Ciencia Pública Summative Report

Exploratorium Fall 2015 Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Overview 5

Methods 7

Results 10 Socio-Political Context 11 Community Response to the Parklet 13 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content 16 Watering Plants 17 Salt Water 18 Water Vapor 19 Rain 20 Bilingual Labels 21 Diversity within Latino Family Groups 23 Community Partnership 27

Conclusions and Insights 31

References 35

Appendices 37

Credits All photos: Garibay Group except p. 11 top: Catherine South; p. 11 bottom: Wilson, New York Times

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 2 Executive Summary Ciencia Pública is a National Science Foundation (NSF) -funded collaboration between the Exploratorium, the Boys and Girls Club of (BGCSF), and Buena Vista Horace Mann School (BVHM). The Parklet houses exhibits focused on the themes of water and sustainable water use and is intended to engage Latino families in its location, the Mission District neighborhood (the Mission). Using a culturally responsive approach, Garibay Group conducted a summative evaluation to assess project outcomes.

Overall, this study found that the Ciencia Community Response Awareness/Understanding Pública project met its goals. Below, we All participants in this study saw value in the There was strong evidence that families summarize key findings. Parklet, particularly due to its subject matter. engaged with both the exhibits and the STEM They believed the Parklet helped raise content. While the drought was a familiar topic Socio-Political Context awareness about the drought in and to all participants, the experiences at the Any project which focuses on and is situated reminded the community of the importance of Parklet provided opportunities for participants within a specific community will be affected by conserving water. Respondents found the to explore ideas, reflect on the drought, and many contextual forces outside its control. In Parklet’s topic timely and critical. They consider the importance of conserving water. the case of Ciencia Pública, the San appreciated the educational aspect of the Francisco tech boom and accompanying Parklet, commenting that this focus set it apart We documented positive family interactions gentrification of the Mission—which has from other parklets in the Mission (which they and conversations at the Parklet. The four resulted in the displacement of primarily generally felt only benefited the businesses exhibits had their individual strengths and Latino residents—has led to significant that sponsored them). Thus, they saw the challenges, but overall provided opportunities tensions and a growing sense of urgency in Ciencia Pública Parklet as being for the entire to engage with different yet complimentary the Mission to guard against further community. Participants noted that it added aspects of the topic. The Watering Plants encroachment. value to the community because of its subject interactive, for example, provided matter and educational focus. Parents from opportunities to explore water-efficient This situation affected where the Ciencia BVHM also emphasized the educational value strategies for watering (and growing) plants. Pública Parklet could be located. There were for their children and appreciated its hands-on We observed significant intergenerational indications that the current Valencia Street experiential learning. engagement, including conversations about location may have limited the number of how the component worked and ways Latinos visiting because the street is less Participants reported high levels of participants might create their own systems at frequented by Latino residents. (Based on enjoyment. The majority (98%) of survey home to more efficiently conserve water. The data from this study, 16% of casual passerby respondents rated their enjoyment a “4” or “3” strength of the Salt Water component was in groups identified as Latino/Hispanic.) on a 1–4 scale where 1 is “very low” and 4 is helping visitors explore, in detail, how “very high.” Of those who lived or worked in desalination—an idea many had only heard of The BVHM location, however, provides the Mission, 90% rated their likelihood of previously—actually works. The Rain significant opportunities to engage families visiting the Parklet again a “4” or “3” on a 1–4 component, particularly the histogram through the school; families and school staff scale (where 1 was “very low” and 4 was “very depicting historic and current rainfall, responded very positively to the Parklet. high”). generated significant conversation and comparison of rainfall levels, the severity of

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 3 Executive Summary cont’d. the drought, and the need to conserve water. were socialized into at school, whereby the project. The BGCSF contributed its expertise The Water Vapor interactive, less successful goal was knowledge acquisition. In this more in youth programming and knowledge of in comparison to the others, was the most linear model, learning is one-directional and working with Latino youth. BVHM leveraged challenging component conceptually. facilitated by a more knowledgeable individual its very strong relationships with and (usually the parent). In comparison, families knowledge of local Latino families along with Bilingual Labels where parents had less formal schooling did hosting the Parklet on its site. The Bilingual labels were positively received and not focus as narrowly on the science content/ Exploratorium contributed its expertise in communicated that everyone in the process depicted. Instead, these groups designing both Informal Science community was welcome. Respondents noted introduced a broad range of ideas and Environments (ISE) STEM experiences and that given the makeup of the Mission’s experiences to make sense of the information exhibitions in outdoor spaces . residents, it was appropriate and important they encountered. that the Parklet include information accessible The primary collaboration challenges to both Spanish and English readers. Both Families including adults with less formal centered on differences in organizational observations and interviews confirmed that schooling—and who typically were also less culture and communication style. Differences the bilingual labels provided families access familiar with -going practices—had in organizational mission also, at times, to information and helped maintain a group’s more difficulty making sense of the exhibits. colored perspectives on priorities. Results linguistic practices and norms, two things These groups, for example, were not clear on also illuminated ways that collaborations critical both in designing culturally responsive what the interactives were, who they were for, between different organizations are, by experiences and in ensuring access to the or what to do with them. While they were nature, affected by power structures and exhibit content. intrigued and generally had good organizational positioning. Partners in experiences, these groups were much more initiatives can deepen their relationships and Although the bilingual labels afforded positive reluctant to engage with the interactives. learn from these important “tensions.” experiences, they did not work for Latino Additionally, groups where parents had less families with little formal education. The tone formal schooling did not see the Parklet itself A key outcome from the collaboration was that and vocabulary were too academic, scientific, as culturally relevant, although they regarded it developed Exploratorium’s staff capacity in and intimidating for some. In addition, the the Parklet as important and completely “issue authentically engaging community. The labels were inaccessible to respondents with relevant.” process outlined and facilitated by BVHM staff low (or no) literacy. ensured that the local Latino community was Community Partnership involved in vetting and approving the Parklet Diversity within the Latino Community Overall, the Ciencia Pública partnership installation near the school. Exploratorium We found important differences in the ways accomplished its goals of co-developing a staff reported that the entire collaboration— that families with parents who have more parklet (in this case, with BGCSF youth) and the community engagement component in formal education and those parents with less creating experiences that successfully particular—provided many lessons and formal education engaged with the Parklet. engaged a segment of Latino families in modeled one way to approach community Families with caregivers having more formal STEM content. engagement. While the process took education drew on the learning models they significant staff effort and time and affected The evaluation also found evidence that each timelines, it was critical to the end result. partner brought its expertise to bear on the .

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 4 Overview Ciencia Pública is a National Science Foundation (NSF) -funded initiative in which the Exploratorium, in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco (BGCSF), developed a parklet to engage Latino families in STEM content. The Parklet is located in San Francisco’s Mission District (the Mission), a historically Latino neighborhood. Buena Vista Horace Mann School (BVHM) is an additional project partner and hosts the Parklet on its site. Garibay Group conducted a summative evaluation of the project outcomes. This report discusses evaluation findings.

Parklets are temporary public spaces which Summative evaluation focused on assessing Summative Evaluation Questions typically extend sidewalks to the width of the overall nature and quality of the visitor parking lanes on which they are installed. experience, particularly the extent to and Families They are intended to provide more public ways in which the Parklet encouraged Engagement: How does the parklet engage space and amenities (e.g., seating, green families to engage with the exhibits; the intergenerational groups? What are the space) for communities (City of San extent to and ways in which the Parklet nature of and level of engagement? Francisco, 2015). helped build visitors’ understanding of the science content; and the ways families Awareness/Knowledge: To what extent and The Ciencia Pública Parklet is a team effort connected to the exhibition. in what ways do intergenerational groups including members of the Exploratorium’s become aware of or gain any new insights Studio for Public Spaces and staff and The primary intended outcomes for the about featured content (water) at the students from BGCSF. The Parklet, located Ciencia Pública Parklet were the following: Parklet? on Valencia Street between 23rd and 24th • Intergenerational groups will actively Attitude: To what extent do families see the streets, sits adjacent to Buena Vista Horace engage with the Parklet exhibits; STEM content (water) as relevant and Mann School (BVHM), which serves a high meaningful to their daily lives? To what percentage of local Latino families and also extent do they see the Parklet as valuable to • Visiting families will deepen their partnered in this project. their community? To what extent do they understandings about STEM content of find the experience culturally relevant? The Parklet, which occupies two parking the Parklet exhibits; spaces, housed exhibits concerning water and Collaboration sustainable water use. It included four • Intergenerational groups will personally Other: To what extent does the partnership components: a low-evaporation plant watering connect with the culturally-relevant successfully leverage each partner’s device (Watering Plants); a desalination pump exhibits. resources/expertise to meet project goals? (Salt Water); a evaporation station measuring Do partners perceive that each organization salt water (Water Vapor); and a rain gauge It was also expected that the collaboration involved receives benefits? (Rain). The Parklet also contained seating with the BGCSF would deepen partners’ Awareness/Knowledge: To what extent do and greenery, including edible plants (e.g., understandings about co-developing STEM partners build capacity to engage Latino kale, cilantro) free for harvesting by exhibits in public spaces. communities in STEM? community members.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 5 Overview, cont’d. The Ciencia Pública Parklet had four key components and accompanying labels.

Watering Plants Water Vapor

Salt Water Rain

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 6 Methods This study was grounded in culturally responsive approaches to evaluation (Frierson, Hood, Hughes, 2010) and used a mixed-methods design (Greene & Caracelli, 2003) which combined quantitative and qualitative data.

Data for this study were collected between community-based organizations in the Culturally Responsive Frame April and July 2015. Specific methods used in Mission. Selection criteria for this sample Summative evaluation was grounded in a this study included the following: included the following: a) family identified as culturally responsive, contextually relevant Latino/Hispanic; b) family had at least one evaluation approach. In this approach, the Observations and Interviews child between 8–12 years old; c) family lived evaluator considers the culture and context The purpose of participant observations and in the Mission or had children attending of participants and organizations as critical interviews was to understand how families school in the Mission; and d) family could not factors through which to examine the engaged with the Parklet and its STEM be Exploratorium members. Beyond these project’s goals and its impact, which content. Researchers systematically criteria, we strove to include as broad a range ultimately influence evaluation design, data observed families and recorded details of their of families as possible to ensure educational collection, analysis, and dissemination behaviors, interactions, modes of and linguistic diversity in the sample. (Frierson, Hood, and Hughes, 2010). engagement, and conversations (DeWalt and Participants received free tickets to the DeWalt, 2002). Immediately following the Exploratorium and a $50 honorarium for their The data collection team was comprised of observation, researchers conducted semi- participation. We observed and interviewed 20 a diverse team of bilingual/bicultural structured depth interviews with selected families for this portion of the study. Interviews researchers, some of who were also groups. The goals of the interviews were to were recorded for analysis. (See Appendix A familiar with the Mission’s Latino deepen our understanding of participants’ for respondent details.) community. Data were collected in English experiences and provide additional data about and Spanish, as appropriate, based on 1) respondents’ enjoyment of the exhibition; 2) Unobtrusive Observations and Intercept families’ preferences. Data collection the ways in which respondents reflected on Surveys instruments were developed their experiences in the exhibition; 3) how the To supplement data from pre-recruited simultaneously in English and Spanish to experience contributed to families’ groups, researchers conducted 50 ensure construct equivalence. understanding of the content; and 4) the unobtrusive observations (recording perceived relevance of the Parklet. behaviors, interactions, and conversations) followed by short intercept surveys with Due to the context of the Parklet, where groups that stopped at the Parklet. visitation (i.e. who visits and when) was fairly Researchers used a random sample, unpredictable, families were pre-recruited selecting visitors that stopped at the Parklet using purposive sampling (Babbie, 1998). for more than 10 seconds regardless of Recruiting families ensured that we obtained whether they were in intergenerational or a robust sample of intergenerational groups. adult-only groups. Data were collected on Families were recruited through BVHM, three different weekends. (See Appendix B for community contacts, and fliers posted at respondent details.)

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 7 Methods, cont’d.

Focus Groups Surveys To obtain additional community feedback, we Using a QR code system, visitors to the conducted two focus groups with parents of Parklet were invited to complete a brief children attending BVHM. Conversations survey via their mobile devices to provide focused on obtaining feedback about the feedback on their experiences. Surveys Parklet, particularly about how respondents focused on respondents’ enjoyment, the ways perceived the relevance of the STEM content they characterized their experiences at the and the extent to which they believed the Parklet, and the perceived value of the Parklet contributed to the community. Each Parklet to their community. To encourage hour-long focus group included a visit to the participation, respondents received a coupon Parklet and a discussion. As the structure of for a cup of coffee at a coffee house across A researcher observes a family discussing the the conversations was highly dependent on the street from the Parklet. We received 45 water vapor interactive. Families such as these school culture/context, these focus groups online surveys. (See Appendix C for were pre-recruited to ensure that the sample were more interactive and informal. Thus, the respondent details.) included sufficient Latino/Hispanic families from the data collected were not as “in-depth” as with Mission with children between the ages of 8–12. more traditional focus groups. These groups To assess the project partnership, we used did provide rich community perspectives, the following methods: however. Partner Interviews Given school culture and context, it was not As part of developing an initial understanding possible to recruit participants in advance. of the dimensions of the partnership Therefore, respondents were recruited on-site collaboration, we conducted phone interviews immediately following gatherings in which with a staff member from the Exploratorium parents were present. The same sampling and BGCSF, both of whom were key contacts criteria was used, however, as for families in evaluation work. These open-ended and recruited for observations and interviews. less formal conversations allowed us to Beyond that, one session included identify key activities and topics to pursue in Parents of BVHM students talk with the facilitator at participants generally active in school further data collection. a focus group. Before their discussion, the group activities and parent groups. To ensure visited the Parklet in order to better understand the experience. diversity (socio-economically and general Researchers then conducted group interviews level of involvement in school activities) in the with a larger number of staff from each sample, the second session drew from Ciencia Pública partner. These interviews respondents attending BVHM’s food bank. All were intended to capture the range of participants received a $20 honorarium. experiences of various team members Twenty-four parents (12 per session) involved in the project while also allowing us participated in focus groups, which were to identify areas of consensus among group conducted in Spanish. Discussions were recorded for analysis. Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 8 Methods, cont’d. members and areas in which perspectives tables and histograms. We present survey differed. responses in percentages (some percentages do not add to 100% due to rounding). Where Each interview with Exploratorium and appropriate, the actual number of responses BGCSF included five team members. (n) is provided. Participating staff were purposively selected to ensure inclusion of team members involved Limitations in different aspects of the project (e.g., As in any study, this evaluation had certain Principal Investigators, senior staff, limitations. Due to the low level of walk-by coordinators, educators). Due to end-of- visitation among Latino residents, the primary school year calendars, it was not possible to data for this study was obtained via families hold a group interview at BVHM. Instead, we specifically recruited for the evaluation. While conducted a depth interview with the school participants were representative of the target principal. All interviews were recorded for audience, the families interviewed may have transcription and analysis. stayed at the Parklet longer than most casual visitors and their level of attention was likely Document Review higher. Project meeting notes and reports were reviewed to understand the trajectory and Additionally, respondents to the QR code timeline of partner discussion and decisions. survey had to have smart phones to These provided further insights into the nature participate. While Latinos own smart phones of the collaboration. and access the Internet from mobile devices One of several signs in the Parklet describing the at similar rates as other groups of Americans online survey with a QR code linking to the survey. Data Analysis (Lopez, Gonzalez-Barrera, and Patten, 2013), This information was posted in Spanish and Qualitative data from observations, interviews, respondents were self-selected. Additionally, English. and focus groups were coded using inductive the sample size is small; this should be coding (Strauss and Corbin, 1990; Patton, considered when interpreting overall results. 1990), which allowed researchers to identify emergent patterns and themes in the data Because of when the Parklet was installed, without the limitations imposed by most of the data collection took place after predetermined categories. As patterns and BVHM had closed for the summer. We were, themes were identified, researchers teased therefore, unable to document patterns of use out the strength of these patterns and themes by families during the school year and were (Miles and Huberman, 1994). unable to observe families who might use the Parklet before or after school. Survey data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics and summarized in

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 9 Results

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 10 Socio-Political Context Any project that focuses on (and is situated in) a specific community will be affected by many contextual forces outside the administrators’ control. Such broader political, economic, and cultural environments influence a project from development to implementation. Ciencia Pública was no exception.

Over the past decade, San Francisco has Calle 24 as the center of Latino culture and undergone tremendous change, in large part commerce” (San Francisco Heritage, 2014). due to the boom in the technology industry. In addition, the local street merchants and The Mission, in particular, has experienced an neighbors association (also known as Calle increase in residents from the technology 24) has established policies consistent with industry. This has resulted in shifting this vision. Of particular relevance for Ciencia demographics, soaring housing costs, and the Pública was an Association policy that does displacement of residents, primarily Latinos. not permit parklets on 24th Street (a major For example, although the 2010 Census thoroughfare and base of Latino businesses indicated that San Francisco’s Latino in the Mission). Parklets, in fact, have been population grew by 11 percent, the Mission viewed with suspicion by some community saw a 22% decrease in Latino residents from members because they are seen as a sign of 2000 to 2010 (Hernandez, 2011). Median gentrification in the Mission or because most home prices in the Mission, once among the parklets—commercially-sponsored and more affordable areas of San Francisco, have located outside those specific businesses— now surpassed those of the rest of San are seen as primarily benefitting commercial Francisco (Garofoli and Said, 2014). interests rather than the community (see, for example, Mark, 2015). Concerns about gentrification and potential displacement have created significant Given this context, the Exploratorium team tensions. Growing urgency exists within was challenged to identify a site for the segments of the Latino community—including Parklet that was acceptable to community local businesses—of the need to vigilantly partners. Initial efforts to locate the parklet guard against further gentrification and adjacent to the BGCSF Clubhouse on 21st encroachment. Spurred in part by the current street were unsuccessful. Several concerns, situation (Garo, 2014), several community including preserving neighborhood parking, Top: Graffiti attributes rising housing costs in the groups and individuals worked to introduce safety considerations for BGCSF youth, and a Mission on the influx of highly-paid tech workers and pass a resolution to designate Calle 24 (a general lack of community support such as Google employees. Bottom: A family section of the Mission spanning 12 blocks) as necessitated finding a different site. During its walks by graffiti depicting a funeral procession for a “Latino Cultural District” that would, in part, four-month search for a secondary site, the death of the Mission. Such street art reveals “stabilize the displacement of Latino Exploratorium staff talked with many the contentious nature of the economic and businesses and residents, [and] preserve community organizations, including Calle 24. social changes taking place in the Mission neighborhood.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 11 Socio-Political Context, cont’d.

While situating the Parklet on a site that would Nonetheless, the Parklet being located be heavily trafficked by local Latino residents adjacent to BVHM and the relationship the was desirable, it was not possible. The final Exploratorium team had established with site, located on Valencia Street adjacent to school administration created the potential to BVHM K-8 school (which serves draw an audience from Latino families who predominantly Latino families) met with are part of the school community. (Since the support from the school and parents. majority of data were collected after school was out of session, however, we were unable There were indications that the Parklet’s to determine visitation patterns during the location may have limited the number of school session.) It is worth noting that in focus Latino groups who visited. While it was not groups, parents from BVHM were enthusiastic feasible, given the scope of this study, to about the Parklet. systematically track visitation of casual passerby groups to the Parklet by race/ethnicity, QR code-initiated surveys collected, as well as intercept interviews of casual passerby groups, indicated that only 16% of respondents identified as Latino/ Hispanic. In fact, numerous Latino families specifically recruited for this evaluation noted the very real divide in the Mission due to gentrification; they commented that they and other local Latino families do not often frequent Valencia Street.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 12 Community Response to the Parklet Overall, participants in this study saw significant value in the Ciencia Pública Parklet and believed it to be important to the community. The most commonly cited positive aspects of the Parklet were its focus on a critical and timely topic and its educational component. In addition, 98% of survey respondents reported high enjoyment levels.

Responses to the Parklet from participants in Respondents often contrasted the Ciencia [It’s] great that in a ten feet by two [space] you this study were overwhelmingly positive. Pública Parklet with other parklets in the bring learning out into the community. You don’t Given the current drought in California, it is Mission. They commented that other have to be a five-story building. perhaps not surprising that a primary reason parklets were essentially commercial Yeah, [it’s inviting]. I think having the participants gave for the Parklet’s importance enterprises that they believed only benefitted benches—if you want to take a break and learn was its focus on the subject of water. the local business who sponsored them (and while you’re relaxing…I’ve only seen the ones Respondents often discussed the timeliness took up valuable parking spaces). On the like at the coffee shops…in the private space of the topic, noting the importance of raising other hand, they saw the Ciencia Pública you have to pay to use it. Here it’s for awareness of the drought and the need to Parklet adding value to the community everybody. conserve. They also commented that a because of its educational focus and subject Parklet with this focus provided value to the matter. entire community. Additionally, while some respondents In addition to noting the importance of the questioned why the Parklet was located on topic, parents—especially those directly Valencia Street as opposed to other places in affiliated with BVHM—placed great the Mission with a larger Latino concentration, importance on the educational value of the nearly every participant in this study Parklet for their children. They appreciated an commented that they appreciated the outdoor space that provided opportunities for inclusion of both Spanish and English labels youth to learn in a hands-on, experiential way in the Parklet. They felt this signaled a sincere (some specifically mentioned science effort to be inclusive of the diverse population learning, although most mentioned learning in in the Mission. a more general sense). BVHM parents saw the Parklet as a resource for the school (e.g., something teachers could use with students), but some did recognize that anyone in the community could access the space.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 13 Community Response to the Parklet, cont’d. The graphic below is a compilation of key words that Latino parents (at focus groups convened at BVHM) used to describe the value of the Parklet. The size of the word represents how often the word appeared in the responses. Note the strong emphasis on the educational dimension of the Parklet for youth.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 14 Community Response to the Parklet, cont’d.

Participants reported high levels of enjoyment How much did you enjoy this space? at the Parklet. A heavy majority of survey respondents (97%) rated their enjoyment a “4” or a “3” on a 1–4 scale where 1 was “very low” 80% 69% and 4 was “very high.” (There were no 70% discernable differences between respondents 60% by race/ethnicity.) 50% Participants also shared that they found the 40% 27% Parklet comfortable and inviting. The Parklet’s 30% seating was often mentioned by respondents 20% as a key reason for finding the space inviting. They also felt the space was inviting due to its 10% 1% 2% overall look and feel as well as the fact that it 0% allowed them to relax outdoors. Some 1 (very low) 2 3 4 (very high) respondents also specifically mentioned feeling good that anyone in the community N = 95 could visit it. (A few respondents, however, said they were initially not sure if it was part of the school and for its use only.) How likely are you to stop at this space again? (respondents who live or work in the Mission)

Survey respondents had similar reactions. 80% When asked to rate on a 1–4 scale (1 being 71% “very low” and 4 being “very high”) how 70% inviting the Parklet was, 91% provided ratings 60% of “4” or “3.” 50% 40% Furthermore, using the same 1–4 rating scale, 26% the majority of survey respondents (97%) who 30% said they lived or worked in the Mission rated 20% their likelihood of visiting the Parklet again as 10% 3% 0% a “4” or “3.” 0% 1 (not likely) 2 3 4 (very likely)

N = 38

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 15 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content Overall, participants described the current drought in California and the need to conserve water as the “main ideas” communicated by the Parklet. While the issue of water shortage was not new, participants shared that the Parklet served as an important reminder to everyone.

Families who participated in our study readily At the individual component level, each of the It makes people conscious of being in the understood that the Parklet focused on water. four interactives had significant strengths as drought. Seeing things—we might have to take They said the Parklet provided interesting well as challenges. Overall, all four of them into action eventually and not being wasteful. information that helped them reflect on the engaged visitors with their different content. I think it’s for people to learn about water and drought and reminded them of how important Interactions also varied at each component how to take care of it. Not waste it. it is to conserve water. A few participants, in based on topic, the nature of the information It’s so we don’t waste water. To help us be fact, commented that they wished for more provided, and the specifics of what there was more conscious of it. It’s a great idea. Excellent. tips and ideas on how individuals can save to do and see. Collectively, however, the water. Parklet provided families with opportunities to We’re in a drought right now. People need to try engage with different yet complimentary harder to conserve it—to not waste it. This [parklet] is about that. It’s good and well aspects of the topic. explained. In the following pages we discuss each [The topic of] water is super important right now component in detail. because of the drought. The more it can be explained the more awareness it can raise in people so we can all take care of it.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 16 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content: Watering Plants

Strengths Challenges The primary idea that participants gained from While the Watering Plants interactive engaged the Watering Plants interactive was that good, families to explore the idea of water-efficient water-efficient strategies do exist for watering watering strategies, visitors did not find it plants. The relationship between the readily apparent how to reproduce such a explanation on the label, the action that could system at home. As a result, there is an be done (i.e., turning the crank), and what opportunity for the Exploratorium to provide happened when one did it was strong and guidance for people to replicate the system at clearly conveyed the concept. The diagram, home—this would also extend the experience which was key in communicating the content, for visitors. succeeded with all participants because it visually illustrated the mechanism by which Another challenge of this component was that water was absorbed through the wick. families had difficulty seeing where the water went after they had pumped it. This component had the most opportunity for intergenerational engagement. The activity could be done together, and it was easy for I want to learn about how to irrigate my plants families to understand what was happening the same way. and then discuss it. As a result, most of the I think the main one [new idea] for us is the conversation at this component focused on recycling water for the plants….I think as the the watering system. drought goes on, I think that would be the way to go. Instead of having the plants in the front Visitors noticed the plants and some yard, when or if those plants eventually die, I recognized those familiar to them (e.g., would go with a system like that. cilantro), thereby making strong personal connections at this component.

Finally, this component spurred participants to think more about how they could conserve water at home—for instance, in their own gardens or in watering their own plants.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 17 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content: Salt Water

Strengths Challenges Respondents said that they learned how The Salt Water component was less desalination works at the Salt Water successful, however, in communicating to all component. Many respondents said they had respondents the implications of a desalination previously heard of desalination but that they system that takes a significant amount of had not understood the process; this energy. While some understood the energy interactive, they noted, helped them requirements, a few respondents walked understand. Not only did the component help away with the notion that desalination of respondents explore the desalination process, ocean water was a good solution to water it also provided them, through the interactive shortages. pump, an opportunity to remove salt from water themselves. In addition, the red box could become fogged inside, making the numbers displayed difficult The Salt Water interactive was often the first to read. one respondents approached, because it was in the middle of the Parklet, it looked intriguing, and it had a pump that clearly I remember watching something on the news invited interaction. saying they were going to try to make ocean water into drinking water or sewer water into This component encouraged social drinking water. After I saw this, now I can see interaction. Families discussed California’s how that happens. drought issues, the mechanics of desalination, [It’s] not a cost-effective means of purifying and the cost/benefit of desalination. The Salt water…This [the desalination pump] shows that Water interactive also offered opportunities for it can be done, but it is not cost-effective critical thinking; respondents used deductive because you have to spend too much energy to reasoning to understand the worth of the maintain it. process if you were to pump too much, how much energy was used during the process, and the cost versus benefit of desalination.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 18 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content: Water Vapor

Strengths Challenges The Water Vapor interactive elicited some The Water Vapor component was more conversations, most of which focused on the passive than the Watering Plants and Salt evaporation cycle depicted on the label. While Water interactives and, in contrast to those the diagram seemed complicated to many two components, gave families few respondents, it nonetheless engaged some of opportunities for engaging interaction. The them, who tried to understand how focus of the Water Vapor component was evaporation works. The label allowed obtained primarily by reading the display or respondents to use their imaginations to the label. better understand the process. For instance, one person was observed explaining it to While some visitors used the label to another group by referring to condensation understand the water evaporation cycle, its that took place on the windows inside of a car. similarity to illustrations in school textbooks tended to make it more intimidating than the Those participants who reported learning Parklet’s other labels to people with less something from this interactive often noted formal education. that they had not known that evaporation left That’s the key! If they can get fog to turn into salt behind. Moreover, some were not able to see the water. implication of the “before and after” display. This pump is different [than the desalination pump] because it de-saltifies [sic] the Finally, this component was the least de-saltifies [sic] water after the connected to other interactives in the Parklet, evaporation and condensation. which resulted in respondents struggling to fit its message into the overall message of the Parklet.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 19 Awareness/Understanding of Featured Content: Rain

Strengths Challenges Respondents were most drawn to the data It was not clear to all respondents how the displayed by the histogram in the Rain rain gauge in the Rain component worked. component. We observed many groups comparing recent rainfall data to historical Some respondents said that they wished the data and discussing the differences. Parklet provided more suggestions of actions they could take to conserve water. This is Respondents felt that this component was another opportunity for the Exploratorium to important because it raised awareness of the extend the experience to visitors’ homes and need to conserve water. Not only did have more impact on them. respondents say that the histogram impacted them because it so clearly showed the severity of the current drought, but some of them also had “aha” moments about the reason for the drought while looking at this component. I thought the barometer [rain gauge] was Children approximately 8 years old and up interesting. To see how much water we’re could use this interactive on their own and getting—it’s not a whole lot. In a four-month understand the information that the histogram period, only three inches. conveyed.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 20 Bilingual Labels The bilingual labels were very well received. Participants in this study unanimously commented that they were delighted to see that the Parklet provided information in Spanish and English. All noted that this signaled that everyone was welcome at the Parklet.

Respondents often pointed out that since the A few respondents also commented on the Since labels were the main conveyance of Parklet was in the Mission, it was important to high quality of the translation and noted their information, people in these groups found the provide information in both English and appreciation of the effort. In contrasting the content more difficult to access. Participants Spanish. bilingual Ciencia Pública signage to other with low literacy levels had significant difficulty experiences, these participants also noted with the labels. Many also commented that they were happily that sometimes the Spanish they see on other surprised to see the Spanish placed first on informational signs is poorly translated and It’s great [to have bilingual labels] because the label and found it wholly appropriate. seems like an afterthought. Participants, were sometimes you don’t understand [English] and Latino participants affirmed that the bilingual overall, highly complementary! you feel separated. This way because it’s in signage made them feel welcome and that it Spanish and English, people can understand. signaled that Latino community had clearly While all participants welcomed the labels, we I think it’s a good translation. been considered in the development of the did note a number of issues when Latino Parklet. They noted that it provided access to families with lower levels of formal education For me to read, either [language] is helpful. non-English speaking residents as well as for engaged with the Parklet. Even though nowadays, I read English. But from the type of community that we’re in, I think the bilingual. Some shared, for example, that it’s helpful. in their family they had members who were • The vocabulary and tone were considered more Spanish-dominant and others that were too academic and difficult to understand. You want to put it in layman’s terms. more English-dominant so that having The Spanish, while very well translated, information in both languages made it seemed disconnected to the colloquial, accessible to everyone. everyday Spanish typically used.

Both observations and interviews confirmed • Some respondents were initially intimidated that the bilingual labels provided families by some of the labels because they access to information and helped maintain a appeared very scientific or academic. group’s linguistic practices and norms. For example, some individuals in groups used • We observed some groups who had Spanish labels while others in the group used difficulty reading and understanding the English labels. In other cases, families used label content but who initially did not want both Spanish and English labels regardless of to admit this due to their feelings that it self-reported language dominance. These signaled a personal deficiency. findings were similar to results from prior research on bilingual exhibits (Yalowitz, Garibay, Renner, and Plaza, 2015).

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 21 Bilingual Labels: A Closer Look The component labels worked well for visitors when they 1) used everyday language, 2) provided directions about what visitors should do or notice at the component, and 3) posed questions that sparked conversation. Some Cienca Pública labels worked better than others. Below we highlight aspects of the Salt Water label that worked well and those that could be improved.

The pairing of the The image helps visitors The image is shared by An easily understood Spanish and English visualize the system that the Spanish and English and intriguing question translations gives a they cannot otherwise see translations sense of balance and indicates that the languages are equally important Vocabulary, such as “molecular,” perceived as academic and not accessible

A friendly invitation to engage with the The discussion of the component cost of desalination is buried beneath the explanation of the filter, causing many visitors to overlook it

The description of the The information about A clear explanation filter process is lost the filter appears in of what a visitor can at bottom of sign two places do at the component

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 22 Diversity within Latino Family Groups The Parklet successfully engaged all the families that participated in this study. As described earlier in this report, families enjoyed their experiences and found the Parklet to be valuable. The study also revealed interesting nuances in the ways that families with more and less formal education engaged with the Parklet and made meaning of their experiences.

We found that among families with caregivers As the mother and boy approach the watering who had higher levels of education, plant pump, the mom notices the sign with Select Mission Demographics interactions between group members closely information about the Boys and Girls Club • 41% of Mission residents identify as followed the types of interactions previously youth involved in the project. She reads the Latino (San Francisco Planning Dept., documented in studies of families visiting sign aloud to her son. The boy nods, and 2012). (for example, Briseño-Garzón, shifts his attention to the Watering Plants Anderson and Anderson, 2007; Moussouri, component and he proceeded to turn the • 37% of Mission residents speak Spanish 2003). Children typically engaged with wheel. The mom follows and watches him for at home (San Francisco Planning Dept., “hands-on” features (e.g., pushing buttons, a moment. The mother briefly notices the 2012). moving levers) while adults tended to observe plants and directs the boy’s attention to them. • 42% of Spanish-speaking households in their children and read accompanying labels. She points to the ones she can easily identify the Mission speak English “not well or not Caregivers typically took on a guide/teacher and names these for him: “Chiles.” “Kale.” The at all.” (San Francisco Planning Dept., role, focusing on scaffolding their children’s boy looks up and notices the sign that reads 2012). learning. Adults often tried to focus children’s “peppers” as he continues to turn the wheel. • The Mission population is less educated attention, pointing things out, asking questions The mom then points her finger up toward the than San Francisco as a whole, with the related to the component they were exploring, top of the parklet and remarks, “Look, the rates of high-school graduates among and trying to make sense of the information water gets filtered through the pipe and into the lowest in city: 78% for the Mission presented analytically. (Occasionally, we also the planters!” The boy notices this and looks District compared to 86% citywide observed older children acting as facilitators at the illustration near the wheel. His mom (Mission Economic Development for younger siblings.) Interactions for these encourages him to read it and he focuses on families tended to focus on the children and the illustration, reading each description, Agency, 2011). on helping them understand specific content. “Water flows in. Water flows out.” He then • Of Mission residents 25 and older, 35% says, “So they’re plants that are watered have a high-school education or less The following example depicts an interaction through the pipes.” The mom responds “Yup, (San Francisco Planning Dept., 2012). among a Latino family with parents who had pretty much,” then reads part of the larger more formal education. The family group label to him: “The water system has many consisted of two parents (mom and dad) and advantages. It delivers just the right amount of their 10-year-old son. water directly to the plants’ roots while reducing evaporation and nutrient loss from the soil.”

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 23 Diversity within Latino Family Groups, cont’d.

She asks if he has learned about children (a girl about 9 years old and a boy “evaporation” in school. The boy nods and the about 6). mom adds, “so this means you can get just the right amount of water to the plants without At first, the group was a bit hesitant, but with wasting any and it’s better for the plants some encouragement from the researcher, because keeping the nutrients in means they began exploring the Parklet. The group [the plants] stay healthy.” The boy seems to walked up to the Watering Plants component think about this for a second and nods then and stood for a minute taking it in. The mom shifts his attention to another component and began to turn the wheel to pump water and moves on. then invited her daughter to try it. The girl began to move the handle and called out to On the other hand, families with less formal her brother; she showed him how to turn it. schooling had more fluid, dynamic, and She asked her mother what it was. The exploratory interactions. Furthermore, adults mother looked through the planters and pots and youth in these families tended to explore and mentioned that it seemed that water was together as co-learners. Children and adults being pumped. A boy and woman discuss the Water Vapor engaged with the hands-on components interactive. This family is an example of one where (though youth still tended to gravitate more to The grandparents stood back watching, but the caregiver took on the role of guide to help her hands-on aspects than did adults) and the soon joined in with conversation. The son explore the concept of evaporation. group explored together, often shifting grandmother chimed in, offering that in between “doing” and “directing.” Mexico they found novel ways to conserve water by reusing both rainwater and dishwater Interactions, in general, involved the group to water plants. She then joked that “poor collectively trying to understand what was people have always innovated lots of ways to happening at the component without the overt save water.” The mom chuckled and said, “learning/teaching” interactions observed in “Yes, out of necessity.” The mom then looked groups in which adults had more formal a bit longer and commented, “look at how the education. Additionally, we also found that water goes up. It’s kind of like an eye families with less formal schooling tended to dropper.” draw on or bring in their previous experiences to make meaning of the Parklet content. The girl continued to turn the wheel and said she was “watering the plants.” The boy The following example depicts an interaction seemed to lose a bit of interest at this point among a Latino family with parents who had and started climbing on the seat next to the less formal education. This group included component. As they left to move to another one female parent, a grandmother, and two component, the mom said, “it’s ingenious, but

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 24 Diversity within Latino Family Groups, cont’d. it looks pretty hard to try at home.” Before they reminded of as they engaged with a moved on, the grandmother commented that, component. Additionally, they tended to work “we’re all connected to Mother Earth and we together to interpret the content, rather than should take care of it, but we often forget.” having one person take on a facilitator-like role. In both examples, families clearly had positive interactions at the exhibit component. But the These different patterns of engagement nature of the interactions is quite different. demonstrate the varied approaches in the Latino community to engaging with informal Those families with caregivers having more learning exhibits (at least within the Parklet formal education tended, at the Parklet, to context) based on education levels. draw on the learning model they were socialized into at school. We might We also found that some families in which characterize this as a more linear model, adults had less formal schooling (and were whereby the goal is knowledge acquisition less familiar with museum-going practices) and where learning is one-directional and had more difficulty initially making sense of often “taught,” or facilitated, by a more the Parklet. The rather traditional science knowledgeable individual. These families, for museum interactives, for example, were not example, tended to focus primarily on the readily familiar to these families. STEM content (e.g., water vapor cycle) and Two siblings explore an interactive. In some process (e.g., “If this happens, then that is the Some adults were puzzled by these families, members collectively explored to make result”). Keep in mind that these families also components. What were they? Were these sense of the ideas presented without anyone in the tended to have more experience in visiting devices put there by the school or the City? group taking on specific learner/teacher roles. museums. Were they demonstrating something? In fact, some families were unsure as to whether it In contrast, groups with parents having less was acceptable even to touch or interact with formal education certainly engaged with the these components. The researcher often had topic at hand but did not focus as narrowly on to encourage these groups to explore and the science content or process depicted. engage with the Parklet and the interactives. Instead, group members might have We also found that members of these introduced a range of ideas spurred by their groups—particularly adults—often looked to interactions and tried to draw on a range of the researcher for information about what they past experiences to make sense of the were supposed to do or to explain the content information they were encountering. The in question. conversations, for example, often involved storytelling or bringing in ideas they were

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 25 Diversity within Latino Family Groups, cont’d.

As previously discussed, all participants in The materials, for example, seemed out of this study said they thought the Parklet was reach compared to something more familiar, relevant because of its focus on water. They such as a clay pot. That is not to say that all emphasized that given the current drought, these groups were unable to personally the topic was relevant not just to them connect with the ideas presented, but simply personally but to all San Franciscans and, that they sometimes had to work harder to more broadly, all Californians. (Some added connect more concretely the ideas presented that the topic actually had global relevance.) at the Parklet to examples from their own lived Thus, the Parklet was “issue relevant” experiences that might help them better because of the topic on which it focused. understand the concepts.

A subset of Latino families, however—those These groups could have used more entry with less formal education (often immigrants points into the content. One participant, for who had less experience with museums)—did example, commented that information not see the Parklet itself as necessarily connecting the content with stories or culturally relevant. These families saw its examples from the rich agricultural history of relevance purely in the fact that the content California might have been interesting. This was about something important. respondent pointed out that many California Latinos have family members who worked as These groups tended to have some difficulty fieldworkers (or had done so themselves). with the abstract nature of some of the A respondent looks at the Water Vapor interactive. content. Even the Watering Plants Some participants who were not museum-goers component, which was readily recognizable found the exhibits puzzling and were unclear about (plants!) and the easiest conceptually to what they were or if they were supposed to interact grasp, seemed to some a bit “techie” (and with them. fancy); some found it challenging to figure out how to reproduce the idea at home.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 26 Community Partnership One goal of Ciencia Pública was to partner with a local community organization to co-develop the Parklet and to increase capacity-building for staff and each partner organization. Overall, the partnership met its principal goal of developing and installing a Parklet in the Mission; as previously described, the Parklet was well received by community members. We also documented a number of ways in which the three organizations benefited from the partnership. While partners reported some level of deepened capacity-building, the Exploratorium team was the most positively impacted.

A significant and growing body of literature together before. (While BGCSF and the On the positive side, the Exploratorium and exists about partnerships and collaborations; Exploratorium had partnered previously, this BGCSF staff worked together to successfully this literature is important to consider in relationship involved an entirely different develop and implement programming for understanding and assessing a partnership. department in the Exploratorium; no one on youth as part of the co-development of the The research indicates that partnerships the “Studio for Public Spaces” staff had Parklet. evolve through stages of development and worked with BGCSF.) Thus, this partnership maturity (Jernigan, 2010). A partnership would be characterized as being at the The Parklet, co-developed with youth from established between organizations that have developmental stage—where processes of BGCSF, was completed and installed in the never worked together, for example, would be working together, norms of communication, Mission. As described earlier in this report, characterized as a “young” initiative with and refining the specifics of the partnership summative evaluation found that, overall, the particular needs and work that must be done are still being established. Parklet met its goals in engaging (e.g., building trust, establishing intergenerational families. communication norms), which differs from the For a project-specific partnership (Jernigan, work of a long-term partnership focused on 2010) such as Ciencia Pública, then, the main Additionally, the Exploratorium team’s sustainability (e.g., leveraging additional outcomes most appropriate to assess are that: evaluation (Garcia-Luis, 2014) documented funding, developing core sustained • the specific project deliverables were that youth felt confident and gained a range of programing). Additionally, the stages of completed; skills (e.g., sketching, making models) and maturity in a partnership directly influence • the partnership leveraged resources and would recommend the experience to their what outcomes are feasible and realistic. A expertise; and peers. newer partnership, for example, will likely have less impact in influencing core • each partner received some perceived We also documented ways partners’ expertise benefits. organizational practices than would a more was leveraged and perceived benefits from mature partnership (Bailey and Koney, 2000). the project. (See next page.) From this perspective, the Ciencia Pública In Ciencia Pública, the partnership involved partnership met all three criteria; the extent to which partners perceived benefits and that three organizations—The Exploratorium, their expertise was leveraged, however, BGCSF, and BVHM—that had not worked varied.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 27 Community Partnership, cont’d. There was evidence that the project leveraged each partner’s assets and expertise and that the partnership, in turn, benefitted each organization involved. The table below outlines the primary contribution from and benefit to each partner.

Partner Primary Contribution Primary Benefit

Boys and Girls Club of • Expertise in youth programming • Ability to offer participating BGCSF youth San Francisco strong, hands-on design programming • Knowledge in working with Latino youth • Increase in participating BGCSF youth skill development

• Gained insights into working with external partners

Buena Vista Horace Mann • Provided Parklet site • Increased visibility in neighborhood via the Parklet • Strong relationships with and knowledge of local Latino families • Use of Parklet by teachers for STEM classes

Exploratorium • Expertise in designing exhibitions (including • Increased knowledge of working with outdoor spaces) community youth in co-design projects

• Knowledge of developing successful ISE • Increased knowledge of processes for STEM experiences engaging Latino communities

• Insights into working with external partners

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 28 Community Partnership, cont’d.

It would be unrealistic, of course, for new Other challenges included: Recommended Steps for Future partnerships to not experience challenges. Partnerships This evaluation identified several challenges. • Differing perceptions between BGCSF and • Involve all partners more integrally in the Exploratorium staff about the extent to grant development process, including in Differences in organizational mission colored which their expertise was or could be collaboratively determining goals. understandings of the project as a whole. leveraged given program structures, Explicitly have each partner identify Given the focus of BGCSF, staff saw this budgets, and timelines; anticipated benefits from the project for project primarily as a youth development each organization. initiative. Exploratorium staff, on the other • Lack of clarity of of what was meant by a • Establish systems for ongoing hand, considered the primary goal to be the “co-designed” project. Was it primarily input communication between partners and design and development of a Parklet. into content or was it collaborating on the ensure that these systems include actual design at every level, including what communication across all levels of the While both partners worked sincerely toward interactives looked like and the aesthetics organizations. accomplishing the overarching vision of the of the Parklet? This raises interesting • Find a safe and inclusive way to hold project, and both believed youth engagement questions about how partners negotiate a difficult conversations about differences in and Parklet development were important co-design process so that it feels authentic perspectives, how the project is components, the differences in focus to everyone. progressing, and what is working and not illuminated different philosophical starting working. This will require building trust points that colored perspectives and priorities; • The workload was heavier than expected, and honest communication. these differences likely were not obvious early which stretched both the Exploratorium and in the partnership. BGCSF. The Exploratorium was able to • Develop some formal structures to assess leverage their volunteers to accomplish project progress and success along the This issue also played out in the site selection certain aspects of the work, but BGCSF did way. Mutually establish what counts as for the Parklet and final decision-making. For not have that resource on which they could success to gauge progress. Consider instance, a major value for BGCSF is draw. developing written progress summaries for review to foster dialogue about providing a safe space for its youth members successes and challenges. at the Club. A parklet which intends to engage Collaborations between different types of the general public is, by its very nature, at organizations are, by nature, affected by • Ensure funding levels or all partners are odds with that value. This created tensions power structures. One organization can hold equitable. This includes ensuring that between partners and it became clear that the purse strings or simply have more power funds provide multiple staff members from partners had different assumptions and by virtue of its organizational positioning. all partner organizations to be deeply expectations about where the Parklet would Domhoff (2005), for example, notes that this engaged in the project. Having be situated and what process should be used “inter-organizational environment” itself contingency funds are especially for making a final decision. important to cover time of bringing in additional community stakeholders not originally anticipated.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 29 Community Partnership, cont’d. reflects existing power structures. power structures themselves are negative, but • Establishing communications with a broad rather that being cognizant of power range of parents and school leaders who It emphasizes that the necessary positioning can help inform a partnership’s served as liaisons to families (e.g., PTA resources—whether money, expertise, or processes. Ultimately, the partnership worked lead, parent coordinator). raw materials—are properties of the power through some of the challenges. structure as a whole as well as assets and • Receiving direct input from parents through needs of individual organizations within it. As a contrast, it is interesting to examine the surveys and both formal and informal (para. 56). power positioning in terms of BVHM. The discussions and meetings. This involved, school had little to lose from the process of for example, going to PTA and school In the case of this partnership, BGCSF had an final site selection, while the Exploratorium felt council meetings, sending parents surveys, established and ongoing relationship with a some urgency to finalize the location of the and even physically attending certain different department at the Exploratorium (not Parklet. events that parents also attended to ensure involved in Ciencia Pública) that had provided that everyone was included in the process. curricular and programming resources for BVHM held to a specific process that partners youth programs at the BGCSF. Given the needed to adhere to and the school’s • BVHM’s process for community input was importance of the existing collaboration to community had final say over whether to not negotiable, meaning that timelines BGCSF, their staff were cognizant that they install the Parklet on the school site. In this needed to be revised in order to adhere to did not want to do anything that could sense, BVHM was in a different power their established practices for engaging potentially put that existing relationship at risk. position as a partner. their community members. (In this sense, the Exploratorium held more power by virtue of its organizational BVHM has historically engaged, in an Ultimately, the process ensured that positioning.) authentic way, Latino families who are part of Exploratorium staff successfully involved this the school in decision-making at all levels. As community in approving the installation of the As a result, this sometimes led to lack of a result, BVHM has developed clear Parklet. As a result, there was significant clarity about each partners’ needs. For processes for seeking input and approval from community knowledge of and buy-in for the example, significant time was put into community members. From their perspective, Parklet, not only at the organizational level but determining whether the Parklet could be on the bottom line is that the community also at the community level via families Club premises which meant the project ran ultimately decides on whether a specific involved with BVHM. off-schedule, required more staff time to select project or issue is “a go” or not. The Parklet an alternate location, and strained was no exception. Briefly outlined, the Overall, Ciencia Pública partnerships yielded relationships. process involved the following: important insights and learning. Part of deepening practice is learning from those It is important to understand that power • Developing a clear description of the “turning points” or areas where rising tensions dynamics are inherent in organizational Parklet and the specifics of what was being can inform the future structuring of endeavors, and it would be unrealistic to deny asked of BVHM and the community. partnerships (Fawcett, 1995). that such power structures exist. It is not that

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 30 Conclusions and Insights

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 31 Conclusions and Insights This study found that overall, the Ciencia Pública project met its goals. In this section, we provide a brief overview of key outcomes with a focus on illuminating the insights and lessons learned that may assist others in the informal learning field.

Socio-Political Context (preferably well in advance of a major In addition, recalling the socio-political Any initiative taking place in a community initiative) while remaining humble, flexible, context, this Parklet stood apart from other setting, by nature, confronts social and and patient. parklets in the Mission because it was viewed political issues that may affect various aspects as accessible to and benefiting everyone of a project, and Ciencia Pública was no Community Response rather than a specific business or a subset of exception. The tech boom in San Francisco The Ciencia Pública Parklet was well the community (e.g., those who can afford to and its negative effects on the Mission (e.g., received. Participants valued the Parklet as patronize a trendy café). displacement of Latino residents) has created an educational space that focused on a timely an environment in which many Latino and critical topic and was relevant to the Awareness/Understanding community members are skeptical of any entire community. Latino parents, particularly Overall, the Ciencia Pública Parklet initiative or organization coming from outside those affiliated with BVHM, strongly successfully engaged families with its exhibits the Mission. As a result, there was resistance emphasized the educational value of the and in exploring the related STEM content. to placing the Parklet on one of the streets Parklet and appreciated that it provided Although the drought was a familiar topic, the most frequented by Latino residents. The fact children with opportunities for hands-on experiences at the Parklet provided that the Parklet could not be located adjacent learning. Respondents also found the Parklet opportunities for participants to explore ideas to the BGCSF created a major unanticipated comfortable and inviting and appreciated the and consider the importance of conserving challenge. The Exploratorium team was general “look and feel,” which afforded not water. Participants described the Parklet’s responsive to these concerns and worked to only opportunities to explore the topic of water main concepts as 1) the current drought in address challenges, including adding a and water conservation but also provided California and 2) the need to conserve water. partner that facilitated an extensive process outdoor space in which anyone from the for engaging community members in the community could sit and relax. Additionally, As previously noted in discussing community decision to locate the Parklet adjacent to the bilingual labels (with Spanish labels response to the Parklet, the focus on water BVHM. The key insight is that community placed first) signaled that the Parklet was for was a key reason that participants were engagement efforts must very carefully everyone. Many Latino families noted that motivated to engage with the Parklet. One consider the larger socio-political context and they felt welcomed. insight, therefore, is that the “issue relevance” community issues at play and determine, of the Parklet played an important role in early in the effort’s conception, the The positive community response, an engaging the public. Additionally, the four implications of how an initiative may be important goal for the partners, was clearly exhibits had their individual strengths and viewed and received. Stepping into a met. An interesting insight is that the challenges but provided opportunities to community setting can put greater onus on educational aspect of the Parklet and the engage with different yet complimentary organizations from outside the community to focus on a topic that affects everyone in the aspects of the topic. understand the socio-political context and community were key reasons why this parklet establish solid community relationships was well received and considered especially relevant. Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 32 Conclusions and Insights, cont’d.

Labels setting, it appears that there is a need for a presented at the Parklet to their own lived Bilingual labels were critical to the Parklet more informal approach in language and tone, experiences. In these cases, the exhibits experience—not only in signaling inclusion, and perhaps less reliance on text in general. could have provided more entry points. but also in providing access to content so that families could engage with the ideas Diversity within the Latino Community These different patterns of engagement presented. Equally important was that using This study also found differences in how illuminate the diversity in the Latino bilingual labels allowed groups to maintain families engaged with the Parklet and content community (in any cultural group, really) and their families’ linguistic practices and norms, based on parents’ levels of formal education. the importance of considering not only which in some cases included both Spanish Families with caregivers who had more formal linguistic practices, but also factors such as and English. Thus, providing bilingual education tended to draw on the learning education levels and museum-going habits. interpretation provided a more comfortable models they were socialized into at school; a Although the exhibits, overall, were and seamless experience for many families. primary goal for these groups was knowledge successful, findings also suggest that for acquisition. In contrast, groups with parents some non-museum-goers, traditional science This study also highlighted, however, the having less formal schooling did not focus as museum interactives are not necessarily need to take into account the range of narrowly on the science content or the intuitive and can feel quite foreign. It is education levels and literacy skills of any processes depicted. These groups introduced interesting to consider how one might design group. While bilingual labels afforded positive a broad range of ideas and experiences to exhibits for community spaces that move experiences, they did not work for Latino collectively make sense of the information away from traditional museum interactives families with parents with less formal they encountered; conversations often toward designs that might be more accessible education. For some, the tone and vocabulary involved storytelling or bringing in ideas as to diverse cultural communities. were too academic, scientific, and/or they engaged with a component. intimidating. The Water Vapor graphic’s Community Partnership similarity to illustrations in school textbooks This study also found that families in which Overall, the Ciencia Pública partnership tended to make it difficult for some residents adults had less formal schooling—and who accomplished its major goal in successfully to approach. Additionally, some noted that typically were less familiar with museum- developing and installing the Parklet in the while the Spanish was correct, it felt more going practices—had more difficulty making Mission. As with any partnership, especially a formal than the “everyday” Spanish one might sense of the exhibit components and were relatively new one, the collaboration use. Those participants with very low literacy somewhat reluctant to engage. Some, for experienced challenges, often concerning skills found the information inaccessible. example, were not sure of what the differences in organizational culture, components were and whether it was even communication styles, and organizational It is possible that encountering the exhibits in acceptable to interact with them. Additionally, priorities. The process of engaging Latino a community setting—as opposed to within while these groups could personally connect community members in vetting and approving the walls of a museum—sets up different with the concepts and saw the topic as the parklet site—outlined and facilitated by expectations about the tone and formality of relevant to everyone, they sometimes had to BVHM—was critical to ensuring buy-in. what type of language to use. In a community work to more concretely connect the ideas

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 33 Conclusions and Insights, cont’d.

It also built Exploratorium staff’s capacity in more authentically engaging community and provided a potential model to draw on in the future.

A number of insights emerged from these evaluation findings.

First, collaborations have varied stages of maturity, and establishing goals and outcomes must be realistic to the stage of the collaboration.

Second, collaborations between different types of organizations are inherently affected by a range of power dynamics. One organization can hold the purse strings, for example, or may have more power by virtue of its organizational positioning. Being cognizant of one’s own power positioning can help inform partnership processes, which then can provide all members of a partnership with opportunities to learn.

Finally, even when well-established organizations with significant expertise collaborate on a project, the fit is not always perfect. These situations require partners to be responsive and to persist in finding ways to accomplish an initiative’s goals.

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 34 References

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 35 References

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Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 36 Appendices

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Pública | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 37 Appendix A: Observation and Interview Respondent Profile (Recruited Families)

Gender of Adults Language Interview was Conducted in:

30 16 15 25 14 12 20 Women 10 15 17 8 Men 10 6 4 2 2 5 8 2 1 0 0 Adults All Spanish Mostly Spanish Spanish and English N = 25 N = 20 English Equally

Ages of Children 7



4 4 Girls 3 1 3 2 Boys 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15+ N = 32

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Publica | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 38 Appendix B: Unobtrusive Observation and Intercept Survey Respondent Profile (stop-by)

Language of Respondent Do you live or work in the Mission District? 100% 88% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60% 48% 52%

40% 40%

20% 13% 20%

0% 0% English Spanish Yes No N = 50 N = 50

Type of Group

70% 65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 17% 19% 20% 10% 0% Sole Adult Adult Group Adult with Children N = 50

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Publica | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 39 Appendix C: QR Code Survey Respondent Profile

What is your ethnic background? Do you live in the Mission District? (Check all that apply) 80% 68% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 70% 60% Latino/Hispanic 5% 50% Asian 9% 40% 33% African American 7% 30% Caucasian 75% 20% Native American 2% 10% Pacific Islander 0% 0% N = 45 Other* 9% Yes No * Other: East Indian, Indian, Iranian, Middle Eastern N = 45 Participants could choose multiple categories. Hence, percentages add up to more than 100%

Who did you visit with today? (Check all that apply) 50% 39% 41% 40% 30% 30%

20% 9% 10%

0% Alone Friends Family Children N = 45 under 12

Garibay Group | Exploratorium | Ciencia Publica | Summative Evaluation | Fall 2015 40