URBAN 101 Syllabus for February 25, 2013 with LeRoy Votto , The 1860 Election, and Emancipation

We are now in the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. In this meeting we we'll discuss the 1860 presidential election process -- and conclude with the Emancipation Proclamation of 1 January 1863 in order to connect with the Lincoln film.

We’ll begin with Lincoln somewhat improbably capturing the Republican nomination; then winning the four-candidate race in November. We’ll study the 1860 campaign platforms of each of the four parties; the reaction to Lincoln's election with ’s secession proclamation of 20 December 1860 -- and the subsequent and Proclamations, as well. Then we will read a portion of Alexander Stephens' (Georgia and the vice president of the Confederate States of America) “Cornerstone Speech” (21 March 1861. We will continue with Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural (4 March 1861) and an excerpt from his first message to Congress on 4 July 1861. And we will conclude with a reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1 January 1863.

To Read: Please read the following: (1) all three speeches (namely, the full Lincoln 1861 inaugural, the Alexander Stephens "Cornerstone Speech," as well as the designated excerpt from Lincoln's 4 July 1861 Message to Congress; (2) any one of the three Secession Proclamations -- and (3) the Emancipation Proclamation. Then, take a quick look at the 1856 and 1860 Election Result Maps. I'll project relevant sections of the 1856 and 1860 party platforms in the class -- and we will also view a few political cartoons from the 1860 election.

ELECTION MAPS: 1856 and 1860 1856 Election Result Map 1860 Election Result Map

PARTY PLATFORMS: 1856 and 1860 1856 Democratic Party Platform -- begin with--> Resolved, That we reiterate with renewed energy of purpose the well considered declarations of former Conventions upon the sectional issue of Domestic slavery, and concerning the reserved rights of the States.

1860 Party Platforms 1860 Northern Wing (Stephen Douglass) of the Democratic Party Platform 1860 Southern (John C. Breckenridge) Wing of the Democratic Party 1860 Republican Party Platform 1860 Constitutional Union Party

SOUTHERN STATE SECESSION PROCLAMATIONS: DECEMBER 1860 - JANUARY 1861 South Carolina: 20 December 1860 Mississippi: 9 January 1861 Georgia: 19 January 1861 SPEECHES: 1861 Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural (4 March 1861) Alexander Stephens: Cornerstone Speech (21 March 1861) -- this is an excerpt from a much longer address Abraham Lincoln Message to Congress (4 July 1861). People's Contest ---> scroll way down to ---> "This is essentially a people's contest"