BTV Action HD 5TB Me4ra L-Pyn 3L.L2.20T5 BTV Action HD BTV

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BTV Action HD 5TB Me4ra L-Pyn 3L.L2.20T5 BTV Action HD BTV nPhnoH{EH]4E KbM CbO6tUEHt4E AO npEAnpLlArt nTA, KOI4TO I{Y}KA Pffi N POCT PA H R BAT EbN rA PC KIA U E CT PA H H 14 N PO rPA M 14 HMC HA ropr4Ar4qecKo nnqe, .HaqanHa/ ct3AaBat4o aaroMaThqHo xpafiHa npoAbixaBaHe N9 nporpaMa nporparvrara/ cpoK Ha aoroBopa TephropHanex o6xear ,Ha oTcTbnBar4o 4ari,na AoroBopa 4oroaopa npaBaTa 3a Aalae nporpaMaTa BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4ra l-pyn t Ring BG EAA, l4n-Korvr L 1.5.2013 3L.L2.20t5 Aa l-laoe4ra Ring BG HD EOOA BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 6T8 Merqna l-pyn 2 Ring BG EM, OpnaH4ouer 1.5.2013 3L.L2.20L6 Aa CoQran Ring BG HD ooA BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4na l-pyn flaoe4ne, Belnxo 3 Ring BG EAA, nhtw Au L.5.201.3 3L.L2.20L6 Aa TtpHoeo Ring BG HD HEn6PK AA, BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB MeAra l-pyn 4 Ring BG EAfl, K6po4.Her 1.5.2013 3L.L2.20L6 Aa Kocrr,*r6po4 Ring BG HD oo[, BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action 5TB Meara [pyn BTV Action HD EAA, 5 Ring BG 1.5.2013 3L.r2.201,6 Ha4ex4a.Her Aa CoQnn Ring BG HD EOOA, BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4ra l-pyn BeanHrpa4, 6 Ring BG EAA, Po4onr 5l- 1.5.2013 3L.12.2016 Aa Ring BG HD Her OO'[ ,{parrnoeo BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action 5TB Me4ra fpyn BTV Action HD EA.Q, TpaQrx 7 Ring BG 5poy46aH4 1.5.2013 3L.L2.20L6 Aa CoQran Ring BG HD KonnrcHnxeilutHc BTV Comedy EOOA BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action MonraHa, IloM, BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn Sepxoanqa, Ring BG EAA, Her- 1.10.2013 3t.L2.20t6 Kosao4yfi, Ring BG HD CrpQ.Her OOA Saaroesrpa,4 Bpaqa, BTV Comedy Opnxoao, Btpurer-1 BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn Ring BG EM,Hro flpnfiur 15.L0.2013 31.t2.20L6 Ring BG HD Tn Bn OOA BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn Ring BG EA.Q,OnrrnaH L.LO.2AL3 3L.t2.2016 Ring BG HD EOOA BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD 30.11.2015 BTV Action npeKpareH BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa fpyn nopaAh npeycTaHoBflBaHe Ring BG EAA,SenocnaB 1..12.2013 Eenocaaa, Ha Ring BG HD Me4nn EOOA 4eilxocr n CrpaurmhpoBo BTV Comedy n3npaTeHo BTV Cinema yBeAoMneHHe AO BTV Lady KPC BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn 12 Ring BG L.6.2074 31..L2.20L6 EAA, Py.TB EOOA Aa BapHa Ring BG HD BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn 13 Ring BG EAA, l-no6an Her L5.4.20L4 3L.L2.20t6 Aa Ktp4xan n Ring BG HD KoHcynr EOOA BTV Comedy BTV Cinema BTV Lady BTV BTV HD BTV Action [lepHnx, ,Qparnueeo, BTV Action HD 5TB Me4raa l-pyn Py4apqra, Iltonun, L4 Ring BG EA.{, Bnnner flueotuno, 1.5.2014 31.r2.2016 Aa Ring BG HD EOOA Saraxoaqn, BTV Comedy Mtpvaeeo, BTV Cinema Kna4Hrqa BTV Lady BTV Bapna, SeHxoecxr, BTV HD 3ees4raqa, E3epoeo, BTV Action Seaocaa e , Tononv, BTV Action HD 5TB MeAraa l-pyn Ka3aurxo, 15 Ring BG EA.Q, Bapxa .flaH L.L.20L5 3L.L2.20L5 Aa KoHcraHrhHoBo, Ring BG HD ooA 34paeeq, AepeH, BTV Comedy Crpau:nnnhpoBo, BTV Cinema Paa4eaHa lonun BTV Lady 9nQnrax Co$rn, KocrrH6po4, flaoe4na, Benrxo TtpHoeo, Benrxrpa4, lAxtur,nan, Bapna, Ktp4xaan, flepHnx, Hoea py4apqr, Teneet4ghn .Qparraveeo, Ilrcnun, flueoruuo, ,{renna Hoea Saranoequ, fluema 5poy4xacr.lHr L.4.20L3 31,.3.2015 SeHxoacxr, Qer'aunu rpyn M 3aes4raqa, Eaepoeo, KrHo Hoea Seaocnae Tononn, Hoaa Cnopr , Kaaau:xo, KoncraHrtaHoBo, 34paaeq, Aapex, Crpau:rm%poBo, Paa4enHa lonnu t.L1,.2013 31.3.20L5 CoQrn, f'hos4re, Bearxo Ttpnoeo Co$rn, KocrnH6po4, flnoe4ne, Bearxo TrpHoeo, BernHrpa4, Vlxrunau, Bapua, Syprac, Cntxqea Epnr, Hece6tp, Pae4a, Ktp4xaar, flepHrx, TB7 flparnveao, Py4apqra, Iltonun, Cynep 7 TB Ce4ervr EA.{ News 7 L.6.20L4 31.5.2015 fluaoruno, / Saranoequ News 7 HD SeHxoacxr, 3aea4ra4a, Eaepoao, Senocra e , Tononu, Kaaaurxo, KoHcraHrhHoBo, 34paeeq, AapeH, CrpaurmhpoBo, Par4eaxa fonau 9rQarax CoQrn, Kocrnn6po4, l-lnoe4ra, Bernxo TtpHoeo, Beannrpa4, Vlxrnnan, BapHa, Syprac, CnrHqee 6pnr, Hece6tp, Pae4a, Snna Ktp4xann, flepnnx, ,Qparnveeo, Py4apqu, Disney The Walt Disney Annun,,QneornHo, 19 L.4.20t3 31,.L2.20t5 HE Channel Company Limited Saranoaqn, SeHxoecxn, 3aea4nqa, Esepoeo, Senocna e , Tononn, Kasaurxo, KoHcraHn4HoBo, 34paeeq, AapeH, CrpaurmhpoBo, Pas4eana flonau 9rOarax The Walt Disney l'lnoe4na, Benrxo 20 Disney Junior L.2.20L4 31.12.20L5 HE Company Limited Ttpxoao Discovery Channel Discovery Discovery Science 2t Communications 1.5.2013 30.4.2016 HC Starapnn Discovery HD Europe Limited Showcase Animal Planet TLC CoQun, KocrnH6po4, l-laoe4ra, Benrxo Trpxoeo, BeauHrpa4, l4xrrnnaH, BapHa, Krp4xaar, flepnrx, flparrueeo, Py4apqn, TV 1000 Iltonun, flraornno, Viasat Saraxoeqn, 22 Explorer Viasat World Ltd L.4.2013 31.3.2015 HC Senxoacxn, Viasat Nature 3eea4raqa, Esepoeo, Viasat History Seaocaag ,Tononn, Kasaurxo, KoncranrhHoBo, 34paeeq, Aepen, CrpaurnnrpoBo, Pas4enHa,{oaur 9n$nrax Viasat Nature HD 23 Bennxo Trpnoso, Viasat World Ltd L.4.20L3 31.3.2015 HC Viasat History flnoe4ne HD Sparowhawk International 24 Diva Universal 15.8.2013 31.8.2016 Channels / tc- Aa Stnraprn Bnxtu EOOA AXN Virgin Group/AXN 25 AXN Sci Fi 1.1.2013 3r.L2.20L5 Europe Limited Aa Stnrapun AXN Crime l'1epetfi Kanaa Poccuu Aowr Krno Crap rv1 BvI 26 Bpemn flpo4axctnc 30.s.2013 3L12.20ts Aa Staraprn Myaurxa Ilnmurug Kapyceau Teaexa$e Crap rvl Bu 27 24Texno flpo4axctuc 31..5.2013 3L.L2.20t5 Aa 6tarapnn llur,tutug Crap rvl Bu 28 lKnen l-lpo4axctnc 11.5.2013 31..L2.20Ls Aa Srnraprn Ilurautng Crap ru Bvl Oxora n 29 ilpo4axctnc pur6anxa 31.s.2013 31,.12.2015 Aa Srnraprn Aurautug Crap rvr BvI TB-l-[enrp- 30 flpo4axctnc Internacional 31.5.2013 3L.r2.2015 Aa 6tnrapnn llnnutug KiKa HD France 2 RAI UNO RAI DUE RAI TRE RAI SCUOLA SATl, Virgin Group / Pro 7 European 31 t.1.20L3 ARD HD Broadcasting 3L.12.20L4 Aa Stnrapnn ZDF HD Union TVE TRT France 5 3sat HD Arte HD KISS TV Nickelodeon MTV Networks 32 L.L.2013 3L.t2.2015 NicKJR SRO Aa Starapnn TBN Europe Trinity Smile Of a 33 Broadcasting chitd L.7.2013 3L12.20t5 Aa Stnraprn Network JCTV / Juce TV Eurosport Eurosport SAS / 34 Eurosport 2 KanrpoH lrlHsecr L,7.20t3 3L.L2.2015 Aa Starapnn Eurosport HD EOOA Co$rn, Kocrru6po4, flnoa4re, Bearxo Trpnoeo, Bearnrpa4, l4xtnmau, BapHa, Euronews Syprac, Cnrnqee AlJeezira KanrpoH 14Heecr Epnr, Hece6rp, 35 6ea cpox Free XTV EOOA Pae4a, Krp4xaan, French Lover flepHnx, ,Qparrveao, Py4apqra, Iltonun, flueorrno, SaraHoeqr, BapHeHcxa 06racr TV5 MONDE Me4ra Mapx 36 6es cpox France 24 EOOA Stnrapun 37 Becr TB - WV Becr TBIBTB Afl t.4.20t3 31.3.2014 Aa Stnraprn Transmedia Russia Today 38 Communications 20.6.20t3 HD 30.5.2016 Aa Sraraprn SA RT Transmedia 39 Documentary Communications 20,6.2013 30.5.2015 Aa Starapun Channel HD SA 8 5HN TB (Stnrapcxa 40 Haql4oHanHo- )Kynn-M EOOA 20.5.2013 19.5.20L4 naTproTr4qHa Aa 6tnrapua reaearsrn) 4t TV1 HD Ecrefir TB FOon 15.3.2013 31,.12.2015 La Srnraprn 42 EBF n bu Tur Ed Bu Afl L.6.201,3 3t.5.20L4 ccTV-4 Aa Stnrapua 43 China Central CCTV-News 1.8.2013 31.7.201,6 Television Aa Stnraprn 44 DW Deutsche Welle 5.4.2013 4.4.2074 Aa Travel TV Strraprn Ev gentn 45 Community TV rQra EOOA 5.4.2013 4.4.2014 Travel HD Aa Srnrapnn BG.QHec Teneshghn 46 Surapnn BG 4Hec TB t.6.20L3 rQHec HD 3L.5.2074 Aa EOOrq 6rarapnn Mry Europe VH1 47 MTV Networks MTV Rocks 1.7.2013 L.7.2016 Europe Aa Srnraprn VHL Classic Pagno u 48 City TV Tenegn3ua I Cutn 1.7.2013 EOOn Aa Srnraprn l-lnanera TB fhaHera Oonx 49 f-lafiHep TB OOA t.4.2014 L.4.20L5 HE Srarapnn flnaHera HD Konepurxyc 50 KCN2Music Kefi6tn / Virgin 5.3.2013 4.3.2017 Aa 6tnraprn _ Group TsHxoe TV SD (Tnnxoe TV HD TnHxoa Music 51 TnHxoe l-pyn L.1.20L4 SD EOOA 3I.12.20t4 HC Stnrapua TnHxoa Music HD) TnHxoe Oonx SD (Tnnxoa Oonx HD 52 TnHxos l-pyn L.1.2015 TsHxoe Music EOOrq 31.L2.2015 Aa Srnrapnn SD TnHxoe Music HD) 53 Fiesta Oruera Qnntac t.4.20L3 3t.7.201.6 Aa Sraraprn ooA Fashion One SD Fashion One 54 1.8.2013 3L.7.20t6 HC Fashion One Television Ltd Sraraprn HD SCT 3 SCT 4 SCT 5 scT 6 Digital World 55 SCT 7 1,.L.20t3 3L.12.2015 Television Srl Aa Staraprn SCT HQ SCT Diablo XTVl Diablo XTV2 l-laoe4re, Benrxo Ttpnoeo, Vlxrvlr,ta+, Monraxa, Saaroeerpa4, .[lonn, Kosno4yfi, Sepxoanqa, Bpaqa, 5l- Nuosr4x Opnxoao, Btpuleq, .Qr EH Kefi Me4raa Bapua, 56 qeHb/l 1.6.2013 SeHxoacxn, l-pyn OOA Aa <Den <Donx 3eea4raqa, E3epoao, Seaocaae , Tononu, Kaaaurxo, KoHcraHrhHoBo, 34paeeq, Aepen, Crpau:rruhpoBo, Paa4enna flonnu 9rQarax flaoe4re, Belhxo TtpHoao, Vlxrl4Man, MoHraHa, Snaroesrpa4, .flonn, Koaao4yfi, Sepxoeraqa, Bpaqa, Opnxoeo, Oen TB tDex Tu Bu OOA / Brplueq, 57 Saaxaxnxa BapHa, Senxoscxr,r, Kro Mrosl4x L.L.2013 30.4.201s Aa MTB Me4nn l-pyn OOA 3aea4xqa, Esepoao, Seaocaae , Tononn, Kaaauxo, KoHcraun4HoBo, 34paeeq, AepeH, Crpau:nrunpoBo, Pas4eaHa flonnu t.|raQnrax 10 fhoa4na, Bearxo Trpnoao, Kocrrx6op4, Benrnrpa4, Seaocnas, Co$ua, Axtnnan, Krp4xaa n]lepnnx, Private Spice / fueotuuo, Atonvrn, Brazzers Py4apqr, 6araHoeqr, TV 1.4.20L3 31.3.2015 Europe ffueotuno, Bapna SeHxoecxr, 3sea4nqa, E3epoao, Senocnaa ,Tononn, Kasaurxo, KoHcraHrhHoBo, 34paeeq, AepeH, Crpau:nmhpoBo, Pas4eana flonaw WiId TV HD t.7.20t4 30.6.2015 Transmedia iConcerts Communications 1.5.2013 30.4.2016 Srarapzn SA Scipps Networks Fine Living International 1.8.2013 31.7.2016 History SD AETN UK / rc- History HD BrxtH EOOA 30.6.2016 BOX TV / eOX Virgin Group / L.L.20t3 TV HD I9!or 7e EooA 30.6.2016 Tereshghn Tereehshn L.4.2013 Espona Eapona Afl 3L.3.2014 Lt I Co6ran, KocrnH6po4, I naoenue, Benuxo TtpHoao, BenrHrpa4, I I MoHraHa, I SaaroeBrpaA, I SepxoBt4Lla, Aor,a, I Kosao4yfi, Bpar.1a, I Opnxoeo, Brpureq,
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