1 & 2 Chronicles

Traditional Author: Unknown, believed to have been compiled by Ezra.

Approximate Time of Writing: 450 – 400 B.C. Material spans period from Creation to about 539 B.C.

General Content: Historical Narrative. Like Kings, it records the various kings of and Israel from the time of until the time of Israel’s return from . It begins by recounting some of the earliest records of Biblical genealogy and then records the various and Israel from the time of David until the time of Israel’s return from Babylon. The Book of Ezra seems intended to form a continuation to Chronicles. (2 Chron 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-3)

“As in 1 and 2 Chronicles, the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah were written originally as one unbroken book in the Hebrew language.” Nelson's Illustrated Dictionary

“The two books were originally one. They bore the title in the Masoretic Hebrew “dibre hayyamim”, i.e., "Acts of the Days." This title was rendered by Jerome in his Latin version "Chronicon," and hence "Chronicles." In the version the book is divided into two, and bears the title Paraleipomena, i.e., "things omitted," or "supplements", because of containing many things omitted in the .” Easton's Bible Dictionary

Key Verses:

1 Chron 4:10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. NIV

1 Chron 9:1 All Israel was listed in the genealogies recorded in the book of the kings of Israel. The people of Judah were taken captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness. NIV

1 Chron 28:11 Then David gave his son the plans for the portico of the temple, its buildings, its storerooms, its upper parts, its inner rooms and the place of atonement. 12 He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind…NIV

2 Chron 7:14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. AMP

2 Chron 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him. KJV


I Chronicles 1-16

1 Chronicles 1 The Early Patriarchs v. 24 The descendants of . v. 28 The sons of , Issac and Ishmael. v. 34 The sons of , Isau and /Israel.

1 Chronicles 2 Descendants of Israel, Judah and David’s Relatives v. 1-2 The twelve sons of Jacob/Israel. v. 16-17 David’s nephews, Abishai, , Asahel and Amasa. v. 19 Caleb’s second wife was Ephrath, mother of . v. 50-51 Origen of “Bethlehem” (Bethlehem-Ephratah in Micah 5:2).

1 Chronicles 3 David’s Descendants to Zedekiah v. 1-9 David’s Nineteen Sons listed.

1 Chronicles 4 Prayer of Jabez

1 Chronicles 5 Jacob’s “Firstborn” v. 1 disqualified himself and it went to ’s sons. v. 2 Judah became the leader, but the firstborn birthright was Joseph's.

1 Chronicles 6 - 9 Tribes of Israel to Judah Carried into Babylon 8:33 King ’s ancestors and descendants.

1 Chronicles 10 The Death of Saul v. 13-14 Here are the reasons King Saul died and the Kingdom came to David.

1 Chronicles 11 - 15 The United Kingdom of King David 12 The Army of David 12:32 The sons of understood the times. 13 David’s First Act was to Bring the Ark to 14 King David subdued the Philistines. 15 The Ark comes to Jerusalem the right way.

1 Chronicles 16 The of David (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16) v. 4 David appointed to continually thank and praise the Lord in a Tent. v. 8-22 Psalm 105 note: not credited in the Psalm as being a Psalm of David. v. 23-33 Psalm 96 “ v. 34-36 Psalm 106 “ v. 39-40 The Tabernacle of Moses still remained in Gibeon as the place of sacrifice, but the was in David’s Tent in Jerusalem.