Supplemental Material Suggestions: American Pastime By Desmond Nakano Set in the Topaz War Relocation Center in Utah, this inspirational film depicts the lives of two Japanese American boys and their interactions with camp personnel and locals as they play out racial conflict on the baseball diamond. Based on true events. Not rated, suitable for all audiences. (105 min.)

Bad Day at Black Rock By Combining elements of the and genres, this classic 1955 film features as a mysterious newcomer to the remote desert town of Black Rock in the wake of World War II. He searches for a man named Komoko while encountering violent hostility from the townspeople, not realizing that he has threatened to unearth a terrible secret. Not rated, suitable for all audiences but with mature themes. (81 min.)

Come See the Paradise By This film tells the story of a star-crossed romance between a Caucasian man and a Japanese American who are forbidden to see each other by the woman’s father. Together they escape to , but their love is interrupted when World War II breaks out and are sent to internment camps. Come See the Paradise weaves late-Depression politics, racial conflict, and World War II into a moving love story. Rated R. (138 min.). Going for Broke Hosted by Senator Daniel K. Inouye This powerful documentary provides a rare glimpse at the 442nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team of World War II, comprised entirely of Japanese Americans. Gaining distinction as the most highly decorated unit in history, the 442nd served heroically while fighting the bigotry and racism on the home front that kept their families interned in the camps. Narrated by former internee George Takei (Star Trek). Not rated, contains some violence. (75 min.).

The Last Samurai By Edward Zwick Inspired by true events, The Last Samurai is an epic drama that depicts the transformation of a troubled American military captain (played by Tom Cruise) sent to Japan to help the Meiji government and its Westernized army quell a samurai rebellion. Set against a backdrop of political turmoil and conflict between tradition and modernization, this film was nominated for four . Rated R. (154 min.)

Snow Falling on Cedars By Scott Hicks Based on David Guterson’s novel of the same title, the visually lush Snow Falling on Cedars depicts the trial of a Japanese American fisherman accused of murdering a Caucasian in 1950s Washington state. The trial exposes the intersection of prejudice, paranoia, and personal conflicts that tear apart a close-knit fishing community. Rated PG-13. (127 min.)

Time of Fear By Sue Williams This acclaimed documentary uses rare archival footage to illustrate the lives of 16,000 Japanese American internees in two Arkansas communities, as well as those of the bewildered locals who had to confront their own preconceptions in the face of increasing government presence. Not rated, suitable for all audiences. (56 min).

Unfinished Business By Steven Okazaki Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1986, this thrilling docudrama depicts the lives of three Japanese American men from different sides of the social spectrum who served jail sentences for protesting Japanese American internment. The film also follows up with the men 40 years later as they try to get their convictions overturned. Not rated, contains mature themes. (60 min.)