Annotated Sample of Minutes, Consents, and Board Resolutions
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC COUNSEL | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT | FORM OF MINUTES | 2017 Annotated Sample of Minutes, Consents, and Board Resolutions California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation About This Form: Public Counsel’s Community Development Project has designed these annotated sample minutes, consents, and board resolutions to serve as a tool for non-membership California nonprofit public benefit corporations and pro bono attorneys who represent them. Exercise of Board Authority and Resolutions Subject to the provisions of its articles of incorporation, California Nonprofit Corporation Law and any other applicable laws, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation’s business and affairs are managed, and all corporate powers are exercised, by or under the direction of its board of directors (sometimes referred to as “the board”). The board may delegate its management authority to any person or persons, management company, or committee, provided that, ultimately, the activities and affairs of the Corporation are managed and all corporate powers are exercised under the direction of the board.i A resolution is the written documentation of a binding decision regarding the affairs of a corporation made by its board of directors or committee, either at a meeting or through unanimous written consent. This publication provides sample resolutions for common board actions. Corporate Minutes Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a board or a committee meeting. Every California nonprofit corporation is required to maintain minutes of its board and committee proceedings either in written hardcopy or another format that can be converted into “clearly legible tangible form” (e.g., as an electronic data file).ii Board meeting minutes are typically drafted by or under the supervision of the corporation’s secretary, and committee meeting minutes are typically drafted by or under the supervision of the committee chair or secretary.
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