1928-02-00 Index
THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR FEBRUARY, 1928. t r ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— Changes in the department, etc., 995, 1018, 1040, 1424. Finance, Committee on, report of the— Public Letting, Committee on, report of the— In favor of adopting resolution amending a resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Presi- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— for special revenue bonds, $25,000, for making re- American Legion, T. J. Oakley Rhinelander 2d, Post dent of the Borough of Manhattan to contract for pairs to and waterproofing the Soldiers and Sailors No. 6, request for amendment to chapter 1, of article the making safe of roadways, sidewalks and sewers Monument in Riverside drive by extending the time 2, section 8, of the Code of Ordinances, relating to during the year 1928 when emergency arises, with- for use thereof to December 31, 1928, 984, 1217. out public letting; amount, $10,000, 1215, 1406, office hours, 1556. In favor of adopting a resolution amending resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing County An ordinance to amend section 2 of article 1 of chapter granting permission to the Church of Mount Carmel, Clerk, Bronx County, to purchase photostat equip- 11 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to the dis- Borough of Manhattan, to construct and maintain a ment, without public letting; amount, $5,470.50, 1215, charge of small-arms, 1574. vault without payment of the usual fee, 984, 1220. 1406. Assessors, Board of, summary of report for 1927 sub- In favor of adopting resolution amending a resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Commis- mitted to his Honor the Mayor, 1215.
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