
GREGG LONDON’S TRIVIA – VOYAGER - ANSWERS http://www.glondon.com/puzzles.html

1. The U.S.S. Voyager uses what kind of processors in it's computer banks? BIO NEURAL GEL PACKS.

2. Imprisoned murderer Lon Suder died while saving Voyager from the ; what race was he? BETAZOID.

3. Which U.S.S. Enterprise-D crewmember assisted in the creation of the Emergency Medical Hologram program? LT. BARCLAY.

4. How many children does Lt. have? FOUR – THREE BOYS AND ONE GIRL.

5. How long was Voyager's original mission supposed to last? THREE WEEKS.

6. What is the full name of the doctor who created the Emergency Medical Hologram? LEWIS ZIMMERMAN.

7. What was Seska's position when she served on Voyager? CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER.

8. What beverage did Captain Janeway once consider to be an essential part of her life? COFFEE.

9. What is the registry number of the U.S.S. Voyager? NCC-74656.

10. What class of ship is the U.S.S. Voyager? INTREPID.

11. Who did B'Elanna Torres beat out (and beat up) for the position of Chief Engineer? LT. CARREY. 12. What three people were brought aboard Voyager by Q to help prove his case against Q2 in "Death Wish"? WILLIAM RIKER, ISAAC NEWTON, AND MAURY GINSBERG.

13. What alien race was invading Chakotay's home world and was the reason he quit to join the ? .

14. What two crewmembers were merged by the transporter into the being named Tuvix? AND TUVOK.

15. What is the name of Captain Janeway's dog at home? MOLLY.

16. Ensign has two middle initials; what are they? S.L.

17. Which of B'Elanna Torres' parents is human and which is Klingon? FATHER IS HUMAN AND MOTHER IS KLINGON.

18. When Harry Kim once called the game Kal-toh a Vulcan form of chess, Tuvok responded by saying that Kal-toh was to chess as chess was to what? TIC-TAC-TOE.

19. What was the name of the character that both Harry Kim and Lt. Tuvok become "infatuated" with? MARAYNA.