Farmers Extraordinaire! Lil Sprouts at St. Patrick’s Garden Club

The kids grew cabbages as big as their heads. -Alice Hinsch '15

Li'l Sprouts Garden Club, sponsored by St. Patrick Catholic School, is wrapping up another season in the garden, as the school year draws to a close. With co-leaders Tom West (Thursdays) and Olena Peter- son (Tuesdays) each working with a small group of NMG volunteers, the students used square-foot gardening methods and got an impressive yield from their raised beds.

MASTER GARDNENER COLLEGE REGISTRATION OPEN Master Gardener College is headed to Norfolk this fall, Thursday through Sunday, September 19-22 (classes start a day earlier for Water Steward trainees, on Wednesday, September 18). All the information about costs, classes and more can be found in the spring edition of In Seasons, the online newsletter from the state VCE-MG Programs office. The current can be found here and previous issues.

Ready to register? Click here! Those attending the whole series will choose up to four breakout sessions. Banquet on Thursday night at The Main is included, but you may want to join one of the optional tours during that day, and the Sunday picnic at HRAREC. Registration is open now through July 14 for all VCE-MGs. Interested interns should check with Chris Epes about the possibility of attending.

Inside This Issue 2 ASK, Plant Sale Information 5 Annoying Weeds 3 Meet Peg Fitzgerald, Three R’s in Preschool 6 Bouquets, Slightly Wilted, Butterfly House 4 Outreach at NEX. Zoo Cart, NBG Talks 7 Meeting News, Howard Victor Art

Enclosure: Calendar Norfolk Office: 830 Southampton Ave. Suite 2069 , Norfolk, VA 23510-1001 office 757.683.2816 fax 757.683.2300

ASK at Taylor’s For the fifth year, Norfolk Master Gardeners have participated at the two Norfolk Taylor’s Do It Center stores for their two big spring Gar- den Parties .The second Saturday's event was part of the marathon April weekend where we had at least five other events scheduled.

This year we talked to about 200 people over four total outings. The store managers have been gracious in accommodating us and we in turn have helped them selling “the right plant for the right place.” Thanks to all that worked at these events. Norfolk Master Gardeners Blanch Wise, Ginger Mayer, Jeanie Carlson, Sue Howren at the Little Creek Road Store Still Time to Deliver Plants If you weren’t able to deliver your plants to Shirley’s by the Wednesday deadline, please bring them to the Hille- gass House tomorrow between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please, no deliveries after this time.

The Hillegass family home is at 801 Stockley Gardens near the corner of Raleigh Ave and Stockley.

Don’t forget: plants must be labeled (plastic 1 inch mini-blinds work best - write in pencil). Labels should in- clude both common name and Botanical name and growing conditions:

S = sun A = annual PL= pollinator PS = partial shade/partial sun P = perennial N = native SH = Shade Call or email Barbara Wilson at 339-4829 or [email protected] Working the Plant Sale?

If you have one of these sporty colors, please plan to wear it. If not, that's okay, just don't forget your badge and lan- yard.


Peg’s journey with the Master Gardeners has been interesting in that she joined the Norfolk Master Gardeners, Class of 2006, but in 2008 she took a Civil Service job and moved to Maryland where she joined the Calvert County Master Gardeners. After two years she moved to St. Mary’s County, where she served the St. Mary’s County Master Gardener Association. Lucky for us, Peg retired and moved back to Norfolk in 2017 and resumed her tenure in Norfolk.

Peg and her twin sister were born in California but moved to Wisconsin at an early age. Her mother always had a vegetable garden and little flower gardens and her memories of gardening sparked her desire to become a Master Gardener. In 2006 she retired from the U.S. Navy, was between jobs, and it was the opportune time for her to fulfill this endeavor. Peg loves nature and the interaction between plants and living things, i.e. birds, butterflies, bugs. She is particularly interested in pest management, the control of insects using natural remedies. Her primary focus at this time is the Zoo Garden, but she also helps with other activities including the plant sale.

Peg is working on her Master’s Degree at St. Leo University and she expects to graduate in May 2020 with a degree in Criminal Justice. Peg’s twin sister recently moved here and their four-legged children, Baxter, Darby, and Kizmit make up the family home.

-Submitted by Eileen Balance '15 The 3Rs in Preschool By Kate Melhuish '04 The 3Rs used to refer to Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmatic. But when it comes to very little kids and learning about the environment, Norfolk Master Gardeners have a completely different game plan. Did you know that NPS preschools devote a whole month to a Reduce-Reuse-Recycle curriculum? And the chil- dren absorb a lot. If only every grade level in every school could teach that, think how much easier would be our role as volunteer educators! We were asked to visit two schools in April to support the 3Rs curriculum: Lindenwood Elementary near Tide- water Drive, and St. Helena Elementary in the Berkley section of Norfolk. The children already knew a lot about Being Green. But “compost” was a new concept for most of them…until we arrived with a home-made worm bin, courtesy of Linda Ahlgrim. During our sessions the preschoolers practiced what materials to recycle, what to trash, and what can be composted. And they loved investigating the wiggly worms – every gardener’s best friends.

Community Outreach at the NEX Volunteers needed to assist with Community Outreach at the NEX Garden Center on two Saturdays per month May through October, 10:00 am-2:00 pm.

You do not need to have a military or spouse ID card to volunteer at the NEX Garden Center

As always, I really appreciate those who volunteer! And the folks at the NEX appreciate our coming to educate their guests.

Please feel free to:

Email me: [email protected]

Call me: 757.818.1044

Text me: 757.818.1044, please identify yourself in your text.

Thank you very much!!

Michèle DuCoté Michèle at the NEX for Earth Day in April Zoo Horticultural Cart Volunteers needed to assist at the Zoo Horticultural Cart on Thursdays for the months of May through September. We will be starting Garden Tales (10:45 am-12:15 pm) on May 9th and it runs until June 6th. Then Thyme in the Garden (9:45 am-12:15 pm) starts on June 13th and runs through Labor Day. At that point Garden Tales resumes and runs through the end of October.

As always, I appreciate each and every one of you greatly! Without each of you, there would be no Zoo Cart.

Please feel free to:

Email me: [email protected]

Call me: 757.818.1044

Text me: 757.818.1044, please identify yourself in your text.

Thank you very much!!

Michèle DuCoté NBG Free Garden Walk and Talks Enchanted Forest, May 18th, 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Fragrant Roses, May 21st, 1:30 - 3 p.m.

Pre-registration is not required and the event is free with garden admission.

A Most Annoying Weed By Mike Distefano '16

Galium Aparine tops my list of annoying weeds.

I’m usually not one to worry about weeds. I let them grow because I have quite a dislike of the “manicured lawn.” Weeds are just plants that people don’t find to be pretty or fragrant but they’re great for pollinators and birds, serving both as a food source and a habitat. Aparine is originally from Europe and Asia but it’s now naturalized in the Americas.

This guy is a handsome weed but he has sticky green balls. The tiny balls stick to everything, be it fur or fabric. A summer’s walk through the field can end in an hour of picking the pesky seed pods from clothing, socks, and even shoe laces. The balls are pods containing about three seeds each. They’re not actually sticky. They’re covered with tiny hooked bristles that function like Velcro. In fact, one of the most descriptive names of this weed is the “Velcro Plant”, other names are “Goosegrass”, “Sticky Weed” and “Sticky Willie”, among many.

Galium Aparine is a shade-loving annual. The name is derived from the Greek word for milk, because the sap was used to curdle milk for making cheese. Aparine is from the Greek word Apario, meaning to “lay hold of” or “seize.” The Velcro plant is considered invasive and noxious. I call it “Joe Weed” after a dog named Joe. He came around one day, and he was covered with these little green balls. It took a couple of hours to pick him free. Joe inadvertently participated in one of nature’s great seed dispersal methods. Even slick-coated cats will pick them up.

As mentioned before, it’s an eye catching weed that grows outward, then up and over other plants. The stems are square quadrangular rather than round, and the leaves are arranged in whorls with tiny white flowers that ultimately produce the grasping pods, or Burdocks.

Galium Aparine had many beneficial uses that are now mostly obsolete; there are too many to possibly list here. I would prefer that it grows somewhere else, so I try to eradicate it whenever I encounter it. I don’t use herbicides, either the natural or chemical types. Instead, I rely on old fashioned extraction by pulling, and then bagging for disposal. The time to get them is in the spring before the flowers and seed pods appear. They pull easily and then clump together because the stems and leaves are “sticky” also. I find it calming to pull them, perhaps it’s because of the medicinal properties of Aparine.

Some people get a skin irritation from the prickly hairs. It’s always advisable to wear gloves anyway, as you never know when a biting or stinging insect is in the weeds.

I hope you don’t have any of these Velcro-like weeds, but if you do it’s time to get pulling. Bouquets Spring has sprung and brought us 16 new Interns. Many have already begun to rack up their50 hours.

Graduation was a lovely affair held on April 11 with more than 60 in attendance.

The Training Team did their usual superb job of organizing venues, speakers, door prizes and all the other details that go into running the class.

Chef Extraordinaire, Mary Shaffer with her team produced creative and tasty foods for all of the class sessions.

BOUQUETS to all.

Who do you know that deserves a Bouquet? Send the information to [email protected] or 757-647-3571. Slightly Wilted From our new class, Bonnie McCall-Williams’ mother passed away, and Dottie McKenzie has had cataract surgery. Susan Howren’s husband has been suffering from serious back pain and is being evaluated. Susan Nichols’ mother died in March. Susan Burnett had hip replacement surgery on May 2nd. NBG Butterfly House to Open NBG Butterfly House is opens daily beginning Friday, June 14, 2019. and continues into September. Two hour shifts available each day from 9:45 until 4:45. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get those work hours!

HOWEVER if you have never volunteered at the Butterfly House you must complete a BH Basic Orientation which includes the required NBG Volunteer Orientation.

To register, login to http:/ If you are a new user, you will need to create an account. • Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Tuesday, June 11 from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. • Thursday, June 27 from 6 p.m. -9 p.m. Even if you have volunteered in the Butterfly House before, these sessions are great refreshers and will help you approach visitors with confidence. I go to at least one every year.

Butterfly House Project Leader: Cathee Giagnacova '13. [email protected] (757) 478-8084


2019 STEERING COMMITTEE MAY 16th General Meeting President Kate Melhuish ’04 515-8684 Thursday, May 16, 6:30 First Vice-President 3rd Patrol Division Jill Lewis ’17 646-4224

901 Asbury Ave (off Tidewater Drive near Walmart) 2nd Vice-Pres/Project Coordina- tor Our speaker is Patti McCambridge of Chesapeake Backyard Gardeners on Gar- Joey Rothgery ’13 627-1759 den Whimsy. We’re also expecting a visit from 4-H Agent Theran Teach with Secretary info about 4-H camp for Norfolk youth in July. Barb Wilson ’07 583-4796 Treasurer If you placed a logowear order this spring, those items should be waiting for you Mimi Rosenthal ’15 440-7801 to pick up at this meeting. There will also be a few extra pink or turquoise shirts Historian for last minute purchase before the Plant Sale this weekend! Paulette Crawford ’13 489-2303 Members at Large Alice Hinsch ’15 963-0015 ..From the April 20th General Meeting Susan Howren ’15 383-1039 Anna Thurmond ’17 285-0374 Mike DiStefano ’16 ………583-3435 Immediate Past President Donna Van Keuren ’11

TOM BOLT, Extension Master Gardener Coordinator

If you are a person with a disability and desire assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in any Extension activity, please contact our office Extension is a joint program of Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state and local governments. Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, veteran status, national origin, disability or political affiliation. An equal opportunity/ affirmation action employer. 490-045 Victor Howard ‘13 brought a visual treat along for our last meeting. As a land- scaper, Victor picks up interesting materials wherever he finds them. And as a is welder, he uses these found objects to create even more interesting things! intended to inform, educate and entertain Norfolk Master Gardeners. We encourage all volunteers, interns and trainees to submit articles, photos, comments, suggestions, and information to the Editor, Betrice Hovey, by email to Need to check on updated activities? [email protected], or mail to Betrice at 325 West Get the latest right here Chickasaw Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. ITEMS FOR THE June ISSUE ARE DUE May 31st

1001 - 23510 VA Norfolk,

2069 Suite Ave. Southampton 830

Office Norfolk

Extension Cooperative Virginia

The Gardener’s Eye:

Atamasco Rain Lily from Weyanoke Coastal Azalea from Weyanoke

Epiphyllum - Logee’s “Just Beautiful” hybrid orchid cactus. Gill Gillespie’s beautiful plant.

Claytonia, Spring Beauty wildflower at Weyanoke Photos by Chuck Gibson Norfolk Master-Gardeners, Holidays in United States

Mon May 20, 2019

All day World Bee Day Mon May 20, 2019

9am - 12pm Significant Trees WORK

Tue May 21, 2019

9am - 11am East Ocean View Children's Garden WORK Where: East Ocean View Community and Senior Center, 9520 20th Bay St, Norfolk,VA 23518, USA

1pm - 3pm Intro to Edible Weeds LEARN Where: Norfolk , 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

1pm - 3pm Landscape for Life LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

1:30pm - 3pm Fragrant Roses Walk and Talk LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

3pm - 4pm L'il Sprouts at St. Patrick's School WORK Where: St. Patrick Catholic School, 1000 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA

Wed May 22, 2019

9am - 11am Weyanoke WORK Where: Weyanoke Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, 1501 Armistead Bridge Rd,Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

7pm - 8pm Gardening for Hummingbirds - Good Gardening Talk LEARN Where: Mary D. Pretlow Anchor Branch Library 111 W Ocean View Ave, Norfolk, VA23503, USA

Thu May 23, 2019

9am - 11:30am Fred Heutte Ctr Garden WORK Where: Fred Heutte Center, 1000 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

10:45am - 12:15pm Zoo Horticultural Cart: Garden Tales WORK Where: Virginia Zoological Park, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA

3pm - 4pm L'il Sprouts at St. Patricks School WORK Where: St. Patrick Catholic School, 1000 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA

Fri May 24, 2019

3:30pm - 4:30pm Giving Garden @ Wesley Grace United Memorial Church WORK Where: Wesley Grace United Methodist Church, 288 E Little Creek Rd, Norfolk,VA 23505, USA

Sat May 25, 2019

8am - 1pm The Markets Fare at East Beach WORK Where: 22nd Bay Street & Shore Drive, Norfolk VA 23518

8:30am - 11am Fellini's Rain Garden WORK Where: Fellini's, 3910 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508

9am - 12pm Planting at Midlands Where: Volunteers meet at the end of Dumont Street, off Granby in CromwellFarms neighborhood

Mon May 27, 2019

All day Memorial Day Mon May 27, 2019 Calendar: Holidays in United States Norfolk Master-Gardeners, Holidays in United States

Tue May 28, 2019

9am - 11am East Ocean View Children's Garden WORK Where: East Ocean View Community and Senior Center, 9520 20th Bay St, Norfolk,VA 23518, USA

9am - 11am Native Dune Gardens WORK Where: North end of 27th Bay Street in East Beach

1pm - 5pm Seed packaging WORK Where: Slover Library, 235 E Plume St, Norfolk, VA 23510, USA, Room 105 (firstfloor)

3pm - 4pm L'il Sprouts at St. Patrick's School WORK Where: St. Patrick Catholic School, 1000 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA

Thu May 30, 2019

9am - 11:30am Fred Heutte Ctr Garden WORK Where: Fred Heutte Center, 1000 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

10:45am - 12:15pm Zoo Horticultural Cart: Garden Tales WORK Where: Virginia Zoological Park, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA

3pm - 4pm L'il Sprouts at St. Patricks School WORK Where: St. Patrick Catholic School, 1000 Bolling Ave, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA

Sat Jun 1, 2019

9am - 12pm Applications of Rain Gardens in the Home Environment LEARN Where: Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 1444 DiamondSprings Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, USA

10am - 1pm Butterfly House Orientation LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

10am - 1pm Slover Seed Library - WORK Where: Slover Library, 235 E Plume St, Norfolk, VA 23510

Mon Jun 3, 2019

9am - 12pm Significant Trees WORK

7pm - 8pm Shade to Part Shade: The Dark Side of Gardening LEARN Where: Advanced Technology Center, 1800 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA23453, USA

Tue Jun 4, 2019

9am - 11am East Ocean View Children's Garden WORK Where: East Ocean View Community and Senior Center, 9520 20th Bay St, Norfolk,VA 23518, USA

1pm - 3pm Hydrangeas 101 LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

Wed Jun 5, 2019

10am - 11:30am Steering Cmte @ VCE WORK Where: Virginia Cooperative Extension, 830 Southampton Ave., Norfolk, VA 23510

Thu Jun 6, 2019

9am - 11:30am Fred Heutte Ctr Garden WORK Where: Fred Heutte Center, 1000 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

10:45am - 12:15pm Zoo Horticultural Cart: Garden Tales WORK Where: Virginia Zoological Park, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA Norfolk Master-Gardeners, Holidays in United States

Fri Jun 7, 2019

3:30pm - 4:30pm Giving Garden @ Wesley Grace United Memorial Church WORK Where: Wesley Grace United Methodist Church, 288 E Little Creek Rd, Norfolk,VA 23505, USA

Sat Jun 8, 2019

9am - 12pm Monarch Waystation Workshop LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

10am - 2pm VMGA Annual Meeting Where: Goochland

Sun Jun 9, 2019

11am - 1pm Intro to Indoor Plants LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

Mon Jun 10, 2019

9am - 12pm Significant Trees WORK

Tue Jun 11, 2019

9am - 11am East Ocean View Children's Garden WORK Where: East Ocean View Community and Senior Center, 9520 20th Bay St, Norfolk,VA 23518, USA

9am - 11am Native Dune Gardens WORK Where: North end of 27th Bay Street in East Beach

6pm - 9pm Butterfly House Orientation LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

Wed Jun 12, 2019

9am - 11am Weyanoke WORK Where: Weyanoke Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, 1501 Armistead Bridge Rd,Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

Thu Jun 13, 2019

9am - 11:30am Fred Heutte Ctr Garden WORK Where: Fred Heutte Center, 1000 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

9:45am - 12:15pm Zoo Horticultural Cart: Thyme in the Garden WORK Where: Virginia Zoological Park, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA

10am - 11:30am Webinar - MG College & WS Update LEARN Where: DQEAAAAACro4OhZQRUlpWXZMblRzUzhEdk5uMmtXMjlRAA

Fri Jun 14, 2019

11am - 1pm Mirror Lake Walk and Talk LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

3:30pm - 4:30pm Giving Garden @ Wesley Grace United Memorial Church WORK Where: Wesley Grace United Methodist Church, 288 E Little Creek Rd, Norfolk,VA 23505, USA

Sat Jun 15, 2019

9am - 12pm Urban Farm Volunteer Day WORK Where: 26th and Church St Norfolk

10am - 11:30am Daylily Walk and Talk LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA Norfolk Master-Gardeners, Holidays in United States

11am - 3pm Ask a Master Gardener WORK Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

Sun Jun 16, 2019

All day Father's Day Sun Jun 16, 2019 Calendar: Holidays in United States

Mon Jun 17, 2019

All day National Pollinator Week Mon Jun 17, 2019

9am - 12pm Significant Trees WORK

Tue Jun 18, 2019

All day Nat'l Pollinator Week Tue Jun 18, 2019

9am - 11am East Ocean View Children's Garden WORK Where: East Ocean View Community and Senior Center, 9520 20th Bay St, Norfolk,VA 23518, USA

Wed Jun 19, 2019

All day Nat'l Pollinator Week Wed Jun 19, 2019

10am - 11:30am NMGA Membership Meeting WORK & LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

4pm - 5pm Lafayette Wetlands Partnership WORK Where: Ernie Morgan Center, 3500-A Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA

Thu Jun 20, 2019

All day Nat'l Pollinator Week Thu Jun 20, 2019

9am - 11:30am Fred Heutte Ctr Garden WORK Where: Fred Heutte Center, 1000 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23507, USA

9:30am - 11:30am Pollinator ID LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

9:45am - 12:15pm Zoo Horticultural Cart: Thyme in the Garden WORK Where: Virginia Zoological Park, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504, USA

Fri Jun 21, 2019

All day Nat'l Pollinator Week Fri Jun 21, 2019

9:30am - 11:30am Lepidopterans 101 LEARN Where: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518, USA

1pm - 2pm The Giving Garden Summer Enrichment Program WORK Where: Wesley Grace United Methodist Church, 288 E Little Creek Rd, Norfolk,VA 23505, USA

Sat Jun 22, 2019

All day Nat'l Pollinator Week Sat Jun 22, 2019