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10-4-1917 El Nuevo Mexicano, 10-04-1917 La Compania Impresora del Nuevo Mexicano

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EL COMITE SUPLICA A LOé VECI EL NOS QUE ADORNEN "US CASAS PRESTAMO DE LIBERTAD. CON PARA DAR UNA BANDERAS EL CHAI El segundo empréstito de la liber- DESPEDIDA DIGNA A NUESTROS LA CAMPANA PARA; tad que el gobierno de los Estados VALIENTES QUE SALEN HOY A UnldoB ha expedido, está ya listo pa- LOS CAMPOS DE INSTRUCCION. ra recibir subscripciones del público, INVESTIGARA LA it.. ft y se espera que, como el primero, se- H i áh& m & y -i A .í-- ir LA CONSERVACION rá cubierto en el tiempo El final del condado de fijado por contingente las autoridades, y aún sobrepasado, Santa Fé deberá ta.Hr el dta de hoy, como lo fué él primero. i Para para reunirse al ejército nacional, y CUESTION DE LOS DE COMESTIBLES mayor información de nuestros e tiene en una de. lectores, diremos que todos los bancos proyecto gran nacionales mostración para decirles adiós. están autorizados para re tBHWlff'1Ki''"iiiinr cibir subscripciones por la cantidad cada uno buenamente sus- FA último contingente de los desig- JUEGOS AHORA que pueda nados el sorteo en este condudo EMPEZARA OCT. 21 cribir, y que esta segunda emisión lle- por El gobernador MlcCall, de Mussachu cintas de Lexinton. hasta ni de (Santa el de pnmnn de que a él asistieron, y toda la gente de vará un tipo más elevado de interés Fé, saldrá para campo setts, (la segunda de la batalla instrucción Jueves en la figura izquier de Lexington, donde les dió que la primera Es un caso de depo- boy, mañana, da), se vé a la cabeza de la proseción la desDedida dHnnfHf!a fué un la ciudad salló a dar el adiós a sus su por el ferrocarril de Denver Río Est sitar dinero, nada menos que con y Por Instrucciones del Juez Holloman que dió la! despedida a los nuevos re- - acto memorable del Grande, y con su tendrán muy para todos los esposos, hijos y hermanos. a organización de escuelas la garantía gobierno de la nación. partida, dadas al Gran se de públicas Como Información oportunidad sus de Jurado, tratar! del Estado llevará la a más extensa, es amigos y parientes la campaña bueno estos Jóvenes de honrarlos la úl- cuestión del juego, al que éste cada en favor de la adminis- reproducir aquí lo que sobre por hogar, el dice tima vez, a ellos, a la declara como una molestia tración de comestibles. particular el secretario McAdo, que responden pública la ei llamada del gobierno de su patria. existente en Santa Fé. TERMINA LA HUELGA ALBUOUERQO E TEN- 0IEREH quien expresa opinión de que - fracaso en uno de estos empréstitos Cuando el anterior contingente salió Mientras que cada una de las agru hace dos semanas, la demostración serla aún peor desastre que el perder El martes en mañana dieron paciones civiles y de Nue- fué una de las se ha- la se patrióticas una batalla. Veamos lo que sobre el lmpresivas que al Instrucciones definiti- vo México está sostenido el movi- dice blan visto 'en Santa Fé. El co- gran jurado EN LAS MINAS DE particular el despacho que fué jamas vas para la de las LA FOLLETTE EN EL miento para la campaña en favor de en mité que tiene a su cargo los investigación que publicado nuestra edición en inglés arreglos de que en Santa Fé se violan las que firmen 6,00( íamlliaB en el ejér- martes para la demostración que se debe veri jas correspondiente al ppdo. canti-ñas- cito . nacional para el servicio de la flcar el día de está determinado leyes relativas al juego en las Indianapolis, Ind. Oct 2. iSl por al- boy, diciendo el lo conservación de comestibles, es a los a bacer ésta demostración sea lo juez siguiente: DE guna circunstancia cualesquiera, un que EL DE EE. UU. niños de las escuelas públicas a quie solo más notable que se Dueda. mejor one ."La reputación de Santa Fé en este empréstito ofrecido por el gobier- nes les tocará tomar una parte muy no de -' del los Estados Unidos al la anterior, y ha pedido a todos y ca- respecto (acerca juego profesio activa en favor de pueblo, nal-- dicha organización. fuera un un da uno de los habitantes de esta histó-- 1 J 88 notoria, y lo oye por todo el fracaso, serla desastre Millares de niños y niñas Irán de más fatal y tendría más mal efecto rica ciudad, que se presente esta ma- Estado y por fuera del Estado, que Lo oficiales del se condado, tanto el al Comenzando el día 10 de Octubre, la También stán Incluido en la Mata casa en casa durante la semana que que la de una ñana en la casa de cortes, a las 8 de aquí juega, y que algunos Juegos dure pérdida gran batalla, guacll como su ciudad los Hard-wlc- la campaña que comenzará el 21 el la mañana, para unirse al paseo cívi- están en conección con las cantinas, mayor diputado, han ducal tendrá gra.ndes cel senadores Stone, Gronna, dijo secretarlo de la tesorería de de Octubre, y recorrerán los hogares los Estados Sr. Wm. G. mC co que debe acompañar a los jóvenes y es posible que no estén en conec trabajado bastante para aquietar loa braciones patrióticas, las que toma Reed, y Vardama,n en Unidos, con las cantinas. cosas ánimos, con el resultado de ha cada condado, ciudad, población, Addo en un discurso en una reunión hasta la estación. También se lesjdón Estas que rán este año el lugar de la Féri o su son violación una iao un movimiento .Washington, Oct. 1. (Las peticiones villa, aldea villorio de respectivo de personas interesadas en ha urgido a las organizaciones frater- una de la ley y de ordenado. del Estado. sean impulsar las maneras de cons procedentes de las organizaciones de distrito escolar, para hacer que el segundo préstamo de libertad por nales y cívicas asi como a las escue- peores violarla, y firmadas las de de en a una molestia La (huelga de los mineros de Madrid Nueva York, pidiendo la expulsión del tarjetas promesa todo el Estado, el día de hoy. El las particular, que se presenten tltuyen pública. Hoover. En el escolar en la El Juez Holloman al en el condado de Santa Fé, que eu Como dijimos en nuestros números senado, del Senador La Follette de sistema ha Sr. Me Ail do describió los eventos que gran parada militar. dijo jurado que contrado la administración de comes- (Las diversas organizaciones de se posiblemente pudiera ayudar al pro tiempo otras amenazó llevarse a cabo, anteriores, este año, debido al estado Wisconsin, Gronna de INorth Dakota ocasionaron la entrada a la guerra de en de tibles una agencia voluntarla y ñoras que hay en la ciudad, asi como curador de distrito facilitándole evl- siendo calmada por aquel entonces, de guerra que se encuentra la na y iStone, Missouri, fueron presen- patrió este país, describiendo largamente los a en el senado tica lista para hacer el trabajo, y cree la cámara de comercio, obsequiarán dencias; que él creía que el procura gracias los buenos oficios del Sr, ción, y debido también a la presencia tadas el día de hoy, por asesinatos de americanos por los ale D. de el senador que se hará eficientemente quizá me- a Es- a cada uno de los jóvenes que se van dor de distrito tomarla los pasos ne- Celso López alguacil mavor de es los miembros de la Guardia Na Wadsburg de Nueva York manes, y la orden del Kaiser los te cional en el y fueron referidas sin tomar acción jor que por medio de ninguna otra or- tados Unidos de de con lunches y regalos apropiados, a cesarlos para detener los Juegos, y que condado, y de su eficiente diputado Albuquerque, comité en mantenerse fuera de el su hablan alguacil, el St. George W. cargado de la celebración de la Féria sobre ellas, siendo enviadas al comi- ganización especial. ciertas partes del océano lo cual él la hora partida en el tren, y se pro. alguacil y diputado le Armljo, iPor días de se manifestado su buena volvió a presentar un aspecto amena- Anual que se celebra en clu té de privilegios del senado. algunos antes que dijo que si era obedecida, podía seguir nunciarán discursos de despedida por disposición para aquella comience la maes- con su zador a fines de la semana y uaa, acorao como mas digno y apro- El Marshal también gran campaña, cada otra orden de mantenerse dentro del oradores prominentes. Todo el pro- cumplir parte. pasada, tro maestra enseñará a sus finalizará "Por los ofi- los mencionados oficiales, en su ca piado tener una semana patriótica en presentó hoy otro legajo de peticiones y discípu- "limite de tres millas" de las costas grama para la hora de la supuesto, agregó: "si los la historia de ma ciales no con su de- rácter de oficiales y de mediadores, honor de los muchachos milicianos, la cartas y telegramas de varias orga- Francia y Bélgica, y americanas. iDijo él, que los dos ob- salida del tren, a las 10:10 de la públicos cumplen la necesidad vital del de esos a las casas comerciales se les ber, hay un estatuto por medio del tuvieron que volver a ejercer sus bue que servirá para qué sus familias pue nizaciones e indudividuos, sobre el pueblo jetos al entrar a la guerra eran, vin- ñana, y de sus soldados, de las cierren sus estable cual ser removidos de su em- nos oficios, con el resultado de que el dan Ir a visitarlos en sus propios cam mismo asunto, e incluyendo circulares países y provl. dicar los derechos americanos, y a la ha suplicado que pueden alones que solamente América cimientos hasta de la salida pleo." lunes en la noche recibió el Sr. López pamentos, y a verlos quizá por la úl impresas indicando que muchas de puede par que se obtenía esto, lograr los Idea - después vez y la necesidad de del tren, con el fin de que todos sus "Cuando una ountina viola la ley, y el Sr. Armijo, un telegrama firmado tima antes de que se les envíe estas se están circulando y probable- facilitarles, urgente les altruistas por los cuales combati- D. California, como se venido anun mente al senado. cada ciudadano patriótico americano mos. iLo menos se hacer V' empleados puedan participar en el pe-- dijo el juez, se convierte en una mo- por Cipriano Lucero, diputado algua ha llegarán que puede - de a ahorrar el carne seo Cuando sa- en Be cil especial en Madrid, en el se ciando desde tiempo atrás. Al a uno de los peticlo- ayudar trigo y en favor de los americanos y las fuer cívico de despedida. lestia pública, y tal caso, pue que responder los aliados en lió el se notó de una le deefa lo Con este fin. Be tienen en prepara nistas, el vice presidente Marshal dijo y azúcar para que están zas combatientes, será darles los me- contingente pasado, que hallar querella, y el procura- siguiente: tre este la autocracia hubo escasés banderas en de distrito al "Los han convenido en ción grandes festejos y diversiones, que aun cuando el senado puede ex pals y prusiana. dios de defenderse a si mismos de de la plaza. dor puede Impedir lugar trabajadores Los del Sr. Hoover del ad- se harán esfuerzos continúe en volver a sus mañana. Se para recreo de los visitantes, los cua peler a un miembro, la Iniciativa de mensajes y manera que cuando se encuentren a Se espera que pa- que operación. trabajos del estado a en mañana esté inspeccionarán las las minas les duraran por una semana. Y para be venir de un senador y no puede ministrador los niños y los alemanes, "cada joven valiente en ra que hoy la la plaza pesas y serán leídos los domicilios decorados El en la mañana. lo que todos los parientes de los jóvenes forzarlo por una organización o indi niñas, por maestros, la frontera sepa, que en sus manos, y y propiamente personal del gran jurado. Reportaré según llenar sus corazoncitos de entu con el emblema nacional. Además, que pase." asi como sus amigos, puedan tener la viduo particular. para puesto allí por el cariño americano y lúnes de ir a verlos sin mucho El acerca de la consi siasmo y de los conocimientos mas el talento está una arma se observó la vez pasada que habla un . ÍE1 Cap. Robert V. Boyle es el ma El dejaron los trabajadores oportunidad primer paso americano, y de Importancia para esta se construi- buen concurso de gente en las aceras yordomo del gran jurado en la corte de presentarse ai trabajo con el fin de costo, los ferrocarriles han anunciado deración oficial de las peticiones fué la mejor que puede haber ci- una gran campaña. Durante la campaña, po- y a lo largo de la vía, los que debían de distrito, que abrió sus sesiones el asistir a una junta general que fué rebaja especial en los precios del tomado el dfa de hoy cuando él senado do, para darle toda la superioridad co- por toda la semana, los discípulos se- Y conti- haber participado en la formación, y martes en la mañana. Loa otros que tada con el fin de discutir las diferen pasaje, de todos los puntos en el Es Pomerene de Ohio, presidente del sible sobre su enemigo." tado Nuevo rán dispensados de asistir a la escue- americano diciendo se les urge a todos estos, y a todas forman el son : X C. Jones cias acerca de lo que se alega como de iMJéxico, asf como desde mité sobre privilegios y elecciones, nuó el, estadista gran jurado la cada tarde a las 3, y se les darán las personas que puedan, que se unan Ascención Rael, Pablo John abuso en el peso de las cargas extraí- Trinidad, Colorado, y de El Paso, Te llamó una sesión del expresado comi- que él quería que las fuerzas comba- Lujan, dos horas, de las 3 a las 5 que ameri- a los manifestantes, para dar mayor Davis, Teodocio Castillo, Hilario Gar das de las minas. El telegrama del xas, basta Albuquerque, con un limite té para el miércoles. Se decidió que para tientes supieran que cada peso Oc el un curso hagan el trabajo.. En las ciudades cano de ellas las solemnidad al acto, que tantos recuer- cía, Luis Mora, Peter Lienau, Grego- Sr. Lucero parece Indicar que se llegó para regresar hasta el día 15 de comité discuta de acción. está detras y que más grandes, las bandas tocarán y se. comunicación y los abaste- dos Inspirará a nuestros valientes y rio Rael, Abellno Quintana, Esquipula a un arreglo satisfactorio y que se ha tubre, y costando solamente el valor Se dice que la presente actitud de los lineas de una vez más el fan- de un y un tercio, de todos los leaders del senado estaba en favor de organizarán manifestaciones públicas cimientos se mantendrán abiertoB, y abnegados Jóvenes. Montoya, Jesús Padilla, David Rodrí- logrado ahuyentar pasaje va- cuando los alumnos de las escuelas debemos voluntad pa- En nuestro próklmo número dare- guez, Anastacio Gonzalez, Ramón Ro- tasma de la' huelga. puntos mencionados, por la via del del tablear las peticiones en el comité. que tener tnnta manifesta- ferrocarril de Santa Fé. yan de casa en casa. Diariamente ra sacrificar todo nuestro dinero, co- mos una fiel reseña de la mero, Juan Delgado, Matins Rael, John maestro ma como los discursos se UNA BODA ELEGANTE. IE1 precio del pasaje, de esta capital harán bu informe al o la mo ellos están listos a sacrificar sus ción asi de que C. (HUH, Mbsallo Mora y Juan Tafoya. EL CONCILIO DE DEFENSA DESEA maestros su vez vez a Albuquerque, redondo con li estra, y los a reportar- vidas por pronuncien, como lo (hicimos la viaje LA DEL nosotros." Bootman-Corté- mite desde el 10 de Octubre hasta el EXPULSION SENADO án1 el resultado a los principales del pasada. EL GRAN JURADO FEDERAL SE DE LAFOLLETTE. es La señorita Tillie Cortéz, hija del 15 del mismo mes, será solamente de condado y a los superintedentes de LOS OFICIALES DE LA TESO. REUNIO Eu LUNES. lo CIUDADES ALEMANAS CASTIGA- Sr. J. P. Cortéz y esposa, de esta ciu- $4.60, y creemos que muchaB personas cuelas de la ciudad y éstos últimos RE RIA ESTAN ANIMADOS IB1 siguiente ha sido en al estado en DAS POR LOS 'RAIDS' EN El nombrado ser dad, contrajo matrimonio el miércoles aprovecharán la oportunidad de Ir telegrama harán administrador del CON LAS NOTICIAS. gran Jurado, para con el Sr. H. J. de Kansas viado al Senador senador menor IFé. INGLATERRA. vlr al eran federal de los Es- Bootman, ver a sus parientes en esta vez, Fall, Santa jurado a las 10 de la en la Ca- y do iNuevo México, ya tarde el lúnes las tados Unidos para el término de Oo City, mañana, formarse una Idea de lo que parecen Mientras tanto, todas agrupacio- Washington, Oct. 2. (Los oficiales tedral de San Francisco, oficiando en pasado, por Charles Springer, su ayu- Oct. 2. Las ciudades alema- tubre se reunid el lunes empezando los campamentos militares del Tío presi nes y organlaciones prestarán de la tesorarla están llenos de entu Parts, la ceremonia Monseñor Fourchegu. La dente del comité ejecutivo del Conci los administración nas Frankfort-on-the-mai- desde sus labores. El gran Sam, ahora que están en vfas de da; agentes de la siasmo el dta de tioy, a causa de los de Stuttg- luego Srlta, Lucila Cortéz actuó de madrina, ya to de Defensa de Nuevo México: art fueron bombardeadas está compuesto como sigue: perfeccionarse. de comestibles, el Concillo de Defen- retomos o Informes recibidos de to- y Coblenz, jurado y el Sr. E. G. Cortéz, hermano de la usted una Wf. anoche los" aviadores S. I. Roberts, foreman, Carlsbad; Espero que Introducirá sa, la Auxiliarla de Señoras, los C. das partes de la nación, Indicando que por franceses, novia, fué el padrino. IDe la iglesia, resolución a M. los ale- Chas. E. Clovis; Juan 3. ESCAPARON MILAGROSAMENTE para expeler Robert T. IT., la Federación de Señoras, la la apelación para levantar tres billo- como represalias por ataques Justice, el cortejo nupcial procedió a la casa LuFollette del Senado de los Estados manes sobre ciudades francesas Naestas, Úr., (Rociada; Atanaclo Galle AL VOLCARSE EL AUTO. Federación de Labor del Estado, las nes de pesos para el segundo présta- de la novia, donde hubo una reunión Unidos, a causa de las tácticas obs fraternales comer Se publicó el siguiente anuncio ofi- gos, Alameda; Edgar W. Fulghum, de la familia Cortéz. Se sirvió una ordenes y cuerpos mo de la libertad se han encontrado S. Tomas iN'os comunica el Sr. D. Galle tructivas estorbando a este gobierno ciales cívicos, los comités de demos de cial: J. Lewinson, Albuquerque; suntuosa comida, siendo las decora-clone- s Juan 'con una entusiata respuesta parte C. de N. al ve en la preparación y prosecución de la de todo esto levantará "Los alemanes hicieron un nuevo C. de Baca, La Ciénega; W. rosa y blanco. gos, Pinos iWtells, M., que tración Hoover, del público. Aunque los Informes de nir a un y casi sedielo-- f la tre. anodhe sobre la de Salas, Old Albuquerque; El de la novia era de Georgette rumbo esta ciudad, tuvieron guorra, por expresiones el interés del público acerca de todas las grandes ciudades hacen apa- ataque población traje haber sido a3 ser' dichas un senador de la reserva de- Dunkirk. El bombardeo fué vio- nug 'uosunor 3fnnj.iT tuonro Crepé, portando la simbólica corona percance que pudo de gra para por menda importancia de rente que el público ha recibido bien muy !ib(djtv ves los Estados Unidos." los los causando materiales. ton, Albuquerque; Gregorio Esqulbel, de azahar, y llevando un bouquet de consecuencias, pero que afortuna mocrática, hogares americanos, la oportunidad de ayudar al gobierno lento, pérdidas San damente no resultó mal. se la Se hubo numerosas victi- Mineral HUI; Abellno Romero, rosas y lirios del valle. (La novia es cuales apresten para ganar gue- en la presente emergencia, los oficia- reporta que Pena Es el caso, que el Sr. Juan Gallegos alimentos. me- mas civil. Marcial: EVerardo Montoya, muy popular en sociedad, habiendo PROTESTA EN CONTRA DE LA rra por medio de tener les reconocen que solamente por entre la población Los Cer- vonla en un automóvil, acompañado los bombardeos lle- Blanca: James Coleman, sido una profesora muy eficiente, y ACEPTACION DE MEXICA- dio de una campaña Intensa y firme "iRep.resallas por rillos: Luis Ortiz y Baca. Santa Fe; su de las escuelas de su esposa, la 'Sra. Eulalia Gallegos vados cabo los alemanes en con-tr- a separación públi- NOS PARA EL EJERCITO se puede hacer que tenga la campaña a por Nathan Salmon, cas es una educación. y de cuatro niñas, Adellta, Amalla, SE REUNE EL COMITE PARA LA Bar-L- e Ignacio Silva, Lamy: pérdida para la todo el éxito que se desea. de Due y Dunkirk, nuestros Mar y Bernardlta Gallegos y Aurelia Perea. CAMPARA PO R COME TI BLES en Juan Chaves, Juan 'Salz, Hlglnlo La novia desciende del famoso conquis Washington, Oct. 2. El embajador aviadores anoche arrojaron bombas all of es do cuando al venir subiendo la cuesta de Frankfort-on-the-Mai- tínez, Francisco Rodríguez, tador español Hernán Cortéz, y DESEAN QUE EL NUEVO HOTEL las poblaciones de ' este lado de Lamy, se volcó el auto mexicano, Ignacio Bonillas, ha hecho El comité ejecutivo nombrado por Santa Fe. tipo netamente español. Los recién formales al "LA FONDA" SEA CONSTRUI- Coblenz, Treves y Stuttgart. casados salieron tarde a las 3:40 en que venia la familia, a causa de representaciones departa- Hoover para la campaña en favor de numero- ayer Rendóse el mento de estado en contra de la desig- la con DO EN EL ESTILO NUEVO Nuestros aeroplanos hicieron 250 CAUSA8 SE JUSGARAN POR EL rumbo a Chicago en su viaje de bodas, malas retrancas, auto para las tarjetas de promesa para de sin lo nación de mexicanos para el ejército comestibles en este DE SANTA FE. sas expediciones, en el transcurso, GRAN JURADO DE LOS y más tarde regresarán a Kansas City atrás, que pudieran contener, servación de los las cuales se arrojaron 210 libras de donde en lo futuro su residen- hasta caer, volcándose completamente nacional, particularmente procedentes Estado, se reunió el lunes en la tarde ESTADOS UNIDOS. fijarán de los Se ha propuesto que el nuevo hotel explosivos (4064 libras) sobre edifi- cia. ILos J. G. de Den-ver- ; y arrojando por el suelo a toda la fa estados fronterizos. En algu en las oficinas de Ralph C. Ely, admi Sres. Cortéz, - que se proyecta levantar por la South- Cor- milia, sin que por fortuna, se lastl- nos casos, donde se ha demostrado que nistrador del Estado. El comité con cios militares y 6000 kilogramos, .(13, lEl gran Jurado federal que se reu- A. Cortéz, de Trinidad; J. C. west Mission Hotel Company, con un Cor-- ra nadie absolutamente. se han tomado mexicanos medio del Juez de la Corte R. 200 libras sobre las estaciones ferro- nió en esta el téz, de Madrid, y iE. C y Jacobo ' por siste Suprema costo de $200,000, en el sitio donde ciudad lunes, tendrá venfa Da Manda-lar- i, carrileras deMetzJSunWblphy y de téz, de Pueblo, vinieron a la En otro auto atrás, D. de prácticas Irregulares de los cuer H. Hanna, presidente; Rev. A. que considerar más del número de cau quienes vid con todo estuvo el antiguo hotel que marcaba Thlonvllle, sobre el alrodomo en Cham ciudad asistir al casamiento de Gallegos, el equipaje de pos de mención el departamento de S. J., Sra. Wl E. Lindsey, Sra. sas que nunca antes, pues se tienen para las este señor fué el el limite del camino de Santa Fé, que los en su hermana, bus respec- niñas, y primero estado ha ordenado que se ponga en R. F. Asplund, Atanaslo (Mlontoya, D. el bley, campamentos Spincourt y en reeistro 250 causas ser pre- regresarán a en auxilio. Puesto el auto se construya siguiendo estilo pin- en los de municio- para tivos hogares durante la semana. darlas libertad a los hombres asi nombrados. A. Macpherson, H. B. Karr y J. H. ar- Tflley, y depósitos sentadas en esta sesión. eu continuaron su camino a esta toresco y único de Santa Fé, cuya nes en donde se obser pié, En otros casos, sin embargo, los ca Wlagner. es favorecida todos los Longeau Farm, iMuchss de las causas envuelven la capital, sin haber sufrido más desper quitectura por vfl una durante el bombar COMPRARAN LA iPLANTA sos están complicados a causa de la que están interesados en remodelar la explosión vpnfa do licores Intoxicantes a los fecto que abolladuras a la má UNA ORAN COSECHA DE deo francés. DEL AQUA. algunas diferencia' en las examlnaclones de fRIJOL. y que en sostén de su soldados en Columbus. Demlner, quina, que fueron arregladas aquí. capital, alegan "Ayer se hechor on a pique dos aero, los dos pafses. México sostiene que teoría que tendrá de esa manera más v un l.--- Se Las niñas antes mencionadas, en el "Roswell News" alemanos nuestros otros lugares, y hay Albuquerque, N. M, Oct. va un hombre nacido en el extranjero de Leemos que valor como medio de anuncio. Be es. planos por pilotos, cau licor en calidad de internas en la Aca D. a di- cuatro mas número de ras cor venta de a empezar formalmente a dar loa padres mexicanos es un mexicano a iMartin Chavez, ha regresado tftn haciendo cerca de las y fueron obligados a poner demia de Loreto de esta capital. cha ciudad de su rancfho gestiones so en a los Indios. También hav algunas pasos para la compra de los tra. enos que él Voluntariamente renie procedente personas que sostienen el proyecto, precipitada fuga." causas de lleta con- del la en Picacho, y que anuncia que ha te- "slackers" y la bajos de la compañía agua por LAS MUJERES DE EL PASO SE gue de su ciudadanía. Los Estados para convencerlas de que será un gran causas en se verificará eme nido una cosecha asombrosa de frijol. meramente un es- iD. David Gallegos, de Píos Wells, tiene sleunas por expresiones ciudad, una junta que MILITARIZAN. ínidos sostienen una Dersona na equivoco construir antipatrióticas. 1F1 trabajo del gran el En esa fecha, se cida es un ciudadano americano. Sembró tres acres y medio de terreno tilo "comercial" como el que se puede llegó a Santa Fé el lunes de esta jueves prójimo. aquí en Hondo con de es en lurado federal durará probablemente reunirán tres Ingenieros para empe- con El Paso, Oct 2. Veinte ciudadanos frijoles pintos, y ficontrar en cualquier- ciudad de cual mana a poner tres de sus niñas la El Paso, . (No satisfechas te terreno ha levantado 4,000 nor dos o tres semanas, o hasta la zar a hacer la valorización de la plan- to- mexicanos nombrados el servi- pequeño quler tamaño cuando la naturaleza del Academia de las Hermanas de Loreto, Ir a encontrar todos los trenes a para libras de de buena calidad, nos Informs de la sentida muerte nprtiirs, del término de Octubre en ta. Uno de1 los Ingenieros represen- de el cio militar certificados el cuer frijol muy comercio sobre el cual debe depender y das horas del día y la noche con y por la tierra más de 1,000 li- en cuenta. Se su la acaeció en Pinos AihufiuorntiB p! dfa 22 de Octubre. tará a la ciudad, otro a la compañía fin café sandwiches a local de esta ciudad, han sido exo- produciendo Santa Fé debe tenerse de esposa, que de servirles y po bras por acre. Se le han ofrecido 12 dice un hermoso' sea N. M. el dfa 10 del mes Homero, del condado de del agua, y el tercero actuará como van de esta nerados del servicio di- que hotel que Wells. pasado T i'afspl los soldados que paso por militar, según centavos la libra por su cosecha, lo v fu ssls-tnt- p mediador entre los dos E. "diferente" designado especialmente Su hijo, Bene Gallegos partirá para Mor, flnfpn n nn tlemnn primeros, ciudad, las señoras miembros de la cho por el cónsul mexicano General le como acre. sl- - es el que produce $140. por para atraer a los tonristns a Santa Fé San José. Mo. el dfa 10 del presente d1 iBocretiirlo de TOntarto. ha B Black, de, Kansas City inge Cruz Roja de El Paso, han obtenido M. O. Seguln el día de hoy. Dijo - tiene posibilidades ilimitadas. al Colegio de San José, y dos niños nombrad nor la ta- niero de la ciudad ; iFrank Woy, de un Instructor están haciendo ejerci- demás, no toabfa tenido Intégrete - y que ninguna . .Nuestro compañero de labores Sr. medianos se Irán al orfanatorlo én PTite nMlón. v Dominen es el representante de la com- dadOB Tacho Denver, cios militares regularmente, para per- dificultad en obtener que fueran Gregorio Rael Iha estado ocupado en D. Manuel Roybal y López de Albuquerque, en los últimos días de T?nrnv son los y Wiynkoop Kiersted, de Mber- - mismas en rudi- spears y Fred. Thayer pafifa, feccionarse asf los de baja sus conciudadanos tan pron- el gran jurado, siendo uno de los ju- N. M., estuvo en la plaza con ne- este mes. Mo., será el árwtro. mentos balllffs. ty, de las tácticas militares. to como se estableció su ciudadanía. rados, durante esta semana. gocios el sábado y nos hizo una visita.


. VERDUN, EL WATERLOO EN LA EPOCA DE L08 BILLONES, EL iNUEVO MEXICANO DE ALEMANIA. CALCULEMOS LO QUE 80N. Tropas niálasmas 'v'déscaiBzáiado sa & skadadl ' Bandera Americana.") Bástenos saber lo que ton alete mil t EN EWANOL.' ("La . SEMANARIO ; , , , millones de dólares, para calcular Publicado lo Jueves en Santa Fi, por la lo aa la cantidad d un billón, COMPAÑIA IMPRESORA DEL NUEVO MEXICANO. Después de un año y medio de la que más encarnizada pelea en la historia del nwindpi, la batalla da Verdun ha ("E( Defensor del Pueblo.") T E. DANA JOHNSON , -- Editor terminado. 'Más que un millón de m ... : MANUEL C. GARCIA..'.', Alistante Editor hombre fueron muertos, heridos o Ix que llaman, lo que llamamos tan r: i frecuentemente en eBtos dtas un bi- Ji RALPH M. HENDERSON. Recibidor. capturados en esta titánica contienda el enorme de mo- llón, no son- mas que mil millones, militar y expendio un billón es niciones de guerra alcanza a cifras porque en realidad, un eso millón de millones, - El Nuevo Mexicano a el periódico mas del Citado da Nueve Mé- prodigiosas, pero, a pesar de las viejo una idea más do lico. Se manda todas Das estafetas del Estado, tiene una circulación lineas de batalla han quedado apro- Para dar completa lo mismo estaban lo es un billón, véamos lo que muy entre el del Budoette. t ximadamente que que frauda pueblo inteligente y progresista o sean antes que comenzara la titánica lucha son 7,000.000,00, 993,000.000, i: t i l. ' 'Mío wn-.- iff 00 un billón. mv:&; mrvM en las colinas del Mouse. ménos do PRECIO DE SU8CRICION al Año ...... 1100 Verdun será uno de los más promi- Un reloj de bolsillo ordinario, dd nentes nombres de la historia de la cuatro tic-tac- s se- - regularmente por ! ív'f;- TARIFA DE' ANUNCIOS. guerra de Europa. fWlaterloo, Sedán, gundo. Para dar 7,000.000,000 (993 H S JMl i Por pulgada columnar, cada Inserción 25o Appomatox, han dado el climax a una mil millones menos de un billon) de Noticias sueltas, por linea, por inserción, ..10c titánica lucha, pero Yerdún para stem tic-tac- tardarla 65 años y 6 menos. Avisos Legales, por linea, cada a mana, .05o pre sorá conocido como la roca en don illn individuo, ganando 3 pesos al Avisos Clasificados (de ocasión) por palabra, ...01o de se estrellaron las aspiraciones mi- dfa, trabajando los domingos y dtas litares de Alemania. Verdún fué e! de flauta inoluslve, necesitarla traba-Ja- r de la guerra europea. Mar- 0.303,050 años para $7,0UO. f Periódico Oficial del Condado de Gettysburg ganar Sandoval. có el zenit de la fuerza militar de Ale. 000,000, (menos de un billón.) mania; fué el primer obstáculo que la Un aviador, que pudiera volar Ince- poderosa maquinaria de guerra del, santemente 100 mdllas ten- UNiONiavTlABCc por hora, Kaiser batió imposible de superar; fué dría que volar durante 11 meses y el principio de la victoria de la demo- medio para recorrer la distancia que cracia sobre la autocracia. murcaran, en billetes de un peso, la Sin embargo, Yerdün significará cantidad de $7,000.000,000. (M,enos ,4; ) l;1 OCTUBRE DE 1917. JUEVES, 4, más para los franceses que para nin- de un billón.) guna otra nación en el mundo. Ha (Una sola columna de monedas oe llegado a ser el sinónimo de todo lo plata de un peso, tendría la altura de EDITORIALES I RECORDEMOS! mejor que hay en Francia; el sublime 11,000 milla para que reuniera la su- sacrificio por la patria y la libertad ma de $7,000.000,000. (Menos de un (Contribución do Cleveland Moffett del mundo. 6u consigna, "NO pasa- billón.) EL va- SEGUNDO CONTINGENTE a la campaña de la Seguridad Nacio- rán," abraza la determinación, el Si en billetes de un peso pudleri DE GUERRA. lor, el amor pátrio, el de sa hacerse una me-di- UN REMEDIO SEGURO PARA nal incitar el patriotismo por me espíritu cinta, daría vuelta y el alma de su finado al para crificio peculiar al pueblo francés. El de la tierra a la luna con la canti- UNA VI ITA A UN SUBMARINO LOS NlñOS. padre quien de de V de esté ellos han dio la educación. Traducido, lustre de tan famosas victorias milita, dad de $7,000.000,000. un FRANCES. Cada padre es, o debe Ber, cuidado- separarse mundo, Santa Fé envía el día, de hoy (Menos de el cariño amor maB entra- nuestra edición en inglés.) res como las de Austerlitz, Wa-gra- billón. - so dar medicinas a sus hijos. perdido y su segundo contingente a loa am- Jena, para ñable con ellos sumí, "Recordemos en uno o dos años se desvanecen en la Un tren, de 34 millas dé ape- Por Gertrudes Lynch. Chas. Baker, de Brownsville, Texas, para implorando pos (je instrucción, preparatorios que largo, " sos acatar la divina entencia del Crea los blancos de un millón de gloria de Vferdún. nas pudiera en. moneda escribe: Por algunos años pasados par enviarlos a las reglón eu. espíritus transportar, y el balsamo del consuelo se soldados muertos, nuestros que de plata de un peso, la cantidad de París. En un rincón retirado de la he usado la Miel y Alquitrán de Foley do; que ropeas, donde irán a combatir hijos vi- derrame en sus corazones por nos hablarán desde sus tumbas $7,000.000,0000. (Menos de un billón, siempre ocupada bahía de Calais, y la he encontrado especialmente efi apesarados la causa de la libertad. ridos, LA REPUBLICA RUSA. mis a maB sus conciudadanos en su edad $n los campos de batalla de Europa que matemáticamente es MILLON sité un submarino francés que estaba ciente para las toses malaf de En como en la W en la recomiendo a mis madura de 54 años ha perdido al ser esta vez, pasada, es lo que hemos Cuando se liberalizó dan ua uviaujmjjNuys y se escrioe asi: en espera de órdenes. Encerrada niños. Siempre - preguntándonos qué Turquía mas mas a sus lo mejor- y lo más digno de núes- -' sostener. de hierro, sin más que la amigos como un remedio seguro para importante y fiel amis, hecho para soportarlos, para dose instituciones parlamentarlas, 1.000,000.000,000. aquella caja como de sus re. tra Juventud aban- hemos hecho Lo que, en pequeña apertura del disco, parecida los niños, porque no contienen opios. tades, prueba prendas los; qué es lo que aquí China realizó la revolución que la con según algunas personas de usar levantes el finado Don Gutie- dona, aua hogares, sus labores, su del este llaman un no son mas a la entrada de un pozo, la que nos Mi esposa no quiere ni pensar Eligió por la causa de libertad mundo, virtió en. república, hubo de exclamar país, billón, remedio rrez fué honrado con honro- bienestar, para ir a defender su un charla? que MIL MMÜJONJ3S como de- hacia entrever un pequeño pedazo del ninguna otra clase de para la alta y Fué solamente asunto de el gran historiador y académico fran está. ésta de la patria. También en esta vez, un asunto de firmar mostrado; para contar firmamento allá arriba, como el úni- la tos, pue está cierta de que sa posición Juez de Pruebas, Fue solamente cés, e ilustre hombre de estado, Mr. simplemente les trae un alivio duradero. actualmente la nuestro espíritu) contristado los checks doblar vendas? 7,000.000,000 (siete mil millones, co eslabón que nos ligara al mundo, pronto y que desempeñó hasta y de ítig Hanotaux. "Alguna, cosa ha cambiado que Ue venta en la Botica Capital Phar- hora última de u existencia verá separarse de no- - solamente una tria eficiencia comer en en son 992 mil millones menos de un bi- me dirigí al joven teniente que me dejando marcharse, el mundo." Un parlamento macy. un vacío difícil de llenar con el mé- sotros, y no tendremos la certi- cial? Fue eso todo? lie hicimos 'La en China- llón,) se necesitarían más de cien cortézmente todo el aparato Turquía! república ma a la rito de didho cargo, pero somos hijos dumbre de volverlos a ver, frente al Sufrimos Pues tenemos en , y le pregunté conforme vino aunque peligro personal? ahora la répública de Dios por la naturaleza y tenemos asi I Pero: o inconveniencia per es mente; , . , . esperamos. quién alguna ninguna Rusia. Innegablemente el mundo REMITIDOS sumisos obedecer su voz, el sonal? De manera con des. Cuando un submarino es tocado, que pidiendo puede predecir porvenir? qué ayudamos tá en fermentación. Los pueblos AUMENTAN LAS CON al cielo el balsamo del consuelo en LLUVIAS qué es la primera cosa que hacen que Esos que hoy vemos partir lie. nuestros propios cuerpos, quizá piertan. Todos quieren ser Ubres. LA GUERRA7 Duran, N. M., Sept. 16, 3917. en los corazones de su des- trando a las trincheras de la sedición Todos se Todos re ustedes? hospede nos de lozanía, y vida; que quizá yerguen. parecen Br. editor de "El Nuevo Mexicano." consolada familia y el alma del finado en los laberintos de la traición las formidables de Muy reposadamente me contestó: - con una sonrisa se desprenden del aquí, cordar palabras La ciencia dice que no, pero muchas Permítame en su npreciable sema- tome su descanzo eterno en la man- - Co se aerr uno "No nada qué nacer, st el golpe : lado de loa seres tanto y la desunión que están 'Loustalot, de los más fervorosos creen hay io ? que aman, el mero personas que sí. en un punto entonces ya nano, dar publicidad a siguiente: ción de los justos. no volverán a ver el auelo mando y creciendo aquí en periodistas de la Francia revoluciona pega vital; Sería cbhio a las 2:30 P. M. del tris, quizá nación? es lo todo acabó." Respetuosamente, míen-tra- coiazón de esta Esto ria: "Los grandes sólo nos' parecen el querido que los vii nacer, s ("El Defensor del Pueblo;") los submarinos fran te día ya mencionado, cuando ángel VENCESLAO ROMERO. que las almas de un millón de Jovene grandes porque los miramos de rodi- El trabajo de su sumi que nosotros, aquí quedamos ceses hablando más del Señor resonó voz, la que americanos, nuestros hijos, nos pre llas; levantémonos." Rusia conver Debido al hecho de en es, generalmente, sos acatamos nos a ese listos para hacer nuestro deber que la úiti bien defensivo ofensivo. Bu tra- y entregamos guntarán dentro de uno o dos años, tida en república! Me ahí la cris- ma de los que cuando su be- A NUESTROS SUSCRITORES. para con ellos, y proveerlos de to- parte años 1914, 1915 y 1916 es de más divino decreto, entregó desde sus tumbas en los campos de talización dé su gran revolución derri. las lluvias fueron en bajo una las partes impor con toda y Les suplicamos que al pedir el las de Intenso contes-teslavle- exceso, muchas lla alma la tranquilidad apartadas regiones 'Y debemos tantes al Canal, cuya ' en- van batalla europeoB. tadora del czar, derribadora de la di personas han llegado a pensar para proteger resignación cristiana fe que emana del cambio d9 su dirección para el peligro que a abordar, de mane. derrobadora que vigilancia hace que sea posible que vió de cus no se olvi- a abordar. Dios! Hagamos nastía de los Romanoff, nay una relación posible entre los dis corazón, Don ELIGIO GUTHüttREZ, periódicos, gro que van contestación sea cuando pasen las tropas y las provisiones pa den de el nombre de la an- ' ra que nuestra digna, de la autocracia! Ahora es paros de cantidad Lo ocasionó su muerte fué una poner No volver No gran de parque en ra aliados. Tienen la de que podemos atrás. se consolidarán en Rusia "el espíritu loa frentes de combate la can- los ventaja enfermedad momentánea desconocí, tigua estafeta, ai mismo tiempo tenemos facultades re- y gran estar cerca de una costa amiga donde y para hacer moderno y las ideas modernas," que tmaü ue lluvias. da hasta por la ciencia médica, que que el de la nueva, pues de otra troceder la mano del los LA MARINA DE COMBATE. obtener ayuda si es necesario. manera no nos será hacer destino, y todo lo han revolucionado en nuestra En un discurso pronunciado recien pueden en breve término dió fin a su existen- posible eventos su no- (Los submarinos franceses tienen et cambio, seguirán curso, y época contemporánea, tt'odrá caer la teniente ante la Asociación de dejando para la tierra para Carlos Bonaparte, secretario de Inglesa los nombres de los meses cia, regar A to-d- sotros mismos no podremos esqui- J. nueva; república. Podrá volver el lm Lluvias, un miembro ese por nombre con de a la vez, les advertimos que marina en de la admims de cuerpo orno siempre lágrimas amargura, lo var lo que la suerte nos tenga pre- la el tiempo perio. IPodrá restaurarse la dinastía ios durante la revolución, i'iuvius, su desconsolada Doña Teurforita avisos de Interés particu- tración de Roosevelt, discute las fun ayo que procedimientos de Niatu se diferen espoa como son: anunciando la parado; asi es que debemos Inspi- de Romanoff. Podrá resurgir la re ra son tan vastos, es Germinal, Plorial, etc., y P. de a la naturale- lar, pér- ciones de combate de la marina de ios que improbable nuestros submarinos en algu Gutierrez, quien dida de vaca u otra rarnos con los más altos senti- acción en Rusia, iodo esto cabe en que aei excesivo de euerra cían de za la ha del esposo más amo- algún caballo, Estados Unidos en un articulo que ha fragor la nos se me tía dicho. eparado casas de venta a para ren- mientos de patriotismo, y hacer la esfera de las posibilidades. Pero en los meses recientes, tenga detalles, según roso y leal y fiel a bus deberes, y de bestia; nos scrito para el "Sea Power", que lo no en Rusia-- esto algún Para investigar, bajé por la escotilla tar, anuncio de separación conyu- gustosos el sacrificio que se Ma- que perecerá ya electo en la precipitacifin. corazón magnánimo y de caricias más nombre el engaño oficial de la Liga de la es lo es "el mo y llegué al resbaloso piso, donde nay gal o avisos legales, etc, esto es, pide en de la patria, por reaü-it.e- importante espíritu Para demostrar este informe, agre- halagüeñas y el sol de la felicidad rina. Dice el Sr. Bonaparte, en Pon-d- e dos listos ser llenados todos aquellos avisos que solo in. mae que en nuestro Interior, en derno; son las ideas modernas." gó que durante un mies de excesiva tanques para para bu esposa y lloran con io de acua. cuando se hunde el aparato.. familia; teresan al auscritor que quiere el fondo tie nuestro corazón, mal? siguiente: y ha entrado una vez la revolución, lluvia, en un área de 58.000. millas desconsuelo a quien fué su amor y es el ía cu. Aún es los subma publicarlos, deben ser pagados, a la 31 sus "Ningún hombre amigo do donde la ideas liberales y democráti- las cuales cuando posible para sus desconolados huérfa- digamos erra y terribles aradas, incluyen Inglaterra protección, razón de 5c linea cada in- marina, o por decirlo mejor, un nml cas han extremecido una vez a un y mubo tres rinos quo tienen una cubierta plana huérfanos u Antonio por por consecuencias, y deseemos que se Gales, y media pulgadas, nos, y hijos Don serción. Todas las demás noti-c'a- s go y útil, quien fa- revivir las formas po- el hundirse, por. lo regular al nacerlo termine pronto el terrible conflic- seguro, inteligente pueblo, podrán a orador demostró además, quh es Gutierrez, y sus tiernos Ihermanitos, de NO PA- Ce se olvide de la marina del las modalidades dos se inclinan con una Inclina- Interés público, to así está sacrificando lo más ta que que líticas pasado, te grande exceso, representa más da ligera Ramón y Isidro Gutierrez, quienes con GAN como casa- que al al fin una la no le ción como de cinco grados. El sub NADA, son de no solo de este sino es. principio, y siempre, truldas por revolución, pero 13,000.000,0000 de toneladas de agua, lágrimas de Inocencia lamentan a las selecto, pais, de combate su verdadero de nuevo cabeza las ins marino en que me hallaba llevaba dos mientos, bautizos, defunciones, los antes florecientes maquina que vantarán, la ueuucienao que para mover esa enor quien fué todo amor para ellos j ade- se ds estados instrucción de si me tubos en cada lado, dos atrás que publicarán CRATIS. Pero deber no es diseminar la tituciones antaño, y reaparecen masa de agua, se necesitaría na torpedos más bus hijas y nietos del bello exo, los anuncio de europeos. o internacional cora- uno el frente. En una de las recuerden, que proi'ncver la amistad será transitoriamente, pues del fuerza mayor que la presión que pudie y en María, Juanita, Carmelita y Doloritaa, deben Y sn cuanto a nuestro Jóvenes, maneras de- con una particular ser paga- o edificarla, por medio de las zón del pueblo poder que ra nacer cualquiera guerra moderna extremidades me qncontré pe Felicitas G. de Madrid y sus niños dos. ..Hacemos esta de- de- cocinar aclaración, los que acuden a las filas para virtuosas y decorosas en su personal sarraigue el sentimiento liberal y quefia eBtufa de que parecía nietos del finado, y bus dos nietas Pi a diario recibimos avisos a sino allí ni del cere- una con las orillas prolonga porque fender la Integridad nacional, pa- que forman, que está para mocrático, hay poder que LA GENTE HABLA BIEN DE LAS plancha, lar y Antonia que eran el encanto de de pérdida de animales, etc., que de bro las ideas libera- se elevaba a una altura -- ra el aplastar y destruir a los enemigos popular arranque PASTILLAS DE CHAMBERLAIN das la que u amor, y además un hermano Don se nos defender sagrado "principio les democráticas. mido o tres uuanao pide publiquemos gratis, u pa'ria; si hace esto y lo hace b'en, y Cayó la repúbli- de dos y pies, Alberto Leyba y Doña Eufelia Gutie- alegando que tienen la sus de libertad las séa. coiiirla-cencia- bí se pagada la de naciones, sus demás faltas se verán con ; ca en Inglaterra, pero allí sobrevivie- "He estado vendiendo las Postulan no se está usando, se dobla, y rrez, el numero de huérfanos de- se que crlpción y que tienen derecho a les consuelo saber que su labor es si no puede o no quiere hacer ron las esencias liberales, v Cayó la de Chamberlain por cerca de dos años hunde el submarino a la vez que ja en este mundo llorando su orfandai se le la de en o en caso que haga publicación la más digna; que no van a com- eso, entonces todas las riquezas que primer república Francia, cayó su y ne oído tan buenas noticias acerca están haciendo la comida y elevando sus preces al Creador por valde, lo que no es oferto. se hayan empleado en ella quedarán segunda república, pero se conserva- de ellas de mis marchantes, que he de accidente, la agua que penetre al batir solo por obedecer a déspot ts fue-j- o gastadas en vano. Lo que se acaba ras las conquistas fundamentales de acauauo por probarlas yo mismo. barco, apaga instantáneamente el ni por conquistar tierras, honores de decir no se debe entender mal ; es la revolución. Cayó la república en yueuo aecir que yo no creo aue hava de manera automática." ni riquezas, sino para que asf, de eminentemente muy deseable que núes España, pero han sobrevivido las enor otra preparación de su clase que les una vez se el tros marineros y oficiales, se conser- mes reformas que ese régimen trajo iguaie, escriue u, A. McBride. de por todap, ahuyente - MR. CUTTING ES NOMBRADO A ven fellces--y con salud, sobrios con consigo; tales como el jurado, el bu- Headford, Ont. SI le molesta la in- - nuestros suscritores: temible fantasma de la esclavitud y ASISTENTE MILITAR EN buena moral. ILa experiencia ha de- fragio universal, las libertades de con digestion o constipación nruébelaa LONDRES. . mora,l de loe pueblos, queihoy so- mostrado duda que si son ciencia, de prensa, de reunión, de aso- oe naran mueno provecho. De ven sin ninguna en Con motivo del alza en los pre- portan el la tiranta milita- asi, tendrán más voluntad para el ser- ciación. Si el imperio resurgiese en ta todas partes. general yugo de Nuestro antiguo presidente de este vicio hacer su mucho Rusia, tendría que ser un imperio li " los Y al y trabajo Lon-tre- s el rizada de Alemania. hacer, podrán W ALTO N A Y U D A RA A este se encuentra en cios, y especialmente en papel para mejor. Pero sobre, todo, lo más im- beral, un imperio parlamentario. La CONSEGUIR periódico lo, defendiendo su bandera, se lo debe ser caracterís proclamación de la república en Ru LOS DATOS NECESARIOS y en lo futuro estará prestando es breve nos portante, que PARA LA sus servioioa en la de la periódicos, posible que en vea las bendiciones de las tico en es sean pa- sia ha debido causar pavor en las doa NUEVA embajada ellos, que siempre, británica. venideras lo mismo ra alcanzar los altos fines únicas autocracias existentes ya en HISTORIA. capital mos a aumentar el de la generaciones que puedan El Sr. Bronson M. de esta obligados precio que llevarán al fin, es que sean ante Europa. fEn la autocracia germana Cutting, que de laa presentes. - Deseando obtener ciertos datos ofi de la im tedo y sobre todo, combatientes de de Que es jefe Guillermo de Hohenzo- ciudad, presidente compañía uscripcion. Suscríbanse HOY mismo Y, cuando a, su regreso, los vea- cíalos para el capitulo de la gran de este ha sido noiJ primera clase. llern, y en la autocracia austrogerma gue. presora periódico, mos sobre sus es rra, que está siendo we pararla nnr i bratio como ataché asistente militar triunfantes ostentar na de que jefe Carlos de Mapsburg. Sr. he- Read, para su nueva edición de su do la en Londres, ha donde pechos laa cruces que ameriten su SACARON VISTAS MOVIBLES DEL Las dos autocracias se encuentran embajada ridas de muerte. Las mata la revo Misiona ilustrada de Nuevo México, habla salido desde algún tiempo atrás valor entonces no sen- NUEVO MUSEO. éste señor eBcribi6 al y denuedo, lución la rusa. representante embarcándose en Nueva York. . ruBa, república Tre al W. B. tiremos aún más orgullosos de que mondas ser las Congreso Wlalton solicitando El.-"S- r. renuncio como ins 'lboinnilbas Durante la ultimas seis semanas ha tienen que repercuslo. do él, le obtuviera los Cutting Airirojaffiido d 'maíni ' nuestro Estado del Es. nes de la Rusia revolucionaria y repu. que documentos pector general de la Guardia Nacional haya producido estado la comisión de terrenos necesarios, y como ha reci- vistas movibles do di- blicana en Berlín y en Viena. RuBia respuesta, de Nuevo 'México para aceptar una esa raza de valientes y de héroes. . tado sacando bido la siguiente carta, la cual el Sr. las In- los vencida, los derrota comisión como en el ejército unsíifinia versas partes del Estado y de por germanos Read, con el fin de manifestar de capitán v die las íiriini'clbeiras ex- a su vez, tomando de ellos una nacional de los (Estados Unidos. Fué dustrias, las cuales deberán ser magnifico manera pública su UN PASO HACIA ADELANTE. inundando a la Alemania gratitud y aprecio a la oficina del de es- pir puestas en- esta ciudad por la primera desquite, por los valiosos servicios del Sr. Wal- asignado jefe nuevo deslumhrando a su con las tado en al vez durante la dedicación del pueblo ton, asi como su gratitud las aten- mayor Washington y pasó El concilio de ciudad ha decidi- ideas revolucionarias y por semanas en el de su la edificio del Museo, que está en víspe- republicanas. ciones de que ha sido objeto, nos ha gunas desempeño do un moderno Rusia, rompiendo las cadenas de su nuevo conocimiento de di- comprar aparato para ras de terminarse, y que se inaugura- suplicado que publiquemos la carta, la cargo. El incendios, combinando una máquina rá para el día de gracias. 1 lunes esclavitud, invita a los alemanes y dice como versos Idiomas que posee el Sr. Cut- a quo sigue: do substancias químicas y pacado un fotógrafo de la compañía austríacos quebrar las suyas. Loa ting, pues habla cinco idiomas, inclu para el uso del departamento de vistas movibles estuvo sacando al dos imperios germanos acabarán por Casa de yendo el alemán, le ayudará mucho de concilio de ciu- a sus Representantes bomberos, la gunas fotografías animadas del nuevo eliminar respectivas dinastías para servir a su patria en el extran dad está intitulado a crédito por de Hohenzoliern de Al íii gran edificio, de diversos lugares tanto por y Hausburg. "Washington, D. C, Sept. 26, 1917. jero. Mace algunos años que vivió El equi-p- o o bu progresista acción. actual dentro como por fuera, y habiendo si tarde más temprano osto sucederá. "litan. Benjamin M. Read, ' por algún tiempo en Londres, cuando contra incendios de ha Santa Fé do las condiciones de luz muy buenas, Pobre Kaiser Guillermo Segundo! "Santa ,1'é, Nuevo México. su hermano, ei finado Bayad Cutting estado muy atrás de las necesidades saldrán buenas Fué a la guerra en busca de las tierras estimado Sr. Read: estaba en el servicio en se se espera que muy "Muy diplomático de la comunidad, y cada cosa que indios de la Isleta y del dinero de los demás, y lo que en Esta sirvo acusar recibo de su la el sistema vistas. Algunos para capital Inglesa. haga para mejorar y poner oue se encontraban en la plaza ven ella encontrará será lo que no imagi- tarjeta postal del 17 'del y lo a de conveniencias mo actual, ha la altura las diendo uvas, se retrataron dentro del nó nunca; la deBinem'bración de Ale- sido un placer para mi solicitar del dernas, merecerá la aprobación del pú. el UN CARPINTERO AFORTUNADO. patio y sobre los balcones, con sus mania, jsu hundimiento económico, comité de información publica quo le biico en general. desmoronamiento del poder uutocrátí- - envíe los cuadernos que ustod desea. pintorescos trajes. HOlionzo-Hern- . En al de- ICreemos que todavía hay muy po co imperial, la calda de los Si por alguna, razón no le den (Missoula, Montana, estar cos hlrirantes en donde se ne llegan rribando un edificio en la lugares ' SERA RECOMPENSADO POR Cómo juega la Fatalidad con tro do un tiemput razonable, sírvase viejo que cesitan. on las mangueras adicio- TRABAJO. Iob hombres! Cómo castiga Dios a avisarme. fué en un tiempo la población próspe nuevo se SU nales del equipo, ayudará los soberbios! Con cuánta raza "No se detenga en acudir a ml on ra do'Quigloy, cerca de la primera mucho, y el número de hidrantes se todas sufren dijo Jesús a sus "Apren- en le ciudad mencionada, un carpintero se va- ILas señora de partes discípulos: cualquier tiempo que pueda ser debe aumentar también para que a nnfarmedad d los riñones - dolor ded de mí, que soy manso y humilde útil, pues yo olvidaré las mu- encontró un rollo do billetes de ban- todo do acuerdo con los jamás ya progresos rl snalda. dolores reumáticos descorazón." chas bondades que Be sirvió extender- co por valor de $1,500 en un nido de .. - de la 1 población. músculos hinchados y delicados, co me cuando era miembro de Cámara ratas. iRstaba muy bien envuelto n en yunturas duras y es para ayudar TIENE UNA ALTA OPCION DE do Representantes de Nuevo M(ico en una tela y se había conservado LA FIESTA DE SAN FRANCISCO. éstas que la-- Sra. C. J. Ellis, de 505, LAS PASTILLAS DE en 1901, de la cual era usted un pre- buena condición. 8th Ave., Siowc Falls, ;S. D., escribe; CHAMBERLAIN. sidente muy competente y útil. Siendo el día de hoy, el dfa de San "Estoy segura que si alguna persona "Con cariñosos recuerdos, quedo de MISA DE CABO DE AñO. Francisco, patrón de la Catedral, ha- oue esté sufriendo como yo estaba, lo "Yo"' tengo una alta opinión de las usted, sinceramente su afmo. brá grandes, fl .,his religiosas en el diera una prueba a las Pildoras para Pastillas de Chamberlain para la t. W. B. WALTON. Ayer, miércoles a de Octubre, debe hermoso templo. Anoche, a las 8:30 Iob Ríñones de Foley, serla recompen como un purgante," escribe imborse- celebrado en la Capilla del se cantaron las solemnes vísperas, y zada por su trabajo, .parece necio Mts. C. A. Sames, de Charleston, 111. iDon José Asención Roybal, de Bosque, a las 8 do la mañana, una hoy, a las 9 de la mañana tendrá lu- negligir una enfermedad cuando hay "Nunca he encontrado .ninguna coa estuvo el mierooles en la pla- misa do cabo de año por el descanso gar la solemne Misa Mayor, en la que tan buen remedio a la mano," tas tan y agradable para usar. Mi za con negocios particulares y nos hi-- o del alma de P. Juan do Dios García, cantará el coro do los (Hermanos del Pildoras corrigen todos los desarre- hermano también usó eBtas Pastillas una visita que agradecemos. de Velarde, N. M. Las tarjetas es- Be venta en coa resultados satisfactorios. De taban firmadas D. M, Ca- Colegio do San Miguel, y promete glos de los Intestinos. Da por Antonio - ,, 1 quo la fiesta sea muy lucida, la Botica Capital Pharmacy. venta en todas partes. i LEE Ud. 'EL NUEVO MEXICANO?' sados y familia. ' ,:..Tr.t WEEKEY: SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN VOL; 29, NO. 12. SANTA FE NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917 $1.00 PER YEAR PUBLIC UTILITY PABST CHARGES More Blasphemy Marks Celebration PREMIER PLEDGES TO of 70th of Von COMPANIES KICK PROFESSIONAL Birthday Hindenburg Isaiah's Words Profaned PUNISH THE BOCHES of AT COAL PRICE: PROHIBS ARE By Bishop Treves - At Exercises Will Bomb (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) Germany - Oct.1 3. via Lon With Full TOO SAY TELLING LIES 1 1 .v- Berlin, Tuesday, Interest, HIGH. don). Berlin dedicated today to the MASON DECLARES ipimmmTymmmmm celebration of the seventieth- - birthday He Shouts of Field Marshal von Hindenburg. Perhaps none of the previous war holi- PEOPLE CHEER AT days has seen such a display ot flags HEFLIN CHARGED 30 Per Cent Raise, Is Taking Advantage of and bunting. Qver the throngs In the REPRISAL VOW streets flew a score of albatross aero- - Contention of the War Conditions, www w PK!,ar ' planeB whose aerial performances in Says cluded the throwing down of thou- French Aviators Still of BEING Brewer sands printed reminders that cash HIM Drop Tons of Bombs Illinois Central Big contributions to the nation's waf chest m would be the best birthday gift to von On Hindenburg. Up to last night the Held Germany marshal had been elected ' honorary GOLDMAN TRAITOR (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) BEER MEN ARE thirty-si- x PROBE WAS NOT citizen of cities. At great Oct. 3. A headquarters today the day was London, crowd of SHOWS marked by simple ceremonies which in the THORO ENOUGH PATRIOTS, did not halt the stem routine of war. poor people southwest The field marshal's wife and daugh- (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) district of London yesterday Atlantic 3. ter went to headquarters from Hano- House Emits Groan as Leased Wire New City, Oct Charging that ver. Chancellor Mlchaells also was a to Premier (By to Mexican.) "professional are "de- appealed Lloyd Oct. 3. prohibitionists" visitor. Flares Washington, (Representa liberately trying to mislead the people Controversy the tives of public utilities companies In The bishop of Treves conducted spe- George,1 says Daily Mail, by falsifications, by taking advantage field Up Iowa and Illinois, beaded by Clifford of war conditions and industrial emer- cial services. On a red silken Again for cloth,, one of to von reprisals against Germany Thome, appeared today before the gencies," Gustave Pabst of altar many gifts fuel to Milwaukee, were embroidered these administration protest against speaking before the opening session Hindenburg, MASON SHOWS for the air raids' on London. the coal prices fixed by the govern of the war convention of the United words of the Prophet Isaiah: ment. The fixed contend that wait upon the Lord shall GOOD EFFECTS The premier shouted to the prices, they States Brewers' association, today urg- "They In renew ; shall almost every instance are higiher ed delegates to unite in the national their strength they for the last mount with as Leased Wire to New crowd: than the average prices fight for existence. Mr. Pabst pointed up wings eagles; they (By Mexican.) run and not to-the- year. out the assoication had offered its co- shall be weary, and they (Washington, Oct. 3. The protract "We will give it all back Illinois shall walk and not faint." Svrorn statements of the operation to the federal government ed wrangle over charges by Represen were , introduced to and we will to Central railroad and the "subscription by brewers of tative Heflin, of Alabama, that certain give it ehow prices established by the govern millions of dollars for liberty bonds at members of congress have "acted sus ment more 30 cent American Destroyer them soon. We 'shall bomb are than per higher a time when the life of the brew piciously" In the present war, flared than was able to con very that company lng industry was being threatened Hit by British Ship up again In fine house today when Germany with compound inter tract for the entire output of more with destruction," was substantial Oct. 3. 'An American of a dozen Illinois mines 'Washington, Representative Mason, Illinois, than this year, proof pf the attitude of the Industry in European waters made a Heflin est." - and about 70 cent than the destroyer recently speech contending that per higher toward the government and its war was in collision with a British naval had inferentlallv charged Mason with The crowd cheered Illinois Central as the cost of - the reports aims. He called upon brewers vessel, which, after off the .treason and linked him with Emma t In mines It controls in taking ud production throughout the nation to leave no American crew, towed the disabled Goldman. promise of the premier wildly. Illinois. stone unturned to secure the en- to announc was rigid destroyer safely port. In Representative Heflin requested It contended the federal trade forcement of all and regu- collision de- - The has account prohibition ing the today the navy consent of the houge' for tlme t0 repIy premier just complet commission's investigating laws the .a uu ants in costs latory regarding shipment nri...i. who .juica to Mason.g remarks and to name th ed a tour ascertaining production and sale of beer. Mr. Pabst observed aboard the American destroyer and of the area damaged did not conduct as thorough an inves- tlhere are indications tho men he thought had "acted suspicious. that "many n should have. ,y was made Rep-A- in the raids with Viscount tigation as they people are tired of profes- ed and restored to active but objection by were not to take getting duty. entative an1 th Operators required sional prohibition leaders," and that official inquiry developed that 0arner' Tas. commander of i tho oath as to the on their books, for tIme bein was French, figures the reaction is shown by the demand the collision was unavoidable, the the brought is and were not to go to it said,' required for constructive measures that shall seis having come together during a an end. home forces. on Ule witness stand for n The sick of lead to permanent improvement. - heavy rain storm. (No blame was house, evidently th' The French Under and rebuttal. i THE KAISER. 9k2 VON HINDENBURG- when Heflin asked unani reprisals already C placed on either the American or the row, groaned were PHOTOGRAPH EO BY THE KAISBRIN mous consent way continued last night French British vessel. to reply to Mason, and airmen bombs on town when Garner dropped the will be spoken by relatives and pplauded objected. of Baden, some 55 miles beyond the i he (has friends. Secretary of State All I Despite the fact that opposed French frontier. More than seven DEMONSTRAT ON tonio Lucero and Governor Llndsey the war, Mason declared he now sup- tons of bombs also were dropped on have been aBked to deliver the fare- FAST PROGRESS THIRD SERIES OF ported It. He denied all implied various military objectives, in German well addresses at the station. COLLIER WILL charges of German influence and held territory. Just before boarding the train the denounced the German military auto Along the French front, the artillery will be with boxes duels were at FOR THE 'LIBERTY boys presented gift IN cracy.. vigorous many points. by the ladies of the city; the gift of BUILDING OF The activity was especially marked tne local Red Cross chapter, the Navy URGE 0 north of Verdun, where the French league, Woman's club, Woman's Board are apparently preparing an attack I' A nf TrnrtA nnA flhnmhpr nf fVimmorrfl U. BOYS TO BE of time will be allowed the S. FOR OFFICERS TO FRENCH AVIATORS Plenty BOMB TOWN OF BADEN boys then to bid farewell to their fam OF JEW MEXICO Paris, Oct. 3. Continuing .their re- ilies and relatives. It is hoped that i for of German Jtl . 1 T i 1 a 11.. J FOR EXPULSION prisals attacks airmen E! luusu iiui uneuuy ruiuiuu tu me im JANUARY 5 on French eities, French aviators last ROUSING parling men win remain in ine oacK- - American Navy to Lead night dropped bombs on the German ground until their relatives have all town of Baden, tne war office an- had an opportunity to bid them' good- CENTRAL OF LA FDLLETTE nounces. ;The statement follows: will World in This Class LI for-th- bye. The Indian school battalion "in reprisal bombardment be in charge of ttie crowd at the depot Camp to Be Located in of c two of our aviators drop, 25 Drafted Men to Be and will be under strict orders to In 18 Months ped several bombs Fon the town ot keep all but relatives from the plat- Each of Baden. Í On 'the night ;of October Escorted to Depot form during the time the last fare- Petroleum and Mining Military Petitions for Removal and during the day of October 2, our aviaiore Domuaraea sta wells will be Bpoken. Wire tne railway Crowd (By Leased to New Mexican.) Considered tion at factories at Volkel-ge- n by Big Governor Llndsey and state officials, Possibilities Divisions ,.. Are by Fribourg, ' Washington, Oct. 3. Remarkable Great, and Hoftenbach and sta ' wIth of the war relief, railway Tomorrow representatives build- Committee Metz-woipp- morning's demonstration - progress has been made in the tions at Brieulles, Longuvon, 4 and civic and commer- r.t p .y,., organizations of American to , hn, snt bodieswill have the ot ing destroyers cope He Believes REGULATIONS AS Arnaville, Mezieres.i Les erty Boys" should be the,.fv,biggest event l?lftl place with the submarine campaign. The (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.). Metz, Thionvlllej and Sarabourg. In ed'ate y 3. of its kind in the city's history. This ,pvrocfe8Snlon' , navy department is assured of much TO ADMITTANCE Washington, Oct. Preliminary the course of these expeditions pro- will be the last for a long,b,ehind V1! Tíe Sa"ta quicker delivery of the ships than consideration of numerous petitions jectiles to the amount of 7,000 kilo- opportunity 1' offer-a,-i to !F? and has again generously was contemplated at the last estimate, seeking expulsion from the senate ot grams (15,400 pounds) were dropped." time to do honor the new soldiers, - BUYERS OF BONDS Leased Wire to New Mexican.) . 8 services. the In- in Itself far ahead the (By it , ,i,,iv r tn ni el Boy Scouts, of original Washington, Oct. 3. A third se- Senator La Follette and several other school battalion and school time. on the now senators for BRITISH AIR heartily in the sendof! to be given the Progress ships ries of officers' training camps, to be their attitude toward the FIGHTERS " " " building and arrangements for oth- TO INSPECT HOAD war was the senate BOMBARDING GERMANS them upon their departure for Fort opened January 6, will run until April begun today by the line of march.P!?The business ers to follow, it was said today at the 5. the war denartmeint announced to privileges and elections committee London, Oct. 3. Continuation of Riley. houses will close from 9 a. m. to 10:30 navy department, are such that the but no action was taken and another The 25 drafted men will assemble day, primarily for the education of bombing operations by naval aero- in order that their employes may all American navy will lead the world In men of the na meeting will be held tomorrow. over German held is in the at the 18 (Eastern capitalists interested the enlisted regular army, planes territory early morning county offices state with its destroyers within months. national for Sentiment was said to (have develop- in admir- court house for final and participate. The in the .(Federal Export Corporation of New tional guard and army reported a statement by the instructions, house will all close It is certain all destroyers now commissions. In addition, 2,490 grad- ed at today's meeting for action of as follows: at 9 o'clock will form with their again. York, which last week purchased the alty today they Marchers are to form on building will be delivered ready for bonds of Central uates or undergraduates from 93 spe- some kind and against merely tabling "Monday night naval aircraft drop- citizen friends in the big pro. requested in waters next the New Mexico rail The of patriotic (Otero street, between IMarcy street duty European early road on recommendations made cified schools and colleges will be the petitions. question proper ped many bombs on the lock, gates cession to the Denver & Rio Grande year. All new are of a by was discussed without at and Palace avenue, and to be on time, destroyers D. C. found- - admitted. procedure Zebrugge. Tuesday a quantity , wnrWnrt m.t hv tho Col. Collier, of San Diego, depot, There will board their ripien nvtr m A will be in each ot of was on they for the roust start for the " - I ,ei t - 111 .ill camp located agreement. explosives dropped sheds car for Alamosa. Every per- procession partment and showing radical changes r i lUB ejim"'"". wi the national and Senator La Follette is said to be and machines at the St. Denis private at 9 a. m. Blags, what- "'o 16 an regular army, guard son in Santa Fe should be a marcher depot sharp. from any of these craft now afloat. rr've here on October to make national divisions. Additional considering an address before con- Westrem airdrome. the usual ever be - army During the size, should carried by The of them will be Inspection of the railroad and tribu- will be ln in answer to his critics. between two air- tomorrow morning. This is the last buniness great majority camps located the Philip- gress adjourns fight patrols, enemy will send everyone having one, and vessels of improved tary territory. The party will include Panama and Hawaii and one craft were shot down out of control. contingent that this county about should be dec pines, to the national for some time to places the plaza lng qualities, the first of the new S. G. Munoz, president of the Federal each at Fort Bliss and Fort Sam Hous- All our machines returned safely." army orated. ' has been tried out with Hold come. It may be the last. So a spe- type results lExport corporation, and the principals ton, Texas, and Chickamauga, Ga. Mexican Bandits amazed officers who made - cial effort should be made to demon- that trial 0f the New York banking firm of Ray- The quota of each regiment or BRITISH EMBARGO HELPS MOVEMENT OF ANOTHER. amount or German for Ransom TO strate to tlhom how and FORTY 8TART8 trips, a greater ngnung mond, Pinchón & Company. The trip smaller unit of the army to be se- STRANGLE GERMANY sincerely PER CENT tonnage is being produced in th El Tex., Oct. 3. Mexican Oct. 3. Great the are behind them in The movement 40 cent trnm Nnw Ynrii tn Santa Fe will he lected to attend the officers' schools Paso, Washington, Britain's wholly people of another per United States in a given time than bandits raided the Humboldt ranch, new on of prac- new are so of Mexico's men from made In a private car. will be 1.7 per cent of the enlisted embargo shipments the responsibility they New drafted ever has been achieved before by near Chihuahua kill to Sweden, seats to at Ft. As a result of the sale of the bonds, strength of the organization. Gradu- City, Saturday, tically everything Norway, loyally undertaking. county Camp Funston, any power. recommended for the Mexican foreman and held Denmark and The Netherlands is re- Kan., started this morning. which formal appli- ates commissions ing The procession that will serve as a Riley, brought $110,000, as second lieutenants will be com Ernest Goeldner, the superintendent, garded here as a most Important move Major R. C. Held, federal disbursing cation for the sale of the road has received cordon which slow- guard of honor to them in their march the missioned as vacancies occur. for ransom, private advices iu tightening the officer stated this afternoon that A. P. TO INVEST been made by the Pittsburgh Trust stated. Goeldner is a Ger but is the will cor- men to be admitted must here today ly surely killing military to the depot start from the full 40 per cent would be made up by company, trustee for bondholders, College ransom of 1000 Of all the; be between 21 and 31 on the of man subject and the power Germany. Great Britain's ner of Palace avenue and Otero street the various counties, some sending $200,000 IN THE and the order fixing the date of sale day demanded the bandits was action is as one of the most men of to the opening. There is no restriction pesos by regarded and imme- remaining their quotas probably will be made shortly by Dis German firm of Keteisen Important of the war. ' at 9 o'clock sharp, proceed for of against married men, but unmarried paid by the make up shortages others. LIBERTY BONDS trict Judge Reed Holloman. The rail. & who owns the ranch. diately to tlhe depot where farewells The Taos men started a day men will be preferred. Character and Degetau, county INEW YORK, Oct. 3. road will be sold by Col. Ralph E ahead .of time, and will go Into Ala- Subscriptions military aptitude will govern selec Prohibs, Socialists to the loan Included as master, and may ' mosa today instead of tomorrow. Tbey today liberty special tions. Food Profiteers Had arrival 000,000 each by the United States: be boueht in bv the capitalists who will receive the and And Other Parties will be held there to await the In They pay al Steel corporation and Mutual Life purchased the bonds, or by others lowances of first-clas- s while of the Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and San surance privates Better Be Careful Discuss Coalition Santa company and $2,500,000 by the with them. under instruction, Juan county contingents. The Western Union Washington, Oct. 3. (Food price Oct. 3. Prohibition, social- Fe men leave over the D. & Telegraph company. Nothing definite concerning the The are for the Chicago, county Subscriptions to date In the second camps primarily manipulators and profiteers will have ist and other party leaders met today i of New Mexico R. G. tomorrow morning. reserve probable future the training of line officers. The quar the trained men and resources of the in executive session to discuss form- district total $30,346,850. Is but Col. Col was. the maximum yester--I Central known here, termaster general, chief of ordinance, secret service to cope with. Herbert a new coalition LEWIS ILL he meant to of coaBt chief ing national party. day, and 46 the minimum, JUDGE lier stated today that chief artillery, signal Hoover, food administrator, has asked Before the doors were closed I court New York, Oct. 3. The directors of the continued officer and chief of have delegates I I and the mean temperature (Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 3. 'Federal recommend strongly engineers, President Wilson for the services of noted forms of possible danger facing to ill- the Associated Press In session here of the as it now stands been authorized to organize such I of 58 wat 2 de-- f adjourned here today owing the operation road the corps and it has been granted. the alliance. f degrees resolved to trans- - r schools for as proposed I above normal. The ness of Judge Lewis, who returned to today unanimously believing that extraordinary possi-fe- special training may greet a cold the sum of $200,000, which the be necessary. lowest was Denver, suffering from severe as.;bmtleg exlgt ln ftg triDUtary territory, . BERGER'S PAPER BARRED TO MAIL I J last night 49, in sociation has in its emergency reserve RATE3 and 6 o'clock contracted while holding court j 8ddltIon t0 agricultural areas, there the temperature at ' ' ' and this 50. '"""are deposits of coal, copper other 3. morning registered bonds, as was done in of tne remain indefinitely, and he will be Milwaukee, .Wis., Oct. 3. The Mil- Washington, Oct. Postmaster The Fe and ' con- forecast for Santa, GRAIN 8TORAGE RULING case of the first issue. In addition, tL Joined here shortly by C. A. Richard-wa- s waukee 'Leader, of the Socialist General Burleson has assured Fair weather and lt!a"d ILX organ before new vicinity: tonight 3. unanimously . resolved that. the toll, on of San Diego, who has acted as gress that, the increased Washington, Oct. The depart ...... Rill ffiTTi hr n v rnTRiinr ' party ln this city, today was denied Thursday. ment of announced executive orncers oe autnonzea to en. , , bis auditor ln all business second class mall rates in the war tax For New Mexico: Fair agriculture today " T'' ,nd ,a enterprises privilege of the United States mails. bill .become effective next he will tonight that the thirty-da- lim- July, and not In grain storage The It is is based on a sec- use his influence to have the entire Thursday, much change itation will not apply to seed grain. oí; sss.K.sysrs: isriTfl's order, said, fair. payment plan, the association to carry .Promising Indications of oil have been C,mT Vhardwnesswas' tion of Victor subject by the senate and temperature; Friday probably Lots may be for seed purposes srses y the espionage act. U kept - house committees and a new until the end of the next seeding sea- the bonds and deferred payments tin- found within the Toltec lands. ln New with El is editor and chief owner of postal formerly Mexico, the Berger probably modified system and board son. til fully paid, for by employes. Col.l",Collier la now in Santa Fe to paso & Southwestern railroad. the publication. as substitute. ""i

WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN New Mexico Rises unable to dance, and are obliged to en-Jo- y Visit to French Submarine MESOKSN Boy tha big parties from the side line. CANTA FE NEW H TED inthe Solar By Gertrude Lynch PuYiaaed Every Thoreday Br Ta U. S.Army A (S ' jlapidlyiri JÜDGINO from tha Way In which they Special Correspondent of- the nigtlantes NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COM PANT. ., (BI Paso i li v Times) continue to be broken, diplomatic rela- In retired of N M. Dona county Paria, a part the busy bar Charaberino, Ana tions must be very icárea In Europa at BKOriSON M. CUTTWO...-..,...... PTi- dB can boast of one who made In the TO FLIV. - bor of Calais, I visited a French submarine boy good OWÉP THE present. El Paso Times. B. DANA JC2rKS0N..-..,..- .. Managing Editor United States army. Chamberlain and La which was waiting there for orders. Shut HENRY H. DORMAN i. Treasurer Mesa claims the honor of sending Wynand The Ford la my car; Into that Iron box with only the open disc M. General I not THE HELL FAMILY RALPH HEWBERBON...... Manager Eugene VJlJoen to augment Uncle Sam hall want another; of the well and a round of blue above to It makath ma Ha tn show our with world-- Hf turn- army and do big things tor' the United to down wat piscos; The Dam family of world-wid- e fame connection the Kutered as Second CIum Kat tar at the Santa Fa Postoffloa. It solleth to was show- States. my soul; fair ta losa Its renown by discovery of ed the young Lieutenant who was It leadeth me Into of ridicule for ing me about, and asked the question that UBBCRirriON PRICK, ONI DOLLAR PER YEAR. Eugene, as he Is generally called, paths bida to lose Ita renown by discovery of i Ita . into bora In the Transvaal. South Africa. He name's sake; built by the United States Stsel corpora rprang my ;nind. B. J. It breakdown for ma In the i í What la do followed his father, the late General prepareth atlon. ': j ; ti4 first thing you when a of presence of mina enemies. .'!, submarine is struck?" 1 wanted Viljoen,' here in 1909, then only a boy Members of tha Hell family are not to Know, Yea, I run the I ADVERTISING rates: 16, and located at La Mesa. There he spent though through valleys, averse to using their nam In a busi- Very quietly ..he answered me. several that with ' am towed up the WW; ' " "Thera Is to do if it struck In tnek. Singla Column, par maartiua Slo years farming. Feeling ness way. The Head of the family, Con nothing Diaplay, per a school education he was I fesr groat evil whan It la with ma; a vital spot. It is all over.-- ' Notices, per Una, par Isaertlo. 10a only grammar rao" Hell, an lea crean manufacturar; Reading ,...... , for Une of business Its rods and ita discomfort ma; The work of the French submarines Legal Notices, par Una, par lasártica .. ta poorly equipped any engines has algna reading: "Go to Hell for lea Is, o... 1 he studied at night, taking up telegraphy It snnointoth my face with oil; generally speaking, defonslve rather than ClawlOad word, par insertion , ' cream'' scattered throughout tha city. Aars, par as 1913 his father Ita tank runneth over. offensive. is and wireless a hobby. In Another sign reads, 'lea cream from TJieir work aa important part to Roswell Mil- to If this follow of this taiTol worn of got him an appointment the 8urely goodness, thing Hell guaranteed pure and cooling.' Still gretc andpollc9 the no me all the of Chañar t! c which itary Institute, but Eugene had particu day my life, another bears the Inscription: "Have i, vigilance mayci possi- I shall dwell In Of lar desire to become a soldier then. Fear the housa tha Insana to Hell? It Is coolest ble passage for the troops mid supplies of 1 den a cleanly and more cheerful appearance ' you been the place Us ing to faoe his fathei and openly reject foreverl f the Allies. have the advantage oí be- Let Remember during the winter. ' In Fairwall. Thry' this splendid opportunity he left home.' Roswell Record. s ing near a friendly Coast where an (Contributed by Cleveland Moffett to the It is that la most Aa a stranjer-enUr- Main street he they after frost cleaning He worked about Silver at odd lobs If it is needed. National 8ecurlty League's campaign of Pa needed in the When annual City la Startled by a big board' reading: get help garden. plants for a year when he received a letter from WHY KNOCK? The French submarines are named after triotism Through Education.) have been those that may harbor "Hell la here; don't miss the place-- " , nipped his who had heard where he the Germi- Let us remember in a or two should be cut down stepmother, ' A Block further down the street this Revolutionary mouths, Pluvios, that year disease or insect pests to come He bad Yesterday we saw a bright lady knit- etc. soft-leave- was, begging him home. nal, Florlal, They differ from our sub- the white souls of a million dead soldiers, or up and burned, If the d a soldier. cost sign is encountered: "You will find; dug saved up a few dollars, however, and was ting washrag for a Tha marines in some details, I understand. To American lads, our dear sons, will be speak. plants, which will rot easily, are free from of this when completed will be everybody there on a hot day. Halt Is determined to take a course in . wireless washrag investigate, I clambered down the compan-ionwa- y Ing to us from their graves, on the battle- disease and insects they may be turned un- about as follows: always open." over telegraphy. His father attempted to per and reached a slippery deck where fields of Europe, asking what WE did der1 advantageously at this time. It is not Mental anguish while to knit, The big sign, which, however, attracts suade him to some better trade, learning there were two , to be filled to behind what WE did to un- try paying la In front of Hell's tanks, ready here stand them, well, however, the experts say, tura to no went to Vat $100; material, 15 cents; time, $3. Total, so much attention, with water cause of world avail. Eugene eventually of business. It a when the boat plunges. While over here for the liberty. der tree leaves, especially such tough leaves $103.15. ..',.-- plaoe represente young Is 7 paraíso, indiana, and worked his way it possible for the boat to sink with a Was it merely a matter of talking Was as those from oaks. These make valuable non-ski- couple eatingvice oream and the young the Dodge School of Good, Al, flat deck It goes down a It a of checks and through Telegraphy. to her escort, "Hell for mine usually at slight merely matter signing compost when rotted, but usually require After 18 months of hard washrags can be bought In the store for lady aays five This one Of cold business eff- study Euene grad New York Herald. angle, degrees. carried two folding bandages? two for propel1 decomposition. They first-clas- nickel always." years uated and received a s government a apiece. torpedoes at each side, two behind, one in iciency? Is that all? Did we face no PER should be collected and placed in a compost . thou art a Jewel! certificate. Efficiency, ' y front. Fore I found a portfolio kitchen SONAL danger? Did we suffer no PER' or maintained in a convenient loca- KEREN8KY . pile pit There was a demand for on the Much Ado About Nothing. which looked like a flat-iro- with, 60NAL Inconvenience? In what way did operators Kerensky has taken a wife. big tion. west coast at the time he started out with elongated edges rising to a of two we WITH OUR OWN BODIES get T fill a void spot In his life. height actually five other operators for San Francisco, n GETTING BACK. and a half or three feet. These fold over Into the trenches of sedition HERE7 Into Considering what where he was given a berth on the Steam i when the kitchen is not in use, and If the foul and of festive who's bis Other troubles he's got the slimy labyrinths treachery Consolation V ship "Queen" as second operator. He had The gent, always spent submarine plunges while food is and disunion that are and bur- One smart He must be a glutton for strife. ;' being pre- spreading made three trips to Nome, Alaska, when midnight kale in cafes, pared the water puts the fires out HERE Into the heart of this nation? a man Has been set back. his Roy K, Moulton. rowing Not long ago, says an exchange, he became entangled in a strike, and find He's changed Is what the wmte souia or a minion 73. man to and sail In divers V V 9 That died at the age of This began ing that San Francisco was not safe for tack trimmed his our will be us In BRIGHT FUTURE IN A DARK ROOM? American lads, sons, asking keep an accurate account of his expenditures him, caught a freight for Los Angeles. He ways. a or from n the bat- showed The to moved be (New York Times.) (: year two, their graves at the age of 8. This record that kept going, however, and came home. price sup has been up What Red Cross Does And we must answer 10,-43- 3 WANTED dark room tlefields of Europe. during these 65 years he had spent $ His father and many of his friends at yond the common piker's means, Photographer; God! Let us answer mouth and And he some hash-hous- man; future for good man; $15 For Frencji Little Ones them. worthily. just to suck smoke into his tempted to persuade him to go into the must hie to nearby bright blow it out again. No wonder that near army, but he had the universal Idea that for pork and to start V Oct. 2. ac- the close of his life he wrote, " I have tried he would at a month for .beans. Washington, What Is being The 'stay $15 all time, is Fighting'Navy all things, I have seen many, I have accom- as he had no and would never The luscious roast arid quail on toast CONSIDERING aviation, it literally complished by the American Red Cross for "pull"' gel to tho children of France Is Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the plished nothing." even with his efforts. have got to be such swell affairs correct to say that many fly their indicated in the anywhere, best cable under Roosevelt, discusses Well, he had a good time ror about Etj In EI Account of war that they are for none country's defense. following Just received from Major navy' President One day, July, 1915, while in Paso, M.-- munition millionaires. - m m Grayson, Murphy Red Cross Commis- the fighting functions of the United States years, anyhow. be was attracted by a slgn,-"Sign- corps men but ' YOU COULD i call him sioner to France. navy In an article he has written for Sea urgently needed." He stepped In and was A dollar bill Is very still. It makes no hardly Decellette "The medical work for children which Power, the official organ of the Navy told that the army was short of signal men noise, nor does a five. the senator LaFollette , American Red Cross has Toul League. Mr. Bonaparte says In part: Trie Tourists' Mecca Land that be could enlist at Fort Bliss. He You've got to spring the twenty thing Thla guy undertaken at . For time had its formal in of "No man Is a friend to the nav, or, at took a car out to the fort, found the cap to make a waiter look alive. every you opening the presence Hear his holler the of the two Gener- all events, a safe, wise or useful friend, Mr. Wadlelgh of the Denver & Rio Grande tain, to whom he had been directed, and If prices keep on growing steep and perfect Department, You know he weara the als of the French Army, the Senator of who tries to make It forget that It Is, first says there were close to 300 automobiles was soon signed up. even toothpicks means expense, the We'll to Kaiser's collar. Department and several American doctors last, and all the time, a fighting machine; parked lat Taos during the San Gerónimo first-clas-s have go right back, you know, Eugene reported for duty as and nurses. The French and American that its true business Is not to spread en- festivities. There were sight-seer- s from ev- with a will and a desire to make to honest food and common sense. flags private, JUST NOW, it be added the were raised In front of the new brick bar- lightenment or to promote international erywhere, including Cincinnati, Boston and He soon earned the distinction of Roy l Moulton. might good. senator seems to In the racks given by the French government for lty or to edify by the virtuous and decorous Punxsutawney; and the audience from afar one of the in his com likely get it being best operators ' the children's refuge. The demeanor of its personnel, but to crush and was larger than at any previous time in six weeks was of neck, perfect warmly pany, and just later one, HOW A GIRL SEES IT thanked the American Red Cross for Us destroy its country's enemies; If It does that Taos. three selected to go to Douglas, Ariz., to put Fe GERMAN reported to have beenahof help with the children. . and does it thoroughly, its shortcomings in The number of tourists visiting Santa up and operate a station there. Thlt from "a interesting sollliquy In ear in a recent drum-fire- . "The new staff, consisting of several other may be dealt with leniently; and vicinity this year has Woken all rec went into at home" was in the spe respects When General Pershing Mexico, girl first published tha clalist in children's diseases and fifteen if it cannot or will not do that, then all the ordsIn a year of war and high cost of went There he did such ex Bulletin: Eugene along. Sydney, Australia, nurses and aides, are at work under the di- treasures lavished upon it is far worse than living, when it was supposed the idle rich cellent Mexican messages IF" work, tapping THE president of Argentina gets rection of Dr. Sedwick, Professor of Pedia- -' wanted. What has Just been said, must not would stay at home and live on beans. It on I not out ' that he was, several occasions, person have done so badly of thla too brash the Argents may find a way tries in the of A be desirable is, moreover, a high class of University Minnesota, misconstrued, it is eminently particularly ally complimented by General Pershing. war. to break with Germany in spite of him. large district back of the lines at our sailors and no less than artists and people, men that point that officers, tourists; literary Shortly after the expedition was withdrawn Jack left me a separation allowance has been forced to remove all children to Bhould be and healthful, so-- 1 and women, who are known in the world cor- the men, happy from Mexico, Eugene got his stripes as and perhaps we will be married when he was 111 of hun- worth-whil- e THE POLICE department the places greater safety, and several ber and of good morals. Experience has of affairs, visitors. and was in of the tower at comes poral put charge home; other morning and could not be dis- dred children at Pompey and Fouard, tho shown doubt or that if they Santa Fe has merely begun to capitalize Bliss.-- his was And Bill ma beyond dispute Fort During July company lent his car before he left. turbed because of mere $20 bur- towns nearby .which are under almost con- will be all the more and all her tourist attractions. This year's re- to he did just are, they willing ordered Monterey, Cal., where Poor Bill has been missing a yeaa We must not be Inconsiderate of stant bomb attack, have been examined and to work markable is merely an index of wás I glary. tire better able do their particular Bhowing such good work that he promoted to do not expect he will ever want It are removed from their in caves I near Meanwhile our police force. being refuge and do it well. But, after all, the one thing what may be in the future. first sergeant and instructor. back to the Asile as I at Toul quickly as possible. Different" ia the I needful, the one thing for which all other "Keep Santa Fe slogan Eugene is a model soldier, always neat, So try to do my bit, taking wounded "The work of the in which means and for this THIS COLYUM" wanted to get in on infirmary established by creditable characteristics in them, are growth prosperity always correct, has a way about him that officers out for drives, the American Red Cross has been but as means to the great! and environs. We cannot realize too attracts one and was In the members' match of the Rifle Club, greatly the last resort, ' city naturally "popular Which makes a little for all the Hos-plt- ' up well-know- cow-owne- augumented by the gift of a Children's one of them the fact that this is a rival bis but a declaring end, is that each and every keenly city company. dances that never happen now. from an American Committee. This first-clas- - not the loss of Fuzzy-Wuzz- s of American travel- he could afford stock, should . be like a among the members the Early in September he was recommended uniform was not My very becoming, so that we were hospital of eighty bods is already being public of and and that it has for a commission as second I protested vigorously fightin' man.'" lng Egypt Italy lieutenant So took up spinning w should all equipped, and will become tbe center of the which can be found nowhere else In All this In two seems of ruled out . things years worthy try to help win this war. American Red Cross welfare work for the the world mention. Thousands of boys go Into the I have some sweet awfully souvenirs WE MIGHT condone the of entire Department at Meurthe et Moselle, Take Longer Steps! army and stay where are, because . burglary x they they a powder bowl made out of a shell. a work endorsed The average step is twenty-si- inches. chocolate but no words can heartily by the Perfect of believe they must have a "pull" and a col- And Ted sent me a fez ho took from three cakes, This means 2,447 to the mile, 12, describe of a man who the Department. s steps tr Go Kill lege education to earn a commission from dead our opinion 185 in a five mile A When They to a Turk. "The need of such work is overwhelming, day. person weighing ranks. , ; would deliberately eat them. the and the American 'Rod Cross Is 160 pounds in a day has pounded into his ''Americans who live quiet, peaceful lives brother. volun- directing Eugene's younger Silvan, NOW IF the Kaiser knew as from this center at Toul an educational cam- shoes 974 tons and 1,600 pounds, of meat, must sometimes wonder how men feel who teered with the South African forces and only THE GERMAN censor is asleep at the bone and and he carries above on In much of the true Innards of this war about paign on Child Hygiene and Preventive troubles, this are called to kill their fellow beings has been fighting In" France for the past switch, to let that story get by of a situation as Colonel House . Measures that is reaching all the . his shoes. Men buy three pairs shoes time of war. Are they filled with a spirit Last Silvan was dan- riots at the Krupp plant. villiages year. reports stated and big refuge for children Nan- year. A steel hammer weighing 160 pounds of hate that makes them go about their ' ' asylums at gerously wounded. YOU cy and and coming down at that rate for four months dreadful task without experiencing a sense CAN now talk from Sayville, L. THE POLITICAL campaign must be Pompey other neighboring to 33 towns." i V ,. would have to be renewed each day and j of pity or regret? Or do they sternly shur. I., Hawaii via wireless in minutes. opening. The stalwart Democratic ed- would have to be fished out of Uio deepest out the softer emotions and aim their guns American Highways And soon it will be possible to talk itor of the Roswell News has begun around hole in the earth a the end of tour months, or drop their bombs without considering the 1 tho earth to yourself at Sayville eulogizing the Republican old guard The Unendurable Ann Natinna Dffinst In an Forties effect on their victims? Are they transform- hour. again. Left-Hande- moment or do d ed for the Into savages, they (New York Sun.) The Stuff (Johnstown Tribune) cucumber-ovltch- . feel nothing? KERENSKY is cool as a Time was The most dangerous stuff published in Relief for the overtaxed railroads Is in when the middle forties seemed The subject, tne Indianapolis Star, , an admirable One papers whose loyalty is open to suspicion says the highways. Over the improved roads o: A State of Preparedness age. was old enough to is not one about which soldiers like to talk, the Btate there are have learned a little of is that which with a pretense of fair play passing ever day trucks IN THE an contentment, young but once In a while a is . of usual effort to popularize seeks to exonerate U. S. senators glimpse given carrying heavy loads which cannot wait on '(Washington Post.) enough to undertake new things. It was an disloyal their attitude In to the act toward invasion the Germans have hanged or men from the condemn- regard delayed railroad transportation. The "pri "This is no time to talk peace," declafed age to take up golf seriously without giving other prominent which all their leads. A United something like 150 Russians at Riga ation are so jUBtly from the training ority" regulations limit the railroads to cer Representative Thomas Heflin of Alabama. up tennis. It was an ago to read Dickens, they receiving States naval commander of a des- They ought to discover before long that ' crocodile tears over the wide- officer, tain classifications of government "Rather it is the time to keep on prepar even to undertake Trollope, and still to public; ia a freight, Darkost Russia is full of sunshine along- strike or troyer, quoted by foreign correspondent remiirementfl halne fnvnreri ahnvA All oth. ing,- Germany dragged us into this war watch the outcomtng magazines. spread troubles, thinly disguised as "At first I dreaded a side of Prussia. attacks on the food administration saying:. sending ers. The highways are a consider Prightest against our will and now that we art In It Now It's a sad age; too old to be of real open with its crew to the bottom of the proving and other war matter cal- able factor in the scheme of national de we have to go through It. We can win UBe, too old even to be wanted, but young organizations; sea, but now Td as soon 'kill' a FLOATING A Liberty Loan or a bat- culated to show the fea- Just fense. They are also one of the neglected this war In a year, beyond doubt, but we enough to feol the pull. The govornment alleged unpleasant as to drown a rat. I've seen the brute at tleship is all the same to your Uncle tures of life In the training camps and so Items of "preparedness." have got to keep going. The United States doesn't ask you, or if it does It rejects yon. work." This is probably a common sentt-men-t Sam. on ad infinitum. The idea, as Announcement is made that Highway is In pretty good shape now and there la Blessed and burdened with a wife and hyphenate among those who have visible evidence in seditious and near seditious Commissioner O'Neil will give Immediate at no reason why we should talk peace. family, the man of the middle forties can't exemplified 0 the cruelty and of the German IMPOSSIBLE to send consider- publications from Viereck's up, is to create brutality tention to the trans-stat- e roads, to the end any "There was an old fellow down in north even ask to dd the things he dreams of do- methods. War at best Is cruel, but even to-- j able American to in the minds of the people Gislrust of .the that every foot of these highways will be army Europe, Bays ern Alabama and out in the mountains; he ing. Single, he learns of a blood pressure ward combatants there is usually a sense of Von TIrpitz. If the Herr Admiral wiil he never ever efficiency of the whole war organization, to in shape for the demands to be made of kept his in the hole of a log. He would knew he had. Too old to common humanity ; even while they slay send James over in an will jug arouse forebodings of failure, to "knock" them. Existing conditions reveal the great aeroplane be go down at sundown to take a swig of moun- march with the parade, too young to stand each do so without Individual fair-size- d all veneer of other, they committed in to construct and discover that there is already a contentedly on the sidewalk and he every step taken, under the Is folly falling tain dew mountain dew that had never watch, ' ' auimosity, and sympathy for the victims aggregation of Sammies in the "constructive criticism." . maintain highways which may be traveled been humiliated a, revenue officer noi" lags along, hopeful that he will be let carry the rule. of by A good many warnings have been utterea every day in the year. The development of general vicinity the place where the insulted a stamp. He drank the water, and ashamed to be seen doing it. But the' long list of deeds by show is off. ' ' by green The time is not far distant when the dis perpetrated motor has been foreseen for big coming concoction that came fresh from the Days like these one should bo 20 and well the Germans that are without the pale of transportation liquid loyal will wish they had heedod the plain the past ten years, and has reached a stage heart of the corn, and he glowed. Ono even- in it or 70 and certainly out of It. . humanity could hardly fail to harden the FAREWELL TO MORN IN'S MORNIN' manifestations of the of the Ameri- ' which exceeds In the expecta- ; trickle temper softest hearts among their opponents. The practicability ing while letting the good liquor can And the " sedition tions of those who forwarded the business. down his he looked down and saw people. persecution of the Belgians, the dropping of Farewell to "mornln's mornin"' and to throat, The Land of Romance Motor but ' fools no one. trucks have been developed, "night-cape,- " a rattlesnake colled to ', bombs upon innocent children, the cruelties too, farewell; big ready strike, (Christian Science Monitor) our roads have not kept pace. It Is pointed old fellow took another of the indicted on prisoners, the needless destruc- Farewell to days of frolic and to nights "The swig In Missouri, now and then, people deal out that the concentration camps have : ' In the tion of and devastation of the coun- great of raisin 'el; ,' " com juice and defiance he Bwept with romance freedom Fall Garden Cleaning property been located without to condi- with that from the try, all of a regard the The stubbles in, the rye and it's snake with his eyes. ' Garden the is speak savagery that destroys di- patch conventional which still makes tho central cleaning in fall as important tion of the highways leading in their still never human for them when are around the still, Strike, darn ye, strike; you will west a of for open-minde- in its way, point out officials of the depart- sympathy they rection. Vast sums of must be land surprises the themselves the sufferers. money spent And the glas clink is mournful as find me better prepared.' ment of as housecleauing in In to For instance, tho Rockport Mail, adopts agriculture, order construct roads into thoj V whip-o-wll- l; leading the wallin' ;v the I feel about the present this method of an the spring, whether flowers or camps from railroadB. The government is "That's way making The colonel's up agin It and his spirit . social announcement: make up the garden ilat. Tlie achievement Would Do Own compelled to do work which should have situation." .' sinks because i , '. ; . Í Choosing ' ' went to the Maryvilie of garden cleanliness at this season will do been done years ago. " They Fair, The sinkin' down pf will soon be ' . much toward healthiness and thrift-Inos- s From are spirit FROZEN RICE PUDDING The Preacher and license were there, insuring (Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin.) every angle of view good roads , agin the law '". i i Mr. Cox was the ; j of plants during the next growing sea- King Alexander of Greece objects to the demanded, Local business Interests, the This is a Bimplo' dish, quickly and eas preacher, He'll still dream of hid toddy, but he'll SI and Alice the son. The foliage and branches of plants planning of his "elder states- necessity of trans- To 1 of milk, add 1 feature, marriage by rapid, wake up With a shock ily prepared. quart But their friends which have been attacked by disease or bad- men" and insists on his to select his between the farm and and of rice which has been boiled in they treated unfair. right portation the city When the frost Is on the highball and cup milk, ly infested by Insect should be cleaned own bride. It Is his choice is not town, demands good roads. federal gov- 1 of cinnamon and 1 of pests said that The the is lr? hock. , stick pint whipped well and burned. julep up especially a foreign princess, but a young Greek ernment is hampered in its work of rais- Grantland Rice.. cream: Add enough sugar to sweeten, then If it Is possible or desirable to clean away woman, the daughter of a court official of ing and maintaining armies because of lack freeso. A good sauce for this may be made How Did HeFindOut from some of plants portions the garden high character. The king has had an illus of good roads. More and more It is being ONE NAME FOR A SURGEON by boiling together, for 20 minutes, i cups .(Detroit Free PreBs.) before fi'ost, such areas may well be Bown tration near at hand of consequences not understood that permanently constructed of sugar and 1 cup of cream. Add to this What some of the women folks can't un- to rye as a cover crop, the growth to be benoflclal to his country resulting from a highways, maintained scientifically and ef- (Deming Headlight.) I tablespoon of melted butter, with which derstand is how Mr. Hoover, who has spent - turned uncjer early in the spring. Incident-- j marriage with a foreign princess. The "el- - ficiently, are a- prime adjunct to modern Lieut. Col. J. M. Coffin, division sur"-geo-n a halt tablespoon of flour has been creamed; so much of his time traveling, knows so ally, also, the officials suggest, the patches dei' statesmen'" would do well to withdraw life, social, industrial, commercial and ,and Capt. C. M. Murphy, trauspor-tio- n add lemon JUfce or any fruit Juice perhaps much about what ought to be done In the of green will give the otherwise bare gar- their objections to his having his ownway. quarter master of Camp Cody, are halt a cup as desired, and serve hot. kitchen. r


JACOB WELTMER OLD ' L.' RED CROSS NAVAL AUXILIARY Santa Fe Notorious For L IS RESIDENT AND PIONEER NEW TYPE LOCAL ORGANIZATION i OF NEW MEXICO AS GRAND MASTER OF , AUTHORIZED BY U. S. WAR COUNCIL Lifting Gambling and OEAU MERCHANT IS ; RECRUITING AGENTS' THE ODD FELLOWS Announcement Is made ot a plan for hers of committees shall be' members Saloon Court tfhe of the. American National Red. Cross Lid, Says establishing Naval Auxiliaries of FOR ARMY OWE OF BEST KNOWN ANO American Had In connection tad pt the chapter or branch within Crosd BIGJOD L. E. HAYES GRAND MASTER; C. with focar branches and Mrs. whose jurisdiction the Auxiliary is L.Y chapters. located. ' ' ' L. DOT8EN OF SILVER CITY, ESTEEMCO CITIZENS E. T. has been appointed Judge Holloman in Instructions to Grand Vig-- Stotesbury Auxiliar? be affiliated - Jury GRAND ALBU- MORN-1N- 'The may A : ... D..L1- t PATRIARCH; PASSES AWAY chairman of ths Division of Naval lu-uusi- -- -- m n SUNDAY with the branch to which It is tribu- l.. i i state Public, school obgani-zatio- QUERQUE MEETING. CL08E8 Auxiliaries, and an advisory commit- Micuji3i al:jiDspiute ruoiic nuisance; AT APVANCED FU- tary, or may be praced direotly under AGEj tee of women wilt be named by the District Attorney, Sheriff and to to carry campaign (By Leased Wire to New ot the to taie Jurisdiction of the chapter. Deputy Ready Mexican.)' NERAL TOMORROW, secretary navy Relations With Local Do home Albuquerque, K. M., ' Oct. 2. Ths) with her. , Body Duty. into every for food ' What ' Reí Cross chapters and New Mexico grand lodge of the inde The action of the war council in ere administration Order of Odd elect branches shall do for Naval Auxilia Definite Instructions foe the investigation of complaints of nubile nam- - pendent Fellows, Cross ' Jacob business ating this new division ot Red ries: In ed the following Officers hers today: Weltmer, pioneer t'tie bling 8anta Fe, and of violations of law by saloons, were given the grand man one most activities is In compliance with A. transmit to them information Grand master, h. B. Hayes, Carls- of Santa iFe, and of the lot- - ury in ths district court by Judge Reed Holloman this morning. wishes of Secretary Daniels, in a end instructions received from the While ever civic and patriotic and bad; deputy grand master, E. O. widely known residents of tb.ii capital, chairman of "The reputation of 8anta .Fs In this respect (professional fiubllo tum war" in New T r ...... 1. 4 . .. . , . v . ter to Henry P. Davson, central committee through the divis- organization Mexico is mauunii, AjiuBia, Krauu waruen, u. A. died at bis borne on Grant avenue at declar- bling) is notorious," he told the Jurors, "and you can hsar It all over ths uenina tne 10 110,000 ths war eounoll, the secretary ion offices. ' i nig anve Sign up Doty, Roswell; grand treasurer, J. R, 1:50 Sunday morning. He was nearly ed of the Ked state, and from outside ths state, that games are being conducted soma lamines in tne state for the National that ths B. Keep them supplied with liter hers, wmtesides, Albuquerque. 76 years of age. CroBB with the is desired, es- In connection with saloons, and possibly: they are not in connection Food Service army, It is ths boys and on tha Odd Fellows navy ature, blank forms, and other equlfl-mn- t with, Repesentatlves 'MV. Weltmer had been in falling pecially in view of President Wilson's saloons. Those things ara a violation of ths law, one of ths worst forms, and girls of New Mexico's splendid pub- home board, V. L. Mlnter, Carlsbad, and In necessary for their work. lio schools who are into health since last spring, June expressed wish that alt American re. V. constitute an absoluta publie nuisance." going tha (five years), and John C. Spears, Gal- In Assist them in obtaining raw trenches for Hoover and conservation. went to Mineral Wells, Tex., the lief agencies be centralised under the Judgs Holloman then stated to the Jury that It possibly could assist ths lup, (three years). of benefit. He return- materials for supplies. Tens of thousands of these and hope securing neo uross, imim nrmtnm district attorney by him evidence; that ha believed boys The Grand Encampment elected tha ceoretary uanieis D EatftblUh a uniform of furnishing the district girls, during the week beginning Oc- ed here but little Improved, and about follows; attorney, would take tha following officers r five weeks his condition became accounting and records. steps neceesary ta stop aambllna. and that ths tober 21, are to canvass the homes in ago sheriff and; his had Informed Grand Chas. L. serious. He was confined to bis bed From the Secretary of the Navy E. Centralize the assembling and deputy him of their willingness to do their part. every county, city, town and school patriarch, Dotsen, "Dear Davison: ; "or ns "If offioors to Silver City; grand high W. J. constantly during the five weeks, and Mr, shipping of supplies. course," said, public don't do their duty, there Is a district get the Food Service Pledge priest, be-- Ho wells, Raton; senior "For some months a number F. Give them full credit for work statute by which they will removed from office." . carus signed up. in the school sys- grand warden, for some time before his death prac large Will C. no of his was of patriotic women of the country, an accomplished when reporting .to the When, a saloon violates the law tem the food administration finds a Wtolf, .Roswell; grand junior tically hope recovery tlon such warden, W. E. Bo wen, entertained. Brigtit's disease, com' (mated by a desire to add to the com' central committee. Judge Holloman asserted, it becomes a proceedings against places splendid, willing and patriotic agency Hagerman; and in Inhere such a nuisance exists. You can ready to dq the and believes grand scribe, C. A. Doty, Roswell; plicated with heart was re' fort of the fine body of youths who '"An advisory committee of women publio nuisance, such Instance work, it 'leakage, an indictment can and should re-- assist the district in can tie don thus more grand John C. Gal- oponsible for Mr. Weltmer's death. have unlisted in the navy, have been particularly interested in naval af be possimy attorney efficiently than treasurer, Spears, turned, or the district should ascertaining what these conditions are Dy a new grand C. Burt Funeral services, conducted by Revi sending useful of their own fairs, nominated by you, would no attorney special organization. lup;' representative, gifts enjoin the place from operating. and to furnish him the evidence, and I For several days before the beeln- - Smith, Artesia. (Leónidas W. Smith, of the Church oí make. Some of these good women doubt be helpful, and would be wel nave no come to us. Judge Holloman's instructions to the doubt when that evidence is ning of the big drive each teacher will the Holy Faith, will be held at the have done this work through the Red In furnished, the district will tell ana advise if this method of grand Jury, full, follows attorney her pupils the story of France home tomorrow morning at 10:30, Cross' and ethers through different or- "Kindly take such steps as are necessary to see ann the vital need of the the interment will be in the National procedure would, in a manner satis The Oath. Belgium, peo ganizations. It has been suggested "The duties of the that that business la stopped. It is ple of these countries and their sol- Much Air. Wfeltaier having been a factory to you, meet the situation you grand jury ara also Activity in cemetery, that it would be wise if the Red Cross, wen set out in tne oath which the duty of the sheriff to break diers of the staples which Ameri veteran of tihe Civil war. Services at have in mind. It Is needless for me pretty kind I the only national relief organization you have taken will dilll up that of business, and am alone can supply, and the pa- District will be in of Carle- - to tihe Cross wishes that you pressing Mogollón the grave charge having official recognition, be asked repeat, that Red Inquire into and true informed by the sheriff and his deputy triotic duty of every American to helo G. A. be con to gently present ton Post, a., and will to extend its of useful render any service within its power ment make of all offenses that they are willing at this time to save wheat and meat and for Mogollón, N. iM., Oct. 2. The Gold John R. large sphere public sugar the ducted by Judge McFie, for ness over the di- desired by the repartment of the against the people of this state com- undertake this matter. It is their allies who are between this Eagle group has resumed operations of Santa Fe and now by taking entirely to do standing merly of Gallup. rection of this laudable work of send navy. mitted or tried within this county of duty It, and, of course, if pulbic country and Prussian autocracy. Mes- and arrangements are' being made to 35 years of business life in "Yours officers dont do their there is a Through ing tokens of good will from willing very truly, wnicn you shall have or may obtain duty, sages from Hoover and from the state commence milling pre in the near fu Santa Fe, Mr. weltmer enjoyed the re "H. P. DAVISON, legal evidence. You no statute by which they will be removed administrator to - workers to the men In tibe navy, by shall present the boys and girls ture. Air connections have been made and confidence of the entire 111- from office, but there Is no of spect a Naval of the Red "Chairman, Red Cross War Council." person through malice, hatred or danger win d read Dy the teachers to flre with upper workings and and built a most en creating Auxiliary nor that existing in this county. the development community, up Cross. win, have any not presented boys and girls with enthusiasm of the lower tunnel Is under way. viable for conscientious ravor or Also, in to the con- and a 'tha reputation mrougn tear, affection or for inquire regard knowledge of importance Tha recent on 300-fo- "I am sure the country fully ap ditions of saloons. Under of strike the and substantial citizenship, and pro any reward or promise of reward or the laws of the campaign. Durine ramnnien level of the Johnson mine is in civic The proves the statement of the in- the state at this is to week proving gresslveness affairs. president, BE nope of reward; that in all your time, it legal the pupils will be dismissed ev- to be even better than news of bis death has caused pro that 'recent experience has made it 250 CASES TO dictments or shall sell intoxicating liquors to be drank ery afternoon 3 first appeared. presentments you at o'clock and give Tlhe Socorro & com- found sorrow his host of more clear than ever a of present the the whole as a the law Is tne two nours 3 5 Mining Milling among multiplicity truth, truth and beverage, providing from to to the work. own friends in Santa Fe and elsewhere In relief agencies tends to bring about nothing but the truth. complied with, but the very moment In the larger towns the band will pany and operate this property' CONSIDERED BY man play and are to increase ore V the state. confusion, duplication, delay and U.S. "Now there Is one thina I want to that a engaged in this kind of and public demonstrations will be held arranging business shipments to their central Jacob Weltmer was born at Pal- waste'. In every European country Inform you about and that is that you begins violating the law, the as tne pupils go from house to house. milling becomes a plant, i . , N. Y., November 26, 1841, and volunteer aid has bean rendered 'un are not under obligation to any place public nuisance, in Daily they will report to their teach- myra, - GRAND DOUBLE person can and week had be lived until the 26th of next der a well organized central body.' JURY, on account of being called to sit as a dictments should be returned ers; the teachers will report to the During the the Mogollón or the district should Mines have a month would have completed his seven- The Red Cross Is the body to which grand Juror. In some places grand attorney enjoin principals, the principals to the coun- company opened np the plaee from of mill ore in ty-sixth received edu- ttie whole jurors and pettlt JurorB are to operating. ty and city superintendents and the large tonnage good the year. He his country looks.To its ap ANY PREVIOUS NUMBER given wow a room been furnished schools of Pal- to understand by persons that you hap- has you latter to the food administrator at Ipper workings that had been over- cation in the public peals the people are ready respond for deliberations have al the business of as President Wil pened to be called through their in- your and I santa t e. looked by former operators. myra and in college generously because, ready fixed the time that you shall be N. Y and at the out- son said: 'With its cath fluence, that they have been work- Meanwhile every nubile organization The Oaks company are now break- Poughkeepsie, recently ing to a for Now I in session and you will retire at once will ore break of the Civil war he enlisted and its the Red get job you. don't ana help; thefood administration ing and shipping from each of ths oliclty democracy BIG BATCH OF LIQUOR AND SOME presume that one of have been enter upon your duties." the Council of in in the Thirty-sixt- h in- to embrace all any you agents, State Defense, properties their central group, Pennsylvania Cross is broad enough "SLACKER" CASES; DISLOYALTY told such a nerson.i Personnel of Grand Jury tne Later he became quartermaster-serg- any thing by any woman's Auxiliary, the W. C. T. namely, iMaud 8, Deep Down, Eberls fantry. efforts for the relief of our soldiers CHARGES TO BE 8IFTED. but I want to Capt. obert V. Boyle is the fore U., Forty-fourt- h you understand that no the Woman's and iClifton eant of the Wis- and the care of their families, man o the tlhe Federation, tha State mines. (Miners are being sailors, person has had anything whatever to grand jury in district Federation of or-- consin infantry, and in boBh regiments ot other Labor, the fraternal added as fast as possible. and for the assistance any do with your being members of the court, which opened its session this aers ana civic commercial the won mention for distinguished service who The federal which con bodies, "The New Southwest" appeared in may require grand Jury grand jury. Your names were drawn morning. The other members are J. Hoover demonstration teams-r-aro- us i At the close of the war Mr. Welt- vened here will consider its first issue during last week. This aid.' With this broad foundation, yesterday by lot out of the box and If anvone C. Jones, Ascension Rael, Pablo Lu- to lm- mer in business for more than cases ingjthe public the tremendous is to be issued and will engaged the cattle with a record of efficiency, I feel sure double the number of undertakes to suggest to you that h jan, John Davis, Theodocio Castillo, portance paper weekly a ana in cams weai ever before to a qf democracy's reserve, the be used to promote the best Interests time, iY iv the workers of tihe country who are presented federal is responsible for your being here, you Hilario Garcia, Luis Mora, Peter American homes, enlisted New Mexico, a resident of in New Mexico.' to being in the of the and surround- remaining men who grand Jury Up this remember what I have stated to Abelino Quint-an- to Mogollón ditrict from time particularly interested in the time the you Lienau, Gregorio Rael, ngnt wjn the war with food. the territory and state that will be record has been 110, and there that you are not responsible to Pa- ing section. wear the naval uniform glad rae 250 cases any Ksquipula Montoya, Jesus up to Bio time of his death. For ben- scheduled for presenta person and that you are here in- if the Red Cross will Increase its simply dilla, David Rodriguez, Anastacio Gon. several years he was clerk in the tion to the Jury now in session. to do . efactions by this natural and proper your duty. sales, Ramon Romero, Juan Delgado, ternal revenue office and served of tha cases involve sales of Now is of THREATENED 45 Governors here, addition to its noble service. Many it the duty grand jurors IMatias Rael, John C. Hull, Mosalio MADRID Approve as postmaster of Santa Fe during liquor to soldiers at Columbus, Dent- also, first: to into condi "If organization can do this, inquire the Mora and Juan Tafoya. Plan to the administration of President Ben- your in, Albuquerque and other points, and tion of every person in prison on a Exam ine i f the and the navy in Cases Harrison. In 1882 he estab- navy department there is the usual number of criminal charge, tried in the Jury 8et STRIKE jamin all its units and the one hundred mil- alleged county Three civil cases were set for trial DECLARED OFF 7,000,000 Draftees lished a book and stationery business sales of liquor to Indians. There are and not indicted. It is also your duty Oct. 2. which lion Americans who are proud of their some "slacker" to into by Jury by Judge Holloman in dis- Chicago, Fortyjfive govern in. this city, and this business, cases, and the list in Inquire the condition and man- ors have approved the to pro- - Ml". Wtelt- - navy will give cordial aid and hearty cludes several agement of trict court this morning. Trial by plans grew and prospered under cases of alleged dis the publio prison in the ceed at once with the physical exam- sev- utterances. The and also to jury In all other civil cases that will mer's management, was merged, loyal work of the county inquire into the The threatened strike at the mines ination of 7,000,000 men registered un- - that tihla suggestion will continue the wilful and misconduct in of-- i eoms up at this term of court was eral years ago, in the present drtig, "Trusting grand Jury may through corrupt of tihe & Cerrillos Coal per the selective draft act, who were meet favorable consideration, I next three or until flee of officers of waived by the concerned. Albuquerque book and stationery business of Welt- your weeks, the opening public every de áttorneys company not Included in the first call. & ot Otober term of in in the if The cases apparently has been declared' mer ft Burrows. The Weltmer am . the court Albu scription county there should set are those of the Ojo de off. The work will be done leisurely, two tlhe querque on October 22. The first re be any evidence that such conditions Santo vs. Ciriaco last night Sheriff Celso Lopez Burrows establishment is one of "Sincerely yours, tíspiritu company and IW. or three examinations being held each, Mns-grav- Deputy George Arimjo receiv- most business "J0SEP1IUS DANIELS.' port is expected tomorrow. exist. The district attorney, or Mr. Baca, October Tannus vs. in- important enterprises 10; ed the from' Ci week, The accepted men will be ' Rafael Romero, of Mora, formerly as- Davies, his deputy, will instruct you October 9, and Jimenez following telegram of Santa Fe. From Chairman of the War Pedro cluded in the second call and will be the sistant secretary of state, was ap- as to what evidence is sufficient to vs. Rafael 15. priano L,ucero, representative in the 'Hit. Weltmer was for several years Council Montoya, October last used to fill the gaps in ,the national pointed interpreter for the present indict and it is generally the duty of legislature and now acting as a occur. a member of the Santa Fe board of to Daniels, the army as they - In response Secretary grana juryi session by Judge Neblett. grand Jury to follow the instruc special deputy sheriff at the Madrid and was his el- - education, it through Mr. Davison sent the following letter, and Domingo Pacheco, tions and - statements of the district Food Commission of mines: , , Influence Ft. Marcy Barney Spears forts and that the for the naval auxilia- ana Fred were named as bail in those . "Men have to to work to- build outlining plans Thayer attorney particulars. Co-- 1 agreed go Monster Demonstration military reservation, with its iffs. . , "Now, gentlemen, there is one Britishers Seeks morrow. iWJll ries: thing inspect scales and Non-Annexati- was fbrned over to the for on ings, city United States Attorney Summers I' want you to do and that is to mines in - For action "My Dear Mr. Secromry: push of Hoover the morning. Will report ac- public school purposes. This In Burkhart Is here from Albuquerque for the business. I don't want you to push Operation tihe. "Your favor of the 1st instant, It so coramgiy. Peace in Frankfort marked the beginning of present we tne grand Jury session. The corrl fast that you will not perform An Atlantic Oct 2. Seeking The men remained out of and school which you express the hope that dors but it Port, the mines Oct. 2. A monster modern progressive public Red of the federal building are filled your duty, push just as fast as the of Herbert C. Hoover, to attend a mass Copenhagen, system of Santa Fe, which Btanos as can favorably consider tihat the with witnesses called to before possible, at the same time yesterday meeting, demonstration in favor of a peace appear performing food administrator, in filling the allies called for the purpose of a monument to Mr. Weltmer. The Cross extend its present organization the grand jury, many ot the numur your duty as the law requires it. We discussing without annexations was held on Sun- food a number of repre- over Frankfort-on-the-Mal- transfer of the government property for the purpose of creating naval soldiers. were unfortunate at the last term of requirements, grivances alleged docking of day at Lead- being sentatives of the British food commis- mine loads. Mr. Lucero'a was brought about only through stren. auxiliaries to bend their efforts par- court in having a murder trial, the telegram ers in the clerical, radical and social- received. conditions which sion arrived here today. The group Indicates that a adjust- demonstra- uous efforts in the face of strong op ticularly to navy work, duly of required a large - satisfactory ist parties sponsored the "Ths Red Cross, as you know, expenditure of the court fund. I think described as- a special mission is ment was reached, and that a walk tion. The crowd numbered forty or position. LAND BANK MEN headed O. H. out Jias In 1883 Mr.. Weltmer and Miss Ella makes no distinction between tne that the expenditure was fully justi- by Smith, assistant gen again been averted, ffity thousand and addresses were eral of munitions for Qreat C. Atkinson were married in Las navy and the army in its work, our fied, but it has reduced our court fund secretary made from six different platforms VISIT we have Britain and will work in Vegas, and Mrs. Wfeltmer and their entire facilities being alike at tha PECOS AND and to hurry the work In or conjunction Protests " two children, 'Mrs. 41. U Burrows, of time at the disposal of botn der to conserve the fund, and it is with Lord Northcliffe, now directing Against present Just to of commis- Santa Fe, and Noyes Weltmer, of Ty- branches of our government. We have MIMBRES VALLEYS your duty push the the work all the British work and conserve the court as ex- Perkins Nomination rone. Nt M.. survive hlnv ; letter a great deal pi fund sions, in this country. Mr. Smith Drafting Mexicans given your N. 2 any other matters about which I have iFor years Mr. Weltmer was one of to carry out your Demlng, M.. Oct. Daniel F. plained that their work is to set up in For Food Commissioner thought, desiring instructed you. - tJhe most prominent and active mem' and the Calahan, president of the Federal With Mr. Hoover an or- Into National wishes in every way possible, Now. are also - Army of G. iA. R. in New Mexico, us as Land Bank of Wichita, District No. 9. you instructed, gen- Defeated in NewYork' bers the following Blan suggests itself to visited tlemen, that it is and in 1904 he was elected Doming last week in company absolutely necessary tlon and e(ultabie distribution of food 2. The Albany, N. Y., Oct. department the most practical for accomplishing with Jonn T. to keep all In meet Washington, Oct Mexican commander. He was identified with Whistler of Washington, proceedings your supplies available here for the armies Whitman's nomination of George W. the results indicated in your letter asl c who tlle expdrt for ings absolutely secret. Don't tell any ambassador, Ignacio Bonillas, has Carleton Post, of the G. A. R., for a englneer and civil population of the allies. made formal to Perkins of New York for the presi desired by tne navy aeparuiieui.. the Federal Farm Loan Board. Mr one what you are doing or what you representations the of the new commis- and served it In various "Just as the man-powe- r and the ca- state dency state food long period, "In communities wnere itea whistler is also connected with have done, and that con department against the drafting - a number of all the obligation munitions for each sion was defeated- by the senate to official capacities. For Cross are organized, ladies Department of In the re tinues after you have been discharged, pacity for making of Mexicans into the national army, been chapters thejnterior nation have been day by a vote ot 25 to 20. years he had post chaplain. who desire to work especially tor tne clamation service, and makes his and anyone who violates that is sub contending organiz particularly from the border states. In to fine.- Now ed," Bald Mr. Smith, "so must food re some ' navy shall be invited to organize and headquarters at Fallon, Nevada, for ject a heavy it is very cases, where it is shown that BIT FISHED OUT branch of olten case as soon sources to the full it is to Mexicans ir- become an- - auxiliary of the Red Cross this his work. the that as the victory have been taken through Jtoswell, K. M., Oct, 1. The Tolteo The two men ' be secured. And in in many CUTÍÍNG APPOINTED under the following conditions: are visiting the irriga- grand jury begins its deliberations, this, regular practice of tlhe exemption have fished out the bit that tions sections of some one on the outside Knows other we know that United people Rudes For Organizing Naval Auxiliary the 9th district, and always ways, the boards, the state department has had was lodged in their prospect well, and In what is on in the States will allies in "1. The name of sucn auxiliary they expect to remain New Mexico just going grand give their Europe the men released, ', have resumed are down about ten the jury room. The only way that can which so need." drilling. They MILITARY shall be in each community, the .... days, says Headlight. that they greatly In other caBes, however, the cases 625 feet and expect to make rapid ASSISTANT do not to in- happen is that some member of the Naval of the Amer They plan complete their The Britishers will go to Washing- are complicated because ot the differ- progress from now on until are Auxiliary vestigations on this trip! as will jury tólls what Is going on and when they they ton soon. , ence in the examinations of the two satisfied one way or the other as to ican Red Cross. . only be able to visit tins section in lie does that he 1b not only violating ATTACHE IN LONDON '2. In each community the Naval countries. Mexico holds that a man whether there is oil in paying quanti- the Mimbres Valley and the Pecos a specific statute, but is violating his TO. BUY WATER WORKS affiliate with the pres- 6"f born abroad of Mexican, is ties in the region where are now i Auxiliary shall Valley in the Carlsbad, The oath. I don't believe that there is any parentage they , vicinity Albuquerque, N. M., Óct 1. Formal a Mexican unless he for- Is 10 ...... '. ent local oreanlzed unit of the Red (Uh district the states of member here that would do that but voluntarily drilling, which miles north of - comprises start on what are to bo the shall to and be re- it is for court caution txpected feits his citizenship. The, United Roswell. Cross and report Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and New necessary the to last steps In the purchase of the wa SANTA FE MAN NOW IN LONDON committee Mexico. The Wichita bank now Une, and if States holds that a person horn here snonsible to the executive has you along that any person ter works by the city Is scheduled to Red Cross or on its books 4,0D0,O0O worth of on the outside to find out Ib an American citizen. . NEW ORLEANS TENDERLOIN of the chapter of the bust, attempts take place next Thursday. On that AND WILL BE CONNECTED WITH oe. ness money what aro doing or what have the branch, as the case may representing actually you you date the three- engineers one repre New Oct. 2. seg- loaned to the farmers. Mr. Calahan is to it to El Oct. .2. Mexican Orleans, La., The EMBASSY IN BRITISH CAPITAL. '3. The Naval Auxiliary may mam done, it your duty report senting the city, one the water com Paso, Twenty" ot said that there are applications in tho the court and the court will take cars citizens drafted and certified trtie regated district ,Now Orleans, one tain separate headquarters or it may pany and one acting as referee be- by of most office for loans amounting to 121,000,-00- of it then. ; local board here have been the largest and celebrated In combine with the headquarters of the tween them are expected to meet exempted the will be and, or the total amount applied "Gentlemen, there is one thing I of from Mexican Consul country, wiped out within local Red Cross work in any manner and begin their valuation the plant. military service, 30 Bronson M. Cutting of this city has for l$i5,700,000 is from New Mexico. wish to instruct you about and that E. of M. O. He days, Mayor Behrman announced that may be determined by the B. Black Kansas City, is the General Seguin said todRy. been appointed assistant military at- jipon The bank has already loaned to tho is thin: a great deal of complaint has of Den- - no In today at the request of Secretary Dan- oí me avai laustuiHjy City's engineer. Frank Woy salí he had difficulty obtaining tache at the American embassy, hav- chairman farmers of this state $400,000 whidh come to me about professional public 1b iels, of the navy department. executive committee of thé chap íVer, the company's representative the release of his. nationals as soon ing sailed some time ago from New the has gone principally to We farm- gambling in this city. The reputation and Klersted, of Liberty, or branch under whose juris- dry Wynkoop ns their ciittzenshlp was established, York. ter the ing sections. Mr. Calahan said his of Santa Fe in that respect is notori Mo., is the referee. .. LUCKY CARPENTER . Mr. Cutting resigned some time ago diction it Is. work in the sections has been ous and you hear it all over the 'MISSOULA, Mont, (While wreck. Naval irrigated as inspector general of the national "4.. The rules governing very slow. He stated that the diflicu!-t- y state and from outside the state that Supreme Court Justice lng an old building in the once pros- guard of New Mexico to accept a com- Auxiliaries shall be the same as the In these sections is not so much a games are being conducted here, some 2000 Tons Provisions perous mining town of Quigley, near mission as captain in the U. S. nation- rules governing the present Red question of the water supply as it is in connection with saloons and possi- Charged With Disloyalty here, a carpenter found a roll of was to of-fe-e al army. He assigned the Cross Auxiliaries. the'incestro&nt in the equipment and bly they are not in connection with Burn in Stockholm Albany,- N. Y., Oct. 2. The senate greenbacks worth $1500 In a rat's chief of staff in of Washington "The na'm of the lAuXiliary shall be the high oost of operation and upkeep. saloons. Those things are a violation of tha New York legislature by the nest, It wsb wrapped tightly in a and several weeks there. af- Is rarm of the spent Capt. descriptive of its membership and it this phase of loan invest the law, one of worst forms, and Stockholm, Oct. 2. More than 2,000 adoption of a formal resolution today, clotlh, and was in good condition. Cutting's proficiency in modern lan- shall not be that ot a per- ment that Mr. Whistler is inveBtigat- - constitute an absolute publio nuis tons Of provisions, fodder, maize, oil requested Secretary, of State Lansing which in- filiation and guages, ot he speaks Ave, ' ' inf most carefully, and it is one which ance. If Is the duty of the grand Jury contract and other supplies were de- to transmit to Governor Whitman any BOLO ON HUNGER STRIKE. German Is to son. most to cluding expocted help of shall affects this section intimately. It inquire into those' conditions, and li stroyed today by fire in store houses information not compatible with the Oct. 2. Bolo Pasha, who Is him in of service to the govern- "The purpose the Auxiliary in Paris, being out one or more specific could be easily Boen from the attitude there is anything the law passed near Stockholm. The loss, which publio welfare, which would tend to under arrest on charges of re- ment abroad. Years ago he .resided be to carry both the men on the one having work as prescribed of their visit here by last legislature that will pre- smounts to more than million throw additional light upon ths alleged lations with the enemy, has refused for a considerable tima in London, lines of Red Cross the will be In vent Indictments or of of Jus- of that Irrigation projects prosecutions crowns, will be felt severely, particu participation Supreme Court all nourishment since he was taken to when his brother the late Bayard Cut- in the certificate organization. vestigated most before the individuals in busi- as It will be tice Daniel F. of must Jiave at least thoroughly engaged this larly probably impossible Cohalan New York prison. The authorities believe he is ting was in the American diplomatic "The Auxiliary much money will be loaned on farms ness, there Is nothing to the these materials under ex- in German with AD mem-- prevent activities, .especially undertaking a hunger strike and have service. ten members. officers and , of character. - - this district attorney from filing injunc- isting Import restrictions. . regard to, Ireland,. ," decided to feed him forcibly. T


IS WITH GERMAN MADE LUCERO AND PATTON WamNew Hotel FEDERAL GRAND JURY PEOPLE, Finds Santa Fe MONSTERS BY PRUSSIANISM "La Fonda" To QUARREL EACH Live FORTY-TW- TAKE PUNCH Proposition RETURNS O A (I. Netblt In "Th Mew Witness.") not consent to a peace that may bring us to side with the German people Be Built In The Denver Rio Grande rail, AT road Is a Tha suggestion that the quarrel us into contact with the generation sgalnst the German nobles. We must company practical booster. INDICTMENTS TODAY whldh has ratted dosea nation In of Germans whose armies have out Passenger Trafflo Manager Frank a resist this It is not one SantaFe Style A. arms In defensa of the honor and raged, murdered, tortured, and pol temptation. Wadleigh today pledged $200 class that is the kaiser's from the railroad company to the fsith of Christendom ii merely a quar luted, and whose women at home have only creation, : FEWER SALOONS MEANS MORE Huge Publicity Asset, Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce rel with the living representatives or applauded the outrages and murders, made In bis own image; it is all OF THESE 29 ARE FOR 8ELLINQ. the budget fund. What's more, he did the bouse of Jtonensollern Is one tortures, the pollutions. classes. The governing classes know Both and ' CHOOL8, 8AYS SECRETARY OF Wadleigh it LIQUOR on would ap- well what Is before now enthusiastically. TO INDIANS AND which, the luce of It, The Most Horrible' enough them, "This town is he told Sac- J that know never Collier going," pear almost Impossible of considera- There Is a tale told of tlhe Germans they that they can STATE; ATTORNEY GENERAL Say re ta ry Doyle. "I never saw It look FOR SELLING TO 8OLDIERS3 tion, much less of acceptance; and a tale which, more even than the win this war. The governing classes more - or EXPECT8 DRY VICTORY prosperous progressive; that It baa been In some quarters chronicle of their crimes and tbfcir know that they will have to deal with GREAT fcHANCE your business men now have a live INDIAN PLEADS GUILTY. entertained and even, as It seems, ac- cruelties, has sent a shudder through a people who bave sold their soul and organization and you're bound to cepted, Is surely ground for a very the soul of Christendom tlhe tale of find that they are not to have the TO GET TOURISTS suoceed. We want to help anything . grave uneasiness. , It Is the sugges- that sinister factory nestling among price of it. But they have sold their The liquor traffic in New Mexico that helps 8anta Fe; and personal- The grand Jury in the United States Is not aven even That the proposed new hotel I like to boost a court tion of an idea that partly dark pine forests, a factory with its soul, though the devil, as usual, got a severe slap In the face, and the ly going conoern." district made its first report to true. Iron has them. "La Fonda," to be erected by the Neblctt at 2 aft- It Is absolutely and unequivo- that let In, but do not let gilked Perhaps this is why e Judge o'clock this gates cause of state-wid- prohibition got a Southwest Mission Hotel false. out, its trucks laden with the bodies the German soldiers are being sent to company ernoon, returning 42 true bills. Of cally at a coBt of 1200,000, on the But It Is dangerous, because It ap- of dead soldiers, its relent- death so recklessly, so Per. corresponding boost today when the site the 42 indictments 29 are for selling efficient, uselessly. of the historic old Exchange ho- to peals so Intimately to tnat Incurable less machinery, Its hooka, its Ha haps these counter-attack- s are not dry headquarters here gave out for liquor Indians, and seven for sell tubes, tel at the end of the Santa Fe to soldiers In chivalry which Is at once England's boiling vats full of something that Is wholly directed against us; perhaps publication a letter from Secretary of OF NATIONAL ing liquor uniform, or trail be built in the unique, pictur- having liquor at canton- deepest weakness and her highest rtlrred by Iron hands, its chemists they are directed less against the state Antonio Lucero and one from military esque and beautiful Santa Fe style ments. Those indicted and at pres- We are ever prone to gen- ceaselessly at work, its allied armies than the German Attorney General H. I Patton, both of Is strength. constant, busy against architecture the feeling ent in custody are the following: In the (hour of victory; we output of little barrels of oil. army. The more men left on the lost strongly espousing the dry cause. thoBe most ARMY APPEALED TO erosity yellow among interested in James Paudell, Ernest Flemintr. i make haste to shake hands with the This may be false: the whole battlefield, the fewer there will be to in the opinion of Secretary Lucero, Santa Fe and those story building up Sam Leo, Cleve all for sell beaten foe. We are, Indeed, In such thing may have been Invented by reckon with when the time comes for the "closing of the saloons in New best posted on publicity values. Mayileld, ing liquor to soldiers In uniform; S. a hurry to forgive blra that we are apt sdme great artist who has known how kaiser and princes and generals and Mexico will mean the opening of more Strong representations are being HELP IN CAMPAIGN B. school made to the men Pugh, having liquor In possession to causes If as well invest horrors with the politicians to stand before the bar of houses." In bis Sec Do-nu- forget the quarrel ti imagined letter, enterprising at cantonmeut; James t, and own to Lucero who are back of this to military as the Incidents of the fight. And overwhelming power of truth. It may the people a lost war. Per retary says: project attempting to cause disloyalty when the has been between be false. But then It may be true. It haps the kaiser says. "Since the war "The closing of the saloons in New the effect that it would b a TO CONSERVE In quarrel mistake to build a mere military forces; Joseph Grady, vio gallant, noble foes, such eagerness to may be true that the Germans make is lost, the fewer strong men who go Mexico will mean, in my opinion, the lation or tne Mann white slave act; is honorable. oil and manure food for out home to demand an account from us of more school bouses and a "commercial" style hotel such forget and forgive Just and and pigs opening as 'be found in Henry Cane, Sebastian Perez. Fran. we of bodies of men the better." Is this - considerable decrease in the number may any city of cisco Carlos But the foe whom have fought for the fathers, lovers, treachery lmpos- when the nature of Rodriguez, Salazar, B. Is or soldiers Bible? To to of in A any size, the MOTHERS, WIVES AND SISTER8 these three years not noble gal' sons, who have died for their any other nation, but unfortunates the penitentiary. trade upon which Santa Fe must Adolph, Hermanijildo Arguelles, Jas. man who the of NEW Kelley, 8. H. lant 'He has forgotten Justice and country. There Is nothing Inherently Germany. bas welfare the state depend for ber growth is consid- OF MEXICO'S FIGHTINQ George Reld, Franklin. - I. F. Cecil mercy, truth and decency; be has wal- Impossible in the story; it may be true Germany must be purged. at heart ought not to have any trouble ered. It is pointed out that a MEN TO AID IN ENLISTING FOOD Thompson, Diaz, Harvey ' D. Callen, Thomas Waters. L. E. lowed In filth and blood; he has tram. of the Germans. There is not another Germany should, for a period of in deciding bow to vote upon the pro beautiful hotel that is CEN- "different" SERVICE ARMY; FAMILY Knowlton, all for to pled on all which we love and rever- nation in the whole great world of years, be ostracised, be set outside the hibition question on the 6th of next one especially designed to selling liquor In ' bring SUS OF 8TATE TAKEN dians. ence; he baa outraged man and in-- which it could be true. Had this pale. Neither in trade nor in social November." wealthy tourists to Santa Fe has . now is above told the or life should we be called to meet General Patton unlimited as a Bogue, Navajo suited God. And it all story been of French the upon Attorney expresses possibilities city Indian from indicted we should not of citizens Unit- this which William of Hoh confidence In the result a vic builder. Crownpoint for things necessary that Italians, the of the generation being introducing liquor into an Indian res- in the rush of generous emo ed States or the savages of the Solo- ertzollern has set up. We do not want tory for the drys, declaring himself Every bushal of wheat and every forget, of meat saved in New Mexico ervation, entered a plea of guilty this tion which win follow on the exuita- mon Islands, there could not bave to buy things made by the hands of In hearty accord with the prohibition SENTIMENT RULES EVEN IN pound was SAYS homes to the war to an afternoon and sentenced, by Judge tion of what sort of animal It been found on earth one mind to think torturers and ravlshers, nor to touch cause. He writes: BUSINESS, WADLEIGH helps bring to 60 In victory, Traffic A. end that much more sus- Neblett days jail and to pay is that we have been it even nosslble that it be true. hands that have been dyed in the 'I am in accord with the Manager Frank Wadleigh quickly by a fine of The Indian fighting. might heartily of the Denver & Rio is a America's allies on the $100. gave liquor Monster But the Germans are not as the rest blood of the innocent jWe should cause of state-wid- e in New Grande, past taining firing to Indian on Fighting the prohibition master He knows line and thus the sacrifice of another the road from full of have no with from oi puoiicity. Its reducing to re- To cast out the Hohenzollerns and of mankind, of faults, capable truck Germany till the Mexico, and expressions which value. He knows Santa Fe's American lives at the front. Gallup Crownpoint, with the which did from all I possi- sult that fell out make friends with the German people crimes; they are a nation apart. The generation has passed away I hear parts of the state, bilities. He said today in his woman in New Mexico who the latter of his and am private Every wagon and was run over and killed. Is as though we should bang Franken thing that la unhtlnkable of every these things approved these confident that the saloons will be car here: has a son, a husband, a brother in the stein and embrace the monster which other nation is not unthinkable of things. banished at the coming election in No "It would be neglecting a publicity national army wants to do as in No matter what becomes of vember." everything be bas made. The German emperor them. (Reason accepts probable, the asset worth 150,000 a year to the possible to enable that man to return FISKE HEALTH OFFICER set out to make, out of simple, home them, what in all other men is patent- Hohenzollerns, the German nation The recent declaration of Governor owners and to the community to build safe. Every woman can help do this ly, kindly peoples, a monster tihat ly impossible. must do penance, and, if possible, be Lindsay for state-wid- e prohibition, and a tourist hotel m Santa Fe in any by Insisting on a meatless and The Santa Fe county commissioners should devour all good and gentle These things we should bear ever In purified. Part of its penance mar the similar utterances from Chief Jus- other but the distinctive Santa Fe wheatless day every week, by substi- have named Dr. Eugene W. Fiske things, and sprawl diseased and infec mind, never letting them be changed well be bard and constant work, to tice Hanna, of the supreme court, and style. I know something about pub- tuting other things as far as possible county health officer, to succeed Dr. ' tlous across a blighted world. With or obscured by any accidental happen- pay us a little of what it owes us for both associate Justices, Roberts and licity and the things that would ad- for wheat and meat and Bugar and E. L. Ward, who has gone to Camp vertise themselves Buch almost Incredible valor and sacrifice ings, by any social or political Inci- the material wealth It has destroyed; Parker, does not leave much comfort as the Mis preventing waste In the home. ' Cody at Doming, to enter government ' sion Inn I we bave this monster and dents, nor even the and its must be wrought for the saloon man around the New at Riverside, Cat., and know The mothers, sisters and wives of service. fought by transfiguring purification that a tourist hotel the lines of barred its way. We are fighting, it, noonlight of our own coming victory. where its degradation was achieved Mexico capital. every along New Mexico's soldiers have been ' Practically the new Museum, or tlhe Water com and we are it back. William The Germans stand alone; must in its schools. We should Insist on an state officer, It is declared, is asked by the state food administra- driving they openly pany building, or the Deaf and Dumb to out to be as education can education for German children which or in favor of the state-wid- e tion join themselves into a volun- ' of Hohenzollern set make that changed, onlyi secretly school, would advertise itself, and 'i black for that deserves a before other nation make them men and women, and John does not teer organization, the Women of the beast and he change them, any may dry policy. Barleycorn many a man and many a woman National to but (he not set shall to them not swine. And when these children bave a look In around the state bouse Army, take the lead in thousand deaths; only bear let stand again would make the detour to Santa Fe of cre- a men then Fe. the personal work helping sign up out to create a monster; he did with arm length. are grown to and women, at Santa just to spend a day or two at such families own and 60,000 in this state as mem ate it. Internal troubles and disunions and perhaps our Bona daughters a distinctive hotel and would be will bers of the food service take them army of When President Wilson said that dissensions are maturing in Germany. may be able to by the hand, ing to pay almost any price for the families in the United States. bis was with the Hohenzollerns There will is, a to and to forget. privilege. Sentiment rules the world quarrel be, perhaps already forgive, to These women have made the great! and not with the German people, he conflict between the rich and the poor. For us, we are not as President Signs Make and It's generally the fellows who sacrifice to cause. Their ' have the to the, appeal spoke for himself, and perhaps for the 'And when that conflict becomes Wilson. Our quarrel is with the Ger- money pay who are most to their neighbors to win the to ruled sentiment. help American nation. But not for us. Our acute, and the news of it comes to us, man people.' And it Is a quarrel Traffic Safe at by war with food will come with peculiar is with German as our will the death. SERIOUS MI8TAKE NOT TO. force and be- ' quarrel the people, incorrigible generosity tempt the food administration The General well as with the with the DECLARES COLONEL COLLIER lieves that such an effort kaiser; Bad Corner D. C. organized ' as well as with its Maker. Colonel Collier, the moving will be of tremendous value in mak- aayst Monster, administration has not specified what in success of beautiful to spirit the the the October round-u- p success There's for There are no colors black enough NO FOR this margin for operation and profit San ing a in ora reajon the big' PENALTY one of and the blackest Diego exposition, the most this state and placing the paint this emperor, should be, and sincerely hopes that In an effort to make trafflo safe experienced promoters and demand for our in his deeds is the transformation of publicity of the Hoover card In the roofing of dealers will be able to handle their .within the narrow portion of Don Gas-- experts in the southwest declared of the European war. It the German from what they business In such a that the food window of every home; the badge pite peoples PAYING OVER ü. S. way Fpar avenue, between Water and San most emphatically today that it would of service is because we combine in were to what are. administration win never oe caueu be a lamentable and patriotism. our they iiFrancisco streets, and at the two In. mistake to ignore to Jtake such action, products the two ejsen-tia- ls 8oldlers Obedient upon the great possibilities of a hotel with FAMILY CENSUS OF great at Is in vain to tell us that the Ger- PRICE FOR WHEAT No.l "i'e company will place two Iron typical architecture and surroundings. STATE that guide consumers in Dard Hard 2.19 1i "Santa BEING TAKEN man soldiers In seven feet above the Fe," he said, "is one day go census the choice of their goods-hig- hest Belgium only obeyed Hard 2.15 2.12 2.09! poles, high pave. to A of the families of New orders came down to Winter , in the center of Don ave-- ing be a city of 50,000 inhabitants Mexico which will to orders. Those Yellow Hard ...... 2.11 2.08 2 jjj pent, Gaspar and Your are be asked join the Quality and reason UUQ KSttU UllU upward. possibilities vast them from their, kaiser through a Red Winter ..2.15 2.12 2 jUUO, Bb r rauuracu Biraet volunteer army of 25,000,000 GOVERNMENT C0NTR0L8 SITUA qj greater than Colorado Springs' ever American which r able prices. . linked chain of officers of varjed Soft Red Winter ...2.13 2.10 the other at Wlater street. These posts were. For the families ty intelligent man TION ONLY THROUGH VOLUN will years city has needed use and conservation will feed rank; not one of these was Dark Northern 2.19 2.16 2 13 bear signs directing drivers of a of a and at- Amer TAR Y AGREEMENT WITH MILLS typical hotel, beauty ica's allies and win the war. Is to be enough to break his sword and fling Northern 2.15 2.12 2'o9 automobiles and other vehicles to tractiveness as well aB comfort that it in the face of the officer above him. 2.13 2.10 207 ikeep to the right in the cor-1.9- 9 would to taken immediately by the state food In response to numerous Red Spring turning appeal the tourists. I don't Certamteed The orders, when tfley came to the requests ...2.05 2.02 ners, and will make it dangerous for mean I administration. The school district is State Food Administrator Ralph C. Humpback merely transient visitors to be the men, were obeyed. Not a dis- Amber Durum 2.19 2.16 2.13 them to attempt to turn the comerá mean the men who have to "sector" unit in the great private Ely haB sent to all the millers and to money drive in New Mexico which obeyed because bis mind and soul re- Durum 2.15 2.12 2.09 át high speed. The posts will be top. burn and will build handsome homes begins cÜhIUm men of the state information to October 21. post-car- d cSS3 such orders. Not a grain Red Durum 2.08 2.05 2.02 with electric and red in Santa Fe if the 1b made suf Accordingly Roofing volted against the effect that it Is not illegal for the !jed lights large place blanks bave been sent all the teach man was toó sick and ashamed to be farmer to sell bis wheat at a Red Walla 2.08 2.05 2.02 globes, for night signaling. ficiently attractive to them. Put them is our leader it represents the last higher 2.15 up at ers of the state, to be filled out with able to obey. This means that tine than that fixed the U. S. Grain Hard White 2.12 2.09 An effort to put in the posts free a fine hostelry that is different, word in the manufacture of mod- price by 2.13 2.10 2.07 that is and number German officers of all ranks and the for New Mexico. No Soft White of charge to the city, in the event the unique you've won half the of the district total num- scientific corporation pen the battle. how- ern, roofing;; its quality German soldiers have been by more White Club 2.11 2.08 2.05 lights were paid for by the munici An ordinary hotel, ber of families with and with turned, alty is provided for "paying than ever has no is the very highest (hat can be the black of Perverted Educa- fixed Mixed will be discounted 4c per pality, was made to the city council commodious, pulling out children. The administrator maglo the price by the government. under" power for this class. can made in and tion and into that is to control bushel predominating grade. No. last night by Manager Frank Owen of They go will thus be enabled to check. anywhere the world, suggestion, things The government seeking 5 elsewhere and at million we and lower will be taken at prices the Santa Fe Water & Light company, stop half by the of it is sold at a reasonable price. are not menas use the word. the situation entirely through volun dollar hotels. Look at business day day, during day in allied mills. The varying with quality. and was unanimously accepted. The the the drive, the number of families If have to be remember There are no officers the tary agreement with the of zone tne Santa Fe railroad has built you (hovm, wt or- Below is table the different work of putting in the posts will be up by signed up by the and school back our statements a armies who could have given the national food administration's attitude means of its beautiful of south- schoolboy up by regular market basic prices which together undertaken at once. string canvassers in each in writ? that ly will last ders that were given in the market- In the matter, and a table of wheat western hotels. Their girl district and rarentee fig with the above table will give very appear- the number to ly and ly IS of there is no regiment prices fixed for this state are being readily ance yet be heard from. By l'l yean, place Liege; you the value of any given at pulls the tourist off the train the use of cards and the com years, and that we stand behind thii in allied armies who would have furnished by the state administrator grade and makes him visit these the any zone markets, the place. I tell pact and efficient afford guarantee with fhe biggest roofing and those orders. There is no reg- to the millers and grain men as fol- you it is Impossible to the organization obeyed lows: No. 1 Grade1 Relative Basic Price LICENSE FEES FOR exaggerate ed by the schools the campaign will building paper tills in the world. iment In the allied armies who could New York 12 importance of the opportunity which be rendered ad- United States Food Administration lies before men back highly systematic and bave carried those orders out. To Philadelphia 2.29 the of this hotel definite and food Fedoral Food Administrator for New proposition and before Santa Fe. Your the administration XiXTTXJI SHUT 29 BIO JOBS, vance, orderly and by numbers at the Baltimore i 2.29 THEATRES PLACED AT is confident es- Mexico, Ralph C. Ely. future is in it. Fe that the 60,000 families One of the great criticisms of word of command, and at the word New Orleans 2.20 wrapped up Santa timated to be in the state will the American Santa N. 28, 1917. has something no other in the have Government la that bf command to commit rape openly, Fe, M., Sept Galveston . 2.20 city been listed in New Mexico's contin- offlqes are too com- Gentlemen: world has and SHE MUST CAPITAL Íiolltlcal Inferior men, wboae publicly, side by side with his Duluth 2J7 AND A YEAR IZE gent of the national food reserve. by the In reference to regulations concern- 2.17 $5 IT. Such a hotel will take care character and capacity do not rades, in a public square, under Minneapolis of drummers properly fit them for the busi- of a ing the price of wheat, and In reply Kansas 2.15 II and everyone else: but ness of and wis in the pausing; Just noonday sky presence to as to was City it must be built to attract the tourist would have been a my Inquiry whether there Omaha 2.15 Walton Will Aid in laws. These men creep Into crowd; this thing and recreation-seekin- g and the State Legisla- any penalty for paying more than the class." Congress - which a French or English or Italian St. Louis ' .2.18 PARIS THEATRE MAY REDUCE tures by "playing- to the gallery" price fixed by the government, the rhino Von for votes and and in- have done. the n M -- V - k .1 1 1 ...... 1 H.wv Data popularity, soldier could not But ruuuJ Securing for stead of helping; to pass Kood nftcuuj ui iu muiuiuiBtittuutt Buffalo , . .,. i. ... 2 25 SEATING CAPACITY TO COME Officer for German did it. i ... Young laws for the greatest Bood of the unuo orporauon, ai nansas uiy, Portland greatest number of people, seek Trait of the Beast wired as follows: San Francisco UNDER PROVISIONS OF ORDI Position Read's New History merely to advance their personal did cruel Important and They other things, things, "Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 26, 1917. D. F. PIAZZEK, Wishing to obtain certain official f9wer prestige by which un- RALPH C. NANCE that Ignore fundamental beastly things things ELY, Agent XT. S. Food Administration, 1st data for the chapter on the great war principles of business and are human idiots love N. M. de- healthy animals and "Santa Fe, Floor New England Bank which Mr. Read is now for economically unsound and us to "No subscribed. Believe we Building, preparing structive In their effect on every- to do and when you ask think penalty Kansas City, Mo. the new edition of his Illustrated His- Clans Is the control situation reason of volun body. legislation given of our quarrel as being only with by An ordinance fixing the license fees ,tory of New Mexico he wrote to Con in return for political debts, and Hohenzollerns, you ask us to forget tary agreement on part of mills to buy for theatres at f 100 a year for those special laws are urged favoring or of us. Mail gressman W. B. Walton requesting political henchmen or "pork bar- these things. Already they are in supplies only through seating over ew, and a year wnen Walton to obtain for him the needed rel" contractors at home. Such be- ing regulations. Mills should make OF the 1b men gain, tome danger of being forgotten. Partly seating capacity less than 600. documents and has received tlhe fol may temporary will not trouble application to this office for supplies. 'which was introduced as a substitute advantage out are always cause a slovenly press lowing answer, which Mr. Read, in or. and eventually retired. to and contents it- "J. F. PIAZZHK." for the Renehan ordinance, waB pass- Those who have made hon- choose its words, der to show in a public manner bis loag, self with to Supplementing this wire, they state III ANNUAL MEET ed by the city council last night by orable records In publio Ufa were referring "unprintable in their letter of the this instant: appreciation of Mr. Walton's valuable above this type, outrages." Nothing that can be done 26th, a vote of 7 to 1. Alderman Renehan Eoonomlo conditions Legally, anyone can sell their voted services, as also tne grateful ac adjust by man is unprintable, if he who faa't against it stating that he ob themselves under most any kind wheat anywhere at any "price they to it because it Old not regu knowledgment of the compliment ex of laws, and In the lone run, the to write of such things understands jected order of is bound want to. However, we believe the con late . pended to him by Mr. Walton has ask things to the meaning of words and will be at Albuquerque, N. M., Oct 3. Only prices. equalize In some form of a square trol In this Is accomplished by reason The Renehan ordinance was intro ed the New Mexican to publish the deal. Class re- the pains to choose them. The thing two of the eighteen lodges In the state legislation always of the fact that the ultimate user of duced at the of the council on letter which reads thus: . acts on the people who ara sup- that the Germans have done should be - meeting to benefit all wheat is the mill and they are in were not represented when the thirty- August 7, and under its House of Representatives posed by It vritten about In English and last provis What we need In our legisla- plain a voluntary agreement with us to buy fourth annual convention of the ions a license fee of S 500 a year could "Wlaslhlngton, D. C, Sept. 26, 1917. tive halls Is a class of men who 'not any plainer than the Engl'sh of no us or our do not to grain except through at Knights of Pythias grand lodge open be charged. "Hon. Benjamin M. Read, seek advance special our Bible, which Is open to every direction. We believe this accom- The of interests or who do not seek too ed in K, of on Gold avenue seating capacity the Paris "Santa Fe, New Mexico. much personal prestige, men record of their abomi- the P. hall level-heade- ch'!d; and the plishes control absolutely." theatre Is now about 600, and It may "My Dear Mr. Read: This will ac who are d, honest and nations should be circulated, with the circular no. 3, sept. 8th, 1917, a yesterday. All in all, officers of the be reduced to come under the $50 a of card Unprejudiced on any social, polit- home-keepin- knowledge receipt your postal or economlo famil- record of of the g copy of which Is hereto ical question, the 'applause attached, grand lodge said after the morning year provision. The Elks theatre of the 17th lnst., and it has been a iar with the fundamental princi- German women, through the shows table of the value, basis Kan- seats less than 500 people. me to ples 01 DuuineBS and industry and sas of of on session, the attendance was the "best pleasure for request the com are to work for favors . length and breadth of England. City, all grades wheat willing which ever." mittee on public information to for toward none and a square deal and all our prices are fixed. . IFtance, Italy, Russia, and ward the pamphlets which you desire. for all. colonies and allies, so that the allied If we can be of service to you do not Grand Chancellor T. L. Kinney, of hesitate to call on us. Dawson, and J. E. Elder of NEW CORPORATIONS If for any reason they do not reach of presided C. S. who has an. Certain-fee- d nations may remember what sort Major Ridley, been within a reasonable Roofing 1 told by dealer we are so Yours very truly, this city was at the secretarial noat The Midas Oil authorized pointed the as you time, please nation it Is that fighting, omcers company, by president engineer advise me. everywhere at reasonable price. Bt who sacrificed all RALPH CELT, The election oi win take S30O.000, of Alamogordo; omcer in charge of nubllo bulldinsrs that those bave Food afternoon. capital "Do not hesitate to call on me ture your roofing ara made and guar- while should Federal Administrator for New place this Installation will $100,000 subscribed. J. F. Johnston, ana grounds in Washington and mili any anteed us. that makes life worth Mexico. follow. time that I may be able to be of by be asked to make an agent Other Incorporators, B. M. tary aid to the president. Major Rid not ordinary Circular No. 3 8ept- - 8, 1917. There was a noteworthy open meet service, as I never will tihe with the German nation. The Sutherland, G. M. Power, John Sny- ley is the youngest officer ever chosen forget General Roofing Mfg. Company "peaoe" To All Mills and Elevators: ing for all Pythlans and their friends W. T. Q. A. to serve in this many kindness which you extend- we make them should be a der, Brownfleld, McQee, canacltv. belnr oniv WcrltTs larffnt wamtftwtmrt of AoqMf peace with is Its thirty-fou- r Below a correct table of the at the hall last night keynote was M. Whitehead and Vida Sutherland. years old and but 12 years ed to men when a member of the New and Building JPaptn peace such as haa never been before, , value, basis Kansas City, of all grades patriotism. Supreme Vice Chancellor Each subscribed for $12,500. . out of West Point He will be respon- Mexico bouse of representatives in 8. A. LoagfBuildlna-- Kansas City Mo. a peace conditional on years of purga- on which L. of 3700-B- prices are fixed. To arrive Charles DaviB, Denver, was one The Lone Mountain Development sible for the expenditure of millions 1901, of which you were the very able Talephaoe Malo olh Fasaat tion. We who bave we wbo at to or- fought, price be paid farmer, all dealers of the speakers. Among the other company of Hurley, $250,00 stock, of dollars in publio buildings and and efficient speaker. RnrTnliCnr Sari Oil nr. FtHAmk our to S. park PUIrfclphU AlUati Dito hav'e given heart's dearest Including mills should deduct the Kan- ators were Geo. Klock and Grand $100,000 subscribed. J. F. Pohnston, Improvements. He succeeds Col. W. "WSth, kind I am, Clmluf that horror that Wil- sas rates a reasonable mar Chancellor Mr. Klock regrads, St. Loai. Ciattauti KumCilr MuhmB figlht against City plus Kinney. spoke agent Other Incorporators, Don A. W. Hrats, who will command a regi "Sincerely yours, luFraadm Sunk Uadoa Hu&w Smer liam of Hohenzollern bas created, can gin for and The food on Patriotism." and B. Shontz. operation profit "Pythian Carpenter W. ment in trance. "W. B WIAX.TON," ii " --J " -- EC NUEVO MEXICANO 'f Semanario! DE SANTA fe r

LUZ Y TINIEBLAS. PE TODO V PARA TOOOS. Cerraron sus ojo El grado de títulos do nobleza a Que aun tenia abiertos; Gran Bretafla, son nuevo, bajo el V Taparon su cara guíente orden da rango; Principe, Du. j Con un blanco lienzo; I PAGINA que, Marqué, Barí, Vlsconde, Barón. LBTEIÁEEA Y unos sollozando, Otros en silencio, Uarouot T Knight De la triste alcoba Todos se salieron. 121 diamante ms grande en el unta- UN,HIMNO NACIONAL. do, es el Braganza que forma parta cre- en'un vaso de IPesa 1K80 blón despierta si está dormida, y da entre las labores y obreros agríco I luz, que las Joyas portuguesas, hac en nues- en y se encontró en Brasil, el (Publicado ya tiempo Bubltines Ardía el suelo, quilates ' ce, y et capaz de producir las y entre tas incesantes faenas de - "El Pas M'ornlng Times.")- cuando vibran las Al muro arrojaba alio do 1711. tro colega enardecimientos, la fábrica y Iob penosos afuueB nues- Los Estados Unidos hállanse al bor- que el pueblo ha elaborado Instintiva- La sombra del lecho; esta- tros, producía una gran tristeza, y hu- Y entre sombra El Valle da la MJuerte se encuentra de de la guerra y Be encuentran con- mente, y en los que se roll'eja ol aquella ' n y es sencillamente de un himno ul quo do do bu biera producida tal vez triples ganan- Velas a Intervalos la Isla de Java, que no disponon espíritu, el cráter de un volcán ya extinguido, llamar, oficialmente, nacional. Por eso creo, que si no los hubiese, cias si el terror no fuese allí general, Dibujare rígida puedan - com- du-d- n, del ahora está lleno do gas acido Y los club federados de se- los pueblos en sus grandes crisis porque IX Venancio no quería, sin La sombra cuerpo. y que mientras co carbónico. Tiene una milla y media Coras están tratando de conseguir que pondrían sus himnos mientras sus ver rostros complacientes ni cora de mon- razones se hallasen en lo alto dispo- zones Despertaba el día, de circunferencia y dá muerta a todo ol Congreso declare el laurel tranquilos. esa la flor de la nación, no ha sido niéndose a defender su existencia y Todo cuanto él disponía habla de Y a su albor primero ser que pasa por región. taña con sus mil ruidos que se haga gestión alguna en sus ideales nacionales, y estimo que hacerse instantáneamente y a la ma posible . el notable sentido favor del himno. no es tan grave como parece el hacho, yor perfección: jamás, aunque se vie Despertaba pueblo. Ei lugar más que reproduce ta! a contraste en el Castillo de Hlmone-- muchos aires nacionales en es- que los eruditos consideran tremendo, ra servido con prontitud ir perfección, Ante aquel t el eco, está Jiiay De vida y miítortos, dos millas distante de Milán, Ita- to "Ynkee-Doodle,- " "My Coun- de que los (Estados Unidos no tengau quedaba contento. Tácala no era, tta, pals: mi- eco deto- of "The Star Spangled en realidad himno oficial en este ciertamente, ni jamás se opuso a au Do lus y tinieblas. lia. AHI se repite el de la try, Tis Thee," Meditó un momento: nación una seis veces. Hanner," Columbia, the Gem of the nuto trágico de su vida; El pueblo mentar el jornal a sus operarios., y de pistola, " Dios mío, qué solos Ocean." y ''Ulxle," entre los cuales el consagrará, al que hasta ahora se ha no porque éBtos se lo exigieran, que res- al So los muertos!" 151 más grande del y el último simbolizaron, tenido por tal,, o hará uno nuevo ni aun a pedirlo se hubieran atrevido, quedan puente colgante 2 primero i del las dos fracciones en propio tiempo que trabaje Bobre el sino porque, por sí mismo, compren mundo es el Brooklyn, ül largo pectivamente, De la casa en hombros mide 1596 dividió este pueblo en su tre- yunque de la historia. diendo la necesidad de un aumento en arco principal pies pul que se J leváronla al extensión del menda civil. El tercero de ATTACHE. el precio del trabajo, se adelantaba templo, gadas. La total puente guerra Y en una es de los mencionados, es decir, "The Star a subir los Jornales. , pero ni esto ni capilla 6,989 pies. i el Banner," es lo más cercano otros beneficios eran motivos para na. Dejaron féretro;. DélBr.J.H.MLcan. P fcpangled LA Allí rodearon asilo de sordo-mudo- se un himno nacional que tienen los CHIQUITA. cerle todo lo echaba a perdor El primer a amable; Sus reatos fundó Tilomas Drald americanos. Todo el mundo se cree con su Ira desatinada y su Insufrible pálidos en Inglaterra por La manera como desea el Dr, J. H. McLean que use bu Linimento "Revista Católica.") De amarillas va'ns en el se a ponerse de pie y descubrir- (De soberbia. t wood, 1760; y primero que da Aceite Volcánico. obligado s !Y de Estadoa íuó en escucharlo. y, la Cuál no nuestra extráñela paños negros, 4 fundó en los Unidos, Vol- se al El ejército Al saber iba a a la casa serfa 1. REUMATISMO: Apliqúese el Linimento de Aceita le reconocen oficialmente co-- que llegar al ver rtlas y días sin Hartford, en 1817. . una tuvimos la esperanza que pasaban Al Animas cánico del Dr. J. H. McLean par aliviar el dolor y tome el Bálsamo solemne. Pero, jovenclta, noticia nuestra que hu- dar de las loa la mQ un aire patriótico y de al si no a terminar, iban que llegase a sfcl el mundoi del Dr. J. H. McLean para el Hígado y Billones para quitar n el verdadero sentido de la palabra, que fin, biese reñido a su sobrina? Siempre El toque postrero, hombre más grande en causa. Use las dos medicinas al mismo a disminuirse los rigores de nuestra lAcabo una vieja de tiempo. no e el himno nacional, que, repito, aue veíamos a éBta la hallábamos son s fué John Hale, Lancashire, Inglate penosa situación;' no obstante, habla flus últimos rezos: rra. Medía 9 y 6 ae 2. ESPINILLAS, ÚLCERAS, ERUPCIONES, LLAGAS, SAR- no le tienen los Estados Unidos. riente. soseccada y afabilísima. Iba y pies pulgadas AMPOLLAS entre nosotros, los que padecíamos En Cruzó la ancha nave, alto. Sus manos median diecisiete PULLIDO, QUEMADAS DEL SOL, Y QUEMADAS: Y son muchos los americanos que cria- venía libremente por todas partes. una da lienzo blanco de como de dos ó tres dobleces na- bajo la tiranía del amo, nnudhos Las puertas gimieron, de y ocho y media pul- Mójese tira algodón si se tratara de declararlo himno traba en los talleres, nos hacia pre pulgadas largo con el Linimento de Aceite Volcánico del Dr. J. E. McLean apli- es dos que no tenían confianza alguna. Hizo Y el santo recinto gadas de ancho. y se opondrían a ello, porque guntas referentes al trabajo. ' y afectadas. . , cional, Al amo no corregirle nada ni Quedóse desierto. qúese á las parte yx se ha compro, podía amistad con nuestras y con do origen extrangero, mujeres un ESCALDADURAS RASPADURAS: una do ha- sur música fué compuesta por nadie. niños. . llevábase éstos a la En números redondos, el peso de S. T Hágase pasta bedo que señor has- nuestros y un se con ei H. McLean el "Canto Anacreónti- Salió de la casa el mismo casa el amo, que ue reioj oía millón de pesos en monedas legales rina Linimonto de Aceite Volcánico del Dr. J. un Inglés para de la fábrica a para regalarlos., y el ' en las afectadas. se Ibizo muy popular en las ta más de dos leguas siendo nosotros colérico Compasado péndulo, de oro, es 1 tonelada y tres cuartos; y apliqúese partes co," que a la niña. Yo le vi desde la seguía para Y de cirios 26 colonias americanas antes de la gue esperar feroz. . contenerse pronta- algunos en monedas de plata, toneladas y 4. DOLOR DE CABEZA: Fara aliviar el dolor apliqúese en las mi a caballo, y parecía El . de El Jefe de la puerta de taller pasar mente en cuanto aparecía su sobrina chisporroteo. tres ouartos; en monedas fracciona afectadas el linimsnto de Aceite Volcánico del Dr. J. H. rra Independencia. con la cara de y los ojos Tan medroso y en mo sección de música de la Biblioteca Na- siempre palo un día ésta. He triste, rlas, de plata, 25 toneladas, y Fara quitar la cansa tome las Pildoras Universales del Dr. ha-c-o como donde miraban, pro Tan oscuro y yerto de 6 100 McLean ei el Cordial Fortificante Puriücador cional, ftlr. Oscar SonnecU, publicó chispas que, pedido licencia al amo para que deje nedas de níquel centavos, J. H. para Hígado y y un incendio. Todo se encontraba. ... m , - . una, monografía sobre este duelan usted el dos o tres días, por toneladas. déla Sangre. ' e poco Ya le hablamos oído voceargruñir, trabajo Que pensé un momento: . asunto en la que estudia las diversas supuesto, sin perder Jornal, y me ayu 5. MALDEPlES: Lávese los pies íodas las noches en agua caliente contra la tierra y el cielo, "Dios mío, qué solos más son Liui-men- to versiones existentes sobre el origen revolverse de usted a el oratorio. iLas catacumbas antiguas y con jabón puro, seqúense perfectamente, y luego apliqúese el - Nos infundía arreglar 8b los muertos!" Hcl hlmnn mío ra ai todOB BUDOtten T6- y habíamos temblado. Como usted señorita on. queda? las de los reyes Tábanos, que rigie de Acoíto Volcánico del Dr. J. H. McLean con abundancia y dificilísimo servirle y quiera, catacum conocido como oficial en este pals, espanto. Era testé. ' ron hace 4,000 años. . Las frótese bien en la piel con las manos. V contento, rara vez De la alta campana de que no tiene tal carácter más que jamás quedaba y "Sa tcncer fué cuando descubrí yo ' bas de noma contienen los restos el de Aceite Volcánico del pero de de amenazar y La lengua de hierro, de seres 6. CORTADAS Póngase Linimento entre soldados y marinos, dejaba insultar y el secrato motivo nor el cual el amo 1 niás de 6.000,000 humanos, y en una venda do lienzo blan- materialmente a los Le dló, volteando, ' Sr. J. H. McLean la cortada y luego úsese De otro modo, arguyen wp que u aun de castigar no hacía nadecer a la señorita. La las de París, los de 3.000,000 co do 6 tres dobleces con el Linimento de Aceite Vol- rodeaban. Su adiós lastimero; dos mojada Scott que le muchos , dan de la origlnilidad de Francis capilla talaba cerrada hada en cánico del Dr. J. H. McLean. UJUI1 V DUIUlviv liumui, ouu luto las ropas, LO IDEAL Y LO REAL. atribuye la composi - años, desde la muerte de la mujer de - te- Amigos y deudos cuando se necesita un buen Linimen- ción esa música, no hu- lente rival de Nerón, y puede que D. Venancio. Se hallaba situada la Para todas clases de dolores, de inspirada InH Doder y Cruzaron en del nimwlrt sl mnnn- medios da fila, Cierto gato adolescente to úsese el Linimento de Aceita Volcánico Dr. J. H. McLean. blese este, bu . , , , - en la casa misma de la granja, podido repentinamente, envidíame em- capilla Formando'cortejo. Y Es sanativo en- su acción y no quema ni levanta am- un momento de fervor patriótico, cuan de tiranta que el nada y era lavante espaciosa y lliJa. Jai por ende soñador, fcnticéptico y cow Hub la a su polla ni en la piel mas delicada.' No contiene drogas nocivas ni veneno- do, de haber estado los ingle- yeruuur ruuimuu, las limpiamos cs protector ob- después cordorito. ufigamos paredes, Del último asilo 'De manera sas de ninguna clase-- E el Kemedio Propio de la Naturaleza. So ses bombardeando durante toda una clflco e inocente mi y dos chicas de la la siguiente: so- camara-d- a dorados; mujer Oscuro tiene de la de la tierra. Se bu usado nonstantemento y vló se alzaba Nicolás me dijo un Se va- y estrecho, (Maestro, he dado en pensar profundidad noche a Fort (Henry, que Oye, el fábrica fregaron los suelos. la del tiempo por maa dp setenta años y ahora so vendo oí oni v mm ta. hand era flota de trabajo- .- Va ahora a tener Abrió la piqueta Jue sería un gran placer portado prueba todavía rearon las alfombras, se trabajó bas a un mas nunca. ' sobre los bastiones de la amo una en casa? la El nicho eritronio. Tener alas y podei que ba orgullosa parienta rica- tante y con gran prisa, y pronto "Allí pre- una hija de su hermano, la acostaron, Hacia otro mundo volar, PARA EL HOMBRE Y LA BESTIA. fortaleza, crear un himno que es, Sí; estuvo brillante y pulcra. - en América. caplllita Tapáronla luego, Y son hermoso. chón, que murió 1E1 o tres veces ver qué los estrellas 60c oro Botella. cisa reconocerlo, muy hi- amo entró allí dos Y con un saludo Precio 26c, u $1.00 por ' esto no es más producto (Pues de poco le servirá ni ser sin atre- Y de donde están colgadas, Todo que di- y salió dando bufidos, pero su en cada botella en sutilizar domina a de un hermano ni tener muchos Despidióse el duelo. iSl hay almas enamoradas Direcciones detalladas para liso están Español, del deseo, de que ja verse a armar gresca. En varias Noruego-Dané- s, Polaco Francés. na- nada respeta, ni tie- nos en ellas. Inglés, Alemán, Bohemio, Sueco, y los hombres menos útiles de las neros. (Venancio noté que el hombre, ensa- Que aguarden ' ne . Es más perro! (La piqueta al hombro, ideas De venta por todos los comerciantes en medicinas. ciones, que son los eruditos, quinta para qué. ñándose y airándose, iba a romper por Esas propalas? ' t El sepulturero, ÚNICAMENTE PHEPAHADO POB-- del quienes i Efl el sino! . no bien la señori- (Con sorna el otro le dijo) esencia escepticismo, para nuestro la tremenda. pero Cantando entre DR.' McLEAN MEDICINE de lo se tiene por cierto lo El amo. . dijeras verdugo, la cara en dientes, , Bah! Afila las uñas, hijo, THE J. H. CO., nada, que ta Teresa volvía y fijaba lo - A. en mal. re- Se perdió a lejos. más las St. Louis. Mo., E. U. de , es, y que ponen especial empeño no dijeras él sus ojos de ángel, el hombre se Que valen que alas! 9 derive t iAl fin él no nos da el pan que La noche se entraba, demostrar, sin que de ello se primía como un mastín ante las ame- ' MWMl.ltllJliMIII Reinaba el silencio; limn -- humanidad comernos, Natalio; i'-- m 'i bien alguno a nadie, que la nos lo nazas del amo. Perdido en las sombras NUNCA LE HA MOLESTADO i,niin-- i nrn-- r'liM inntif "ff TTT ha vivido en error hasta que a ellos Nos lo da nuestro trabajo, El tío es bueno. decíanos Teresa ,,., An o . . mt Medité un momento: DESDE ENTONCES. revolver en los papeles un nnr cu. ni ti n ñero Dará se les antojó viud i' ólo que se distrae, y por eso. ,: Ya, - - manera de peni- "Dios mío, qué- solos viejos, donde descubrieron la verdad, que ha escogido esta verán ustedes qué bueno es y qué al- ya Se quedan los muertos!" Después de sufrir terribles dolores de cual forman gran tencia. -- alrededor la n cariñoso.. Hay que entenderle. sus razón mu-h- en su espalda y al derredor de haraca, a la que nadie más que los iMlra, Natalio, tienes; Poco que nos reíamos nosotros al ocho de Piréséiniitacñoib die .wsm aa in nun sufrimos, ñero vale más En las largas noches ríñones por años, y después Mera atención, para mu- di- otros eruditos prestan oír a Teresa decir esto. Pobre . doctores- -r a lo tenemo3 Pel helado Invierno, haber probado algunos : afirmar donde el descubridor niega, de lo que te piensas que chacha, Inocente, que no conocía la ferentes Alvis de AS A los ricos de por Cuando las maderas medicinas, Souers, Ac fin de éste no se alce sobre ellos que agradecer, porque al lado. Todos pe- feaiadbira M que en pantera que tenía Crugir hace el viento Ade, Ind., escribe: "Las Pildoras de WHairoairdL creen pendien- acá, de nuestra tierra, sólo piensan no die- re- ante un público al que díamos a Dios que aquel tigre lY azota los vidrios Foley para los Ríñones me fueron de su dinero, uanuose ou n'ña. te sus trabajos. guardarse monedas se un zarpazo a la bondadosa El fuerte comendadas y la primera botellita me si los americanos van a la gue-- , vida v haciendo que sus a no sanos aguacero, Pero Ve hombre., que De la niña quitó el dolor. Después de tomar nuevamente el hlnwio so echen en la usura., y (ton Pe- pobre rra, resonará pelo tú lo que pasó anoche? me dijo lA. tres frascos la inchazón había desa- nacer 10 solas me acuerdo. lemue cantó en 1812 Francis Scott nancio, que podría quo guarda-almacé- n de la fábrici. más me vuelto que mucho mas dro el parecido y nunca ha en un rapto de patriotismo ante hacen, emplea y hasta con de hombros. iCuando se tener Key. y lEncoglme AUf cae la lluvia g, .molestar." puede su bandera horadada por las balas ta provecho y mayor regalo, empiea iPues el mayor milagro del mirado el alivio tan pronto, por no de- su eu m Con un. son eterno; . qué hasta con riesgo, loriuna . revuelto el almacén. . sterrar el de los dolo- dan tra- .Estaba anoche Allí combate dolor espaldas, Y el Dueblo. eme se preocupa poco fábrica y en esta granja que hizo pa- tiesas mu- porque estos días se obra, y El del cierzo. res reumáticos, las coyunturas antes de a muchos hombres y pan a soplo ríño- del origen de estas cosas, bajo ra que los albañiles pudieran arreár. Del húm'edo muro e inflamadas causados por los pensar en que esa mJúslca fué compues chas familias. . hubo oue de aquí y me;er nes desarreglados? De venta en la i- - selas, quitar Tendida en el hueco, el "Cant1 Anacreóntico," sus- Pero es tan sobermo y ae un en confusión..-- , rues Botica Pharmacy, ti para tan fiera, allá., fin, ura Acaso de irlo Capital tituirá al himno que considera nacio- siempre tan encendida y entró el yo temblaba como un i ; a nnft re diea. si vale mas y Se hielan rus huesos!.. cada vez necesite pedir su , esta es la hora 1. Ve- nal, que medio des- - azogado que SE HARA SEGURO EL TRAFICO concurso la música extereori-za-r morirse de hamibre o andar . na se en- a para nancio te unta. Pues hijo, EN ansias cual- nudo por estos breñales comienuo eso UNA ESQUINA PELIGROSA sus patrióticas, por bue-0- a fadó. . lo ;f;ió todo., sí, muy como raices, o pasar aquí con quier airecillo alegre y íplco, v süllfi sin decir una Vuelve el al Luz San de la tniartas v buen trago el tormento no- polvu polvo? ífa compañía de y Agua de hicieron lo Ingleses a principios Poco a loco ya fué notada por el ese demonio. Vuela alma al cielo?. ; ta iré pondrá por su cuenta dos pos- , guerra con su famoso "Tlpperary," sin de sufrir a sotros la variación de su carácter.... Todo es vil materia, , tes de de siete de altura de escuchar reverente y con- En verdad que Natalio tenia razuu, a este hombre? nos de- hierro, pies perjuicio Qué le pasa , en de Banner." ra nosa de desesperarse él Podredumbre y cieno? arriba del pavimlento, el centro movido al "Star Spangled r,r,i,o clamos. No sé: Don uno en la no a mi considerar que, hiciera uno lo que contar es pero hay algo la Avenida de Gaspar, Todo esto quiere decir que Vamos, si esto que voy a Que no Calle de San Francisco ,el otro en la el himno nacional no hada acertaba a dar gusto al uno decir! explicar puedo. juicio diga cíese, jamás délo más grande que puede Que al par nos infunde Calle Water. Estos postes tendrán al corazón de un pueblo, sino que hay amo. Hacía ya muchos domingos que se ce- avisos a los automovilis- en maneras de f&w dnn Venancio un hombre ue tres Repugnancia y duelo, para dirigir la música otras mil. lebraba misa en la capilla,, y .A1 tan tas o otros vehículos a que se man- de v cinco años. Parecía de ma Mi- dejar tristes, y simbolizar el amor patrio, además trftinta. que asistía el amo. El amo en Tan los a la derecha al dar vuelta a lo seco, duro y tieso de solos muertos! tengan lo que está consagrado por las leyes dera, según sa! Puede que no la hubiera oído las y harán que sea para o uso melódi- flaco y muy recio. El pelo esquinas, por el para expresarlo su cuerpo hasta entonces en toda su vida! GUSTAVO BECQUER. ellos tratar de dar la vuelta ; - el color y algo peligroso camente. negro y crespo, pálido Hay! Hermoso día de Pascua de a grande velocidad. Los postes ten- muy relucientes recor-damo- s Yo recuerdo la intensa, extraordi ennegrecido, los ojoB Resurrección, y con qué gozo te drán luces eléctricas y grandes globos narla impresión que conmovW todo mi pero como el fuego de rojizos, el gesto todos los trabajadores, nocturnas. voz la cabe- pobres LA EXPERIENCIA E3 EL MEJOR rojos, para señales er cuando, al pasear las calles de siempre huraño, la agria, que desde entonces empezó para noso-tro-s iSe hizo la de los v MAESTRO, proposición poner tuestra a los pocos días de za de muy soberbio. Cuántas bendicio- -- . Havana, erguida, la alegría! la cuidad, en el 1. . ! 1 1 .. 1 .. mu postes grátis para nauer lermmauu let u ia ai.uu No tenia a su servicio personal nes dimos a Teresita!... tv :r guena, or- doña Es admitido la evento de que la municipalidad pague soldados empaño-- 1 envejecida mujer generalmente que mm los a m ocupada aún por que una pobre Fuimos muy de müñana, y vestidos por las luces, oferta que fué hecha por a se vela por todas da que se presentaba ante la experiencia es el mejjr maestro, pe la les, quienes partes y aterrada, de fiesta, los labradores de granja ro si no hacemos uso de la el gerente de la compañía de luz, armlados, retratando en sus ceaiLlsn jél temblando y que, sin duda, pasaba los de la fábrica, y nues- experien Sr. (Frank Owen, y que fué . i . . , n. .. i y operarlos cia de los otros lo mismo de la aceptada ei i uei ik a su lado, como suele decirse, las pe nuestros a ca- que El de les la amargura y ueHpeuuu tras mujeres y hijos, la nuestra? ILa de un mi unánlmamente. trabajo, poner a mis oídos al través ñas del purgatorio.. Todos nos habíamos confesa- experiencia lo? se inmediatamen derrota, llegaron pilla. llar de personas es de dependerse postes empezará do las cerradas de la. sala de (Decíase que D. Venancio, que era a Fué te esa - maderas do y todos Ibamos comulgar. más que la deun solo Individuo. Mu y pronto tendremos mejoradlas- una las notas vibrantes viudo, había matado a disgustos a su EJ en ciudad. casa modesta, aquella una hermosa fiesta. altar chos millares de personas han usado talada la de nuestro himno de lanza-- 1 Y esto era creíble, porque No Bayamo, mujer. estaba preciosamente adornado. el Remedio para la Tos de Chamber- das por un piano. no se Ihallará en el mtindo hombre es describir, pues posible que yo pueda lain, para toses y resfriados, con los LA 'LICENCIA PARA OPERAR LOS Sallan amortiguadas, ténues, toda- más quisquilloso, iracundo y violento hombre sin letras y rudo, el acto. soy mejores resultados, lo que enseña que TEATR03 QUEDA FIJADA EN vía los que acababan de ser colonos, que nuestro amo. . . si diré a todos nos impre- pero que es un remedio dependible para osas $100 Y AL AñO. 45 GOBERNADORES ESTAN EN fué establecida el año pasado y ha ido no se atrevían a exteriorizar el Júbilo IPoco antes del toque del mediodía . ver a X). Venan $50 sionó profundamente. enfermedades. Pruébelo.- Es pron- FAVOR DE EXAMINAR SIETE progresando constantemente, y se tie. iue les su libertad pero, por vimos un carruaje que se detu- ció acer- producía llegar humilde, sosegado, piadoso, to y efectivo y agradable para tomar. El teatro Paría su MILLONES MA3 PARA EL ne en estudio la manera de aumentar eso emoción más vo ante la de la grauja, pa- i re- reducirá capacidad mismo, causaban puerta carse coflr los últimos operarlos a Do , venta en todas partes. de asientos estar los pro- EL EJERCITO. el número de socios. Los fines de la henda. Me cómo otros tran sando por el de la fábrica a las comunión. í para bajo detuve, patio cibir la vistos de la nueva ordenanza. Sociedad son para ayuda mutua de' seúntes, y lance con la puercas do la casa, , Salimos a ver amable, apre. imaginación ,Desde entonces..,., 111., Oct. 2. Cuarenta y los socios en caso de enfermedad o : un bea) a las manos que se me anto-- : aquella novedad casi todos los opera fué nosotros un ver- ERRATAS DE IMPRENTA. Chmicago, clable, justo, para ISl martes en la noche se aprobó por cinco do los estados se muerte ya sea del socio o de bu espo- jaron iemeiiinas, que estacan oe aquel nos. dadero padre. gobernadores se va de - a el .concillo de la ciudad una ordenan- han declarado en favor de In sa, y la ayuda que imparte modo saludando el alborear de núes- Cuando vimos bajar del carruaje HAquello fué un milagro, señorita Confieso que tengo horror proceder acuerdo con los fondos de la Sociedad asi se lla- za fijando la licencia para operar los mediatamente al exámen de siete mi- 'tra nación, en la intimidad de un he-- la señorita Teresa, que Tfresa yo recordando aquella A las cajas, sí, señor. y en con las cuotas. vi- - dije teatros, en $100 al año para los que fue proporción ' maba la sobrina amo, cuando el día Serán mis mal llones de hombres,- de los que no mutua-lista- s gar. del comunión a la señorita mismo quejas vistas, más tiOO Como todas las sociedades te- - tengan una capacidad de de ron llamados a en la pri- iPerO, a pesar de que, como he dicho,, mos aquella delicada jovenclta que en que ésta se casaba con un jovpn iPero hay algunos cajistas. ... año comparecer son beneficiosas, nos complace- maneras de personas, y de $50 al para los que fueron regis- et himno que simbolizaba, bajo la pre. nta para de una antita. Ingeniero que había venido a dirigir Que son temibles, lector. 600. mera llamada, pero q mos en felicitar a los organizadores, acomoden menos de Esta orde- de stón de los pedales, en la ciudad que llcadas y un aspecto de modestia que la fábrica. 'El amo, que era un Icón, iHice unos versos a Paca, nanza se como substituto al trados bajo la orden escogimiento y deseamos que progresen y aumenten todavía no de inun- nos sentimos llenos de hizo VT. .. esto de me saca! presentó selectivo. como era, hecho, libre, encantaban,, re un cordero. quicio de ordenanz presentado por tanto el número de soclon, de dando mi corazón, emoción No una sál- Puse yo: linda proyecto de examinar estos siete no- de patrió- compasión. sabe usted que planta 'tu boca...." el Jtonehan, y paB por una trabajb fondos, para que lleven a cabo bus tica, no avlvfl el del IlDlos del cuánto va a sufrir me la Y salló: "tu linda vaca..-- concejal millones deberá inmediata ' fuego patriotis- cielo, valo acuerdóme que contestó votación de 1 por l, votando el mismo empezarse bles .fines. , . mo tanto como unas canta- vez en "guajiras'1 aquí esa pobre niña! Pronto perderá scüorlta-- rl ser Ingertada en otra Otra me puse' vilo, Sr.Rentflian en Contra de ella, expli- mente, teniendo dos o tres exámenes das en tierra hacían sus hermosos colores de rosa y enfla- se transformo y Y me hizo sudar el Los extranjera, que y bien cultivada quilo, cando su voto bajo la teoría de que cada seníana. que resulten acep. TIENE GRAN FE EN EL REMEDIO anfe mi los dolo- se morirá de tristeza de y, . Esta, en verso formulo: en lla surgir imaginación quecerá y y da fores de ésta frutos exquisitos. que no quedaban regularizados los precios. tados se Incluirán la segunda DE CHAMBERLAIN PARA EL res y las Jas y nosotros Dios en- La "Venus de los glorias patrias, bellezas tedio. Qué no seremos si llamé Milo," iva ordenanza del Sr. iRenehan que mada, y se Íes .usará para llenas Y LA noso- Y de COLICO DIARREA. físicas y morales de nuestra país, las Buenos, felicísimos eran para tra en nosotros? Santos. salid "Venus Mulo" el 7 de huecos en las filas del nacio ' ' fué presentada Agosto ppmo. ejército virtudes de nuestros ; hombres de tros en no veíamos al ZAHONERO. IA y los días que José Sofía, amiga mía, pasado, provela por una licencia de nal, conforme se vaya necesitando. ,v ' ."El Remedio de Chamberlain' nuestras el día en quo '.Hice versos otro ,? ' 'pató mujeres? pero, por desgracia, día, $500 al año.' , el Cólico y la Diarrea-''fu- usado'. necesita cada un tiimno la teníamos de nos encontrase en el betún ge seco Y mal por) Sí; pals que que Cuando pone y duro quizá por Idea, La capacidad de asientos del teatro UNA SIMPATICA FIESTA. mi padre hace cqmo un año, cuando oficialmente simbolice su entidad na- el camino, o entrase en el taller, o nos se mezcl con un poco de vinagre, que Donde yo puse: "Sofía!" Paria os de cerca de 600, y deberá ser tuvo diarrea. Le curó inniedlatamea no es en la vida real lo a aumentar Puro el ."so-fea- !" cional, pero llamara para dnrnoij algún encargo, lo ablanda y contribuye cajisti: reducida para que quede bajo los (LaSocicdad "Unían Protectlva" de te y con tomar tres dAsia quedó abso- único que le representa en el reino toda la gqeada felicidad perdíase por su lustre. Con las dos reñí por esto, la nueva ordenanza. v Santa ÍFé, tuvo su primer banquete lutamente curado," escribe Mrs. W. sin límites de la música; no son sus el sufrimiento de alguna violencia, de Pues cuando después ful yo El teatro de los Elks, tiene menos social en la tarde del domingo ante de N. Y. ' ' H. Williams, Stanley, e notas las únicas que hacen llegar a alguna afrenta, de alcún martlrlzador iLos conservan muchos A saludarlas dispuesto, de EOft asientos. pasado, en la sala de D. Teodoro Mar- venta en todas partes. los cerebros de quienes les escuchan trabajo que nos Imponía. años si se guardan entre carbón Sofía me despreció, . tines, en Canyon Road, asistiendo CO la idea de la patria, porque esta tam- - Aquella hermosísima granja, parti Y Paca me tlr un tiesto. LEE Ud. 'EL. NUEVO MEXICANO rimo cincuenta socios. La sociedad LEE Ud, 'EL NUEVO MEXICAN Of EL NUEVO MEXICANO (Semanario) DE SANTA FE

DEL COLEGIO TÉ GUADALUPAIJO PURGANTE DE ACERCANDOSE A LO MAS COMODO. Nuevo Mexicano" UH PURGANTE INOCENTE Y SUAVE. "El iai:k;-.- . Juando el fuego está apenas y el cuarto se enfria prenda la estufa Perfection y estará caliente en Alumnos que obtuvieron el Primer ioco tiempo. Una estufa Perfection es barata en Grado en las notas semanales du precio y fuerte, ligera, bonita y sencilla. Su base rante el mes de Septiembre d 1917 permite ponerla a nivel donde quiera y no se cae. Da calor barato más que el carbón. El Periódico del Pueblo, Se vende en las ferreterías y mueblerías. Por corteóla de los Hermanos el que Para mejor resultado use Conoco 011. Por Pueblo, y tienen a su cargo el Colegio de Ban Safety Miguel, publicaremos cada mes la 1íb THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY. Para el Pueblo ta de loa alumnos lúa que obtengan Lake mejores marcas tanto por su compor- tug 'jqaooci t ity, Pueblo, Cheyenne, tamlonto, 'como por su aplicación se- lAIbuquerque, Boise, Butte. '; Tinene la circulación en el Estado La gún las notas semanales. Los pa mayor Nuestra Reina dres de dichos niños se sentirán sa tisfechos de ver los nombres de sus hi 1- - Señora de T- - de los jos publicados en estas listas de ho SOLAMENTE UN PESO $ AL ANO nor, que siguen a continuación. Guadalupe Enfermos Senior Class

José Armijo, Santa Fé, ,'Vfctor Etehart, Zacatecas, México. Carlos Bours, Alamos, Sonora, Méx. UxjuIs Lujan, Santa Fé. Anuncíese en "El Nuevo Mexicano" Eduardo Trujillo, Taos, N, M. José Roybal, Santa Fé. Junior Class, , GET A BETTER PRICE ' Emldglo Bours, Alamos, Sonora, Méx. Por sus Itayld Gonzalez, Santa Fé. CUEROS, ZALEAS, 'CUEROS Alfredo Sa lazar, Ccdarvale, 1 M. DE CHIVO, NUTRIAS. Marca de en la oficina de loa E. U. el 6 de fabrica registrada patentes de día Nosotros somos los más Feb. de 1905. , antiguos Sophomore Class. comerciantes en Nuevo México y tenemos establecida una re- Carlos' EL GRAN PURGANTE MEXICANO!! ALIVIO Á LOS Abreu, Santa Fé. putación por nuestro trato hon- - AFLUIDOS!!, Miéx Alfredo Seyffert, Ocampo, Chin. , rado. '..Venga, o escriba a Joseph O'Brien, Sedán, N. M, de muchos años da con do . CUEROS Y ZALEAS. Después experimentos objeto i José Gómez, Dulce, N. M!. encontrar un Purgante Que fuese inofensivo y que tanto niños Miguel Montoya, Santa Fé, THE SANTA FE METAI AND como ancianos 6 personas delicadas de salud lo pudiesen tomar, ITohó Martínez, Santa Fé. IRON COMPANY. N. M. llegamos & obtener un Manuel Castillo, Belén, establecido en 347 Walter St. Fred Santa Fé. Está permanentemente Mahboub, Santa Nuevo Francis Gorniley, Santa Fé. Fé, Mexico, TE PURAMENTE VEGETAL OJOS, OIDOS, NARIZ, GARGANTA. Freshman Class ORDEN DE NATURALIZACION. Trntamlnntn Mnrtlplnnl dn loa UN CONSEJO VALUABLE PARA el que ha sido usado con éxito sorprendente, en la curación de Cuidadosa atención para curar la vista LA SALUD. Santa Fé. Enfermedades del Estómago, Intestinos y Ríñones, como Henry Borchtoldt, tfna orden dada por el Juez Neblett y arregiiar anteólos. Estreñimiento, Emilio Gonzalez, Pojuaque, Ni M, No cobro por la examinacISn. Constipación, J. A. Santa Fé. el martes, en esta ciudad, cambia las SI intestinos no están i Montoya, en Horas de oficina, de 9 a 12 y de 1 á 4 los trabajan- Dispepsia, Jaquecas, Vicente Tierra Amarilla. la Es no di- Ulibarrt, reglas de corte distrito de los En la oficina del Dr. Tannus. do regularmente, los alimentos Eiliosidad, Hígado Entorpecido, Bernard Wbod, Santa Fé. 35.00 su- en el tados Unidos, acerca de que en lo Laughlln Building, Santa Fé, N. M. geridos estómago pueden poner Falta de digestión, Eemorroides James Adams, Chicago, 111. la acción final en una condición de jr N. M, cesivo, peticiones y Enfermedades de los Ríñones. (Juan Chaves, Tomé, por naturalización se considerarán so- Invadir todo el sistema con venenos José Ferrán, Ablquiú, N M. AVI80. en la corriente sanguínea. Las Pas- - lamente en el tercer lunes de Marzo, Esta es conocida con el lEdmundo Lucero, Santa Fé. efectivo, y de preparación nombre de tillas Catárticas Foley mantienen James Ariz. ' y en el tercer lunes de Septiembre. en et - Fox, Oatman, En Junio pasado apareció aquí los Intestinos abiertos y regulares, te'guadalupano uh nue- mi rancho un caballo alazán, cojo, hígado activo y el estómago dulcifi- Grados 7mo, y 8vo. par con la marca siguiente en la espaldil- cado. iNo causan dolores, nauseas ni por que esta compuesto de yerbas, flores, cortezas, semillas, AVISO. la, del lado Izquierdo, S-- molestias. Curan la indigestión, el y flores que vegetan en los alderredores del Tepeyac, don- iDonadano Apodaca, Albuquerque vo de iLa persona que se considere dueño dolor de cabeza, la biliosidad, el es- hojas Bl Tex.-Ernes- A concierna: de se la de Joe Ballinger, Paso, quienes del caballo, puede venir por él aquí tómago ágrlo, el mal aliento u otras apareció Virgen Guadalupe. Baker, Antonito, Colo. Por estas presentes doy aviso que a mi rancho. - condiciones causadas por los intesti- VALE 25 CENTAVOS ORO EL 'Alfonso Hurtado, Sahuarlpa, So. Méx mi esposa, Andrella Fernandez, el día B. nos recargados. De venta en la Bo- PAQUETE. mi ca- Julius Sammarcelli, Tucson, Ariz. 12 de Agosto de 1917, abandonó Chico, N. M., Agosto 31, 1917- - tica Capital Pharmacy.. GARANTIZAMOS 8U PUREZA. Alexander Seyffert, Ocampo, Ch. M. ma y mesa, y familia,, sin más causa S. Méx. SE DARAN AL PORTADOR QUE o y no seré res- -- J. Valencia, 'Bacadóhuachi, " justa provocación, yo MANUFACTURADO POR Humberto Fé. deuda ella GTJADALTJPAKA MEDICINE Terrazas, Santa ENCUENTRE PAPEL DONDE DEBE ponsable por ninguna que CO., L. Pino, San Antonio, iN. M, contraiga como mi esposa. St. Louis, Mo., E. U. de A. Eugene Rockhill, Antonito, Colo. RIA HABER VAQUETA, EN CUAL ..Truchas, N. M., Sept. 24, 1917. Clarence Fé. JOSE ODOCIO VARELA. Muralter, Santa QUIERA DE LOS ZAPATOS QUE Anteriormente en San Antonio, Texas. F. A. CHAPA, Fundador. (Manuel Archuleta, Conejos, Colo. VENDEMOS, NO IMPORTA CUAL XXSXXXS.XÍÍSJSSSÍ3ÍXX OJO! OJO! ' Grados 5to. y 6to. SEA EL PRECIO. David Levy, Santa Fé. , HECHO A SU MEDIDA Garland Lewis, Santa Fé. Mire bien. No sufra mas de la vista Joseph Berchtoldt, Santa Fé. Vfalter S. Lendlhardt, Santa Fé. Si su vista está empañada fos ojos, es "MIRABBNB," iSabiniano Sena, Santa Fé. SINDELAR'S le es difícil distinguir los famoso descubrimiento del J. S. Vargas, Arroyo Hondo, IN. M. objetos. Si le arden y lloran celebradb DR. TAYLOR, N. M. Si el tie- Unas de " Aniceto Bustamante, Pecos, ojos. gioho del ojo aplicaciones Philip Ballinger, Bl Paso, Texas. Conde se vende por menos. ne una apariencia ensangren serán suficientes ESTUFAS WASHINGTON Pablo Martínez, Nambé, N. M'. ns tada; si sus párpados están para que sienta usted alivio 104 Galisteo Street. Wl Thayer, Santa Fé. inflamados y tienen una A inmediato y sus ojos queden iFelipe Alarid, Santa Fé. granosa como car- brillantes y su vista clara y Jacobo Rael, Santa Fé. . nosidad, entonces no hay du- penetrante. Los dolores le XXXXSXS.XJ.ÍSX3ÍX5S3SX UNA r Vicente Sánchez, Ourán, N. M. da alguna de que su vista cabeza que suelen acompa-'fia- Para Economizar el Carbon lOnésimo Archuleta, Santa Fé. PERSONAL OFERTA necesita atención inmediata. el mal de la vista tam- Vicente Trujillo, Górdova, jN. M. ESPECIAL Es muy peligroso abandonar bién deben de desaparecer. Armando Arguelles, El (Paso, Téx. MI la vista cuando se encuen- "MIRABEJNE" no contiene D. de, ha probarle nuestra COSY WASHINGTON IJosé Segura, Santa Fé. Vicente Valdez, Canjilón, para tra en este estado tan deli- cocaína, morfina, ni ninguna THE WASHINGTON Santa Fé. cambiado su residencia a Sebolla, N. buena calidad: Estos Fred Napoleone, o cado, pues pueden presen- otra droga que pueda causar México. pantalones para salir menor a los Carbon el esco- tarse complicaciones que el daño ojos, y Para duro, suave, Propia para carbon Grados 3ro, 4to. para trabajo, a la o y ger entre muchos esti- los nervios ópticos y si está usted sufriendo de para lena D. Gregorio Herrera, prominente los entonces quedará Ud. ciego vista y de sus consecuencias Santa Fé. ranchero de Santa Cruz, vino a la ciu muy bonitos, garan- Joseph Didier, tizados 18 meses para toda' su vida. no debe demorarse en orde- Antonio Alarid, Santa Fé. dad el martes de esta semana. por un de de uso continuo de co- nar boy mismo frasco Salomon Callahan, Santa Fé. y dar satisfacción, El mejor remedio que o le devolvemos su dinero. esta famosa medicina si no Ramón Rodríguez, Santa Fé. (Nuestro suscrltor D. J. R. Sena, que Valen, noce hoy día la ciencia mé- en precio absoluto, $5.00, mientras duren puede usted conseguirla Eduardo Delgado, Santa Fé. antes vivía en La Sal, Utah, ha cam- dica para el tratamiento de la farmacia. Santa Fé. biado su residencia a Park N. daremos un par a cada marchante José Rivera, View, i Pedro Santa Fé. México. Express pagado, ff i ' Blea, ' PRECIO DEL FRAbCO, ...... $1X0 lErnest Ferrán, Ablquiú, N. M. ' solamente, 9 N. M. Envíe la Bonifacio iMadril, Duran, Los jóvenes Norberto Vlgll, y Canu NO HAY GASTOS EXTRA. su remesa en un giro postal o en una carta certificada y a Horacio Vdrgas, Arroyo Hondo, to G. Vigil, de Cundiyo, cerca de Obi- - vuelta del correo recibirá el remedio franco de porte. 1 mayó vinieron a despedirse, pues son No cobramos extra por ninguna de Grados 1ro. y 2do. de los jóvenes sorteados, y salen el las innovaciones nun ra rtnnAen nnmn THE MIRABENE CHEMICAL CO. dta de hoy. bolsas adornadas al lado, bastilla aba Ernesto Digneo, Santa Fé. jo, el etc., to- ' presillas para cinturón, DEPT. 220 P. O. BOX 657. CHICAGO, ILL. Bernardino Alarid, Santa Fé. martes de esta semana nos visi do lo ponemos GRATIS; no cobramos Fé. El Bruno Barela, Santa taron D. Casaus, FRed Casaus extra nada. Fé. Pelagio EN Juan Ortíz, Santa Y.. S. D. Jose E. GANANCIAS DINERO para usted Santa Fé. y la Srlta. Casaus, Ixuis López, su esposa todos por tomar las medidas a sus parien- Santa Fé. Gonzalez, y Jesusita, tes o El Esterino Napoleone, de Guadalupe, condado de De Baca. amigos. joven George Geko. vich se ganó $66.16 en un día. Anuncíese en "El Nuevo Mexicano" Cursos especiales. D. Steto Herrera, de Santa Cruz, N. Escríbanos por MUESTRAS GRA a visitarnos. Nos Eduardo Quiroga, Nacozarl, N. M. M., vino el miércoles TIS HOY MISMO. Alexander Ricaud, Parral, ... M. participa que en lo futuro residirá en donde le remitiremos ' No Mande Dinero Ningún depósito tan grande qu no esté seguro. ÜSdward Ricaud, Parral Chin. Méx. Salida, Colo., a lo tan pequeño qu no merezca cortesía. Sabino Madril, Durán, N. M. nuestro periódico en futuro. DEPARTAMENTO D143. Ninguno , Bustamante, Pecos, N. M iSantiago CHICAGO Bonifacio Montoya, Santa Fé, ÍD. Elfego Gómez, de San Ildefonso, TAILORS ASSOCIATION. N. M., vino el domingo pasado a poner 515 S. Franklin St., Chicago, III. - a su José Adelaido Gómez en el Y hijo S X X X X X X X Bono Colegio de San Miguel. El jovencito Compre un de El Coléalo de San Miau el celebró tiene solamente 12 años de edad, y EMPEDRADO RANCH. su fiesta patronal el 29 de fué aceptado en el sexto año en dicho vi- la Septiembre. colegio. Su padre nos hizo una Condado de Torrance. Libertad sita que agradepemos. Gran entusiasmo reinó tanto entre Una llegua colorada, de 5 a 7 años Indudablemente no le re husará a su Tío ca-- Permítanos ensenarle la supe- loa profesores como entre los alumnos h. Prudencio Velarde, de Santa Cruz con esta marca en la pierna, del lado que prestarle Samuel I del Colegio de San Miguel en la fies vino a la ciudad con negocios ante la derecho "HP, por el término de tres da, centavo que pueda reunir. E le pagará a usted cuatro por ciento habida a dar la ta patronal de dicho Colegio, corte, y a la vez, despedida meses se ha estado en este rancho: de Interés p su crédito es muy bueno. El le dá una oportunidad de rioridad de estas asombrosas el 29 de dta de San Mi a su (hijo Maclovio Velarde, que sale se Septiembre, cualquiera persona que considere comprar un bono del a la en abonos lot cuate en La como con el de Nuevo Mé dorechosa a re- gobierno par y :- :- -: guel, histórica igleBla que hoy contingente esa propiedad, puede -: residen-pi- a ordlnaf ios le traerán u n buen Usted no el Estufas reí aula venerada es vista por toaos, xico, y regresará luego a su clamarla pagando los perjuicios y es- tiempos premio. rehuía "Washington." estaba profusamente adornada, y el en Velarde. . te aviso. MI estafeta es: cumplir con su deber y no nega rt a sf mismo con el fin de ahorrar explén-dido- . ' servicio religioso fué de lo más "PALMA, N. M., dinero para, comprar un bono. N osoitros haremos que le sea fácil. JS1 de .Las Ve-- ,La festividad se celebró de la joven Antonio Griego, : MIGUEL .i ; - ..'x manera siguiente: '"...'.' gas, acompañado de su esposa, estuvo ARCHIBEQUE. Tenemos también un completo surtido A las 7 de la mañana se celebró la el viernes de la semana pasada en es- misa de comunión, en la cual casi la ta ciudad, viniendo en su viaje de bo- AVI 80 de alambrados tenazas. los estudiantes recibieron y de Albuquerque. Du- Chimeneas, y mayoría de das, paso para Tengo una Máquina de el Pan de Vida. rante su permanencia nos hizo una Rajar El PRIMER BANCO NACIONAL madera La ven- A 9 Misa cantada por el visita en nuestras oficinas.1. para vender. DE SANTA FE las Mayor, do o la coro del El sermón estuvo tod'a, mitad; también V. Colegio. necesito tra- del1 P. (Los Nemesio Bachicha su trabajadores para Miembro Sistema Federal de deReservas. s a cargo del Rev. iFresnay, Capellán jóvenes y en del hermano José A. Bachicha, de Encino, bajar la máquina y hacer Caja blindada de aegurldad para Depósitos. BEACKAM-MIGNARDO- Colegio. PH. T HARDWARE CO festival. En N. M., estuvieron en nuestras oficinas Tallas, Props, y Puntalea y "LO QUE AYUDA A SANTA FE, AYUDA A ESTE BANCO." A las 12, grandísimo El sueldo de la hubo un entusiasta juego de el martes. Los acompañaron a esta Ings. es $1.25, tarde, hasta $3.50 al día el Baseball entre los dos primeros teams capital sus padres, D. Tomás Bachi- ocupo por o por contrato. También Levi A. "La Ferretería de su confianza." del Colegio. A las seis, la bendición cha y Sra. Emiliana B. de Bachicha, dta, Hughes, Presidente necesito fleteros. Arthur Sellgman, del Santísimo Sacramento clausuró la habiendo venido con el fin de poner - Para B. la jornada del pre- a sus hijos David y Alfredo Bachicha Informaciones, diríjan- Jame Read, Cajero. fiesta, y primera A. A. F. sente término escolar. en el Colegio de los Hermanos, de San se a Directores: Levy Hughes,. Arthur 8ellgman, 8. Spltx, Paul , B- ' Es muy satisfactorio para los Pro- Miguel. Regresaron a su residencia N ICOLÁS BELLI NO, Walter, John Pflueger-- - F. Pankey. del de San el el mismo habiendo,hecho el via- M.'1 fesores Colegio Miguel día, TURQUILLO, N. Establecido en 1840 Esta es su gira No. 77 la con-duct- a en dos uno de los cua-- SUSCRIBANSE A "EL NUEVO MEXICANO' hacer constar que aplicación y je automóviles, P. O., MORA, New Mexico de sus discípulos son más les se descomnuso en el camino y tuvo que nunca. que ser reparado en esta capital. r
