Key to the species of Britain and Ireland after Benson, 1952

1 Abdomen mainly yellow 2 Abdomen metallic blue, green, bronze, or black 6 2(1) Costa and radial vein black or dark brown. Cell C opaque and smokey 3 Costa and radial vein yellow. Cell C translucent and yellowish 5 3(2) Pronotum and tegulae mostly yellow. Legs yellow except for black ringed apices to tibia and tarsi. Wings yellowish. Vein 3rm evenly curved (Fig 1). (Gmelin, 1790) Pronotum, tegulae and usually part of the legs suffused with black. Wings usually more or less smokey. Vein 3rm asymmetrically curved (Fig 2). 4

Fig. 1 Arge ochropus Fig. 2

Fig. 3 Arge ochropus (L) and Arge pagana (R) 4(3) Head, thorax and legs entirely black. Forewing densely smoky at base lightening towards apex Arge pagana subsp. pagana (Panzer, 1798) Labrum, middle and hind coxae, femora and tibia more or less marked with yellow. Forewing uniformly lightly smoky or hyaline Arge pagana subsp. stephensii (Leach, 1817).

5(2) Hind femur with varying degrees of yellow and a black apex. Forewing yellow at base with a black smudge under the stigma extending more or less right across the wing and the apex slightly smoky. Hind wing with the discoidal cell variable but at most little more than half the length of the cubital cell (Fig. 4). (Förster, 1771) Hind femur entirely black. Forewing slightly yellow or brown throughout with black smudge under the stigma never extending beyond the radial cell. Hind wing with the discoidal cell clearly more than half the length of the cubital cell (Fig. 4). Arge melanochra (Gmelin, 1790)

Fig. 4 Arge cyanocrocea (L and C) and Arge melanochra (R)

Fig. 5 Arge cyanocrocea (L) and Arge melanochra (R) 6(1) Pubescence on face and mesopleura dark. Legs entirely black or dark. Wings infuscated and with a black stigma. 7 Pubescence on face and mesopleura silvery white. Legs usually partly pale. Wings subhyaline, yellowish or brownish 10 7(6) Abdominal tergites smooth or punctured. In females, sawsheath more or less parallel sided on the inner margins. 8 Abdominal tergites transversely striate in both sexes. In the female, the sawsheath is forceps-shaped (Fig 6) and with yellow soft tissue often distended under the final segment. Schrank, 1802

Fig. 6 Arge nigripes (L) and Arge berberidis (R) 8(7) Cell 2RS (Fig 3a) is about as broad at its top as it is at its bottom with vein 3rm either straight or evenly curved (Fig. 7L). Apical margin of wings glabrous. 9 Cell 2RS (Fig 3b) is much broader at its top than it is at its bottom with vein 3rm either sinuate or irregularly curved (Fig. 7R). Apical margin of wings finely ciliate. Arge gracilicornis (Klug, 1814)

Fig. 7 Arge nigripes (L) and Arge gracilicornis (R) 9(8) Vein 3rm of forewing straight. Forewing beyond stigma is subhyaline contrasting strongly with the deeply infuscate base Arge enodis (Linnaeus, 1767) Vein 3rm of forewing curved. Forewing translucence clears slightly from base to apex. Arge nigripes (Retzius, 1783) 10(6) Thorax and abdomen with metallic reflection. Marginal cell of forewing not darker at the apex than the rest of the wing. Cell RS of hindwing about twice as long as M (Fig. 8 L). 11 Thorax and abdomen dull black. Marginal cell of forewing infuscate at least at the apex and darker than the rest of the wing. Cell RS of hindwing no longer than M. Arge rustica (Linnaeus, 1758)

Fig 8 hindwing cells RS and M (L) and forewing marginal cell, cell 1R1 and 1RS (R) 11(10) Forewing usually yellowish or brownish infuscate with a blotch under the stigma extending into cells 1R1 and 1RS. Cell 1RS not obviously wider than 2RS at its widest point (Fig. 8 R). 12 Forewing usually hyaline with the blotch under the stigma absent or not reaching beyond cell 2R1. Cell 1RS clearly longer than 2RS. Arge ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1767) 12(11) Stigma entirely dark brown or black or at least with a dark apical margin. Vein Sc+R is dark 13 Stigma dark brown at base fading to clear yellow at apical margin. Vein Sc+R is pale yellow at junction with costa Arge ustulata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Fig 7 Arge ustulata 13(12) Thorax and abdomen bronze. Flagellum of antenna clear yellow in female but may be suffused with black in males. In females, a dark band beneath the stigma extending right across the wing. Arge metallica (Klug, 1834) Thorax and abdomen blue or metallic green. Flagellum of antenna black in male but underside may be suffused with brown in females. Forewing with at most a small dark patch under the stigma. 14 14(13) Vein C of forewing black in both sexes. Male has entirely black hind tibia. Arge fuscipes (Fallen, 1808) Vein C and Sc pale in female. Male with hind tibia white at base. Arge expansa (Klug 1834)

References Benson, R.B., 1952. Handbooks for the Identification of British . , Symphyta, Vol 6, Section 2(a-c), Royal Entomological Society, London Muche, W. H. 1977: Die von Europa, Vorderasien und Nordafrika (mit Ausnahme der Gattung Aprosthema) (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). - Entomologische Abhandlungen. Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden , Leipzig 41, Supplement: 23-59.