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Nov. 25, 1924. E. R., FELLOWS 1,516,524 GEAR GENERATING CUTTING MACHINE Original Filed Aug. 29, 1918 4 sheets-Sheet 1 S. : O 3.É SS E. ,NSS lat o GS: &\s(1712; s A. Z72 (ve aeoz, Zézzzzz v 72 A.2deavs 2/hi-4. 2.-- Nov. 25, 924. E. R. Fellows 1,516,524. GEAR GENERATING CUTTING MACHINE 4 Sheets-Sheet 2. Noy. 25, 1924. 1,516 y 524 E. R. FELLOWS GEAR GENERATING CUTTING MACHINE Original Filled Aug. 29, 1918 4. Sheets-Sheet 3 2 22Z. 2 eas 2 2 UraC 2 S. s es Z2Zove) Z2 Zézeous - y43-24,A/rye, Nov. 25, 1924. E. R. FELLOWS 1,516,524 y - S S rt CyN s l Sl8 lsSS NS N S/T s ) Zazzo- ZZeizvezoz7.(7.7%is S 27.4 (3-417.'77 elegas Patented Nov. 25, 1924. 516,524 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE EDWIN, R., FELLOWS, OF SPRING FIELD, WERIYCNT, ASSIGNOR, TO THE FELLOWS GEAR, SHAPER, COWIPANY, OF SPRING-FIELD, VERTEOINT, A. CORPORATION OF VERVIONT. GEAR GENERATING CUTTING INACHINE. Application filed August 29, 1918, Serial No. 251,902. Renewed April 19, 1924. To all whom it may concern. takes place. This relative movement is the 55 Be it known that, I, EDWIN, R. FELLOWs, resultant of combined movements of rota a citizen of the United States, residing at tion and translation, and may be produced Springfield, in the county of Windsor and in any of three ways, that is; first, by giv 5 State of Vermont, have invented new and ing both movements to the gear, in which useful inprovements in Gear Generating Case the resultant motion is the same as 60 Cutting Machines, of which the following is though the gear were rolled on its base cyl 3.
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