The Chosen People. S
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. S fPigggggg@ [MN ig-O. fg-WIgNfaINTM-N P1 IPIE-NigggQIN r APPEARS MONTHLY LEOPOLD COHN, Editor. SU RIPTIONPRICE kEr:CEPT SUMMER MONTHS.: 620A Quincy St., Brooklynrgr. g 60 C TS PER ANNUM. rg0 ft i g"ggg- -NJ Arg. daff fa rE Vor.. 11, No. 2. BROOKLYN, NOVEMBER, 1905. Devotcd to Israel. Entered at Post Office at Brooklyn. N. 'V., January 10, 1896, as second class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Salutation opprobrious names that ruffians apply to Jews in general. As we walked our way, not mind- irk • "We go to salute the childi4 of the King." I Kings, TO, 73. ing their taunting, they picked up stones, sticks My Dear Friends: and other missiles, throwing them at us, and hit- "Grace unto you, and pe ce, be multiplied, ting one of us on the ear. The devil had lots of fun, Vhile I felt continual heaviness in, my May all His. power and wisdm be engaged for heart your good and your welfare.,Amen." • COMPORT A LAST. THE GREAT HONOR. Upon reaching home, ound two letters con- What a great honour it is to he a child of the taining sisterly and broth ly expressions, cheer- greatest King ! What a wonderful influence that ing and encouraging woi s, and assurances of dignified title brings to bear upon people on some their prayers in my behalf Instantly my sorrow occasions, carrying comfort, ,strength, and en- turned into joy, my weak soul was refreshed, couragement to the weary. A little incident in and my broken spirit w strengthened.
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