland, Atlantic states and nouthetn New SWEAT BOX KILLS the ancient feud between-Paraguay Congress Qnits. period f t growth Is added a multi­ 'jiist^Eibute'of the-Arctic dfele. England. . and BoBvla over tee Gran .Chaco tude of bacterial diseases and a re­ ' Oflier Ihipeditton t'lNew.Tork boundary dispute; and the new rup­ Greenwich, Ji^y 1 4 ^ (A P )— In- appearance of Stewart’s disease de­ '' .T O 'in ^ e' aimfiar meteorological, New York’s temperature started 78 R ture between Argentem and the vestlR^on of the. slaying of Washington, July 14.— (A P ) tected on com In tee late spring. In One of State’s O U e ti'R ^ i ■ ra . tbpitamhlcal at &a. n^'and roas to 80'by l l a. m. FLORDA PRISON] Uruguayan repubBe. / ' Niebrias exmbarmi waa •'oocentrat^ War veterans again were massed on tee cities tee “scorch” has appeared *"ta*bft:the wciit :poast''W;>Green- Some 'Otiier.' .'high . temptoXturae Irked because Argentina showed ed today on his reputed; bop tlegg^ activities and a ifodhigLt appotht- Capitol grounds today after a on tee elm tree leaves. r iK4i^;ihe -interior- Green- before noon today were Atlanta 92; a disposition to believe reports, that Blany Oonqdaints era, buses Jbny A f Cte,:pan Anuriban is as- Birmingham 89;: Memphia 95; Oa- Omeral Severn Toranso, former ment on tee Old' Boston Post toad sleepless night of police-inspired The station staff is flooded with ppbpla^ with' tee ^^vendty of troit 74; Syracuse 74; LouisvlBe 84; GoTomor Probe Action of commander of tee. Argenttoe army where his body wiui found. marching about tee plaza. complaints against diseases. Com M lW gaa .Btopedition, headed by.R. Providence, R.' L, 80; Waabington, and now an exUe to Uruguay, was Reports that he hgd. reorifod Wan and heavy-eyed they lolled has reached tasielHng time but Enaiitie—Was 84. L. Bimiiuip;^ erhEch wBl be caBed tee D. C., 86; New Haven, Conn., 82; aboard tee cruiser Uruguay whan it threatehtog lettris veosntly. alse . in tee teade as Congressmen who Stewart’s disease is ravaging many Mlohigaxi-tu^ American -Airways Boston, 79; -Rtohmond, -Va.,-80. Offidak For came to Buenos Aires to aairist in were being traeed'hy pdUoe who; have refused their request for im­ OreeB^d EXpeditibn. ’ This party, There wera.no. complaints from placed their, greatest' tnaiiy how­ mediate cash payment of tee bonus fields. Uuless rain comes qulckty the celebration of Argentixie tode- much of tee crop wlU be wilted be­ WilUmantlc, July 14 — (A P ) — whlchr Is associated with tee Ihter- tee Pacifie eoaat -/vhere tempera­ priidence day July 9, tee Uruguayan ever to tracing a folspltw. d|U entered tee Capitol and office build­ Noah D. Webater, 84, one of Oon- tures' ranged, to tee ~ comfortable Yonng ConvkL ings for tee day’s work. yond recovery. Bara are, not form­ govwnment announbed 3reet(iday It Cambareri received at.'hhi home: ing and tee drought has checked neotlout’a oldest bankers and an «(OoBtlniied,eB’ Paga Six) space betwem 54^and 60. V had severed diplomatio rrietions three hours, before‘h r wax .found While there seemed little change organist and vIdUn maker by avoca- of tee relief legislation they seek growth. with Argentina. shot to death'at 2 AjWto Iteea Bit tlOB» died at bis homa.yaatMday. TaBahasaes, na., July 14.— (A P ) Wrong B ^ r t JWqa Wamad before Congress adjourns there was —Governor Boyla E. Carlton says likelihood teat Congress would act Fire blight has hit apple, pear He e m honorary secretary of the The report that General Toranso Re left, home sboutTinidBlitoA bia favorably on a request yesterday and quince trees. The scorch on elm WOhmaptlc S a v ii^ Institute from the state r»M«e vigorous prosecution was aboard the ship provedi errone- wife toldpoUee adding thlt,abs in-' President Hoover for a time exten­ tree leaves ahow no sign of fungi or which he retired : in August 1928, Lightning May of the two pruion camp officials to- quired •’m xy€d ) you ifont to: go odt sion for lending the veterans train beetle jaws. It la attributed to aub- after briog. connected with' the dieted to ,thb sweat box death of Uruguay recalled Its junbaasedor at tbit, tiBM of- the -alghb? XoaBI fare home. aoU dryneas of two sraara ago, tea bank, tee oldest state bank in Wind­ Arthur MaiUefert, young prisoner, «t Buenos Aires Iasi niiilit and tfo only get to. tionUa. Tlfo is ffo'tlmei CUef Executive also re­ moisture last year did not penetrata ham county, for 58 years. He had but asserts the incident “ is a rare vltsd the Argenttoe entbesssdor / to to go out for eny, appototmeni" quested that tee veterans’ adminia- below tee top layer. been treasurer sinee 1889. exeeption to the prison life of Flori­ leave Montevideo. While> Uruguay­ Chuffbamt'bqcxme angry; ftba nM owtloa be permitted to use enough Hie removal of the Federal com ^ Made VtoUas da.” ans cheersd loudly the fdfvemment’s and iwdered.liir-- p9(pMt before the House for action today. tee borer and does not quarantlna WUllmhntio In 1870 until 1905. m to dodge when, lightning He set up automatic cameras' to Oourson and Guard Sotomon Higgm- newspaper, toeradiiloudy.. under the legislation appropriat­ against Itself but as a proteotion for his apare hours he mads vlolina, ■eems to be strlkiiig from storm photograxto U f htntog. twtham, chaqxd with murder . of CoBfldenee was exprsaaed hare TWENTY r m r jiEEN T ing 1100,000 tor train fare and sub- neighboring Btataa. The afate quar­ ■ooriM of which aire s ^ l In use. douds—the flash ma y jump at you Re o q ta l]^ . pletures of 185 MaiUefert who.was found dead to a that tea breach would be heeled mstence loans to veterans, the dead­ antine probably will ba maintained. He was bom in Somaira, August from the grouxid. flashes aitoalOBt mte anautoiBatie swnat box where he win, Maced: for soon, but in the meantime it was A l y for appUeatiens was midnight 19,1847. Ten years later hto father, Sdentlfto proof of'this, going her record fromrtlie ground nerve show- puiffshmeBt and safe ksemng. , aqid, the...problrin of preservtaf - ^ ohUdnn toMght. Daniel Webster, Jr., was appolhted Srond preyioua beUefs oI - Bghtntog tog ^whetbtir the soil was-positive or . OaUed An Exeito&OB dw to Argehtina -wBl bs more dUfl- kUled'anlL . efrera l thousand veterans HUBT A T HOB8B SHOW warden of tile ' Weteerafleld Ptiaon, experts and auggesttog revlilldn of negative. Sometimes it was ons, Y lw MaiUefort case *^presenta « onlt because the break msans ait]:: yesterdiy twten sMsahed wearily baek > *nd forth where he was atitebad to daath by a the theory of fhunderitbrms'Ui an- toiBdtinws the othrir.' rors axoeptlon to the.'pijsoB. life 'c^ add to tbs' cetota^ one naaead by nMne thaa n thousand ao^ OongnttOlonal pMtor.! Burial will positivs' to ■Ba|Xttve;dbud»'or/aart)b branohsd Isas. 'frequentiy thia - the an the olety premiitenirpenwiui. Ito to ---r-* »y. Tbs Neloraaka itoyslolsk laid : a 'isat;ths'law." ; . • 1- ;posltii») •V J iB TW O *•/ kAKCHESTliR BVsKmG tAU), SOUIB K A M (9iran, OOMN. TRCBSM T. lULT H m i - •/■I-!- EZE RELIEVES DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS USrrUTCRODHD A Hat to Match Yohr Lipa! IT SUMP ASE3 HOOVER INSTALLS n s OFFICERS I19WN FROM HEAT EVENTS OF SEASON Am riFiiN Eitiu. TO URGE AMENDMENT Sunset Council Deputy . WaEitoftnn, _July 14.—(AP)— Great Pocahontu Perform Leaving the White House this aft­ Rest of State Swekers Bnt Ceremony Here Last Night, Director lewis Uoyd An- *HeH7 Faiii «f En«pe' ernoon,. C.Baabom Slemp—tormer seerataiy to Praaidnt OooUdge— 3 4 Suniet OouBcil, DegrM of Poes- said ha had adviaad Praaldpnt Hoo­ Manduttor b Omta Con- hoatas, at Its regular meeting this nooBces Sdiedale ol Snn- Wlo iM KMed h PhM ver to taka dd 'Wiaqatvocal sUnd’ week in Tinker hall, seated ith new on prohibition in. bis forthcoming . foitabk Today. officers. The work was in charge m er Featinres. Is B n rie i (^ each nOeepttok ranomtoatlon. of Deputy Great Pocahontas Susan ByEaenii^GNkk; Slan9 said he sugfiated that the L. Kastner of Hartford and her staff. Preafdent deolare approval of an Although HR AModatod Proas At the close of the ceremony ^ e Director Lewis Uoyd today an­ Pragua, OmCho-Slovakla, July 14. amendment to replace the Eight­ The final i^ r t oif the MMMhAs' survey today reveals unusually hot presented the retiring PoudRontas, nounced the schedule of special ^ (A ^ — Thomas Bat-A, the aaU, eenth. . Vreather throughout most of t).d ter Emergency Employment Aaao- Mrs. Mary Aceto, with a past Po­ weekly aotivitieB to be held at the lloaalfe ihoe-maker, whose factories Although Slemp declined to give United States except portions of the cahontas jewd and a certificate wen him the title of the Henry Mr. Hoover’s reaction, he said he dation submitted today shows an West Coast, Maacnester did not east and west side playgrounds. The from the Coimdl. Mrs. Aceto made Ford of Bufope, waa buried today in believed Mr. Hoover wot operation budget of paymeata.luMI' seem to mind the heat today as a fitting speech in response, thank season opened with the pet this line. a forast eematary beaide the pilot expense over a period of .86 m eka' much as previously this summer. ing the members for their help and show held yesterday afternoon at who died with him in an airplane Blemp, who is on the oommittee New Haven reported indications support during her term of office. the West Side playgrounds the de- oraah on Tueaday. Wbloh will Bottiy,the President foM extendtng from November 1 to. and that the heat in ConnecUeut might Mrs. Kastner was assisted by Past tails of which appear in another Naariy 90,000 of his employees at­ mally of his renominatiflh, said the Including the week of' July lOth.. soar to a new high peak for the Great Pocahontas Edith Myers. Fol­ Chief Executive bad told him the colum p. tended the funeral services in the The report shows a total MF'oL year. • ^ lowing the business sessio nrefresh- fliefory yiards. The shops were ceremonies would be hrid early in ments were served. There was expenditure at 891,08]JM paid work- Nevertheless It was plenty warm Friday night of this week there closed for the day ^ and the two Augut, certainly before the middle men of the Assooiatioa for a totu of large attendance of members and will be a program of “ dancing on here today. Three different thermo- ooffini, burled under flowers,r lay in of the month. Slemp quoted the 816,800 houra worked. Of the total visitors from Hartford. the green” at the West Side play- meters pubfidy displayed along a square aurreunded by tha factory President as saying, the acceptance number of workers, registered num­ Main street revealed 88, 85 and 90 The new officers are as follows: groimds with the Recreation Junior ''j' bulUUBgs. speech would be d^vered to Wash­ Pocahontas, Edith Dailey; Prophe­ orchestra playing from the rear bering 1,816, 788 were married ihen degrees Fahrenheit at 1 o’clock this FUeae Present . ington, although the exact spo^bat with dependents and 856 ato^e men. afternoon with the probability that tess, Mary Aceto; Wenonah, Bessie balcony of the Recreation Center. .V-f T. Edward A. Bllohe, the B^ton not been chosen. The south portico Farris; Powhatan, Myra Fltsgerald; The greensward to be used for danc­ There were 108 marriecl women the mercury would climb into the merohant, was one of a number a of the White House hu beei. sug workers, registered and i.87 single low nineties before the day’s high Keeper of Records, Florence R. ing will be the strip immediately in foreigners who attended. He hac gested. Catana; CoUlActor of Wampum, the rear of the Recreation up to the women. Marriet. men oohztitat^ mark was reached.' A rdreshlng come from Carlsbad In one oi 64.9 per cent of the total of the Marje^ Akrlgg; Keeper of Wam< race track.. The orehestm, under Bat’A’s airiflaaea. breexe added considerable comfort leglatxstiOBS, single men 80.7 per pum, Ruth M. Hanson; First War­ the leadership of John Uoyd, will The manufacturer’s will, read at and prevented people from realising cent, married women 7.8 per cent rior, Ann Tody; Second Warrior, play from 8;30 until 10:80. There the end of the service, pledged his SHOT ON MARCH 1ST that the mercury had soared so and single women. 16.6 per cent high. Globe Hollow, local bathing re­ Viola Dailey; Third Warrior, Nettle will be no chaige. associates to carry on the policies on sort, was crowded with hundreds of Aceto; Fourth Warrior, Rena Ar­ Next week Wednesday on -VTuly whioh he omduoted the business. Of this total of rsglstranta, 544 men, women and children who mando; First Counselor, Myrtle SO, the annual Vehicle show will be TVever think o f.. yourselves,” he ANSONIA WOMAN DIES married moa were given joba ooh- White; Second Cotmselor, Johh sought relief from the heat held at the East Side in the eve­ had written^ *'but put all your stituting 70.8 per cen* at the total at White; Guard of Forest, Joseph ning starting promptly at 6:80. On strength, u d all your Interest into Ansonla, July 14.—(AP) — Mrs. all payrdl expendlturea; 137 dngle Barto; Guard of Tepee, Minnie J. August third, the annual Rockville c l e r i c k i l l s s e l f the ooinmoB welfare.” Lillian Doyle, 39, who w u shot by men were employed tor 16.8 pei Morlarity; First Runner, Minnie Night will be held at the West Side At the end of the service the fac­ her husband, Michael Doyle, 49, on cent; 66 married women employed Giglio; Second Runner, Josephine starting at 6:15. July 27 will be the Melrose, Mass., July 14.— (AP)— tory’s sirenz sounded a farewell the evening of March 1 lasL died at for .8.6 per cent and 88 stogia wo­ Emonds; First Scout, Amy Cofiell; date for the Globe Hollow day aet The Rev. Harold Marshall, head of blast and thousands followed the her home on Clifton;avenue at 1:1S men tor 4.6 per cent of all -money Second Scout, Evelyn Akrigg; Trus- for 2 p. m. in the afternoon. On the Universallst Publishing Society, coffins to the oemetery. o’clock this afternoon. Doyle, who expended tor emergency work. ,tee. Myrtle B. White; First Repre­ August 6 the town championship walked to a nearby, grocery store Of the total amount expended, today ended his life by slashing his sentative, Mary Aceto; Alternate, awmlming race will take place at t^oat with a raxor. Friends said he after the Bhoottog and asked the 560 contributors received 880U6;81 Gladys Schubert; Degree Mistress, Globe starting at 2:80 in the after­ clerk to call the police, is still worth of work against tb ^ oonM- had recently suffered a nervous Gladys Schubert noon. The baby show will be at the breakdown. held at the New~ Haven county jail butiohs. Projects paid tar b y t ie Because of illness, Amy Cofiell West Side on August 10. The Cos­ UffiSTSTOCKS on the orders of the coroner. owner totaled 817,547.69 faeinsifnp and Gladys Schubert were unable to tume Show will be August 17 at the Mrs.. Doyle, who w u a nurfM, bad the 815,000 ^>propriati«x made by be praesent to mbe installed. Fi­ W est Seot of with as many curls as' the plete list of the winners. lb,er TraiuQlvaaiat a ahhiiBg new mmediate substantial improvement Winner Malt Syrup bead requires. 1st prize 875 No. 6389-C no iMme BIOTS IN BELFAST aoda fountain set up in the.veranda in businesa (no tax) can :.. listed; 2nd prlsa |10, 1760-D no cafe, and tha- room bar Bradstreets .'weekly toed Index name listed; 3rd prize 85, 2588-D no Belfaat, July^ 14.— (AP)—Felice miWonned into a soft drink sjta- showed a gain for the toiirth suo- oessivewew, but some observers Motor Oil, 100% Pure Penim, ALL 50c SERVICE name listed; 4th prize 85,18S7-E A. in armored oars brokd up a two- tk>n, aallod. today with 600 ZMmbers 2 gallon can, q a Watpm, 76 1-2 Ponnigan street., hour riot between Orangemen and of the American Bible Cbnferwee kOntafi' out that It m ay: taka aeveral Port Cheater, N; Y.; 6th piixo $10, Free Statera today- in &e neutral norz weeks, or avan months, bs- (no t a x ) ...... 0 4 C for $ Association oh a aeven day orulse to !0ra it can be said vrith aaauranee 3 1.00 1841-D R. Bender, Merldra, Conn.; territory between the Falls and Bermuda and Halifax. 6th prize 825, 487-B AanieUe, ShanWil diatrletz of Beltiwt that thera has bairn n turn in corn- All of tha other bars on' shin; modities. Bar sOvai; mu. up 1-4 14 Aalnard Place, So. Mancheeter, Numerous heads warn cracked. togethar with tha aiqppiy' of liquors Mary BIttabeth cartlea a eant to 86 7-8 oanta an ouaoa. Conn.; 7th prlaa |6. 2801-F J. V., The district haz. been the scene of were uhdar. locltand key. fun IUm of oosmetlei, an rea- Kiurtford, (xnn.; Sth priz# 86, many similar elaahes ■tinahly prioed. Dr. Dooaldi Grity Bamhouie. pas­ MAHIEirS 18878-C no name listed; 9th prize tor of -tha TaoGi Prsalqrterian 86, 6778-E, Helen, WiOl eoeet, NO—BUT YES church, PhiladelphU, who organized HOSPITAL N u n s BEAUTY NOOK Waterbury, Coon.; 1,0th prlae $86, the orulae^ said there would be no 4848-C no name ilated; Uth wlze “Would, you many a man for Ua daoolng and no pUylag of po]Nmdar 86,.10464B a ., j . Fremattc, 88 Dial 8011 moneyf “ mhate «duriag oe.crulse. Threa llabal Mtnnnufi of 806 GROCERY HanUtbn atTMt, Hartford, Odnn.; “Not exactly. Bat Td want my North Main street and.lCra Martha meeSsga wiU be held dally. 183 Spruce St. Bublnow Building 12th w lze 16, 6168-B Bob Harring­ husband to hava a dlapi^ Rogara of 16 LAllay atraat ware ad- ton, w alU ni^ Odnn>: is t h prize tloB, and if ha dUtat kava zocmay, Bdtad. yiatatday. 110. 1 8 ^ ^ eeeU O'H*^ dT st he'd • very UkZly M wonladand --CHSPUDMI..'Of-'EIIBUN' Mrs. WlUlam Lea J «4 . tnfroit ON John Flaee, Stanford, Gaon.; Uth lU-astuiwi”— T |t-B ^. dam^tar o f 8 BaaMva w u diaoharg- prize 16. 10448-C A. Goddard. 14 B a ^ Juhr 1 ^ ( 4 F ) — Bannati ad yaaterdfiy. Brewzter atreet, Waterbury, Oean.; BiBAliy ^ GO - X / GilGtai and Jaaiaa XoGFli«r«Unle pManta adafittad 16th prize 16, 8698-A Otopter 814, ain flavf wheaa . ______nday Ibr t fv il and -ndiiMM enaia- Dut^, 16tt pm 180, Burglar (braakixf lota tad ht.dM In n Btaaiia-Mt bof iena vrara: Batte. Tatfatrd o f 106 “ NIGHT (X)UKE •166^ A Rellif, 88 Flgraeouth fiadlaf Smith to bad): LGngaNli i waalL auM buk to to- Buaaai) alraat: JabB Chiini>d 86 fwenue, Nonrelk, Oonn. thought yoo'd gzM ao: a ______Oyar Cdiibu of 494 'f /H If* G, L Willis & Sen, b e . Wltb tha mlssua aoii |Mi« a NorIb Main atraat; J a M f l o u of fiofithr Otva ‘ mv 474 liatih Mato akeaat; Edward 8 Main S t, S tl.5 U 5 ,\ N M M llM tttr nn G ttoPaed fraai the lanulnr W A L Y B B B l >N N l DOOUIfXUB O B A fin fi yaok and ru H M r MaeMaaus of 80 Gt John attaaiand Ivikaneaa Lnvaaehtoa of aranivuie. lad., Jidy 14,«-(AF)^' m m K 9 w opm 04 OUntan ftraai Lumb0r—M€uon*$ Svpj^iM Jaasee Doolittle, aviator, ozeam i » “ wtj nra J b a M t uStasaf 607 Eaat Injured here thli aiondnff when hla I T muat tan yao tbit O w iir jE i Oil'-Cool taer-Wtaf ~ tw aio bate o ‘ ^ ‘ TODAY ■peed' oriatidai - Wnibod'"' -hi' louw m fifiar i l i l a t " " _ ^ a aU and IbaElaSIf* C u M i O m I D r PtoqltM U n , at the BvansvUle ICunlolpal All ,^T 'doo*t mliid<-maBy y o ^ aatti! traattoant Mr a aeJp laiiari tto i lu\ The Impact drove the gaaOlltte ' sa d - plai hava atartad la a vary azMll Naxt GffinG watl- try zdffht Ha w u dlaouikad fo U o i^ . * «tia a t o f Womaa** through .one wing, way.**i-Meotraal Star. agnlsu** . treatments

• . ■ , ‘ t ■ ,*>.- W . K / ' / >■ •» »• ♦• •••^ ,. • . » > » *P^ • ^ •'l4r’ f'tv MANGHESTBtt EVENING HERALD, SOUTH IIANGIIESTER, (X>NN« T H t^ TV ILLlONDSWPErS l U n RAPID PROGRESS :| S A ? p A

AT NEW UNDERPASS A frtved : , in Jbla, Kan., JflUy 14.— (A3?)—lbI4 1^ i p i E S ’ EXHIBIT ______- I, Weft AbaUment To Be Ceoir 14 ffom dpthr AAicbitfl 4* W estern :'J a M l^ < ^ in 1984; '‘ Oilmen pleted Today—Will Be Sev­ 14, New. York: -L ^Ihiat goal'.ismachsd, Ula;wQl CfiKty, M in im i 4n ' ' ' V Fiit «f H aycnw l Feitnres eral Wedcs Before Bridge If , , (R -Lancastria, G i ^ ^ ^ ’il^iily ‘ tin t e d Finiahed. New York. , _ without the necaeEty of Bremim, Bohtluufigton, July A city taxise.' ! 1 - SikidiMhSf'vi Gfeatr T k KM Tettirnky Afkr- Hie new west abutta^t tln^ Is pert .'ik' A iM ^ Opai IfpwYofk.' : Tine •emf* BaUAd: i, mins'tax levylorlM d, the^kiweet in to earry the rails of the New H a ^ ■.yu Albert BtiHn, .New York, J: 78 yearia wlU yidd' lim r. one- ’Tie. hiibsiri'.ln M M iU West Silk. road over Adams street, BueUand, for Hambuzk. tblrt ,of-.the--teitd-hMmi^ b u t ; will be completed today. There Madrid,Id, Bremen,Bi . Jhly . 14, forif' ekpehditiam -The .^rdap^kler Y ork. was a large number of men working ld9.'be takm fib\n a.suirpliu.emiiBd Pete « f every description Imagin' Jasper Mjiljevy, Socialist candi­ Empress of Britain, Southam p^,: Ifiwanis Camp is in 'full 'awms: by earniiagi at ffltmkfipdUy'-O'Kned la that vicinity today. ’The forms July 18, QiiebM.' ' I , able ranging from cats to crows date for goyeraor of Connecticut, now with 48 titys h a ^ gar,' 'waler--|uid-deetffo|UratiM . ■ for the cement were all completed wlU adrtarefui^tt’open-air meeting to. City o f Baitl]hbre,^Hsvre, July |p> : .;<^ty; officliihr .eatimate - that by were put on display at the annual filieir llvM, eating "torM ’ earlier in the week and the work be held him .toniorrbw evening un­ Baltimmre. , - . 1984 the p r^ s of . th^.vutilltiee Pet Show held at the West Side of pouring the cement got underway der the aiuii^cea of the Socialist IkMy and'roa:qting;tozougb will amortize',R>14’s ' lemalfihig In-^ playgroimd yesterday afternoon. yesterday. In two hours this mom- and -fields of Hetopn.'d Canal where vessels wait the M anc^er PidWc Market they haiH to consider before making up the menu'for a day. Mrs. Selma their turfi .to pass through that the final selections was as follows: present west abuttment, which is over Mrs. Dorqtoy Campbell Hurd, still bdng used for the carrrying of Erickson is .proving to be .a fine cook waterway. William Taggart, 10, 111 Cooper the weight of the overtiead bridge, of Philadelphia, by a margin of 7 for toe second year and is taking • The northeast wind made this old street, small snapping turtle; Bobby can be tom down and the flhal.work and 6 in a semi-final match of toe good ,car4 to see that toe.boys are whaling port much more accessible FRESH SEA FOOD Kerr, 13, 9 Nmrth Fairfield street, of laying the roadway below can be getting plenty to eat Yhe food is than Woods Hole, his original des< pony; Evelyn Chagnot, 18,13 Moore Griswold cup tournament today at com plete. weU' cooked and nothing is thrown tination when he put out firom Cut Fresh Cwght Mackerel ...... life lb. street, rat; Dorothy Werner, 18, 11 Shenecossett. away. tyhimk this morning. His change in Fresh Fillet of Haddock ...... ___ 20c lb. Gross street, rabbit; Russell Clif­ Mrs. Vare equalled men’s par for Jasper MoLevy Yesterdty toe boys virerc invited plans however, was. due to toe fact Fresh , Bntterfish .....,;...... ig e lb. ford, 12, 18 Short street, 14 rats; BRAVE POUCEMAN DIES toe . 12 holes, going, out. in 87, one ovw-tO 'E.-J. Holl’s cotti^ to- en­ that he'leamed Charles R Crane, U. Herbert Frisell, 8, 116 High street, party of Connecticut The meeting over part, won Wito par 4’s at toe joy an afternoon of water sports. S;-Minister to'China during the-Wil­ Fresh Red Salmon to fry or.io bake ...».. i. .'29c-Hi. rabbit; Wesley Shorts, 13, 88 Pleas­ will take pUce at toe bandstand in next holes and took toe I2to with a After swimming and boating a fine son-admiidstratiohr. could not reach Cod to 'fry ...... ISfi lb. ant street, guinea pig; Ronald Ven- AFTER 13TH OPERATION Center Park at 8:00 o’clock. ’The birdie 4 to make up toe stroke she dog roast with coffee and ice cream Wood’s Hole in time to see him. Cod to BoU ...... 15c lb. nart, 13, 164 Cooper i^treet, white, yielded on toe outgoing nine. Mrs. . A fter Giovernor R oosevelt pass* necessary permits have been secur­ on toe side was fully enjoyed ^ n n d Clams for Chowder •.. ■.. •...... 15e qt. collie dog; Leonard Tortenson, 10, ed. ' Hurd won only one hole, toe fourth Transportation to and from toe lake through toe Cape Cod Canal he wlk 62 Pleasant street, bull dog; George New York, July. 14—(AP) —Jack Mr. McLevy has for years been a where she scuik a nine-foot putt for was provided by toe Orford Soap find fow suitable anchorages this Hunt, 7,131 Pine street, angora cat; a par 8. Native Beets, 3 bunches for ...... : . 10c Kennedy of toe Nassau county po­ leader of Socialist forces in this Company and toe C. R. Burr Nur­ side of Roston, neaj^y fifty miles Stuart Hagenall, 7, 104 Cooper Miss Bernice Wall of Oshkosh, lice, who submitted to thirteen state. In 1931 he polled over 15,000 series. away. ----- •Ftocy Green Cucumbers ...... 5c each street, 8 rabbits; Irene Dowd, 6, 32 operations to- flght off paralysis Wis., won toe other semi-final The boys all gave Mr. Holl 'three street, Belgian shepherd dog; votes as toe Socialist candidate for which resulted from a buUct wound match after a nip and tuck battle rousing cheers for toe privilege of HPFLEB A S C/MANCPjTiTDB Jfatiye Carrots, 2 bunches fw ...... >9c Edna Dowd, 4, 82 Ulac street, small mayor of Bridgeport running six wito Miss Katherine Bragaw, of he received in 1928 has lost his long thousand votes ahead oC the Re-, using his beautiful l^ke front for turtle; Reme Pisani, 5, 142 Pine flght for life. West Orange, N. J., by a margin of toe outing. Pirmasens, Germany, July 14.— Fancy Cherries for pies ...... 2 for 25c street, cat; Mary J. Durkin, 6, 421' publican candidate and only two Kennedy was shot from ambush 1 up. -They were all even at toe end The new dormitory is a fins , one (AP^-r-Gregor Strasser, Adolf ^Hit­ Main street, white spitz dog; Peggy thousand behind his victorious of toe first nine, holes, each taking near Woodmere, N.. Y„ as he ap­ Democratic opponent He Ic now remade from an old garage and ac- ler’s chief lieutenant In toe Nationid Native Green or Way B ean s...... 5c qt. Noonan, 6, 98 Cooper street, cat 42 strokes on toe. way out Socialist Party, predicted in a cam­ proached a car^ parked in a thicket president of toe Bridgeport Central Commodatea sixteen boys. The large Almeda Stechholz, 9, 86 Cooper Miss l.'all won two of toe next paign speech here today that his without lights. -The buUet wbich Labor Council and a member of the. dormitory accommodates 27 boyq Try Our Own Make Delicious Cakes, Pies and Onr street, small turtle; l^rglnia Hall pierced his spine caused complete three holes and Miss Bragaw railed chief would be chancellor of Ger­ National Executive Committee of and toe leaders sleep out in a tent - -Home Made Bread het, 7, 88 High street, cat; Frances paralysis and resulted in a series of to even toe match at toe 17to in many after toe election on July 31. Guihipeio, 8, 9 Eldrldge street, too Socialist party. ' . - ' . near toe dprmitorito so as to keep operations. On April 29, when he spite of a disastrous five at toe an eye on toe boys. “We will show toe world that Surprise your family. Save yourself work.Sit down poodle; Howturd Janicke, 5, 11 Bank went to toe operating table for toe Fred Schwartzkopf, Socialist short 15th which. Miss Wall won government without toe Nazis is to the table fresh, not worn out over the stove. Let us do street, crow; and Frances Coleman, Alderman in Bridgeport, will also All toe boys are in fine health and thirteenth time, doctors warned him wito a.three.. At the last hole Miss are al Igainlng weight At all times impossible,” he said. “When Hitler your baking for you. You will find it a saving in time, 3, 117 Cedar street, cat he had a 1,000 to one chance for speak. Wall got down in par four to win becomes chancellor after this elec­ The prizd winners were announc­ of toe day they’ are imder ' close health and mcmey. ______, ■ recovery. toe match while, her opponent took supervision. tion, he will have toe confluence of ed in yesterday’s Herald. They were He took toe chance he said he ' B8ELLON MAKES SPEECH five. all the people, something which toe as follows: Russell Clifford’s 14 had to thifiic of his wife and little Sulgrave Manor,' 'England, .July Miss Wall’s score for the 18 holes present diancellor and- his weak Our Home Made Bread—^Raiitin, White, Whole white rats, most number ot pets boy, believing toe pension of 81,600 14.— (AP)—United States Ambas- was 84 which, hardly indicated that DOCTOR TO HAVE HEARING m inister at toe interior never win Wheat, Germ^ Rye, Swedish Rye, Sratdi, Irteh, Pum- George Hunt’s angora cat the most he was to receive vrould not be suf­ juidor Andrew W. Mejlon spoke here she will have any chance against have.” pemickle, 10c loaf, 3 for,25c. attractive; Edna Dowd’s small tur­ ficient for their support Apparent­ today at toe ancestial home of Mrs. Vare in toe 18-hole final match Hartford, July 14—(AP) — The tle the smallest and Howard Jan- ly winning toe gamble he was re­ George WasUhgton : as part of a tom orrow. State Medical Examining Board Home Made Pan Biscuit, 8 to pan*for ...... 5c icke’s crow the most unusual. The WasUngton bicentennial celebra­ moved to his home in New Hyde has set July 26 at 11:80 a. m. fpr a crow was in a bird cage and it was Park and was plamflng to be out tion. BISHOP INSTALLED O v Home Made Cookies—Sugar, Cocoannt, Star, Her­ plain that the “pet” would muck on crutches within 4 few weeks. “The first President,” ' he said, ihearing in toe case of Dr. Frederic N ew Y ork ... .,$2.50 mit^ Oatqieal, Gingm* and Mi^asses Cookies. ’ Tour rather have preferred to be soaring Last night he died. 'did hot seek to make America self- Manchester, N. H., July <14. — E. Rainville, 71, of Griswold, he hav­ above the tree tops. He flew about contained. In matters of foreign (AP)—R t Rev. John B. Peterson, ing been summoned to show cause Choice at 10c a dozen. ______the cage and once almost pecked a Boston .. .. $2.50 pdlicy he- inged independence with­ formerly of Somerville, Mass., was why bis license to practice medicine '^lecial at Bakery Coiteteiv—1 lb.* bean Bofled'^ Ham too familiar cat on'the nose. MRS. CALLES STARK out isolation, co-operation without installed today as Oatoolic bishc^ of in this state should not.be suspends alliances. New Hampshire in an elaborate ed. Service in toe case was msme qt .P rovid en ce_____$2.00 and 1 lb. of Our Home Made Potato Salad, Itoth items for "Another of-his chief concerns ceremony at S t Joseph’s Cathedral 39c. • ______- ' toe coimty jail, toe accused'havli^ Tloketo and Information to FIRE SWEEPS CONEY; FOR HOME IN MBQCO was the eataMlshment of-the public wito William Cardinal O’C^imell beeh.(x>mmitted to jail after having cr^ t. But the deep impress which presiding. been found gruilty of performing an everywhere. Land 0* Lakes Butter, special ...... *.... .20c lb. he left Was due-to toe sheer-force of Governor Vfinant lieaded toe del­ illegal operation on February 9 of THREE MILUON LOSS Boston, July 14— (AP) —Senora his charact^.” ' egation of officials who attended toe this year at Jewett City. On I^ay 7, CENTER Home Made Codfish C akes...... 25c doeen- Leonor Uorente Called, wife of Gen­ Several 'hundred. Americans and ceremony, toe most colorful ever 1930, he was found guilty of a ' TRAVEL BUREAU Stuffed and Baked Mackerel, mectinm sdze .. • .ISe each. eral Plutarco Callse former presi­ Ehglishn^en made the trip to Sul- held'.by toe-church in this state. Six similar offense and at that time hb .499 Main S t , Phime 8864 . (OMitInoed rom Page One) dent of Mexico, appaj^ently fully re­ giave M ^or, s1^<^ for t^ and re­ hundred priests represoiting. ■ all. was fined 8506 and his license .'.te? ' Mai 5111 covered from a recent btyin opera­ turned to Lbndra in toe evening. parts of New England were'present. practice suspended for six months. home to those in bathing suits. tion started back for Mexico City Police also commandeered buses. at noon- today. In addition to the bath houses Somra Canes and toe offida and private homes destroyed the party which, includes: her huhband Are wiped out scores of small shops. and otoers v^o accompanied her Sleep On Beaches , here from Mexico City are expected Their homes gone, thousands slept; to arrive in toe Mexican capital on last night on the beach canopyecL toe m om l^ of July 18.. The yo\m{: only by toe sky which threatmed wife of toe Mexican statesman lef; intermittently to give them a wet­ toe Peter Bent Brigham hospital ting. Other homeless took advant­ about an hour before the train age of shelter in theaters and other drawing her .'' special car leK toe ies(B days w h en pen n ies public buildings. South station. Police estimated toe total number Evidenice of ,the com^eteness o I of homeless at 6,000. PQllcemen Sehora Calles recovery was seen by If'- were on duty through toe iflght ar- spectators in the fact she was able . ranging provender for toe hungry. to walk from toe entrance of toe • % • During it all, with ambulances South station to the' private, car, m u s t forcing their way with difliculty resting only slightly cn the arm of J through packed streets, and with her husband. thousands of men and women run­ ning about in bewildered stampede LINEMAN BURNED before toe roar of Are flghtinf; equipment. Coney Island went on Meriden', July 14.—(AP) — Mi­ its play. Ferris wheels made their chael Craig, of 56 Crown street, slow circles, roller coasters streaked unnwum, employed by toe Meriden on with their cargoes of laughing Division of toe Coxmecticut Light & youth, and throngs, laughing anc Power Company, was severely burn­ excited, moved unconcernedly ed about toe neck and right ‘foot Namong toe amusements. when he accidentally came in con­ tact with a "live” wire while en­ SECOND LARGEST BLAZE gaged In tTM trimming work this New York,- July 14.— (AP)—Only morning. I& bums were termed ohee in recent New York history has second and third degree in nature a fire brought out more apparatus but he is not considered to be in to fight it than that used to con­ serious condition at' the Meriden trol last night’s blaze at Coney Is­ hoq>ital where he was removed for land. trea toen t. That was January 30, 1931, for a fire in toe Lincoln Arcade, Broad­ h a b b d i a n a p p o i n t e d way and Sixty-sixth street, Man­ hattan. A “9-9” alarm was sounded New York, July 14—(AP) —The for that. ’The “9-F’ alarm, calls out name of Harriman again, came to an toe fire equipment of toe Greater the fore in the management of the dty of New York. Union* P a d fle railroad today, w ith Yester^y’s . "7-7” called out all toe election of W. A, Hartbinan as equipmei^of toe Brooklyn Borough nhairmnn of the board of dUectOTs. in which ^ n e y Island is located. It Harri|nan, a partner in Brown, was foUowed by a “6-6” alarm, Bros. Harriman ft JCo., 'had been a which is toe Manhattan ' Borough director of the road for some time. summons to all firefighting sta- He succeeds Rbhert S. Lovett who tfCns. died June 19, last ,,Nearly 12,000 firemen were on duty during toe ntyht as a result of CONGRESSMAN HUBT toe Coneley IslandIdand fire,fit toe day force * on duty by toe double being h d d Washington,- July 14 — (AP) — alarms.' Representative Virgil CSii^man, Democrat of Paris, Kentucky, suf­ GOUFUB nii.T.wn fered a wrenched back apd abra­ sions in an autompMle accident this N. Y., July 14.—(AP) — forenoon. A DibMe, of 897 North fihitpiTum w as on his w ay to tha, street North Adams, Mass., Capitol in a taxicab which colUded add J. Dibble, bdieved to^ be with another machine. He was tak* his wife, were instantly killed iff an en to the office of Dr. George V i automobile accident near Boynton- Calver. toe Capitol physician, for vflle oh,toe TroyyBennlngton high- treatn w n t vmy today. ■ " . Calver said Chapman’s injuries ~ iDibbles wefV todvlng toward were not serious. lien, it is reported, their care ' - d anotoePr SMifhwer ved off CONTRACTS AWARDED struck 4”(|MBp^nnd over- Hartford, July 14-r(A P)“ Con- trhets for the oonstntctiCn of a ntyr •s: den^tory ' and atihcmuniae and B tfem al tchinea - h a l ^ a t t h e Maiiaflsid State Train-

M i ^ sdiool and hoepttad v|m «w ard- • V -the State the 'to (rent '/’W 'r ’ ir W 9 w m m r.xccrx)(.nn; lb aomsiiikiRSnsna ooss. / r ' * ilatic^atrt tha ‘ • o . ^ f b m v t i n g t h e C r f c t a agreSnant'iuji tiaiigr lb ' -S om uqpeoit Funeral; pi ipm ywtrm tg» Tto nirtilil, Mitei- ta It patigg tka ooB ^ ia af> prakfMIfnn iMUila a A pre tiai^ •a tfCttva dpiriea^ tbat will BobeiiK. Anderson M j^Oireetor IM Affice 7494'

|Kt «f Iqapr * « < e e ^ • • • • * • e e S ^ iS S t •••»•••■••# weSPkwW aatftfe Noar 1 M ayor A. O, « M l k a to 'lto n ra y fa tha Wflaon ftrtH ki :'«f fadoal Iff a 'tauOi, Ibar? traticB. •• » Democimta a eta ta their epthntmn paxqy wtih the asrarttaB th a tA l $M9 •!«» tl» ioMi M «« iMk Smith woidd hava eartfed Wlseaa- h«rtt».' It la ast avprtobig of ecnna^ NORGE.y • ' ^ NMMMMaM Off that taa anggamfoB w m t nhaadai, da agkinat Boorac ta. IflCS had it INNEW act haca for A heavy Lathena vote because tpa'yaan ago tha repeal ^ -^-tiiat' sect hetag extremsiy knater* the ElghtaaiUl aaMatasait i^ipear- one ta tim state—adilA they ta* ad to ha at best a ta rog goai. IVow- Kew'^Yoxfc, W to.—It the traprateehi is. taBBtaeaC, and the adhfaet ef d MtaBt taau ‘Ttoah's Alta.* whioh Aad 'the Dtadacrktie navtsT. after what it waat tiaeougta^SOd aad - -V.OK ■■■ •( H ■ a 8iir>‘ the ktttd'of atata eoatral .that nnat handed eB theea papter amche' azA- ''¥tcc. ina iwiiis and figures on the !taoadway laaa. Gtalaialy draarraa a alca kog succeed hereaies a very H cftif aaai last fiem the reBgtoos iseaa. lleiBbar Aadit Barooo ot a m la * Ararst. ' tlona It Is not fctatg to do at sn Jta , Thdsy as- Bsazfuee halljdMo hr naoBf < >aa. iaa. the asst Cbitoaetiettt LegMatma to without a few machaB- no taiaaetw noDonstatlttr procrasttoato on this fuestioii of cal tgurek Andi oy*«atddag do- MIHJA PiRHMT to t typparaiMitcat krron.amMirloK la vfera are often 9 dta ah botata «* atf«oittMm«iit» (a tfo HontlMstcr B^oor legMatien and wait until tha the attraetfoB ttedfi. To ha avA Bffpauia ■oralC, ______' aC the needed states hss rated tha costa have beta ewttomeot NO BGIHIATTER, THURSDAY, JtJDT 14. ta t repeal before attacking the task, the depresrltwsl * ttaMS. At the o f creating a new aad bettor lyafcas. Buanent Bonn Bdt tiieir chops and aH^gatoTB bare their teetb—an fra nXIlYO O D FINDS RiaiKT nK»LBKI 4> was to produce aa imfta- fect the day federal prohibttloa is yon of Some of the movie stars vdio par­ ant year aa aecwtahilng ta tba; repealed, aad It win call on the bast One eC the more raaerahle Join ade their importance might have taken a healthftd leSson from the beH ef their ability what IntaBigaBcea and the Mg^tost o f of the Btreet erjgtnetad with tU t dtaptoy. Two eidting ' dook-am~ taiBOBS woBMin flier’s deieraara aa thera wffi be ta ttai:^|e«r year tires for a solntion as neai^ partoet dte vtatted her first talkie studio strUdag a batenee la the bodget. aolten wrae . reported oheervir as possibla. tUs spectade. One. Mkad the the efhra day. She autographed time Brtwaea Aiigoet 111 aad the October aftra ttasA always with e smile, un- SoraBly thinkers, maaa-mlndsd town deetion the boaitt nmfet arttvo "Bey. Mbs! Wot’s that?* assumint^, acceded to at toast twa Individuals who have no particular HEALTH-4)IET ADVICE doxen requeete to pose for photo* at aome dtanite declafcm with regard "Xtis the Warner brothers down Ddiyers this Alaska Norge coBvlctioas OB the subject o f licpHr grapha, end ta ganmdl proved her* to. the pitipos^ rdief prognm for stairs prradng pants. . .* OR^FRAW McCOY s d f a xegutar person, not at eU tn- to your home. Same tradtag ceBtnd, cranks whose coBvictiaBS unit ie the tergast N rage...: aexi wtater. - - - ' ' The ngfb di^ley was the erea- <|nrati(niB In regard to Hrakh aBd fltet wiB flaied over her MiagMinF fiaet. constitate taeer obatinai , pm on s Of the atudto she said, *T find it 4A.eubie feet actual storage Bvaryone hae . been . fervently 7 thm ef LaagdoB McOonoldi; father Bed by OklleGoy who can be qiaca...Esdukve Norge Rdl^ who are not haraly laterealad In tt» firightfiflly tataraeting— no; I don’t loping ttet the doods of dqmasdon o t a score of mdotaams thrOlers of hioaieoftiis Btara. Uks the weed’thrffflng'." ■etor rntnpTeraor with fl has BOW tamed his tnovfng parte! wotild hciak nadet aonaa magie apdl, prograas o f aodety, theaa wIB hava. Someone had ashed her if dm no pxcq^ j^ace In the next Conoeeti- to OoBoy U sa d sikbws and but the anmmer ta .half .gone; .and were "thiiUed’' by Itar visit to the is was l epertd l to studib-azid Ms edStattka. ' ' ttie proqwete are no brlghtH' than eat Lagiatatnre. It is going to ho* US.QM fa r W 'f f r r f TBSAnOBIT TON AiSTiiiii’ff ia ^'IDoes coffee stop growth? M i e s ™ ora toe pe^le of ttis state, there­ ^ Uka p e q ^ ," 'she v xraaeijkeiL WftlTKlNS they were a year ago. There are; Aii^ dnnga ta tab diqpiay abt tiie dau|d>ter drinka a great deal a t *They don't imra to te ceUbrltiMr* Wanera badt sbbm $7i0tita A moat important tactor ta the eoftoe aad dpera't aaem to grow." here, and there, indications of an in> fore;.'to, select .their representatirae JUBBLAKT mOfOCMATS FCWE- Intereeting,in view e£ BOOy- ThB "Show ef Shtota* adorn- r a ff e£ arthritis le the paUentis Answer: Then is no evidenee that SEE YICnnY IN-WISCON­ woodta known penchant for etartag creaae hi baataeaa but ao there were a a i aenabKa with a good deal more mento involrad aoaaa A mental attitudo, as one vdio has the coffee bee any affect ob growth obs SIN AFTES Ck O. at edebetttea, to Mrs. Puteezn.’a eom- a year aga Aaother winter like than cuitomazy parttcnlarity and stasle lettra in a star's aasoe has way or the ottisr, taut. If your daugh­ s p u r detarmtaathsi not to be given up is n e n t that bare ate te teoc^palaed that eadared bust year wfB sorely with very facial rriatinn to their ottan east rp ta 1500. ter Is not grovtaig. fast enough, it ado toss fragoratty tiuua ta the fitness for a great amtal tata. Fer mqrf likely to succeed ta orareont- might be weO to subatitute good ItaBRODNEY O I DUTCHEB east. m n m m i ^ test the town's abill^ to talm care TO tag his trouble. Mudi depends upon this ra^ delicate and very ACcvlt bane-bnildhig and Mood-bufidtag NKA Sereko Writer "And chUdren seem to know me ef its aa^. There can he to the the willingness of the patient to diet foods in place .of coffee. better than adults — probehly be- dilly>dellyiag with the pnAlem this ;ob Cbanectieat shedM pidc the persistently enough to overcome the Chicago—WiacoBsitt ta oBe o f eauM am new ganafation' ta most Joint taflernmettoB and ttcB to take HOARDED G8LD i^taab grade Gchetol Awenih^ it fhoee BepnUlcsB states iriMe the interetaed ta avtattas." fan. The liacta' ‘ must be fhced t ld and nsnaBy sta insisted by corrective exaseiaes at the rig^ aquardy'eaid petty political.sqndH has ever daeted. Questions: Mrs. Rqy W. wrtiaa. Democrats, having pofled aa ui^re- the performers. stage e i the cutA is cedar to prevent Qslet Gary Casper hies aBoet not tateifere with the The town wUd rnaSa to the Qb s o f tin Wg akraetis taantite pramanent attifnraa from diemae, "My giii twelve years old has a. cadented -vote in their prcsUeottal FROMOFIZENS Mrthmark on tbe fotOhead, right The oftjprtated stortaa about duty of the eoeaxanBlta to .care for L^jitotiire a fsaatie who artH fight yams eemeemetwo mambenoC.a and to fSdBtate return o f aa much primary, think they can win next Gary COoperta strict aflcnce toward ftirlouily for a hopelcsily UBBsfordi- vaudeville team—^nnecBtar moTCEment.es may be psosible with over the cyo; sad It Is hagfnntng to November. ttnee ha’need. come down-ta the corner of thC'eye. ' B (jotatar ta "DevB and the Deep", Me state pnAfUtloB, refMtag to ad­ but escrefly jea|oue o f r the danmeed Joint. Farthenarae, :meny pf thefollcs »B«ireR Rabkkeed, are tar tot d 'tax-, Moeeow.— (AP)-*^Ebr 7 excheataflg The Selectmen nitut propose a re­ given tae teammate. The yoBbg- Tha praBBme e f »<*»*<;* 'nie-doetra ceils it sometidng like qp bran teko your breath swiqr hy tte bebt export quality, food and mit that "the thediy o f toCel denW a blood tamer, la thera enythbig tremely aUly" by Talhdeh hraadf. lief pro|rn|m. They tanat^ ec dted suddrady, eadL a s|nBt time vtakch oeeur taom time to time Ip auggesting aesiously that the D m o- Some a t the atoirtce have had it that merchandise fo r hoarded vahtablra, s been htown to atotas, will be afterward, the other oMered that can be doBs to isBrnra it wtth- crato may even daet a Sena ter to mend either that Um fdicf finds be ctaoBie artaritls Beeaar to be a Gary ranrhaefna eaiy a cold "good the aoviet government has fOimd a just as dereBct in its. duty to itself daberate tombstoae; . Ihrarahle iadteatloB as cases under­ oot SB opraatioB?" . SDoeeed' John J. Blaine or a gover­ raisad by tazatloa or by monriog" whea te eeae Talhflah on way to get gold which ta the pest and its childita as the town whidt CSose friends were dfstUTbed going sack acute attorks seem to Answer: Birtiunsths can usually nor to succeed Phil LaFna L a st-y ear’s program fearing tint the death had baea have the best outlook regardtag ro- be removed by the iBeper daetrieel seeBW to grow out of a gcnecal ua- Jt could not obtain by force: etects a lafrasentatfra who truddra caned for both a taxation fm ^ and too great a Shock fra tin actra. corary. CtaCBie rhenmatiam mmr be tfeeimcBt. I adetee you to toko your carttauty; the fact that a prraiden- "DM you ever hear o f Gary's teqi- In prevknm yean; it wax a crime general eoatributtona. The townh to the aots and iMio wetad Bke to "You lode perfectly weB,** add easily cured at the start, but bo- girl t o k skin specimist oAo nadra- tial viettBy uaaaUy has a taBdency tag much to anyone?’’ asks the for any soviet dtiran to hste gold t the eelQOB rcatored to Its old- a fellow actor. “ W hafs the Idea a t pOBiaB more dunadt to ovracome as Btaade the treBtaaast wideh will bo to put over a prata's state ticket, gorgeous ‘teUuIah throatUy. "He's in his possession, particulsily ren- diailty appropriatioB was increasod buyiiq’ a tombetme? You’i^ ^ t go­ Mwpi* poUtlcel tnflucBce. Odanecti- eadi new Jota Is taratveA and most of all the ineroadng bitter^ aswtet,boy.” 8 of the esarist r^me. But lIKKlQg and was qpcBt aa ai ing to Jump out a windifw or GhroBie arthritis is uaually cob- ness of the row betweeAthe LeFcI- many persons, espectany peasants, eut cannot have her new . liquor by the town meeting in creating fUBg; are you?’' . aidtaed taeurable, hut I have aecB CPeyeieptag IkndlrKd Arm) letto pragreasira Rqsilillcana and With The PnBBtera hid their precious metals. pdley established by such trrespoB- "No," adaiitted the hoofer. "Pm work for the jobless. The nnam* aome ramerhaWe cmeA evcB to ad­ Questimi: H'wiitaii: "Throo yiors the sttlwait yoeeeervaiira Republf- An actress was claiming to be re­ Tedpta'BItataWesd de aad tajorioas foRSB It mn gatting tag toBibateBa m ade------vance eases, efbere the patient per- Faced ta recent monthe with eta- paym ent bnreas prosMed worh that vanep to sure my aame will ago my little g^ had infantile lated ta George PalzneT Putnam, be framed by broad, aain^ and alBted ta sticking closely to tbe diet paralypls wiiMt left herrightarm G* O. P. Stalt Foieaeea publtahra hustend a t Amelia Ear* ereestag demande for g d d udth allowad for the dIstilbutfoB of some be h| as big letters as, Joe’S." for a sufficient lengrth of time .Fast­ Ordinarily a-RepflMican nosdnar*' which to meet forelgB ob highly lateOlgeBt nien ;';^omeA qtilte useless. She. can, with a strug­ Harf, idwrei9 QD a pretty seeretacy 180,000 to those who, were unem ing' and 'dieting are doubtlessly of tion here is equivalent to electien« iMmM'ia tiiipt she she was, the government threw opau the terndned to gtoe this jitete, if There’s a Umit gle, move some'Of the. fingers. A ployed. The execution of this fund paramount importance in clearing specialist wants to operate and but it now seems easy to iidstaka taoL "■ . ' ■ doors of "Toztdtt* to aO own ms of they can deviae It, the brat liquor Then, a couple of years ago, there up arthritis and should b^ placed that if LaFoUette is beaten for the A «d then Geoe* B^paaad-^wefre the yeOow metal. . was highly'satisfactory. The difll- was that amusing due for big bill­ graft muscle into‘the arm. I would "Torgsm" te n chain of stores ta law In the worid. first above all other mesaiires. I like yqur advice a l^ t this.’’ nomination by Walter Kobler, the sorry, but he ffid rMmeil ^ ta with: ,lay in raising the necessary ing. sometimes advise a patient to begin conservative, many of his foUc^era "Bure; yotf re a Pntaaak Alwajm which the best at soviet food sitp- The aodafr the people of Connec^T. The name o f Norma Talmadge on a five-day . fast, using tomato Ansvwr: Your (dilld’s arm can be will prefer. to vote for the Demo­ pakaam tera and Putnam thare!" pUra Ond maziutaotarad articten are had * appeared in letters that were ^^^jiitabtful that a fund can be cut begta to thiak hboat wlita tp do jUlBe,’ follow ^ the fasti^ instruc- developed through proper treatmeata cratic gubernatorial candidate or add toforeignenonty. B orkrfii^ 15 ~ f ^ high; An envious with electro-taerapy. Certain eur- are on a par with thara ta attar "t.ttojboming year In the lea the reta of fedend pro^ttoA ttaBS glraB in m j CleawelBg Diet not at alb wooder iihmedfately. demanded that Oeucaa; rfmpiy substlttttfng tbe rraits can be lypUed to the am And if LaFoUette wins the pri­ eountrlra and often iewur timn those 10 last year's was •deg and sprakeesy eom e'to an her name be given even grmtar musothra tomato Juice fra tite orange Juice. It maries many stalwarts ' may refuse -the end o f the jol4|li 4, tha bettar nradta they are may be advisable to repeat the short normid development She haa all the to vote for him in the electkm.. Tbe morea operated tar soviet dtinkM. name appeared hi| Ifl-foot lettras. .UOTAH UVOSQVQfwf ImH H W wVQ oQte reau’s wicirk the contrlbuton lag to get. Thamora th^ think test at tatervala of abrat one month muscle cells'whioh are necessary to possibUitira are rather siiidlar ta at move the arm if they are only de­ tted to uar gradusdly failing to carry oat lont it and tha inore they talk Bttam wn eptat; ta between tha Iheto the pa- the Blaine and John B. Chappie. , tte taw pnhibftod them tleBt ta to uaa the dht given in the veloped. This tregtmMit is far su­ F. Ryan Duffy of Fond du Ism pledges. Many said that BBt it ^ tifie m i^ ,t h ^ a ieoiqile o f fe e t.. ^ perior to any sulcal attempt to and last port a t tbe€9eandng Diet, wae high man on the Roosevelt dele* they taterftrk thaenticady, 'lacked would not guarantee to giva a eai^ tha quMStiBB dwtag the next few Thus it went on until a draw had graft on another musoie. to be called. SpmShody reminded avoldt^ starrfiM and sugars. gate date in.tbe primaries, polling The real erfate dtarnttoB affords to hoy there. tain amount |Weekly If the mOm toe bettar fra tlwmselvra, the rivale of a d iy ordtaanoe'regu­ Tha fast will be found to have a 180.000 votes. Natlonkl Committoe- investors an Opporttmily to hiva a tion were put up to then^ anothar their taOdtea add the hoara of our lating the dtotance from the mar- ■Si—t ta up to a man John M. dUlaban ran wdl closed find naortgaie on earning ■t the fecal potate a t ta­ ahead of the reiet of his anti-Rooee- properties ta aamenia as smaU ea M yeu. Many of the factory heads quee at atach an electric sign any be hung. .veU slate with 110,000.. * to 25 per cent ef conservetive vato- trade ta "Toxtarin" psovlded and those in charge of stores that lk kddWhm , to omploy local Tbe combined 240,000 votes com­ ettan, with tatepraat pcotmtad aevanl geld ootaa er ’ were aiding .tiie plan said m HURON FABCE ^The reemt pares wilh a Democratic total ef “ ease erar hy prsrant nat raatal te- rara. A would not again ask their empkyoaa New that the dtamal taice-comedy Astaire into . 141.000 presidential' prlnlary volee in 1028. Tha LaFoUette anti-Hoovar to contribute by that e f the *1ora hattS* ■nit;tatwcen the calls still anettur story of bUBng. I alate lost out ta the same primary tutne to trade ta vnhinhira, It is possible that such things warm asid Aimee Mc- to the pro-Hoover factlea ngkt ossayan viaigh the hfBMS' the most saedata i Iwtahit werapeadbla to ray ^ forgotten whan naat taB piayad itself formers. The Lmi It ie ha^pAd > to taha two n u n s AiQBiiibA lim o iBetti chieftains arc rare lets, ■If afwran, riraFP anAother t i i 9 hwt eady haeanse so many at Fhat 1 hope wfll te poadWe to ray knlcknaefca aad liaiM credits .good but neverthatato fha out, tte ordtaitay dttaen fs^ moved. tie whettar afoKu nmay d ^ ^ Haovet'n die- t e tenttag apparal kot ta te had why fko or flecked to a problem, ahead of the where there the town.dhBolft d a R ita ho t ^ laBdra e f the Taxatlcm ptana are cc sfj geU. hrfNta n ko* thick and that that tha To bo The d ta e a tar a raatatatra ia that the tim liMtMP the! enra wee tteln p ed m 'd 4T rakta> and tha ta­ DOd OBl it Is advtaahlo to tha uaitad iMi Wlacoasta for (Herding, CooUdge aad Beerar'sH %alta4la entered in a teok entitliag tte has saved a ddkr will ta ptayoea ta tta lih ta tafee a ociraaB c f taloato hrrlgatioBs, it to bdhg neaUac. that lar tital could mote, tuiertcia aira tain waalthy. has been d**'««r**"'*i t k b » tim stnar te V M d that narah ta raubtra in need cC eomxDBBlty aid ffioatvataio ta^many "dd BoV IkPhtatte eacfl loet a *»«*-*- the m fia to f. ta The naw govenmMt tana -ar Btly, a tailnra to Im- stiU optimist^ nee tag CtaigraM hirh in H92 dP- -geaator ThorateTwalah o t Mob- tingeraffyeea. AatataahlMt t based ivcB ktakk acff' aravatlva: it is highly haeauie » Perak* . _____ wae aweeptag the proposed and now tha m taaa i gtag; or aOeiiiOBecf the laigo esIOB that tbe fimtalai bofn at the de- sad thara piatienta ihotfld ha mBom- ta B peeddQBltal ta a e ^ .' Tte rifkpara ef tte taty. are facad wlUi raltatg thefarof to handle head to tad if such a oomiltam la WiB lead to aey vlotaat up- But WiacondB eaali separata atritentNymBeytai ration nhapa v lief fundi the cunt WlkB such is When yoB g o to the poOa m n m- Swell earaa 1 is BO than thqr be the OTfTTL srftalta d s^ Tide is the e f thsG er- gat indtaldaai abeets an aid, a|adra whtah'ta raark your eholM for raeai* to ralaa o f tha tetaaltaaa' ara J. Boob; ta Ua ta eider to Itaa ttara fitom tof ’dBah goraraor aad aa on. Thee- I t ta n p to tte Banato to 0 0 9 H M t a m i throufA nrataaf taBCttoalng. t a reiSeaily* •* taaat. that tends to die* . ftethar it waata to ecenrattm ^ r ton rattan the towm 'eaont the effect at any preddenttel aoi, We wiB stay tera until ttey M Santa ta la ayaty cata >cj-*v^r' - L ’ u m P v PI t . - : f

U .f'.i-.j, tt^ C H jlSfE R ; EVBNTMQ H E K A I ^ ^ t ^ COiOi. 'i; iin'ju ^ 1 : . r - • features. ^M n . A u rie B huM del and the MlddliBiMK h i ^ ^ M rs. M ^ e Jackson sre la chajge. fo r an^pbaoem o f the ear - .Xb Cki to W w eester- ' fora thh w edding, the C ourts Ihrlde, Ju ven ile F o re ste n r o f tr^ vfill hv postyoned u n t i l ' A m e rln t w in. h old its* an n u al'o u tin g >About fo i^ ipiresmt at the l a t e r . at the ^niite CM y,. W oroeb^, n o tin g of the J^tioh M ftuzal' U ti- M assn on. Sunday, A ugust. 14. ^ % Ourri^^^ A^ hdd at p a rty w ill, leave .R O ck vaie e arly ■ in O slnSilM to; ,^j(»I]NGIUUNDOWDING the m om lng .and the trip w m , be the hosM of Albm A N D O V B t Republld^hlfi m ade tty bus.' A H w ishing to m ake W . H UdIpg Sial : \ i iaf tito lf he . tile trip are asked to hand in their S tate ofllcers o f ih a £ki)Se 0' ' A t i i d l i O hfo tdd py'fo^: I f ! OUOREDINBADFm nam es to the finandail secretary.' ary p r^ n t ublm ':. ., ;C harlea W ti^ t,.a E e h t'ili«^ A rth u r U litSeh on or before A u gin t Statje P r^ en j^ ^ Mif. Do|a w i t h h t o f a n d & W 1, in ord er tran sportation plan s a m toprk in N ew £ o ^ e ^ stato secrO tkty. and. tiM b^ ^c'h d d.at^L^ Severely Cut A s Ladder b e m a d e . bPa, DauidaOn: . Juii A '.Lew te P h a^.^ alhd’ " ' Jupdor Team to Play . . M o ran , M on tyU le,, < .‘execu tiye ,.co i^ Idas D o ro t^ R ayiaqhd P 1 > the Hamilton fornmr’a I of jjevv York, Derobero8te’'Ftoal^hr C bM k er B eato-fto h er ggee and u .tiie u fintots spine asleep an d hto v® ^. M rs. N ellie F arrell o f T oukers, N . m akeran early to tiS tov® $ se- I a ary to tak e aeven atitch ea to cl^iae M rs. M orim , state .officers,, caeh Em ery FeUowB, Jr., w ap, * ^ vd t to the M iddle W est, wpa to li^ New York. - ;ein b aiigip e n t., A ‘ th e w ound. 7 ., retum bd to her hom e on Tues­ ’a^haeebiB knV toaarU ^ p in n ed -u p d ezth ej'i'ti. spoke in an,:enteitaidng and in camity th ro m ^ - _ lir. D o w d in g fell, fro m a lad d er at day after spending the past three roidng m m m 'er. ^ A t the dose of a nalL_-^rUy after^ his footjtio^*t this time. * - a team from BH stol at K tofoP'ra- ■M m to a boipltaK hera. tile atation w ^ e naiU im u p a loooe w eeks w ith h er niece, M rs. K ath er­ tbe program M ra.. John M pirton of coitly. H |ll 8t p ^ w on 'A 'to^x: ' m raey order aigii. H e aaid the ine R egan , of W in dsor avenue. N ew T O rk, saiity several eelditions, Md Vietag^toHurley’i addrem tor A num ber of the younger m em ­ I lad der doubled u p and he fell w ith M i s s M 3rrtle K uhnly of Talcott I the to S Interest of ti»e' o^ventiop aeoom psnied on- the idcnu by^M ito w ill be th e-preseiatatia} to d ay tv to­ b e rs of- fllltotcp^m ' G ran ge':cB ]ityed ' ; it atrikin g bla h ead an d n at the cor- aven u e is con valescin g a fte r an oper- Idled H utchinaoh G ilead.J,O ld out at Govm itty • Lake over toe ' n cr of the w indow am . The wounc > aO on w hich she underw ent recently. m orrow , (tf an.‘Chto m tto ^ w e^-*en saw the . sun' at m id p lgh t It dipped Charles, M ra; BthPl P o ttin g and Mr, , and. Mrs. .Charles Gante'r. ot trict President M rs. H elen Q uinn of t a i n s . below th e h orizon , a little a t abou t M rs. Larrabee, all o f B urnside, and Hartford are vlsitiiig her parents, this city m ade h er o ffl^ visit She sunrise, from , w h ere they w ere. M rs. M innie Frost of W aterbury, Vfi.aaA Mrs. E. W. Buell for a.fpw w as greeted by a large num ber of E dw in Sm ith, second son .of M r. and M rs. R ufus G rant and daughter Pittsburgh, July lA — C AP)— W al­ days this week. Mr. apd Mrs., m em bers. M rs. Quinn gave a m ost and M ra. E dw ard A . Sm ith, is ' ill o f B D urtfordL . ter W . W aters, com m hpder of the joined-,to®®9 on a m otor, trip to; the ‘ In terestin g t«ik follow in g the regu SENATORS START PROBE w ith scarlef fever. The house is Gebrgp Green and vrauam w a r veteran s. encam piBff : iT| W aah - beach Wednesday, kto and.- ifra business routine. M an y m em bers quaran tin ed an d eV ery care to. bein g Thom ptoh iqpent T uesday afternoon ingtop^ say s fun ds' aVafiitbl® ftom a Ganter recently retutoeid'^^iftopi a , e< the lodge are planning to ac- 'tyken to proven* the spread of m - visitihig w ith F . A . S ack ett private source .w to enable to® vets visit with his parent. ih'NewEbunsr TO B ipany h er on an official visit to OF CORPORATION LOAiiS f^ tio n . ' T h e ' other chiidren o f the M to. R atob B ass w as a caller in to rem ain ip th e cap ital Ipdefln ltely. w ick.. . ' Sunset Lodge at South M andiester fam ily are k ept ap art from the sick H artford Tuesday. In an in torvlew last n igh t 'W aten Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hays on M onday e v ez^ , July 18. T h o s e childl It is not know n w here the The topic for the C hristian E n ­ children of Norwood,. .Mase., . planning to go w ill leave on the disclosed th at a caiitonw ent suffi­ w e r e W ashington. July 14. — ( A P ) — A n - disease w aa con tracted as th is to the deavor m eeting Sunday evening is cien t to (tore fo r th e 20,000 b o n u s Sunday visitors at Mr. and M r s . ' 7 :1 5 bu s fro m th e cen ter of the city. inquiry into every loan that has ^hly case in the vidnlty. The chil- ‘H ow Far Do tbe Teachings of A fter the m eeting, bridge and seekers w otdd be set u p on pirtvate Hart B. BueU's. _ ' been m ade by the Reconstruction dren w en t w ith th d r fath er to H art­ Jesus Affect D u r Conduct?" The property soop- tiirpugb the fund Mr.-pad Mrs. Earl-Post imd their tPxriTA TOmiG— w h ist w ere played and prizes w ent ford a few days before tbe disease leader w ill be M rs. E ugen e W . P latt : r® M iv«si ' to M rs. Em m a lisk and M iss Carporation w as undsrtakoi totay ple^e^ to him . H e sM d a play- jran ..Wallace of E ast Hai^ord-ppimt d o ^ M o p e d . o f'W ajijtth g; grouiul, dairy farm atod "'b e ^ tal Tueptoy..evening -with his Agents, ; M tainle T en n sted t by a special Senate Oom m iteee M fi.. John M orton and h er dau gb- M ra. Thom aa 'Lew is visited her Dahm Sendees ^ th .a dem and for the relief or­ w o ifld h e k i'clu defi iff th e ie a c ^ ! to be m rod Ito. A. tyr, .N alda, are spending a few sister, M rs. F red C olburn, of W il- r o e c t e < L * Wednesday evening -local yc^M The next ano third of the U nion gan ization ’s records. w eeks as guests of M rs. C h arles-E . lington, M onday evening. M rs. C ol­ . services held by the U nion. M etho­ H igh up in the com m ittee’s pro­ "F ailu re o f C dn grasa to paae -th e folks joined in a lufioP sqCial- '^ to H fldlng at her sum m er hom e'here. burn ban been ill fo r several w eeks. bonus m easure h as not dlseonosrted surrounding towns at Lebanon; ' IhU)P Bi at fi geftflunnit or eaoie.lMck dist and ^ p tlst churdies, w ill be gram w as the design to scan tbe M rs. Anna P eny Peck- of Dan­ Shh is im provin g slow ly. held at U nion church next .Sunday 180, 000,000 that w ent to the Cen­ bury, M rs. M ay C s^penter Ctoik| of us.” h e said on his vtolt to , F itta* Mr. and Mrs. Edwin hfiller'and l i to n 8 - » and [ffm fi yonra^ =VPim igi^ m orning at 10 : 80, R ev. .G eorge 8 . tral R epublic B ank and T rust C om ­ burgh to address m eetipito ^ their childreP. Harriett and E d ^ P ort C hester, N . T ., an d h er cousin. veterans. "W e w fij k tsy until jpiw ; feet late ■nadc. Itto B rak es, pastor, in the pulpit H e pany of C hicago, of w hich G hailes M iss E velyn G race W atkins^ o f L it­ of Milford 'spent the weeh era tot w ill have as bis subject "C onsider G . Di^w qs, fon n er head- of the cef- are obtained for us a n d -to e 'k o ^ Hr. and M^. Hart 'E. Buell’s ro^ K e^g^a Cton I 1klrae,. t o ^ it ik a iia tle R ode, A rk an sas, w ere visitors at la gnm ted. M apy, o f u s ‘ have - no th e Lflles.” T h e F riendly class for poratim i, to chairm an. the h om e o f .relatives h era over the the chUtoen ramatoed for to while a bit of fmiL- Ddieloiifl Ewy'to '4b adtdts w ill be held from ^ 11:50 t o T h at loan has: been dted in C on­ w e e k - e n d . Queer h om es to w h ich w e nto:' 'go ." " - --' .anger.’ 1 3 : 80. T h is w ill be the last Sunday gress as the largeet to any b a i^ The H ebron A thletics ivere vic­ Mr. aair M n. W. IS; rHihItord of Hietl. Hdpie yoo dei^ somi4e rV [[ V th e M ass w ill m eet until Septem ber. Suggestions o f favoritism I i m b e e n tors in a baseball gam e played Sim - KHJJCD BY. G A B ' 3 froebester called at Mr; and Mra, try- it Instead of sGtoatl^^j O n. Sun day,'July M , and continu­ m a d e . day aftem cKm op the K lbhe field InDay'eNpum A. H; Pint’s rod at Mr. rod Ifrk' £ i n g J u l y 81 and August 7, u n i e m R equest for a detailed report of th the Fitchvilles. T h e seo N w as Bridgeport, Jul y ] 4 . t - ^ ( A P ) . Foote’s Monday evehihg. * - Made by ^dhigg in Battle G fi^ :; i . services w ill be h eld a t th e R o ck ville loan s w as em bodied in a letter from 8^ 7. In the last Inning F ran k R ath - [G eorge B . T aylor, 60,^ w a s ; foityd ■MK'rod Mrs. E; W.^BnCU, Mrs. B aptist cpurch. R ev. C. E . Jobn- Chairm an Cousena of the special tnin turned tim aciore fo r th e hom e Vancouver — M eals for 13 c e n t s dead late yesterday in « gas-fiE to BsrthSi Hitebard rodH art B» Buell m m , in charge. On August 14, 21 [ ro om o f h is h om e, ityp girn itof't th e JreSedfiy O ovePtrles by * score of 7- 6 . T h e y cents. W h at? N o coffee. from S t Bernard’s church at a s p o ^ U e . finished their last inning on their A llegan, M ich.— M rs. LucU t M or­ o'clock. T h e church w aa filled w ith partly developed field; as the A th ­ gan announcaP her can^daey. for frien ds ap d rSlativea w h o w ere pres- letics h ad to h av e th e K ibb e field fo r sheriff o f -A llegan county, presum ­ 11.: . o a t to p a y th d r last resp ects to th is their gam e. ably on the theory that if eieetod beloved w om an w ho had just passed STATE A L PARLEY Irw in E Pinions and his son H C nry, sh e w ill free h er h usban d, in 'ja il on h e r 40th bjrthday. R ev. Q rorge T. o f Boston, M aas., are spending a a liqu or violation ch arge. M rs. JC oiv fU n n ott pastor, officiated at m ass few days at the H . Clinton Porter M U announced her' candidacy from j - PfiA at the com m ittal eerviee''at S t W aterbury, July 14. — ( A P ) — T h e place. M r. E nunons, w h o used to he hidin g, fearin g th e d fficen m igh t be | B ern ard’s cem etery w here the body State A m erican liS giai convention n.uch interested in the sports here look in g fo r h er too;' w as laid to re st neixt m onth w ill brin g a num ber of in his yoin igsr .days, w as pHeasied C harleroi, Pa.— "T h e w ay I kero i V ' M rs. Anna M ae Pfunder sang prom inent veterans w h o are sched­ to w ltp(M S,tha iM pl gaxaes Sun day m y - : ^ 8eck au p "axp lain ed -J (fiu i G oealk.l ^..8 “A bide W ith M e’’ as the body w as uled to address th e ef-aervl(B em en. a f t e m o o i L to ^Tcm y’C o lto . "is-U k e th is." bein g earrled into the church and at M ajor G eneral B . 1D , F ouloto, Sh lef Sh ore lota h ave been S(dd to John - W h m oupon he pounded a nail into | the offertory M ax Sm ith rendered of the A rm y A ir Ciorps. plana to N . H ew itt of thto place and H ow ell h i a l e g . " Gounod’s "A ve M arla." M rs. Pfun- attend the convention. A native of | Conklin of Bast Hm hpton, at T on y .fain ted,-fell th rou gh a w in ­ der aang "B eautiful Land on H igh , W ashington, Conn., he to a inam her Am aton Lake. dow and broke hia noee. as the body w as taken from the of the N ew M ilford Legion Post M rs. Robert B. FOoto, M ias Joh n ’s le g is o f w ood. - church. M ias M argaret M oGuane John L . V nntericb,. - editor o f th® TheUna Cuzam inga and .L ^ ^ K in­ ^ iw eslded at the organ. In the choir A m erican Legion M onthty, atoo ex­ ney w ent M onday evening to a'ten d ^ w ith the soloists w ere Edm und and pected - to be present. * . a rehearm l of : a play, * ^ e N O gh - n U £ D IN CRASH W illiam Sm ith and E dw ard Bokela. M eanw hile elates of candidates I bora,” at to® Cofunibia p arao n a^ ''''' . The bearers were Girard and fo r state offices are bein g discussed T be pipy ,ytiU h e givep a t the n ext X rneat R ock, Thom as Byrnes, John, with M ajor Charies B. Lockhart of T ri-C oun^ Union Christian Bn- M eM co toty, Jiity ll.-^ (A P )- ^ Fcaacto and F ran k M cC arthy. There :tow H avm i, com m anding officer o f J deavor m eeting. Players from toe Jpm es N . C hufton, m iniO Paira pr ^ - 1 w e re assay beau tifu l floral tributes, the Second . ComC o m ppany. a n y , G ovenior’sisi|c tow ns belongingJ o n m n g tot o the dent of to e A gu a Caltente A m uae-j * Ananal Lutheran Ploale Foot G uard, aeto bg'th e p o s t o f wtil fake part Ih e nient O im apapy, w aa aeriously in­ The aim iial picnio of the First I s u n d e r state eonom ander. the diraotion of toe m v T A s a W . ju red an d esari G ilpin ; presiden t o f I . Lutheran chureh w ill be held at I M ellln ger o f O dU um hia. th e G ilpin A lt L in es at lioa A n gelea, *' M aple G rove on Saturday, July 16.' PO PE PRAISES U . 8 . ' M ias Janet Pendleton o f O oltiiea- w as kin ed to an airplan e crash here an d a U rge com m ittee to in charge ttt vW ted her oouain. M iss H elen last S ig h t' T h ito o to «n , M iaa-N lona '' of arrangem ents. A s In form er Vatican q ty . July 14. — ( A P ) — G ilbert M onday afternoon. R ico, a M o ic a n m otion picture ac­ years there vHll be a program of tress, G llpInW w ifA and an inter gaPM s for old apd young, Granting an au^ence to M gr. C SiarlM GDleinan Seilers ot A rd- -1 *' ^ e a ty o f good thinga to eat. T here Thom as C O'Reilly, .bishop of m ra Peunsylvaitia, is the gusst of prater also w ere in jured. ' w ill be booth s o f fan cy w o rk in. eon Scran toP, P a., P ope P lu s to to y voic­ Pendleton ro d M rs. A n n ( T h e crash occurred vdien G ilpin, I nection w ith the event. The eater- ed his praise o f tho U n ited States. C G ilb ert l|to. S ellers is th e im th or piloting a kuge m oboplanA at­ '" tatom eat w ill be presented by the "A m erica is a good countiy,” he o f a life of Lorenao D ow , published tem pted to land to" tile daxk and ^ 'B u ty Bees, a live organisation of aaM , "rod its p e (^ e are good peo- a few y m ago, and kae written rain . T h e lan din g gear w as stripped ' th e church. A ll m erifhsni are' asked p l ® . " • . sev eral oth er btogfoqdfi® ® o f liu n o’ia Meeting w hich he said term in ated in h er re -1 a # turn to the stage last In StL^ta mfdtol? T here w ill be an im portant m eet- fan W ira BBCBTVBS ID B TU ira *' Ipg of the Rockville Com m unity Merchant of Venice." Erianger Fro- S j J ductions, Inc., and four others alio I Helen ■ i ; r G arden club at. the hom e of the Ivee, apd Robert Bortro; G am ea Loa AngM ea, July lA — (A P )— prealdePt, Jam es Galavtn tn Tol- are nanM d defondanta. ^ awyad, A birthday adm with T ha w idow o f tha late B 3n g t o G i l ­ '- !• •. (J* ^>rt->y *• lend toQ lglit Flans w in be m ade ■to oau aea w ip eu t . BUnSH AOIPB M BS lette is n atobd aa s(da leg a tes o f th e for the hty fidl flow er show to be ^ * ^ .®®J,H ra. John^H oetbr zootor- rasor m anufacturer to hia pdh M ed hpld here. 'M em bers planning to at- ^ fo o m N ew Y ork < ^ M r. .iGjalavIn h as som e of T e ^ , TSrittrii actor, died h are to d gy to r oouatiy .hom e hara. ThSty ra-> m ost bsautlfPl 8 vdeus in the of raeum oaia after ■evirai days' o eu iate d f .w ealj aatatA atecka apd I? illpess. H evw as IT. toto «f^Thm »aw; ^ MIsa boinda, y lri^ to g "a'^yery u a c a itito In ­ ( V . ff*M |p ^>elfap *jitiA B afla viiffto Banata A dam s b a ^ ’^jriti^them to com e, but. Bfohahly to .akeaas of • y e n : S d M t e l H e w pa the sro of F red T eriy and tto etty . ' -- • ''f!- ♦■-r--'.. -:e>N^ga!—apd'g^ . f^ .A t S' resent m edtipg of .Ihe W ar Julia NellaOD Tkrry. HO ' * 110,000 a ypar.” , tiB*' a r e !I q ttd V estry o fS t Johu’s B ^s- in m any produottons in Lopdon, sev­ BUaP lA JO toa; daughter of T t o w i t o 4 f»w n;H aroh 21. r a a d t o • ■. tK ^ .’* ^ ’ [a te ^ gaA^the.s^ifei^itiA :,0j^ iry i--a o .i efip reb, it w a s vo ted to c^iapge eral tim es In the U nited Stotes and M r* apd- M rA F aul 7 e 4 a s ^ t o l a p a r t : - g iw w u ip ^ e d to Serrano Alvto •*l atovintentionaSy. *ipakiog no ■ - •• ■^!*»WB-^;A^wiit'fleet'of ^hhur the BuPdty m orning had toured:edto hia-oioiroem papy *•.) II. ■drvice .fro m 10:46 t o in South A irfea. ■ prevlaiqn fo r ipy p a n ; .K tog to GHl- ti’d o ^ ! This w in contipue tette, to th is w M , b a rip g ftiF teito ■laiiajL M. the M ulhher, o r uPtll ScfN UBAVBS — my aaidcwtfa to H ttu' ThpU B oaliearly C om - a ^ vprtedMon for eaidl -deam beat<’- " I *liridgeport, Jtdy lA — (A F ).^-A fb - v l i t i a s monibM ip th e to to to -4. ^ ' A l v t o FAIMXS t h a ^ ciD at W ethersfield p sM * ‘ ' ■ v r ' ■ -*<-1 - io u a ie y la back to tite’ * * < V • July: /1 ______' - . t o A .A , t A WMx- m .last'^M aran:' ■ ■ - H o i k . , K-'I'.-'J ^ • ' V .7 .

• T* :'?■ - H

'V' .. •» U'- .. -.r :i'.. ■ v '-V F A C ^ ffiX HAKCmW jtiLTii, m sr

■ I y i M illie I ■! • . ■] V ..V IfotdY n ata llamto'-te toe' Can el Oar'fiy toe Adto-' \ Itn ti WORRY toT A t Ottawa Really Means mehSa. d a k Hastfiird.,

fremr Toik, Stay 14.—(AP)'—IM In the hope o f mslring • wesMT. ' otaidonciui niroN Rmcir Smpeital economic confinenoe wtilob deal with. Canada, ddsst of tbaJD^ Rff. J. 1 Widswortt ^ awfeoetoB a.«ei% It'wiorprcil^y surprisa^many trem that « il. ownsra to know that gum may tn- IBpena «t Ottawa July 31 la really a miniqns; Jtouth AlHea, Auatndl% nuMer'. eauweeb" i.s4e% m New BesJand and NewfonndlaaA terfwe wltk enghurdperatton qnlts fioB affecting nea-Europeiai eb\m- to meeting ot the board cS dfreetoca of b d b Eenreaented &I 0 1 7 RapeatiDg It$(d^ atilt MCMeP^ OkteS% as^serlously aa carbon. Octodonal- triea." y ; pending the Brltiah Empire. mdia, hoidag to loa^n somathlag eieooc^ t.790% ly carben baeonMs aa actual, kne- yersations Thing! have dianged ainee the to hu ance to ths K ^ .' Now the debts. ^ . waa stead of coUectlng. It ") harder to State^wants to abUlsh that, in its ment o f the' War Reparabmis. Her- /muttrifriHMi} kinds'of It can thus be ___ to _ And a muket for goods. The Do­ present form. The dHj^ute wiphh riot and'Vog Pgpen have b ^ b|^k h d a n tm con t^ M - to a certain .extent by In the words of the egieement and'W.r^- Nto, minions have shown a tendency to has been g(dng on betwesn the and f(Hrth to Paris iuid Bedhi by m m m e careful sdeeticn of diet but renioval if this sstiSfhotory eettiimettt to ehtmhey; cn the ' r o ^ tSTm )| »ie- assert a larger measure of inde­ State and the British gevemment aeroplane to get the latest instruo- VWT!t» t mm vmwmum Iw the injection process to so sim- not reached ’the legal posltico of oil story building qnd hurittg theta i t * me and inexpensive there to little ad­ the inteneated govenunoits would pendence. They too are having thdr may put England to a to to explained by ain instote that it has :*ottdng to do Hartford F ire ...... 22 Can Pac Geneva whsn. br. Yen leaves. It will they were t o receive, >toiee moid of it oahM from ^rtoany. toe fact tbat the oil to pulled away with the debts to.America. The ' / /■ ./ ’ /'/■ ■ National F ir e ...... 19Vi Case (J. I.) .. be well to have him here as. he has But -toe "X’s’* ore tentative, because Europe has puti a ques­ from the pump temporarily by cen­ e('e'e t te ee e ee e ee hU: attempt to .balance this enor­ tematleqsl and-aace-bfotoevhood. othSr objectionable noises merely daughter Madame de Stael. that perhaps there might be an ad­ S N B T Co ...... 81 Du Pont . »ee*fee'eee mous. ;‘nat(f.war. We were hapj^ todSy to Itovihg wayntor toe m ^ust gases are too stroiiger. Am H u d w u e ...... 15 17 Else and Mus ... maiden ladles by the name of Neok- Recall feV a* moment that other' a numkr of friends adto qs t o t sh i^ . An aecumulaticm of carbon Am Hosieiy ...... ; . ' 18 Elec Auto Lite . • er^eonseatiid for the first time since Throiighout all thto controver^^ page ui'the history o t Frimee, luncheon, iQ ii Wodley was our makes a amobtocr path and also the H n i^ States has remained in .• Arrow H^and H, com .. 4V4 Elec. Pow and Lt '•eoeeeeeet the death of Madame de Stael to Neekdr was In a rimllar position. guest ef honor: Gilson Blake, Ameri­ serves to deaden the notoe. - its role Of interested observer. do, pfd Fox Film A . . . . allow the chateau and grounds to can Ckmsul sad Mrs. BIsfce with Dr. ^ Billings and Spencer . . — TTUa beloved Genovese Protestant The principle to somewhat tb Case, Lockwood and B — CttUettO' above s41 others aUe lead Franoe; One A i^ ye gits a stimulito to Miss bonised.' Catbbn, incidentally, often was goaded into saying that tlM ns’^ the oGcaaioh and cited in the large Woolley’s presence, She has .such tenf^ to sbai eomprMslon at;uie top gj*. Collimi Co...... 12 Gold Dust library by prominent people from through' those perilous days. It was gotiaton .had had aa opportunity 'to Colt’s Flrcanna . ; . . . . 6' Grigshy (jkunow < just b ^ r e the Revolution,. Had this poise pad' baianoe of jurtoneent and o f the ptotona of any motor, but wo Lausanne, (Iweva and Paris. She Speaks with sp mueh of calm con- usually cannot perinlt it to remain Eagle Lock...... 12 Hershey ...... herself had often arranged such man been beld in honor at .the Court Famir Bearings...... — mt H a rv ...... and continued aa Minister of the fldencet that you alwak leave her because of its & bit bf pre-igniUng gatherings when her brilliant friends toe 'n e. B^iUer Brush, Class A . m tN ick e e e e e t King's Finance everything, might with a sense of rianewed'hopo and 13 would give plays of her own com­ courage, ^ often exhmtot noises ara tbs Gray Tel Pay Station* Int Tel and T e l...... 5)4 position. Jn addition to these famr have been dUferent. It .waa thmi. as Hart and C ooley---- - — JohnsManvUle ...... ^ 1 3 9 4 it to now, a problem of extravagtmt A4 Amerieaas, we were tovlted by result of leaks^, especially'at toe. Hartmann Tob, com .. . — ous. gatherings in her salon at Ciop^ point where ..the exhaust pipe at­ Ktivinator ...... 894 pet it was customary for her father. expenditure on the part of the. gqvt rnnJring opnsql, and FILMS do, pfd ...... Kennecott ...... teeeeeee# .emment while.-the ^ p l e wpo' mitot Mrs* OilbiWt to tofir home, to t*rop- tached, to toe end of toe eitoauBt Inter Silver ...... 7 Lehigh ValRwy . . Monsieur Neeker and Madame Neiskf ^ly^ktop the Fourth, About two manifold. As the motor to used car­ DEVELQFGU AND er to open , the park to the entire pending ruin their, country unleas ^o, p f d ...... 39 Ligg and Myers B teeeeeeeeee. hundred and gfly of qa are here at bon particleagradually seal up these PRINTED village whan the peasant people cruahed to death with starvation. points. Landers, Frary A CUc Lmw ’s . e e e e e e e e e e e.e^e e e p e e e 0 As I looked npon Neeker, I seemed present.. 24 HOUR SERVICE New Brit. Mch, com ... — Lorillard could come and make merry with gUnes and dancing. to see him when he had been dto- do, pfd ...... a. McKee^ Tin mtosed.from hto high position at SBUGCI R K t o nLTEB glSB FOiii Deposit Bog gt R n d t e ^ Mann A Bow, CSass A — Mont l^urd . P was a perfect June day. We While an understoed oil filter Store Bptrandl do, class B ...... * ..... 8 North Am ...... 1714 at a cost Of 8 millions of f^ c a . ’ t ■ and wera not less unisomfortable dirt and abrasive it buUds up oil wr*rT^ w . . . a. 23 Noranda 1394 than than now for ladles vdio wore Nearly 2,0(X> horses-and '200 car­ it ;lmp9S8ibie to focus her mind on pressure and 4» y spring a leak. A ... 100 Packard ...... 194 hEh-hsslsd; alippsrs. riages in the royial stables, wltit 1,- detaito/Of toe Stewart siiit Whither or not it to-'equipped'with a Psram Pub 194 500 persona to look after them k OeasatlMe state Ton Back HlidNy by-pass, it to quite likev to. prove - _ ._rdm ease Penn 814 whose liveries alohe 5 0 0 ,^ *T was unable to sUdt an toteiu- troublesome when filled up imd due Torttegteu ^ 4 ...... 34 PhilaRteCsndl...... J .. ,.. 214 Immsdiatsly it seemad as t t a francs. Out of the expenses of toe We word from* har.” 'he said. "She for, replacemettt Thto situation to Underwood BIfg Co . . « 8f Phillips F e te ...... S% page of the^^ghtsenth Century was Ung'a table at VersaiUea just for can not artieulate ami even failed aggravated by fsiluro to install a Union Mfg Co ...... — PubHBerv NJ ...... 88% bsfora us, as in tbs court, we were ttM wines, flsh^ and game, a siqgle to reoognlas'ms. She l| to a ooms- cartridge that to laraf enough. U S Envelope, com . — Radio , . 414 received ^ persons whose coetumee item of two millions. ’Elien it was tose atate.” ' Since tosrs are uses for various do, pfd ...... _ RsAo BCeith' 314 were all of that period. Ooing'into graft and ohm- Veeder R oot...... >— that Ifarle Antoinette made a per- makes o f engines it to important to- Reeding^ ...... 15 the park beyond with its velvet dsmond a t '^rge additional ity racMteering*’ in* thsr^mmto- select the one spited to toe motor, Whitlock OoU Plpe.i. /— Rem Rand" ...... 194 green lawn and great fountain boiri, m rmra beard Ptoterday by toe J.B.WU’n^ Co. 310 p u 40 cost, wUSh Was mfused by this '"^e right alses are Dways stocked Rey Toh. B ...... 37% almoet like, .a small' lake, was sveta sdmtoilstirator o t the peome’a taxes. City 80dal 8ei*viee O om n^on, ., too authoriseid car dealers, but it Seare Roebuck ...... 1314 more realistic as a gardsn piotura W7iihtoafSiw days ho was dto- whose rnembers add th^r w «k not cecaslonaUy bai^aBa that ap owner Socony Vac ...... 8% of the time of Louis XVL lu n y of tovestigatiai tiw Timpia itadf, but South Pac 8% mtossd ftom court by. order a t hto to oMljgsd to accept a smaller one the distlnguiahed persons of the kUigrHt oamo' down from the h l^ o ^ tha dtotrlbutton ef tood sup- in an emergenqr. Under sqeb obn- AIRPLANE ROUTES Stand Brands...... 10% pUm .gathered under dty permit for at Gas and El ...... ;.... 1114 court were easily rscognlssd as they position in which the TtocHe people dititou he Shot^ remembar to re- sauntered in tte long avenues of charitohla purpoasa. plaoe sgmn at 7,500 miles instead o t St OU'Cal ...... 1994 of Trance had trusted him and .in Hutton, who te * . been eiectoa OVER ARCnC NEXT St OU NJ ...... treds in gay conversation. Moisieur whom they had .seen thdr only hope toe usual 10,000. and Madame Neeker with gracious o f bWag saved ftoifi ruitL Hto few cbaigmn of the ik id of Elden of Tex Oorp...... eeeeeoeeoooaos. / . the T e n ^ Wto ana of^ the wit- dignity ware minallTig among the flGURINiGi GAB . ' (Oontinaed trem Page Qm | Timken RoDer Bew I a • e e e • • remaining yMka a broken hearted p ^ a : of low and high degrae. As npessi. He said , two eV thraa em­ H you have lost ths VAtitAtidm i. StaNsa \\ \ !' - H i ■ Ttrans-Amerlca eeeeeoeeoe o’v man he lived at GoppeV where hto \ always there was something inag- ployes ha » ”battayisd” the Tbmple. olfleatimis o f the car, and would AC ANDBIWAAetow national P olu Y eu research gnnw, UiUon Carbide eeeeeeeeeoaaeoe devoted and adoring daughter l ^ t - netio lu the presence a t the daugb- to know toe capacity of ths tank, .f, ; is on its way to establish a base 100 Unit Aircraft woeooeeaeeoaoog «d upon making her horns with him. A||Bl£MEiREB^8U8lE 0 IS fSMNpYLVANM AVnrill miles above Upemlsik, Greenland, united Corp eveooeewaaaeoeee' t«r, Madame de istael that, held toe Within -a very brief ttoM they aaw toe Infernuitton can M obtained bv attention o f eve^dwdy. She aeensd first measuring ths dEueter and ■ . several hundred miles north of the Unit Gas Imp a 0.0 • 0 • si • 0 0 • what be had so plainly foreseen, ths 14-(A P ) - ■ ‘ ' ■ V . Arctic Circle. U 8 Ind Aloo atT'aaaaaaaaaaaaaa quite like the most flattering a t hw the tongto of the. tank sad by then horrors eC Revmutlon with its in- With t k anSBl of thm men to V-’ , >I,,~*.- >.■ /-J U 8 Rubber aaaaaaaataa.aaoaa portr^ta, that painted by Loburn. daserihabls reign of terror in which uring the fbllbwtoit forasula: To Remain a Y eu N o ^ the atato'had tatiread police The capaieltyrcf tbs tank , in gal­ U S Steel ...... aaaaaaaaaaae Ws talksd intlniatsly vdth Madame 100,000 of those j t toe aristoetocy Both expeditions will stay in and. the Hosnk authMvSse hive lons will be toa result of the Util Pow and Lt eaa.aaaaaaaaa Reoainlar, whose renowned beauty Indudtag'XsHito XVl and Marie -An- Greenland approximately 12 months, Warner Piet clemmed ito A nuasber ef recent house thus obtaining detailed data ••eeaaaaaaaaaaaa was dot greater than tbls of toiaette oometto their deato Iqr' the hreahs,. toil shad rebbedsa and throughout a whole sreu cyda to West union eeaaawoaoaaaa Madame* Henaaler-Campldhe, who ao^ OuUlotlBa la Place BastiUe. otMp .wMspiie West El and M ^ aaaa a a a aa s faithfnUy took her p m M. M. assist in determining what seasonal Woolworth ' ' BaettSe Dsy , o f to* htoisfa that wars sn- Dameter aid 86 iaiidtes long will and other advantages the f u north eeeeeaaaaaaaate Boflvur and Marignao wars seen in tarad wwa-anaamsr animated ooavsraation and it was And now, it ill the Ifth of Jqly lpdf3T.tt g ^ of fWSL ^ em route may have over other pos­ again, the data<^ that tmglo fall cf under arrest a k 1! Many of the newer oars have flat sible routes across the Atlantic. W n • HOOVER YlSmHW aanr to imagine the flashes, of wit and .ItQfkd* -piodanahur kth iM American, which operates mail and and satlm which passed between the Frenoh government his been typa tanks whiok caineibe mads to held hi .mam^ry sinM 1789. If only Noanksnd Stuartltoiutef Qreton fit this rule. Torn; ksst plu hm to passenger service from the United Washington, July 14.—(A P I- them. It was Monsieur Montmoren- l a n g p ^ ^ thrm irto ba pto- States to the West mdlea and Cen­ tbto prsaantgovemmant will not to use up mek of the gas in the Two Senatorial eaUers, aftsr s i ^ fortst lfs ieai|^ Had that govern­ ** Ofotofi Tdwn tank».draiB ow ky jkpcnkiita the tral and South America, has long morning oonfCranocs at thrWUte Courts SMil.it 03 with been studying conditions wldw ment heedM the ones of tha p e o ^ kog at.tha bottoD apd thin m at a House, said they had dismissed both aleeptog' not onnmed them; to death with gas pttm^ B ifpiuto have toe ear "'ntti would be met on a southern Atlan- rooms and ths salon just as .thay other two wtto neatving i^en - V - , J tic route. ^ , local sad naaensl poUttos with neamees jtaxes^ Vranea an# aV staadliif OB 4fM gspuad, sihoe Presideat Hoover. wars when Gsnnains, Madams ds foo«k . tipDBf the oafi win maka a dlffbr- Neither northern expedltien will Senator Moses, (R.. N. H.), who StasI, was hart rsoognlasd as the B u rm would hfKvs been aaved ftom A il i.'t '■) ■ t use aircraft during the present sur­ has ooBferred with Mr. Hoover sev­ aoeial leader of the intellfotual dr- tha Revolutloa. ’ veys. olea of her day. Hqw long wUl the paapis of •(. *•• > X* \ ' eral daya during the preeeat week, Francs today be held in phiek from, The field plans for the expedi­ aaid-he iatormed the Chief'iReou- It was interesting to think that a Wi Id QraitoB, m m to guard agakat dirt la toe tions were finally approved aftw tive he felt there need be UtUe wor­ woaMA oouM make of that aaloa at ravolttUan ay a 1 Of A 1____ ^ fuel ttaea, ry over New Basapririre bekE Oospot a rival of the Frsaoh Court, v ^ insiat iipcn \ into town to f'yl ly Republican. aad eauss two Ertneh Bmpkrofs to inataad e( paaoat Alfaa(& mUHoM •the 3 1 .00, 3 U of tham ak vrttoottt w o r lt ^ xu fay Pol ^ANODE A ^ SEAR RULE ' ...... ScBstor RsattBfe, (R., XM.), dc- look toward It with jealoiaqr and a Aider aad fiar Aak a reiatioa .cr-"' Arctic mplorer and OoL Charles A. oliaad to diaeuSe dstallg of his 00a- foreboding of fear for ito poUttoal ara avea at jitahatlon, and o n l y ^ jO ja n aM w taka dUterefloei D the eplor of the Undberfh, the company’s technical vsrsitioR with Mr. Eoovier other «C diatotogvatioD. day a k wa haarlng their demand adviser. that Hanlet ha gtvtn hit UhM^tn than that tt was about pelitloal too oar. s s i f SU5! xntarim report! will be received scatters. Wh|la aitiiw tksrs uader aa oak a UDverattF qC oauffnia from the espedltieB bases and these Whieh might easily have givac ito also will be carefully studied and •mm w . i e o e d d e b : ahadt la the aicatoaiith oaaf oonclusiona will be drawn from them was thtaklBg'^ what la /. ■. WsahtaitMA M r 14<—(AP) — happaaljiy t o Braaet today, aad waa XhAva'takan.^tha tiaNtor thli M tm>, -H'WTgn « W Nfiw ■ Wniiam St d e d ^ tor atonlad with the angfeatton o f a oar. years treasury oAoer in oha parailaL Da tka paiaa of hiatoiy ii> 'arm I# T'-’S SniN’T NEED o o n . 'itioBsl espoaitieBB, dlsd today la a peat thmaedvea.' after eeaturlea that hak: necnainad sal sajoibi^tutt. ' . ' ' whea peoplt have forgottea their - Cleveland, O.—Several hours a^ EspoiritfcM under Da HuDcrvlaksi A atovlo . lor n Isr a car had been stolen from his AaXlookad Neoker I usssir ■hMMPk;of sag Dm* 'M toffy' pt tohteE Ak^ktf f l attenaLv m * aa m M « p ^ , and he had aSttitodpolidk, .Briaad aad tha^ 'SMis' 'atndanta P. m, Hala auto dealer, was Wvliir idtowe

ffa fR# doMotetod Prmt Oobt. ____ ^ diOd- n o o -B iN and V a o iM to a .> xfibr NIC*W IAP NP.TWORK StIS- 7:18—Aba Lyman Orabaatea-* iW s i^ ctouiy isiiiad: •AMO •> lorti wool ,0M]P) wool wtto Baala; TNa Captivatara - Dialat ‘‘GwlkUMn’t 'htnmiA” B y 1^ ^ Parties, wtoi wtab wtl Arlla Slmntand'a Crab.-waat waw ^wooo wtoah w T . ^ S S____ - X S , 8:80— 7:80 — Braadway Tlntypia— I rrofl Ind weo«whe wow wdol ' fiaaie As Pcditicai Issue rn w iax * CANADIAN - Wtio4 d:48- 7i40-Jaa Ralaoka^-eoaat out So Oftoa MatknMil Is wobe wdijr ltflrrek«w efef 7cQQ— 8:00—The oelumblana—a to a Attoii^Advaaca gnsM of 0.000 ___ - WTTO Wptf WWBO WlO 7 : ^ 8:18— Mllla Bratbara — ^ a t «floi>w«aB w|od wm wmo wob Harmonlaa— Dizia: MaCarty Qlrla— "fM ^r aznqi*'jttfima to praanat wite OWTO kvoo wk7 wfoo wbop kPM WMt Gvte To die NewspaiwrA demands of agrlou|tom to Dapwlal 7:80— 8:80i—Drama— Baala: The Die* Eetonmio ooBfMaaeai. NiwEi8h i|£ •M OU^ail^cao kol k|^ tetar^Dlxla: Danaa Crab.-waat •AOlinO COAST koo kflkiw komo 7H 8 - 8:48—The Dlatatara— U lila only WashtagtoB* — Saemtonr Hyde khq |d)o koco koz kjr kM kfsdktor ksu 8)00- 8:00—Shllkrat Orehaatra-ro to e Paris, July , 14.— (A P )— The m y dmatle acoaoitttea wiU eoamd SHO- 8i1»-Raat Rraloht-AlBO Olzla PYoach foreign offief published this abaadonmeat July I f itf quanumia Baaton, July 14.~-(A#).^ I SiS(L»Woinan’o Radio Rovlow 8:80— 0:80— Barlow Symphony—e to a s ;dd>^S:00—Mualeal Comady Hilo . 8:00—10:00—Irena Baialay—e to e aftemooa the text of tha "Gautla- agiiaat Buropaaa oomhator. Adatinl Rlehaid IB. i{yi S ti^ StSO—Day Drfama, otrlnar 8:18—10:18—Oatla Nelaan'a Crab— * Blah': Agreement"iby which tha ' Mbatevide—tJimgnamy^oontiattaa qusmrof both North i a : f ^ SiMx^Tho Uady Noxt Qfior Baalc: Joe Ralooka—eoaat rapaat aalrairimea rdatlaas iMth^Afgaattoa., StO ^ 4i00— May Wo Vraaont, Voaal 8:80—10:80—Noble Siaala Oreh.—c to e principal powara concemec. in tha Potos. has aeoaptad ton only 10:00—11:00— Lombardo Oreb.—o to e Treaty of Laueaane agreed not to Bo8toB-**M8uSmnhtiaatta'SlyMeB of SUS— *t4B ■ ■Soroi>adoro-«Alao aoutb 10:80—11 :SO-Panelno by tbo Saa—doaat tha New BJnglaad Cknmdl to ^ of the Nqw BbrnUad 4iW » SdXK-Dlnnor Mualo-^Alao eoaat out: Crime Club—eoaat repeat ratify that treaty uatil each had reduetioas^ more tlua 01OJMiO,OOO 4:iS~ StlSk^iroU Club«-ml—12:00—Dance Hour— wabe only obtained a satiefactory settlement tlca committee of the H i f■ ' S■■ * 5*2f~5oin«jiora’ ■ “ dllali Mala Quartet of Its own debtA la local epmanmtly Bepaomy League. The SKIS-* dtOb—Raul whiteman'a Oand b'BC-WJZ NPrWORK Boatoa—United Frufi v Gonmaay dealcatod to war on e k tn n _ __ _ •iSS-> dOO— Ray f^ klna. CamNy Tha text follows: mperta net profits of 0IAOOAOO tor f «jfc- SsjW-Tho Oaldbarsa, Sk^eli BASIC CHAIN—Eaat: wja (key) wba* “Tho Lauaeaae agreement will not la goveraawat to M ag ahouTa 6d>^ 7K)S—Rudy Vaiiao—o to e wosa wbal wham kdka wear wjr wlw: the first sia months, of 1903 Qs com* duetioB la taxes. T joS— SdWo^lana Trio A Voaal»« to e Midweat; wcky kyw kfkz wanr wla kwk definitely go Into force until after kwer koll wren wtnaq pMed with 06i97O,QQO ‘In the same - Admiral Byrd aaid thaTwhUa to' !22“ I*** •%* C'ol> P«nea the rLttfications -foreeeen in thoie period In 1901. SHW» StOO—Daneo Hour—c to e NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — WtRl} accords. . ' , would devote hie merglea aad to # ^ 4:00—10:00—Ruaa Columbo Oteboatra wlba katw wobo wday kfyr ekgw efet Bostoa.«-G(mtract tor ettfe hlgn- to perfaotiiig the N «w Baflaad 404 10:10—Raul Wmtaman'a Band SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno win w]ax "Oeacaming the creditor govern* woy widening In Lenox imd Pitta- .10:0^11 dIO—Ralph ICIrboryi Bpator 0% wfla-wsun wiod warn wmo wab wapt ments In whoee name this nroces- gaaiaatloB of the Laagua,'hla I0lw-11ia0-eharlla aV row'o CrehM. wjdz womb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre field awarded to the N. H. Road (toa- atdm would push forward p CIMWABC NETWORK wool ktba ktha verbal la initialed. rat|ficatl^ will Struetlea Coaqmny of New Havpa, MOUNTAIN—koa kal kfir kfhl not be effected before a satisfac* Oogm. tteaa tor hU aseoud vaatam L •AMC CHAIN — BAST: wobo (koy)___ RACIRIC COAST— kpo kfi kaw komo Antarctic for which toa date' wado woko weao waab wnao wgt wkbw khq kpo kociy kcz kjr kya kfad ktar tory scttlen^eat is obtained between Boston—Rear Adafiral Riehafd IL aritro wbk ekok wdro woao wlBowfan CanL Boat. them and tmlr own creditors. Byrd. Polar filer, accepts ehUrman* fiartum is atm laiMUItte wnp woan wfbl wapd -wmal; Mld>voati 1:30— 2:80—Blaufuaa Cnaam.—Also Have Every Liberty emp ’Of the New EiifWad omaalsa- , The adna|ral said la U a S n R i wbbm wan wnna kmbo wcco Uiooa miint after aoceptiag the BAST AND CANADIAN — wut wpO 1:4^ 2:48— Rhythmic Sara.—Alao a “They will have every liberty to tlon committee of the im iooal 2:00— 8:00—Navy Band—Band—c c toti o tolp of the eoanaittae; wlbw wbao wibs wfoa woro efro ckao explain their rpoeltton to their re­ Economy LSague. QIXIR — wgat wfao wbro wbt wd^ 3:00— 4:00— Marimba Band Conoart “The cilalB hM reached' a 3:30— 4tfO—Slnpinu, Lady—£apt only spective Parilaments, bul no precise B w l ^ , 0toM.— Bupmme Court knos kbm wrOo wloo wdas wtoo krlo 3:48— 4:48—OrpliaApnan Annio— eaat ouD where It may beeonM wofsa wrr ktrb ktea woao kfjf waam wdbo rtfermce to the preaent arraage* of Itomacnuaetts tg/ptQvtt paymmt wdao wblf whaa wtor wdb) wflw trwtra i 4HI0— 8:00—Tad Slaek’a Orohaatra of a 36 per eeat paymeut to dmoUt- war. Wa Should tharatom praiaat' ■OIIDWBST—wbcn wabt weak wmbd 4:28— 8:28—John B. Kennedy, Talk meat wUl la the text of the wtaq wkbb kfab wtan kaal wlbw kfta 4:30— 8:80—014 Conga of tha Chureh accord wIU» Germany. om ia toe savlags departawnt of wartiBw front Our aaamlas a ri' wynt wnaz wkbn 4:48— 8:48 — LewalT Thomaa — root; the cloeed Plymouth Oounto Trust ^ V M wito our wlM alto. , MOUNTAIN—kror kis keb kdy| Orphan Annie— mldwoat rapaat “If It follows that a eatitfactory Company^ Federal axtravagaaeas, tod BU RACIRIC COAST—kb) kbz koln kob 8:0b- 84)0 — Amee 'n' Andy — eaat; settlement of their own debts is olR. ' klro kol k f^ krl kora kmj kfbk kwg Singing Lady— mldwaat - apaat Uttien^ N. K>>Vo|n^ Swague, gaalied miaorltiee wbo stoat,tfo#' 8:18— 8:18— Imparaonatlona—« to e tained, th# governments of the 84, a aatlva of Dexter. Ms., the enough to get neclal pilvBagto^) . Cant. Boat. 8:30- 8:80—Stebblna Bo;tya—c to e above-named creditor countries will IrtO 8:M Boaton Ravuo—e to a 8:48—^ 6H8— " 48— bBillyI :“ Jenaa_ A1 Bmia Haro last oM brtt brotbem who worn the "Let us therafom orgaalas Ito SU^Army Band—a to e 8:00— 7:00—Raoni 1 proceed to ratlfieation, aad the ac­ Seaator Morris Sheppard af Tsxm . blue of ths UuloB Army, dito great majority, tto tee oftoa f i ^ nwntaliata' Cherua iiairiaya U s haBEbr S O R E S BBCCB CATION __ _ jfclim la llmior | Weak Bad Program Tha afraaBUBt la datad at Laui- bE trattcldag la U«uor| gm la full for tea Jsdj 14, IMS Osergs Bancroft la 'Tbs World aaaa, %tIA Servloe Writer P * ^ ^ 0 ^ 'k a s b a o o m a ^ pretoct- «'Out R aft" t o 'S ’ No mattor hew long you’ve auSar or of the vlelators of this law,' Tha a f f t S S f j g S ad with Itohlag, fo rm ed ugly Eosv sad tbs Flash", sad Kay PYsaels la 0:00 p. B8—-Ckiffds mstiiMd'MayliDbA The oft-repeated aasertloa that Damocratlc party pladgsa Itaqif to S t « ^ t f i iit m it o m ' m J S i ^ and what (m ataM ra you’va et a^^w forca tba eoastltutloa Strawberry S iq ^ BbI ^ diractloD lilebAdl Otulkoff; "Street Of Womea", win ho sbewa prohlUtioa is not a peUtieal Isaua y w H naaka rasarvatloBa _ _ for Ito triad—oaa appUeatloa of powerfully “lenm y" Laabdrt, ttnor; Wil St the State for, tbo last tiaxss to­ WM cartiUaly M this m gospal In lorvadfrom mtolag aad haaliag Patarsoa^ TAYLOR MARKET OWNER OlatmaDC laataatly a m tha amd- lisn S. Rdiiiidy, atm ter. night Oforgo CBrlsa la *ld3rstsry the bagtanihg. . Baoomaa Fatty Factor J M S T O is ir .Arthur Read 0:SO->fiflflaf L td j — aurodry lalaOharga. Talapboai daatog iteh l^ aad tarrtbla aero* Ranch" sad Walter Hustoa, Aalta Not only did the Anti-Saloon tro u g h the next four years Coa- it lfc»SdalrS JtagldB, le n fi mad atorlis. Pago sad PhUlips Holmes la "Night FILES n BANKRUPTCY rli^ 18 aad ba sura gooiS lervlea. nmu, aad jiiat a few days use baa- ^_____ Laagua work through aad with both graiea eontinuad to baadlc prohlMtioa ishas every trace of that red, crack­ 0:45—little Orphaa Analdr’ child* Court" are the fasture attractions parfiaa In getting ratifleatloa of the nsattara oa what aaiouBtod to a aoa- that will maks up tbs weak sad ed, disobargiag sMa—leavtog it hood ttlsylct; Shirlgy Boll, A llia amandmant, but tba two nujor par-, partisaalbasis. By tbo tlaw too ^ to - DIBS FROM FALL tnoeth aad clear, lanick, HdnrlettA Ttdro shd program Friday and Saturday, Liacola Oartar. who eoaduetad tha tiaa laamad, ftom 'toair public pro* i ^ t i a l Taylor Markat at Mala aad Cbartar. oampalgn of 1930 ■ caaw For. over SO years Fotersoa's hM Jeny OUtSTA. Romaaea, drama. tbrUls, sus- Boaaeamanta, to ba uttariy Igaerant around, bowavar* tbara war# daSalta Torrtogtoa, July 14,— (A P ) — brought froodeai to*theusaada auf- peast, advantura aad comedy daftly Oak stfaat uatil Saturday whaa ha of i ^ t WM taking place. signs that tba attitudes of tba two Klafi V a n M. Ghdldford, S3, died iiOe—BasdfofdL QfgUhniMAM WdP. Qloaad doors, has fllad a patittoB ia t o ^ with old foraa, pifoplas, 0:10—Ths lioBltor Vlew8 the News. sad iBtaUigsBtly oomWasd, are tbs A a; aaoallaat m m pla la to ^ partiesrtlas Bilgbt soon______orystalllM____ Ufo dttt1^«tte B||^ fMefrtag . _ a fgu bankruptcy. A maatlag of eraditors Bosema aad Itohlag sklB. A M ' 0:00—IlAy Myen of "The Nsutilus" ingradlsQts of 'Myatsry Raaeh." Xa foimd la tba New York gubaraatorl- daflalta pronouaoanBaati oa tha sub- Sunday la whlob she raoatvad lajur- box coats only 00 osats, All drug (stories, OKhsstrs). the rolt of Bob Sanhora/ dwwtltes for tha appeiatBMnt of a truataa aad al'campalga of lOlS. jaot, with a stmigbt w a t o a d ^ ^ to her bead aad b ^ . tha axamiaatlea of tha aceouatawlir atoraa,—Advt B L A C K F L A G 0:40—Today's News — Lowdl u d daring young m s ^ s r S t t a uaaup tba result • | ______' ■ - « / bJ bald July 30 at tbs effica of tha CoBgram racaatly had passed tha ThoassA Arlaona Raagars, O a ^ O’Brlaa 10th. anmndmant aad it was bafora 7:00—naM ; Aaaes 'a* Aaty. Mvaa oaa of the outataadlag pah> rtfaraa ia baakruptoy, 700 ya nothing could save them from nom-| story of a erooksd judgs who fraaias wm go cm Thursday. The savaral ly la tba parUr platforms of that Inattug a doar-cot wet, tried vto-i HummlBf Birds; Arnold Joba* year. aoa's Orchestra. a young girl aad has hsr ssat to commit]^ wars an^tod'M fol- aatly to pi•rovide Urn with a dry The Republican platform of 1930 10:00—Itol^oed KlfbU — Freak prtsaa la oedir to further bis lews: The Fiaaaea oommittoa to bo 'lame and adtetad the toUowIng: sehaaMA Bow ho Is SaaHy trumad Rev. David Carter, Mm. Maria said just this oa problUttea: ^ Speaking for the natieual De-| Luther, taaor; Gens BedemiCh's "With rmard to tbs aala aad nuar Orehsstrm. u d brought to juattc#^ h ^ S ^ F. Pierce, Ir«M SUnaar, James mocraey, tins eonvaatioa pledges the ufSetum of Intoxicating bavarsgaa, party sad Its nominees to aa boatet 10:40—SprlBfSSld lUpuUicaa News forms oas of tha amat eddaly dls- W fl^ aad Dou^Sr^tj ^ cusnkl pictures of the day. Walter ^ c n ^ t ^ is M ra Hattie Laaa. the RmubUeaa parUr wm stahd for effort to enforce'the l8to amen^ hutiStlae. tba afiforeament of tha oonatltutloB ment aad all other provWoas cf the 11:00—Ttaas, wssthsr; Sports Re« Hustoa as the oiookad judge is MraJtorion Pierce, Cbarles'.J. Dew- superb. FhUUpc HOtoee is seen, ae ty, W b^ n . Foster. Faith M. Col- of the United Statos m It shall be federal constitution, and aO laws ea-1 'Tlslr. declared by the siqireaM eoiirt" acted pursuant thsreto." 11:15—Jos Rluss’ Oreheitm. the husband of the young girl who Dorlf Benjamta; thS'traaapor- Is ffeaaied, aad Aalta Page has tbo tatlon eommittee, Albert E. StUm The Demoeratle platform of 1030 Having digested these law U|80*-M14nisht Sstonade — Louis failed to meatloB the ubjeet at an, forcemeot puiaka. the eleetorate sat I organist Isadlag feariulno rolo. and Rev. David Carter; the sporta ^ n o m ^ . Mias Ellen J. F ^ , although It did go out of its Way to back aad waited for the candidates ''Rebsooa Of taBaybroek Ptem*, eongratqlete the state l^^Maturesr- to dedam themselves. | with Mhiton Nheoa and' R a }A Bel^ *®*5*f*SS»®«* Howard Bur- ir. Paid Smith aad Fraacia Fos- 15 of them, at that moment—which Herbert Hoover, in his speech ac­ lam yiath o leadiag roles, win bs had ratified the 19th amendment, cepting'the Bomlnation, made hls| rhewD for three d a ^ at tha ■tote, granting the vote to 'vomen,. now famous mmark about "oa ex- bUu-Uog Simday w^ t Hero la a Mm. Thomee Lormtoen aad four of Waat Hartford spent sev- peitment; aoMs in motive," and w m I Pictom t h t t a l ^ by e ^ e tll days at the home ,of her eistor Bfimw OampalgB ileeae tbencefonh hafled as a dry by the maafbar of tho fuaOy. CSoaa, sweat aad fandly, M r. aad Mm. George Xa ^ campaign, Warren G. Hard- prohibttioii leaders. ^ ^ vrtMdaKnao, It tans a story that - Ftoto, of Wappiag. ag WM popularly oupposed to be Govaraor S^dtb, fliuHng his plat­ wm nagor la'yonr aomory for many diy—Jic had voted for the amend- form too dry. stem ^ off of It long adagrtooems. nant—aad Jasoea M. Cox w m aiml* *7??**^ maatlag at the School to dedjara hla personal opia- V ThnnAqr, Inly 14. haU M Tnsbday evening, with forty, larfy daaaed m a Wet but it made loa that protaXbtiiofi w m “eatimly a; ItUa dtifcrenee, toe licague of Na­ tiafactoryTlo toe great awM oC| P.IL n ^ b e m prceeat, As u w m H ormt m n BSconondcs night, tht Hkoooxnlci tions aad gaaaral dItfatlafactiOB tha BOOnieJ’ 4:00—Young Fdhs program pro* with tot war were the'only iaouca, Tkua.1he osmptigB came far cios* I seated tay StsrUag V. Couchs BRAZAUSKAS^TAHKUNOS committee: fundShed the prograin. aad proUUtioB played practicaUy no a rou call, a vocal solo fer er to Jrtio^dlai! a Strtfgbt, out-and- iJO-Ctaasral lOUs preseats "Skip- ; >art at aU ia toa campaign. out teat of .aawliaeat on prOMbitJoa Hm. Dorothy DeUee, entitled “Auf A s to r M OongreM WM coB- to WEDDING TO BE JULY 25 Wledershen. M y Dear." whieh waa haa aty sleetom yrt hold; aad when Scd^^^BhapIro sad Sheftsr, grand caraad.4930 pasted with tonhiblttoB smith want dtetei to m eat, tto dry plEDoboys. 2 5 5 * ^ ^ to by aa. encom eattUed fatting very Uttte attontimi. Cob- aadam aaaouaeadr'that tba I8to 0:Oi—9Ysdw Martin’s orchestra. *The BeUs of Saint Maty” ; a madtog I T M m rtoriated the motoy it Waa InvltatlqRa am cot tor tha wad- by Mrs. DaVML Carter, amendment wfw mom seeum than I 0:00—Bsasbsll seorsi. ^ flW Kim Aatotaatto Josephine >akad for to enforce the^amendmeat ever. I isn:jfw ut^w kl^ tekpiMNie wixsm 0:|0-0Uiold ; Smith, pianist and SWrltiag*', a vocal solo by'Rei^ —it took 04A70,OOO that year—and But the weto refused to agme. Tamkuaoi, dao|btor of M r .T a il David Carter, Mtitled "P«le Moon", 0:40—d n e d u the UaglelBa. Frank TamkuDoa of South hvotSd down a very half-hearted ait- One f t o Was dasr. Pro-1 ^ live is UKed iu u b ^ f t n i g TmO—Wd dttfy, bscltona;AmpsrsoB. and tor^aa enom "Mighty lak* a t.-to repeal toe Volstead act. hibitloa hid Oototf qut Into the opte TI^(Uor to Stanley BraaauskM. son • ^ t o h anrangad by Btor. of Mr. aad Mrs. John BmaauSkas of That was an.. . and wp« .ftoivAevdOplng into a 7:10—H0TC)d Stem's orehsstra. 8 ^ Mrs. Edin P. Raven D u t ^ succeeding years Congress to^Pirty Issue. Both sides pre* 'NV- North street The marriage wm be of Coventry Grange fad HOma Eeo- 7:00—fttrsat Singer. performed at ‘ ‘ ^-M id sundry laws to tUrhtea un cn- I for B'a4w' tort at strin g la] lone : Holy Trinity church, nomlos eommittee of the State toowtoto—laws ptoyiding for dm too daotMB;of I08R. ~ ' 7:40—aNits Burrows and his Sert- Hartford, on M on^ i^inlnf , J u lj i^ i •**5E!l * * ^ 0 ^'•*7 tottfeeting talk aadsiB. 25 at 0 o'clock aad wm be followed *®^**5? bootIegg«fa,'laws fe s d ie d ; T b e €09t a "What Thla Coramlttoe Should aaatrtrthm toe amount of medletnal NEXT; \9hi pmMtiaa tone la S;00 F cttt Btoa Beys. by a wedding reception to bo held t:10—Aha iQrOBSB's Cslifomlsas. and 1^ OB "Left Ovara." in Hquor a ooetor could prasoribe, and 1900. . at T^ctory Hall, Go^ray street Man- W k t a g of tha t o p r a a ^ aha said I:0O-L a - Oarsidlao program: ho dlvl- chaater. thtf thla committee should leave handful Hldmmuasr Ntghta.i 2?^ toe (de) aad (I) aad praas-on. ^ :4 B -"J o s aloGkiL^* TOa next regular maattag of Wap- partite. ' .— -T c -T -»/ ^ t o NEW HAVEN DEMOCRATS 1:00—Alfrsd KstUsdoa, tSBpr; Al* M wm ba OB July 0 0 , , ^ Tto Rapnhttou putfom in 1934 IN FAVOR o r OBOSiS lhara wm only ba a Short hualaem P ^ b itio B avan aiora,ll|ktT •tlO—fte J|m Brolhsrs./ n m tb^ which la called tor 8 t t o tjte^of 1900. The atoted- S o u r./ New Haven, July .14.— (A P ) — ' o’dook ahasp, and toaa will ba ad- mant was tovdmra r e f o ld to by tOHiO—M iw illp g S s t t s ^ ; Boswell Demoeratle town commlttH la on Jomed to the Parish House lawn nama Two brief paragraphs da- Tecord la favor of tha renomlaatloa Sstsrs. wffl ba eu- .to^vkdt Mr. and lO:10-40fualosl Fast JYs|ght; Bddls of Governor WUbilr L. Cross and la O M ^ tost ’VtottoBa of tha law *thfaa‘ Mrs. Sunday IMiOftodtar. orgsalit; Quartet m p o rt of' tha Rooaavflt-G8imar fom w aan t itaelf" aad piadsad \ ticket ' ^ >bater, Rav. itettoTlteir' “ "* tJ^ phoiy brohSB- jjs ^ M o 4^ T e » tha oga|^tntion iiM •ronm camirmaa pavl^ J. MeOoy

m m .iM F

Lh- -i • •,, , " •. •,'V\ i,' • m BKBB TO PA T ddths untp^^*'-'tbs' .'ugly-day: i.wsjp re- I DKbN, pretty 19>yeay> . . . not! after a qnamil ^e^bes. otv'{|fi^> B n i^ toorked w^gnktoi^:'^.'. idjaiv praetioglifl|totos. patted ~ "b It Is a Leap Year Av’ k e e p - ^ ' . _ . Cherry does the jpropea> and molitod ,a^tsfnootliedio|it the *““**^, ktotch 'boh^ ' a. tyr * U j;^ rs tiny llaee about her egm- and *wr* rieev^eM.'-^Apuito ;s l^ e le |s .,- A n d 7lt ; _ . . .Alte and Oaa move Into a oheip across h f f f o r d i^ .: pga'flhidied icdiinj te fdr with ' . stinging Vdn^i^t . >i^t ^'"r.when them /fttetn- ’oi^''the'.heivt-r1^ -liM t gtete it and Gharry's tret s^nif- -.or te ''ohtelned'',tty;A''ebet' .N artth hogsework are dlsoomar- Igought odor msblng to js r ; cheeks. nec<^Bary.' ----- It WM an haiiifs*w»rk hBt \yfatoi it ^ d tyn o t XlUXlB SHANNON, movie erlt- vqsm- orlteteiBte m of flie News, Is friendly. CSMrry totto h»denii*ly die jtoars ttod ! drc n ^ ia v ^ .^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ is beegnsi surfaea ' ------' b f ameti handsonw MAX PEABSON, ; ettiflad to the > A jteol ^ Nevip. who tries to make eotfid have .pasMd'>for 96' instead' of 86. ftailored to her. Aror several weeks t h a s ^ atony's m ott^ becomes sertoaaly She glancdl a t her-watch again. lQ0U i g r ''I ^ t o 4 ''i^ |jto j Twai^-flye t^htito ' until. Your. brown cqntUiiattoa eg * fill goes home mid titoie’to -®be tea y m ^ , -and; othtra i4t ^ ' n moonoOlatton wltti her W ell, d iat was nme enough.' Yvonne sey;';and..r^-i^(^j>':a!|(^^^ M de will not allow her to ' aooe^ would come in tim e to arrange the ,-5 ^-iSimKial aid from them howeven tea table. IfB. and BIBS. DIXON depart, There vtos a desk to the r fih t of tle^bol«to j{kkbtB^ydriv8l|My^^ ! > > Gouege; m to tee water is a aatWng another ellmate to lm> the window iand B ^d a sat down dgikc^ cpiev SS! niitypus d ls d ^ ^ mother’s health. before it Half'a d o ^ letters lay ■; * I oecnpa.tlaaai 'htotonss .og 6666 wo- te ^ b w te may he todrigwl$;;hut fp(»:the Stm «r.^ . men. 8}to.' ■■siristog l^ to 'avoid 'teMOn.''.' ra |» ^ , Umit the titoe toTah S w |£ ~ BB EN DA V A IL , msiWEtne w tit- ^®®d . She rose from the drestong table, ‘He.’llihe here tmy zniuuto,” Bren­ rabbits on a large scale, ImTOrted Miss Elizabeth N jlthari#, 26r y w - tadlte bY eatahlhteiagg a : good- *hy- went to the chaise longue and ,lay rouge-and powder puff. Sh/*^'applied tor*y Pty®i to the Soviet Union. old dancer, defeated ^12i;other <^®tenl;;;“ fri§®tatlon 8. There is the lip rouge with-trembling fin­ da assured herself. She., topk 3,000 expenriye aifimals anwite^'',fft^ and affeete ^minutes and the watch at her wrls; moved and done over a j p ^ ^he spent. | 296;000 -to build an artistic for.the. first toteiimttloiuil 'suumrir I ma^.- '.amp$p..jolma- wite ' NO DOUBT ABOUT : IT adjusted'dfUgliag gold ' .eito.'i drops, she sat dow^-..It--..amvse(];her.to When, instead, to muItlplriW>* tee i;-.. gave the time as a little after two P lg.rfty,’ modeled- after an ancient herd actuaUy 'decreaSkri,; d ^ to school to/dancing. ' ' ' I tion. ^Thtya.-is oiteogrtiiritei ' " ' ‘ o’clock. Brenda closed her eyes, kprayed Her. hair with scent and think of;D*an.Ph^pi4 ;'I^Pad{^e--r Gyeric. temple .p h .one to! its live- •TeU me whai you read and X she had ithfua^ fighting; among /teeniselyes;-.,8n in­ OUiUkeWi H eaite GuiriliBd I upuaflyy relaxing as, magazine articles by got'into ihe costume q>read out on stotoc fi^ ^ . .'bn /he roof was a New .York has opened:'^;sttoCte I®fteCto'oteto;,,la]!|^: -jests', rilpwty, wfll ton you 'uhat. you are.". . . the bed.' . ' . , - - .. How couldVrito'.bother, .wltji; : vestigation , reyeaied ; tt» t. only ic a u ty experts always advise. statoyB of .Apollo to a chariot.- bucks had'teen purdnasea ' in the'’most oowtded netybboritoods |Thtoe'/!to. 'gbu^;'.and there'ate. -'iiUl X’T.'read OvIA.'Vilr^ Demosttepps. There was no one else' in the !, It 'had been punchitoed two days tizesoine' yputh-;. ^ • .’ “^-jeourse,” pomments the jouf- Homer—*’ chanc!P<(ff5gold. instant,/Iftqrv the ttoU'rang - and • Urges ,E 4neariegi4JftaSy, . The riuntohtic. teaori)ers4Ue . not L o d 2 4 P o m d r Yvonitor'hurried'fiffough ..the; ipoin -l^viet offl^^ vrith their " Los :^grite> M te. Frp^teiek . ML' ^tenuet, who ' minutes passed and then Bririula fasiep^ Die low nbckline ron^e^t'for anytimig, smackiiig of fPnidi-JBrii te.rthe --.causea' to. death h ^ shrilled lou^Uy. The telephone v r itt a ru b y ;c&8p.* She k ^ j t o d In to to an^er.-it.' / . lates' that'/the'. li(ek' to . a-’ 'teQtenny is Tsecond. vice prte^BiA crivtea Nla e x te ^ W e te a a s 'tiie y ar® associated ‘Now!”. ■ Brenda- v w his^n^ : to rbyaft^, 'Were shOeki^ to' learn ^ o t nail reteHe ^Egrete*' -and “Last, Nevember 1 weighed 19* k i the next room. Brenda's eyes sandals'of gold 'ktd rad buckled the a-pttri of - the magnificent pialMe W ith rits te iw , -hut. they arp ttm Today, (Vefecaary m T i a n y i Barkened with annoyance. s tra p s . BUM, U lla! 'Thiere w oifld be Imrself. '^v . utt|e'^’thbigB'neariy>teuiMd the Tteriton, Was. pnC- to. tee aptektea $)tmd.'ygry .nearr.tha top. as a cause more. Mila fer t|^ &ieiy. • but Thei«e w«««. 'TOlpto. ln ■ 'the toyef. fhat ,.,-.fprmeriy' was. the governhr- death of L-N. Grubef.'fiO.’-The first; at the iteent-TeaPhto-’satete'm°e- dtopo[ihred, the' imhgadne repbtty,; used gas Jet. Toi mlnutto’later the teat'..waa' eafiteniary.^.^.Theo.’-7^ . CL ^ flopped clumtoly as Prendr walkisd. *Tm going to Hollywood!”. The ^**>*^?l*!*f^. u^te^ parenteteaphw IP ^ ^ dieefsPs. In Ebglai((Lri W4® w,-PrsyldealeA-tL'L: : ' thought danced madly in Etemda’s | by admstant to me~ prOsTdent of second h a p T ^ A - BnteBkig the study the'state eduteHirftei She had to push b- the cloth the .‘'central 'pd-€g^ratlye .trust , who, fuines, Gimter t m ^ ’-oa the-ilght to Ipi^SSlteni ,t dPtbimi to about her head so that she coulc nfihd. There woulp he money * B re b d f .n’^.lto.: pried. . ‘*.What ■‘■J^tos -ArrteHWww* Wliiiarth I * to selute^ ftnrate sMti of ilhtem- AntoDS induspriiiL wpteWte liiea who' doubt—tyPu' stty- fhfc-MM- enough there! ,‘T m going to Hpliy- this nieiufi??’ whUe,-, . strplhi^'Nevsky investigate: A'SljOre>dtrte'* «tee^United Mrs. Elsi^ ppntotkmer. that not dlBeaSu ajpoMax ^ ; settled—” ■ A meesehgeswwUystod-the boa of tee pensteivitqte"to!tlte>^ 1846. rated steeriM to ; tte'^Aritetete^eld- eartyjte UfA particularly .what ;.te of'hot watte btoOTS’hri "You mean you’ve givm up your yellow roses siMl iiK pfda ariranged A distant Her «tyt , .^ui t e e » - ^ moiiiing-^cut down -ofei W heaier or hot :mu ha’te 'h ^ Q ^ 6 batete At 'p^inpipt- fknpsrii'ias rheumtte fsTw.ate rteodk Job?” • them in a low hiPlM. iShe ^lacpi the thein took p6 ± ‘lm ftet^4w ri i V''*" ihg tte tterk'to'te a t e t e r - matpId ^arteritiA' Whsreas gout ^a|ld ‘ itoea and sweetar “Sure. Why not? I had to quit boyi -«n: the ta l^ llw d e '’thiB daven­ at yoim-fingPr tips.&ptoi^ . / .-X j*; nlraihg fo u r dhips' by J. K. Outtfl A rw- tehied osteparteritiA; >.WUte> -a lte t teP - - if we leave for New York Saturday, port, then nm tod:^ to (^^MMlte you do - about yoto'naito/Usirpu'i^^^^ a t *^|5> WiOOO each. Ifugis joints, s te •mmre Ukiityr tobd ’-^-And’ ~ dri ' didn’t I? I thought you’d be glad aide of the room ^ e re the flowers get t i ^ .you' IheedhT b th i; -''ypuf seen-late In. life.' .Wwrid ofsra A ja r ;:.,;to. hear it! It won’t be long now, were reflected to a^'mirror. finger''to'.tee beauty-pie. T M E p i ^ 'BHUM b U: Ttete no drabt that A<<’fiuine wUM ^.fPw wyeks Imt te ^-B w nda!” , The s e t^ mnft,.enaetly:he right to piPjriir Atotrity^of t^^ flitestiiial you gst’N “""'‘*‘'“ ------There was no change of expres­ Eveiy det^ was im|Kwtaat Brenda Manicures are . weekly ■; '?-ritep' Ckipentegen.-4R4dlb' xisiity the trS^ ^ te tee|4peutedatlp& to touch smnim llra L r-i sion on the woman’s face. The day In the dooeWay, sqr- Twice .s'week Isn’t too ^^ftoh '^fbp more rtedter! methPd’to; ooinimini-| - ! ' ! ■ m u k made that impossible. But yayiv the livh^faip!m..A;4^ ^ their periormanch im t, once ' Itetion, but.Dau'^ ...... ‘nrefCr | MC. resentment sounded in her voice. .IB tlto j« d the 2?; “ hp^ . 4te : ;mpte'. “ Don’t you think you should have (umt^a-wntm. glow thtogs' and'heaiiky/^ waited?” she asked soom. ’ sy|e •pulled ’ a> d ifiir geted...__ - I tte'P igetesy^ W-' .“There’s nothing to wait for! 'Ihe i; 3^uid ; tepid S&flfiM * • ' - M n ,. I feel better already. Listen, brush airii: *f- Xr ’J .iflirtoida, I want to talk to you^ I drop around as near to five L M l can make it? We’ll have dik- 'j . together—” tion ftom: ilm'ridM:-towB]d:uv’qeh h f q j^ te r,P k im 'a iM i:jiq ^ ; -'Wd^'Or- have |Wen- AmtelpiBs arid^Pris'w'" j*. holered you. Maybe If you have the buw' hf tydaf • '-Att^oritoeKi -1 rest you’n fM hct|er.”^ stlek,i.tt(^:to v.v. -MM' r<' 1 : ^ 2 ^ * * ip.” BarUnettarriy Sren- totb ai^outtcOc . U W yofoe h fd become he driteate fty th^.:^. Wi . tM ^ y martyred tone^ of- the in- itontoteritty gepu^ OJ. the luffi-. iiiitil'' '}^A jlto y e . ’» v ‘fllw n I won’t keep you any h a c k -,^ "" The^ Will i t be an right if i im derjtternttf^ = the evsalng?. i been. ha . ^ to see you toifight.” ymir 1^ >b(|ye - i f jS^.Ereede'Started, t o ' hf^;. yon xhtotoe tbamilflne. i ^ guallfled ly tsmaglSta S i - telitooST^ iK t-jNddnT promise to see ltfn thouM [V •A K^i -i.^SJWse ' Sr head w u •r W Y llttS ' Uke an imUoae, I ’v-:s ■ • ‘ ■■ ,iT*- ■- : ? .T *. • .-A' hope 4'^- iSrA

•M X; Jjr w tot the ■ W '■^fK*5^ / - yV}.-. ■J +^- ^.\^- J V-'-' ■ -> - ’ ’■- UAMOREffm SrtM fW HiftAt8t 8 D in coini nnM M ft icjcsif'H m i ^ Best Pro

M m M r$iiji)K T Grimet DitappointmeM [TRACEXOAOBS LEGION NOSED OU T AmniBOIIEI To Hornsby an ■X ME BY V . F. W . 9 T O 8 *r __ a w t S t o l &MtFmndt Ramv Ihj to~a IS to » f. '1 1 That berofe figure ef the wtotetliehi^deam ^ OtKimFsnliaifiHsl^ Tha St. LouteOuda .woa toeir S ern Ron RaOr b Third SIPPLES’HOMER Nat Be ttk Te Carnttel fourth etralghi m Pad SlcepkchsM At |f a l m ef the aet tha CUanto dossa S to 2. .Fldic^ I d n a e ^ 'te It to Whitney’s first iM«tng trWe Enbles Wiuers To Re- E ra B Randatei the last fee two ca aad hia dwh& to ^iwi WINS FOR GEMS Gflawa udioi vraa 17 vtotte'loBteg Itaprfh tetw to assail m V s ^ a pott Former - Vidorr, ntee fbr. toe, Ckrds test year and rifles gave the PhUs a 8 to S Los Aageies. Jufcr .(AP)—la -plteBed two M Blaat wimm to toe over Cincinnati. ALANGOCLB town lew then 24 hoi ;Mg swfes, looked fior a ttew as Oontiauteig to thrive on Phiknid- I BeDncdVIuffslOIReo. Gradn ffit TVril al Seasae NUrmi, the great toough he was sst fbr a Mg year phia pltehteg, the CIsvetend laffena Pate Alto, CsUt. July 14;—(AP> from Ftohmd, fbnad htamfff today but somathteg sUpped'about a BKintft ronipad on the Alt agtos T to • the center of pre-Olympic ago and he haa been mracttodly 10 laatoga aad w eal into ' sew With Scan Tied and Wait ao valua sfnal. Th« tu rn wpwdMitliif Aadanon* tion. Laasaa hF a . wltA soSord tctfw ^ Sbfla Feat, Vetaraiu of ForolfB There was much taDr that toe GrtaMsf laahlllty to regata Ma peiat. Ckuva went the emphasis In the final Oiyi______Hartfard Laaai. phantom FUm would be unable to stride cost the Ciibs a S to 4 dsfeat iatenga to he sharged with and field tryouts Fridsy .aad Satur- W ari won tha ax-aervieO cluunpion- compete in toe 1938 (ByanM even by Brooklyn yesterday and dsprlved Ua eecoad defbat to aa amay d i ^ 9 ^ befsva upward efKAOOspecta- fiif Hjlr aUp of Ifancheatar laat night thslr leagM record free of de­ trya Metory, The taaae wfil stand W. boys trounced the Legion 15>2. praetlclag aboacd ddp te cwisslBg m^the rem dls^ the tryouta The with a do wStos^aextiS The Legion scored first whan Rua> fe a t toe Atlantle and waa aggravated to eenra cf Ben Eastman to mmiiete kmrsbft n tt atagteiaftarG^ ; and about ovaqr ten sen got a life la the second Inning The score was tied at one nm for a workout yesterday. only In the 40o*nMter run has dia- tend was Iheami out ' on an error by BentUf. He stole sec­ each team when Sipples made hia The tejory to Nurmi will not pdaSd of the .talk of p l d ^ Um Rcwftt strcRfe sot. Gods ond. Copeland singled to left, scor­ foor-i^ drive to toe fbartk after feet Finland’s plana .to vdtteut trial ter toe SWmrtera score Plitt'snd was toes ing Russell. Anderson and Matthla- the Weet HartfWd team had tied the cgntthNi of the great rllM ixture o f L anguages, teg to sCrMek it teto son struck out, but G. Tsdford score. Putnam’s double, a sacrifice eoatestant te toe Olympic gasMS. A . toe M term - ±JBngm MBOflPCM CRMS cOT Q singled to right, scoring Copeland. sp 1 apples’ h a g fi|j gave the Gems h ear^ will be held Jifiy 28 by toe tefteto 449 by BBI Garr of Pennayl- ^ to bafito'fha fhst The Leglc^ added another counter a run in the first and toe other tally 1 totsnatieaal AsMtew Athletle in the third on a single over short in toe sixth came when WaOett FedwatUm to oonddir toe status ef itteasef I tfior. doubled and rode home on Hubaad’s Niirml, who has been barred ftem C olors and C reeds h 900 BBSIera They are "Beaded" k by BQly Stevenson, scoring on a hit single. toe Oljnnptes because of allege ex­ amarato haafa e< toe 490 tomermw. along the third base line by RusselL The Gems were held to four hits orbitant expenseexpe money he coHaetod| The preltndnariee ttmierrinir wm I via fbr bsst ball play. The ptirfngn Copelaad lined to Bellucel to end the whfit staging cxfaihttlao racea m redeee the til-star fidd from aiwmd toe sowing. by Jones whpe FlAer was touched fw seven but struck out ffk. E urqia MO tihktaa to aat mean tbmi lao when tha 1 L a r^ e Tha V. F. W. wrecking crew got Nurnd refuasd to diaeuw hia eaas fiar fiafnrtoyte fisate^ T hk wfil aBsfi biisy in the third, eleven men fite- cut to htif aftin by. toe deelditor t o ing the Legion hurler la the Innlag on Mb arrival here ywtertteyF but| Putnam, e f ...... 4 1 to a Mend he hinted he was net any teete. The first toree in etch of Xfi battses went su GOustoy rin b : and seven runs were scored on six Shorten, aa ...... 4 0 too hopeful he woidd he reteatated. oraata wM qatiiiy fior. toe Olympic .tomsd 11 ef toe hits and three walks. Bellucel, up Sipples, lb ...... 2 1 With Us injured heel It appeared I Atkktcs Frwi AU Over fie SEER SWimilNG team in addition to itoteh extra men terihriBag. toe last aeven to twice in the inning walked both G. Dixon, Sb ....1 0 doubtful a ralnetatemsnt would do wOt ha dusoa fbr tbei 409 aad 1900- to seeeeaslaat. The O Gene Btuea, g*ftf times and stede second each time. the Ftamish teem aay good for an Sbamrodto neeeS nwet Wednesday Altogether there were five stolen Lewis, 2b .2 0 WeiU fire Ceeteg Their night kprft-; tFallett c ...... 8 1 indicatioas were that Nunil wtxddl _ toe qdtUfht focoeea en bases in the fatal third. The third ^^owd. If .* ...... 2 0 be only a apeetator tUa year. PLACES ON TEAMS ecaet atozs,. as ended with the V. F. W. leadlag, 7 to add'toe Cafftomte tonto to A B?R SO A E Perkins sad Binis Doeakg sc« but^ to 3. The Vets picked up another Huba^ X ...... 1 0 Reck h T pipem i Hell- deal R M M r.Jf ...... d a t e a n a few ef th a eteUsr.lights ef fiolf* run in the fourth on a single to left gml^i, rf ...,...,2 * 0 ■dteaSed the BeetrWto Mid- Dowd, 2b 4 dom vtos wm be icen here. a 78 hsxo' toa final inning the Legion staged a Devihh Sh ...... ; 8 A lb s^ 3, Hartford 8. rally to come within one nm of ^Amertoaa LSagoa O ly n ^ 'VUtege, Calif., July 14— O., Jaly 14<—(AP)~-r tmefc nnd field Bnsup. 28 9 n 81 ' 2 ^ tylnig the score. Orifice, e ...... '..3 New Yoto S, St. Lonfa l. (AP> —AtMetan ftoni toe fhr Johnny Wetoanadter stood on toe The concensus of track cm '■'df bn Shaw,,, If . . 8 ^ expssto on toe enteems cf tbs Hd (5) drawB a top-notch tor After *Klnr’ Phillips had struck DeVole, cf ...... 2 devdand 7, Phfladehiiila 5 (10). reaebea of toe globo arc cooling aidAneB, aa outsider, today, A BK BFO A R Sunday wfil be up to # beat out. singles by Russell and Brennan Washington 8, Detfolt 7. American Ofyniplc track aad field 8 8 X 9 9v0 and an error by Edgar on an In­ Joaea, p ...... 8 |tta ir beelFte tlds ten^orary malt* toe boys who would be bteg trysuls showed the lUlowfar favor* Ray, X ...... O' Nalfsaial Leagns cut in too watara of Goway Mand 8 1 1 9 1 Ceueea ExeeSeat field drive by Matttdaaon enat^ Boston 5, Pittsburgh 1 (1st). [ fag pot of too world phite nwaitteg ites to 18 events; rerssoas 1X 198. Russdl and Broman to score. Frank Bepton 10, Ffttsbargh 5 (8nd>., too tnnapot mdl uMcta wm apanonon pool in efforta to lOO^msIsr daab—Bkenet 8 8 1-1 1 Ths kcal coarae te is cxi - n ..••a-37r ;.t» l 7. . J i v f i. 2, akfipe tithough a good rate 'Brodiaytt 8, Cbiwgo 4.' of the aoaay marim bsM by tha re­ Ftonfc Wyhsir, Rstek^Matcal£ r e r r r e 8 8 1)8 8 Cervtnl struck out to-aSd the game.' Gems ...... ilOO lO lx—S| I tom into toe gamsa cf too* 1982 tired aoverelga of enmtear swim­ bvkg abuw of toe Irirway# along V. F. W. (9) Fhfladdi^da <8, dnetenatl X Olyn^piad. aolLmster duk- r r 0 r a a S t i f f AB.R.H.PO.A.E. West Hartford ...... OpO IfiP 1—1 S t Louis 0, New York X ming. Kleml, BU teTO ka. 8 8 8 8 8 Httk better. The greens sre dtlholr Two base hits, Putnam, Waltett, A oonglomeixtlon of bnmnagea, More immediately at stake were 400-meter nm- bsst so Oat the drikats art Of m I- Jones, c ...... American Asaecilstlen colors, and erseds has Usndsd c e r e r o # • S 8 8 S 9 KlBray, Bhaw; home run, Slp^ee; IfinaeapUia 6, Oolunteua X coveted j^kcca an toe Vatted Stataa Bm Carr, Karl Wi Wilson, p • t •re t 98,9 9 9 8 has riMNdd be abhr demouatfdfld by Smith, c ...... : peacefully and without startling da- O^rmpic swimmtag team. Edgar, 2b stolen base, O. Dixon; saertflots, Indianapt^ 1, Ifilwaukee 0. ' velopmenta. 800-meter run—Eddie Gtenung, 1 9 9 9 •# soBM at. toe state’s past mesliia. A nabsTr J double ptey% WiOIett^ to | Toledo 0-0, S t Paul 8-4. The Hawaflan KaUB Charles Horabostel, Date Letts. tew ehaagaa bavo been sakte t t tha Shields, If Tima baags hsavily on no man’s aOo and Maanelin, were Sentiff, lb ...... 3 Leads; base on. be^/off Jopw 4; Seutoera AsasclaileB bands, what with tha conq wtitors' lAOO meters—Gene Vaasfcs, Psa> i "i lirttT *8tonrm riuee last ysor but aoadHdL struck out, by Jonw 4, Fitocr t; hit New Orlcana 0, Birmtegham 0. toe heira apparent With rose BaBowen, Bon And rassrserr cal aaeugb to ebauga tha blbevdl ChMiey, ss ...... 4 I da^y training chorea aad the busi- were A1' Schwarts of the BUMe Carron, 3 b ...... 2 by pitcher by Fibber (KUlray); nte- Memphis 7, Chattanooga X nem of attending to etriet bedrtinw 9,MO matwa—Fhal ssveeeee kyeut #v te aay way oSOctlhrptay. plrw Mpldoon and Lynch; time of | Nashville 11, Knoxville X Attletie Chite ItU A. A. tSo efaam- Ralph HM, Dans Dean. NMla Wakema Kilpatrick, 3b ...1 Bchedulea ploh in toe 100 meters aad 800 Xi—'Fvo oat wl Roth, rf ...... 2 n m e. 1:20. Intenatlenal langne lOAOO mstera -Louis (teagory, was eeaeud.. Golf baa won amny teas, Ig X—Batted fer DeVoie te 7th. Buffalo 4, Reading 8. •' Ban games befittteg tha caatonia TOm McDeeMegh, Toae Ottsy. chaster the kat few years Peterson, c f ...... 3 cf tta aaaovted natkma pradoaniaato Igen, aad a boat at etosrs. Two bass Mk; Bellucel, p ...... 1 XX—Batted for Smith in Oto. Rochester 8, Jersey City 8. Ban X, Dowd 1; kiga irembtf of them are Newark 4, Toronto 1. la tha racraatlenal paogfaiaa AL Another mcnarto. Bar* bars af tea local ukib' tbeugh toa Yinkeea boast toot Crabbe, Loa inselwi, eaaed to Qodek, Weber; » 8 21 4 fi Others poatponsd—rain. at aid MnBBte|~ BUttMl: akka baeabaft la toa nsttenal paatlsea, the leadership in ths 1000 matefa pre- 110-meter Mfrim oriku , ) ; FEDERMAN LOSES Japaneee etara. hava atoiw tha Show limbburiss yutsrday, te 80:89 4*9. Oeeen Batow, Jack XMeri AB. R. H. PO. A. B. STANDINGS Aaei 8; kOa' oa bal dff Wf ara varaly with daily spirited games jdhysd The KahU brotosra ran away wfto dOO-nwter burdka Bugens Beat* w rm b ir h it ter ptM lbs W. Tedford, se .. .3 INGOLF T ( H ^ with an indoor ball. thslr' bsats in too 109 nwteri first tft Vie Burba Jot HaoDay. Stevenson, c 0*4 Tha Aigontinea bava their own Millar;' atruck oiA k f ' It is aqpdaiad a krga anwd [Bpringfiaid ...... M style, but all faced stem compsa ju ap -'W m k WarA Cteergo Wnaca X TIaM, X J9 . to aaa tot pky l« Breokio, ef ...... 3 •peeial fOm of "Pooita.’* Sylvio ttonln seasi-aBal and final rounds EaftaiB Point, Ooun., July 2 4 I Albany ...... 44 Bpita Wait* vMkg tea waatbdr k tevi PbUUps, If ...... 4 • • e • a a • GMor, Haiti’s world’s bridUl jnnq> add, Ed RussaU, rf ...... 4 (AP) —Tbs match batwssn IDrs. I Richmond ■tatM Allentown » a * e e e • i ocord hoMsr, took up soeesr aa a with Ckabbe wore Ralpli OeidOB, Dick Basbar. Brennan, 2b 2 Qlsnna finiuir*: Vun aad lira Doro- divsrrion and leg strangtheatefr re­ vitad to iBridgtoort e s s s a e Flaaofan, COral OaMex F k .; BboCpnt—Lao f Merman toats Id ns ahargi tor Copeland, 2 b ...... 2 toy Campbell Hurd, both of Phila- I New Haven cently bat Mnee baa giveB tola np JaaMs Ghriaty, Univaialty of Ifleb- ■Ha. Nakon Gray. Anderson, l b ...... 4 deiphla, who ara tha two nutatand- far Hoyle rtdteg over the vlUage tfan; Ray Roddy. Raw Yosk AL Ci\ [ Ye$terday*$ S tan | ing favorites, bold the spolllglit to Hartford Dkwua J ela A Hiatthiasen, p-8b 4 Norfolk J84 Btreeto Oarl iMtVs of Tak; ak Jack Jenaa Aid Jaawip, O, Tsdford, p ... .2 di^ in the ssmi-flniJa of tha Grla> Jopfai’a Btblatea aim bavo ot- Madloa, of Saattla By lh a , wold Cup golf tournament a t toe JavaSa — Lsa Wartfeea, lu n Zimmerman, U! ..1 P ut tramw nmeb attentfon with jln- tha 100 Cbarehttl, Malcolm KMealfli. . \ BhenecoBsett Country CMb. Jltou boota wUeh would cause meterx baddaa Cssvlni, If ...... 1 'New York e • • •# # s .MS Pels vault—Btn Onbsr, Kaltb «• ■In the other seari-fiaal. Miss .560 American eoaebes te boM their and Stoarialtr, Bnwa, Bm Millar. katoi to a sank ykyad at Bernice Wall at Offdcoste Wls», mat Phltedelphia 91 breath in fear of the life or 'Umb ef 84 t 11 18 6 Detroit s '• e • as# a s e M l toria. at San Franaiaoa; CURk Hop, alto and Tha natan waa wl V. F. IF. ... 007 11 x^" mss Katherine Bragaw of Weat iCteveland 47 MS toeir star performara of Loa AMMmt loqr aoaa, Lsvy Caaay,------Ofanga, New Jersey. The 18-4ioIe ChUfomia'a advartlaed aonshlne ThoaBMOS, of toa Nam Aea'Aeade Ix/^lott 021 012 2^— final will ha-played taatorrow. Washington 41 MS Kamamr thiew Fata Zritembt, SentUE failed to touch 2nd basa St* Louis •■**,,,, *80 ASS Maerantiy bM aaaght all toe In- Gteorga ~ New York A. C.; Lawrsaee Johoaen, Fraak Cki Mrs. Lao G. Faderman, defending vndOT in its grip. Athletei wl Arthur . Nerttwaatem Twe bass U ta CepsUmd, W. champion, was riimteated In yeatar^ Chicago r 8g Bd *iSS BtcvcBson; three base hits, Peterson: Boston ...... 19 .338 same hart win a pale wbite eom- Uhlvorsity; hits off, Bslhwel 11 to 7, Tedford • day’s second round 3 and 1 by IT phadeg take dally hatts on toa verrity of I FUSS^ JOKES PUYING —Pftohad to 4, Matthiason 2 in 8; lacrificb Jean Bansr of Provldacs. h gnas te troBt a t thete settagea ef Hcaelohi; Bauer, In turn, was defeated One FoL The literary inclined apend muen hits, Shields; stolsn bases, Jones, Pittabuigli r e • • • t A71 T ala k by Miss Bragaw in ysateriteyte at toilr tlma raadlag beoxs or writ- GMeaga Jtey i4—(Ain — rttam two f! aaftodr tolkk Smith 2, Shields, Sentfff, Cheney, SwSSSt f*t*t*- ICMeago • ••rrsrar M i kava to^adkM that io Jogia s V rat a a• • a M l tag latean NatanDy, toa vlllaga IhaRadabtoX Peterson, Bellucel 2, W. Stevenson, Mrs. Varejrea^ed the leari-finals baa attamptid to aataMiab ae Vbrar- Saaby Oab abortstag k a spadd Russell, Copeland; struck out, by St, Louis araaataa by refeating Mlse Edith Q uier' of 41 TWO HATCHES PUTID damon. Idt Bellucel 10, Tedford 2, ICatthlason Reading, Pa., 7 and 6. Mrs. Hurd, Pbltedelpfala “ f e . aaffting pot proeeaa afaraady ■ km Omjw mMwWr BnUwnmm v W 3. Umpires, Betts and Bussell. two time winner of the Griswold BrooMyn I » • V • • f 1 la nadir way. Jorga Perry, CMom- wdaada te tta right rids and kfl Cincinnati V s••• • • Trophy, eliminated Mias Ruth bte’s aawatbeaar aad aols maaBbar iNGOtlTOWNAMENT tofid bris back ia naUbna worte^ Naw York « a ear a a OCT o r JOB Batchelder of Boston 7 and 9. of the aattoa’a team, fiadteg tha vfl- a u t OILS 10 mr I TODAVS QJUmS taga anaatbtef ef a lonaseme spot, "Bop# to gat bask k thagHMia C v Colo CVS. New Toik, July 14^(AP)~lidDa LBGiffNBBROB baa made friSndi by toadteg Mb a day Of iwri* ha baaaMoT iB fl Tbs Ifiaekaaliir 07998,OIrk kwa IfaUory, former tennis champion ef Eaatorn Linsna Psul BalWopdr Bogts Dr. Hartford at Sptfasfiald. luwwiedga af gpiwlih for a bit of bav« to fiovget haaik ill tomoayiw - - A U iM ii ilOM OR tbS' the U. S>, iB out of a job. She sold - “ - - - Mooro 8 sa i 2 find Tdrklag* Manchester LegloB will play 1 Riehmond a t ADantoFn. iMWfvsrJarlte kaat appaar for tkl aports dreeeei in a d^artsM ot stoce Rockville Friday and not Thursday b a te mak* tfln TlriMfi Dr. Btyd 8 and L fbr ffx weeks, but w m 1st out Sat­ aa It was atatad fay the Mglon man­ Norfolk at Bridgwoft tStitond urday, aha dtod oasd. Zh tha ager yaaterday. Mambera of toe Now Havan at AAnair. Foterii. hflwavsr, she hopsa to start a sports taam. mast at tta Weat Side Reef AaMfiCBB Laagne Two itiitobee were tiayad te toa store **0Q a ahde string." Chicago at Boston. F. Praakteara Cw leurniyiit tha Mam m d ay at i o’doek. St. Louis 8t WashtagtoO' llsvw astova who anmga to ebaatsr last. Datrolt at PMladalphla. crash Ob gata ef toa vOkga, Usak Paul Ballatepaf defaataif Ehr. IX CL Clevalaad at Naw York. tfalHs at tha cHyte mate atmaL T. Moors t aad 8 aad MBtofi " F e ir Naffenat Langna w mut Ragaagnagw* wkacn______' TUrktegton defeated Dr. Noward Bostoh at Pittaburfh. booming tedgh of Doa^M .fl Boyd 8 and 1. This laavoa flv4 Naw York, a t ML X^ouia. banks torilled ths vUlagers jwititer- DGoMfiUP * fll^ * * * O tu b ig f R n tll* day. TBs Tks tnnaottaatstehabftants are watobttgwatobl mstabSB ta Ire plaTtd te tltrtiurrn inf, Bepfibing, Fenieir tnd Brooklyn a t Chloago. ment. Charles Johnson mepta Turk- on your bojii^ ^wcr. 2 PMfladMphlia a t ondanatl. tetareat the finishing touches Body Wfiriu Apply Fred bring put to the open air theateriagtop and Harry Bena^has yet to a meet Herbert House. The wtenere PLut Cana Top Dressing. fiBIOBd. BIANOHBSTEB OBEEN where soon they 'will see HoUy- wood’e great on the stage aad of these two matches will meet to Bogidtr 85e size ab r h po complete the upper bracket ^aul 0 .0 0 s m ...... Gone, p...... 1 0 0 2 soretei* Gffnersl G t u m Bepifrfiig. Clra^. rf...... 2 l l 0 A dMMtlo municipal government Ballririter must meet Marry Mri|[« Starters, Ceiwrfitors, HUDfeord, 2b...... 2 0 1 9 nUm j n TmmgWf Xmw 9fty CUUIWI1_» M to eoaepteta the ' 2 CANS smomz Brakes, Vtlvefi aad Ciurboto Bbrallo. 8b...... 8 9 0 9 fm m igtn t i the I the finale, R. Jarvis, c...... 8 1 1 19 wlto^dboeE seems to have toa.. RefidM Me size Apid7 B* Streeter. Pimwy, lb ...... 8 9 0 8 trot ever their ewawa preoiaete, die- a lasoaito He pteye with' a 8a tatkg to tr “* eiUk and hia game has imprivad tan- PhShpSfV If* mooofmmS 1 1 9 t s r 0.0 o O 0 o • . . . . . DVOO PAINTING. WWW toff mnet alderably alnee the toumaaMWt ba* H. Jarvis, ef...... 1 O i l mast .rattea Aad gas. Paul Belleteper who won* teat DidI up y o v old car KhstingB, ss...... 8 0 1 '9 yaara toumaaeaat must gtva Meg*' i fliartgalt Ktai9 of PoBfih. •ew paifit 19 8 f IS 9 1 sen 11 alridna, dSariderabla of a ckeeifuMy fivea. ■rasptpfanr CIGARS H.O, k^eap._PaiA^game te a bte off 50c A pi^ C. GoodaO 9h r b yo ■p. IfeDonald, A ,,$ 9 0 8 Btoacn-Kouae aaririka g M i la J. 2Miiki.pw .....8 0 0 X flinae p. atusu, lb. ...*s X 1 7 F B A T iS ' H a t Oat of Gas BRtteiy TnaUa i . Xiealy, Ste'-...... 8 0 0 8 W.Staiikaefab.8b.S 0 0 8 Ths Pbatoi wiU praajOto 0 Tin B sadSm kt Dial 4122 R. Difia, sa .....8 1 0 1 ■Rjkt a t f #1 a t S a w J. Xabor^ if. 0 ■MuThafe J. LaChanea, a t ..S) 9 J.MkDeadlAtC. **1 • SUdkm M ’.'* ; A f * * ****.< i« ’»;.'' ". o' lOItOHBRBR fm n ira H lilAn), S O l^ lUNtiHWmKt OOMN, TRDlMDAf. nXiT ; '-k W - ... .tJI'y

ib- h m > . M i Read the Renidl Propertq Listinq on fliis Pdqelfrli. -*• * u', ’ ‘ i

'Tfmfue • LOST AND FOUND WANTED—TO BUT «18 HOUSES FOB SALE 71 |.46effk.8WWtf$«:l|#. %’ W ut A4 IttfofMW— GQir RAIL TRAVEU LtOST—P A M BOOK NO S4S89 — WANTED TO B U T ______FOR lA LS-d ROOM bousa with t- Notlos Ifi hprttoy glvaa that Pm s g g fd e .^ u a t in good oondltion. all Impfovsmeats, at l94, BHdgs LRA6UE LEADERS Manchester Book No. 84689 isaufid by Tho Bay- street inquire on premieea ■ 130 MILES AN HOUR iiifg Bank of Manobeatei baa bodii ^ *-----litifl Tteas Evening Herald lost or deatroyedi and writtpn ap* 1 BUT ALL KINDB o f bouaehUd FOR SALE—6 ROOM bungalow, pUisation baa been made to aald goods, fnmlture eta ^tter prleee with two ear.gafofi, 48 Mathi4^ Datreli ' 14i>^(AP) — Oana ...... ‘ NATIONAL Tba Waft SIdfi___ OiASSIFIBD bank by the penon In whoae name id If you eaU or w rlU . Nathan street Price f6|W. F. W> Outraur.' foU ban off the tea Pirates, J69. houaa Poiat are. tied *' APVERTISEMENTS atioh book waa laauad, for payment Sveraiit,vOoleheBter, Conn. Tde- a valQdty o f batwaan lSO aad 180 Ruas^-KMa, Phils, 98. to flrst couad of CMCv - ___ of the amount of depoalt repraNnt^ phooe 97. naflas an hour. This was sstabMshsd Runs biattsd ln-«-Klsin, Phils, 84. paitauaa halted the gaate Ifffeg m Count tlx avorac* werAa to a Uaa. Wkaa tie New York ftate Ath- In a tsst mads ysstarday with step Xaltlala, aumbara aad abbroTlatloas. ed by aald book, or for tba iaauanoe Htts-Xtom, Phils, 128. tn toatog with aeora 7-7 kirt lut aacb oouat a* a word ^ad.Mmpouad . o f a dup^ioata book therefor. letid Odmaalssloni. la Bologna Bulle- watehis and aa automobUS at the DouMts—Paul Waaer, Piraias, 87. mgat. worda aa two worda Ulairanm ooat ia ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 68 tUi No. 9,96lA42, aanouq^ that provliif grotiads of a local motor Triples—lOslBi Phils, aad Har­ Both turns mada ovary kit aaA prioa of thraa llaaa. ow oompaay. Lina rataa par day for traaalaBt W a il S treet hereaftar the radio broadoasting at man, Rsds, 18. error Muat to .the aoMaff. Ware* FOR RENT—FURNISHED mom Synohroaialag the start of a drlvs W to the fIfffi'f.A Jb Adit BUSINESS SERVICES 'flghia muft>be pAaeed in tha Homs runs—Main, Phils, 28. UaatfTa Maiak It, IMT for one or two persofia at '70. ftva times with aa automobils msla- BtolSn bass4' Btripp, D ^ e r s , the stoth the Buddiu kBefikuBuBt- Oaab Obarfa OFFERED I t of mmerta, It made evenr' talntag a ISO-mfla-aa-hour spasd, Baynee street TPl. 4786. B riefs INirfsetly , clear. Up to newi and F. Wansr, Pirates, IS. ley from the mouad u d ttofi the d Coaaaeutlfa Oaya ..| t ota • ota SafoasB got ths ban into ths lead PMdflnff—Batts, Braves, and acora • I Conaaoptiva Oaya * ata 11 ota s in g l e ROOMS or suitee in Joihn- itiy. tha N. Y. 8. A. a has of tha motor ew for about 100 ifi tba sevrath tlito soored oas 1 Day .^..^....7.....) 11 OU It ota WILL SIMONiZ cara reaaonable. left the ^.matter of; broadoasta In Swatonlo, Pirates, 10-2. All ordara for trracular inaortloaa sod Blook WIth modem Improve- New York, July 14.—New offer­ yarda. Than for a tima tha ban aad ^ tke first ^111 ba ebaraad at tba oba tima rata. Telephone 4819. xfiinta Phone Harrison 6917 or oKkrge o f Inexperta Afidnbw, wodld ear mvaned on oven terms but fl- tima, but WarehouM Point tied the Bpaolal > rataa for lonv tana avary ings of puMlo utility seourtties to­ the N. Y. 8. A. C. kindly tell the AMERtOAN day advafttaing glvan upon raquaat Janitor 7686. taling |4Q,7O9iOO0 are being made a i ^ tha ew punad away. ■ dw . Neither team aoored 'to the folks Just what and who Is an e Batting-ifoxx, Athlatiea, .877. elghte Md gams w u oaUad on ao- Ada ordarad for thraa or aix daya MOVING—TRUCEING— today ^ banking Arms and syndl- pertT • Tlmara with atop watehaa ware Runa—Simmons, Athletics, 92. and atoppad bafora tba third or fifth catea lids waa the largest total for posted along the testing oeuraa to eount of darlcneM. ^ day will ba abargad paly for tha aa* STORAGE to Runs batted in—Foxx, Athletics, and Robtoaon itarrad for tual numoar of tlnlaa tba ad appaar* APARTMENTS—FLATS— a single day for several months, and ' The Blaok Maehhie clock both ban and oar at various 104. ad. charging at tha rata aaraad. bat TENEMENTS 68 banking quarters suggested that Iterlsa to th.e-effect that Connie stages. Counting only the dlstanee WarahouM Point u d Guatafaon itod Bo allowaaca or rotunda oaa ba mada SILVERLANB BUS LINE, operat­ lUte-r-Foxx, Athletics, 128. Mmonaon for the W u t Side Bud- appearance of...the issues was due to Mack wfia very-disgustid'Wfth sun y In flight, the ball traveUed 280 srardS Douhles-^ohnaon, Red Sox, and on aix tbna, ada atoppad aftar tha ed by Perrett A Olenney. Termi­ recent improvement In the bond in 441 seconds and the automobUe Mu. Last night w u the BuMea* fifth day. !• ■. FOR RENT—5 Ro 6 m flat with all of :hla athletes this year, and that Porter, .Indians, 26. flrst appearance to their new ttol^ No “tlll'fdtblda” : dlaplay llnaa not nals—Charter Oak and Main market. The largest offering waa certain inflelders, oumeldera pitch­ covered the same distance In 4.1 Improvements. Apply 86 Chestnut aeoonda Triplas—Myar, Sanatora, 18. forms and they ehowed plenty of oelA atreeta. State and Front atreeta the 125,000,000 IkUsop Bleotrle Blu- ers and eatohefo bad been pUm( Homs.rana—Foxx, Atbletios, 84. Tba Harald will not ba roapoaalbla In Hartfofd. Schedulejof tripa ob­ street Sarasen said the test showed It la d u e . ^ for mora than oaa laeorraet tnaartloa mlnatlng of Boston two-year h per upon the plook wUly-nUly, are juat Stolen baeea—Chapman, Yanks, Wareheau Point (7) of any advartlaanant ordarad for tainable Irom drived Chartered FOR RENT—TWO 4 ROOM flats In cent notes priced at 99.62 to yield so much spinach. the apead with which tha dubhead 19. » hits the ban, as much as the timing .V ABRHPOAH more than oaa tima. Pullman Bus Service. Special good condition, modem, with ga­ 6.20 per cent Others were the 810,- When and If Mr. Mack decides to Pitching-Klmaey, Browns, and Robinson, 8b .... 4 2 0 8 1 2 Tba Inadvanont omlaalon of Inoor* parties to any point Estimates rage. Inquire 87 Clinton street 000,000 offering of Brooklyn Union trade any of bis players, ^ u may at the stroke, that glvea distance on root publloation of advartialag will ba drivers. Hildebrand, Indians, 4-1. Monko, If...... 8 2 0 I 0 0 rootlfled only by oanoollatlon of tba furnished on request Phone 3068. Telephone 4970. Oas 6a at 98 and a 16,709,000 Issue depend upra it that Mr. Mack, dis­ Weskoeki, o .... 4 0 1 7 1 0 oharga mada for tha aarrioo .-aadarod. 8860. 8864. of 6^ per cent sinking fund bonds gusted or not, will get full value re­ Bowldle, o f ...... 8 9 0 8 0 0 All advartlaomanta muat ooaform ceived. , Mr. Mack la not tearing In atylo. copy and typography with of the Boston Elevated Co., at par. PlHus, M ...... 4 8 8 1 8. 0 rogulatlona enforood by tba publlah* GENERAL TRUCKING, local and APARTMENTS—FLATS— down any more: ball clubs, but Is HORSE SHOW EVENTS Balenu, lb .i.. 8 0 0 8 0 9 ora and thay raaonra tha right to long distance moving, livery ser­ TENEMENTS 68 Checks for the June quarter dlvl trying despwately to build one up. FILM STARS PROFIT Bridge; rf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 adit, reviaa or rojoot any oopy con* vice. Modem trucks, experienced dend of the American Telephone A HUntiey, M, p . . 8 Q 0 0 1 fl aldered objaotlonabla. men. guaranteed prompt delivei'y, Sehalk at Buffalo ATNIANTICCAMP CLOSINQ HOURS—Claapiflod ada to FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat In good Telegraph Co. totaling 841,984,247 Tidings from Buffalo operatives Smith, 8b ...... 8 1 1 8 1 2 ba publlahed aamo day muat, bp ra* all goods Insured while in transit condition', 66 Ridge street Inquire will be maUed to about 700,000 ffiowiiifflv doMi B utlay. p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 e aolved by II o'clock noon; Saturday! Our affiliation with United Vans owinpy deecribet the success oi FROM PAY RGHTS 10:10 a. m. at 86 Proctor Road. Tel. 4290. stockholders tomorrow. The higher y Bcbalk uas manner of the Bl< Callla; l b ...... 1 0 0- 0 0 4 Service means lower rates jn fur­ postage rate will add 821,000 to the — Camp Oroaa Dtiantic, July 14 — TELEPHONE YOUR aona It,ilUU>njcfifiaU«d that Ichalk niture moving to distant potots. FOR RENT—r6 ROOM tenement, coat of this transaction. At the never had much luck as manager of (AP) —Ten events will compose S ' r ' o J i l l WANT ADS. Dally trips to New Fork, baggage with all improvements. Inquire at same Walter S. Olflord, president of Hollywood.—Watching the parade the program for tha Governor’s iMy West Side BaSRia (7) the Chicago White Box. But then, of movie events and personalities Ada nra acoopU^oTor tha toloplmB»na delivered direct to steamship piers. 36 Cottage street O. Scarlato. the company; will make public the Mr. Sehalk undoubtedly has a better horse now of the 122d Cavalry of AR R R PO A 1 at the CHARdB RATE givenvan anovabove from-day to day, one Inevitably .the Ooweotieut National Guard Ford, ...... 4 'O' 1 6 2 0 aa a oonvenlenoa to advartlaara, but Before contracting for service get ieaults of operations for the quar­ team at Buffalo than he ever had 'at 0 tba GASH RATES will ba xooeptad as our estimate. Phone 3063, 8860, ter ended June SO. According to un­ Comiskey park. condudea that smart worms stand Sundi^. -^ Half and quarter mile Brlmley, 2b .... 4 0 0 l .1 q TULL PAYMENT if paid at tba bual* 8864, Perrett A Olenney Inc. FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement In­ official estimates telephones In serv­ to profit by their ^raings. races, bareback scurry; and open Winder 'p. If .. 4 1 0 1 : 0 1 ^aaa oftloa on or bafora tha aavanth quire at IS Moore street ice throughout the Bell system total Senator-Yankee Feeling Besides relieving the monotony of Jumping are scheduled along with a Byoholskl, If, p .. 8 1 0 0 l 0 day following tha flrat Inaertion of casting and romance and divorce combined .pistol .and aabre run, Ouatafeon, Sb . . . 8 1 8 1 8 1 each ad btherwiaa tha CHARGE FOR RBNT-^03 CENTER street, approximately 14,680,000 against During the Dickey-Reyndos hoB' ^ T E will ba oollaoteA No raaponal* REPAIRING 28 15,389,994 on December 81, 1981. tlUtlea, minor engagementa between news with dashes of fiery color, the mounted wrestling, match between Salmooaon, lb . . 3 2 2 11 0 9 ollity for arrora li^ telephoned ada five room flat, with all Improve­ rebela of Hollywood serve them­ ten men from New Haven and ten Fraher, o f ...... 8 1 1 8 0 C yrlll ba aaaumad and their aoouraey ments, steam heat, garage. Inquire certain of the Senators and Yanka selves weU. ebrdy, u, rf ... 4 1 0 .fl f j aannot ba guaranteed. MOWERS SHARPENED, key mak­ In brokerage, house opinion divid­ were overlooked. Thus, Buddy 2 ^ r . from Hartford and a race for qf- ing, vacuum cleaner, lock, gun. ' 401 Center street When Ann Dvorak quietly pack­ fleers chargers; Chapmu, 88 .... 3 0 0 0 8 1 ed developments so far this week Babe Ruth took Buddy^a lega'from Johnson, r f ...... l 0 0 0 0 0 INDEX OF clock repalriiif. Bralthwalte, 08 have hem as favorable as could be under him and with a neat slide to ed up and walked out on Warner A troopers horsemanship eontest FOR RENT—6 ROOMS, flrst floor, Broa the other day, presumably to will be opqn to men of leas than a Vennart, 2 b ...... 0 0 0 0 2 0 GLASSIIIICATIONS Pearl street steam heat, all modem impfove- expected tmder the olrcumStsAoea. second base during the gama Pitch­ Birtba aaaoabb! o.t:* !••••!•• P.C4 a a • The cuts announced to Continental er Allen 6f the Yankr hit on sail tt&ax New York for Europe, year’s moun^d training and will he XngRgeineiltS •••tgab«»«h»bopnoa ments, 829 Bast Center street Tel. there were many to argue that her judged both on pertormanoe and _ 82 7 6 U U 1 MftrringeS aa«a.a'abb*bgfia: •••••sso 8068. Cfm and Prootor A Oamble were the a m with a fast ball. Lou Geh Warehouse Point . . . 800 120 10—7 SeRthS aaaaaoaaaa •!•«•••••§•• COURSES AND CLASSES 27 not drastic, and Woolworth helped rig, tearing into second, turned threat waa more protest than actual troopers' form. Governor W. L. CRrd of XhRDkS oaa«««*«tBS«S«t* Intention to skip her contract. For Cross and hia itaff wl)l be guests of West Side Buddiu.. OOO'OOO 10—7 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement the record by declaring the regiilar,^ Buddy hpside down. Two h u e hits, Weskoakl; three la Memoriam a.a !••••• t.a.a • • • bSM BEAUTT CULTURE—Bara whUe with all Improvements. Inquire 87 M i ^ you couldn’t blame a little a long time before, Ann was, In a honor. XiOSt and J9*OUnd aabb««apbfibfib»p learning. Oetatia free. Hartford guy mta Buddy Myer If he slid Into quiet wiw, dlaaatlefled with her touM hits, Gustafion; itolen basu, ^anounoeineatB aaabb««b*fifibfi0ba Cooper street To simplify arrangements for the meager iiuary—^but she alwaya said, Winder. Butley, Johnaop, Ford, PeriOaalB ...... !!••••• geciB Academy of Hairdressing. 693 Joint use of their fractional dlatllla- firat with apikea high and out a nice Aufomobtlao ”1 don’t (hlnk It’s worth fighting ^ BOBSn RACING Quitafaon. Fraher, PUlua 8, Wu- Main street Hartford. FOR RENT— 8 ROOM Apartment tlon patenta, Atlantic Refining Co., hole In • Gehrig’s jM ta. Anyway koskl S/RoMpau, Smith; basa on Automobllaa'for Bala ...... air Improvements, heat furnished. that’s-.exactly what Budi^ did. about” Apparently ' she ohangec Automobllaa for Exchange . . . . . Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard her mind. Ty>l4do, O., JiUy 14. — (A P)—Vic baUB,.off Huntlay 4, B u tley 1. By> Auto Aoooaaorioa—TIraa ...... 16 LlUey street Inquire after 6 p. Oil of New. Jeraey and the Foster cholikl 1, Winder 1; hit by pitcher, Auto Rapalrlng—Painting...... HELP WANTED—MALE 86 m. • Tlia Printed Ward ' FlenUflY^Ught in. two of the win­ Wheeler Corporation have deoldad Good Bpoet For Star ners Ifi laat night’s Orud Clroult Ford by Huntley; struck out, to to grant Soenaing rlghta to a com­ The Oardlnala* front office has re- Autoa—Ship by Truok...... MEN WANTED TO CONDUCT FOR RBNT-47 MAPLE STREET, ■ortad'to A Uttta pamphlet, diatrlb When ahe oomas back, minus ■al<^ racing at Ft. Miami track. ^ tie y 6, Bantley 2, BychoW^T Autoa«rFor Hire ...... world renowned Rawle^h Home mon agent for the uae of thoae ary for as many weaka as she was Driving Nawbrooke, Flaming won Winder > 1. Umpiru nilua OaraRaa—Sarvloa—Storage . . . . . four room tenement modem, ga­ patenta They have organlaed the utad aa^ong tha fans, glvliig news of Smith. Motoroyolea—Bloyolaa ...... Service bualness In cities, of Man­ rage. F. R. Manning—8146. tha taam’i aohiavamenta. Ih a reoant abaant aha’ll have for oompansa- the flrat u d third heats o f tha .Wanted Autoa—.Hotoroyelas...... chester, Hartford. RookvlUe and Petroleum ptatillation Corp., under laaua Of tha tiny four-page paper, It tioa the fact that a lot of movla fans olaltfilng trot, u d brought Young Bnalneaa and Prafasalonal fiarrlaas Delaware lawa, with aa authoiiaed MARSH W nii PBOBATBD Bualneaa Sarvloaa Offered ...... II Bast Hartford. Sellable hustler FOR RENT— MODERN FOUR WA' eaUed to the attention of the have read about her fight, many of Senator horns In tha lead in tha first room tenement, 98 Charter Oak oapltalliation of 2,000 aharea of no faaa that they should ba.aura and them fans who hadn’t yet ”dlioov- nouaehold Servtoaa Offered .....1 I*A can start sarnlng |86 wsskly and and final heata of tha 12,800 aU Brtdgmrt, J^.14.-(A P) i-tn- Building—Contracting 14 Inereass rapidly. Writs Imms street, bstwssn Spruce and Main. r atook, which will ba aoqutrad turn out on Homeoomlng Day to aee erad” her. Aa honest fight la a Amerlcu 11-olaaa trot Tlorlata—Nuraarlaa ...... Apply 701 Mala street. K tha oompanlea oonoemed. Hefty, Roattgar, High and Fray, for­ grand pubUolty stunt a n d ^ a mora der the terma of the wlU of rrubli unaral Ulraotora ...... dlately. R aw lsln Co., Dept OU-86- Bray Stout won tha aacond heat W. Marah, ratirad bukar, filed (or S 8. Albany, N. T. mer Oardinali, in Cfinoinnatt uni* honest tha grander. of tha Qaimlng Race, u d Locks eating—Plumbing—Roofing ...n FOR RENT—THREE room tene­ Juaa production of aawaprlat la pNbate today, tha u tira utate it \ laiUfSaCe forma. The oaae w Jamw Cagney, who Bunts? w u the aeobnd heat victor m for tha UM of his uamfirrled MUIInory—Oraaamaking ...... ment, centrally located. Telephone Canada totalad 181,868 tons, whtla Now iia't that Juit too thrilling T left the lame studio, la atlll la the o f tha AU Am arlou. Moving—Trucking—Storage .. . 7680. ihfpmenta ware 164,810 toaa, aaya daughter. Violet, during her Ufetlme Painting-Papering ...... SITUATIONS WANTED— air. Oft to the aaat, alao to Europe Uaa Signal lUpped tha fu te it u d u her duth.ie to be dtitributed Profaiaronnl Sarvloaa ...... ItI! the Newaprlnt Bervioc Bureau. Out­ Ba Oaraful. Bova evantualiy, Cagney oan follow the viwwwiwMmi HwaTfwwa ttiaaiiifiaa •• FEMALE 88 f o r ' RBNT-8 ROOM FLAT, put In tha United Btatei laat month .mile o f tha cvealag. 8108 1*8 while among th ru other ehUdrra. inalring ...... II Ball playera parhapa have to aava sweat trail left by hli laat picture. Vlnalag the 17 tret la itralght TOs^wlD, which w u filed with lorlw —Uyaing—Olaanlng ... {4 With all improvemente, 819 Summit waa 88,889 tons and ahlpmanta ag­ their inteniffenoe for the ball field. "Wlnaar l^ e All." ’Ike ituuo may TliliatHat Qo^a- and garvleo ...... || CAPABLE QBRMAN HousekHpei street. Telephone 8498. heata. Probate Judge WlUlam W, B ut, Wanted — ...... desires poslUon with busiMsi eou- gregated 14,888 tona. Oanad(an pro* That laema to he the only oonoluilon weak lls kaads of him, but tha fact anted—Bualnaaa fiorvloa ...... i l duotion in tha first six menthi of toM* he 4rwm Ervinfrom rwreeent w « therapeutio la the afternoon program, Patay' prtvu BO utimats of tha value, of Eduoatlanal ls, small family or elderly person, NEW BTJZLDINQ Just* completed, that Oagnay draws but will ae loag- Huover wu wiuer d the olaiif- the utote. Mr. Ifu ih who w u u e gouraaa— and CiauoaGiaaiai ...... |f [afiohestet? or elsewhere. Addreis this year was 160,118 tons less than enqra------made made by by Meieri. Meieri. Babe Ruth er dra v for Waraer Broi. will be ao of the fouaderi of the Bridgoport privatetivata• e. Initruotlenvviwva vawaawoa ...... l a a « a « « • l i a ■ il £ four ^auUful foomi, |I0{ alio four In the earn* period of 1981, a drop* X w i; Webb, >lDth ^ fled pace, ud Pater At Uw took danoln Box V| Herald. theae lade, oon fort olngwjl J^iliiiililblMfilllfifill I ll|1I. 8 Walnut of 18 nlr cent, Amerloan output from time to tlmei; Mve beeni told to two out of fqur heata la tha 18 pace. Trust OoBwaay u d the Brldgeput'' luiloa I ...... •<*.... If near Pine. Inquire Tailor Shop. ^ d udTltie Oomptay, diedJuBe VantoLad— InatruoUon...... i t PRACTICAL NURIB wlihei >Fork. wai 48,898 tone, or • per eent un* uie eye*WMhefi. Ruth, by mtitake, Flfktiaf Tfi Fame le Jal Telephonfi 6080. der a yew a||o. ^ ondi—Itaeki!!^^ igagai ..... fiurilBt or heuiekeeplfif, expsrl* ^ tee euAitaadlaf ntoture, aad a lot BTAIE OITiClALB TO MEET ttilneii Opportunli 01 ...... enoed. Reaaoaable. Oafi give RENT KUNTlNar-Tfill Ul what of ItekUBf, have put Rowlaad Browa AivndVB Avonoh inoy to Man ...... i enaea. Cay 1108. weni ,vii up taero with the beat of the direo- Hutferd, July 14.—(AF) —Ike S.X. - Main u d filtaatlana li •you want, wi*ll tain uart of U for you without oharge. R. T. MoOana, CURB QUOTATIONS ton. The lecture wai "Qulok MU* audal noMtlaff of the itate exeeu* Iblp WnntajHitainala ...... •Abeat Mk Qoodmaa JOBi," aad the fightlag h u b e u tivu UKclatlw will be held at ------...... lolP Wnnti DUtiS-BlSDS-PSTB 41 88 Oentor atrMt. » a l TTOO. . Harrleea . Jebaitea. who hu aot Rooky Nook Puk at aou tomor* tilp W^tai II By ASSOOIATBD PRBM quafifted for a aatieaal amateur d u e with the beet etudlu, taeludlBg 8 ROOM TENEMENT. aU t m p r ^ Amer sup Pow , Radio, where he li agalu. For a row u d wiU be followed h^a bm ja fe C a^uuS' AaSl rOR lALa-RHLD TWI Mill • menti, garaft, good location, ront teuraameat for . Iwe .yean, wu while he w u walklai out aliaoit u [5tifs5:% tcaT.*";^ letter puppy, male. |10. Telephone And Qai aad Elec eheeea a taembenaf th4 Walker Oup mut.SSSf It will he ilrst time meet flrreSharSwA eta “ reaionable, II walkor i t r n i In* Oittei lervlQe ..... M he walked la. He let It 1 I. lebaiy Oeedmaa, the Omaha he kaowB that he wua't taklag of tte^weeuttvei have le u R uto Hi e. POHTBR . qulro 80 Walker. Tel. 7 | 8 I. Elee Vmd aad Bbart ^ Who put JoBH, la the fint NMk Puk, the aeweit of the Itate HudiM^lAy I...... rauhd at PebUe Beaeh la 1919 aad taythlkff from aayoae. He'idlrut* pwki* LivrisrscR- FOR R E N T -n V B AND SIX room Pena Road tagJTA^ty R ^ " BOW, i! tenfimenti, with 8U modem im* who eame la Alth .with a g ^ leen VBH1CLE8 48 Segal Look .....im.....,.*. la the NatiMil Opiia thli year, wae ^ ’7kev*rt lettUit me aleae," he provemeati. Inquire at li t Eaat Itaad Oil lad let aimed. Mayto you eaa thtak up im , ^u d X thtak ru have a good FOR lALE-PAXR OP horaei, Oenter itroet or taiephoao 7688. Ualted Feuaderi a good wliearam to go with that ploture. If aot, ru take the rap— aioae," ^ weight about IT04 Reaaofiable for FOR RENT—4 ROOM tiaemeat, united Qai eae. ! eaih. Phillip H^mafi, 480 KUli- Ualted Lt aad Pew A . XI'i a ntrlt that goee far — tot towB Road, Telephofit IIIO. with all tmprovemonti. ,heat ana oceaitoaalv gow too fu. Too far |amio. 188 lummlt atroet. Phont R ig i WGMAN DUS for Hollywood. louoalKolt' *voua ..lltilllPIMIt FOR BALE-TWO yeuBi fiaw mlloh iaohliia kPd Voola IMIlllfilll Parle, J\dy 14.—(AP)—Deipite oowi. Inquire * a t«117 Oakland e eflerti el deoten who werx«d BolM alm ut heeame a COCHRAN itreet 60 he\m to lave her life. ICn. Kath* feeeloaal baubaU |^aye^ He KPiij^pIo at Ino StOKi ...... i i HOUSES »Y)R RENT 66 erlae Whtiaa Oardoa*llUi, daugh* a ieutkpaw Stoker oa a college alae APPIf«—Fura ...... I f ter of the late Frederick Wheiaa, —the uaiverelty of Twao-and Raania»BaaN;»lla«ala- iRaaatla POULTRY AND FOR RENT-TWO SINGLE hOUM4. Amorloaa olgar itore exeoutive, **pro" imuta lougkt klm out Joha _ _..^Roataafanta SUPPLIES 48 ■lx roomi aaoh and oat 8 room, all died iMt lig h t la the Amerloaa hos* Oat Yew Ago Toto-W lU tam T. wae wUllBf, hut Ml pereata decided* ...... M improvtmenti. Apply Edward J. pttal: ly w eru't Be ko itudled medlclae FOR l A L I ^ ROAITINQ dueka, TUdea, n , w r e ite d '^ t Amerleaa ud beoamo u utor...... W HoU. Phone 8841. The dooten eald death reiulted proftnloBil t i^ eha^eaihlp ...... fl dreiaqd. M e , lOb altvej alao from aa overdeae of a ileeplag po- Wanted—Rooma—Board ...... |i baby duoki. B. T. Alien, 87 Oeaae FOR IUDN1W4IIX ROOM hOUN, m m yiBooat.MMmrdfi to beatlag AUTO VEOtPIBIPlE Rtal Batata Fa* Raat itTMt Telephone 8887. with all Improvements. Inquire .'at **^i?*‘* Tf* w- -..4V _ Wsfonpir prolefa t-8,1-1, Apartmanta, FlatA Tonomanta .. •I Police aad mlmben of the family ,ihe fiaili atrwwt iS ia . U W adiw^ Itreet iBvaitliratlBg the elreumetaaeM of ‘ _ S k a ^ Oci».|^July;14r^(AP) — Xoufloi tor Ro^ II HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 her death laid fihe ipeat the eve­ FtvfIv9 .Yean Ago Tedaa^-BIght Ik^dR-MoZam IL ^adel- Suburban ter Rent ...... ning before ihi was taken ilok la a SUMMER HOMES Amileiim lid by BlU^ehlbom U d iriU ttb u B , 19, Stookbrldffc .. FOR BALE—OAI RANGE with MontparaaiM oafe with fricada withh ^78^48 aad Bobby Jenee *0 RSAt ooootoaoootaoaaaII died la a koepltal todu ikprtly ut* Real Batata For lalo FOR RENT 69 Apartment Building for Bale . . . oven and broiler, good odBdltti with 78-tl-r-147, paisad the' qualify­

.GAS BUGGIES—^There’s Always (hie for Every Bate; By FRANK BE(;K .(BEAD THE STORY, IBBN COLOR THE IjBubuiB) llba doetw cams out of tha tu t "We win a u to him i white Dunoy waa Said ha, i *Tvt YOU ladh dU Uep rikht iR ttpriteat ESTBRDA*’ sput some tima to loiddag Dunoy end s u htam toyott . HEM AND BHi^: H ll^^ "JUst M ^ not to h M IT ' >THB NEWS ABOUT Var, to'find out what Is wtoiq;. If he’n iS^itinTto's s a ^ ^ AMV WERE VERY *Tm sura that, If hall rut a lfit; tf to wuta s i^ taeV ' MUCH flURPRlMOBV ba rimrtly win be faeitog fit You win b t o ^ lad a d ^ h ^ AN UNSXPBCTBO : b . . . OP , know, of couru, that rut ia vtoat VISITOR ... VOU W IL L maku Uttle feitows strong. HEMk AUNT KATE COUmtVOU'U. BO UNDERSTAND a n ^ seb t o rr that "Tha main thtog that’s the trou- And^whu PROM TACOMA. COME W H Y HEM. bte now la that hs wruehad his aide, "Hi, to tEdre; ^ IN. SMS'ilB BSINB A N D A l ^ 8(»|Mhow. The muadu are inflamed T m u|t -SHEk A GOOD REARED W SRE N O T w > * XlflU-l-WC—*v.iDBfiPBDIV ’cauu they hate imdargou - a^ Ito a u ’ odr OLD SOUL..-BUT evERcoMi . ^ strain. Ed. WMi« X YEARS AGO SHE WITH 'JOY ’ -'Tve told him he most Ha to beid. BECAME A GIRLISH WHEN ^ n n y 'AU right’ is all the w u lad Said. ?. ______MOLD HER B B H B ^ ADM IRER OP lOMALM ASdUNET^HBR. Now, If he disobeys ap, aU my wt»k QUEEN VICTbRiA . ITHBUE EXCEPT THAT IbhE ^ w^ be to vain.". ' ... .. AND HAS VICTORIAN in O R . *X>h, we win su that . to dtoyR TR IM S T D SHOVip. i N i EVEN NEVER CHANSED THEM DOWN. : e'sk tiioiigh to iii oenfifisd’for dslia.** HER IDEALS. * h id e s HER t e ld ^ r il^ . OTHER PEOPl B%^ ORESSMAWNi ■ ‘ totouu to ie-^^^ riffinT^ ’ THROATS ou H M y IR ddMROMI X \ -.r to'isasi that to; RANGI1B9I8B » IA1 SEN SE-^D NONSENSE Toonerrille Folk* Frataihie F or OUR i^ARDINfl HOUSE X ' < ■ t .. . . al. u. i . a i...'-. i' Bdiia WalUet M e o p u m a y h avt' often as women, biit don't •U tliat yoiithM «ta^exlon gba women break even Iw getting , ; . .f -- ■/ elaSma to hav« Mh g ta alwiild b a ra '““I mad? • " ^ 1 that ydea of hen filed or aeraped. ■ • • '■ a-J ’■ .* mrnmmmmama Jerry^--Tom, are you ever trouM- - BADLY gmiTEir ed with deepleseness? w i i M V W A R W naft.f.ow. I wae channed hy the look In her Tom—Z am. Some nights I don’t] am V, ■leep three hours. B y her aigbtlagale volee I waa amlt^ J e n y ^ I pity you, then. Tve got lt| »?■ tea» awfully bad. Tve been afflicted now BV1MB' VUAV. 1*Upr I T ‘And her beautiful flfun, oh. myi Mr about three years. The doetor B y her glorious hair B waa Mttea. calte It ‘neurlo insomnia pa alaxl- CBLLXR u-ij.fF V a i I 1. ilM* AiP- She's r e ^ the ehannlngest glrL tl-.’ 't sir, Tom (grunting) — Fve had it I la her arms any man would find about six months; but we call it Ufu.,AL.wrr| waufMa bliss, sir. baby. ‘ / T U V i r t 'A Bat what struok me moat about iMr TlAi® tV/BBV I IbBA MoiMl. Was her hand when Z started to Uaa Horseradish is now being bright-1 her. ened up with the aid of beet Juice. I ‘ReeaMMEUn - W t iMM »ygPBPS(A-.J IAS A It is now a horseradish of another .'Cf/ztlfciUI VtUEM* Hoet—'When I was a youag man, color. C A W 4 I always said I'd never be satisfied ra u d natil rd smothered my wife in dla> The business man who retired to I monds. escape salesmen has returned to Ms ^ 2 ^ Ami Guest—Host laudable. But why in office to avoid house-to-house can­ diamonds? ^ vassers. C R d 4 ( A falhire who uadentands why Teacher— Tour trouble is you] he lost, and blames the right per­ don’t address the ball properly. son, who Is himself, has some elem­ Would-Be Golfer—Well. I wi f i ents of greatness. polite as long as I could be. i l l . ' h>L0 Sherlock—Ah. Watson! I see have put on your summer um TU CK ED HIM wear. Watson — Marvelous, Holmes! “Where did you go last night?’’ How did you deduce that? “ I w « it to a slight-of-hand per^ j Sherlock—Well, you have forgot­ formance. I offered my hand to ten to put on your trousers. Doris and she slighted It’’—An-i swsrs. Take It or Leave It: It's a eon- S i s r selatlon to know that those Who live THE DECOY tar taxes sbaU perish by taxes . . . BeFORE-tHe' It would serve some of these hoar­ 'Tm sure DoUy wlU make a ders right, too. If they forgot where deal wife. Whenever I go to ht. B e sHaen they hid It . . . . Only exceptional n>me I find her busily darning her Ci'* Mother (to lltUe Jessie) —Don’t be so noisy. Why can’t you be quiet like Jimmie? Jessie—Oh, he’s got to be quiet. You see we’re playing he’s daddy coming home from the Elks and Tm you.

A lady member says she has never seen a congressman drunk on the floor of the House, but maybe she didn’t look under the desks. Loafer—Will you marry me? Working G irl-I’m afraid qot. Loafer—^Aw, come on, be a sup­ port.

The Lord will provide all right Never doubt It But you may find yourself bitterly dissatisfied with the way He provides. The Wifrf—Don’t you thinv WASHINGTON TUBBS H ought to get mother a little present By Cram o u t OUR WAY to take back with her when she By Williams goes? Can you suggest something? The Brute—What about a nice big Jar of Vanishing cream?

It may be, as a woman’s college A pretty facd sometlinee hides ^ r t f R MAKING SURE THAT MD i ^ N THE CONViCtS MHOOP AND VEIL, ANP SWARM inquiry shows, that^men get mad ugly disposition. VCOMMICTS AREABOlSl^p THE > ThiUMPHAWLY OUT OP THE JUNGLE. 9 A W I WOo'uLm SLOOP, THE P R I W lAUNCH 1 CANT MElP \ r t An/6 TK SflRElM. BACK 'itaNAW St; LAUt^fiMr. MHOOPEEi iT i H«Ufrsff>wE ah/at w e ^ B u e T B D o u t ; yMnw. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 6 0 « , 1 P u S H ls i* TM‘ T ?« IJB .J CAMT TH' FlRE N O i By Blosser LiV

d o p b l l a s s a y ! Hosh c a m '»o u '^AKJT TO COME s t a n d TWSRE AM' 0^/■R. AND SAY l a o « h , w u e n >d u RMo w COOO B V B l o Po o d l e ? TW ATYW RE SBMplWG POODLE AVMAy^

VEAH.!:i g w A SFAMKIHG B R U E B AND A Rou-Hkr BSUBVE '>60 AND IrtllAHA f a d e s FAST £ r f PPMT LIKE FREE! wr tMT t h d c r b f R i S l MBRS 600V4

SALESMAN SAM Sam Can’t Dodge tarn! By SttwB ^5" J l ACTS UkE H65 g l a d AW .ooKrr ItoW ie EELl. DUy \% G e T r iM ' M G O A T — I b g tv B HER VMA!T A C R y ..ju g r VBAH- Mo t^AT(kiR WHERS 1. BRT? UP ^TAMD HR BuTVk A >>* GoTrp ouy o p p a s m a back id that 6BC0MD-.ZLL THiHk HONH IM AND gUyiE UP tT/ 'R vtfeul^LU N fr 6 0 VilTH TUATir BIISET HAPPY W / 2 ^ POPM T HNHit HARRY'U. FBBCKtaS CBVW' IMHI BE ID SEE sH . po o d le « M* • i ^ lK i tl c .

• • I b I l i S lr'M niiiisiiin 1^1^ J»' .m i

t. -ssftiajs ^ ABOOnOWN ifi *0 H hh Grade * IfiM LOliaa ICurdoek of Walker atraat la apandlnf tUa week at the i * *'V1U« yandrleuT, Xjake Qulnalga- mond. \ K < \ - '' Oaa local atere haa received the I ‘‘x IMS Frealdentlal campaign automo­ ^ bile platee. The Hoover pljate> la oraatge and the Rooaevelt plate

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Skinner and children of Saraaota, Florida, I f S h e Doesn’t Know About who have been .vlaitlng Mrs. Skin* Shop Thursday Night Until 9 O^clock, Sale Ends Saturday Nigm ner’a parenta, Sir. and Mrs. B. A. 4 ' . - s Lettney of Oakland street, are now the guests of Mr. Skinner’s father in PERSPIRATION :ODpR For the veranda and summer liring room Higganum . how can she^^know dl^^ ebe? A number of the members of St Mary’s Girls Friendly society are This isn’t the vtootlsa sge o f Rise with PBkITlIC. It Is lust u Im- planning to motor to Canaan Sun­ modesty.lhe girl o f to-dsv isn’t sap- pdictant to do tUs a it is to bpish S t e n c U e d day afternoon to witness the posed to be t delicste,tbnokiDg vio- your teeth— and it is just u easy. pageant and flagpole ceremonies at lecTbe siirl these dsjs is expected to FEkSroc resembles a lipsddt, ex- 4 o’clock at the groimds at Holiday be sbpmsticsted—to be wue in .the House. ways o f the w otld.' In days gone by, little attesdoe ______abode was paid to the matter o f perspir­ PBkSTiK. Thn call it die cosme­ G R A S S R U G S The Beethoven Glee club will have ation odor. But to-day die woman is tic "find” or the seuon. Good an outing Monday evening at the 19c Table scorned who neglects to guard Housekeeping Intdtute hss tested 60c $ 5 B 1 s m U Kiwanis kiddies’ camp at Hebron against the oiFensivencss w this PEBSTIK and a w a r ^ its Seal o f where a dog and marshmallow roast ossw, unclean odor.. Approval Don’t risk hnmilis- Special 4x7 feet Enamelware o n a o f h will be held and at which the forty Carpet Sweepers No wonder men whisper don and embarrassment Use W hile or more boys now at the camp will among themselves that the PBMTIK c^uiady end yob be guests. It is planned to leave at woman who is careless about will never have to wotty or They L ast. lOeyavd Emanuel Lutheran church at 6 prespiradon odor ‘is an unso- wonder about perspiration A number of pieces in $ 2 . 9 8 Factory seconds but o’clock. Carl Matson, chairman of pbisdated back number. It is odor. $ 1 . 0 0 this lot that you can u se- We’ve sold dozens of guaranteed to satisfy? the social committee has sent out even implied that if she is care­ PBRSTIK la aol4 at HalaW baking pans, mining bowle, these popular BlsscU cards to ascertain how many will less in mis respect, the m i ^ . Drag 'DaMrtmaat ( umIb White, prints and checks. floor, rlnht). Yonr moaev hand basin, etc. Ivory "Standard” sweepers during 1 1*4 yards wide. Shelf go. The Beethoven men will engage also be careless in ocher mat­ ba.ok v^oa PBRiTIK Here.’i a special that will with green trim. ters o f personal hygiene this srie. Save |2.00. ob cloth, 6o ynrd. in a variety of sports at the camp. provoa eomplotolr oatla- make you sit up and take no­ Make it a habit to g o over' faetorv. PflJBITIK will mmt your arm-pits EVEkir morning Irritato—oToa aftor ahav> tice. Another lot of those Farm and Home week at the Ian. good-looking grass ruga with Connecticut Agricultural college colorful stenciled designs. We at StotTB is scheduled for July 24 to sold out last week. Large rise, 29 inclusive and will doubtless at­ 4x7 fe e t Just what yp-,' want tract many Manchester people. The for the veranda.. .and t...- sum­ gathering is always one characteris­ mer cottage. tic of Connecticut and New Eng­ land, and those engageo in the vari- THi PiRFECT ^ UHD1R.WAII.M ^ PR.OT1CTI VB . ous pursuits related to agriculture 13.49 9x12 ft. find the lectures and social features most helpfifi. GRASS RUGS $4.98 $1J25 and $1.39 B a c m i ^ d E g g An increase in Manchester Negro Here’s a rsal saving! |8.49 grass rugs Imported al.00 Kitchen Tables population is reported with the in­ from Japan. Stenciled patterns. 9x12 feet Skillets flux of a couple of more families SOUTH M f{ NCHL STCf? ■ COHM Bread Boxes from Rockville. The new residents have not taken other tenements but WeVe sold dozens and * $2.98 are residing with other families al­ Reversible Take it along to the ready living at the north end. dozens of these An imusually good value! summer cottage. A com­ MORIARTY Well made metal kitchen Roll and lift cover Ja- partment for baco.i — an­ Notice was given today by the FUNERAL SERVICE Chenille Ball-Bearing tables. Sl^es 24x36 Inches. paned bread, cake and fiour other for the eggs. Round State Highway commissioner that Unexcelled. Minimum Expense. David Qiambers Ivory with green, green boxes. All colors and and squareiahap^ east iron bids womd be received imtil July 26 24 Hour Ambulance Sendee. with white. srblts. skillets. ' at 10 a. m.. Standard time, for the 380 Maple Avenue, Hartford Contractor purchase or removal of the build­ Rugs Lawn Mowers Mortimer F. Moriarty ing on the Bolton-Andover road Tel. 2-7664 J//, known as the A. C. Broil lunchroom. and Builder There will be a representative on the groimds from 10 until 12 noon. $ 5 - 9 5 Standard time, to answer questions. The beat-selling lawn moWer we’ve Choice of five patterns that bad this season—the ATTENDANCE CONTEST are reversible—, ^vlng double best value, too! Genuine Boston wear. Fringed ends. Large Guaranteed bail­ WINNERS GIVEN PARTY else, 24x60 inches. Wanted bearing mower with putel colors that are washable. an 8-inch driving $1.25 Galvanized BLUE FISH wheeL Clothes Hampers $1.00 Garbage Pails Concordia Y, P. S. Dog Roast Block W ater Sets Held At Boy Scouts’ Cabin Fresh High Grade In Glastonbury. Island Eastern 79c $1.00 Mackerel Swordfish Halibut Oval style woven splint Sparkling water sets in Extra large, extra heavy A hot dog roast will be held at clothes hampers with gay rose-pink, green ana crj*s- galvanised garbage palla. Lawn Mowers band trim. Enameled fin­ the Boy Scout cabin in Glastonbury, Fillet of Sole SSo, Pllet cf Haddock, Bottorflbh, QMhniig iaL Generous size pitcher 6-gallon size, fl.69 grade OaniB, Lobsters, Ood and Whole Haddock. ish. Just the right size and six glasses. Set com­ of last year. Tlght-flttliig Tuesday evening. July 19. The for the bathroom. plete 60e. cover. "Blue” team, headed by Miss Elsie -Wikon Sweet Plums F. Roth will be hosts to the "Red” L arge Ripe (ISTge). dozen ...... 1 - 2 P r i M tanTw of which John W. Lange, Jr., 18c Large Red-Raapbenicsl (Limited Number) is captain. Pineapples P in t..------,______22c $23.50 **Town8end” Mower ...... $11.75 The "Red” - team has worked dili­ Picked each memtog by Mr. Kee­ gently in getting everyone on their ney. ^ est sellers” in 18-inch wheel. team to attend the regular business 19c $21.50 **Townsend” M ower ...... $1 0 .7 5 jriM * meetings. Since April the two teams Blueberries— Peaches our China Dept.! 16-inch cutting knife. have competed good-naturedly. New Hoetesf iioo caKea, suver oMb' uraage Pineapple ^17.50 “Blair” Mower ...... $8.75 The contest was real close, but Layers, Malted Milk arid Rteter O renm ^bbk^ 32-Piece - the "Red” tesun nosed out the losers 16 inch. Extra high. 6 cutting knives, knives. by six members, at the June meet­ B & M Maine Shore Clam Chowder .. ^...... 29c can ing. A new Cereal— Foodtown Rice Pops 13c, 2 for - -25c $17.50 “Blair” M ow er...... $8.75 Everyone planning to attend, will Dinner 18-inch. Colored Table gather at the church by 6:30, where $1.95 rlvate cars will convey the mem- Ripe Honey Down S8e to 86e enoh. Wntermelonfl, Ripe $16.50 “Blair” Mower ...... $8.25 Sers to the cabin. Penn and O nm Fmlt, Green Apples for pies. TeDow Oon, . Extra high wheeL 6 cutting knives. Tumblers Green Beans, BIpe Tomatoes, ete. Toilet Tissue Shower Curtains $12.50 “Blair” Automatic ...... $6.25 $ 2 . 4 8 16-inch. 29c don. 9 1 . 9 0 MANCHESTER GRANGE $12.50 “ Green HiU Special” ...... -$6.25 6 roUs 2 $ c Here'e a red vdue fat 16 and 18-ineh. For daily use in town — ■.Toull love these gay little sets 1,000 sheet rolls. Regu­ for the summer cottage. thrifty Bhopperi! All our HAS ANNUAL OUTING -iiHiolOTful fiow ers on cream groim d. $10 “Spring Lawn” Mower ...... ,$ 4 .9 5 lar lOo size. Assorted pas­ Crystal table tumblers in 11.95 shqwer curtains to Settee for eix people; We rim- 18-inch cutting knives. tel odors. Special — 6 neat design. Featured for close-out at |1.00. Neat ' Jily ci^not have enough of them. rolls 86c. this sale—S9e dozen. prints, shop early - for beet GOLD selection. Outdoor Gaines Played In ONE OUNCE OF GOLD FOR EVERY OUNCE OF Egrly Evening— Cards Arc ADULTERATION FOUND IN OUR PAINT^. .. Why not do a little painting around your home! Pastime ^ater In Evening. Onr. oiitolde:pnhiti an made-te " Strictly Pnra W m ra LBAp. More than fifty of the members Strio^ Pore RAW LPfSEBD OIL. “Atco” Pure of Manchester Grange and about a Strictly Pore TDBPBNTDtll dozen children took in the outing at Strictly Pore I»T m L . ; the City View dance hall on Keeney Strictly Pore CX>LbBS. LINSEED OIL PAINTS street last evening. All sorte of ^ ^ **» boat on the UMrimt, leid « n M to^yeu I VP outdoor games were played until from the mannfactnrer at factory prieee. Noltalag but the bant' 72 Shades—No Extra Charge for White rain began to fall, when the party ■old'by . ' . \ " -f __ • g . gathered in the hall, for a period of bridge, whist and dancing. The younger people chose the latter pas­ THOMAS MdGlli;, for summer time and about eight tables were gallon iC '.quurt filled with card players. Prises DBOpRATOS AND PAJOfTIB. entertaining— $ 2 - 2 5 were won by Mrs. Ruth Bunce, Mr. Off HteIMM'Road-and PtoiQaek^fk and Mrs. Arthur Loomis, at bridge, Bealdanoe 88 Wella S t . • nMa and a number of prises were award­ ‘ Wa Gnanatoe BaltolaellOB. 2 5 -P ie e e ed to the winners in the different Ehijoy the sun in these stimts. Refreshments consisted of ^^Moleskin^* Paints frankfurter sandwiches, doughnuts R^jp«Siiiiieiit and cold drinks. (Flat) , (Outside) 8 « t s Lawn Settees ADVERTTCEMBNT \ » * Before you purchase rpll er strip roofing get our new low prices. The $ 1 4 9 > $ l A i Manchester Lumber Co. Dial 514S. 9 4 * Quality p^tpvat the lowest prices. Seventy-two shades—no attva t ••iia • $1.00 white, m oni-gdla^ cans. . ^ Enjoy the fhU hsnsAt of the BUB la oas of WemsB'Ue ptoUng them up thfss lawn sottsss. Sturdy, well mads ssttssa. . ' ' ' . * .*'* '■*, ■ •. * ■ ‘ ;-L( •vtey dmr* C lear eiystR l refresh- Plain varnish finish with red trim. ■ » ■ ' Does. iSBt sets > - ftM reus pltoher» 6 4 4 SEE THE NEW lagev.Rle, 6Tee 6 eooktaU Moitoid** QijdilBk»DvFiiif Vi r 3^y , ' .’*■♦** ‘ u ' • I * • » •’ «, I , / . MAJESTIC S t r l ^ Coniy A higngmde vaiplah for floore and woodimrk. Oailoa rize oaa.< V' l Electric r tp ifte s U t w o » t f f t h OB B'lUMidlMd ’ ■ Awnlniga GUdava H$|4*s Hooi^tiAlilM iiis^^ Refrigerator y iSfPc. Tuiarier Seto, t Sb h. ■tdtl rlur fiir .' .50 Oiyital tumbltes wttb Items ptottaum bflhd trim. Something MW and difftewit'st 9 9 * KEMPS, INC. llsavy sttM ^vto Just at oomfy aT ir « r t to H ilU a if^ S t D, 86 and thsy oafilM, Paddsd P b O B f 4 M 0 M B B O h W tr . ' ' . , hack. . Ofiy itripts. Mi t? ) .1 i j - •>'