w it i THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1915.

DOUBTS CHARLTON REPORT. here as to Charlton's mental condition, NtM.MUNHES, BIG ROW IS nn RAISED A GOOD INCOME PICKED ONL Y A UTO CITY ordered examination made and had IN Aliened Slayer's t.nvryer him committed temporarily to nn asylum 8i;i'itt'Mi: couitT or Tin: htvtp .it PAID REGULARLY llelleves . NEW YOlHv United mutes Trut t'oiniuni lixnniliintlon Itn Ilecll Ordered. for this purpo-e- of Nt York ss substituted trunUu ioi.tr' AT PINCHOT living on "The testimony of Dr. Allan McLanc the will of John It. I'tlers. decesiM, p .i'.r MEETING To Individuals their THAT WAS GOING TO FIRE John Pnlmlerl, counsel Charl- tltf, sjilnO Bllsabeth Peters, llrrtry t for Porter Hamilton, Dr. lleorge M King and Dr. I'eteri, Msrle Peters. p J Income one of the most attrac ton, being In t'sullne Hcors.' held Italy for the murder e Peters, Hussn Peters, llrnce I'Mern l'ep of Hasklnn was that Charlton was lriepon-slhl- De Wilt Cllnlnn Jiihn (.ilnlioi tive features our Guaranteed of his wife nt Lake Conno. waa Inclined 1 Put. Prxrs at the time of the killing, Hut .Msrcsrst i:tlibth Peters, Knillr Hut Is of doubt I I Peters, It. Mary er HO Mortgages the ccrtalntr H. Mainzer Tells of Odd Coincidence at Dinner elerday lo tho acclltacy of the believe that he perfectly sano now Charles Peters. .Shouts Tluil Pit Robert Woods. Charles It Peters .111. Uf W.Ilt the Interest on the daj despatch from Italy to the effect that never heard of Professors Valvorla and Lawrence, . Fasiola, on whose testlmony Peter. Catliarlne Peters Cent, of Audience Is Insin- It Is due. of Fire Department Engineers in the Charlton has been found lusatio nnd com- tho ullenlsts II. Lawrence, (leomr C Uiwrenro M mitted to on naylum. he Is said to have been rommlttcd. lin reme, llerlli.i llensen. Helen P Ito,,, Last year Interest pay- "We have nn Application for an Innneili-al- o llohert I., llensen. (Irrtrinie II lii... cere on I'ncniplovinent. the Hotel. "What I think really happened," said lloraris L)nti llenson. Ilnrnre I, liens- .1 ments so disbursed by the Com- Knickerbocker trial now beforo the Court of Cassa- I'hsrlrs Lee llrnsoii. Hurt I.tun Mens, Mr. Palmlerl, "Is that tho (lovernment tion, which should hu decided In a few Jolin It Taylor ileurge A T4lnr N'l. i pany exceeded prosoqiitor. after receiving testimony taken daj," II. Te: lor, Vlrglnli May Taylor llow.inl I n tr ra Ii si in. Isabel A Je lui.r HOTKIi (M KSTS MSTtltl.KI) $10,000,000. Kobeit II. Manner, who la called the Oalstun, Scotland, Mr and Mis. I, W. W Ada I., .lex, .Minnie r lor. lluiiheiniti Yerkes, Itorntliv M T Our Guaranteed Mortgages Honorary Chief of the Klre Department. llallou, VY'oonsocket, IL I., Mr. and Mrs. . I lor Preiierlrk f. Taylor. lin because of nil devotion to the firemen and Kemp U.irtiett, Ilaltlmore; Mrs. C. O A lllrharilson. Itintnir f III h.u yield a higher Interest return hla nresenco at all two alarm fires, told Tatea, Locust Valley, L. I. l.lml uvrrman. Ad'l"- - P itu Antrry ttonls. Hew thick, ami fwit In than any other investment that a story of coincidence Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 lliirrjit AdeJe llurretson Hhrii, .1. il.irrets'n, Itobcrt K (Isrrrtsnn. .t"h n Martinique nlRht ut an uneni, engineers Klre Department, who London, Philadelphia ; Mrs. W. 1. ' In Is equally safe and there is no the of the (. Parker, Conk .Itilla Cook. Arthur P t'uni ployment meeting, e.tll to luvn tireii or- wro ill nltig at the Knickerbocker Hotel. Philadelphia; II. W. Knight, (liens Falls: Atinle U. Cook. Itobsrt l Cook Hftils n". I, of loss of your Hev. F, D. llucklcy Mrs. I'oslir Bliss M. Hloitsetl nn.l Prsnk ganized t Anint It H l'llirliot. mill possibility the Mr. Mainzer, who lives at , the and lluckley, Helpciinen .1 Old Dominion Line Pownlnc, cnniposlng tlie was In hi 100ms nbout o'clock one Waterbury, Conn. once it looked n If nunc than twinls principal. Town nf Wetitwnrtli In the County nt morning a few months ago when hla pri Waldorf-Astori- a Robert J. Thompson, Attractive ten, of New- Hampshire. The .1 Kitlil Wats Tru."" mlBlit ny. I'niiielH lame, who ho nun , of IHspnsnrv o No investor hat tver lott a dollar vate lire signal sounded nnu tout Ancrlcjn Consul at SHORT SEA TRIPS ills Northern, of the of a comtnlttiv) of former was n fire down town on tho Kaat Theodore Frothlngham nnd family, Phila- New Vo-k- the Amerlrin lllhtn tn, s . saj chairman there Ho. lety of the Hospital the s wiMIem ami enllor er.trihliiK for Job SojtotPRJuAGE (jUARAHTEE hide. He put on the fire clothes he delphia; Mrs. William Seyfcrt, Heading, SUNNY SOUTH Vnrk Institute fnr tlie IMiirstlon nf Hlnrted the trouhle by xaylliK that Ml per ulwajs keeps within reach and ruahed Pa. ; Mrs. W. M. Van Anden. Isllp, L. J llllnd Hie American Colonisation Hn. the street There was no car In Norman C. New York to t'nmntrnller nf the Htale of New York f Insincere G for llreslln Johnson and I rent tlioie inesctit iviiv Cppltal Surplus, $10,000,000 Kevcnty-oecon- d Kohl as enininlttee of the person an. pi i. lir-el- sight. Tho policeman at Charles F. Hrow, Fall Itlver, Mass., OLD COMFORT, Thin twin im th of n resolution 1 N. Jr, POINT ertr of Helen Frances Tslnr. who 7d B'wiv, T. 178 Remten St., tvkljrn. street and Ilroadway told him there would Dr. lleorge OsVen, imerlltitr thai unemployment roulil he St., Jamaica. Holland and Mrs Holland, person. Chsrles flm 230 rvllon be no for seventeen minutes. At , Cleve- NORFOLK and RICHMOND Amrlnse. Tlllle Uelst. Chester A Luff rtr 11 I methoila. Mi car Philadelphia Arthur Friedman, l.i to, by uncle tax Information sprclsl All Wsler Tour verslotisry Lstates Company. Udm-- epoke emit In tlie evenliiK ami Columbus avenue like Rreetrd land, Mechllng M. l'inchol he about decided to try C Historic and Atexinirr Knnulenn s, an Mon n he hail llnMieil him, and had Martinique Moty Coik, Heading, Pa sssnillrxtt O flfl etriutcr r.f Hie s'M of Marv It Knnir-- left lights all wsler V I .Isine Itller .1 labor fnk tnl the elevated when he saw the of V, A. Jones, Chicago; C. .1. (lallaghcr, W'"" deressed. Defemlants. Hiinimons, Trial "I know all the BEATRICE HERFORD'S FUN. an approaching automobile. trmrl Hoiili sired In lh Cminii nf New York eliniiteil above Inter- Wllkesbarre, Pa Incliidins nil atlniit and ashore.. TO TIIK AIlOVl! NAMKK DIIPKNP N'T out "' The chauffeur stopped on his algnal and Knickerbocke- r- Mrs W H. Scovlll, epnies ruption, rat en IN ami "Throw him livery its nt .1 I' M AND KACH OF TIIK.M. ( 1 Mr Jumped Into the vehicle. The V. wek ) m hotel tjreen inmni II fine nn ltcenled Anew nt Mainzer Hudson. N. , Mr and Mrs. S. II long, X It New York You sre hereby summoned to snswei rrlos. ".leetlna tririt c-- of automobile looked him ; , l'lr ompial'i' In and to serve s , highbrow. owner the at Lancaster, Pa. Z.ick Miller, llllss, Okla i I this sctlnn. nre no kimiiI they're too for I'liintrsteil pjillphie S3 Attmr-wuhl- n llir Itootb amazement, until he explained hln SHOO of tour answer on lha Plalntlrf's KlRhty tier cent of thoee here aie cterdn. In Mr. nnd Mrs. W St. Joan Ilussell, Liver, Vhnn,' Frank In twentv ilais after ihe servp e of No American playwright has ever mission. Then the owner Invited him pool, Kngland. .1. llrntTn. (ten'l t'ns. Ast excliisla of the nf servt. e - , 01 ' ' Infiiltimc: grasped tin. heart of American humor so to como along. Clarldge Mr and Mrs Ii. I). Mont- I.. tVnoilrow. and In rase nf vour failure to appear. " "Chlorofoiui h You're Mr said, Msnagrr, Jiuijtment will be against vn ehmileil the kIiirIo tuxer., well as llisitrk-- Herford, who In her mon- "Just think of it." Mainzer "In gomery, Rochester, Albert de Montluzin, Irufllr snswei taken fit down'" York, with Its 5,000,000 Inhabi- tit default, fnr Ihe relief demanded In hi were ax aiixloua to have ologues makoH tine fun out of tho all New Cincinnati ; Ucn. Hussell Frost and Ilus-se- ll omplalnt. while others tants, I had managed to stop the one him ro on. of some phases of our womanhood Frost, Jr., South Norwalk, Conn. Ilaleit October If.. IIH private lie. She caino forward again ycterda.v man who was going down town to the A st or Mr. and Mrs. Ulenn II. Curtlss. STKWAItT A HHKAIlIJil. I'lalntlrfs' Atlnr The. nolo InoURlit three mo ho was owner neye, OiTice and Post omce Address. N be- afternoon nt the Hooth Ui-p'l- same fire. He told the llammondsport, N. Y. ; Mrs. II C trctlve from the linlil office illteetl Theatre nnd bulM-In- g Sir and C. Wall Htreet, llnrniigh of Msnhattan somo new delightful of a factory nest to the burning (lenung, Iluffalo; .Mr, Mrs. C II - York, New York. low to lniUlte Into the trouble ami broke and MiuIIcb of In- and lilt- nf New party the the futile femininity, out of which sho nnd that his caretaker had Just Hctt, lloslon ; Miss Ksther ltaskettr, To Pauline Marie Peters. George C Teew up a private dinner acre" formed him of the danger." Hnsan Peters. Kmlly Ruth Pel era. Da W Kin-st- a up a makes her material. Owen Sound, Qnt, I hall. Several came from Mr. particular fire c Peters. Mary Peters Wonds, Horace won- None of these, Mainzer said that Misses IaiuIsc (lenrgo M Pennsylvania alumni MnoUer and a selection was more r.sHd In Plaza Tlie Anne and Ilenson. Jr., Howard Inarahatu. n'liusing than m waa the that he had attended Cheney, South Manchester, Conn. A nle A Taylor, Henrietta A. Hleharrtson, H dering crowd Riithered at the door. 'The Plana Ladles." M Taylor, -- his capacity of volunteer admirer of I1RFDMT crs pheiiila Verkes, Dorothy Fred ays, Is a hobo anil which the proNigonlst told of Colllngwood. !. Horning, Pittsburg. "Jeff Davis, who tie 'her effort. the work of the Fire Department. erkk H TaMor, It ml ot f 8. Ad'e run the. Hotel dn (link. Iuim been sent to hiivo per mothcr-ln-law'- fl portrnlt IM.: Mr. and Mrs. Itobcrt It. Updegrarf. in P riarretson, Harriet Adels (larrstson a unfor- painted by a famous Salem. Msm YV ( Johnson, Klyrla, "AO won enosr I Kheehy, Jacob C llarretaon, llohert K. (lar here, to corial few hundred artist at a reduced hsum io nowcRS" ( I fel- because, reison. Arthur P Cook. Julia Conk. Ar rvlllliiR ti hhont down their price all she wanted was a aide ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Ohio. H. M. Clark, Columbus, Ohio. Mr. n . . r. i i . .... i . v I jjrai tunate1 riiiui i.iti.i.. wini luTciiiicsi, uncling .iiu ouiiiwr icorii thur P. Cook, Jr, Annie II. Conk, llohert I. low men for wont on. ".leff face with one eye nnd one ear and It was nnd Mxs. .1 A. Hodgson. New Haven, Cook. Ilenjnmln II Poster, Kllas M. Illod hlr" Uw for beautifully il!utrted Dermuda Gov't Tourutt CuiJ; t Davis Is not Ills name, Mid t know his perfectly natural for her to wear a shawl. Vanderhllt -- Miss M. I' Sutherland, Conn. gett Prank A Downing, the Amerr-a- mY. nd Circular ihowinj Inclusive Foclety Which W'ffllM" lllrl.. tl.il. Iinn.l. ... i Touri at Lowcit Rat: Cninnltatlon Tlllle Uelst and Ldwanl record." ' iii.iiun, .n A Meihllng Iajwc said more but llnalty. after sev- always did that anyhow. This monologue The forennlng summons Is served upnn women, them Mls Amy Mall is mane up altogether of the cuauul Yd TWIN "T A "&.T you lit-- publication pursuant to an order o' eral anions $1 from Mrs Ii. C. W.. Cranford. N I Y?in'MIlYT A Hicks, prealilent of the Women's Society of the piazza on a summer the Honorable Peter Hendrlrk. one nf afternoon mill lfM l.l..,.M MRS. O'CONNELL HAS The total was J5C. Mr. Dukas gave his the Justices of the New York Supreme Cour' for lnwrr Ueuts. had protested, he left ..i.'ii.i .j.t HII1I fHOM V:W VOHK tZVCRY WtWKKJAV 31. 1611. and filed with iidmonltioii hirnil la to Tom Merry after watching the bread A,i dated Dtreinber the room and went awa with I'.iul Ken- to a child presumably playing tine for a half hour yesterday. fhxt?st,NrM:st arufon(y Strainer luretug passengers wiiAout transfer tn the nfnre nf the Clerk nf tlie Committee on mi' goesis eno wnn County of New York at his eince In the Ven nedy of the Maor's """i" the. arrival, Checks for the bread fund should be WP9T loJniPS Ilellghtful crolses, aboat JHdiri. .ew S. t. "OUIA.VA York County Court House In rioroiirli of the hi).l.ui..l...... fv... t. urn.... the iunii ii luriieii. BREAD FAIRY STORY made payable to TllR Sun. Checks and of , City and County of New Yorl til lie II mn,l 'imtlalnn .....I ..V. -- ,n.n I.. . t Apply to A. Ontertirldcr A Co., Asciiu, uurbee . h. Co.. Ltd.. 53 m v Mr IMnrhol in his '0li said the real ' ...in i ii.ii mm' money should be ;om lv.v 1 Dated January i, 1515 "n i. sent to the main order toon a j4a & or jus mi ruip Ay., w. Y..ur Apr study In ' ltint. icay STHWAIIT HHKAftr.n Attorneys for hs cause of uiH'iii)l'i melt was t!ie restric- of manners tho summer hotel. in llulldlng to. ftcUt Agnl. .miss Tlie sun Plaintiff, omce and Post ottlce Address tion of Hiiluslr. and land b mo- iierronl create her mrxxl quit No. 15 Wall Street llorough of Man nopolies, and t'" renii u ' .ir as iveiTo liuilliert and sh hattan. rll of New York ownership nf coal, oil and ntlier llllt HO nltoiretbnp ilirrnrAn, t,l.i,. Ilpiinlifiil I.iuly nnd Hit l)inif,'li-fo- r JERSEY PHONE RATE REDUCED. lands, "makli K 'tnump itatlon a tlilnte tlie audience In "An Rngllsh Party." which rOKECI.OSL'ltK WALKS. people have aeress to on eUal terms." loin me siory or a party with music given Iiiy n Visit to Cherry Cniiiiinny Cuts (1(10 Call .Her ice From by an Kngllshwoman HCPnUMK COL'ltT. COUNTY OK Nl.v. The resolution that started I.owe. which who thouRht Amerl- - lit to n Vrnr, S. S. "OCEANA" M.Hltr lltlocritthnr Inn 1.....I fill) VulIK K.lward J. O'ftorinan and anotUsr was finally p.iaaril, the Hoard of lan H.l.iu Stroot Attio. as Kxecutors. etc.. PlalntlfTa, against M Kpuii Kstlinato to levy n supertax on land "uglc be all very well for a gro.it country Newahk. N J Jan. 19 Announcement Largest, Steadiest and Most llealty Company and unother, Defendants which would lelil $"f.uno.iiftn nnnunll), nr .iTiirrict. nui wns unsuilcd to an was made by the New York Telephone In pursuance of a Judgment of fore loi e y Magnificent to Bermuda sale, uuly In s Ihighsh drawing n Company a and made and entered hs Wenilels, Astors, Vander-bill- room. Her chraacterlza-tlo- here of reduction In ahoye-antltle- and forco "the d action and bearing da:e 'ns n of guests Jersey and other millionaire land specula-tor- the was n. comprehensive as THANKS IN WOMAN'S TKAIIS tlie division of the vearlv "Under the 1 Ot Ii day of December, 1311, 1. the unile. a mea-sure- who have retarded the cltj's devel- three act comedy could have Leon, and rate for Individual lines d service Mlgiied, the referee In said Judgment n.titieil there w.-i- not a lino of from 142 a year to $39 a The American will sell ai public uuctlon at ihs Kxi bancs opment nnd Increased uncmpln ment to tho monologue ve.ir No. 1 4 10 esey .street, It, without It new rates will go effect 1. $25.00 Salesroom. i. return to the people what the people pro- humor. So great was the ap- into Tobiuary Hag" llorough ut Manhattan. City of New Yo 1. duce." plause after Mil part of the programme Mrs Hannah O'Connell he of the affecting practically every exchange In round trip, meals on the ?lst day uf January. 1115 nt 'i that Miss Herford delivered kindly face, gray hair and 6t years, ne nonnern .New Jersey district. o'eloi k noon on that day. by JAI'fill II There weie other siieakers and the her Irish MAi;ilS, Auctluneer, the premises dire id It of VaiiKin fun. "Tli 145 Cherry The company's measured service refers and berth included will be completed. tviit said, " ve who lives in an atllc at by said Judginent to be sutd, and ilieie.n nt a second uicetlni; to be held within a SenipsireN bread to contracts which limit tlie number of described as follows: ALL that certain .ot street came to Tltu Sun's free messages COO ple'-- week. P. .1. I.aubuschcr presided. At tlie Custom House" and "Tho sent to per year. I'nder Booklet or parrel of land with the but .ii iks 111 9 street yesterday with Send for and Improvements erected, novol-tie- station at First the previous rate subsorlliers on thereon siuoite. Park Commissioner Whittle of Tin hies Christmas Tree" were other s direct being In 11- 1- on gratitude In her eyis. She lines entitled to IIiik and lIormiKh of M. Irronx asked the Hoard of Ktlmae the nroirr.'iinm. Uluu llarf....o- - tears of send 600 local messages Hudson Navigation Co., Agts. hattan. Cltv of New Yoik. bounded alio le entertainment, contain more brought a letter she had written nd a year have been paying J (2 a year p. a rrlbed as follows' HI.IIINNINII ut a p. lit to appropriate $101,000 In special genuine it. si. mi i n. i,. on southerly side ot rem-x- .Mo, on,, any the locili Street .lit..nl revenue tonil to cut and dead iiumor tnnn play on tho nhe asked Tom Meny. who had told a Heo , N. Y. Phone Bryant two elght-thre- e i.'g.ti 'age at I 4G7L4G72 hundred und rest treea In parks of The llronv. This he pnnpnt. They are Inimitable. who dead "Princeton Inn" i: ret Inn. e.istrrit from the corner formed lit ihe i will repoiter of her husband was southerly or said, would Klve employment to fif.s nun She he heard again next Tuesday. Pni.NCBTON, N. .1.. 19. Prince-(onio- tersei .loll of tlie side lO'.'h and her son who Is very ill In a hos- Jan. The .stleet with ihe easterly side of Hltersile for three, month, and produce l.COu cords the undergraduate newspaper, to- pital, if he cou.d get it published. Drlte, running thenie toutherU p.ir.i. e of firewood which could be sold for 1,000 COPPERS FOR ACTORS FUND day elected the oMlccra from the Junior wlih Itltersldu Drlte .md part of the dis- JIO.OOO nnd timber loKS worth $(1,000 "To Tim Sun." ran the letter, "thanks class that will run the paper for one year, tant e through a partt wall one tiun .t helping mo out In 100 feet eleven Inches lo the en e A committee of live citizens was ap- for Its kindness lit beginning with March. Those elected line llll I 1'iirl of (ilft Pstrr-soil'- of the block, theme euelerl .t'ong s. pointed yi.iterda) b the Mnor to super- From (Jlrl. of n time of sickness and need. Thanks to are; Chairman. Harold D. Harvey of 9(1 centre line of the b.oik seventeen fee wmEL el vise the de at 7B the beautiful lady with her daughter Ilroadway, New York : thea.' unrtlierl again witht'Ithe Hotel fllnk Otitic stleet. t:oillre 'I'lirntrr. editorial chair- Easy accessibility and through service place side Drive one The committee Is made up of Cyius I who came with kind heart to assist me. man. Hamilton Fish Atmstrong of 68 hundred iteoi feel eleen A gift of on.' thousand copper gentle- your door. ill) lliLhes to ihe souther', sole of I0 Ii SuN.herccr. K. II. Uuterhridgc. Howard ieell-.- coins, has Also thanks to the kind hearted West Tenth street. New Yoik , managing this wonderful country at front Htreel nnd tlienre wester..,- r.lnng the south - I.... ,1.. a Hradstreet, llll M.t.i man !iu epoki !"s throosh your mlltur. It Hullock 3d of Pa all-ste- erlv side of lOlltll Street seventeen 17. feet l"on Arenstein and Huch ,,r Campbell irM nui,, Ardmnrn, A, bracing voyage, nn palatial el steamships beginning. Frayne Jeff Davis said thp place would ' or the Umpire Theatre paper." business manager, F. C. Itoberts, Jr., of sta to Ihe point or pUce ot Mock In , SSt IAL LOW FARES INCLUDINO tVBSY lXrNSi: Dated. New York. December 30. Pill be. y a comiuny Patcrson, N J Tho And Mm. O'Connell told n story Wynne-wood- Pa. : manager .1 heated and that there waild money was then circulation CONSULT ANY TICKIT OR TOURIST AGENT OR PUTllIt I. Ml'I.I.AI.Y. Iteferee collected bv the girls of a fairy tale of a beautiful II. Holmes of Kast Orange, N. IIAt.HKY. KIKHNAN A- At'nr "RT.md openlns" ThurMlay evenlnR. to the company It was like J M!W VOriU OI'I'ICK I'tftls At.iiu OKKKITK which May r Mltchel and other rity oftl-ela- laying iielile each day all pilncess to her of how she had gone .'! nets for Plaintiffs, Ml llrnadttas Ma' tho sp.iro coppers in their purses, the on Sunday. was the tlmt to hattan would be Invited. ouggcN'tlon at to church It Kldrldicc Address Credit Men. The following Is u diagram nf the pr.ine ' of Miss Campbell. At Christ- time she had been able to do so In weeV to be sold: Its street Number Is SO.' W mas of the girls Herbert It ICIdrldge. of lOSth Street- MrtO More Contributed for Lunches dreesed nnd sold When she waa at church a woman und the National City dolls, netting $13.50, which was u1m wut her daughter came to the Cherry street Ilank. will address the 10M!i Ptreet In I'nbllf Schoitla. to the making New York Credit Mens Association on fund a totnl gift of attic In an automobile. They left a "Acceptances" Thj Superintendent of package containing a shawl, a bushel of at the midwinter dinner It tl" fund which be held evening at H Schoola William H. Maxwell Is ralolns to Daniel Krohm.ui. president of the potatoes and a cuse of eggs a whole the Hotel Z Actors Fluid, package came Astor. , provldo freo lunches for hungry pupils announced Jesierd.iy that case, iiilnil you' The ftotu ig SSI a In the elementary schools whose, parents one of the special nuinls-r-s for tho fund'H n big New York store and It bore a are. destitute and out of work nrnl whole- l.enetVt .lanunry 2s in the Century Tlie-ali- o tag with the name "Mrs. A. I). Ilrandels. Wt.NTKIt itr.soiti.. X some food for other pupils who are able will In, a minstrel show "first puif 47G " by ' I'l.OUlllA. s! f to pay a penny a portion was im reased members of the Twelfth Night Club "The beautiful lady. Mix O'Connell 1 h a uiiu&lii(At ainuiiiiL us Hit eaterdny by four check totalling $t."0 said, "left word that she would call churxf. io attlal- v.hu-,- tlit- - Mbuw a.'-- -. In b .T from donors who name were not r- - again And after telling the whole story California pripTl to Boltl, U $3,4i4 MORE Winter Cruises ui-- ft ! - BRIEUX AT THE THEATRES FAMOUS HOTKIij m. tervvt thftrpon Irom Ml. .l.t ui o ealed. again for a visit from a caller from OF KewYork-Pana- - ocr CANAU' 1914. UutfthiT Hlth th- rntf mil allftVHi More than $17,000 has now been do- Fifth avenue and In an automobile to a WKST COAST OF I I.OKIDA wmounUnc tt $30t.t'). with I in Irom 1,11 I from !( nated for penny lunches for public clnol I'm lionise" ill he Cenliir Cherry street attic Mrs. O'Connell deemed NtllO New Yorlt to the cfnibr 10. 114, tosethr with t'.if pxnfimM hi: llllli:i. I.IZOITK IKITIJI, i uf th I The approxlmuttt u chlldron.' Tho largest Rift since the es- worth the repenting slle of the kindly Temps. russ-s-tirlll- Sam American Mediterranean 'a .iiuojut at eeuiil Tlila WeeU. Frakcjsco taxfp, htn an. I wuifr rutrt or tablishment of the fund three weeks uro Irish face, gray hair and tit years went rUlltK.NCK VILLA M.lNAt 1NTA HOTEL ttfinitr :)tc Two theatres nre this week llorrnre Villa whlrh ar to he ullowil tt im was $2,000 from Andrew CarneKle. preivntlnff home to her attic again Ilrailrnluwii. i hu-- fr nut Of the pun hae inoncv or pdM from pen ruiiioMo.Miiirr.i. ,!, HAVANA 1S7 Tho money received esterday will be dramas the of Huzenn Ilrleux. Tom Mony and Dick Flrlght devot"d Nt. n,i n(,i bv Hffr, i and Intereot Is I'etenbiirt. fort Datea, Nf Turk r 10 to open more to- While "Maternity'' being plnyod In ling, the rest of to (JAHPAItll.ia INN I AMI-- jn Sailing) Thursdays and Situtdai ttub lt14 used four lunch centres by the afternoon the claims IIAWH'li:i. im:ti:ii r It day In Manhattan. Mr. Maxwell an- lish old Dr. Dennett and his asoclatl which 2.000 hungry men and women main Hora (Inimte. Tamps .Mn.iu.v rfi nounced, io the Rlrl pupil in the higher playeis. tho French Theatre Is giving "La upon their attention. Kach man nnd TIIK llll.l.SIIOItO TAItPOS INN i t NASSAU FrancalHe" on the roof of the Century who Tamps Tarpon H(irln LKtlAL NOTlCn.S. trades of seventeen schools In Manhattan, woman entered the bread depot cot Hotel lliinltnrluii KHO.S'A INN Weeily icrvice from New Yoik and In Theatre, liven then It Is doubtful If "La loaf. XI. reterstmrg nine In Ilrooklyn and one each The a The day's supply was enough to (iisrwalrr i . Is so high In direct connection with Havana. NLW VOItK Ml't'ltUMt. I'orilT Uronx and Queen will bo serving houpx, Frai.calse" one sense of tho go around, for Mond..y's rush was over Hotel I'unla nrd TIIK IIKI.I.KVIKtV OK HIIONX, K1IIHT JL'IIIl'IAI. iJl.tTHU word Hug-lul- 111 meata, steweil fruits and cocoa to thou- a the play mw to bo seen In l. nnd three p.wrolmen and a sergeant who ills tlenla. Ilrllralr llelglita Stjaratt ot tomhimd touts of III llii Matter of Hie Auplitallun ut ins sand of eager pupil. Those to whom Ilrleux has como to stood at the door had a restraining effect For Information and booklets addrtii sbor 10 and 2i Jays, US.00 and up I'tlULIC tiKHVlCi; L'O.M.Ml.-IO- N Kolt rtlr mean the most advanced of drama will on repeaters. Itracbed by KlitrlT D1HT111CT of tile .Slum nt New Each itcachcr In these schools will dis- Atlsntle Cimst Line or Seaboard Air using steamer as hotel. actinic for nnd on liehulf of The i uf tickets, be disappointed In the present repertoire getting 1.209 Line. THE I DEAL VurU, iu . tribute to the children whom sho After the bread of the piMiWm All fares include meali and for the aiipulnimeiit nf t'oiiiiinssiene considers In nesl without cost. of the French Theatre, although the drama men formed In another line which headed FINLAND stateroom of Appraisal pursuant tu Uliuptar 4 01 n.e Is Interesting and well acted. iACATION accommodations. Steamers built in Law of 1 3 V t ami tile set'erji sta, , for the Hndley llf.vrue. Hall, where lllshop ameinlatory thereof and supplemental tne This In the last wecfa of present Oaly America and tailing under Atmriran LEFT TO the of the llowery John Callahan und Ills riarlaa's KROONLAND'yOYACE to, raltttlv In arijulrlnx an earaie ti 'e $300,000 CHARITIES. se:ion nt the Century Lyceum fter a wife directed the serving of HO gallons FLORIDA rirrproal Flag, Booklets, rales and schedules lmpl absoluta in anil lo rertuin pre.ii.s.s Melel -- two weeks season at the Toy Theatre In of coffee to them. M. eor4 on application. altuate at unU nar ihe Interae' uou ' . Pupcm 'I'hrevir No lloston the French "performances aaeterly side of W'A I.TDS AVKM'E an Ilenrr Miller's will bo The first Item which Tom Merry's stubhy Panama norlherlj side of bakT HUTU STIIKLI icHuniL'd here. pencil In Hotel Clarendon Pacific Line NEW YORK and CUD A lloruLgh of I.lKht nn Ills I, Iff nn n Itei'luse. entered his memorandum hook A vn MAILS J. CO. the of Tlie Ilrnnt ('lit ' yesterday was a contribution of ,"0 for raTTicre 9 Broadway, N. Y. City ( Waid Line) Vork, und lelatlve to aiuulrlnic t fir' pe .. ScBhree.ze. Davtottsi Kiaittnn. i The will of Henry Miller a retired - M Cta..al 0Ues. f.sr J4. . E Nsw umlf rcroun.l ilclit. rnssinrui and Inn Tern- Argument the bre.id fund from W. M Others "On Tsik way und alsii u temporary eusemeu, , broker, who on & llnute I'osl pooeil. the East Csail." Ucatc ttrecllyoa Ue J stock died January at were 110, Charles T Ituut, $10, Ji. Ii. M. . to certain premlsea sltiute ut ami nen . TtKRK llAt'TK, . 19 - the Hotel Irving, divides about $300,000 Ind Jan. Argument $r., 11. L. Houghton, Catsklll, N. Y , J3, ...... viipmu. NowOpeu Interseittou of the easterly side nf tAl In limong the Presbyterlun, St. Luke's, Her- on tlu Jurisdiction In tlie eleotlou frauds Mary L. T Smith, J5, a Sun joh iu ooicf , one 01 idc Best JaaraaaaaV AtKNUK nl 111 tlie southerly aide of KIM isjstponed reader: 14KTII STIIKKT. ill 'he llmmlich Ihe man and lloooevelt hospitals Mr Miller ens'w w.ih from till $3. Julius J Dukas. J2, Clara L. Wilson, t,uur9cs iii iuc auuiai, llronx City of N'ew Vork required for waa n recluse and had lived at the Irving next TucKiln. owing to the llltieHH of Metuchen, N J . $2. Ii. L. uiiie,iuiunnK,iiurseoacK Jtluing. FRENCH LINE purpona or the main'- - s t!. II,. JI, . , raeajraam l.. ..u, s JWUlilPl a. II 1 ' years. Ho ago C5. Judge II ...lis laiutia. anil operation In perpetuity of a r.tpl an for alx died at tho of Anderson. $2. F S who also seirt n muffler and Information, HWH'way N Y So far as han been learned Miller was Coinpagnte tienrrale Iransatlaiiltque sit railroad i:. N'OTH'K IH HKltr.llV lilVKN Mia ll.e e never married and he left no heirs at law riisiAi, scut u port of Charles I. Ilolfmun. Charles .1 es CUNARD . lie and J Curry Watson, ommlssmiie s ' Sailings for HAVRE Established 1840 Appraisal, duly appoint,! fIn the atiuw WILIS AND APPRAISALS. tltleil plot eedliia. tthlch report hean I. -- MAGNOLIA ROCHAMDF.AU . Jan. 20, 3 P. M. EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Ihe 17th day ul Deeeinher. UK. ,i II -- MONTH UPON PLEDGE the ottlce of tlie Clerk of the i uui ' Per Twin-Srre- I.RWia Reaho.voood, who died LA TOURAINE . Jan. 23, 3 M. New Geared Turbine Jtionx on the Jllh rtav nf I)e,.rmliet " :'5, leavlns mare than JlOO.OOO. SPRINGS HOTEL NOTICi: IS rt'HTHKIt HIST.N. it-- is OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Mscnolta Nprlnca, Florida. CHICAGO . . . Jan. 30, 3 P. M. aald report will he presented to the hup e -- $16,000 to charitable and rellRlous Institu- Ior u Dry. salubrious climate: free from TRANSYLVANIA Court of the .state of New Vnrk a' Te tions In Ohio. He left Jlo.onn to lua tool NIAGARA . , . Feb. 6, 3 P. M. he In qultoea. Uolf, Tennli, Swim, SATURDAY, 23, 10 A. Term thereof to held lha First juti. i sister, Pauline Lehman, nnd J15.000 tu THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK mini and all manly iporta. (l.nclnc fOIt INFOHM ATIO.N AI'PIA JAN. M. District, nt the Count Court llousi. i'i Ids son Philip. His widow, Kmnio. Hates weekly. (Private batbi Licellrnt Accommodations Itorousli of The Hroux Cltt of New 1 eitra.) o C. 8HAVKV Company' OiTice, 19 Stile St., N. Y. on the :tth day of Jitnuarv. UK. a- (fets JIO.000 n year for lifo. and MANHATTAN I1RUNX Comfortably Appointed opening ot Court on Unit day. and thai the Income of the residue noes do elRht Fourth Avenu. cor. 25th Street Courtlandt Ave., cor. 8th Street LUSITANIA. - and there, or as soon thereafter as i u ' Sat.. Jan.30.IOA.M. can be heard thereon, a motion will he m e children. Street, cor. Rivington uooUI.tH . EWrldce Street NKW JEItHKY laikewood. Franconia, . Sat., Feb. 6,10A.M. on behalf of Tha City of New Vnrk "i Okoiic.v: AuottSTt.NB Hainfs, who died Sevtmth Ave., bet. 48th and 49th Sta. SrohamA Avenue Debevolw St. aald report be not lontlKmed. and thit s '! January S at Lake Como, Italy, left ;i Leitlrwton Ave., cor. 124th Street Awnw. cor. Rofjjaway Ave. FALL RIVER LINE Orduna, . . . Sat.. Feb.l3,IOA.M. report. ue referred to new Cnmmlsslrne.s persimal estate nf more than SS0.000 be appnlnted liy said Court to reionslier ns Grand Street, cor. Clinton Street 1 PER CENT. CHARGED UPOK Transylvania. - Sat.. Feb.20.10 A.M. subject matter therenf He left railroad stock worth t:3.000 to TO BOSTON $3.00 Dated. New January tSth. 191 ' 7Jd bet. Lexington & 3d Avs, VLOANS REPAID WITHIN Laurel-in-The-Pin- es Vork. Miry Klleen Hnycs und nave each of En St.. SPAIN, THE RIVIERA, ITALY, GREECE FItANK I. POLK East Houston St.. cor. Evyx St, TWO WEEKS FROM DATE V It. Y Corporation Cm n his servants a year's pay. 'Hie residue St. Iv Tier t. It Kuiuin Si s IheAroies went his niece, Mrs. dally at 5 I' II Uuale Gibraltar. (,enoa, Naples, Pirarus Miinlelpai tluMdlnir. IJorourh of Marh "an. to Anna Peter CARPATH1A . . Cltv of New Tork Miss Bahah KlltKitAN. who died In LAKEWOOD, N. J. Xew Lnnilnn Line itn If Pier n. V It., ti Tuesday. Much 9. Noon Brooklyn on November 15 last, left a located Id the lesldentlal section Mouapin Ht week rtaya nnly .) P. U Plei ROUND THiTWORTD TOURS. larsn lake-ild- 10. K, II., K. :?U Ml. 1'. M. estate, the most of which was inherited Surrounded by pin croves, e walks ft dm llirnnita rate) to all principal of IllWINKM? CHA.M'Kts. and well kept drives. Strr Hat en Line atr Iv. I'ler R. It Ports th. from her brother, Alexander Kirkman, .SUPKHIOIl t'UISINI!. days, 15 P '. TllltlvTs'tl gjnrrcrrigTrnn Prleato puttlni Catharine St.. week i U. 10MPANT'.iorPUtli2I.J.slAli:HT..N.r. INDt .STItlK.S IV ti'M the soap maker. The rommon stock held iirena and tennli courts. Ilrldgeport Line atr. Iv I'ler In. K. II., Huslness In Hie Terrai e l'li - & Co. Ii hole solf course, ntm hy her In Kirkmnn Is tn hn held ndly concrrta alasa only, it A. U. All the nianuf j turlnt iii.1ii.ni'" by executors and the Income DI RECTORY OF and teas, operation Splendid opnortunlii the is to no neached by C, It, It. of New Jersey but- him, ' II. Kimons, n tes- to rent or lease or ilnln to Kate niece of the nr. plkahed.- - st reaaonahln tlpures .siiiiai'lr tatrix, who also receives the house nt NEW YORKS Frank F. Shutc, Mgr. "tiik. I'Dni.ic liuslnesi oi small maililfa. ure .i. HO Clinton avenue. The rcHt of the LEADING VOCAL American Line rllv tn New Vnik i" estate Is distributed COLONIAL LINE AI'nt'MTINK I'OTTIltt 15 IViriir nmonK fevernl other Under the American Flng Vnnkera. N V relatives. INSTRUMENTAL A MODERN HOTEL BOSTON :! $2.60 -- With a homtlilte atmoiphere. Now York Liverpool, Pier 62, N. R. Ploys mid Plner. INSTRUCTORS Mnslo. Ilanrlni, PROVIDENCE Ilimt $1.60 Nt. Louis, .Ian. a.1, n'nlNe" Vork. Fell. II. nonn K. T.. M'ANOKMIKltd, Mgt IMrrri VU WANT women over Mnntitomery Htone 1 M ' and and members of Wtk ilays and Sunday at s frnm I'lsr AtlanticTransportLine Kood talkers, well itrewee.t ." the "C.iin Chin" company will attend the NKW .IBItSKV Atlantic City. IS, N It., foot West Houston at. All Outside aense, capable of earnliiK fonv 1 special nf Vour Step" nt Jtoms, fl.OD to 3.0U. Wireless equipment. New York - London, Pier 58, N. K. week, aliort houra hut must lie ah ' matinee "Watch uptown umve, uruauway anu h the on 2u si, taia 3lliin'wsLa,Jan..'llMII A.M. Mln'iipnlls Krh.tl ami Interview the w.un.m nf ue.il Krula i pUons Kprlni nil. home Write lu TI'H-- Itl.i: W.MIIT' nftcrnriN and It. II. Iliirnslde, the staan DENNIS CO S South Stale HI , Chl-n- director, "nas postpnned a trip to Cuba to HTEL White Star Line direct personally the pctformnnce Tho IN WINTER .MAI.K. WIS, IIKNHV SMOCIC MISS SUSAN 3. N. Y.- - Liverpool, Pier 60, N. K. Noon IIKI.r tVANTI'.U public w 111 he admitted. Positive THE HELENE MAIGILLE X!"3 rrotldei a eharm of comfort and amidst Lapland .Ian. UO lUltle .Ian, 11 KD 111 (rh .School Tea,, her n llrcntli ton. Coachlnt, . ,,.,, v.a.,,., eais m m m m WANT IIair Clarke hn been ndded to tlie 'ast nfiirP vtiriico or vocal charactertstls ( i I ..I t ?.rli .A" lessons elven prison ly en1ronment that ha estab. mi atholli eillijt' l. tin. llliic.isli of "Oaiiclnc Around" ireparnlnr.t tu a v?h'"ut .nn;',1alnt,' Maieiiie, i a 4 w. Ilshed It ss an Ideal seashore Homo. AZORES GIBRALTAR State ntlallflratlnns experleiue reft". iu'r.C'"7eii, luch:l.'kl!-,n';1!Funf.7AJ'rl- . n. r. v Pacific const t oiii lie m.iilc his (list ap- .St.. N V mil Inf. Ulrectly on salury I. K. Sun Harlem nttl. e si Us ecetn front. Capscltr 1 pearance lust nlKlit. NAPLES GENOA Hit It HI Slgnor WAMEIt J. BU2DV. itorrester.SX.tini I'rnrlilrnreillrerl, l,5u Lew imoiluction of "Sum ' now-- Josephine Mildtnberg SSL'S CviStSin'Sg Mario- Salvini IIIITNIIIi: SI'AII'.IIIIOMH, CAN0PIC, JAN. 30, 10 A. M. 'MtlliKltNtlAltCIA.- Voice CultureStudlo, Dally, hunriay, BKIO p, MAI.K. lloston, open W T7th ficnuylsr. Thf114 Inrluillna in. ( h'lTUATIONH tVANTKI) will ttceU's enKiih'emeut murtlo. at. Wet wth Street. ,vrw From I'ler Hi. K, II. 'I'hono JToo llcckman, relic leb. HII'Flnlan.l Feb. t Tel.jm I III'. AMLKICAN I I.Ati, It 1'ep.lnnpiK on Mondat .Innuai-- L'.'i. nt City Ottloe, llroaitway, .V 'llMtr.lt the Ticket iau V t ,N, y. STIlNOIIUAI'IIKIt .'k years, very ein NPAV marlborciifll)-CfenM- nt Uptown Tlrket Offlee. n'way ami Mil COMPANY'S ori'IC'IC, It'WAV. ' Sta uhinl Tiiea'ie W I learherof Slnalns. Tues VOItK roi.I.F.fiF. OF MUSIC. St expert tipiet, desires position arif , nnRFRTD ti HI. 114 West 7i'nd IIS.I30 a Wan- e ' o s SI ie lo np,eniei ' between St i:st Wth M, where there Is opportunity fnr f , ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. PANAMA nnd West Indie CrilUea. Three M X box t's. Hun nPtee nrlcs Pfilininn and Kl.itv Ar Urlnna-er- JODIAII W111T13 HONS COMPANY, every ' ' "TTfiircT rAnrsiTOTrxarimfin.iNir alllnis week. oeml fur booklets. to .idMlnllelt ! the I ,lhero Unltril I'rult t'onipnny, II nalteiy Plan's, N i r TOUNS. ' ea ic ,i is now nrrancInK for it pro-iou- .il KEW YOr.tt TJIK NKW VOIIK RUN, NEW TOHK CITT. Tk r.Miaa. nui ice, tho date to ho Itedueed Fare. All rnlnts.rhoneis (1 sin Cnrt NTKAMSIIII' TICKRTN to any port. irnDUII)llrt Winter Tours. V eb 'i rOIlT WILLIAM IIKNRT IIOTKf. KAHTF-IL- HI IU1ISIIII' t III1POIIA TIO.V Pll MAIISTKP'V later. Laks Uaorga, .N.w Official Acant all llnaa. York. lUymand A Whltraasb CoM ttS Mb At.. N. X, City.

ft .t