'*ffi,ii .fHE, CHARMANDPOWEROF TIIE, UPAI{ISADS By Swami Ranganathananda flSvoito Asfrramo ( pueL,ICATIoN DEPARtnanNr ) 5 DEHI ENTALLY ROAD . KOLI(ATA 7OOOL4 PublishedW Swami Bodhasarananda Adhyaksha, Aclvaita Ashrama Mayavati, Champawat, Uttarakhand through its PublicationDepartment, Kolkata Email: mail @ ada ait aa shr ama. or g Web site : u)Tr)w.adu ait aa shr ama. or I @AU RightsReserued SecondEdition published by Advaita Ashrma in 1990 Seventh Impression, Augus t 2409 3I\43C ISBN 978-81,-75054374 Printed in lndia at Tiio Process Kolkata 700 074 -- * - *-*-"C PUBLISHER'SNOTE 'Let SwamiVivekananda has said: the lion of Vedanta roar, the foxes (of fear and hatred) *ill fly to their holes.' It is that lion-roar that we get in the Upanisads. TheseUpanisads whisper great truths like Tat taam asi(That thou art) etc. in our earsso that the whole of life becomes a gradual unfoldment of the infinite possibilities hidden in every one of us. The Charm and Power o! the Upanisuds,a special lecture delivered by Swami Ranganathanandaji, Vice-President of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission' was first published by the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, I(olkata,ir.lgffi. It was long out of print. At our request,the present authoities of the Instiftrte have accordedpermission tg us tobring out this second edition ,forwhich our grateful thani<serre due to them. 15Septemberl99Q PIJBLISHER AdvaitaAshrama Mayavati, Himalayas $ -,. *_, *-,*d THE CHARMAND POWER OF THE UPANISADS HeMrssAGE oF THELlpaw$aos is a study, vers-eby verse, of three of the principal Upanisads, nameby,ISA,KenA, and Katha.'The first contains eighteen, the second thirly-five, and the third.
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