Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften 29 (2013) 126-139 Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften www.geo.aau.at/KGS The Bulgarian-Serbian border region: problems and perspectives Rossen Koroutchev* * Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (
[email protected]) Abstract In this paper, the current social and economic situation of the Bulgarian-Serbian border region is analyzed, with a focus on the role of the cross-border actors and the survival strategies in the poorest region of the European Union. Moreover, some of the possible economic opportunities for the future development of the region are discussed. Key words: border regions, migration, cross-border cooperation Introduction In border studies, there is an extensive discussion in the literature concerning the meaning of the border (see van Over the last decades, tremendous geopolitical changes Houtum 2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005, 2011). Borders can have taken place in Southeastern Europe. The Bulgarian- be perceived as barriers and obstacles for people to trav- Serbian border region has been particularly affected. el, to collaborate or to work, as an obstacle for goods to Divided by the Iron Curtain, the Bulgarian side of the be carried from one country to another. At the same time, border and Bulgaria as a whole, as a member and associ- they can be perceived as a starting contact point for co- ated member of the former Council for Mutual Economic operation, as a place where many people exercise their Assistance had good economic cooperation with other profession and live their life. member countries during the Cold War era. Bulgaria has been a EU member state since 2007, while Serbia, which In this context, the following aspects are researched more was significantly affected by armed conflicts during the in-depth: period of the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the Will cross-border cooperation be intensified, if the 1990s, only has the status of a EU candidate country.