The Chosen People. S
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THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. S fPigggggg@ [MN ig-O. fg-WIgNfaINTM-N P1 IPIE-NigggQIN r APPEARS MONTHLY LEOPOLD COHN, Editor. SU RIPTIONPRICE kEr:CEPT SUMMER MONTHS.: 620A Quincy St., Brooklynrgr. g 60 C TS PER ANNUM. rg0 ft i g"ggg- -NJ Arg. daff fa rE Vor.. 11, No. 2. BROOKLYN, NOVEMBER, 1905. Devotcd to Israel. Entered at Post Office at Brooklyn. N. 'V., January 10, 1896, as second class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Salutation opprobrious names that ruffians apply to Jews in general. As we walked our way, not mind- irk • "We go to salute the childi4 of the King." I Kings, TO, 73. ing their taunting, they picked up stones, sticks My Dear Friends: and other missiles, throwing them at us, and hit- "Grace unto you, and pe ce, be multiplied, ting one of us on the ear. The devil had lots of fun, Vhile I felt continual heaviness in, my May all His. power and wisdm be engaged for heart your good and your welfare.,Amen." • COMPORT A LAST. THE GREAT HONOR. Upon reaching home, ound two letters con- What a great honour it is to he a child of the taining sisterly and broth ly expressions, cheer- greatest King ! What a wonderful influence that ing and encouraging woi s, and assurances of dignified title brings to bear upon people on some their prayers in my behalf Instantly my sorrow occasions, carrying comfort, ,strength, and en- turned into joy, my weak soul was refreshed, couragement to the weary. A little incident in and my broken spirit w strengthened. Why ? my experience recently will illustrate the state- "But ye are a chosen ge ration, a royal priest- ment. One day, as I Vas visiting, I came across hood."—I Peter, 2: 9. ain, "And hath made a number of those cases loaded with misery of us kings and priests unto d."—Rev. I : 6. Ah ! which there are plenty among:my poor brethren here is a letter from a ki g who is praying for in the Ghettos, and which ddw out one's sym- me ; there is the hand-w ng of r. queen who is pathy. First. I found a man, :1nable to work be- mindful of me in her ntercession with the cause he accidentally cut off ais fingers, a wife Father. These heirs of everlasting kingdom ; and four helpless children denending upon him. these partakers of Christ' onor are my friends! Next, spoor sick Voman. the h isband nursing her, That satisfied me and I ed no more about the while their six little children Were crying for lack honor or reproach of the 11-orld. of food. Then I was urgentl) called to the aid of a poor woman whose husband leserted her ; she is THE PRIESTHOOD rRANspERRED. sick, needs a physician, a nurstand food for her- In Ex. 19: 5, 6, God prilnised the royal priest- self and children. These are either believers in hood to all Israel if thee-obeyed Him. When through their prej' Christ or inquirers after the tenth. Then I came .rliceta gainst the Gentiles, into the house of the poor widr,'w whose husband they refused to act as pri sts and mediators be- was killed, as was briefly narrated in the last tween God and the heatien, the function was number. The poor widow, a frail body, was transferred to you, dear f-e iends. And. I am so washing clothes, for in this W2 she supports her glad that you help bring e Gospel to the Jews, seven children. the oldest eight years, and the showing thus, that you a fitted for that holy youngest fourteen Veeks. NN, hat a sad sight ! vocation of mediatorshile; not discriminating The widow's hard labor, the baby's crying, and against the Jews. The Wine is coming when all the other children's sighing, :ill bearing record Christians, together wit' their leaders, Vill that they are fatherless. There.. my grief reached aVaken to their duty to t ris people. its. climax. The Rev. H. C.,Buell -,1-1 a sermon made the MOBBED BY JF, s. following confession : "WI have been giving the water of life from an eve,:-flowing fountain, but On leaving, tVo Jews stop d me on the side we have not stopped to ti411 that the fountain is walk and I talked to them bout their souls. a Jewish one. * * * If we had done our Soon a number of other Jeri gathered around duty, I do not believe so 'much prejudice would us and listened, when one of em began to yell r exist against the Jew a ere is among us to- shouting at the top of his vo e saying : "Apos- day." tate! Kill him ! Break his bon 1" You can im- If the Christian Churel realized the debt Ve agine what followed, anything but a pleasant owe the JeV: it would be asking the question time for the number of toughs \vas legion. I es- more seriously : "What n we do to pay the caped, hoVever, with unbroken bones, and the debt ?" two Jews overtook me express'%1 their sympathy. The Rev. Dr. Van D Water writes : "Am On we Vent. walking outside the Ghetto, in a troubled in conscience ab ut the seeming indif- Gentile neighborhood. talking s we went. about ference amongGod Christians Vill ri ,th this God-given work, the Lord JeSus, and contrasting- the attitude of (JeVish.) er he satisfied Vith the Jews with that of the Chr ,,tians. Suddenly heaven. if only Gentiles a found there." Dear a gang of Gentile lads Vhom Vie Jews regard as friends, continue the g• and great Vork of Christians (they think every 11211-Jew, a Christ- your kingly priesthood, ely, intercession. ian) began to halloo at us, u 'ling us by those Yours in the Gos LEOPOLD COHN. 2 THE CHOSEN-PEOPLE. Articles Received ness. If the friends are led to send us means for Twenty four hymn hooks donated by the this purpose we Nbill gladly distribute it among Marcy Ave. Baptist Church. the poor Jews of our acquaintance. • Receipts During October About Remittances FOR RENT. When our friends Vish to remit a subscription R. L. C $25.00 or a contribution by enclosing stamps, please send J. T. P 25.00 one cent stamps instead of two cent. We can "THE CHOSEN PEOPLE." use the penny stamps when THE CHOSEN PEOPLE Subscriptions and extra copies 12.00 is mailed in the ,city or for additional copies, FOR TRACTS, BIBLES AND LITERATURE. while the two cent stamps can be put only - on Mrs. Elnathan Sweet 5.00 small packages of tracts as we use the stamped FOR ASSISTANTS. envelopes. Stamps can be sold only at consider- J. T. P 40.00 able discount. FOR GENERAL FUND. Also, money orders are better than checks as M. Patterson 2.00 we have to pay a collection fee of ten cents on J. G. Sitton .50 each out-of-town check. S. B. Dyckman .5o Edwin H. Volckman,TR. r Mrs. Pope 2.00 Delivery of the Paper Mrs. C. R. Deane 2.00 Mrs. John Pope .5o Since the October number of THE CHOSEN Mrs. H. E. Coolidge 5.00 PEOPLE was mailed a number of letters have Mrs. Elnathan Sweet and Daughter 25.0o been sent us, saving that the paper had not been (Continued on page 8.) received and as g for a copy. This we feel sure is because o some mistake in delivery for as all must realize, e post office department is not Higher Critics and the Jews infallible, but we are glad to knoV that our Many highly educated Christian leaders have friends miss TH CHOSEN PEOPLE when it fails nobly put forth theiq efforts in shoVing up the to reach them. t shows their interest in this folly of the Higher Critics, and the hieroglyphics Gospel work. on the tablets and mimuments of the East haVe We shall alw s gladly attend to such com- been some of their clifief proofs. But they have plaints so when 'on do not receive the paper, all missed using against them, one of the most please drop us a postal card giving your address, powerful explosives known, and that is, the Jew- and we Vill mail- you a copy at once. ish nation. The critics can chew the cud on the dead leaves of Isaiah or Jonah, but let them try The Jews' Claim and chew the livingand everlasting nation, the The fact that God Himself exhorts us to pray Jews, and they are likely to break all their teeth for the Jews, as is written in Isaiah, 62 : 6, 7, "Ye on them. Let every Higher Critic bump his that make mentieiri of the Lord, keep not silence head against this highest monument the world and give him no*-est, till he establish, and till he has ever had and so lose his brain and be forgot- make Jerusalem a praise in the earth," makes the ten forever. claim of the Jews upon every member of the The history of the JeVs was not, like that of Church of Christ most strong. Far a Christian other nations, written after it had occur red, but to pray for the *salvation of the JeVs is not a thousands of years it advance. Let the Higher work that will involve expense or extra time or Critics explain why that higlory which was once any great labor. Why the visible Church of prophecy, is being literally carried out now as Christ has eliminated the JeV from their prayers well as tVo thousand years ago.