Rg~ Tow Near Kingston 705 649

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Rg~ Tow Near Kingston 705 649 bK~'~ ~HUIO '~U~A A~ U~ U7/Z1/j8 PAGe 3 PROJECT NAM~: WATT~ BAR (HYDRO) PROJECT NUMBER: 9 PHOTOGUPH SHEET PHOTOGRAPH FORMAT DATE NUMBER _ ~UflBEL___ nIL; __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ CODE AV 981 WATTS BAR DAM 705 941 A.V 982 ____ WATTS BAR OAf! _ _ _ _ _ _ 705 941 AV 983 WATTS BAR DAM 705 941 .. Iy 964 WATTS SAR nOM 705 94' AV 985 WATTS BAR DAM 705 941 q av 986 WATTS eAR DAM 705 94' .. AV1016 WATTS BAR 705 142 .. AVl017 WATTS au 70S 142 AV1018 WATTS BAR 705 14Z .. 01019 WATTS BAR 705 142 If AV1020 WATTS BAR 70S 142 •• !Vl0ll WATTS BAR 105 142 AV1022 WATTS BAR 705 142 • . n1QZ3 WATIS BAR 705 142 IV1024 WATTS BAR 705 142 AV1025 _____ w..LTT.s_llR 705 U., • AV1167 WATTS BAR HYDRO 705 643 • Aylles WATTS BAR HYDRO 705 643 • AV1169 WATTS BA~ HYORO 705 643 • AVllZa WATTS eAR HYDRO 705 643 • AV1171 WATTS BAR HYDRO 705 643 • AVll72 _ __ llA.IiLBU DAM AND STEAM Pi ANT 705 643 • AV1173 WATTS BAR OAM AND STEAM PLANT 705 643 • AV1174 WATTS BAR DAM 705 643 • AV1539 6 WATTS !UR LOCK & DAM 705 649 • Ay1539 1 . WATTS BAR LOCK , DAM 705 649 • AV1539 8 WATTS ~AR LOCK ~ DAM 70S 6~9 • AY1519 , WATTS ,4R I PC! , nOM 705 649 • AV1539 11 WATTS BAR LOCK & DAM 705 649 AV1539 __1L _ nus au LOCK t DAM 705 649 .. AV1546 1 SPRING CITY, TENN. WATERFRONT 705 649 • AV1546 2 SPRING CITY, UriNe WATeRFRONT 705 649 • AV1546 1 SPRING CITY, TENN. WATERFRONT 705 649 • AV1546 ___It SPRlNG..CITY, TE~N. WATERFRONT 705 649 .. AV1546 5 SPRING CtTY, TENN. WATERFRONT 705 649 AV1546 6 HALF MOO~ CUT-OFF CHANNEL 705 649 • AV15~6 7 HALF MOO~ CUT-OFF CHANNEL 705 649 AV1546 8 _HUf' MOON CUT'OEF CHANNEL 705 649 • AV1546 q THIEF NeCK CUT-OFF CHANNEL 705 649 • n1546 1 Q THIEf NEt.K CIIT-PfE CHANNEL 705 649 .. AV1546 11 THIEF NECK CUT-OFF CHANNEL 70S 649 • IV1546 12 THIEf N:r;K CUT- OFF CHANNEL 705 649 • AV1547 1 DECATUR-KIN GSTOII HIGHWA Y BRIDGE 705 649 • AV15~7 2 QeCATUR-UNGSTON HIGHWAY BRIDGE 705 649 .. AV1S47 1 OECATUR-ItINGSTON HIGHWAY BRIDGE 70S 649 AY154~ 4 8ARG~ TOW NEAR KINGSTON 705 649 .. AV1S47 5 SARGE TOW NEAR KINGSTON 705 649 .. AV1547 6 BARG; TOW NEAR UtJG~ION 705 649 .. AV1547 7 KINGSTON WATfRfRONT 705 649 "AV1S4? 8 KINGSTON WATERfRONT 705 649 .. AV1547 9 KINGSTON WATSRfRONT 705 649 • ey1547 10 KINGSTON WATERfRONT 705 649 .. AV1547 11 KINGSTON WATERfQ!ONT 70S 649 "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­.. --- - <---- --------­ 'v~t~~ ~nvlU ~HU:A ~~ ur u71i11a8 PAGE 4 __________~____~P~R70~J~Et~T~N~A~M~:~;~--WATTS BAR (HIPRO) ::J. PROJECT NUM9ER: 9 'I" • ------~PH~O~T-O~G~R-A~P-H--------------S~H-E-E~T------P-H-OT-O-G~R-A-P-H~---------------------------------FO-R~M-A-T----D-A-TE------------------------------- NUMBER NUHBEL TITLE CODe AV1547 12 kINGSTON WATERFRONT 705 649 4Y1548 1 UNGSTON_BRlllIiLjiIGHWA'L7~ .CLINt.H -----'l~ _64.2. AV1548 2 KINGSTON BRIDGE HIGHWAY 70 ON CLINCH 70S 649 • 'Vl54' 1 KINGSTON 8RIDGE HIGHMAT 70 ON CLINCH 70S 649 "AV1548 4 HARRIMAN COAL TERMINAL 705 649 g AV'S4S 6 HARRIMAN CQAL TERMINAL IDS 649 • AV1548 7 HARRIMAN COAL TERMINAL 70S 649 AV1548 8 HARR1MAN COAL TERMINAL 705 649 AV1548 ·9 HARRIMAN COAL TERMINAl 70S 649 If AnUS 10 HARRIMAN CQAL TERMINAL 705 649 " AV1548 11 HEAD PAPER CO. 70S 649 If AV1S48 12 HARRIMAN COAL TERMINAL 70S 649 If AV1549 1 ROCKWOOO PARK W4TERFRONT-RIVER 70S 649 • AV1549 2 ROCKWOOD PARK WATERFRONT-RIVER lOS 649 AV1549 3 ROCKWOOD PARK WATERFRONT-RIVER 705 649 • &V1S+? 10 ROCKNooD pARI MAIfRERQNT-RUER 705 649 • AV1549 5 BARGe TOW NEAR ROCKWOOD, TENN. 70S 649 • AV1S'9 9 LENOIR CITY WATERFRONT 705 649 • AV1549 10 LENOIR CITY WATERFRONT 70S 649 • AV1550 1 LENOIR CITY, TN.-FT. LOUDON DAM 705 649 .. AV1550 2 lENOIR CITY, TENN. 705 649 • Ay15So 3 SOYTHERN 88 BRIDGE $ HWY BRIpGE 70S 649 .. AV1550 4 SOUTHERN RR BRIDGE If. Hn BRIDGE 705 649 • Ay155Q 5 SOUTHERN BR BRIDGE & HN I BRIDGE 70S 649 • AV1550 6 lOUDON, TENN. & HWY BRIDGE 705 649 • AV1S5Q Z WATTS BAR HYDRO, LOUDON, TENN. 705 649 .. lV1654 12 WATTS BA~ DAM 705 652 .. 01654 13 WAITS BAR DAM 7Q5 65' • AV1654 14 WATTS BAR HYDRO 70S 652 • AY1654 15 WATTS BAR HYORO 70S 652 .. lV1654 16 WATTS BAR DAM 70S 652 • AV1654 17 WATTS BAR DAM 705 652 • 4V1703 ,0 WATTS BAR HYDRO 70S 652 • Ay1703 22 LOWE BRANCH EMBAYMENT-WATTS BAR DAM 705 652 .. AV1703 23 lOWE BRANCH EMeAYMENTMWATTS BAR DAM 70S 652 • 'V1703 24 LOWE BRUCH EMBAYMENT-WAITS BAR DAM 705652 • AV1703 25 lOWE BRANCH EMBAYMENT-WATTS BAR DAM 70S 652 .. AV17Q3 26 LOWE BRANCH EMBAYMENT-WAIlS BAR DAM 705' 652 • AV170] 27 WATTS BAR INDUSTRIAL AREA-PINEY RIVER 705 652 • 'J170] 28 HATTS BAR INPUSTRIAL AREA-pINn RUER 705 652 .. AV1703 29 WATTS aAR INDUSTRIAL AREA-PINEY RIVER 705 652 • AV1703 30 IND. ARE4-WHITE CREEK-WATTS BAR RESERYOIR 705 652 AV1703 31 IND. AREA-WHITE CREEK-WATTS BAR RESERVOIR 70S 652 • AV17Q3 32 TENN. PRODUCTS & CHEMICAL DOCK-KING CREEK 705 652 .. AV1703 ]3 TENN. PR3DUCTS &CHEMICAL DOCK-KING CREEK 70S 652 • AylZD3 34 TENN. PRPDUCTS , CHEMICAL POCK-KING CREEK lOS 652 • AV1763 1 WATTS BAR BRIOGf 70S 656 .. AV1763 2 WATTS BAR BRIDGE 70S 656 .. AV1763 ] WATTS BAR BRIDGE 705 656 • AV1763 4 WATTS BAa BRIDGE 105 656 .. AV1763 5 WATTS BAR BRIDGE 70S 656 .. Ay1163 6 WATTS BAR BRIDGE 705 656 .. AV1763 7 WATTS aAIt BRIDGE 70S 656 ...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------ - "','&"'_ ...\ ...... ..,. v' I ~ • I -.)t.) ,.. ""'t. ;, PROJECT HAl'lL: . WAITLBA& (IfJ.ORO) PROJECT NUMOep: 9 PHOTOGRAPH SHEET PHOTOGRAPH FORMAT DATE NUMBER NUMBER· Tll.L£ _ _. __ CODe AV1763 8 WATTS OAR BRIDGE 705 656 An763 9 _ WAUS SALS RIDGE _ _. _ 705 656 AV1763 10 WATTS BAR BRIDGE 705 656 AY1177 . 1 _ WA.TTS BA.IL.BRtDGE r. LOCI!: 7n'i 60;7 If AV1777 2 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 • Ay177? 3 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & lOCI 705 657 .. AV1777 4 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 "AV17IZ 5 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 .. AV1777 6 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 • 4y177? 7 HATTS BAR BRIDGE & lOCK 705 657 .. AV1777 8 WATTS 8AR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 A.Y1117 _ _ _ i.. WATTS BAR.....B.JU.DG.E..& LOCK 705 657 • AV1777 10 WATTS BAR BRIDGE & LOCK 705 657 • Av1117 11 WATTS BAR BRIDGE" LOCK 705 657 .. AV1782 1 VISUMG CORP., LOUDON, TENN. 705 657 • AY1782 2 ytSUNG CpRp., lOIlDPN, TENN. 705 657 AV1782 3 VISUNG CORP., LOUDON, TENN. 705 657 M Ay1782 4 VISKING CORP.t LOUPON, TENN. 705 657 • AV1846 7 WATTS BAR 705 657 .. AY1846 8 WATTS US 705 657 .. AV1S46 9 WATTS BAR 705 657 .. 6Y1846 10 WATTS nAR lOCK 705 657 .. AV1846 11 WATTS aAR LOCK 705 657 • un46 12 WATTS BAR LOCK 705 657 • AV18ij8 2 WATTS BAR LOCK' DAM 70S 658 .. Av1931 1 - LOUISVILLE SITE 705 659 • Av1937 2 LOUISVILLE SITE 705 659 M 01937 J IOIllSyILLE SITE 70S 659 • AV1937 4 LOUISVILLE SITE 705 659 • Ay1943 13 INDUSTRY LOCATION-WATTS BAR & Fl. LOUDON RES. 705 659 .. AV1943 14 INDUSTRY LOCATION-WATTS BAR &FT. LOUDON RES. 705 659 • Ay1943 15 INpUSTRY lOCATIPM-WAIIS BAR & FT. LOUDON RES. lOS 659 .. AV1943 16 INDUSTRY LOCATION· WATTS BAR & FT. LOUDON RES. 70S 659 • AY194J 17 INDUSTRJ LOCATION-WATTS BAR & FT. LOUDON RES. 705 659 • AV1944 1 IND. LOCATION-WATTS SAP & FT. LOUDON RES~ 705 659 • AY1?4 2 IND. LOCATION-WATTS BAR " ET.LOUDON RES. IDS 659 • AV1944 J IND. LOtHION-WATTS BAR & FT.LOUDON RES. 705 659 • AV1?44 S IND. LOCATION-WATTS BAR $ FT.LOUDON RES. 705 659 • AV1944 6 IND. LOCATION-WATTS SAR & FT.LOUDON RES. 70S 659 • AV1944 Q INn, LOCATIQN-WAITS BAR & ET.LOIlOON RES, 705 459 • lV1944 10 IND. LOCATION~WATTS BAR & FT. LOUDON RES. 705 659 • AV1944 11 INti. LQ~ATIQN-WATTS 8AR " FT.LOUDON RES, 105 659 .. AV1?44 12 IND. LO ATION-WATTS BAR & FT. LOUDON RES. 705 659 • AY2120 6 WATTS SAR LOCK IDS 659 • .AV2120 7 WATTS BAR LOCK 705 659 • AYZ1eo 8 WATTS BAR LOCK lOS 659 • AV2120 10 WATTS EAR RESORT VILLAGE 705 659 .. AY2148 1 POTENTIAL INpUSTRy AREA-KING CREeK 705 761 .. AVZ148 2 POTENTIAL INDUSTRY AREA'KING CREEK 705 761 • AV2148 3 POTENTIAL INDUSTRY "geA -KING CREEK 705 761 .. AV2149 1 POT. IND. AREA-EMORY RIVER 705 761 • 02149 2 POI, INO, AREA-EMORY RTVI'R 705 761 - AV2149 '3 POT. IND. AREA-EMORY RIVER 705 761 •----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- - '~R~~~ P"OTO !HUEX AS O~ 07 /21/38 PAGe 6 PROJECT NAME: WAUS ~~UOADL :J. PROJECT NUM8ER: 9 '2" ·------~PH~O~T~O~G~R~A~P~H~------------~SH~E~E~T~--~P-H-OT~O-G~R~A~P~H----------------------------------F~O~R~M~A~T~~OA-T~E~----------------------------- NUMBER NUMBER_ TITLE CODe AV2149 4 POT. IND. AREA-EMORY RIVER 705 161 4V2149 _ 5 POT. IND. ~Rf~EMORY RlYER _ 7Q3 161 4V2149 6 POT. IND. AREA~EMORY RIVER 705 161 • 02152 1 HARRIMAN WATFBERPNT 705 761 AV2152 2 HARRIMAN WATERFRONT 705 161 n AyZ152 3 HARRIMAN WATERFRONt 705 761 n AV2152 4 HARRIMAN WATERFRONT 705 161 M AY2152 5 HARRIMAN WATERFRONT 705 161 • 4V2152 6 HARRIMAN WATERFRO"T 705 161 • Ay2152 7 HARRIMAN WATERFRONT IDS 161 .. AV2152 8 HARRIMAN WAT~RFRONT 705 761 " • AV2152 9 HARr.IHAN WATERFRONT 105 161 • AV2213 1 WATTS BAR RESERVOIR-TERRACE VIEW RESORT 105 162 • AY2213 2 WATTS BAR RESERVpIR-TERRAce vIEW RESORT 705 162 ~ AVZ214 1 WATTS BAR RESERVOIR-KNOXVILLE PRESBYTERY CAMP 105 762 • AXZ214 2 WATTS BAR REseRYOIR-KNOXYIlLE PRESBYTERY CAMP 705 762 • AV2214 3 WATTS BAR RESERVDIR-KNOXVILLE PRESBYTERY CAMP 705 162 • AV2215 1 WAITS BAR RESERVOIR-HOLIDAY RESORT COURTS 705 762 • AY221S 2 WATTS 8AR RESERVOIR-HOLIOAY ReSORT COURTS 705 162 • AV2215 3 WAITS BAR RESERVOIR-HOLIon RESORT COURTS 105 762 .
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